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1.What is search engine optimization ?

Search engine optimization s a process that take uses by any type of firm to rank their
website in search engine such as google. Because when a men uses to search something
he uses to take help of any search engine like google ,yahoo and any another web server.
So, when statement are suitable for that type of work or knowledge for studying their
website contents

2. What are the main tools that used while working in SEO?

There are many of the tools that uses in SEO . they are off the following

1.Google analytics

2.keyword planner


4. Open site explorer

5.Google web master

3.What is the importance of SEO?

Search engine optimization is a process of having a good ranking of your website by the

1.It stand for the practice of increasing the quality of traffic and also a large number of
peoples attracting towards the website

2.Page speed has been cited as one of the leading SEO ranking factors for years.

3.Helping in making the trust of the website ‘ always helping the users to get he right and wanted knowledge that a user wants by
search engine

4. What are the main keys and statements that uses to study before working SEO?

There are some of the useful statements that we need to study before working for any SEO
. they are off the following

1.IN BOUND LINK = Incoming link that comes on your web page by search engine that
are called in bound link or back links .

2.OUT BOUND LINK= Sending of link from our website to another ones website

3.GOOGLE BOT=It is a form of web spider.any type of works like crowling coaching of
indexing of webpage
4. CROSS LINKING =The linking of one site to another site. it provides users with
reference site that contains the content related to the search

5. BODY CONTENT RELEVENCE = It is a type of text that does not have image on the
website or webpage . And that id refers to as body content relevance or non-image text.

6. SPIDERS, ROBOTS , CRAWELERS =These all are the same with a different name.
These uses to be a software programs that follows various links

7. CLOAKING =It is a false way optimizing your website for search

8. GOOGLE SANDBOX = It is a area of google that uses to check the standard of the

9.NO FOLLOW LINKS = These links do not pass link authority and do not impact on
google ranking

10. DO FOLLOW = These link passes authority of page and have a impact on google

5. what are the black hat SEO and white hat SEO and what are their technique?

Black hat SEO= Those SEO whose methods are not accepted by the search engine to get
high ranking or top on search engine is known as black hat SEO.

Main techniques of black hat SEO are





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