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Hori’s Equation for Gravitational Virtual Strucure

Constants of Calabi-Yau Hypersurface in CP N−1

Masao Jinzenji(1) , Kohki Matsuzaka(2)

Department of Mathematics,
Okayama University
arXiv:2302.10471v1 [math.AG] 21 Feb 2023

Okayama, 700-8530, Japan

Institute for the Advancement of Graduate Education,
Hokkaido University
Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-0810, Japan

e -mail address:
February 22, 2023

In this paper, we give a proof of Hori’s equation for intersection numbers of the moduli space of
quasimaps from CP 1 with (2+1) marked points to CP N−1 by using localization technique.

1 Introduction
In this paper, we discuss the following two intersection numbers of the moduli spaces Mgp0,2 (N, d) and
gp0,2|1 (N, d) of quasimaps from CP 1 to CP N −1 , which were constructed in the series of literatures of
our group [6, 7, 9, 12]. The first one is,
w (σj (Oha )Ohb )0,d
:= (ψ0 )j · ev∗0 (ha ) · ev∗∞ (hb ) · ctop (Ed ), (1.1)
g (N,d)

which was the main ingredient of our previous paper [8].

The second one is,
w (σj (Oha )Ohb |Oh )0,d
:= (ψ0′ )j · ev∗0 (ha ) · ev∗∞ (hb ) · ev∗1 (h) · ctop (Ed′ ), (1.2)
Mp 0,2|1 (N,d)

which we call “gravitational virtual structure constant”. The reason why we call it gravitational virtual
strucutre constant comes from the fact that our original virtual structure constant L̃N,N,d
n [2] is expressed
as 2 + 1-pointed intersection number of M p0,2|1 (N, d):
n = w(OhN −2−n Ohn−1 |Oh )0,d . (1.3)
In the above formulas, ψ0 (resp. ψ0′ ) is Mumford-Morita-Miller class, i.e., the first Chern class of
gp (N, d) (resp. M
the line bundle on M gp
0,2 0,2|1 (N, d)) whose fiber at each point of the moduli space is

given as cotangent space at the first marked point 0 ∈ CP 1 or corresponding point in genus 0 semi-stable
curve used in compactification of the moduli space. Ed (resp. Ed′ ) is orbi-bundle bundle on M gp0,2 (N, d)
gp0,2|1 (N, d)) corresponding to the condition that images of quasimaps lie inside the Calabi-Yau
(resp. M
hypersurface. Construction of these orbi-bundles will be discussed in Section 3. ev0 , ev∞ and ev1 are
the evalation maps at 0 ∈ CP 1 , ∞ ∈ CP 1 and z1 ∈ CP 1 − {0, ∞} respectively, and h is the hyperplane
class of CP N −1 .
We have to make several remarks on these intersection numbers. In [8], the definition of w (σj (Oha )Ohb )0,d
was given by using elements of Chow ring of M gp0,2 (N, d), whose explicit structure was given by Saito
[12]. On the other hand, in the above definition, we use expected “Mumford-Morita-Miller classes” of
the moduli space of quasimaps. Moreover, we haven’t determined explicit structure of Chow ring of
gp0,2|1 (N, d). Then “how can we compute the above intersection numbers ?” The key tool is the local-
ization technique, which enables us to compute intersection numbers without knowing explicit structure
of Chow ring. As Givental did in [4], the above intersection numbers can be computed explicitly by using
information of moduli space of complex structure of wighted stable genus 0 curves M 0,2|1 [1, 10, 11]. 1
We can show that the value of w (σj (Oha )Ohb )0,d computed from the above definition and localization
technique completely agrees with the one evaluated from the definition used in [8]. Of course, we can also
compute w (σj (Oha )Ohb |Oh )0,d by combining Givental’s discussion and our methods used in [6, 7, 9].
Using these results, we prove the following theorem.

Theorem 1 (Main Theorem) For j > 0, the following equality holds.

w (σj (Oha )Ohb |Oh )0,d = d · w (σj (Oha )Ohb )0,d + w (σj−1 (Oha+1 )Ohb )0,d . (1.4)

This theorem corresponds to quasimap analogue of “Hori’s equation” [5] for gravitational Gromov-Witten
invariants in the case of one Kähler insertion.
On the other hand, we have proved the following theorem in [8]:

Theorem 2
QN d !
1 ∂j
d 1 r=1 (r + N ǫ)
w(σj (OhN −2−j )Oh−1 )0,2 + w(σj−1 (OhN −1−j )Oh−1 )0,2 = Qd . (1.5)
N N j! ∂ǫj r=1 (r + ǫ)

We can easily see that Theorem 1 is correct even when b = −1 (see Remark 1 at the end of this paper).
Hence we obtain,
QN d !
1 1 ∂j (r + N ǫ)
w (σj (OhN −2−j )Oh−1 |Oh )0,d = Q d . (1.6)
N j! ∂ǫj r=1 (r + ǫ)

In this way, we can provide concrete footing with the assertion that period integrals used in mirror com-
putation of genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants of Calabi-Yau hypersurface in CP N −1 and correponding
Givental’s I-function are given as generating functions of gravitational virtual structure constants [8].
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present outline of construction of the moduli
space Mgp
0,2|1 (N, d) following the construction given in [9]. In Section 3, we briefly discuss construction
of the orbi-bundle Ed′ on M gp0,2|1 (N, d), which was omitted in the discussion of [9]. In Section 4, we prove
the main thorem by using localization technique and results given in [6, 7, 9].

Acknowledgment We would like to thank Prof. G. Ishikawa and Prof. A.Tsuchida for kind encour-
agement. Our research is partially supported by JSPS grant No. 17K05214.
1 In practice, M
0,2|1 turns out to be just a point, and we don’t need further information for computation of
w (σj (Oha )Ohb |Oh )0,d .

2 g 0,2|1(N, d)
The Moduli Space Mp
Following [9], we review construction of the moduli space M gp0,2|1 (N, d) of quasimaps of degree d from
1 N −1
CP with 2+1 marked points to CP . First, we construct bulk part M p0,2|1 (N, d) of the moduli space.
A degree d quasimap ϕ(s : t) from CP 1 in M p0,2|1 (N, d) is given by using a vector valued polynomial
ϕ(s, t) = di=0 ai sd−i ti (ai ∈ CN ) as follows:
ϕ(s : t) := [ϕ(s, t)], (2.7)
where [∗] means taking projective equivalence class of ∗. We impose the condition a0 , ad 6= 0 so that the
images ϕ(1 : 0) and ϕ(0 : 1) are well-defined in CP N −1 . From the above definition of ϕ(s : t), we can
easily see that it allows points in CP 1 other than 0, ∞ whose images cannot be defined. Explicitly, we
can factorize ϕ(s, t) into the form,
X d−deg(p)
ϕ(s, t) = ai sd−i ti = p(s, t) · bk sd−deg(p)−k tk , (2.8)
i=0 k=0
so that [ k=0 bk sd−deg(p)−k tk ] defines a well-defind degree d − deg(p) map from CP 1 to CP N −1 .
Then image of ϕ cannot be defined at (α : β) ∈ CP N −1 that satisfies p(α, β) = 0.
Then we introdude 2 + 1 marked points (0, ∞|z1 ) in CP 1 . Here 0 = (1 : 0), ∞ = (0 : 1) and z1 is a
point (1 : z1 ) ∈ CP 1 which do not coincide with 0 and ∞. Therefore, we can label 2 + 1 marked points
by z1 ∈ CP 1 − {0, ∞} = C× . Then we can represent a pair of ϕ(s, t) = i=0 ai sd−i ti and a set of 2 + 1
marked points (0, ∞|z1 ) as follows:
(a0 , a1 , · · · , ad , z1 ) ∈ (CN − {0}) × CN × · · · × CN × (CN − {0}) × C× . (2.9)
Next, we introduce C× × C× action on the above set,
(a0 , . . . , ai , . . . , ad , z1 ) → (µa0 , . . . , µν i ai , . . . , µν d ad , ν −1 z1 ) (µ, ν ∈ C× ). (2.10)
With these set-up’s, M p0,2|1 (N, d) is defined as the following quotient space:
M p0,2|1 (N, d) := (C − {0}) × C × · · · × C × (C − {0}) × C /(C× × C× ),
N N N N ×

Let us denote equivalence class of (a0 , . . . , ai , . . . , ad , z1 ) under the C× ×C× action by [(a0 , . . . , ai , . . . , ad , z1 )].
At this stage, we define evaluation maps ev0 : M p0,2|1 (N, d) → CP N −1 and ev∞ : M p0,2|1 (N, d) →
CP N −1 as follows.
ev0 ([(a0 , . . . , ai , . . . , ad , z1 )]) := [ϕ(1 : 0)] = [a0 ],
ev∞ ([(a0 , . . . , ai , . . . , ad , z1 )]) := [ϕ(0 : 1)] = [ad ]. (2.12)
We also define ev1 : M p0,2|1 (N, d) → CP N −1 , i.e., evaluation map at z1 , but in this case, we have to
consider subtle point that image of the quasimap at z1 may not be defined. In order to avoid this subtlety,
we use the unique factorization (2.8) and define ev1 as follows.
ev1 ([(a0 , . . . , ai , . . . , ad , z1 )]) := [ bk (z1 )k ], (2.13)

We leave confirmation of well-definedness of the above definitions to the readers as an exercise.

In order to compactify M p0,2|1 (N, d), we introduce genus 0 semi-stable curves whose topological type
are given by line graphs (or chain type) and consider chain of quasimaps. Each quasimap has a CP 1
componet as its domein and two quasimaps from two CP 1 ’s connected by a nodal singularity are glued
at the singularity.
gp0,2 (N, d), which is the moduli
First, let us explain the process of compactification in the case of M
space of degree d quasimaps with no marked points except for 0 and ∞ [6, 7]. The bulk part M p0,2 (N, d)
is defined as follows.
M p0,2 (N, d) := (C − {0}) × C × · · · × C × (C − {0}) /(C× × C× ),

The C× × C× is given by,

(a0 , . . . , ai , . . . , ad ) → (µa0 , . . . , µν i ai , . . . , µν d ad ) (µ, ν ∈ C× ). (2.15)

gp0,2 (N, d), or in other words, compactification of M p0,2 (N, d) is done by introducing
Construction of M
stable curve !,
a l
Bi ∼ (2.16)

for some l ≥ 1. In the above formula, each Bi is a copy of CP 1 and ∼ means equivalence relations given
∞1 ∼ 02 , ∞2 ∼ 03 , . . . , ∞l−1 ∼ 0l , (2.17)
where 0i (= (1 : 0)) and ∞i (= (0 : 1)) are two marked points of Bi = CP 1 . Then we introduce chain of
quasimaps (ϕ1 , ϕ2 , · · · , ϕl ) that satisfy the following conditions.
(i) di , the degree of ϕi , is a positive integer.
(ii) ϕi (∞i ) = ϕi+1 (0i+1 ) (i = 1, · · · , l − 1).
gp (N, d) is constructed as follows.
Then M 0,2
gp0,2 (N, d) :=
M M p0,2 (N, d1 ) ×CP N −1 · · · ×CP N −1 M p0,2 (N, dl ), (2.18)
(d1 ,...,dl )∈S(d)

where S(d) is set of orderd partitions of d:

S(d) := {(d1 , . . . , dl ) | 1 ≤ l ≤ d, d1 , . . . , dl ∈ Z>0 , d1 + · · · + dl = d }, (2.19)

and M p0,2 (N, di ) ×CP N −1 M p0,2 (N, di+1 ) is fiber product via two evaluation maps:

ev∞i : M p0,2 (N, di ) → CP N −1 (ϕi 7→ ϕi (∞i )), (2.20)

ev0i+1 : M p0,2 (N, di+1 ) → CP N −1 (ϕi+1 7→ ϕi+1 (0i+1 )). (2.21)
The fiber products in the above corresponds to the condition (ii) of the chain of quasimaps.
gp0,2 (N, d) is also constructed as a quotient space (toric variety):
As was mentioned in [6, 12], M

gp0,2 (N, d)
= {(a0 , . . . , ad , u1 , . . . , ud−1 ) ∈ CN (d+1)+(d−1) | a0 , (a1 , u1 ), . . . , (ad−1 , dd−1 ), ad 6= 0}/(C× )d+1 , (2.22)

where (d + 1) C× actions are given by,

(µ0 , . . . , µd ) · (a0 , . . . , ai , . . . , ad , u1 , . . . , ui−1 , ui , ui+1 , . . . , ud−1 )

= (µ0 a0 , . . . , µi ai , . . . , µd ad , µ−1 2 −1 −1 2 −1 −1 2 −1
0 µ1 µ2 u1 , . . . , µi ui−1 , µi ui , µi ui+1 , . . . , µd−2 µd−1 µd ud−1 )
(µ0 , . . . , µd ∈ C× ). (2.23)

gp0,2 (N, d). More precisely, the condi-

New coordinates u1 , . . . , ud−1 represent the “boundary locus” of M

ui1 = · · · = uil = 0 (1 ≤ i1 < · · · < il ≤ d − 1),

ui 6= 0 (otherwise), (2.24)

corresponds to the boundary component:

M p0,2 (N, i1 ) ×CP N −1 M p0,2 (N, i2 − i1 ) ×CP N −1 . . .

· · · ×CP N −1 M p0,2 (N, il − il−1 ) ×CP N −1 M p0,2 (N, d − il ). (2.25)

gp (N, d) corresponds to a point of M p0,2 (N, d) if
In particular, a point [(a0 , . . . , ad , u1 , . . . , ud−1 )] of M 0,2
and only if u1 , . . . , ud−1 6= 0.
In order to compactify M p0,2|1 (N, d), we only have to add information of position of z1 to the above
construction. Fundamentaly, z1 belongs to Bi − {0i , ∞i } for some i ∈ {1, 2, · · · , l}, but we have one
subtlety that we have to describe the limit z1 → 0i or z1 → ∞i when z1 ∈ (Bi − {0i , ∞i }).
For example, as the case of stable maps, the situation z1 → 0 for the 2+1 marked points (0, ∞|z1 ) in
CP 1 is expressed by adding “infinitessimal component” A = CP 1 with 2 + 1 marked points (0′ , ∞′ |z1′ )
in A. Then we consider, a
A CP 1 / ∼,

(original CP 1 has now only two marked points (0, ∞)) where equivalence relation ∼ is given by 0 ∼ ∞′ .
Then we can describe the situation z1 → 0 by using this semi-stable curve. The case z1 → ∞ is discribed
in a simillar way. In order to proceed to the level of quasimaps, we impose the condition that the
infinitessimal component A is mapped to a point in CP N −1 , or in other words, quasimap assigned to this
component has degree 0. Then the degree of freedom of the moduli space coming from this component A
is given by M 0,2|1 , “the moduli space of complex structure of CP 1 with 2 + 1 marked points” [1, 10, 11],
but this moduli space is known to be given as “a point” because we can always set z1 = 1 by using C×
acion (automorphism group of CP 1 that fix 0 and ∞).
With these considerations, M gp
0,2|1 (N, d) is constructed as follows.

! l
a a a a
gp0,2|1 (N, d) :=
M Nor(d1 , . . . , dl ; i) Lim(d1 , . . . , dl ; i) , (2.26)
(d1 ,...,dl )∈S(d) i=1 i=0

where Nor(d1 , . . . , dl ; i) is normal part that describes the case z1 ∈ (Bi − {0i , ∞i }):

Nor(d1 , . . . , dl ; i) := M p0,2 (N, d1 ) ×CP N −1 · · ·

· · · ×CP N −1 M p0,2 (N, di−1 ) ×CP N −1 M p0,2|1 (N, di ) ×CP N −1 M p0,2 (N, di+1 ) ×CP N −1 · · ·
· · · ×CP N −1 M p0,2 (N, dl ) (i = 1, 2, · · · , l), (2.27)

and Lim(d1 , . . . , dl ; i) is limit part that describes the case z1 → ∞i or z1 → 0i+1 :

Lim(d1 , . . . , dl ; i) := M p0,2 (N, d1 ) ×CP N −1 · · ·

· · · ×CP N −1 M p0,2 (N, di ) ×CP N −1 (CP N −1 × M 0,2|1 ) ×CP N −1 M p0,2 (N, di+1 ) ×CP N −1 · · ·
· · · ×CP N −1 M p0,2 (N, dl ) (i = 0, 1, 2, · · · , l), (2.28)

where each fiber product is defined in the same way as the case of M p0,2 (N, d). In the limit part,
CP N −1 × M 0,2|1 between M p0,2 (N, di ) and M p0,2 (N, di+1 ) describes the situation that z1 ∈ Bi → ∞i
and z1 ∈ Bi+1 → 0i+1 (note that ∞i = 0i+1 ) and the CP N −1 in the left entry gives the information of
the image of A by degree 0 quasimap (constant map) in CP N −1 . Since M 0,2|1 is just a point, we have
the following set-theoretical equality:

Lim(d1 , . . . , dl ; i) =M p0,2 (N, d1 ) ×CP N −1 · · · ×CP N −1 M p0,2 (N, di ) ×CP N −1 M p0,2 (N, di+1 ) ×CP N −1 · · ·
· · · ×CP N −1 M p0,2 (N, dl ). (2.29)

In closing discussion of this section, we introduce local coordinate system on M p0,2|1 (N, d). Let
Ui|k (i, k = 1, . . . , N ) be an open subset of M p0,2|1 (N, d):

Ui|k := (a0 , a1 , . . . , ad−1 , ad , z1 ) ∈ M p0,2|1 (N, d) ai0 , akd 6= 0 , (2.30)

where a• = (a1• , . . . , aN
• ), and φi|k : Ui|k → {C
N −1
× (CN )d × CN −1 × C× }/Zd be a map:
a10 ai−1
0 ai+1
0 aN0
φi|k ([a0 , a1 , . . . , ad−1 , ad , z1 ]) := , . . . , , , . . . ,
ai0 ai0 ai0 ai0
" #
a1 am ad−1
, d−1 1
,..., d−m m
,..., 1 d−1
(ai0 ) d (akd ) d (ai0 ) d (akd ) d (ai0 ) d (akd ) d

a1d ak−1 ak+1 aN
, k
, . . . , d k , d k , . . . , dk
ad ad ad ad
" 1
# !
(akd ) d
, 1 z1 , (2.31)
(ai0 ) d
where finite cyclic group Zd acts simultaneously on the 2nd and the 4th factor as follows:
µd · (a1 , . . . , am , . . . , ad−1 ) = (µd a1 , . . . , (µd )m am , . . . , (µd )d−1 ad−1 ), (2nd)
µd · z1 = µd z1 , (4th)
2π −1
µd := exp . (2.32)
It is easy to see that φi|k is bijective, and {(Ui|k , φi|k )}i,k is a local chart on M p0,2|1 (N, d) (but the second
factor has an orbifolod singularity a1 = a2 = · · · = ad−1 = 0). Therefore, M p0,2|1 (N, d) is an orbifold.
This situation is the same as the one of M p0,2 (N, d) [6, 7].

3 The Orbi-Bundle Ed′

In this section, we construct the orbi-bundle Ed′ on the moduli space M p0,2|1 (N, d) and then we extend
it to the whole parts of M gp0,2|1 (N, d). In the same way as the case of Gromov-Witten invariants,
vanishing locus of a global section of this orbi-bundle expresses subset of quasimaps whose images lie
inside Calabi-Yau hypersurface M in CP N −1 . Assume that M is defined by degree N homogeneous
polynomial F (X1 , . . . , XN ) (e.g. (X1 )N + · · · + (XN )N ) and let fi (a0 , . . . , aN ) (i = 0, . . . , N d) be a
degree N homogeneous polynomial in ai• obtained from the following equality:
d d
! Nd
1 d−i i N d−i i
F ai s t , . . . , ai s t = fi (a1 , . . . , aN )sN d−i ti . (3.33)
i=0 i=0 i=0

The two C× actions used in defining M p0,2|1 (N, d) act on these homogeneous polynomials as follows.:

fm (µa0 , . . . , µν i ai , . . . , µν d aN ) = µN ν m fm (a0 , . . . , aN ) (m = 0, . . . , N d). (3.34)

The condition “Im ϕ ⊂ M ” is equivalent to
f0 (a0 , . . . , aN ) = · · · = fN d (a0 , . . . , aN ) = 0, (3.35)
and (3.34) tells us that this condition defines a well-defined subset of M p0,2|1 (N, d). Then we construct
the orbi-bundle Ed′ so that it has
(f0 (a0 , . . . , aN ), . . . , fN d (a0 , . . . , aN )). (3.36)
as a global section. Let {(Ui|k , φi|k )}i,k be the local chart on M p0,2|1 (N, d) introduced in the previous
section. We define system of transition functions {gij|kl }(i,k),(j,l) (m = 0, . . . , N d) on {Ui|k }i,k as
! N d−m   md
(m) ald
gij|kl ([a0 , . . . , aN , z1 ]) := (on Uij|kl := Ui|k ∩ Uj|l ). (3.37)
ai0 akd
Then it gives a rank 1 orbi-bundle Ed which is isomorphic to
Nd − m m Nd − m m
O(CP N −1 )0 ⊗ O(CP N −1 )d := ev∗0 OCP N −1 ⊗ ev∗∞ OCP N −1 . (3.38)
d d d d
In the above, we denote by (CP N −1 )0 and (CP N −1 )d the images of ev0 and ev∞ , respectively. By the
definition of coordinate system {(Ui|k , φi|k )}i,k and the relation (3.34), it is easy to see that a system of
functions {(si|k , Ui|k )}i,k defined by

(m) fm (a0 , . . . , aN )
si|k ([a0 , . . . , aN , z1 ]) := N d−m m
(ai0 ) d (akd ) d

gives a global section of Ed that correponds to fm (a0 , . . . , aN ). Hence we define Ed′ as follows.
M ′(m)
Ed′ := Ed
M    m 
Nd − m
≃ O(CP N −1 )0 ⊗ O(CP N −1 )d . (3.40)
d d

This discussion is the same as construction of the orbi-bundle Ed on M p0,2 (N, d) given in [6, 7] because
z1 plays no role on the condition that image of a quasimap lies inside the hypersurface.
Then we extend the above Ed′ to whole parts of M gp0,2|1 (N, d). We discuss separately the following
two parts; (i) normal part Nor(d1 , . . . , dl ; i) and (ii) limit part Lim(d1 , . . . , dl ; i).
In the case of the normal part, we first consider simpler case M p0,2|1 (N, d1 )×CP N −1 M p0,2|0 (N, d2 ) (d =
d1 + d2 ). A point in M p0,2|1 (N, d1 ) ×CP N −1 M p0,2|0 (N, d2 ) is given as a chain of quasimaps (ϕ1 , ϕ2 ) that
represents a stable quasimap defined on semi-stable curve obtained from gluing two copy of CP 1 , B1 and
B2 , by the equivalence relation ∞1 ∼ 02 . Then ϕ1 and ϕ2 must satisfy ϕ1 (∞1 ) = ϕ2 (02 ). Therefore, in
order to extend Ed′ to M p0,2|1 (N, d1 ) ×CP N −1 M p0,2|0 (N, d2 ), we have to glue Ed′ 1 on M p0,2|1 (N, d1 ) and
Ed2 on M p0,2 (N, d2 ) by the following exact sequence:

0 → Ed′ |Mp0,2|1 (N,d1 )×CP N −1 Mp0,2 (N,d2 ) → Ed′ 1 ⊕ Ed2 → p∗1,2 OCP N −1 (N ) → 0, (3.41)

where p1,2 is a projection map:

p1,2 : M p0,2|1 (N, d1 ) ×CP N −1 M p0,2|0 (N, d2 ) → CP N −1 ; (ϕ1 , ϕ2 ) 7→ ϕ1 (∞1 ) (= ϕ2 (02 )). (3.42)

In general, in order to extend the orbi-bundle Ed′ to Nor(d1 , . . . , dl ; i), we use the following exact sequence:
! i−1
! l−1
0→ Ed′ |Nor(d1 ,...,dl ;i) → Ed k ⊕ Ed′ i ⊕ Ed k → p∗k,k+1 OCP N −1 (N ) → 0, (3.43)
k=1 k=i+1 k=1

where pk,k+1 is a projection map defined on Nor(d1 , . . . , dl ; i):

pk,k+1 (ϕ1 , . . . , ϕl ) := ϕk (∞k ) (= ϕk+1 (0k+1 )). (3.44)

In the case of the limit part, we have to consider the part, CP N −1 × M 0,2|1 ≃ CP N −1 , coming from
the infinitessimal component A. On this component, we define a vector bundle E0′ as E0′ := OCP N −1 (N ).
Then we can extend the orbi-bundle Ed′ to Lim(d1 , . . . , dl ; i) by using the following exact sequence:
! l
0→ Ed′ |Lim(d1 ,...,dl ;i) → Ed k ⊕ E0′ ⊕ Ed k
k=1 k=i+1
! l−1
→ p∗k,k+1 OCP N −1 (N ) ⊕ OCP N −1 (N ) ⊕ p∗k,k+1 OCP N −1 (N ) → 0, (3.45)
k=1 k=i+1

where pk,k+1 is a projection map defined on Lim(d1 , . . . , dl ; i):

ϕk+1 (0k+1 ) (k = 1, . . . , i − 1, i + 1, . . . , l − 1)
pk,k+1 (ϕ1 , . . . , ϕi , [a], ϕi+1 , . . . , ϕl ) := ϕk (∞k ) =
[a] (k = i).
In this way, we have extended rank (N d + 1) orbi-bundle Ed′ to the whole parts of M gp0,2|1 (N, d).

4 Proof of the Main Theorem: Using Localization Technique

In this section, we prove the main theorem. First, following [9], we introduce the following C× action on
M p0,2 (N, d):
et · [(a0 , . . . , ad , z1 )] = [(eλ0 t a0 , . . . , eλd t ad , z1 )], (4.47)

where λ0 , . . . , λd ∈ C are the characters of C× action. We assume that λi ’s are mutually different. In
order to extend the action to the whole parts of M gp0,2|1 (N, d), Let us recall the case of M gp0,2 (N, d). In
this case, C action on a chain of quasimaps (ϕ1 , · · · , ϕl ) ∈ M p0,2 (N, d1 ) ×CP N −1 M p0,2 (N, d2 ) ×CP N −1
· · · ×CP N −1 M p0,2 (N, dl ) is given as follows:

et · ([(a0 , · · · , ad1 )], · · · , [(aPl−1 dj , · · · , aPl dj )])

j=1 j=1

λPl−1 t λPl t
= ([(eλ0 t a0 , · · · , eλd1 t ad1 )], · · · , [(e j=1
aPl−1 dj , · · · , e j=1
aPl dj )]). (4.48)
j=1 j=1

Then, a point in Nor(d1 , . . . , dl ; i) is represented by changing the i-th entry of the above expression into
[(aPi−1 dj , · · · , aPij=1 dj , z1 )]. Hence we define the action by changing the above action on the i-th entry
λPi−1 d t λPi t
et · [(aPi−1 dj , · · · , aPij=1 dj , z1 )] = [(e j=1 j
aPi−1 dj , · · · , e j=1
aPij=1 dj , z1 )]. (4.49)
j=1 j=1

On the other hand a point in Lim(d1 , . . . , dl ; i) is represented by inserting ([a]) between the i-th entry
and the (i + 1)-th entry of (4.48). But this CP N −1 facotor is trivialized by the fiber product and we
don’t need further consideration.
We then determine the fixed point sets of M gp0,2|1 (N, d) under the C× action. By using the C× × C×
action used in defining M p0,2|1 (N, d), the C action (4.47) is rewritten as,

et · [(a0 , . . . , ai , . . . , ad , z1 , . . . , zn ] = [eλ0 t a0 , . . . , eλi t ai , . . . , eλd t ad , z1 )]

= [(a0 , . . . , e(λi −λ0 )t ai , . . . , e(λd −λ0 )t ad , z1 )]
i(λd −λ0 )t λd −λ0
λi −λ0 − t t
= [(a0 , . . . , e d
ai , . . . , ad , e d z1 )]. (4.50)
λd −λ0
Hence the fixed point set of M p0,2|1 (N, d) is empty because e d t z1 (z1 6= 0) is never fixed under
variation of t. But the fixed point set of M p0,2 (N, d) is not empty and it is given as follows.

Z(d) := {[a0 , . . . , ad ] ∈ M p0,2 (N, d)|a1 = · · · = ad−1 = 0} . (4.51)

Note that Z(d) is isomorphic to CP N −1 × CP N −1 and it is a set of Zd singularities of M p0,2 (N, d).
Furthermore, by the above discussion, fixed point sets of M gp0,2|1 (N, d) under the action (4.47) lies the
limit part Lim(d1 , . . . , dl ; i) and they are explicitly written as

Z(d1 , . . . , di ; i)
:= Z(d1 ) ×CP N −1 · · · ×CP N −1 Z(di ) ×CP N −1 (CP N −1 × M 0,2|1 ) ×CP N −1 Z(di+1 ) ×CP N −1 · · · ×CP N −1 Z(dl )
≃ (CP N −1 )0 × · · · × (CP N −1 )i × M 0,2|1 × (CP N −1 )i+1 · · · × (CP N −1 )l . (4.52)

At this stage, we introduce the following notation for brevity.

∆i := di (∆0 := 0, ∆l+1 = d(⇔ dl+1 = 0)). (4.53)

Then (CP N −1 )k (k = 0, 1, · · · , l) in (4.52) is image of the evaluation map,

ev0 : M p0,2|0 (N, dk+1 ) → CP N −1 ; (a∆k , a∆k +1 , · · · , a∆k+1 ) 7→ a∆k . (4.54)

We note here that the locus Z(d1 , . . . , di ; i) are set of Zd1 × · · · × Zdl orbifold singularities.
With these set-up’s, we compute the intersection number w (σj (Oha )Ohb |Oh )0,d by using localization
technique. The resul is given as the following lemma. Recall that ψ0′ (resp. ψ0 ) is the first Chern classs
gp0,2|1 (N, d) (resp. L0 on M
of the line bundle L′0 on M gp0,2 (N, d)) whose fiber at each point of the moduli
space is given as cotangent space at the first marked point (01 ) of the genus 0 semi-stable curve.

Lemma 1 For j > 0, the following equality holds.

w (σj (Oha )Ohb |Oh )0,d|1

l Z
X 1 X h1 + λ∆1 − h0 − λ∆0 j
= Ql
(h0 + λ∆0 )a (hl + λ∆l )b
d1 . . . dl (CP N −1 ) i
(d1 ,...,dl )∈S(d) k=1 i=0

Ql QN di  N di −mi mi

i=1 mi =0 di (h i−1 + λ ∆i−1 ) + di (h i + λ∆i )
Ql Qdi −1  di −ni ni
i=1 ni =1 di (h i−1 + λ∆ i−1 ) + di (h i + ∆ i ) − λ ∆ i−1 +ni

dk (hk +λ∆k ) dk+1 (hk +λ∆k ) )

hk +λ∆k −hk−1 −λ∆k−1 + hk +λ∆k −hk+1 −λ∆k+1
·Q   , (4.55)
l−1 hi +λ∆i −hi−1 −λ∆i−1 hi +λ∆i −hi+1 −λ∆i+1
i=1 di + di+1 N (hi + λ∆i )

where ∆i := d0 + · · · + di (d0 = dl+1 := 0) and hi is the hyperplane class of (CP N −1 )i .

Proof. We apply localization formula (for orbifold) to w (σj (Oha )Ohb |Oh )0,d :

(ψ0′ )j · ev∗0 (ha ) · ev∗∞ (hb ) · ev∗1 (h) · ctop (Ed′ )
Mp 0,2|1 (N,d)

X l
= { c1 (L′0 |Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) )j · c̃1 (ev∗0 (h)|Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) )a · c̃1 (ev∗∞ (h)|Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) )b
d1 · · · dl Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k)
(d1 ,...,dl )∈S(d) k=0

· c̃1 (ev∗1 (h)|Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) ) · c̃N d+1 (Ed′ |Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) )/c̃top (N (d1 , . . . , dl ; k))}, (4.56)

where h denotes hyperplane class of CP N −1 and N (d1 , . . . , dl ; k) denotes a normal bundle of the fixed
point set Z(d1 , . . . , dl ; k). c̃i (∗) (resp. c̃top (∗)) means equivariant i-th (resp. top) Chern class of the
vector bundle ∗. The factor d1 ···d l
comes from dividing by cardinality of the group Zd1 × · · · × Zdl .
First, we compute equivariant Chern classes in the right hand side. Recall that the domain of a
quasimap in Lim(d1 , . . . , dl ; i) is a chain type semi-stable curve constructed by gluing B1 , · · · , Bl and A
(infinitessimal component) in the following order:
 ` ` 
 l

 A i=1 B i (k = 0)
 `  ` ` ` 
k l
Bi A i=k+1 Bi (k = 1, . . . , l − 1) (4.57)

  i=1 
 `l Bi ` A

(k = l)

In the case of Bi , the situation is the same as the one of M p0,2 (N, d). So the compuation goes in the
same way as the one given in [6, 7]. According to these literatures and [9], the equivariant Chern classes
c̃1 (ev∗0 (h)|Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) ), c̃1 (ev∗∞ (h)|Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) ), c̃1 (ev∗1 (h)|Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) ), and c̃top (N (d1 , . . . , dl ; k)) are given
c̃1 (ev∗0 (h)|Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) ) = h0 + λ∆0 , (4.58)
c̃1 (ev∗∞ (h)|Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) ) = hl + λ∆l , (4.59)
c̃1 (ev∗1 (h)|Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) ) = hk + λ∆k , (4.60)
1 −1 
l dY
Y N !
di − ni ni
c̃top (N (d1 , . . . , dl ; k)) = (λ∆i−1 + hi−1 ) + (λ∆i + hi ) − λ∆i−1 +ni · sk , (4.61)
i=1 n1 =1
di di

respectively. Here, hi denotes hyperplane class of (CP N −1 )i in (4.52). In (4.61), the first term
1 −1 
l dY
di − ni ni
(λ∆i−1 + hi−1 ) + (λ∆i + hi ) − λ∆i−1 +ni (4.62)
i=1 n1 =1
di di

is the contribution from normal bundles of Z(d1 ), . . . , Z(dl ). On the other hand, the foloowing factors:
 Y !
h0 + λ∆0 − h1 − λ∆1 ′ h i + λ∆ i − h k−1 − λ∆ i−1 h i + λ∆ i − h i+1 − λ∆ i+1
s0 := + c1 (T∞ ′ A) + ,
d1 i=1
di di+1

k−1 !
hi + λ∆i − hk−1 − λ∆i−1 hi + λ∆i − hi+1 − λ∆i+1
sk := +
di di+1
hk + λ∆k − hk−1 − λ∆k−1 hk + λ∆k − hk+1 − λ∆k+1
· + c1 (T0′′ A) + c1 (T∞′
′ A)
dk dk+1
Y  !
hi + λ∆i − hk−1 − λ∆i−1 hi + λ∆i − hi+1 − λ∆i+1
· + (k = 1, . . . , l − 1), (4.64)
di di+1

l−1 !  
hi + λ∆i − hk−1 − λ∆i−1 hi + λ∆i − hi+1 − λ∆i+1 hl + λ∆l − hl−1 − λ∆l−1
sl := + + c1 (T0′′ A)
di di+1 dl
come from smoothing nodal singularities (see [6, 9]). Next, we compute the remaining equivalent Chern
classes i.e., c̃1 (L′0 |Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) ) and c̃N d+1 (Ed′ |Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) ). Since a fiber of the line bundle L′0 |Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) at
a point in Z(d1 , . . . , dl ; k) doesn’t depend on coefficient vectors of quasimaps, the first equivarlant Chern
class reduces to ordinary first Chern class c1 (L′0 |Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) ). On the other hand, Ed′ |Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) doesn’t
depend on the informaion of z1 at all. Therefore, we can use the discussion given in [6, 7] (one subtlety
comes from the contribution E0′ in (3.45), but it will soon turn out to be irrelevant). By using the exact
sequence (3.45) and the discussions in [6, 7], c̃N d+1 (Ed′ |Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) ) is explicitly given as follows:
( k Nd  !
Y Yi (N di − mi )(hi−1 + λ∆i−1 ) + mi (hi + λ∆i ) 

c̃N d+1 (Ed |Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) ) = · c̃1 (E0 )
i=1 mi =0
Y l N
Y di  ! )
(N di − mi )(hi−1 + λ∆i−1 ) + mi (hi + λ∆i )
i=k+1 mi =0
,( k ! l−1
N (hi + λ∆i ) · c̃1 (OCP N −1 (N )) · N (hi + λ∆i )
i=1 i=k+1
Ql QN di  (N di −mi )(hi−1 +λ∆i−1 )+mi (hi +λ∆i ) 
i=1 mi =0 di
= Ql−1 . (4.66)
i=1 N (hi + λ∆i )
In going from the r.h.s. of the first line to the second line, we used E0 = OCP N −1 (N ). Therefore, the
integrand in the right hand side of (4.56) is given by,
 (N d 
Ql QN di i −mi )(hi−1 +λ∆i−1 )+mi (hi +λ∆i )
i=1 mi =0 di
c1 (L′0 |Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) )j (h0 + λ∆0 )a (hl + λ∆l )b (hk + λ∆k ) Ql−1
i=1 N (hi +λ∆i )
  N  .
Ql Qd1 −1 di −ni ni
i=1 n1 =1 di (λ∆i−1 + h i−1 ) + di (λ∆i + h i ) − λ ∆i +ni sk
At this stage, let us discuss the part c1 (L′0 |Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) )j , Recall that fiber of L′0 is given as cotangent
space at 01 of the first component of CP 1 if k ≥ 1 and from cotangent space of 0′ of A if k = 0. Hence
we obtain,
 ′∗ j
 c1 (T0′ A) (k = 0)
′ j
c1 (L0 |Z(d1 ,...,dl ;k) ) = (4.68)
 h1 +λ∆1 −h0 −λ∆0 j
d1 (k = 1, 2, · · · , l),
by using the discussion given in [9]. At this stage, the term that depends on A in (4.67) is given as

 c (T ′∗
A) j h0 +λ∆0 −h1 −λ∆1
+ c (T ′
 1 ′ 1 ′ A) (k = 0)

 0 d 1 ∞

  n h +λ −h −λ   h +λ −h −λ o

 k ∆k k−1 ∆k−1 k ∆k k+1 ∆k+1
1 dk + c1 (T0′′ A) dk+1

+ c1 (T∞ ′ A)
IA (k) := (4.69)

 (k = 1, . . . , l − 1)
   hl +λ∆ −hl−1 −λ∆


1 l l−1
+ c (T ′
A) (k = l).
dl 1 0 ′

To integrate IA (k) on M 0,2|1 , one can use the following formula [1, 11]:
Z (
1 (p = q = 0)
(c1 (T0′∗′ A))p (c1 (T∞
′∗ q
′ A)) = (4.70)
M 0,2|1 0 (otherwise).

Alternatively, the above formula can be derived from the fact that M 0,2|1 is just a point. Hence integration
of IA (0) on M 0,2|1 goes as follows.
c1 (T0′∗′ A)j
IA (0) = h0 +λ∆0 −h1 −λ∆1
M 0,2|1 M 0,2|1 ′ A)
+ c1 (T∞ ′
X∞ Z
=  q+1 c1 (T0′∗′ A)j (c1 (T∞
′ A))
h0 +λ∆0 −h1 −λ∆1 M 0,2|1

= 0, (4.71)
where we used the fact that j is positive. In the cases of k = 1, . . . , l − 1, we obtain,
IA (k) =  h +λ −h −λ   h +λ −h −λ 
k ∆k k−1 ∆k−1 k ∆k k+1 ∆k+1
M 0,2|1 M 0,2|1
dk + c1 (T0′′ A) dk+1
′ A)
+ c1 (T∞ ′

X∞ Z
=  h +λ −h −λ p+1  h +λ −h −λ q+1 (c1 (T0′∗′ A))p (c1 (T∞
′ A))
k ∆k k−1 ∆k−1 k ∆k k+1 ∆k+1 M 0,2|1
dk dk+1
dk dk+1
= · ·1
hk + λ∆k − hk−1 − λ∆k−1 hk + λ∆k − hk+1 − λ∆k+1
dk dk+1
hk +λ∆k −hk−1 −λ∆k−1 + hk +λ∆k −hk+1 −λ∆k+1
= hk +λ∆k −hk−1 −λ∆k−1 hk +λ∆k −hk+1 −λ∆k+1
. (4.72)
dk + dk+1

Integration in the case of k = l is given by,

IA (l) = hl +λ∆l −hl−1 −λ∆l−1
M 0,2|1 M 0,2|1
dl + c1 (T0′′ A)

=  h +λ p+1 c1 (T0′∗′ A)p
l ∆l −hl−1 −λ∆l−1 M 0,2|1

= . (4.73)
hl + λ∆l − hl−1 − λ∆l−1
Ql N −1
At this stage, the remaining domain of integration is the product space i=1 (CP )i . Therefore, we
obatin the following equalities:
w (σj (Oha )Ohb |Oh )0,d
X 1
d1 . . . dl
(d1 ,...,dl )∈S(d)
l−1 Z
X h1 + λ∆1 − h0 − λ∆0 j
0+ Ql
(h0 + λ∆0 )a (hl + λ∆l )b (hk + λ∆k )
i=1 (CP
N −1 )
 (N d 
Ql QN di i −mi )(hi−1 +λ∆i−1 )+mi (hi +λ∆i )
i=1 mi =0 di
N (hi +λ∆i )
· i=1
Ql Qd1 −1  di −ni ni
i=1 n1 =1 di (λ∆i−1 + hi−1 ) + di (λ∆i + hi ) − λ∆i +ni
dk dk+1
hk +λ∆k −hk−1 −λ∆k−1 + hk +λ∆k −hk+1 −λ∆k+1
l−1 hi +λ∆i −hi−1 −λ∆i−1 hi +λ∆i −hi+1 −λ∆i+1
i=1 di + di+1

h1 + λ∆1 − h0 − λ∆0 j
+ Ql
(h0 + λ∆0 )a (hl + λ∆l )b (hl + λ∆l )
i=1 (CP
N −1 )
 (N d 
Ql QN di i −mi )(hi−1 +λ∆i−1 )+mi (hi +λ∆i )
i=1 mi =0 di
N (hi +λ∆i )
· i=1
Ql Qd1 −1  di −ni ni
i=1 n1 =1 di (λ∆i−1 + hi−1 ) + di (λ∆i + hi ) − λ∆i +ni
dl )
hl +λ∆l −hl−1 −λ∆l−1
l−1 hi +λ∆i −hi−1 −λ∆i−1 hi +λ∆i −hi+1 −λ∆i+1
i=1 di + di+1

X Xl Z
1 h1 + λ∆1 − h0 − λ∆0 j
= Q
(h0 + λ∆0 )a (hl + λ∆l )b
d1 . . . dl l
i=1 (CP
N −1 )i d1
(d1 ,...,dl )∈S(d) k=1
Q Q  (N d −m )(h +λ )+m (h +λ )

l N di i i i−1 ∆i−1 i i ∆i
i=1 mi =0 di
Ql Qd1 −1  di −ni ni
i=1 n1 =1 di (λ∆i−1 + hi−1 ) + di (λ∆i + hi ) − λ∆i +ni
dk (hk +λ∆k ) dk+1 (hk +λ∆k )
hk +λ∆k −hk−1 −λ∆k−1 + hk +λ∆k −hk+1 −λ∆k+1
·Q   , (4.74)
l−1 hi +λ∆i −hi−1 −λ∆i−1 hi +λ∆i −hi+1 −λ∆i+1
i=1 di + di+1 N (hi + λ∆i )

and the last expression is nothing but the right hand side of (4.55). 

Next, we state the following lemma:

Lemma 2
dk (hk + λ∆k ) dk+1 (hk + λ∆k ) d1 (h0 + λ∆0 )
+ = d+ . (4.75)
hk + λ∆k − hk−1 − λ∆k−1 hk + λ∆k − hk+1 − λ∆k+1 h1 + λ∆1 − h0 − λ∆0

Proof. The proof of this lemma is straightforward. 

(Proof of the Main Theorem) Combining the above two lemmas, w (σj (Oha )Ohb |Oh )0,d is rewritten
Z (
X 1 h1 + λ∆1 − h0 − λ∆0 j
w (σj (Oha )Ohb |Oh )0,d = d Q
(h0 + λ∆0 )a (hl + λ∆l )b
d1 . . . dl l
i=0 (CP
N −1 )i d 1
(d1 ,...,dl )∈S(d)
Ql QN di  N di −mi mi

i=1 mi =0 di (h i−1 + λ ∆ i−1 ) + di (h i + λ∆ i )
Ql Qdi −1  di −ni ni
i=1 ni =1 di (h i−1 + λ ∆ i−1 ) + di (h i + ∆ i ) − λ∆ i−1 +ni
l−1 hi +λ∆i −hi−1 −λ∆i−1 hi +λ∆i −hi+1 −λ∆i+1
i=1 di + di+1 N (hi + λ∆i )
Z (
X 1 h1 + λ∆1 − h0 − λ∆0 j
+ Q
(h0 + λ∆0 )a (hl + λ∆l )b
d1 . . . dl l
i=0 (CP
N −1 )i d 1
(d1 ,...,dl )∈S(d)
Ql QN di  N di −mi mi

i=1 mi =0 di (h i−1 + λ ∆ i−1 ) + di (h i + λ∆ i )
Ql Qdi −1  di −ni ni
i=1 ni =1 di (h i−1 + λ ∆ i−1 ) + di (h i + ∆ i ) − λ∆ i−1 +ni

l−1 hi +λ∆i −hi−1 −λ∆i−1 hi +λ∆i −hi+1 −λ∆i+1
i=1 di + di+1 N (hi + λ∆i )
d1 (h0 + λ∆0 )
· . (4.76)
h1 + λ∆1 − h0 − λ∆0

On the other hand, we can compute w (σj (Oha )Ohb )0,d by applyong the same consideration so far as
l Z
X 1 X h1 + λ∆1 − h0 − λ∆0 j
w (σj (Oha )Ohb )0,d = Ql
(h0 + λ∆0 )a (hl + λ∆l )b
d1 . . . dl (CP N −1 )
(d1 ,...,dl )∈S(d) k=1 i=0

Ql QN di  N di −mi 
i=1 mi =0 di (hi−1 + λ∆i−1 ) + m di (hi + λ∆i )

Ql Qdi −1  di −ni ni
i=1 ni =1 di (h i−1 + λ∆i−1 ) + di (h i + ∆ i ) − λ ∆i−1 +ni
·Q   . (4.77)
l−1 hi +λ∆i −hi−1 −λ∆i−1 hi +λ∆i −hi+1 −λ∆i+1
i=1 di + di+1 N (h i + λ∆ i )

Of course, this formula gives the same intersection number as the formula used in [8]:
1 dz0 dz1 dzd
w (σj (Oha )Ohb )0,d = √ N N
··· N
(2π −1) d+1
C0 (z 0 ) C1 (z 1 ) Cd (z d)
d Y
Y  d−1
Y 1
×(z0 )a (z1 − z0 )j (jzl−1 + (N − j)zl )
N zl (2zl − zl−1 − zl+1 )
l=1 j=1 l=1
×(zd ) . (4.78)

We can derive (4.78) by rewriting (4.77) into residue integral by using the correpondence:
a 1 dzi
(hi ) ↔ √ (zi )a , (4.79)
(CP N −1 ) 2π −1 C0 (zi )N

and applying the standard procedure including non-equivariant limit (λ∗ → 0), which is presented in
[6, 7].
Hence the first term in the right hand side of (4.76) is just d · w (σj (Oha )Ohb )0,d . As for the second
term of (4.76), we have,
Z (
X 1 h1 + λ∆1 − h0 − λ∆0 j−1
(the second term) = Q
(h0 + λ∆0 )a+1 a(hl + λ∆l )b
d1 . . . dl l
(CP N −1 )
(d1 ,...,dl )∈S(d) i=0

Ql QN di  N di −mi mi

i=1 mi =0 di (h i−1 + λ∆ i−1 ) + di (h i + λ ∆ i )
Ql Qdi −1  di −ni ni
i=1 ni =1 di (hi−1 + λ∆i−1 ) + di (hi + ∆i ) − λ∆i−1 +ni
·Q   , (4.80)
l−1 hi +λ∆i −hi−1 −λ∆i−1 hi +λ∆i −hi+1 −λ∆i+1
i=1 di + di+1 N (h i + λ ∆ i )

by using,

h1 + λ∆1 − h0 − λ∆0 j d1 (h0 + λ∆0 ) h1 + λ∆1 − h0 − λ∆0 j−1

· = · (h0 + λ∆0 ). (4.81)
d1 h1 + λ∆1 − h0 − λ∆0 d1

Looking back at (4.77), we can see that the second term coincides with the intersection number w (σj−1 (Oha+1 )Ohb )0,d .
Hence we have completed the proof of main theorem. 

Remark 1 Let Ed,∞ ′ gp0,2|1 (N, d) (resp. M

(resp. Ed,∞ ) be orbi-bundle on M gp0,2 (N, d)) defined by the
following exact sequences [3, 13].

0 −→ Ed,∞ −→ Ed′ −→ ev∗∞ OCP N −1 (N ) −→ 0,
0 −→ Ed,∞ −→ Ed −→ ev∗∞ OCP N −1 (N ) −→ 0. (4.82)

Then the intersection numbers w (σj (OhN −2−j )Oh−1 |Oh )0,d and w (σj (OhN −2−j )Oh−1 )0,d are defind as
w (σj (OhN −2−j )Oh−1 |Oh )0,d
:= (ψ0′ )j · ev∗0 (hN −2−j ) · ev∗∞ (h0 ) · ev∗1 (h) · ctop (Ed,∞

Mp0,2|1 (N,d)

w (σj (OhN −2−j )Oh−1 )0,d
:= (ψ0 )j · ev∗0 (hN −2−j ) · ev∗∞ (h0 ) · ctop (Ed,∞ ). (4.83)
g (N,d)

Then proof of the main theorem in the case of b = −1 is given by replacing Ed′ and Ed in the discussions

so far by Ed,∞ and Ed,∞ .

Remark 2 By changing orbi-bundles Ed′ and Ed into the ones obtained from degree k homogeneous poly-
nomial of CP N −1 , we can straightforwardly extend the main theorem to the case of degree k hypersurface
in CP N −1 .

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