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Information Sheet 1.1.

Obtain and Convey Workplace Information

Learning Objetives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

➢ Answer all the question below:

Sentence Construction

A sentence is a collection of words that convey sense or meaning and is formed according to the logic of
grammar. Clear, short sentences are preferable, and more effective, than long, complex ones.

The simplest sentence consists only of a noun, a naming word, and a verb or action word. For example,
in the sentence “Mary walked”, Mary is the naming noun and walked is the action verb.

Mary is the proper noun in the example sentence above but can be substituted in following sentences
by the pronoun she. A pronoun is a word that can be used instead of a noun when a noun has already
been mentioned. Other pronouns are he, we, they and it.

Most sentences have a subject noun and an object noun. For example, consider the sentence “Mary
walked towards the hotel”. Mary is the subject noun (a person or thing performing the action of
walking), and the hotel is the object noun (a person or thing towards which the action is directed)

Adjectives describe nouns. Adjectives usually come before the noun.

They are sometimes known as ‘describing words’. When two adjectives are used to describe one noun,
they are set apart with the use of a comma.


Verbs, or action words, are expressed in tenses; past, present or future. The tense of a verb is its setting
in time.

For example: Mary walked (past tense) Mary walks (present tense) Mary will walk (future tense)

There are also other, more complex tenses not covered here. An important point is to be consistent in
your use of tense. Decide whether you are explaining an event in the past, present or future and then
be consistent in the use of that tense until there is a good reason for changing.

The verb describes is in the present tense but varied is in the past tense. The correct tensing of the
sentence should be: “Marianne describes the new techniques, how they vary in approach and attitude”.
Self Check 1.1.1

Quiz. 1

Direction: READ EACH STATEMENT CAREFULLY. Put the answer in the blank.

1. A ______ is a type of word that represents a person, thing, or place, like mother, apple, or valley.

2. A______ is a type of word that describes an action or a state of being, like wiggle, walk, run, jump, be,
do, have, or think.

3. A______ is shows how something is related to another word.

4. A______is a word that joins other words, phrases, clauses or sentences.

5. An______is a word that expresses emotion.

Answer Key 1.1.1

Quiz. 1





Information Sheet 1.1.2

Complete Relevent Work Related Documents

Learning Objetives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to

➢ Answer all the question below

Types of Forms

In every workplace you will be required to complete forms. Each workplace will have forms specific to
their requirements. You must make sure that you know which forms to fill in, when you need to use
forms and where to find the necessary forms.

Work instructions are the most basic tool used in every business or organisation to help workers follow a
sequence of steps. Inadequate work instructions are likely to result in a variety of problems in the
workplace that could range from

Work instructions can have a major impact on the effectiveness and productivity of a workplace. If
instructions are difficult to follow, workers will make errors in implementing the steps.

A good work instruction is a detailed sequence of steps that workers need to follow each time they
perform a task. The purpose of a work instruction is to organize steps in a logical and systematic way so
that workers can easily follow it independently.

This means a consistent format for your work instructions is important. Workers can read the
information faster and absorb it more quickly if it follows a consistent font and format. It also makes the
development of further work instructions far simpler as you have a template to follow.
Self Check 1.1.2

Quiz. 2

Direction: READ EACH STATEMENT CAREFULLY. Put the answer in the blank.


1. ________ is a type of writing where the author is writing about a particular subject that requires
direction, instruction, or explanation

2. ________Something that can be seen or touched, such as a computer or software program, or

information on how to assemble a piece of furniture.

a. tangible b. mechanical writing c. abstract

3. ________Something that involved a series of steps that aren’t related to a tangible object. One
example of this might be steps required to complete an office process.

a. tangible b. mechanical writing c. abstract

4-5. Give atleast two of technical writing

Answer Key 1.1.2

Quiz. 2

1. Technical Writing

2. Tangible

3. Abstract

4. To 5

-Instruction manuals

-Policy manuals

-Process manuals

-User manuals

-Reports of analysis
Information Sheet 1.1.3

Participate in Workplace Reciting and Discussion

Learning Objetives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

➢ Answer all the question below

Participate at Work

Every workplace will have staff meetings/team meetings, formal and informal discussions.

When a business places a proper value on the time spent by people preparing for and attending
meetings, it is quickly seen that they are a very expensive exercise.

Have you ever been to one of those meetings where no objectives were met, no actions were agreed
upon and generally it was a complete waste of your time? Effective meeting procedures are essential to
ensure that the maximum output is gained from a meeting.

Workplace meetings are an important element of business management. Meetings enable you and your
employees to communicate and share information, solve problems or resolve disputes, improve
performance, build teamwork and move projects forward.
Self Check 1.1.3

Quiz 3

Direction: READ EACH STATEMENT CAREFULLY.Choose the answer in the below and put the answer in
the blank.

- Set an agenda
- Advise people of the meeting in time for them to be able to attend
- A clearly defined purpose to your meeting
- Manage the participants
- Start and finish on timw

1.______ participants feel that their time is valued and that they can plan for effective meeting
participation to fit within their work load.

2.___________ well before hand, this gives attendees time to gather ideas or research issues prior
to attending the meeting.

3. ___________ clear conflict management strategies must be in place.

4.___________ should be distributed to attendees before the meeting.

5.___________ It is amazing how often key people are left out of meetings or are not able to attend
simply due to a lack of planning and sufficient notice.
Answer Key: 1.1.3


1. Start and finish on time

2. A clearly defined purpose to your meeting

3. Manage the participants

4. Set an agenda

5. Advise people of the meeting in time for them to be able to attend




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