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(2 minutes)
Topic: How to Have Better Creative Thinking
As your learning and insight

Growing up, I am convinced that I was not that creative and will never be. I will never
be creative even if I am presented with various pieces of equipment to work on in front
of me. I do things that need creativity with only a little effort and confidence. Examples
of these activities include making school projects and outputs. Upon finishing them, I
always feel disappointed with myself because that is all I could do. Attaching colored
papers with shapes, sticking colorful strings, drawing weird elements, putting stickers,
and ordinarily coloring these outputs. I think designing a project that way is creative,
but it is not creative enough.
However, after watching the video about how to have better creative thinking, I felt a
sudden feeling of excitement. Because I never thought that everyone could be creative,
including myself. I am thrilled after watching it because I have learned about how one
can be more creative. Who would have thought that there are ways how anybody can
unleash their creative sides? Additionally, the video discussed that it is a common
mistake that only the right brain triggers people’s creativity. But I learned that the
truth is, we have to use both sides and make them work together to create something
that is original and creative. Also, the video taught me that the ideas we have
whenever we start doing something must be something unique.
Overall, through the video clip, I have realized that when we are making something
requiring creativity, be it a school project, outputs, or anything, we need to think out
of the box. We need to see that things can be created in many different ways. We can
make things unique and filled with creativity. Let us not only stick with the ideas in
our minds. Let us do things out of our comfort zones because I believe that is when
creativity arises.

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