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Manifest functions are functions of social systems that are intended and recognized by the community.

When it comes to correctional or imprisonment, its immediate and obvious function include punishment
for a crime, retribution or giving of justice and reformation. Imprisonment is a common punishment
when a member of the community commits an act which is considered as a crime. It also serves as a
deterrent to other members of the population from committing a crime. Further, it is also a form of
retribution to the victim or his or her family and a means to balance the scales of justice. Aside from
that, another recognized function of correctional is for reformation of the offender such that he will not
repeat the same crime again. As such, it is a way of protecting society from criminals.

However, there are also latent functions of correctional. These are functions of social systems, patterns
or institutions which are unrecognized and usually unintended. Some of these may mostly include social
controls. Correctional may be intend to control not only unemployment but also population growth.
Once a person is inside the correctional facility, for the next months or years, society need not worry
about him being unemployed. Hence, the opportunity that may be given to him when it comes to
employment may already be given to someone else, helping in the reduction of unemployment rate. It
also gives job opportunities to those manning the facility. Without the system of correctional, there will
be no need for prison guards hence, adding to the decrease of employment opportunity. Ideally, also,
once inside a correctional facility, a person is automatically inhibited from reproducing as such it also
helps in population growth control measures.

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