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1. What is the importance of core values in nursing in the nursing education?

- Nursing is a profession that is heavily founded on ethics and values. It is essentially a

profession that requires a deep and great understanding of many different values that
are important in intimate human-to-human interaction. With all that said, it is, therefore
vital that the core values in nursing are implemented or are taught to aspiring nurses
so early on their education as the only way to truly integrate these values are through
practice—in the case of nursing education, clinical practice. Moreover, the inclusion of
the teaching of the core values of nursing in the curriculum also ensures that the
legacy of nursing as a caring profession is continue and further strengthened in the
2. As a nursing student, how do you apply these core moral values in your nursing practice?
- As a Level I nursing student, my form of “nursing practice” is still limited to my return
demonstrations but hopefully soon when I enter my second year in this program, I will
be able to actually go on duty and when I do, perhaps I would be able to apply these
core moral values in a more obvious way such as: whenever I am interacting with my
patients, I will always keep in mind to respect them as human beings and that includes
all aspects of who they are—their religious beliefs, their values, their culture, their
sexuality. As an aspiring nurse, I recognize the importance of developing open-
mindedness and an inclusive mindset when it comes to respecting human dignity.
Other than respecting my patients for who they are, another way I can apply the core
moral values in my nursing practice is by being honest. And not just with my patients
but also their family and everybody else that I will be working with on their case. And
speaking of working with others, I can also apply the core values by always giving
respect to the authorities when it is due; by speaking politely and addressing them
correctly. I believe that respect allows for healthy work relationships to foster and that
is vital to this line of work wherein I will be working with plenty of medical professionals
in the hospital. I can apply the core moral value of altruism or selfless love for other
people by always putting my patients’ needs above my own self-interests; to always
put their lives and their health at the top of the priority list. I can also apply the value of
loving God in my nursing practice by praying to Him every day as I carry out my
responsibilities as a nurse, to guide my mind, heart and hands to do what is right and
what is best for my patient.

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