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Test paper

My name is ……………………………………………

I. Read the text and answer YES or NO: ( 4x0,5 = 2)

Hello, everybody! My name is Blip Blop. I am ten years old. In my free time I play with my dog. I have got a
beautiful sister. Her name is Dora. She is twelve years old. We have got three cousins. Their names are Tim,
Tommy and Lizzy. We all go to the same school. It is in the city center. My father’s name is Iggy. He is 36
years old. He works as a pilot. He loves his job very much.

1. In his free time Blip Blop plays with his cat. ………….
2. Dora is ten years old. ………….
3. Blip Blop’s father is a pilot. ………….
4. Blip Blop’s school is in the city center. ………...

II. Match each picture with its name. Choose from the following words: bed, armchair, lamp,
computer, sofa, fridge, mirror, chair, table, sink. (5x0,4 = 2)

………………… …………… …………. …………… …………….

III. Translate the sentences using the words: bed, is, the, that. on, book, this, a, cat, under, my, blue,
table, pen, desk. (4x0,5 =2)

1.Acesta este un pat.

2. Acea pisică este sub masă.
3. Acest stilou este albastru.
4. Cartea mea este pe bancă.
IV. Circle the odd one out: (4x0,5 = 2)
1. under this on in
2. that lamp these those
3. fridge sink cooker book
4. are have am is

I. (4 x 0,5 = 2)
1. NO

2. NO

3. YES

4. YES

II. sofa lamp chair sink fridge (5 x 0,4 = 2)

III. (4 x 0,5 = 2)

1. This is a bed.
2. That cat is under the table.
3. This pen is blue.
4. My book is on the desk.

IV. (4 x 0,5 = 2)


2. lamp

3. book

4. have

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