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Name: Ric Idran Laudato

Section: ABM11B

A: Fossils

1.) Base on the fossils. What are the changes that occurred in the structure of the skull over time?
Based on my own observation about the changes of the structure of the skull overtime in
Hyracotherium the skull looks little and the horse there looks like a cat and its ears are too little
too but over time it start growing like in Mesohippus up to Pliohippus where the skull starts to
expand and the ears are growing too until it became to really look like a horse and their height
have so much difference like in Hyracotherium its height is only 0.4m but then in Equus its height
is 1.6 m. a

2.) What changes occurred in the structure of the legs overtime?

Based on my observation on the structure of the legs the changes overtime like I said in the first
question their height have so much differences so it means that their legs are only growing but in
the feet they have many changes like in Hyracotherium it has 4 toed hoof, it is well spread for
walking on the soft ground, in the Mesohippus it lost a toe for moving faster over the dry ground,
In the Merychippus the middle toe developed into a hoof to run faster, in the Pliohippus all toes
have been lost but the middle hoof will be used as for running, and last is the Equus it has only a
single hoof, and it runs quickly on the hard ground a

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