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Journal of Building Engineering

Artificial intelligence in the construction industry:

A review of present status, opportunities and future

1. Introduction
The text discusses how AI and its subfields have been applied to address construction-
specific challenges such as health and safety monitoring, cost estimation, and risk
prediction. Despite this, the construction industry remains one of the least digitized
industries, and there are various challenges to the adoption of AI, such as cultural
barriers, high costs, and talent shortages. The research proposes answering research
questions to identify areas of AI application, future opportunities, and challenges to
adoption in the construction industry. The objectives of the study are to review existing
applications of AI, identify opportunities for increased application, and identify
challenges affecting AI adoption.
Overall, the paper provides insights into the trends, opportunities, and barriers of AI
adoption in the construction industry, highlighting the need for further research and
collaboration between academia, industry, and policymakers.

2. Conclusion

This research paper examines the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the
construction industry. The construction industry faces challenges such as low
productivity, but AI has the potential to solve some of these challenges. The study
explores how AI technologies have been used in construction, and the different
types of AI that are applied. The study also identifies the advantages and limitations
of each type of AI. The research found that recent advances in AI have been slow to
be adopted, despite their potential benefits. The study also identifies further
opportunities for research in the field of AI in construction, as well as the challenges
that hinder its adoption. The information provided in the study can be useful to
stakeholders in the construction industry who are considering implementing AI in
their operations.

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