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I will give you my best trip that I've had to start a September 28twenty-eight which my family and I

decided to go on vacation to a ranch, which was owned by my grandfather, who was in hidalgo and that
I was accompanied by my mom, dad, brother and my dog, start a Saturday we left at 6 in the morning
where it was a long trip in the car about 3 hours where the most difficult of the way he was able to
control my dog because it was quite restless, to be closer to my dad gave us the surprise about going to
visit the pantheon of my grandpa which we went, and it was a little weird since it was pretty sloppy but
as we are reaching we fix it and what we painted, cut grass, etc., after getting to the place it was very
interesting because it was the first time that I went to and it was something I had always wanted to, as
we arrived we started to eat to get to know more, where the most interesting that we were able to find
was a stable, and the power to observe as there were people who had enough technology because it is
not easy, after I came out with only a dog to walk where I found a tree came of tejocotes and also collect
it to take you to my family, the next day I got up at 5 in the morning to see the sunrise and it was super
nice to be able to see I really like that moment of peace I felt after watching the sunrise, my dad took us
to a dam which was super nice because there were many ducks or not they were but they were many,
then to be a place quite clear I was taught to handle, after that we went back hidalgo, and that was my
best trip. thank you teacher.

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