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Vocabulary Item N° 1
Definition of awareness in English: NOUN
1. Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact
2. Concern about and well-informed interest in a particular situation or development
VERB: to be/ become aware ADJ: aware (of) ADV: N/A
consciousness, recognition, realization, cognizance, perception, apprehension, understanding, grasp, knowledge,
sensitivity to, insight into; familiarity with, acquaintance with… (At least 3 synonyms)
French equivalent : connaissance, savoir, notion
Bilingual example sentences:
Eng: Civil society organisations could play a role in running public awareness campaigns.
Fre: Les organisations de la société civile pourraient jouer un rôle dans l'organisation de campagnes de
sensibilisation de la population en général.
Vocabulary Item N° 2

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