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A MANUAL ON HIGH VOLTAGE LINE MAINTENANCE DEDICATION TO THE — This manual is dedicated to the elite of the pole climbing fraternity « sy —the Hot Stick Crews; the linemen who develop the extra skills HOT STICK” oF their profession; men of even temperament who recognize the CREWS — weed for being alert, careful, cautious and considerate of their fellow workmen. To these men the public owes a debt of gratitude {for the electrical service which they maintain —a service of major importance to the welfare of every community and to the nation. The purpose of this book is to help them do an even better job of keeping the "Kilowatts” at work. FOREWORD ‘This manual has been compiled for the purpose of promoting efficiency and safety in the rapidly expanding field of hot line maintenance. We have endeavored to explain a basic procedure for every usual type of Hot Stick operation and explain by “close-up” views the most desirable methods of using principal Hot Sticks and associated tools Although descriptions and illustrations apply to Chance Hot Line Tools, the general operations would be the same for most other makes of tools. NOTE: Bocause Hubbel has a poly of continuous product improvement, we reserve the ight o change design and specications wihout note. ISO 9001-1994 Cert. No. 001136 ‘Centralia, MO USA ‘POWER SYSTENS, INC. Printed in USA Catalog No. C100 Copyright 1999 Chance Company * 210 North Allen Street * Centralia, MO 65240 Rov. 9/95, SECTION I—HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF HOT LINE TOOLS SECTION II—MANUFACTURE AND CARE OF HOT LINE TOOLS SECTION III—TRAINING HOT STICK CREWS SECTION IV—WORKING LOADS FOR PRINCIPAL HOT LINE TOOLS SECTION V—HOT LINE TOOLS Tile Page No. WIRE TONGS BA WIRE TONG SADDLES 53 TIE STICKS ... LINK STICKS sat AUXILIARY ARMS - 518 LEVER LIFTS ... oe coves - 516 ‘TWO-POLE STRAIN CARRIER 517 DOUBLE STRING DEAD-END INSULATOR TOOL, cee 521 GIN POLES . - 5:24 ‘CUM-A-LONG CLAMPS cee - 5:26 HANDLING CLAMP TOP INSULATORS ... veces cess 527 HANDLING COTTER KEYS AND CLEVIS PINS 5-30 SPLICING CONDUCTORS : : - 5:32 SECTION VI—TYPICAL PROCEDURES Title Poge No. INSULATOR AND POLE CHANGE Single-Phase 60 INSULATOR, CROSSARM, OR POLE CHANGE Ridge Pin (or Flat Top) Construction —Three-Phase Lines . . . 6-6 INSULATOR, CROSSARM, OR POLE CHANGE Double Arm Angle — Three-Phase Lines, Through 69KV.. . . 6-14 INSULATOR, CROSSARM, OR POLE CHANGE Flat Top (or Ridge Pin) Construction — Three-Phase Lines, Through 88KV . ; Se - 616 SECTION VI (Cont.) Title POLE REPLACEMENT METHODS Three-Phase — Straight Lines INSULATOR CHANGE — DEAD-END Single-Phase Lines — Through 15 KV INSULATOR CHANGE — DEAD-END Three-Phase Lines — Through 46 KV INSULATOR CHANGE — DEAD-END Three-Phase Lines — 69 KV and Above POLE CHANGE — DEAD-END Three-Phase Lines — Through 15 KV INSULATOR CHANGE — RUNNING CORNER Three-Phase Lines —5 KV Through 69 KV INSULATOR CHANGE — RUNNING CORNER H-Frame Structure — 110 KV Through 230 KV CHANGE TO HIGHER POLE — RUNNING CORNER Three-Phase Lines—5 KV Through 69 KV INSULATOR CHANGE — RUNNING CORNER H-Frame Structure — 69 KV Through 230 KV. INSULATOR CHANGE — TOWER SUSPENSION Three-Phase Lines — 69 KV Through 287 KV CHANGING STRAIGHT LINE TO DOUBLE DEAD-END Three-Phase Lines up to 23 KV . CHANGING DOUBLE DEAD-END TO STRAIGHT LINE Three-Phase Lines, Through 69 KV : SUSPENSION INSULATOR, CROSSARM, OR POLE CHANGE Three-Phase Lines — 34.5 KV Through 115 KV SUSPENSION CROSSARM CHANGE H-Frame Structure — 34.5 KV Through 230 KV SUSPENSION INSULATOR CHANGE H-Frame Structure — 34.5 KV Through 161 KV INSULATOR CHANGE — DEAD-END Wood Tower Structure — 69 KV Through 161 KV INSULATOR CHANGE — DOUBLE DEAD-END. 34.5 KV Through 230 KV. a HOT LINE APPLICATION OF ARMOR RODS Page No. 6-22 6-30 6-32 6-36 6-39 6-44 6-48 6-52 6-56 6-60 6-66 672 674 6-82 6-86 692 6-96 6-100 SECTION I—HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF HOT LINE MAINTENANCE TOOLS 1913 Tool Set Hot line maintenance began when disconnect sticks were first used to open energized disconnect switches. Even though this operation proved chat long, dry poles could be equipped with fittings which would enable linemen to work with safety on energized lines, many years passed before sufficient interest was aroused in the hot line idea to use these tools for any operation, other than opening switches. While the use of hot line maintenance tools is some- times considered a recent development in the electrical power industry, forerunners of modern hot line tools ‘made their appearance as far back as 1913. The earliest available picture of these tools is the accompanying photograph taken in 1914. The tools shown were manu- facured in Wapakoneta, Ohio. These initial cools were homemade, crude and bulky; however, they sparked the development of our present efficient and refined tools. In the year 1916, a tool that was known as an “electrical hook” was introduced in Atlanta, Georgia. This was ‘essentially a spring-type clamp for tapping energized circuits. ‘The electrical hook necessitated a hot stick for installation pusposes, and its use suggested additional tools which were soon developed for grounding and jumper service, applying parallel groove clamps, handl- ing conductors, pulling cotter pins and manipulating tie wires. There soon followed a hack saw, a hor line ‘cum-a-long,” and saddles which could be attached to the poles for supporting certain tools. t Early Tools Made by Tips Tool Co. In the year 1918, at Talorile,Ilinois, the Tips Too! Company began tanafscturing hot line clamps, ground- ing clamps and clamp sticks, A few years later, the same Company introduced the hot ine tre trimmer, twire tongs long sticks, wire tong saddles and numerous hand tools. These tools wuggested the idea of universal hand tools with interchangeable heads which soon came into praccal use. The Tips Tool Company also into: duced the slide support and probably the frst tool for handling dead ends without the necessity of using rope blocks ‘The Tips Tool Company was purchied by the A. B, hance Company in 1937 and the manufacturing facil ities were moved to Ceatrali, Bliuoush where the re search snd development of hotline tool has been ac celeste, Considerable credit should be given co the farsighted individuals who visualized the time when power circuits ould not be ealy deenergied while inulators, cross tra, poles and other equipment were being replaced. ‘They realized that duplicate cits for service purposes would be entirely too costly, and tht the rapid growth Of electrical users and the extended use of electric power for operating home appliances, fan eqipenenty ete, ‘would demand char elettical power be maintained with Out interruption, Linemen were pechap the fret grou omen to fete this need. "In sknont every cas, f wat the linemen who prompted development of the various hotline tools which eventually Ted to the present uni veal practice knowa a8 "hot fine maintenance” Hot line tools were first accepted for work on lines up to 34 KV but many linemen were hesitant to perform hot stick operations on this voltage. Because of this fear, many companies restricted hot line maintenance to 22 KY, and lest, As linemen began to realize that the tuse of hot line tools always kept them at a safe distance from energized lines, they began to lose their fear of performing this work, and restrictions were gradually relaxed until by 1930’ several companies were permit- ting hot line operations to be performed on 66 KV lines. ‘This soon rose to 110 KV until in the late Thieties the astonishing news was circulated that a West Coast line ‘of 220 KV had been successfully worked “hot.” An- ‘other mile post was passed in March of 1948, when 0.G. Anderson and M. R. Parkin, Hot Line Tool Spe- ialists of the A. B, Chance Company, changed suspen. sion insulators on the 287 KV Hoover Dam, Los “Angeles Line, using tools specially designed for the job. In 1954, 345 KV lines were being constructed and Chance ‘successfully worked 330 KV for Indiana- ‘Michigan Electric with the new Maplac® coated wood tools. With the advent of higher voltages and longer handles, the wood tools became heavier and harder to handle, and a search began for a good, strong, light- weight handle with high-dielectric qualities. By the mid1950's a fiberglass pole had been adapted for use asa hotline tool; in 1959 Chance Epoxiglas® came into, general use, 500 KY live maintenance texts had been accomplished swith Chance wood tools ia 1957, and in 1960 the new, light-weight Chance Epoxiglas tools ‘were sed on 4G) KV. Ac hat rime the new Eponigls tools were in tajor ws on all bur one 343 KV fines and by 1964 they were wsed on all EHV lines in the United Stes and Canada, including 735 KV, pretty much eliminating the use of wood tools for EHV. ‘Weight is an important factor in hot line work, as fa- tigue must be kept to a minimum, Therefore, consider SECTION | HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT able auention is given to making the tools lighter, stronger, and safer: In 1947 the A. B. Chance Company Introduced heat-treated aluminum alloy heads and other Ficings for hot line tools to augment the light weight Sitka Spruce tools, and later, Hpowiglas. In desigatng aot Hine tool the welfare of the linemen isthe im: portant consideration. Insulation characteristics and Strength of the tools are of major importance, a6 the Tinemen's safety depends upon these things. The case with which the tool handle, che relief from fatigue, the manner ia which it operates when engaging a tc wire, stain clamp insulator, or conductor are also Important considerations, Chance hot line tols are given field trials after laboratory tests prove them to be" lectrically and mechanically sound: This testing & performed under actual conditions by men who ate specialists in hot line maintenance work. Most hot stick dlsign work at the present time is devoted to refining equipment and Keeping abreast of line construction practices Engineers are beginning co design new lines, and re- build many old ones, to favor hot line work as 2 more desicable and safer way of performing line maintenance operations. Line construction specifications that take eration hot line maintenance requirements ines that are considerably more econom- in, and require a minimum variety of tools for servicing. ‘The tool maufacturer, the hardware manufacturer, and construction engineers are beginning to work together to coordinate tools, hardware, and transmission lines for maximum efficiency. The Safety engineers and operat- ing men in the electrical industry, with the help of hot line tool demonstrators, have established schools for training the “elite” of the pole climbing fraternity — the hot line crew. The combined teamwork of all these groups is rapidly developing lines and line crews to the point where power shut-downs for repairs are the ex- ceptions rather than the rules. Barchand Demonstration — 345 KV Bucket Truck Maintenance ~ 13.2 KV SECTION — MANUFACTURE AND CARE OF HOT LINE TOOLS ‘The demand for performing maintenance operations using hot line tools is constancly increasing because of the expanding network of transmission lines and the necessity of maintaining continuous electrical service. ‘With the ever-increasing demand for continuous serv- ice, preventive maintenance receives greater attention. ‘There are three major requirements which must be satisfied by the manufacturer of high-quality hot line tools. These are: adequate insulating qualities, adequate strength, and light in weight—and because of the critical nacure of the work to be performed by hot line maintenance crewmen, the tools they use are carefully selected, and rightly so. ‘The mental picture usually formed from a description of a “high quality tool” is one used by machinists, tool makers, and other specialized metal craftsmen, Here the mark of quality is precision and finish. How- ever, with most hot line tools, precision and finish are of secondary importance. Quality is concentrated upon the kind of materials used and functional design, rather than instrument-like appearance of the tool. CHANCE EPOXIGLAS® HOT STICKS During the mid 1950's, engineers at the A. B. Chance Company concentrated on a search for a better handle for hot line tools. As a result of an extensive testing and research program, Chance engineers introduced a new insulating material that was to become a revo- lution to the industry. This material is known as “EPOXIGLAS". Epoxiglas consists of thousands of epoxy resin-impreg- nated glass fibers wound around and laid length-wise 20 over a unicellular plastic foam core. This foam core consists of millions of unconnected individual cells containing a low boiling inert material which inhibits moisture absorption and condensation. The unicellular foam is bonded to the reinforced walls to obtain a foam integrity that is patented and cannot be matched by other tool manufacturing methods. ‘The electrical and mechanical advantages of Epoxiglas Hot Line Tools are well known as can be verified by theie rapid acceptance with electric utilities through- our the world. ‘The reasons behind the growing customer acceptance are many. In addition to the exceptional insulating qualities, Epoxiglas has excellent resistance to moisture, chemical attack, and weathering. It has high mechanical strength, is very durable, and requires a minimum of maintenance, with no periodic drying time as required of wood tools. As an added safety feature, Epoxiglas Hot Line Tools can be easily seen. Bright orange is the color used because of its easy detectability and general contrast with their usual environment. The color is actually a part of the product and not just a surface coating. ‘The development of Epoxiglas Hot Line Tools is another, excellent example of what A. B. Chance Company believes: NOTHING IS TOO GOOD WHERE A LIFE IS AT STAKE In the manufacture of metal parts for hot line tools considerable stress is placed on quality control in order to preserve the maximum physical properties consistent with the basic metal used. Very close control is main- tained over temperatures employed in the Forge Foun: dry and Heat Treating Departments. Wherever neces- sary for the proper finishing of the tool, close machin- ing tolerances and machine finishes are observed. How- ‘ever, metal parts of hot line tools are seldom machined all over just to enhance their appearance. Heat-treated aluminum alloys, used extensively during, ‘World War II for airplane parts, have proved to be ideal for use in hot line tool manufacture because of, light weight and adequate strength. Even though slightly thicker sections and heavier ribs are required, compar- able to bronze and malleable castings, the heactreated ‘aluminum is still considerably lighter in weight. All of the more important castings are subjected to a 100 per- cent X-ray test which brings out all hidden defects in the castings and denotes grain structures. Spot X-ray and mechanical tests are made on less critical castings in order co make certain that the production of metal parts is always under perfect control. Out of every run of molten aluminum alloy, a vest bar is pulled which must possess a definiee tensile strength before the mass is accepted for molding, Every newly designed tool is subjected to rigid labora. tory engineering tests. After passing the engineering tests, it is used on demonstrations and field ested for a period of three to six months in order to make certain ‘hat the tool has been properly constructed and that no defects are found which would interfere with itsstrength and versatiliey CARE OF WOOD TOOL HANDLES A suitable drying cabinet can be constructed by provid- ing an enclosure large enough to accommodate the required number of tools. Openings should be pro- vided at the top and bottom for air circulation. A bank of incandescent lamps located near the bottom of the cabinet will supply adequate heat to maintain the proper moisture content of the tools. A thermostat should be installed and set to maintain a uniform remperature of between 90° and 100°F and the cabinet should be positioned so that the tools hang vertically, either from a bar across the top of the cabinet or on hooks placed around the inside upper edge of the cabinet, WARNING NEVER USE A DAMP TOOL During periods of high humidity wood cools will absorh moisture more rapidly than during normal, or dry periods. When not in use the tools will usually maintain ade- quate insulating strength when kept indoors at normal room temperature. However, in order to be on the safe side periodic treatment in'a drying cabinet for 48 24 SECTION II MANUFACTURE AND CARE hours to one week per month is recommended in average climates. Maplac-coated wood handles should be kepe clean in order to permit proper inspection of the condition of Maplac coating. Prompt touching-up is recommended where the finish is worn or damaged, to prevent dirt or moisture from entering and becoming absorbed into the wood fibers where it might form dangerous conductor paths Top —Tools Racked for Lineman Use Center ~ Hot Sticks Laid om Tarpanlin | Hot Stick Tool Trailer Bottom —Typi REPAIRING MAPLAC FINISH Soften the spot to be repaired with Maplac solvent and ‘he deat with Maplac patching compound which is cal applied by allowing the compound co deop of tad of a screwdriver: Allow the material %0 set overnight, file off the surplus with fine file. and Smooth by rubbig the surface lightly with Maplac CARE OF EPOXIGLAS® HOT LINE TOOLS Although extreme care is exercised in che manufacture of hot line tools, a certain amount of care should be used in the protection of these tools in order to have them ready for use ar all times. Proper care will not only result ia longer life but, will result in greater safety and produce added confidence on the part of the line crewman using the tools. ‘One of the most important factors in the care of hot line tools is to keep them dry. They should never be ‘Top —Marking Pole for Correct Depth of Tasertion in Fitting — Apply Epoxiglas Bond Bottom Driving Fitting Into Place on Pole Center 22 laid upon the ground; they should be kept in the truck or a tool trailer until ready for use, chen placed upon tool rack near the groundman, If it is necessary to lay the tool on the ground, a clean, dry tarpaulin’ should be spread to prevent the tools from contacting the ground. Wood tools that have been subjected co mois- ture should be dried as soon as possible as prescribed below. CLEANING EPOXIGLAS HOT LINE TOOLS Epoxiglas Hor Line Tools should be inspected at lease very six months, or more often if the tools become noticeably contaminated. If Epoxiglas poles are left ‘out-of-doors in constant use or storage, they should be cleaned at least every six months. Cleaning with a strong detergent solution is usually sufficient. How- ever, if this does not remove all foreign matter, wash Epoxiglas tools with acetone or Methyl Ethyl Ketone, ‘After cleaning, the tools should be wiped with Chance Epoxiglas Gloss Restorer. REPAIRING SMALL RUPTURES Surface rupeures in Epoxiglas caused by misuse should be repaired as soon as discovered. This can be accom- plished by removing the damaged fibers, cleaning the void with acetone or Methyl Ethyl Ketone and applica- tion of Chance Epoxiglas Bond. After the patch has set, remove the tape and wipe the pole down with Epoxiglas Gloss Restorer and it is ready for use. RESTORING GLOSS OR SANDED FINISH After the cleaning and repair of any Epoxiglas pole the gloss can be restored by applying a wipe-coating of Chance Epoxiglas Gloss Restorer. A coating of this material will make the pole look like new again. A kc is available for restoring depleted sand on plat- forms or ladder rungs. This should be done as often as the surfacesand is wora off leaving the platform or ladder rung smooth and potentially unsafe. REPLACING FERRULES ON EPOXIGLAS POLES This maintenance job can be accomplished by following, these steps: 1. Remove rivets from he ferrule with a punch. 2. Cut off the pole close to the ferrule with a hacksaw. 3. Remove the pole section and adhesive from inside the ferrule by heating to 300-400 degrees Fahren- heit. Do not over heat as this may damage or ‘weaken the casting. If a new casting is being ap- plied be certain tha the inside of the ferrule is free of oil, grease or other foreign material 4, Before installing the ferrule on the pole it is neces- sary {0 remove polyurethane coating from the Epoxiglas to insure bonding of the adhesive to the pole. Place the ferrule on the pole and mark the depth with a file score; remove the ferrule and with fine emery or sandpaper sand off the end of the pole thoroughly, until there is no finish remaining ‘on the pole and you are certain the Epoxiglas resin is exposed. 5. Buster the end of the pole lightly, approximately 1/16" co 1/8”, with Epoxiglas Bond. Excessive coating will be pushed ahead of che pole during assembly and will prevent pole from seating fully inserted, 6. Assemble the ferrule on the pole in a manner 10 obrain maximum filling of voids becween the owo parts and to exclude air pockets. If the space between the pole and the ferrule is not filled com- pletely, with no seam showing, withdraw the pole and apply additional adhesive to the sanded area. 7. During installation the ferrule may be gently tapped onto the pole. Forceful hammering of the casting may damage the casting or the pole and is not to be permitted 8. Remove excess adhesive on the pole after assembly, flush with the end of the ferrule, 9. Using the rivet holes in the ferrule as guides, care: fully drill matching holes of the correct diameter through the le, taking care not co enlarge the ferrule. Do this while the adhesive is 10, Install new rivets of the same size and material as the original assembly. Swage the heads on each tend, taking care not to damage or crush the ferrule. Dress the rivets smooth with a fine file. 11. Allow 48 hours for adhesive to cure before removal Of the pole from the repair area. WARNING If the original assembly employed a plug, at the end of the pole for added tensile or cantilever strength, a hardwood or Epoxy- bonded plug of the same size must be properly. installed in che replacement pole. Failure to do this will reduce both tensile and cantilever loading appreciably. PROTECTING TOOLS DURING TRANSPORTATION When teansporting hot line tools from one location +0 another, containers should be provided which will pre- vent damage to the surfaces of the individual tools, or the tools should be mounted on racks in trucks oF trailers. These racks should be well padded and so con- structed that the tools are held firmly in order to prevent damage to them or the tow vehicle. Many hot stick trailers are equipped with heaters so they can be used as drying cabinets when the tools are stored between, jobs. SECTION 11 MANUFACTURE AND CARE INSPECTING TOOLS Check each tool regularly for indications that the tool may have been overstresed; this type of damage is evidenced by bent or cracked parts, Bene rivets or bolts fre signs thae ferrules have been piled away from their original positions and have damaged che handle. Chece metal parts of the tools for excessive wear and other visible damage. Excessive strain will overstress the parts and weaken them, and weakened parts may Cause the tool t0 fail ata later date, even when support ing a load considerably lower than the Load for which the rool was designed. Therefore, if there should be any Aoube about the condition of = tool, or part thereof, it should be thoroughly tested before being used. REPAIRING BROKEN METAL MEMBERS Welding and brazing of broken metal members is not recommended inasmuch as the metal adjacent to the weld would be impaired or the original heat treatment of the part destroyed. If a tool has been overstressed {0 the point that some metal pare is broken, other parts may also have been weakened. Such a tool is dangerous {0 use and it should be either discarded or refiteed with new metal fittings. USING LIMITATIONS Many tools are broken as a result of improper use. I¢ is important, therefore, chat linemen use each cool in an approved manner and only to accomplish the job for which ic was specially designed. New equipment should be thoroughly understood before ic is placed into service. This applies to safe mechanical loads as well as the proper method of operation. Linemen must now the approximate weight of a conductor span and the line tensions with which they are dealing, ‘CAUTION Do not exceed the manufacturer's ratings in the use of hot line tools. Linemen should always become accustomed t0 the use of anew tool before bsndling energized conductors with i On-the-job is nor the proper place to leara the use of an unfamiliar cool ‘unless someone is on hand co demonstrate its correct use. Extreme care should be exercised when loading a tool to the point where it Bends nociceably. It is easy t bend a tool a litte more cach time itis used, losing conteol of the tool and Causing damage 1 the handle. ‘Therefore, bending should always be kepe at a minimum, When in doubt regarding the load that can be sifely imposed upon tool, either a lager tol should be used or two identical tools employed to carry the load, Swivel rings installed ton wire tongs, forthe purpose of ataching rope blocks, should be located at the end of the wire tong. 24 inches from the head is considered maximum ia all cases and, if possible, the distance should be shorter 0 provide greater strength and less Likelihood of breaking the wire {ong. For exceptionally heavy Toads a link stick with Tope blocks should be attached fo the conductor to aid the wire tong. 23 SECTION As the use of electrical power increases, power loads increase and, consequently, the power sup- plier’s responsibility for continuous service also increases. Interruptions are costly to the user as well as ¢o the supplier. Many double circuits built for the purpose of switching the load while repairs are being made have been put into continuous use to take care of load expansion. Therefore, line repairs mean shutdowns, unless hot line tools and experienced hot stick crews are readily avail- able to maintain the line “hot.” In the early stages of the training program, i¢ will be helpful if both trainers and trainees are made to realize that hot line work is the safest form of line maintenance. The record proves that hot line work on high voltage lines is actually safer than work with protective equipment on lower voltage lines or maintenance work on “cold” lines which could possibly become energized while the line is being worked. Linemen working with hot sticks ‘on high voltage lines are always conscious of the danger involved and, being aware of this danger, they work more cautiously and keep a safe distance. ‘The firse step in developing hot stick crews 0 hhandle hot line maintenance is che selection and training of linemen. Many private power com- panies, R. E. A. organizations, and government op- erated utilities conduct elaborate training schools where linemen can receive hot stick instructions fon all types of transmission lines used by the particular company. Courses of instruction in the proper performance of this work usually include classroom instruction as well as field practice on “dummy” structures. ‘One of the prime purposes of the training school is to determine the aptitude of each candidate for hot line work. General qualifications for a man, mentally and physically equipped to perform hot line maintenance, are high and it is generally agreed that men taking such courses must make a creditable showing in order to qualify for this type of work. If it is found that a man does not possess the proper temperament for hot line work, he should be assigned to other duties within the range of his particular capabilities. 3-0 —TRAINING HOT STICK CREWS ‘Three of the most significant factors in the out- standing record for safety of the hot stick crews are: 1) a high degree of manual skill; 2) first rate coordination; and 5) calm, even temperament of the men performing this work. Linemen must be able to exercise sound judgment when manipu- lating hor sticks, and must be able co work intel- ligently with theie hands. Furthermore, the hot stick crewman must be able to remain cool and uunruffled under any circumstance as a protection to himself, as well as to others working with him fon the job, To the man who serves as foreman of hot stick erews, these safety requirements are even more severe. The foreman must be able to deter mine the unspoken feeling of his men, and must refrain from becoming angry and shouting excited- Iy, regardless of circumstances. ‘The hot stick crewman must be a “trained mechan- ie” since it is extremely important that he under- stand thoroughly how each tool is supposed to function and be able to recognize whether or not the tool is functioning properly. To accomplish this, he must understand how the tool is con- structed and how it is intended to be used. He should know why a tool cannot be used in certain ‘ways which would cause damage to it. (Knowing. the improper use is as important as knowing the correct use.) For instance, the lineman should be advised that the long handles on hand tools are intended for insulation and working convenience, and are not to be used as levers. Several power companies have built elaborate training yards containing all types of structures, used on the companies’ transmission lines, These structures are standard size, except that many poles and towers have been shortened for the conveni- ‘ence of the beginning student. Also, for the begin- ‘ner, most of these dummy lines are “cold,” so that, the trainee can acquire the proper feel of his tools. and gain confidence before actually operating on ‘energized lines. For the more advanced student, the lines are sometimes charged high enough to be respected, but not high enough to be dangerous. ‘A certain amount of classroom instruction should precede actual operation on these pole and tower replicas. However, after the basic fundamentals hhave become familiar to the student lineman, he should be teansferred to the training grounds for field practice, since no adequate substitute has been discovered for “learning by doing. (On these training grounds the men learn to work hot line tools under actual operating condi tions where they become accustomed to the maxi ‘mum stresses that can be applied to their cools, and learn to judge the size of tool needed for a partic. ular job. The men are taught how to position the equipment on the pole, or structure, so chat it can be operated without interfering with other equip- ‘ment, conductors, oF personnel, The safety and case with which hot line mainten- ance can be performed depends, in a large mex tte, upon the manner ia which the equipment is laced’ on the structure. The proper ssquence of bperation is also important anda students become ‘milla with the work, they should be encouraged to discuss each job with the foreman before the ‘work is started. When the best and safest mexhod has been carefully decided upon, the job can be txecuted without interruptions made necesary by lack of proper planning. SECTION It TRAINING HOT STICK CREWS Before leaving for the training ground, students should be taught to check their equipment to make certain that everything needed for the job has been included. During the training course, the men should be taught how to handle and care for their tools while working on the job. Some com- nies instruct foremen to inspect each tool be: fore it is used, and again before it is stored after, the job has been completed, ‘The training procedures employed by some com- Panies, where several hot stick crews are to be developed, is to first train the foreman, or men selected a5 instructors; then let this group train the crews. ‘The A. B. Chance Company, and other manufac- turers, are anxious to cooperate in these trainin school endeavors by providing instructors ant demonstrators whenever possible. In addition, sev ‘eral motion pictures in color, some of them with sound, have been produced to show the proper use of hot line tools on various jobs, These films are available from the Advertising Department of the A. B. Chance Company, at no cost to the user. Requests for films, however, should be made well jin advance of the showing time, so that the films may be scheduled for the desired date, Training Grounds with Short Poles and Towers Simplify Training of Hot Stick Crews 31 SECTION IV— WORKING LOADS FOR PRINCIPAL HOT LINE TOOLS ‘The maximum load any hot line tool will support without danger of breaking, depends upon the position of the tool on the structure and its relation, to other tools used in conjunction with it, ‘The following tables and accompanying diagrams show the maximum loads that can be applied to ‘wire tongs when used as pictured. In the case of link sticks and miscellaneous tools,the load values given in the tables refer to the normal direct loads that can be applied. Loading for certain variations can be readily calculated; however, caution should be exercised when loading a tool near the limit given in the tables. ‘The maximum working load given in the wire tong table represents the actual breaking load as determined by cests, less 15 percent for possible variations in the structure, and the result divided by a safety factor of two. When it becomes neces- sary to use wire tongs to handle larger wire sizes oor larger spans than the ones mentioned in che table, double tongs should be employed. Where small diameter tongs are listed, a larger diameter tong should be selected. It should be remembered that loading increases considerably at hilltop structures, the extra weight depending upon che steepness of the line grade. It is possible that this force may exceed the weight of the conductor. ‘Therefore, hilltop and other unusual problems re- quire special analysis in the selection of wire tongs. 40 SECTION IV WORKING LOADS ‘WIRE TONGS—WORKING LOADS i a wore | _ Mex Sed ne 1/212 13x16 Lever Lift Seddle ..... 275 Lever Lift v2 2x2 Lever Lift 2 | 2n/2x12 Lever Lift 1/2 3x12 Lever Lift 12 | 3x14 Lever Lift 12 | 3x16 Lever Lift, 2x8 21/2x12 Saddle 21/2x12 [2x8 Saddle 24/2 Soddle MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS— WORKING LOADS ‘Max. Working Load {im Pounds) LINK STICKS— Wire Tong Sade 1000 WORKING LOADS ‘Wire Tong Saddle Ext. 800 Pole Diameter [Max Work toad Extension Cain 2500 Type in inches)” | (In pounds) iw eel {im povade) Rope Snubbing Bracket 1000 Sain THe 3500 peed ia auth Single Lever Litt 1500 Roller 1a ‘000 Double Lever Lift 750 (each trunnion) Suspension uz 00 TwoPole Strain Carrier 18000 (Epoxiglas) Double String Dead-End Tool* 12,000 (Epoxiglas), Utility Patform 750 Universal Platform 600 & 800, at OSHA REQUIREMENTS FOR MINIMUM DISTANCES Table V-1 reads as follows: Alternating Current — Minimum Distances Voltage Range (Phase to Phase) Kilovott 21 to 16 151 to 35 35.1 to 46 46.1 to 725 726 to 121 138 to 145, 161 to 169 230 to 242 345 to 362 500 to 852 700 to 765 “11 feet Minimum Voltage ‘and Clear Hot Stick Distances Beet tinch 2test 4 inches 2feet 7 inches Steet Oinches Steet inches Steet 6 inches fest inches Stest inches Btest 6 inches inches * 14 feet 11 inches “NOTE: For 345-362kv, 500-852kv and 700- 765kv, the minimum working distance and. the minimum clear hot stick distance may be reduced providing they are not less than the shortest distance between the energized part and a grounded surface. CONDUCTOR REFERENCE CHARTS ALUMINUM CABLE—STEEL REINFORCED Acsk stronting, Weight copper Diamar, umber and Somer pounds Atunioum eed Charon, inches as sen eS 1000 wort cic min] savore | ciemie | y, Compiew | Stal feet or'awe | ‘inches | or'awe | Abmioum Seal | conductor | coe Srenete < 6 Gxoor | oie | S2sr | ota | 35 an Sporrow 2 ‘ gxoros | 1x01052 | 036 | onose | 506 a3 Spero 2 “ Sxoome | ixoia | 032 | ata | ses | sos7 oven vo | oo | 2 sxors7 | rxo1s7 | oa | on | sus | se Soci 20 | ohms | i Ssor | zou | oa | ono | Jas | tent Paeon 3 | aims | vo szoter | 1x16 | 0302 | ore | oa | 2309 Perouin we | creer | 2/0 Scone | taotee | ose | cree | sae | ena worving | 268000 | o20%5 | 370 | wexorm | rsorm7 | osop | oar | ries | 2097 Onl 2sso0o | o20%9 | 3/0 sozie | 7x00 | osm | ozo | rare | dea Ponwidge | 66000 | O20 | 370 | aeaotors | 7aoore | ose | once | tie | Sera comin | 300000 | 02355 | 108700 | zexo107a | 7xo0ess | asso | o2s0s | 1258 | atze inerin | s26400 | ose | wo | rexorser | rxosse | ose | oxrser | 1262 | 3653 Uier Sasaoo | ozee | 4/0 | asroris | 7rooeee | 720 | o2sse | 13e | dao One | 336100 | base | 470 | Sosotos» | Fuoros | oxar | oa | tae | Sern chikodee | 397500 | o3i22 | zs0000 | rexor4es | 1x01 | a7 | ones | ran | aio fron So7soo | ose | 250000 | decors | 7rooess | 772 | o2sre | '~ st ibe Sers0o | oarze | 5000 | 2exoime | 7roose | o7es | o2ees | ra | sar tore ses | O3% | 230000 | Gosors! | 7xoms | aos | Ons | tao | Ge reicon | «77000 | ares | 00000 | oxox | rxor620 | osu | or | rsie | sis fice’ | 477000 | o3ras | 300000 | 24zoreo | 7i00%0 | oa | 200 | 1s | sus How ‘roo | oars | de0000 | eroisse | 7xorass | ase | oats | recor | ssse hen ‘roeo | 93748 | 300000 | Zosorzs | 7ror261 | ome | cara | tee | tars omiey | 556500 | o4s71 | ss0000 | rexorse | rxarrse | oars | oxse | raz | 604 Foroteer | sseso0 | Oasri | 50000 | zesorses | 7aot0is | ase | o3ous | 1702 | iv Fesle 5ses00 | o.a71 | asoo00 | Soxonssa | 7roasee | 0950 | oanes | 1760 | are 42 SECTION IV WORKING LOADS ALUMINUM CABLE—STEEL REINFORCED (continued) nese oon connor | number and Sameer Dione babar a sevice “Frond inches ines nw eS 1000 wet cen | soe | cree | yy weer | compe | set | om | tee wae | her | awe | Atminom condor | tow | Amer teoc | osooo | aa7sa | sensc0 | zanoisee | 7aoios | om | ove | v7 | 77 Secot" | sosooo | sizsa | Sanso0 | fssosas | Frais | Sree | ase | ion | te real Sasoco | oars | 3eosoo | dozoreo | wroosse | ome | ose | taro | 0 su «as000 | o4res | so2000 | asxoisae | 1xors | oso ous Knghres | s3soo0 | 94995 | ‘tooo0o | Tasoreso | inaiao | Soo on ex sooo | Oxms | ‘ooo | aecoreas | 7roroms | ovr a Srosvesk | Soso00 | os | Mooo0o | Zevorsce | rraimte | ooo a. font ‘soo | oars | tooo | lororese | reroomre | tow ve saso0 | osrse | sra00 | rexorv0s | axooees | 095s on stonings | eassco | oszas | as000 | a4xoreer | rxorm | 1000 aso. Gomer” | S660 | S325 | ‘tooo | Zezore, | Protea | tore m rrsseo | osez0 | eso000 | zexorar | rears: | sore | oss | roe | om iissco | ossz0 | ‘0000 | Zexorase | 7roaam | tom | ean | tase | yas rissoo | Ssez0 | ‘socc0 | dozatsu | wroore | ion | case | zon | aan 773000 | oss | sooo | sexorese | rxorass | ro | ones | rg | cos Jeso00 | sae | Soooco | aszotser | rroamse | tae | ones | ton | toe Yoso0o | Sansa | Sooo | aerate | Frormis | ore | oace | zea | sone yosc00 | daze | Sooo | Srzorzis | zroms | ton | tase | 2a | tore yeso0 | Sezee | So0o00 | zesoire | 7roraeo | top | eaoe | 200 | tone yeseeo | Oszee | 500000 | Soxorczs | rosoom | tive | Sao | ata | ts 0000 | ares | seeooo | assorse | zoom | rar | om | — | ros sooo. | Sree | Seeooo | S2zotaen | Froszr | ter | oaer | 2aso | toe ys1000 | ozs | soooco | asxorene | ror | sso | oseee 8 fi S5i000 | e700 | sooee | aszarse | Paget Gast | zis | ars Ecrainat | 50000 | G70 | sooceo | Sezataae | Presse” | ites | ose | tae | thao toneger | 1033500 | asny | ssooce | asxorere | rxosere | rsa | ore | — | roe Graton | iosssoo | osiiy | sso00 | dssoasts | rere | tz | o2es' | 20m | Ves Girew | tosasoo | Genny | Ssoo00 | Sesontes | Frosses | tae | oats | dora | 1381 sueiey | rng000 | oarar | roo000 | assorsre | rxoso | ras | ons | 200 | sass. finer” | ina000 | darat | Joo000 | Setonce | reas | ta | oar | ire | ran soning | 192500 | 09966 | 750000 | asxoreze | rxosoes | aoe | osze | zu | 1344 Grodle | tis2so0 | Osaes | 750000 | Sanotane | rove | 1393 | aaa | Za | 1300 samen | 272000 | 09990 | soooc0 | assorse | aor | ras | ose | ae | ase Fieoon | java00 | osovo | sooo | Sesosss | sears | tae | oat | a0 | Yass Dioner | rasisoo | 062 | asoooo | saxo | zaonss | ras | oss | zas2 | 1522 Monin | ‘35is00 | 1062 | tsoom | Sexersee | wroarer | tare | oars | dive | 1307 setotnk | sro | raz | soo000 | asxorres | rons | saa | oa | ans | rai Flower” | tasiooo | haa | Gooo00 | Sanereze | rpnaom7 | tes | cae | 2259 | tuo wom | rsiosoo | 166 | ss0000 | assorms2 | raoranr | r4se | oss | a2 | 202 rarer” | 1sioso0 | tee | dso | Sazerere | wraroca | aoe | ose | iare | the tapwing | 1390000 | 1249 | roooo0e | assores0 | rxor29 | soe | oa7s | 2a | 1702 foxon” | 1sp0000 | 1249 | tooo | Sexoane | rsoooo | ta | ots | dar | doce comtor | 7e0000 | sae | sive | acsorss | wxooer | rece | our | — | zor stuebies | 2056000 | 1499 | 1252000 | aaxorsoa | wxoo% | 702 | oa | — | 2sn ici | moron | 1702 | rastoco | rexovas | rxons | az | ose | — | 2200 43 SECTION IV HARD DRAWN COPPER WORKING LOADS T aman Oana ae i eae Conn 4 Sea ce { * ‘Steal, ound 1006 feet 1000 mcm) a7 1.535 43830 veonen | a7 ae 30510 ‘800 MCM 7 1413 ‘35120 - 750 nom 7 7 aH 2400 76 7oomem | - 963 1.347 31170 ne "600 Mem 7 391 121s 27020 1833 "500 Mom a 1138 22510 1544 S00 mem an 1135 21950 1344 sono ® 70 1086 12750 400 mom 726 1.050, 17560 135 350 mom 1” om 7.008 15390 vo8 200 mom eae 980 ‘a0 v6 250 Mom 1 574 398 11360 72 4 ” 528 1 800 9617, 653 ae fee aise ost 30 «|? Ey 736 7366 518 270 7 414 686 6270 “7 10 7 ae 0 870 ma ~ a0 a ae [300 79 328 516 532 "3940 255.5 ae a7 499 3675 253.3 320 508 su 2913 202.9 _ 292 480 7 3130 202.5 [as “se rr 3000 “20087 2 ma rm 7 re 7 232 pan0. 436 1998 129 ‘Solid 204 392 408 1950 tee ‘No. 6 3 201 389 “405 1204 80.25 or 7 7 a7 ate aa a No. 6 ‘Solid 162 350 366 1275, 995 COPPERWELD AND COPPERWELD-COPPER Taner Gea Brae fo ee oe Iupeessesrea 000 rect oe vor eo ma - iF 346 618 670 _ “ar 308 496 - 512 “ ae ae oo as 7 3 1006 - 4a a 161.5 sk - 3 7 128.1 ry 2 i — Tone 44 SECTION V—HOT LINE TOOLS nor SETONY WIRE TONGS cn NOTE: Refer to Manufacturer's Catalog for selection of proper ol to accommodate maximom and minimum Conductor sizes. Wire songs, sometimes referred co as life sticks, holding sticks, et are generally we on pipe or suspensiontype conseruction for mancuvering Sd holding live conductors clear of the working area, or for wansferring conductors 9 new post tions. Wire tongs are sade ia.a variesy of sizes from eighe to 16 feet long and in diameters of from 1-1/2 inches to chree inches. Some of the longer tongs are made of 3 inch diameter sec- tions fied with disconnecting splice ac the Center 30 that tools can be shortened for easy transportation. The two sections can be joined in Seconts, and the joint i actually stronger than an Uinjointed tong of the same length Although there are some wood wire tongs still available and many still in use, the majoricy of ‘wire tongs made today are of some kind of plastic. Chance Wire Tongs are constructed of Chance Epoxiglas® as described on page 2-0 of this manual. The greater the voltage to be worked on, the longer the insulating handle becween the conductor and the lineman; and the heavier the load, the larger the diameter of the wire tong. ‘Wire tong jaws are opened and closed by rotating, the pole while the jaws are in contact with the conductor. A swivel ring, into which blocks may be attached to assist in raising and lowering the tong, is attached at the opposite end of the pole. Fittings for these tools are made of heat treated. aluminum alloy for combining strength with ight weight. When engaging conductors, wire tongs should al- sways be held securely by wire tong saddles, slide supports, lever lifts, or other applicable devices. Wire tongs are not intended forte a8 lok sticks and should not be employed for grasping dead-end clamps, cum-a-longs, semi-corner fitings, or other applications of this nature. They are intended 45 load supporting sticks for conductors. For help ‘of the correct size tongs for con- andiled, refer to the Load Table oF ‘write to factory for assistance, ‘Wire tongs are ordinarily used in pairs. In most cases, a 1-1/2 inch diameter wire tong will be held Top — Lifting snd Holding Tongs Attached to Conductor in a saddle clamp located as nearly opposite the Center — Attaching Swivel Ring to Wire Tong Band conductor as practical. This tool will be used as “ a holding tong and will control the movement of Bottom — Engaging Wire Tong in Saddle Clamp 51 Top — Tightening Saddle Clamp om Wire Tong Center ~ Blocks in Place for Raising Lifting Tong Bottom —Wire Tong Blocks Clamp Used om Holding Tons 52 the conductor toward or away from the pole of tower, A larger and longer wite tong will be held inh saddle clamp, located ss far down on the pole 4 practicable, for supporting the weight of the Conluctor, This tong. must be maneuvered with fope blocks at the Tower end so-as to asist in Fabing and lomering the tong, and. with blocks tached neat the jaw end for’ moving it ioward or outward. The upper sec of blocks is attached {0 the wire cong by means of a wire cong band Which shouldbe located as near the upper end Or the pote as practicable, considering che voltage. involved When attaching «wo wire tongs to a conductor, the lifting tong can be turned in either direction, Although i is usualy secured with the jaw opening facing’the operator to enable him to de: termine at a glance whether or aot the jaw i closed Sround the conductor. The holding tong ean also ie positioned in either direction but i. usualy Connected with the jaw opening dowaward. Both tvire tongs should be clamped tightly to the con Auctor; however, nothing fs gained by overdight ening, as the design of the jaws makes ie impossible for the conductor to slip out of position until the jaws have been opened. “The wire tong band consists of 4 metal protective band’ clamped co the tong. with a screw in each Side and contains a groove into which a swivel ring is attached, When ‘ght, the swivel ting is free to rotate around the Band so that rope blocks can be attached for applying side pull'on the tong The wire tongs must be used with the correct size saddle clamps. The saddle clamp is opened by loosening the wing nut and the wire tong is then placed inside. After closing the clamp, the wing rut is hand tightened co any degree desired. When ‘moving conductors, the clamp is loosened slightly so that the wire tong will slide freely in the clamp. When it is desired to secure the conductor in any fone position, che wing nut is tightened to hold the wire tong securely in the saddie clamp. The inside surface of the clamp is smooth, with round ‘ed edges, and will not mar nor damage the sur face of the wire tong. Rope blocks should always be used on the lifting tong when it is desired to raise or lower the con: ductor to which it is attached. The upper block is hooked into the clevis on the saddle clamp, and the lower block is hooked into the swivel ring ‘on the wire tong. This enables all raising and lowering operations to be handled by ground personnel at the direction of the linemen on the pole or tower. ‘The wite tong blocks clamp may be used instead of a wire tong band when manipulating heavy Conductor withes 1-1/2 iach wire cong. The clamp is"Tecured to the holding tong and rope blocks attached to the ting on the clamp. This arrange tent places the pull inline withthe holding ton dnd. practically eliminates all bending strain on the tongs WIRE TONG SADDLES Wire tong saddles are used to secure wire tongs toa structure. Pole type saddles have a heat treated ‘aluminum alloy base which is attached to the pole by a chain and lever or wheel locking mechanism. ‘The tower saddles are attached with "J" bolts Cross arm saddles are secured with carriage bolts and corrugated plates. The locking mechanism on pole saddies consists of an adjustable tension de- vice which enables the lineman to snug the saddle to the pole by a single lever movement. Both the wheel and the lever tighteners have a safety device to secure the chain binder under load. Deliberate operation of the safety device is required (0 re- lieve tension on the binder. Clamps, for holding the wire tongs, are pivoted, fon the base. These clamps can be tightened to grip che wire tong securely without damaging the surface finish, or they can be loosened to permit the wire tong to slide while positioning a conduc- tor. Clamps are interchangeable and, if desired, the clamp can be replaced with a saddle clevis. Wire cong saddles are adaptable to any type of pole structure, and the tower saddle can be used on any type of steel tower construction. The cross arm saddle can be used on any wood arm. ‘To attach the saddle to a pole, hold the saddle in place as shown, and hook the chain into the hook which is attached to the lever. This can be accomplished easily, if held in the manner shown. After hooking the chain, move the lever to de- termine whether or not the chain is too tight or 00 loose. A half-link adjustment can be effected by shifting the bolt in the handle lever to a ferent position in the U-shaped slot. One end of the slot is halfchain link tighter than the other end. ‘The wheel tightener operates in much the same manner, except that the wheel is “cocked” before placing’ the chain in the hook and then released for the initial tightening. 53 SECTION V HOT LINE TOOLS Top — Engaging Chain in Chain Hook Bottom — Shifting Lever to Effect « Half Link Adjustment Top — Releasing Lever Lock Center — Cross Arm Type Saddle Attached 10 Typical Cross Arm Bottom Tower Type Saddle Attached to Angle Tower Leg 5A Top — Securing Lever to Tighten Saddle om Pole Bottom — Releesing Chain from Hook ‘When the proper link of the chain has been en- ‘gaged, and the handle shifted in the U-shaped slot to provide proper chain tension, the handle an be closed. After closing the handle, the saddle should be tight enough against the pole to prevent any possibility of shifting during operation. In order to release the saddle from the pole, grasp the handle and press the release lever with the thumb until free. ‘Then open the handle and un- hook the chain. (See illustration for an easy meth- ‘od of releasing the chain from the hook.) Lower the saddle to the ground. ‘The crossarm-type-saddle is used on underbuild ‘arms where working space is limited, or where the pole space is already crowded with pole saddles. ‘The pivoting action of the saddle's swivel and hinge action of the clamp attachment combine to provide universal joint movement which permits fompleeFreiom of wie tong movement in any ection. Universal wire tong movement is also provided for in the tower type wire tong saddle which is pivoted and hinged in the same manner as the cross arm saddle. This saddle is fastened securely to the angle steel tower leg by four hooks tightened by ‘wing nuts. A clevis which is bolted through the pivot lug, permits rope blocks to be attached so that they pivot with the wire tong. TIE STICKS ‘One of the most frequent operations that the hot line crewman is required to perform is the manipu- lation of tie wires. When insulators or crossarms are replaced, or any other operation performed which would necessitate the removal of the con- ductor from the insulator, the old tie wires must be removed and new tie wires installed when the conductor is restored to its original position. Some transmission lines are constructed with “cold” tie wires which are often wound around the con- ductor to the very ends of the ties. However, when, lines are to be maintained “hot,” tie wires having Iooped ends are installed to facilitate the removal of the old tie wires with hot line tools. No. 6 soft copper wire is generally used on conductors up to 1/0 stranded. From 1/0 stranded and up, No. 4 wire should be selected. ‘The various types of ties, and working methods of different linemen, have been responsible for the development of several types of tie sticks as showa in the accompanying illustration. These basic types are: rigid-blade type, three-prong type, rotary-blade type, two-prong type, and rotary prong type. Maintenance men have their own in- dividual preferences with regard co these tools and, any one of several types can be used successfully to perform the same operation. The most popular tool for handling looped hot line tie wires is the rotary-prong tool; however, the blade types are generally preferred for removing “cold” ties. The eworprong, three-prong, and rotary-prong sticks are each equipped with a "C” shaped assist ar- tached (0 the stick a short distance below the head. These assists are convenient for loosening, cold ties and for rolling or winding the loose ends of the ties as they are released so that they can be cut off in stages to prevent contact with arms, pins, hardware, guy wires, or conductors. Rolling. the old tie wire around the tie stick before cutting ‘eliminates the danger of the severed piece drop- ping into a danger zone, The "C” shaped assisc is also convenient for hanging the tie stick on a con- ductor while the stick is not in use. Rotary-blade fand rotary-prong tie sticks are the newest types. ‘The swivel action of these designs enable the line- man to make full turns on the tie wire without releasing contact, thus minimizing the possibility of kinking or burring the tie wire. Chance Epoxiglas® is now the construction of all Chance Hor Line Tools, as described on page 2.0 of this manual. Some sticks are equipped with ed ferrule on one end for attaching @ uni- 56 versal tie stick head or other universal fitting, Using a universal fitting on this end of the tie stick permits the accomplishment of certain jobs in the working area with fewer hot line tools. Several basic routines have been selected for this series of close-up views which should provide suf- ficient data to enable the lineman to handle other related operations not illustrated. Tie wire should be long enough for at least six turns around the conductor on each side of the insulator, plus the circumference of the portion of the insulator to which the tie wire is attached. In addition, enough length must be allowed for oop at the outer end, two or more turns at the loop tie, and another ewo or more turns at the in- sulator tie, The end loop should be approximately fone inch in diameter and secured with at least ewo full turns of the tie wire at the base of the loop. ‘On most jobs it is advisable to attach the tie wires to the insulators before sending them up che pole, and in all cases, the tie wires should be attached before the conductor is placed in the insulator groove. IMPORTANT SUGGESTIONS FOR MAKING HOT LINE TIES. 1, Two linemen, working alternately on each side, can produce a better tie with a greater degree of safety than one lineman working from one side only. 2. One lineman can aid wire tongs in holding the conductor tight in the insulator groove by pulling down with the tie stick on the opposite side while the other lineman makes the first tie-in. 3. Wraps on opposite sides of the insulator should be made in opposite directions. 4, When rigid:-blade tie ticks are used, they should be rotated as the wrap is being made. 5. A safe working distance should always be main- tained from hot lines and working ends of tie sticks. 6. Hot ties should always be used on new con 7. For best results, new ties should always be used. 8, Extreme care should be exercised at all times to prevent nicking the conductor with the tie stick. PROCEDURE 1, REMOVING “COLD TIES. a, If the outer end of the cold tie is wrapped tight against the conductor, either the “C” shaped assist on the side of the pole or the rigid blade should be employed for prying the end of the tie wire loose from the conductor. CAUTION Extreme care should be exercised when loosening these ends to prevent ‘king the conductor, as serious Jamage can resule by careless hgnd- ling. b. After the end of the cold tie has been re- leased, it should be unwound far enough by either of the above mentioned tools to permit a rotary blade (recommended) to be engaged with the end of the tie, The rotary blade has a "V" shaped opening which will grip the tie and facilitate the unwinding process, Use of the rotary blade speed the unwinding process; however, the rigi blade can be used if preferred. «. As the tie wire is being unwound, the loose end should be kept cit off san important safety measure. A preferred method of cutting the wite iro firs wind the end of ie around the te sack, which canbe accomplished with the "C™ assist or with a rigid blade, After enough of the te sve has been removed to cling to the tie sick, Ir should be cut off and the unwinding procedure Continued intl he te wite is fre of the conduc: tor Wining the exces te wif’ om the ik prevents any: possibility of ie falling into. danger zones when it is cut off. J “ Cutting. OF Loore 2. INSTALLING SINGLE “HOT” TIE ON SINGLE INSULATOR. Note On both single and double tes, tie wires should be attached to the in sulator with a clockwise ewist. The ties should also be wrapped around the conductor in a clockwise direc- tion on each side of the insulator to prevent untwisting the tie wite where {cis attached to the insulator. a. Form a loop in the end of the tie wire ap- proximately one inch in diameter, and make two complete turns around the tie wire at the base of the loop. These turns must be tight enough co prevent slippage, which would alter the size of the Tie Wire 57 SECTION V HOT LINE TOOLS Wrapping One of the Ties With Lineman's Pliers Double Ties im Place on Insulator 58 Joop. Determine the length of tie wire required for 2 otinimum of six full turns around the conductor pls the length required around the insulator, and Slow for two oF more turns to secre the te to the insulator. After the proper length has een Aletermined, cut the tle wire at the unlooped end b. Prepare a second tie wire in the same manner. ¢. Form a "U" in each tie wire to fit around the insulator and place the to wires in position fon the insulator Be sure to form the loop so that the wire wil fi closely around the inseltor, and Pull both tie wires tghay into poston 4. Using linemen’s pliers, tie each tie wire to the insulator with at least two turns at the un- looped ends of the tie, Make certain that the ties are tight around the insulator. fe, Shape the ties to form a letter “S" to prevent their extending t00 far from the insulator. f. With the conductor transferred to and held securely in the groove of the insulator, the tie wires are ready to be wrapped around the conduc- tor. This job can be done with whatever tie sticks the linemen prefer. The rotary-prong stick is em- ployed by many for faster tying of looped ties, Engage the tie wire with the rotary prong and begin the wrapping operation, Two or three turns can usually be performed with the prong act: ing against the tie wire near the conductor, Afcer the first few turns, the prong should be hooked into the loop at the end of che tie wire and wrap- ping continued until the end of the tie wire is reached. The tie wire must be turned at least six times around the conductor. A greater number of turns will result if extra length of tie wire has been allowed, When the tie is complete, only the loop should extend out from the conductor. NOTE ‘The tie wire should be rotated in op- wosite directions at each side of the insulator, hh The tie wire should be wrapped around the conductor evenly as a neat job is always the one having greater strengeh, 3. INSTALLING DOUBLE “HOT” TIE ON SINGLE INSULATOR. Make a one-inch loop on the end of the tie as previously described and determine the length required for a minimum of six turns around the conductor. Double this value for making a double tie, and add the circumference of the in. sulator plus the additional length required for at least two turns at the middle of the double tie to secure it to the insulator. Add sufficient length and form a loop on the opposite end of the tie 1b. Make up another double tie of the same length and place both tie wires around the insula tor so that the looped ends are in opposite direc- tions and parallel with the insulator groove. . Form the double ties closely around the in. ssulator and secure them to the insulator with at least two turns made with linemen's pliers. After wrapping, each double tie should be tight around the insulator and still in alignment with the insu- lator groove. 4. Shape the tie wires to form a letter “S” to prevent their extending too far from the insulator. «, Secure the conductor in the insulator groove and hold it in place by applying downward pres- sure on the wire tong at the opposite side of the insulator where the first tie isto be made. £. Using a rotary prong or other preferred tie stick, rotate the ewo wites of the double tie pro- _gressively to produce a smooth, even tie. The ties should not overlap each other on the conductor. & After tying the conductor at one side of the insulator, tie the opposite side in the same manner. When the tie is completed, only the loops should extend out above the conductor. Both Sides of the Double Tie Tied In 4, INSTALLING DOUBLE TIE ON DOUBLE ARM (TWO INSULATORS). NOTE On double arm structures, where ‘two insulators are located near each other, double ties should be em- ployed on each insulator. No tie should be attempted between the in- sulators due to inaccessibility. SECTION V HOT LINE TOOLS Wrapping One of the Tics With Uncman's Pliers Double Ties Ready Yor Tying Tn Tying Tn One Side of Imsalator With « Rofary Prong 59 Double Ties in Place on Double Arm Insulators The Angle Tie Completed a, Make up a double tie for each insulator and attach them to the insulators in accordance with instructions in paragraph entitled, "INSTALL. ING DOUBLE “HOT” TIE ON SINGLE INSULATOR.” The ties should face in a direction ‘opposite each other and should be parallel with the insulator grooves. b. Secure the conductor in the grooves of the ‘two insulators and hold the conductor in the groove by applying downward pressure on wi ongs attached ¢o the conductor a convenient di tance from the insulator. c. Using a rotary-prong stick or other preferred tool, wind the double tie around the conductor at the outside of one of the two insulators. Both ends of the tie wire should be wrapped progressively in order to produce a neat, secure tie. d. After the tie has been made on one side, release the wire tongs and make the tie on the opposite side of the two insulators in the same Tying In Opposite Insulator 5.10 5. ANGLE TIE ON SINGLE INSULATOR. a. Make up and attach ewo single ties to the insulator in accordance with instructions given in paragraph entitled, "INSTALLING | SINGLE HOT” TIE ON SINGLE INSULATOR.” In this, construction, the conductor will be located against the annular groove in the insulator where the tie wire is attached instead of in the groove in the top of the insulator. Both tie wires should be po- sitioned on the insulator so that the initial wrap around the conductor will be as close as possible to the wrap in the tie wire which secures it co the insulator, b, Remove the wire tongs from the conductor and tie the opposite side in accordance with pre- ceding instructions. SECTION V HOT LINE TOOLS LINK STICKS “\ Superson Unk Sis oe Link sticks are made in three different types: strain link stick, roller link stick, and suspension link stick, Strain link sticks are used principally for supporting heavy conductor loads either for assist: ing wire tongs or for supporting the entire load when changing insulators on running corners and, dead-end structures. Pole diameters of strain link sticks range from 1-1/4 inches to two inches, and, lengths range feom wo feet to 12 feet. Maximum working loads range from 3,500 pounds to 6,500 pounds, Roller link sticks are used principally to hold conductors aside when relocating poles in mid span. The head of a roller link stick is so con- structed that when the stick is rotated it closes the opening and leaves the head free to roll along. the conductor. The pole diameter of all roller link sticks is 1-1/4 inches. Suspension link sticks are designed for lifting conductors to relieve the strain from suspension insulacors on high voltage lines. These sticks are adjustable in length, and can be used with rope blocks, chain hoist, or ratchet strain jack. The fitting for holding the conductor is in the shape ‘of a hook which makes it easy to install and Top —Strain Link Stick Attached to Cumvalong STRAIN LINK STICKS Bottom — Strain Link Stick Helping Wire Tonge t0 On dead-end structures and running corners, a eee strain link stick is frequently used between rope 51 Top —Two Strain Link Sticks Supporting Middle Conductor on H.Prame Strwctare Center — Roller Link Stick uted at Mid Span Bottom —Two Suspension Link Sticks Supported by Ratchet Strain Jacks and Brackets ow Tower frm blocks and a cum-a-long clamp to provide ade- quate insulation, When used in this manner, the head of the link stick should be clamped to the clevis of the cum-a-long and the rope blocks hooked into the swivel ring at the butt end. Some conductor loads, particularly on long spans and Heframe structures, may be greater than can be safely handled with wire tongs. To supplement the wire tongs a link stick is frequently attached to the conductor alongside the wire tong and sup- ported from above, or from one side, by rope blocks operated simultaneously with the rope blocks attached to the wite tong. Strain link sticks are frequently used to support the middle conduc: tor on an H-frame structure when changing insu- ators or cross arms, By attaching rope blocks to the structure near the point where the cross arm is attached to each pole, the link stick and rope block combinations form a “V," permitting the conductor to be lowered straight down or deflected to either side, if desired, ROLLER LINK STICKS ‘The accompanying illustration shows a roller link PLACEMENT METHODS.") When the above ‘method is employed, a rope line should be tied o the butt ring of the link stick and secured to a temporarily installed serew anchor or stationary object. A roller link stick can also be used to measure the clearance between the con- ductor and the ground. This is accomplished by tying a rope line co the butt ring and attaching the link stick to the conductor at a pole located at one ‘end of the span to be measured. As the lineman walks along the ground under the conductor, the rope line is marked with tape at desired locations, and distances measured after removing the link stick and rope line from the conductor. This pro- vides an easy method for measuring clearances above highways, railroads, etc. SUSPENSION LINK STICKS ‘The accompanying illustration shows two suspen. sion link sticks being used with ratchet strain jacks attached to the structure with strain jack brackets. Several brackets are available for attach- ing the strain jacks co either a steel or wood structure. If the structure does not lend itself to the use of ratchet strain jacks, either rope blocks for chain hoists can be attached to the butt rings ‘of the suspension link sticks to raise or lower the conductor, The strain hook at the lower end of the stick is adjustable to accommodate different Iengths of insulator strings. AUXILIARY ARMS ‘Three basic auxiliary arms are used for holding conductors while damaged insulators or cross arms are being changed on pole structures. The rigid auxiliary arm is attached 0 one side of the pole for holding two conductors of a three-phase line while the third conductor is anchored with wire tongs on the opposite side of the pole. A chain binder clamps and safely locks the auxiliary arm to the pole. The arm is held in a horizontal posi- tion by a rigid brace pole. The rigid brace pole is equipped with a clevis at one end for securing, it to the arm, and a “Y” shaped fork ac the bottom, for bracing against the pole. ‘A “dual” auxiliary arm can be used as a side arm for moving “hot” conductors to the side of the ‘working area or as a lifting arm for raising chem above the working area. Wire tongs are used for lifting and supporting the dual arm, All Chance auxiliary arms are constructed from, Chance Epoxiglas and are to be cared for in the same manner as other hot line tools. Each type of auxiliary arm is available in various lengths. SECTION V HOT LINE TOOLS FPF Auntiory Sido Arm Top —Ausiliary Arm Supported With « Brace Pole Center — Ausiliary Arm Supported With a Wire Tong Bottom — Wire Tong Head Attached t0 a Stirrup 54 ‘Numerous attachments are available for auxiliary arms. Among these are: wire holders, wire holder tong attachments, wire tong arm stirrups, and ary arm clamps. ‘Various uses of the auxiliary arms are illustrated throughout this manual and specific installation instructions are given in this series of close-up views for the auxiliary arm. 1, INSTALLING AUXILIARY SIDE ARM. a, Clamp the pole clevis to the pole with the chain binder. b, Remove the long bolt from the binder and connect the auxiliary arm to the bracket with the bolt. c. Attach the brace pole to the auxiliary arm at a location which will provide a strong supporting angle with the arm. The brace pole is attached to the auxiliary arm bracket with a bolt. 4d. Raise the brace pole until the auxiliary arm is in an approximate level position and adjust the rope between the pole clevis and the fork ac the Jower end of the brace pole. This will hold che brace pole in position and provide ample support for the auxiliary arm. «. In the case of the dud auxiliary arm, instead ‘of the brace pole, attach a wire tong arm stirrup to the auxiliary arm ata location which will per mic the wire tong to be adjusted to an approximate ‘Bedegree angle with the pole. f, Determine the proper location for a wire tong saddle and attach the saddle, with a wire tong saddle clevis attached, to the pole. ig. Attach the wire tong to the wire tong arm stirrup on the auxiliary arm, and engage the ring at the lower end of the wire tong in the saddle levis. 2. INSTALLING AUXILIARY LIFTING ARM. a, Atach a wire holder tong attachment (0 the swivel ring on the end of a wire tong and tighten it securely in place. b. Locate a dual auxiliary arm clamp attach- ment at the center of the auxiliary arm and engage the wire tong in the clamp. The wire tong should extend above the auxiliary arm the same distance as the height of the center conductor above the two side conductors on the three-phase line to be serviced. c. Locate a wire tong arm stitrup near each end of the auxiliary arm and tighten securely in place. d. Attach a wire tong pole clevis to the wire tong toward the head of the tong, which will be at the lower end when installed on the pole. Do not tighten until the proper location is determined. €. Clamp a wire tong to each arm stirrup and ‘engage the swivel ring of each tong in the wire tong pole clevis, These two wire tongs are co be used as braces for the auxiliary arm, £, Tighten the wire cong pole clevis on the wire tong. The auxiliary arm is now ready to be stalled on the pole, where it is held by cwo wire tong saddles, having clamps the same size as the ‘wire cong used for lifting the auxiliary arm, 3. ENGAGING CONDUCTORS IN WIRE HOLDERS. a. Make certain that the wire holder is in a closed position, and move the conductor to a loca- tion just above the wire holder. b, Lower the conductor carefully into the wire holder so that it trips the safety latch, The safety latch should automatically fall back into a closed position as soon as the conductor reaches the bot- tom of the wire holder. 4, DISENGAGING CONDUCTOR FROM WIRE HOLDERS. a. Using a rotary tie stick or disconnect stick, engage the ring in the safety latch of the holder and rotate the safety latch to a fully open position, , Raise the conductor out of the wire holder. ‘The conductor will lift the safety latch aucomati- cally as it emerges from the holder. SECTION V HOT LINE TOOLS Top ~ Ausiliry Lifting Arm in Raited Position Center — Engaging Conductor in Wire Holder Bottom ~ Disengaging. Conductor from Wire Holder 515 LEVER LIFTS ‘The lever-lift type wire tong support is employed where working space on the pole is limited, or on Hframe or heavy suspension insulator construc: tion for raising or lowering conductors with wire tongs. Two types of lever lifts are in general use; fone is a single type designed for supporting a single wire tong, and the other isadouble type used for supporting two wire tongs. Each type is equipped with a clevis for atcaching rope blocks and has a safety locking chain binder for quick, safe application on the pole. The coral lift of the single support is 20-3/4 inches. ‘The double lever lift is particularly adapted for use on H-frame structures for supporting the weight of conductors on suspension insulator op- erations. Like the single lever lift, i is secured to the pole with a chain binder and has a total lift of 20-3/4 inches. Wire tongs of any size can be attached by removing the wing nuts, slipping the bute rings of the tongs on the shaft extensions, and replacing the wing nuts ‘The accompanying illustrations show typical in: stallations of both single and double lever lifts with rope blocks supported at the upper end by a rope snubbing bracket, or a rope sling can be used if desired. The clevis, used at the end of each lever lift attaching the lower rope blocks, will rotate ‘on the same pin that holds the wire tong, per- mitting freedom of movement. When two lever lifts are required, one at each side of the pole, the safety chains permit them to be attached at virtually the same height. When both lifts are to be raised all the way, one set of rope blocks can be used to raise one of the lever lifts, then transferred co the other one. Top —Single Lever Lift Raising Wire Tong Bottom — Double Lever Lift Raising Tico Wire Tons? TWO-POLE STRAIN CARRIER NOTE: Refer to Manufacturer's Catalog for selection of proper {ool to accommodate maximum and mnimumn Conductor sizes. “he ewo pole cars, sometimes referred ta the single string dead-end insulator tool, is designe fo relieve the strain from a string of dead-end insulators (0 permit their removal from energized lines. This tool s adaptable to pole, cross arms, { tr tower arms. The back yoke. can be placed behind a pole and secured with a pole strap, or it ‘may be chained in front of the pole, toa ross arm, or steel tower member. Interchangeable sockets Ste available to fit compression dead-end bodies. The forward yoke is fie with a cum-a-long hook, which can be hooked into acumma-long, for se of Tines fitted with snubbing type conductor clamps This forward yoke is also. esting with eye bolts for supporting an insulator cradle when itis de- siced to suspend the insulator string atthe forward nd, Illustrations inthis series show three typial methods for ataching the twopole sain case to the conductor. The variations required to adapt it to other uses should be obvious, 43 Top Damaged Insulator String Attached to Compression Type Desd'tnd Body Center —Inttalling Compression Sleeve Fitting Compression Sleeve Fitting im Place to Receive Porward Yo Bottom ~ Tightening. Eye-Bolt in the Compression sleeve Filling “ 547 ‘Top — Installing Forward Yoke Gonter—Forward Yoke Rotated to a Horizontal Postion Center —Both Hot Sticks Attached to Forward Yoke Bottom — Hooking Take-Up Pivot Into Back Yoke INSTALLATION 1, DEAD-END STRAIN CLAMP — COMPRESSION TYPE. a, Engage the eye bolt of the compression sleeve fitting with a clamp stick, open the clamp wide enough to fit over the compression dead-end body, and lower the sleeve into place. b. Tighten the eye bolt with a clamp stick to secure the clamp to the shank of the dead-end body, and make certain that the clamp rests against the shoulder at the clevis end of the dead-end body. cc. Estimate the distance from the edge of the conductor clamp socket to the back of the pole, and adjust the two-pole strain carrier to the cor- rect length. Tighten the eye bolts securely at the forward ends of the poles. NOTE Be sure to allow enough room for take-up on the take-up outs. . Attach the back yoke to the pole. Ordinarily, the back yoke is attached to the back of the pole ‘opposite the insulator string and secured to the pole with the pole strap. If space does not permit, the back yoke can be attached to the front of the pole with a chain attached to the back yoke. It can also be attached to cross arms or other types of structures with this chain. In addition, a strain jack lug can be used as an accessory to clamp the bback yoke to a steel tower or other structure where this method of attachment would be more desirable. «¢. Disengage one pole from the forward yoke and, while holding the forward yoke with the other pole, straddle the conductor with the yoke util che conductor is engaged in the clamp socket. ‘Then, slide the clamp socket over the shank of the dead-end body until it is engaged with the com- pression sleeve fitting. £. Rotate the forward yoke until it is in a horizontal position, and engage the take-up pivot at the reat end of the stick in the end of the back yoke on the same side of the pole. 1g Hook the pivot clamp of the other hot stick into the forward yoke, and make certain ic is secure, Thea, hook the take-up pivot into the back yoke, Make certain chat the eye bolts are installed in the back yoke to prevent the take-up pivots from falling out. b, Using a crescent wrench or ratchet handle, tighten the take-up nuts on the back pivots until the strain is removed from the insulator string. The two nuts should be tightened alternately to kkeep parts of the strain carrier in proper align- ‘ment and t0 equalize the strain on both poles of the strain carrier. i, The cotter key in the ball socket on the end of the insulator string can be released either be- fore or after the strain has been removed from the ifsulator string, The cotter Key should not be pulled all the way out, but far enough to dis- engage the ball-socket joint. 2. DEAD-END STRAIN CLAMP — BOLTED TYPE. NoTE Many bolted type dead-end strain clamps can be handled by the use of proper conductor clamp sockets. A typical example of a bolted type clamp is shown in the following illustration, a. Install the proper conductor clamp socket in the forward yoke of the ewo-pole strain carrier. '. Attach the forward yoke of the two-pole strain carrier to the conductor as previously in- structed. . Engage the second pole in the forward and back yokes as previously instructed. 44. With the ewo poles in place, relieve the strain con the string by tightening the take-up nuts at the back yoke, 3, DEAD-END STRAIN CLAMP — ‘SNUBBING TYPE. . Install the two-pole strain carrier in accord- ance with previous instructions, except that a cum-a-long hook and cum-along must be used. The cum-a-long hook is engaged in the socket of the forward yoke. b. Using a clamp stick hang a hot line cum-a- ong on the cum-a-long hook and push the cum Jong forward on the conductor to remove al slack. ‘Tighten the take-up nuts on the two-pole strain carrier until che tension is relieved from the insulator string. 4, Release the cotter Key in the ball joint with a cotter key puller attached to a universal stick. €. The insulator cradle can now be installed to support the insulators while the ball joint is dis- connected with a ball-socker adjuster attached to a universal stick, 519 SECTION V HOT LINE TOOLS Top —Tightening TakeUp Nuts Center — Releasing Cotter Key on Typical Insulator Siring ve Contr — Engaging Forward Yoke With Boled-T3pe, Dead-End Strain Clamp ree Bottom — Engaging Pivot Clamp in Forward Yoke Top —Two-Pole Strain Carrier in Position on Bolted Type, Dead-End Strain Clamp 4g Cumvaslong Clamp Out on Conductor With « Clamp Stick 4. USING TWO-POLE STRAIN CARRIER ON STEEL TOWER. a. In most cases, it will be necessary to attach the back yoke of the two-pole strain carrier to the tower with a chain, b. The chain should be wrapped around the bracket that holds the arm, or the insulator string ‘on the opposite side of the arm, and passed through the large hole at the center of the back yoke. This method of attachment enables the yoke to be positioned at any desired angle. 5. TWO-POLE STRAIN CARRIER ON DOUBLE ARMS. Wrap the chain around the back arm and adjust Top — Releasing Tension om Insulators With a ‘umealong Clamp and Cumalong Hook Sitecbmant in Forced Yoke it so that the take-up yoke will be in position on the front arm, Gener — Back Yoke Lasbed to Stel Tower Note Member With « Chain |A short rope can be used to wrap fround the yoke and cross arm to Bottom Bach Yoke Tied 10 Cross Arm with Chain hold them in place until the strain poles are engaged in the clevis ends on the yoke. 520 DOUBLE STRING DEAD-END INSULATOR TOOL ‘This dead-end tool is designed to fit flat steel double string yoke plates to remove the strain from one side of double insulator strings. The tool is available in four lengths to fit insulator strings of from five to 26 insulator bells. ‘The strain arms will accommodate flat steel strain yokes up t0 3/4 inch thick. Eye bolts are attached to each strain arm for supporting insulator cradle poles when needed. The take-up jack screw, which ‘operates the sliding member to move the rear strain arm, extends out of the back end of the tool 0 provide a safe location for the lineman to oper- ate the jack with a ratchet handle. The maximum ‘working strength of the tool is 10,000 pounds. Installing Locking Pin With Clamp Stick ‘Top ~The Double String Dead-End Insulator P Tool Installed Bottom ~ Insulator Cradle Suspended by Eye Bolts Attached t0 Strain drm 5.22 PROCEDURE 1, INSTALLATION. 4 Adjust the outer strain arm to the desired length, a8 determined by the length of the insula- torttriog, snd hook hy sein afin over the sran yoke at the outer end of the damaged insulator String. In most cases, one lineman should hold the strain yoke with a clamp stk attached t0 one of the cradle eye bolts, while the other lineman from above inserts the’ locking pin with another clamp stick, The locking pin must always be in: salled from above. , Engage the rear strain arm with the back yoke plate as described above. (Refer to “INSULA- TOR CHANGE — DOUBLE DEAD-END, 34.5 KV THROUGH 230 KV.”) c, Tighten the jack screw with the ratchet handle until the damaged insulator string sags slightly. 2. INSTALLING INSULATOR CRADLE. 4. Auach the insulator cradle under the dam- aged imlatorsrng, The two end of the cradle es can be supported by the eye bolts attache {o the strain ati, oF the front end can be sup- ported by the eye bolts and the rear end tied with the ropes that ste attached tothe end ofthe rade. NOTE The operations described above should be employed when it is de- sired to slide che insulator string out Of the cradle from above. If the in sulator string is to be lowered, the pole end of the cradle should be tied with the rope lines and the cradle supported with wite tongs and pole saddles. b. Tie a hand line to the pole end of the insulator string before removing the insulator string. 3. REMOVAL OF INSULATOR STRING. a. After attaching the insulator cradle, release the cotter Key at the forward end of the insulator string with a cotter key puller attached ¢o a uni- versal stick, Then disengage the ball-socket joint an insulator fork attached to a universal b. Disengage the insolacor string at the pole cod By. releusing the cotter key and disengeging the blocker jae * ‘c, Remove the insulator string either by sliding i out of the cradle from above or by lowering the cradle as shown in the accompanying illustration, The cradle is lowered by loosening the saddle clamps and allowing the wire tongs co slide through che clamps until the cradle is hanging in a vertical position. 4d. With the damaged insulator string and in sulator cradle removed, the conductor will be sup. ported as illustrated. 4. REPLACING INSULATOR STRING. a. If the insulator string was removed by lower- ing the insulator cradle, place the repaired string ‘on the cradle and raise it into position with the wire tongs. Tighten the saddle clamps securely. If the insulator string is to be installed from above, it should be slipped down the cradle arms until it is supported entirely by che cradle. . Engage the ball-socket joint at the pole end of the insulator string by hand, and tap the cotter key back into place. cc. Engage the ball-socket joint at the outer end of the insulator string with a ball-socket adjuster attached to a universal stick. It may be necessary +0 control the outer end bell of the insulator string with an adjustable insulator fork or shepherd hook attached to a universal stick. 4. Tap the cotter key back into place with the back side of the ball-socket adjuster attached to the universal stick. Remove the insulator cradle. 5. REMOVING DEAD-END INSULATOR TOOL AND INSULATOR CRADLE. a, Rotate the jack serew with the ratchet handle until the conductor strain is carried by the insul (or string and the rear strain arm is loose on the yoke plate. b, Remove the insulator cradle from the dead: end insulator tool. c. Remove the locking pin from the rear strain arm by hand, and disengage the arm from the yoke plate. 4d. While one lineman holds the forward st arm with a clamp stick attached to one of the lower eye bolts, another lineman should remove the lock: ing pin from above with another clamp stick. , After removing the locking pin, the forward strain arm should be disengaged by one lineman. handling the tension pole, assisted by another line- man controlling the lower clamp stick attached 0 one of the eye bolts SECTION V HOT LINE TOOLS Top — Insulator String Being Lowered With Cradle Bottom — Insulator String Removed Completely 5.23 GIN POLES Pole Top Gin Rotating Gin Transformer Gin Insulated Gin Pole Insulated Gin Pole Being Used da Pole Extension 5.24 Several types of gins are available for lifting heavy conductors, hoisting transformers, switches, and other heavy items which must be raised up poles, hoisted over cross arms, around energized conduc- tors and other objects. Illustrated, are four gins: insulated gin pole, transformer gin, rotating gin, and pole top gin. INSULATED GIN POLE This gin pole provides a means for obtaining an additional working height of approximately 60 inches above the pole on structures where the up- per cross arm is located near the top of the pole. Ic is equipped with ewo safety chain tighteners which make it possible co attach the gin to the pole at any desired location, The eyes for attaching rope blocks, link sticks, etc., at the cop of the gin pole are 66 inches above the upper safety chain tightener. The bottom chain tightener is attached to a swivel which will permit the gin pole co be rotated in any desired direction or positioned at an angle to the pole or structure and used as a boom pole. When used in this manner, guys should be attached between the end of the gin and a point on the steucture above the swivel. When used as a pole extension, both safety chain. Raising a Switch Assembly With ¢ Rotating Gin tighteners are employed to secure the gin to the pole of structure but, when used as a boom pole, the upper chain tightener may be removed or tied, around the pole in such a way that i¢ will not come in contact with tools or other objects, This insulat- ed gin pole is available in either eight- or 10-foot lengths and has a bending strength of 5,000 pounds. TRANSFORMER GIN Designed primarily for hoisting small distribution and rural line transformers, circuit breakers, re- closers, and sectionalizers for pole mounting, the transformer gin may also be used for many other hoisting jobs. It is quickly and easily attached to the pole with a single safety chain tightener located slightly below the middle of the gin pole. The iting at the top has a large offset eye for attach- ing hand lines or rope blocks. For light operations, a single line or single set of rope blocks is used; however, for hoisting transformers over 15 KVA, double sheave blocks are recommended. The fall, line should be run through a sheave near the base of the pole to prevent side thrust on the gin. ROTATING GIN This gin is intended for hoisting transformers, switches, and other heavy items to the top of the pole where these items must pass over cross arms and around objects below the mounting location. ‘A 15-inch steel arm extends horizontally from the top fitting and is braced to the main pole of the gin with two insulated poles having aluminum it Pole Top Gin Mounted at Top of Pole rae Attaching Pole Side Bracket to Side of Pole for Rocking Type Pole Top Gin Mounted o» Side Bracket SECTION V HOT LINE TOOLS fieings at both ends. The gin is attached to the pole with safety chain tighteners which permit rotation of the pole. A single line or rope blocks can be attached to the steel arm and, when it is recessaty for the fall line to remain close to the pole, a sheave can be attached to the ring at the top of the gin pole. The fall line should also be held by a sheave located near the bottom of the pole to prevent side thrusts on the gin. With this ‘gin, the load can be raised to a predetermined position, then rotated to another position for clear- ing objects, when required. The steel arm and supports can be quickly folded against the pole for convenient storage and transportation. POLE TOP GIN ‘This gin is normally attached to the top of a pole with the safety chain tightener, and can be rotated in a complete circle for moving loads away from energized conductors and other obstructions, Either fend can be anchored with a rope line of rope blocks, depending upon the load to be hoisted and amount of rotation required. A sheave is located ‘on the mounting bracket to permit the fall line ‘on the rope blocks to hang alongside the pole, if necessary. The pole top gin can also be used lower down on the pole by attaching it to a pole side bracket which is anchored to the pole with a safety chain tightener at both ends of the bracket. When ‘mounted at this location, the swing of the gin is limited co approximately 180 degrees. Otherwise, its use is the same as if it were mounted at the top of the pole. 5.25 CUM-A-LONG CLAMPS Top — Placing Cum-a-long Clamp on Conductor With « Rotary-Prong Tie Stick Bottom — Cumaclong Clamp in Use With Link Stick 5.26 For relieving strain on the conductor at dead ends or swinging corners, cum-a-long clamps are used to grip the conductor when tension is applied to the clamps by rope blocks, link sticks, ec. The jaws of the cum-a-long clamp are lined with pro- tective material to prevent damage to conductor strands and to provide a safeguard against slip- ping. These tools are so constructed that the tighter the pull, the tighter the grip; however, when the pull is released, the grip is also released automati- cally. Cum-a-long clamps can be lifted into place on conductors by hooking the end of a rotary tie stick ot Grip-All clamp stick into the ring at the top of the cum-a-long clamp. When in place on the conductor, the clamp can be slipped back and forth with the stick when it is hooked into the top ring. When released, the lever in which the ring is located will slide down over the conductor to prevent any possibility of the clamp falling off the conductor. After the cum-a-long clamp has been properly located, a link stick or rope blocks is attached to the pull clevis and, when tension is applied, the cum-a-long clamp will grip the conductor automatically. HANDLING CLAMP TOP INSULATORS Clamp top insulators, found on some current trans- mission lnes are of two general cypes: cotter key Tocking type, and clamp bolt locking type With the corer key type, the conductor clamp has 4 piatle on each side, one of which fit into a hole fad the other into slot ia the insulator top fit. ting. ‘When the cotter key is i place to close the Slot, the conductor clamp is retained securely in the insulator top fitting With the clamp bolt locking type, the heads of the two bolts used t0 hold the conductor clamp fic into the insulator cop ‘ing in such a manner that ‘when the bolts ae tightened, the conductor clamp EE'held securely in the insulator top fitting. Prim. Cipal tools used are: clamp top insulator tools, cog wrench, wire tongs, and. miscellaneous universal wicks. REPLACING STANDARD TYPE INSULATORS WITH CLAMP TOP INSULATORS 1, REMOVING STANDARD TYPE INSULATORS. a. Untie the old standard insulator and move the conductor t0 a safe location with wire tongs or other hot sticks. 'b, Remove the standard type insulator from the pole or cross arm. 2. INSTALLING CONDUCTOR CLAMP AND CLAMP TOP INSULATOR. a. Locate the conductor clamp in the insulator prongs of the clamp top insulator leaving one aut SEE completly andthe other aut Lose enough fo Resmi the eeper tobe slipped int place under fhe nut, On cotter key locking. type insulators, make sure the cotter key is secured, On clamp bolt Tocking type insulators, make sure the clamp 1s shed down tight enough to engage the square Shoulders Under the bolt heads and’ prevent the bolts from eurning, NOTE ‘The conductor clamp may be stalled either before or after the sulator is attached to the cross arm or pole. b. Install the clamp top insulator on the pole or cross arm. 3. ATTACHING CONDUCTOR. a. Lower the conductor into the. conductor clamp, and pull downward on the lifting tong to hold the conductor securely in the clamp. 'b. Using a keeper holder attached to a universal stick, slip the keeper into the holder and install the keeper on the two bolts in the conductor clamp. It will be necessary to slide one side of the Keeper under the loose nut before lowering the opposite side of the keeper over the bolt from which che nut has been completely removed. Slide the keeper holder off the keeper leaving the keeper in place on the conductor clamp bolts. sg ; - [ge SSF Clomp Top Keeper Holder Clamp Top Sod (Chuck Blonk Universal Saddle Clamp Cop Wrench Top—Conductor Clamp in Place on Insulator Top Fitting Bottom — Conductor lowered Into Clamp 5.27 Top — Placing Keeper in Postion on Conductor Clamp Center —Instelling Conductor Clamp Nut With Cog Wrench Bottom — Removing Keeper From Conductor Clamp 5.28 «. Insert a magnet in the socket, which is at- tached to the cog wrench, and adjust the cog, wrench so that the socket can be aligned with the bolts in the conductor clamp. ‘d. Insert the nut that was completely removed from the conductor clamp bolt into the socket on the cog wrench. ‘The magnet will hold the nut in position so that it can be started on the bolt. fe. Start the nut on the bolt and rotate it on the threads until it is in contact with the keeper. Shift the cog wrench to the nut which is already on the opposite bot and tighten i securely. f Move the socket back to the first nut and tighten it securely. 'g. Remove the wire tongs or other hot sticks from the conductor and transfer them ¢o the next conductor to be moved, REPLACING DAMAGED CLAMP TOP INSULATORS—CLAMP BOLT LOCKING TYPE 1, DISCONNECTING CONDUCTOR CLAMP. 4 Auch a lifing tong and holding tong to the conduetor and secure the tongs in saddle clamps . Using a hotline cog wrench, with the correct size socket attached, loosen one clamp nut enough to permit the keeper to be slipped out from under the nut . Tnsert a magnet into the socket, which is a- tached to the cog wrench, and remove the other lamp nue completely. ‘The magnet will prevent the nu from falling out of the socket when ie is removed. 1. Using « keeper holder attached to a universal stick remove the keeper from the conductor clamp. 2. MOVING CONDUCTOR. a. Move the conductor to a safe working area with the lifting and holding tongs. '. Tighten the saddle clamps to secure the tongs. 3. REPLACING DAMAGED INSULATOR. a, Remove the damaged insulator from the pole for cross arm, and transfer the conductor clamp from the damaged insulator to the new one. . Install the new insulator on the pole or cross arm, 4. ATTACHING CONDUCTOR TO. INSULATOR. a, Move the conductor into the conductor clamp and pull down on the lifting tong co secure the conductor in the clamp. 'b, Using a keeper hoider attached to a universal stick, slip the keeper into the holder and install the keeper on the two bolts in the conductor clamp. . Insert, into the socket on the cog wrench, the ‘magnet, and the nut which was completely removed, from the conductor clamp. 4. Start the nut on the bolt and rotate it until it is in contact with the keeper. €, Shift the cog wrench to the nut which was left ‘on the clamp bolt and tighten ie securely. Move the socket t0 the first nut and tighten it securely. f, Remove the wire tongs from the conductor and transfer them to the next conductor to be ‘moved, REPLACING DAMAGED CLAMP TOP INSULATORS—COTTER KEY LOCKING TYPE NOTE The cotter key locking type clam top insulators can be changed in the Same manner asthe clamp bolt locke ing ype if desied. Some linemen puerto leave the conductor clamp eached to the conductor and release the clamp from the cop fitting onthe fosulatoe as described below. 1, DISCONNECTING CONDUCTOR CLAMP. ‘a. Attach a lifting tong and holding tong co the conductor and secure the tongs in saddle clamps. . Using a cotter key puller attached to a ur versal stick, pull the cotter key out of the top fit ting far enough to release the insulator clamp. NOTE “The cotter key should not be pulled aiken | ‘h «. By manipolating the wice tongs, raise the con- ductor slightly while moving ic toward the slotted Side of the insulator top fiting. The condactor lamp should pall avay from the insulator top ficdng evil. "It aificuley is encountered, the Clamp top sate fork, atached ta universal ack, cam be uted to ai in releasing the clamp, 2. REPLACING DAMAGED INSULATOR. a, Remove the damaged insulator from the pole or cross arm. b, Install the new insulator making certain that it is rotated so the conductor clamp will drop easily into position. 3. ENGAGING CONDUCTOR CLAMP. a. Lower the conductor carefully into place by manuvering the wire tongs. '. Engage the pintle at one side of the conductor clamp in the hole in the insulator top fiting and ‘drop the pintle on the opposite side of the clamy into the slot in the top fitting. A clamp top saddle fork, on the end of a universal stick, may be help- ful in engaging the conductor clamp. €. Tap the coer key back into place with a ball- socket adjuster attached to a universal stick. Ifthe cotter key is loose, spread the end slightly with a ‘ower key spreader attached to a universal stick. ‘4. Remove the wite tongs from the conductor and transfer them to the next conductor to be SECTION V HOT LINE TOOLS Top Releasing Cotter Key Center — Loosening Conductor Clamp With the Aid of 4 Clamp Top Saddle Fork Bottom— Conductor Clamp Raised Free Of Insulator Top Fitting 5.29 HANDLING COTTER KEYS AND CLEVIS PINS 2a eo Kocher Clovis Pin Insole Cater Key Took y Adtusoble Bolt Holder ol Socket Ader Comer Key Remover (On power line constructions, cotter keys are usually found either in cle to keep chem from ‘working out of the clevises, or in ball-socket joints of insulator bells and insulator fittings. When removing clevis pins, the cotter keys must be re- moved completely and are seldom saved for re-use, as most linemen prefer to use new keys when the levis pins are replaced. In ball-socket joints the cotter key is simply retained in the socket to take up space which prevents disengagement of the joine until the cotter key is released. Cotter keys tused in ball-socket joints are usually “humped” in the middle and spread a¢ the end so the joints can be released without the necessity of pulling the keys all the way out, ‘The cotter key remover is a compact tool with a hook at the end for engaging the cotter key eye, and a splined shank for attaching it to a universal stick, A compression spring in the shank, which can be released by a quick jerk on the stick, pro- duces a hammer-like action making the tool effec- tive for pulling stuck keys After the ball-socket joints have been engaged, the cotter keys are driven back into place in the sockets with a ball-socket adjuster attached to a universal stick. The back edge of this tool has flat surface which makes it ideal for tapping che cotter keys in place with one or two light blows. After the strain has been removed from conductors and insulators, and cotter keys removed from them, clevis pins can be removed by simply pushing them out with a screwdriver attached to a universal Top ~ Releasing Cotter Key From BallSocket Joint Bottom Separating Socket and Ball with BallSocket Adjuster 6-30 Cotter Key Into Place With BaliSocket Adjuster stick, The bolt holder should always be used when replacing clevis pins or bolts, The head of the clevis pin or bolt is slipped into the slot in the tend of the tool and is held by a leaf spring which ‘can be adjusted to accommodate heads of various thicknesses, The bolt or pin head can be turned either way under the spring depending upon the space available for inserting the bole or pin. All sizes of bolts of pins up co $/8inch in diameter ‘can be handled with the bolt holder. Cotter keys ate readily inserted with the cotter kkey installing cool attached to a universal stick. ‘The outer end of the cool is shaped like a screw: driver blade with adjustable steel jaws attached to it for holding the key. After the cotter key has been inserted, a slight movement of the universal stick will release the tool leaving the cotter key in place. To spread the cotter key, the adjustable steel jaws are slipped back to expose the screwdriver-shaped fend of the cotter key installing tool, which is slipped between the ends of the cotter key. Any amount of spreading can be effected by prying the tends of the cotter key apart with a cwisting motion of the tool. Cotter keys can be replaced in clevis pins with greater ease if the weight of the con- ductor is released to hold the clevis pin securely before the cotter key is inserted. 531 SECTION V HOT LINE TOOLS Genter — Inserting Cotter Key in Clevis Pin Bottom — Spreeding Colter Key

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