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Darlyn Dhey Mendoza


Instruction: Answer the following questions in no more than three (3) sentences.

1. The management of ABC Corporation finds it efficient to simply outsource utility services and
other non-core services of the organization. Which phase in the history of facility management
is being described and how will ABC Corporation maximize operational efficiency using the latest
practices of facility management?

The ABC Corporation is now using a facilities management phase from the 1980s, which means that the
corporation is executing cost-cutting operations through outsourcing non-core functions. The ABC
Company may improve operational efficiency by utilizing the most up-to-date facility management
strategies, such as outsourcing a whole hotline, one online application, or a web chat team to fill
customer support operations functions. The ABC Company will gain in the fact that there will be no need
to maintain an employee on duty for the average full - time employees, just for the hours necessary
each week, and no employee benefits will be required.

2. An employee of XYZ Group proposes a plan to inject the practices of facility management to
their company operations. However, the management is uncertain about the logical grounds
and benefits of applying facility management in their business operations. Based on the
rationale of facility management, propose three (3) organizational benefits that will be received
by XYZ Group.

The first organizational benefit that the company XYZ Group will obtain if they authorize of incorporating
facility management practices into their operation of the company is continuous improvement. The firm
can also benefit from improved communications, which has the goal of bringing all employees up to
speed on common corporate goals and values. Improved communication also increases understanding
of the need for organizational change. Product and service improvement is the third advantage the
company can gain. Since advancement is a major advantage for the organization and innovation is
achieved through employee development, which focuses on celebrating victories and boosting
motivation and morale, in this situation, worker engagement is high, spurring increased creativity and

3. The main objective of Atlanta Inc. is to establish organizational procedures relative to the
management of their facility and services. However, the company is unsure of their options
concerning the implementation of their desired course of action. Propose ways on how Atlanta
Inc. will be able to achieve its main objective based on the steps in facility management

Ways on how Atlanta Inc. will be able to achieve its main objective: It is the way on how Atlanta Inc. that
I think will be able to achieved the main object: The first main object was the “develop facility
management strategy” and according to the handouts this involves strategic analysis, solution
development and strategy implementation for organizational concerns involving facility management.
the second one is the “procure the services” and this is involves facilitating the services of a company
through outsourcing or co-sourcing models. Lastly the “manage performance” this involves service
review and perform measurement related to the outsourced or co-sourced services of a company.

4. Pacific Industries established an objective that optimizes its expenses over the life cycle of its
operations. In addition, the company recently announced its initiative to protect the wildlife in
line with its plans for facility expansion. Decide and justify which key concept of facility
management is being described in the given scenario.

The company must develop a goal or requirement to reduce operating costs throughout its life cycle.
Businesses need to consider the facility's operability over the long run in order to continue operations
and be cognizant of their obligations and liabilities in the future.

5. The success of Asia Group of Companies is strongly attributed to its facility management
initiatives that consider the needs of the organization and end-users. In addition, the company
became the market leader in the industry because of its established well-defined service
requirements and targets. Decide and justify which key concept of facility management is being
described in the given scenario.

To achieve end-user satisfaction and optimal value, everyone inside the firm should perform the
informed client function. Understanding the business, its culture, and the end user and their demands is
part of the scope of an informed client. An informed client is aware of the requirements and objectives
for benefits, but more importantly, an informed client supervises the use of outsourcing and reduces
susceptibility through proactive risk and opportunity management.

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