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Natural selection in guppies

Model Organisms:

For this experiment, I will be using guppies (Poecilia reticulata) as my model organisms. Guppies are small
freshwater fish that are commonly used in biological research due to their small size, quick reproduction, and
short lifespan. They are also highly adaptable, making them ideal candidates for demonstrating natural
selection in a controlled environment.


The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate natural selection in action by creating two different
environments for the guppies: one with plenty of hiding places and one with limited hiding places. The
guppies in the environment with limited hiding places may develop adaptations such as increased speed or
increased camouflage ability, allowing them to avoid predators and survive to the next generation. By
observing the survival of the guppies in both environments, I hope to demonstrate the process of natural

Reliable Results:

To ensure the reliability of my results, I will conduct multiple trials of the experiment and average my
results. I will also control for other variables such as temperature and light conditions to ensure that only the
availability of hiding places is affecting the results. I will also keep detailed records of my observations,
including the number of guppies in each environment and the number of offspring produced by each

Data Analysis:

To analyze my data, I will use statistical methods to compare the adaptations of the guppies in each
environment. I will look at the frequency of certain adaptations, such as increased speed and camouflage
ability, in each generation to determine if they are increasing or decreasing over time. Additionally, I will
compare the survival rates of the guppies in each environment to see if there is a correlation between the
availability of hiding places and the survival of the guppies.

Copyright  Amy Brown Science 1


Based on my understanding of natural selection, I predict that the guppies living in the environment with
limited hiding places will develop adaptations that increase their ability to avoid predators, such as increased
speed or camouflage ability. Conversely, I predict that the guppies living in the environment with plenty of
hiding places will not develop these adaptations as they will not face the same pressure to survive.


The results of the experiment will confirm or reject my prediction by showing the differences in adaptations
and survival rates between the two environments. If my predictions are confirmed, it will demonstrate the
process of natural selection and the role that the environment plays in shaping the adaptations of a species.
On the other hand, if the results do not support my predictions, it will highlight the complexity of the natural
world and the need for further research to fully understand the mechanisms of natural selection.

- Anna Nina Comboni (12/02/2023)


- (image so urce: FishPedia )

- Guppies as model organisms: This information is widely available in scientific literature. Here are a few sources that you
may find useful:

- Reznick, D. (1990). Life history evolution in guppies (Poecilia reticulata). VII. The comparative ecology of high and low
predation environments. The American Naturalist, p: 703-718.

- Reznick, D. N., & Endler, J. A. (1982). The impact of predation on life history evolution in Trinidadian guppies: genetic
basis of observed life history patterns. Evolution, p: 123-136.

- Adaptations and natural selection: The theory of natural selection and the role of adaptations in the process are key
concepts in evolutionary biology. Here are some sources that could provide you with further information:

- Darwin, C. (1859). On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the
struggle for life.

- Futuyma, D. J. (2009). Evolution (2nd ed.). Sinauer Associates, Inc.

- Coyne, J. A., & Orr, H. A. (2004). Speciation. Sinauer Associates, Inc.

Copyright  Amy Brown Science 2

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