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A lakószoba bemutatása:
Please describe your room.
What furniture do you have in your room? / What does it look like? / What is it made of?
What do you have on the walls?
How would you like to change your room? Why?
What is special about you room?

A lakás / ház bemutatása:

Where do you live?
What kind of rooms do you have?
What does the living-room / bedroom / study / kitchen / bathroom look like?
What are the dominant colours / materials / styles?
What do you think the difference is between living in a house and living in a flat?

A városi és a vidéki élet összehasonlítása:

What is it like to live in a town?
What is life like in a village?
What are the main differences between living in a town and living in a village?
Why is it good / not good to have a garden?
Would you like to live in a town or in a village? Why?

A lakóhely nevezetességei, szolgáltatások, szórakozási lehetőségek:

Where do you live? / Where is it situated?
What can you find in the village / town?
What kind of services does it offer?
What kind of tourist attractions are there?
What are the main cultural / sport / etc. events in your town or village?

Növények és állatok a környezetünkben:

What kind of plants do you have in your house and garden / orchard?
What kinds of vegetables and fruit do you grow at home and buy at the market?
What are the most common pets and animals people most often keep?
Are there any other animals people keep around the house?
What kinds of animals are kept in zoos? Why?

What is the climate like in Hungary?
What is the weather like int he different seasons and how do people dress?
What is your favourite season and why?
Why is it useful to watch the weather forecast?
What was the weather like yesterday?

Környezetvédelem a szűkebb környezetünkben:

What can we do in our everyday lives to protect the environment?
What is the relationship between the use of cars and air pollution? / What other means of
transport do we have?
What do you know about the energy sources in the world? / What happens if we run out of
What do you know of the world organisations which try to protect / conserve / save the
environment and species from extinction? / What are their methods?
Why is it important to preserve the environment and save rainforests / animals from


1. Organise a sightseeing tour for an exchange student:

Your British friend (played by the examiner) is staying with you for a week. It is
Saturday morning. You want to plan your programme for the afternoon and the evening.
Suggest a variety of programmes and sights to your friend. Include the followings:
 ask what he / she prefers
 offer possible places (museums, churches …)
 explain what to see there (statues, paintings …)
 suggest some evening entertainment

Start by telling your friend that you want to take him / her out somewhere this afternoon.

2. Choose a pet:

Your parents promised you a pet for your birthday. Now you are in a pet shop with your
mother and you have to decide on one pet. Ask the shop assistant (played by the
examiner) about the following:

 how long they live

 how to care for them
 equipment needed
 price

Start by greeting the shop assistant.

3. Earth Day:
It’s Earth Day. You belong to an environmental group and would like to do something to
mark the occasion. Discuss the following options with your fellow activist (played by the
examiner) and decide on one of them.
 collecting rubbish in the forest
 volunteer work at the animal shelter
 planting trees in the city centre
Start by telling your fellow group member that you should do something on Earth Day.


1. Living in a Town or in a Village

These pictures show places where people live, in the city and in the country. Compare
and contrast them. Include the following points:
 the advantages and disadvantages of living in these places
 the activities you can do in the city and those you can do in the country
 why people decide to live in them
 your present home and your idea of your future home

2. Seasons and Weather

These pictures show places with different climates. Compare and contrast them.
Include the following points:
 weather conditions in these areas
 advantages and disadvantages of these climates
 where you would like to live
 your favourite season
3. Environmental Protection

These pictures show different environmental issues. Compare and contrast them.
Include the following points.
 different types of environmental pollution
 consequences of pollution
 ways of protecting the environment
 what you personally do to protect the environment

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