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1. What did you like about the reading material?

-I like all of the parts of the reading material. I like the idea that it discusses some tips to
change how one feels about himself. The whole material itself is encouraging. It talks about how
the bad things others say to you don’t define who you are because everyone is different. Every
single person has unique characteristics and ways how to deal with the challenges that the
world gives. Each of us has different preferences in all aspects. Let us not allow the hurtful
words from others to ruin us. We must always be reminded that the Almighty created us
perfectly. Others would usually tell us cruel things about ourselves. However, knowing that we
are all created equal, we would accept ourselves openheartedly. Just be yourself. And
eventually, there would be people who are going to love you more than you deserve.

2. What did you not like about the reading material?

-There is only one thing that I did not like about the reading material. And it is the fact that the
article itself is not long enough. I believe that if it is a little bit lengthy, the readers would
definitely get motivated as they read it. It’s because there would be more explanations for every
tip that was provided. If it was long enough, I think that the readers would enjoy it more.
However, other than that, everything was on point and I liked the reading material in general.

3. What would you change or add on the reading material?

-I would add another set of tips and some motivational quotes as well. I think it is a good idea
because that way, the readers would be inspired while they read it. The article should make
them feel wanted and loved. By adding more tips on how to change how one feels for
themselves, they would have more options to choose from. Although all of these choices look
effective enough, we could still choose the best ones that fit our preferences. So, I think it’s not
a bad idea to add more content at all. For instance, content that encourages the readers to
accept and love themselves more.

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