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The future of cities

a ted listening exercise

1.- In 3-4 sentence, discuss the importance of the improvements in farming techniques to the
development of cities

1. The farming techniques helped increase food.

2. the best form growth of cities is the construction of houses vertically.

2.- Reliable food supplies allowed humans the luxury of free time, which which provided the
opportunity to produce items for trade. Describe how the production of goods contributed
to the growth of cites

1. Humans should grow more fruit and vegetables without any chemicals in addition to
supporting recycling.
2. The production of food in vertical farms helped the use of the spaces and obtaining

3.-. Experts predict that global population will top out around 10 billion people, with 7 billion
of people living in cites. What are some of the opportunities and challenge that cites will
face as the population increases?

1. The biggest problem would be the overpopulation of cities causing the scarcity of
2. Take advantage of the existing clean energy.

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