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Silvia Liliana Pereira Martinez

Ingles lll

Tutor: Aura Ganem Luna

Corporación Universitaria del Caribe – CECAR

Facultad de humanidades y educación

Licenciatura en pedagogía infantil

Modalidad a Distancia y Virtual

Sincelejo / sucre


hello everyone my name is Silvia and I want you to listen to a story of my life; so that it
doesn't happen to you.

In 2019 when the pandemic started, I was an incredulous person, yes, too incredulous.

I thought it was strong like other times with other diseases, I compared it to a simple flu, but
I realized that it was not like that, when my co-worker got sick with the virus.

He told me that day, "I'm afraid it's covid", I told him: what's up, you and I are strong. In
this way he smiled and continued working, but his spirits continued to decline and very fast.

I asked him: Mario, do you feel good, I can't believe how you look !!, he replied "I can't
believe how I feel either", I exclaimed: really? !!!, do not scare me.

I've never seen someone get sick so fast and less a strong person like my friend. Without
further ado I told him that we were not going home, we are going to the hospital!!! I told him, "I
agree", he replied burning with fever.

I hadn't given her good advice and she was sorry. he felt bad.

After a while the doctor came out and told me that she couldn't, "you should have a test" he
told me, but if I'm fine, I answered him. "He is by principle a doctor," he continued to say.

I stayed and waited for the result of a quick test, and to my surprise I was positive, I was
very surprised because I did not know that it was possible.

I told him: I can't believe it, "here is the proof, and I think you infected your friend" he
I kept thinking for a long time in the hospital corridor that day, I reflected on so many
things at the same time, and I told myself: you are not the strong person you thought you were. My
esteem was lowered, but that day I found support when I realized that I could prevent this from
continuing, and from the hospital I made live videos for the networks, yes, just as you hear it, I
reflected the whole time I was confined.

When my relatives saw how my care made me improve, they told me "we are calmer when
we see you smile". Seeing my family safe and sound also helped me get better.

Today my friend is fine, but that time I learned that I must take care of myself, but also

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