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Do not betray MY HEART


Castillo Claydon, England, 1192 Bang! Again and again, bang! The noise of the ram was given to the auyante confusion that reigned in the interior walls, the cries of agony in the exterior, giving the arrows on target, and the thunderous pounding headache that the head of Queen Champeney. Bang! Again. The attack had occurred by surprise. Queen to awaken from his sleep, shouting "To arms!" Had met and taken the outdoor thanks to a clever trick. The false pilgrim to give under the previous night had opened the gate of the outer wall at dawn, leading to a small army. Thank God, had not allowed the mob to sleep on the patio or on the tower, otherwise she would not be running the defense from the battlements above the gatehouse interior. But that was all that could be appreciated. The attacking army probably no more than a hundred men, but in those moments Clydon was well below the garrison for a house of its size. Since his father was decimated to organize the army would carry the cross, there were only fifty-five men. And not all were present. There were twenty men of arms and ten archers. But at least six of them were dead or trapped in the outer walls, the attackers not even bother to strengthen, since there were no skilled archers that could damage their flanks. - Cast more fuel to that fire! - Queen shouted one of his servants, who had been recruited to assist with the defense, That boiling water is needed now, not when the gates have been transferred! He leaned over the parapet and saw a thick rock fall one meter of the ram in motion to shoot harmlessly to the dry moat surrounding the wall. He glanced Theodric murders, his most trusted servant. The lanky lad of eighteen, he insisted on helping, but Reina had tried to send it down, once he had brought his armor, made to measure, for it was put there on the battlements. - Idiot! "He snapped in disgust. You're supposed to break the thick cover of ram instead of shaking the dust off your feet! "Because the stones are heavy," said Theodric, irritable, as if that might excuse the waste of projectiles. "If you do not have muscles to lift, go do what you can do, Theo. We need more water to boil immediately. And another fire. Time is running out. He turned round, before seeing if he swallowed his pride and made sensible what she ordered. And to become almost toppled the small Aylmer, who was beside her. The seven year old boy took his leg with wiry little arms to keep from falling, but Reina is the heart rose to her throat, for the fall

could have been down headlong from the wall: their crippled feet had no balance or skill enough to save . - What are you doing here? Queen cried, furious at the fright he had taken. The brown eyes looked at her tears formed, causing as much in the young. Never before had shouted, but never had kind words for him and a soft shoulder where the boy could mourn their sentences. Orphaned and unwanted as it was by the villagers for his lame foot, she was the closest thing to a mother to him. The child was only a servant, but Reina had helped him overcome many childhood diseases considered him something of his own, at least when it comes to caring and protection. "I want to help you, ma'am," answered Aylmer. Queen knelt to wipe moisture from her cheeks tinted with the hope that a smile erased the traces of its earlier harshness. "I'm glad you came, Aylmer," she lied, while behind him stood, protected by chain mail, between the child and the arrows that could exceed the wall. I went so fast I had no time to tell my ladies what needs to be done within the tower. Go and tell that lady Alicia cut bandages and prepare to treat the injured. Stay with her and Lady Hilary, to help in everything you can. She added, with a forced smile: "And tell the younger ones there is still no cause for alarm. You know how stupid they are. "Yes, ma'am. They're just girls. "And you're just a child," she thought tenderly, as she watched him limp towards the stairs, his pride, at least, was intact. If he could get away with as easily Theodric! What was about to help another man to tip the cauldron of boiling water over the wall. He tried to stay away yelling, but at that moment an arrow went almost touching his cheek. A second later he was thrown to the ground by Aubert Malfa. Jesus, lady, almost ... "Get out, punk, idiot," she growled against the ashen face of Aubert. "But, ma'am ... She interrupted their protests: "I'd rather not be here. But as Sir William fell last night in bed, no doubt poisoned by the false pilgrim, I have to lead the defense. "I can do it. "You can not" she said, more serene. Well it was possible she would like, but the squire of Sir William was only fifteen. It was she who had brought William up to that site, just last week for a lesson in rapid and complete defense, not to Aubert. Is it me you want, and I who will defend my own destiny. If I capture will be my fault, nobody else. "At least depart from the wall," she begged him, as he helped her up. "Yes, I ... Theo! His scream was beaten both boys jumped; Theodric a look of anger turned toward her, having taken a leap back to avoid the water that was about to burn his feet. Seeing this, the Queen lost her temper completely: "To hell with your pride, Theo. You go down ... now. I love you too much to see scorched or hurt, you think only men can do things with those you have dry twigs for arms. "As he did not obey immediately, Queen shouted," Right now, Theo, or by God I'll make you chained in the dungeon! And you too

will go, Aubert. Here I need laborers, babies do not get tangled between his feet. From the sword will serve you anything unless you bring ladders to climb the walls or breaking the doors. Go, go now, and without another word. Aubert blushed at the scolding, he knew that Queen was right: his skills would be useless if the enemy did not have before. Theo, however, smiled as he passed her way to the ladder. But what of "I love you too ..." would have been sorely hurt, but in this way could retire with grace and dignity. Although a year older than Queen, she would faint at the sight of the first drop of blood, and they both knew. Queen sighed to see them go, then turned his attention to the boiling water, finally, fell from the wall. New cries were heard down there, but after a few seconds, another loud bang. Damn, damn! Probably Clydon killed animals to get wet skins that were protected, forming a "turtle" to attack the gate. The raw hides resisted both the fire and the water, but have reached boiling spray some bare legs. The bridge over the moat wall was torn from the smithy. He realized they were using one of the wagons of the enclosure to hold a large tree trunk, with hitting the gate. A tree that would also cut Clydon forests. - Sir? He turned. Gilbert Kempe, his steward, gave him a piece of bread, cheese and a flask of wine. His jacket soaked, having helped to wet with water gate and the buildings inside the compound, but the attackers had thrown incendiary still no arrow. "Thank you, Gilbert said with a smile, picking up the food, but had a knot in the stomach to eat anything. He grimaced at the sound of the ram at such close range. - Do you know who they are? He asked. Falken-Men sir, "she said. Gilbert, who had not thought of that he was alarmed. "But do not wear their colors," he said. Nor is there men among them. And they have not been prepared for sites. "Yes, they believed they could easily climb up the tower, since they had a man inside them would take hold. And they were about to do so. If someone had not seen what was the false pilgrim, if the alarm had not been given in time, we would not have been able to enter the men on the outdoor to ensure this gate. But what other man, Gilbert, would dare attack me? "The girl said softly:" Who else knows my father is dead? Gilbert shook his head. "At this time anyone can know. For almost a year, but we learned the death of Roger Lord four months ago. Do you think perhaps that of the accompanying King Richard, only your father wrote to his home? And the Count informed her Castilian, here in Shefford, the loss of his vassal, as we reported to us. There is no way of knowing who he was told by Castilian of Shefford in recent months also adding you you are not yet married. Do not write again just a week ago, asking about the date of your wedding? All this was true, but admit it bothered Reina. Still had difficulty talking about the death of his father and the dilemma that he posed death. Undone by grief, had missed almost a month before writing the letters that would ensure its future. And that month had cost him dearly, as he could

testify Clydon, now attacked. But still he had no doubt that these men were trying to reach her by Falk orders Rochefort, and Gilbert reminded why. "Anyway, forget the visit we made De Rochefort fortnight ago. Do not ask me to marry him? And as I refused, did not he slipped into my room that night to rape and do his will with that dirty trick? If Theo had not heard my cries ... "Please, ma'am, how unfortunate to mention that night? Actually, this could be the work of Sir Falke, also eager for revenge, having been thrown into the pit Clydon. But it is the only lord willing to risk much to betroth. "I'm an heiress so valuable, Gilbert," Reina said, exasperated. He frowned. "To tempt a count, maybe not. But with so many men as I should charge, how you enough to entice young barons of the kingdom, and also some not so small. Clydon suffice to tempt them. She knew it, but once again annoyed admit. It could have been married two months ago had it not taken so long to write those letters. He knew how vulnerable their position: their feudal lord, the Earl of Shefford, was in the Crusades, and with it, half of the subjects of Clydon, of whom three had died with her father. And that attack had been so directly that she had not been sent by Simon Fitz Osbern, his closest vassal, so that help them. "Until those damned outlaws could be living in our forests," continued Gilbert. Reina had to contain a laugh to avoid irritating to Gilbert, but that eased her fear for a moment. "Those miserable rats of the forest would not dare so much. "Down there gentlemen, madam. No one man with chain mail, "she reminded him. "Yes. De Rochefort is too stingy to properly equip their men. In any event, no matter who you are calling to our door as long as it prevents the entry. He said no more, nor in his dreams would have dared to argue with her. When away, Reina again he felt afraid. However, if Clydon was under siege, she could hold out for months. And Simon would come to his aid before it happened so long. And Lord John de Lascelles due in sometime next week, in response to his letters. However, these yahoos down must have known she was very short of men. What would otherwise have dared to attack immediately after its refusal to surrender? They were determined to take her and get the victory before help arrived, they were not very numerous, although they far surpassed the defenders of the castle.

Queen had done everything possible, considering that half the battle was lost. Your best defense, the outer wall with a moat wide and deep, for any bridge construction days would have sued, had already been stamped. There were enough men to wall so long, since Clydon was not a small castle, but the enemy would have lost many attackers in an attempt to take it and it was even possible to have resigned. The inner wall was not so long, enclosed only a quarter of the entire area, with a corner tower, was easier to defend, had

four strong towers, including the second guard shack in front of the outdoor in which the enemy concentrated their efforts. He had time to prepare, after hearing the demands from the wall and respond with an answer. While they were getting a battering ram, disarmed their buildings to protect them from arrows and make a new bridge across the dry ditch, and sacrificed their animals for use as a shield against the defenders, she had put into practice what Sir William had taught him : left weapons at the ready, hot water and sand to drop from the wall and sticks to knock down the ladders, also made everything wet flammable. Given the shortage of men, all the servants were recruited, which doubled its number. The servants knew how to fight, but they could throw stones, pushing the ladders of the invaders and spring load for those who know use them. But once they serve little striker fulfill its mission. Then, he would withdraw only Reina to keep his last defense ... if you still have time to do so.


He was awakened by the mewing that lady She informed him of his displeasure with the delay of the food morning. Ranulf Fitz Hugh stretched a long arm without opening his eyes and picked up the bulk of thin hair to drop it in the middle of his broad chest. I suppose it's time to get up, "he murmured to the cat, sleepy. And he got more response than I expected: - Yes, my lord? Ranulf winced, recalling that the day before had been to bed more than their spoiled cat. The harlot, one of six members serving among his men, a naked leg rubbed against his. A Ranulf not interested. The prostitute he had served the night before, to satisfy his desire, but it was morning and did not like bothering him when he had much to do. Sitting up, gave him a slap on the buttocks, then stroked his refusal to be less rude. "You go, girl. She made a face that did not impress him. It was the prettiest of the group, but the fine came to him with alacrity. Not even remember his name, although not the first time she warmed the mattress. Her name was Mae. As soon as he was thrown a coin, he realized he had been forgotten. For he could not say the same. It was impossible not to think that man a hundred times a day, at least, because Mae had made the mistake of allowing their emotions to intervene in his office, whose disadvantage knew something, but it was too late. He was in love ... like how many women had touched their eyes on him, including his colleagues, who had grudge because

he only asked for it. Would not have envied both have known that he sent his squire in search of "the blonde", made so little to Ranulf not even remember his name. For him there was only a prostitute, an object, nothing more. She saw him naked out of the store to do his business and sighed. Like most men, had no qualms in going naked, as long as there were no ladies present. Prostitutes do not count. But Mae thought the ladies would not mind taking a look at Ranulf Fitz Hugh. Few men had their stature and magnificent ways. Bad luck for the ladies, Sir Ranulf avoided them as much as an overflowing toilet. Mae gasped to see that he was lingering on thoughts. Sir Ranulf had awakened with his usual morning sulking, but if you go back to the shop was still there, his temper could get much worse. Actually, that morning Ranulf was a very pleasant mood for its way of being, a true miracle as far as Shepherd Lanzo concerned. Instead of waking him with a kick in the butt, red ruffled his hair and dropped into his lap to Lady Ella, to be fed. - Could it be that Mae has given a tumble better than usual? Lanzo asked to Kenric, the other squire, who was already rolling their blankets. The major shook his head, watching Ranulf, away into the weeds. "No, she always treats you better than us," said Kenric, without rancor. Like the other men, both young men were accustomed to consider that women were invisible when Ranulf nearby. And Lanzo, who was only fourteen, yet did not have much experience, so he did not care. "Just happy to finish this job," continued Kenric, turning Lanzo turquoise eyes. The old Brun said it would be very simple, but you know that Ranulf hates dealing with ladies. "Yes. Searle said he did not even accept the job. "Well, not really accepted. At least, not yet accepted the pay of Lord Rothwell, although it allowed men to come with us Rothwell. "I only have served to delay. But I do not understand why ... - Again gossiping like little girls? Lanzo, blush, rose from a jump, but Kenric merely smile broadly and Eric Searle. Both had been knighted by an agreement between Ranulf and the last master for which they worked, in exchange for their pay. Having the same could be knighted, but I wanted to enjoy the ceremony and other relevant witnesses, apart from their peers. They were both eighteen. Searle of Totnes was tall and blond, gray eyes bright and cheerful, Eric Fitzstephen hair was as black as heavy Kenric and hazel eyes that always gave him a sleepy look. Accompanying Sir Ranulf and Breaute Walter had been much longer than Lanzo and Kenric, however, the four had much in common: they were bastards, born in the village or in the kitchen of the castle and rejected by their parents lofty and therefore had no hope of improving their lot. Half were commoners, half nobles, and both classes rejected them. If Ranulf, recognizing its value, would not have bought their freedom, would have remained slaves, tied to ownership of their own parents. But everyone recognizes its kind: Ranulf also was a bastard. "We wondered why Ranulf refused to receive the first half of the wages for this work," said Lanzo, in response to Searle's jokes.

"If you think about it, small Lanzo, find the answer. "The only answer is that you can leave the task unfinished. "Exactly," replied Eric. "But why? Eric chuckled. "Well, that answer is not so clear. What do you think, Searle? Did Rothwell Ranulf felt antipathy? Or perhaps he did not believe what he said Mr unattended on an engagement? Searle shrugged. "He has worked for other men who were unfriendly. And others have lied to matter much. Money is always money. "Thus, it can only be due to the nature of this work, involving a woman. "Maybe it's for that and for everything else, all in combination. But if you have already decided ... "We got here," said Lanzo. Therefore must be decided. And I do not reject five hundred marks, right? Nobody answered. Lanzo turned to follow the direction of their gaze: Ranulf approached. Just then he noticed the boy still had to Lady Ella in his arms, for at that moment he let out a meow to wake the dead, or to inform Ranulf was starving. Damn fool! Sometimes the boy felt like wringing his neck that skinny, but alive despellejara Ranulf who dared to snatch one of her short brown hair. What an ugly animal! How could a man love an animal so ugly? - Still have not fed my lady? "Hey ... no, sir, "admitted Lanzo. - Have I not woken up at all? "I would, sir, he yelled the boy, stretching a hand to cover his rear threatened to be out of reach of Ranulf. The gentleman chuckled as his squire away quickly. Then he returned to his tent. Searle's eyes met those of Eric, they both smiled. Searle expressed his thoughts on hearing that chuckle. "It is already decided. Take the damsel to the arms of her new husband. Lanzo was right. Five hundred frames is too much to refuse, especially when they represent the difference between owning land and not have them. And he thinks only of the earth. "Perhaps never was undecided. Perhaps not entirely committed just to unnerve Rothwell. "Yes, it is possible. That old Lord made it very unpleasant. We should have asked Sir Walter ... - What do you want to ask Sir Walter? Inquired the appointed softly behind them. The three young men turned to face the brother in arms of Ranulf, but the embarrassment they happened to notice that her brown eyes glittered. There were two men so different as Ranulf Fitz Hugh and Walter de Breaute, both in temperament as in appearance, but as true brothers are wanted from the day they met. Walter, with its impressive six feet tall, taller than the vast majority of men. Ranulf was exceeded even in six inches: a giant among his peers. Walter was the night: olive skin and dark brown

hair, Ranulf, the sun golden skin and golden hair. Ranulf roared even when in good humor. Walter had a voice so soft that it was sometimes necessary to strive to hear. Walter celebrated with laughter the worst joke. Ranulf rarely laughed. Walter was a carefree mood. As the third son of a minor noble, had no land as much as Ranulf, the difference was that he did not care. He was equally happy paired with a great lord like a small owner ... or none. That interested him little. He had ambitions, not felt the need to make a name, to acquire wealth or power. As his older brothers loved him, always have a home that welcomed him in case of need. Ranulf did not even have that support. Although his father was a great man, even if he had taken from the village where his stepfather had raised during the first nine years of his life, although he would have found a home where he trained for men, Ranulf hated this man, never ask him anything, though his life depended on it. Ranulf had no home, but his ambition was to correct that deficiency. It was his only goal, which consumed him. So just for that work, selling their services to anyone, without asking for the task, difficulties or her own opinion. His ambition did not allow scruples. Towers had started other lords, fought wars for them. Never failed in what he undertook. That earned him a genuine reputation that's why I could no longer recruiting for less money. And so Lord Rothwell had agreed to pay the exorbitant sum of five hundred marks in exchange for the woman he wanted for his wife will be delivered. - Well? "Walter smiled when no one answered his question. Lady Does She will your tongue? Kenric was who answered. The curiosity of a boy of fifteen years do not allow for much subtlety. Sir Ranulf talk to you. Know your thoughts and feelings better than anyone. If not accepted the money from Lord Rothwell to engage in this mission, was only because the Lord inspires a deep aversion? "No Lord Rothwell said he would not. "Nor said he would," said Eric. That made laugh Walter. "Yes. That "we'll see" I thought it was very eloquent, coming from a man as sour as Ranulf. - Do you think that's why we came Rothwell stressed with fifty of his men?

"Of course. People like him are not likely to trust, especially when it comes to something important. This old man does not trust his own subjects, otherwise there would be no need to hire, right? I would be here personally, but for the drop that has prostrated. "No, I do not
know," agreed Walter, smiling. "But what this man rejects Ranulf? Eric wanted to know. It seems harmless enough, though somewhat sly. - Harmless? Walter snorted. You should talk with his men to know what kind of person he is. - What did you? "No, but Ranulf saw the same thing: that is like the lord of Montfort, who both fulfill our learning. Montfort own squires took us rather than grant us one of his knights. If you think that Ranulf was a difficult master, do

not know what the hell. Pure cruelty that is what Ranulf Rothwell received and rejected. "But what about the job? Kenric asked. Falls at all unusual, but never before have we been hired to carry a reluctant bride to her betrothed. "Sir Ranulf felt real reluctance to do that? Or was that it was prepared to ensure that Lord Rothwell be failing? The sparks ignited laughter in the brown eyes of Walter. "If you say so, children, what would you to gossip? Searle and Eric blushed at being treated children, whereas Walter was only twenty-four. But the grunt of Kenric distracted his attention: Ranulf left his shop with full armor. "May God protect us. Lanzo works very fast this morning, "Walter said. Shame on you, Kenric: leave me here, in lingerie, chattering like women. Move over, jerk, if you want to leave without us! It was possible that it was. And that would have been, were it not that lady She had spurned the offer of Lanzo to go for their own food. As Ranulf was not sure that finding the site cat knew they were going, which was less than an hour's drive, everybody had to wait for the cat back with your mouse and put in the wagon of provisions , to enjoy your breakfast.

CHAPTER III Queen tried to grab the wounded, but was too heavy for her, both fell to the ground. He had pulled the arrow on the shoulder before she could stop, now there was an open wound, and Reina had nothing to stop the bleeding. Did not even know who he was, because the man was covered in ash and smoke, having been attending the fire. It did not seem very resistant to pain as soon fainted. And she could not let it bleed. -Aubert, I need a piece of cloth, anything ... Aubert was not paying attention or could not hear the roar of the ram. The drawbridge, closed, had been shattered, as the first of two gates that closed the entrance from the inside. The men who manipulated the ram already in the guard shack, no longer achievable with hot water or sand, but had to keep the fires lit, to throw water again when the enemy advance. It was time to retreat to the tower. Those who had attended the fire were exhausted, collapsed against the walls. The soldiers fired their arrows even when a target is away from the site covered. The rest of the raiders waited patiently to do his striker, and occasionally firing a few arrows over the battlements. - Aubert! I was beside her, facing the courtyard, but not yet heard. When that ended, was captured or not, in line with Aubert Malfer accounts for having caused nearly as much exasperation as the attackers. He hit in the leg to get his attention. "Give me your knife ... or your sword. She had no weapon, it made no sense to add them to the armor did not know if using them, well, his coat of mail weighed enough without adding the weight of a sword (in total only weighed seven kilos). William's idea that

she had not been fought, but to protect and disguise it so that he could parley from the walls if necessary. He had this idea just two days before, worried because she had sent to two separate messages to the other two knights of the castle, so it was only to deal with the defense. And while Queen had reluctantly accepted the suggestion, just to please you, thinking that he did not have opportunity to use the armor. However, this disguise, however much they hated him, he was giving very good results since the morning. Negotiate with the attackers had like a gentleman who spoke for his wife. Since his head was covered by a cap and a helmet, no one guessed that she was the same woman whose surrender demanded. Aubert's green eyes widened when he saw her half buried by fallen man. - My Lady! - A knife, stupid! "Was all she could scream. He delivered the dagger in his belt, without thinking, but Reina's hands were so soaked with blood, have been squeezing the wound, which dropped it. Aubert ordered his scattered thoughts, enough to pick up the knife and cut the man's jacket. He then handed a scrap of fabric, she slipped by the hole in the garment, above the wound. The boy then had the good sense to alert another servant, to help bring down the fallen, but his wisdom was not enough to help before leaving under his body. Annoyed, she could not break free without help. And Aubert distracted again before having accomplished something: Reina heard him stifle a gasp. Followed by a groan and then a bloody coup ram. - What? - Jesus! Good Jesus! - What? Aubert crossed before stammering: "They ... have been reinforced, ma'am. On entering the outer door horsemen. Jesus, more than thirty riders, let alone walk. Y. .. and gentlemen. There are gentlemen who guide them. A Queen's blood ran cold. And now what to do? Sir William was crazy if he thought she could handle that situation, when fear almost prevented him from thinking. If they had not lost the outer walls, if the enemy had done the usual settling in for a long siege, would have had no problems. But de Rochefort, the bastard, lecherous bastard, I knew she did not have enough men. Surely there was, thinking the battle was over. And would not last much longer, if they were men who were leading the attack. A few stairs, which could be found in the barn without much searching, and the walls would be taken within minutes. And there she was, pinned to the ground, her arms so tired of holding the mesh sleeves that she could not take off that heavy back off. I could not even order a withdrawal. - Aubert! "I tried again:" Help me join! But he was mesmerized by the scene of the patio. He still tells what she wanted to hear. "They're coming, seventies ... eighty ... They have doubled their numbers and there's more ... Wait! Jesus!

- What? "And as he did not immediately reply:" Damn, Aubert! What? He looked down and gave him a broad smile. - The reinforcements are to us, my lady! We are saved! Then she heard: clash of swords, shouts and cheers of his own people, scattered over the wall. Aubert continued, laughing: "The attackers did not hear them coming and now it's too late. Are fleeing. See how they run are cowards! - How you look, so stupid? She protested, but now smiling. The young man's face was almost as orange as her hair at her immobilized. He immediately pulled the unconscious man and helped him up. When Queen saw the battle was being fought down, bringing down enemy knights with each stroke of the sword and new soldiers pursuing their attackers through the enclosure, also laughed. There was no resistance. Newcomers eliminated the enemy with such speed and so little effort that all ended too soon. She, and relieved, to spare Aubert for the "help" that he had borrowed that morning. "Show him in the commotion is over, Aubert. Jesus, I must change. I can not receive in this state! He grimaced as he looked her male attire, his face flushed at the thought of someone outside his castle to see her well. - Welcome them as they deserve, Aubert! "He added, heading and to the ladder. "But who are they, madam? - Who cares, if just to save Clydon?


Ranulf took off his helmet after entering the Great Hall and see that there were only women and children. However, he felt uneasy, the site was too large and almost no men. He sensed that somewhere there was a hidden army of soldiers, trying to decide whether he was friend or foe before being presented. As was seen, there were more servants than soldiers, which explained the pathetic defense that had witnessed their arrival. The castle had been about to fall, although the attackers were ridiculously few and even had a gentleman among them. But still, would have required weeks, only to cross the outer walls, using all the machinery and gadgets site. Whoever was in charge of the defense must be a fool or, cleverly, had been losing the battle on purpose. "If ... if you wait here, my lord ... Mrs. ... Lady Queen, will soon welcome you. Ranulf looked the young man seemed to have the age of Kenric. The young man introduced himself as Aubert Malfa, squire of Sir William Folville, whoever out. Malfer had come to meet in the courtyard, to lead his men directly to the tower, without asking a single question. Ranulf was used to intimidate people, but this was ridiculous, burned to give the waiter what

they deserve by giving them the folly of the tower. But that was against their own interests. His intention had been to ask Champeney Roger, Lord of Clydon, as if unaware that he had died. Could have some unfinished business with the gentleman, and that would have prevented Mrs. suspect the real reason for their presence. But that should come only with a few men as escorts, as planned. However, to find Clydon in the middle of an attack, everything changed. He was forced to bring their thirty soldiers and fifty of Rothwell. Now, if you do not want to scare the lady at the end to induce her to hide, need a good excuse to justify their presence. By the time he had been given a warm welcome, since it had dispatched the attackers. But he could not say that, going there, had come to defend Clydon sheer spirit of adventure. The Knights did not travel with so many men without a military purpose, nor participated in any battle with which to trip.

The squire was too nervous, rambling about a neighbor, called De Rochefort, who was supposed linked with some outlaws who lived in the forests of Clydon and probably had been the attackers. Apparently trying to gain time: talking without pause, so that nobody could ask questions. The lady of the castle would
due to be there in the living room to receive them. Ranulf asked why it was not. What if at that time were taking out of reach? Finally, Ranulf raised a hand to silence the squire. - Where is your lady, sir? I would like to make sure it is safe and sound. "Hey ... is alive and well. The last time I saw ... eh ... I do not know for sure where he is now. This response did not alleviate the concerns of Ranulf, the grim gesture terrorized the poor Aubert, who hastened to add: "I'll go look for it. And practically fled the room in haste. - What do you think, Ranulf? Walter asked thoughtfully, while the squire disappeared for a ladder in a corner torrezuela. Do you think the lady's room may be up there? "This tower is so great that no one can know where everything is. Do not lose sight of that ladder. Ranulf looked around the room, briefly surveying women. Found a particularly beautiful and the left for further analysis. Then he turned to his companions. -Eric, is a. .. Eric! "There was to hit the boy in the ribs to take his eyes off the stunning blonde, Ranulf had just discovered. It is time to devour the girls with his eyes, "growled the knight, gravely. - Yes, but for Christ's sake! Did you see something like ... ever? "Eric was interrupted with a snarl at the elbow he received from Searle. Finally saw the frown of Ranulf, becoming darker. Eh ... Yes, sir? "Go bet on a man at each door. I do not want no woman to leave the castle. None at all .- While Eric was leaving, he turned to Kenric Ranulf. You ask the servants where is the lady .- But as the boy went straight to the

beautiful blonde, Ranulf said aloud, "Give me an excuse for you to court and he will do. The work comes before pleasure. Kenric paled, raising his hand to the groin, then nodded and walked again. Searle Walter and laughed at the sight of describing a wide detour around the blonde. "Come, Ranulf. If you have to wait at least sit down, "suggested Walter, pushing one of the stools before the fire stations to Ranulf, before taking another. Lanzo, tries to find the steward or anyone who can bring us some beer. I could use a drink after exercise, but everyone is intimidated by our boss, as usual, and nobody can get close with refreshments. "Walter smiled at the sour look that Ranulf gave him. You know it's true, brother. True that women throw up when you find that you are not as dangerous as it sounds, but only after the check. "It is madness to provoke now," whispered Walter Searle. However, Ranulf sat. "Do not worry," said Walter, his voice equally low. If I do, you lose patience waiting for the lady. And if, God help you! "Judging by his expression, has lost patience. "No, not yet," Walter smiled. But she appears better soon. Unfortunately, Kenric returned saying that no one had seen Queen Champeney since dawn. Ranulf then exploded. - For God's sake! He fled before the attack began. He has escaped! "No, Ranulf, calm down. Most likely, it has wisely hidden. Certainly no one has said yet that can get out safely. "Yes," said Searle, "the ladies have to know where he is. To these we should have asked. Look for a y. .. For the love of God! Here is the lady, Ranulf. Ranulf turned around. Malfer Aubert was accompanied by a young girl who was quite a lady, no doubt: dressed in rich blue fabrics, her auburn hair was neatly hidden under a white veil. It was so much younger than he expected, did not seem to have more than twelve or thirteen. But almost all the heirs are married off at that age, only experienced a slight discomfort at the prospect of capturing it in the name of Rothwell. And that, just because he was very young and, well, charming. It frequently happened that the old lords girls marry her, and he had discussed with their conscience for the wearing of any wife at the hands of someone as Rothwell. But a man in his position could not afford to judge right and wrong. If he was not the old man, someone else would. So why give up his hundred marks? Just because he produced Rothwell repulsion? Any reluctance to handle the matter should only he did not like having to deal with a "lady." Experience had taught him that such young person was not what they seemed. It also, despite its appearance of sweet innocence and nervousness could be so cruel and vicious as any he had ever known. Looking back, Ranulf his teeth. Out of sheer perversity, there stood, as required by the gentleman, especially for a lady whose rank was so far above their own. The ladies always tried to rough and rude, just because he did not conceal the contempt he felt. But it should deal with it, he brought to his face relaxation concealing their true feelings.

In fact, it was she who made him a bow. Well why not? Ranulf was used to hearing themselves called "Lord" by the servants and ignore whoever it was just a landless knight unworthy of that title. "I welcome you to Clydon," she said softly and a little shaky with excitement. Forgive us for not greeting you earlier, but all thought that our Lord had come to meet in ... - Does your lady? Are you not Champeney Queen? "Oh, no, my lord. I'm Elaine Fitz Osbern of Forthwick. I have the honor of being educated here in Clydon, by the lady of my father. "Well, Ranulf ... He began Walter, seeing his friend's expression darkened dangerously. But it was too late. - By the holy blood of Christ! Ranulf yelled. I want to know why the woman did not receive me, and I know now mismo1 Vos, Mali, we were sent ... - By God, my lord! Aubert cried, stepping back fearfully as Elaine Fitz Osbern. My wife was not where I thought to find it, but I swear that his desire is to make you feel at home! "Five minutes, sir, or God ... There was no need to conclude, Aubert turned and ran again, this time into the courtyard. Ranulf then fixed his eyes on Lady Elaine, who began to stutter. - I can ... I can offer you ...? With an inaudible exclamation, abandoned the effort and also fled. "Well, there goes our snack, thank you," growled Walter. With that thunder you scared at all. I suppose I could find the kitchen on my own, but for Christ's sake! In a place like this you can take whole days to find them. Ranulf's response was brief and concise: "Searle: if this man says a word, cover the mouth.


Aubert was about to overwhelm Queen on the steps by which she rose with Theodric. If Theo had not fastened, the girl would have fallen. However, the squire was so shaken that even apologized. - You have come, madam, thank God! Apparently, the gentleman feels insulted by the fact that it did not. Just scared to death to Lady Elaine y. .. "And you, I see Queen," he snapped impatiently. By God, Aubert, I told you handling the complaint. Ofrciste You drink, I was comfortable dealing with that? "I ... did not think it took so y. .. And it is a monster, ma'am. I've never seen anyone so ... - Fool! You mean all this time nobody has seen? "I was hoping that you yourself bajarais. - I was not up! There were injuries that needed immediate attention y. .. Oh, no matter! I got tired Aubert, if not disappear for a week I will miss

you, I swear. Want to do something useful? Help me down these stairs. I am mortally tired and, thanks to you, I can not even pass with them to sneak up into my room, as I thought. Do not stand there like an idiot, Theo. Help me! -Will admit, my lady, that is rare to see you so pouty. Theo chuckled, took her arm while grabbing Aubert the other, to descend the final steps. It is very new and enlightening. Well, can you fix it alone now? He asked, at the top of the stairs. "Yes, and you'll find relegated to the kitchen, if I should continue supporting your humor samples. We surpass, as always. And now I have no courage to tolerarte. Where the hell is everyone? Reina looked around the room. It was empty, minus a few men sitting by the fireplace, the other side. "I told you it was scary" said Aubert, indignantly. "What I said was" monstrous. " Does this man has scared everyone so far as to make it hide? I do not know because I was too busy running away, ma'am, but did the prudent thing to hide. He is not normal, Lady Queen. And hurry. - Do I have reason to fear, Aubert? She asked seriously. "No, he just wants to make sure you are safe. Do not believe me when I said you were fine. You may be imagining things because you have not yet appeared. The longer you wait, the more distrust. "Well, go ahead and say that I have found. I can not hurry, Aubert, even to save the soul. This armor weighs as much as a horse. "Please, my lady. The man twisted my neck before I can pronounce a word if you do not see my side. Come on. She obeyed with a sigh. Young flanked, but Reina noted in disgust, they did a couple of yards behind. What cowards! He would have felt safer surrounded by their ladies, although most were girls. With shoulders hunched and his head aching from exhaustion, feeling the body as if he had been beaten (and so was the injured falling on it), Queen was presented to her "savior." He wanted to make a courtesy bow (not sure they can join later) but soon found himself lifted into the air. "I'm tired of excuses, delays and evasions. If you have come to tell me not know where the lady of the castle, dead date. Queen gasped and unable to speak. I had them stuck in the throat and was unlikely to emerge soon. He kept in suspense, with a fist clutching his coat of mail, just above the breasts. A fist, holding one fist in the air with his cursed armor, more than a foot off the ground with his face which was at the height of the knight. All of that found with a look, also found that he had climbed on anything to justify his stature. Aubert had said "Monstrous? By God, that man was a giant! As wide as high (well, that it was an exaggeration), the breadth of his shoulders and his chest was remarkable and easier to appreciate from its current position, allowing him to watch from above. For he could not say it was a rush, but a bear. And Bear was his roar. It was not the only one she was stunned. Theodric and Aubert also were dumbfounded to see that the giant was afraid to treat her well, to talk that way. And not only that: in addition, the shaking! When no reply as quickly as necessary, shake again.

Aubert was the first to recover the senses, only to lose again to think he could do anything. Instead of reporting the giant of his mistake, silly boy chose that moment to show, finally, courage. He jumped into the back of the giant, shook him like a squirrel uncomfortable, but was annoyed enough to move to Queen even harder. At that time Queen heard a voice very reasonable emerging dryly "Maybe if you leave it on the floor, Ranulf, this young man will regain the use of language. But it was Theodric who recovered enough to say: "It's a lady whom you are shaking Queen, sir. Oh, damn boy! How could I be so stupid? The giant, in his surprise, dropped it. He just let go and Queen hit the ground at his feet. Everyone stood around him: three soaring knights, too stunned to move, much less to speak, that looked absurd expression. If Queen had not been so sore, he would have laughed, in fact, was the perfect end to a grim day from the beginning. But he came to appreciate the humor. Later he would feel mortified. By the time he had touched the turn. "Well, here's a way as any to find out if the reeds need to change the seats. Nothing could embarrass both the giant. His face was so red that it seemed ready to burst into flames. Queen was a little better, until he tried to get up and only managed to get on all fours. By God, had to remove that armor immediately. He had never felt so exhausted and lack of grace. As soon as the take off would result in a fire. Two hands slid under her arms and left again suspended. A second later he was standing. Before his eyes was now the giant's chest. Queen refused to look beyond until he could go back a couple of meters, in order not to be forced to stretch his neck. And then experienced its own surprise. Until then, that face was a golden blur, but now clearly see her features. Golden eyebrows, thick and straight, darker than light hair, which reached to his immense shoulders. Well-formed nose between broad cheekbones, the skin showed the kiss of the sun. Firm lips on a square jaw, stubble obscured by a bronze. That face, hard in his masculinity, he was also incredibly handsome. And her eyes were purple, piercing, then narrowed to the gaze of Queen. Purple! Ranulf felt reborn and his anger was focused solely on the lady, if ever was a lady. The man was taken by, often, yes, but a man nonetheless. Who would not be wrong, seeing that no forms mesh shirt that reached to the knees, mesh stockings legs and even a mesh cap attached to the head, leaving visible only a small oval face. The cap covered her up to the eyebrows and chin. Also had dried blood on his hands and sleeves. Although not carry sword or weapon, is not nothing like a woman, except in the voice, soft and melodious, but he had heard it too late to avoid ridicule. I did not even see the relief of reacting to it like most women. If it had been struck, the surprise did not last more than a second. The big blue eyes, pale as the morning sky, did not express neither admiration nor rapture to behold. He looked directly, without fear, with the slightest hint of curiosity.

"Thanks," he heard her say, in response to his aid. "No, I beg you to forgive me. It was his own voice that spoke, though he only wanted to rip off the cap of the head to determine if a child or woman. He did not like that uncertainty. And then she surprised him, taking all the blame for that mistake, although he had every right to cover it with insults. "No, sir, for me to welcome you apologize for these conditions and lead to your confusion. My intention was to change me before, but Aubert told me you were ... wait ... to assure you that I was free. The black man who accompanied the giant gold gave a sudden laugh. "And you were free, young lady, until you came near to my friend. Let me introduce you to this stunning companion, which is very confusing: Ranulf Fitz Hugh. And our young friend, Searle of Totnes. - And you are you ...? Breaute-Walter, at your service. She nodded to each one, waiting for the giant spoke again. He did not. He just glares at Walter Breaute taken lightly by his embarrassment. They had given their names, yes, but Reina was well aware that, in fact, did not say who they were. In any case, courtesy command. "I am Queen of Champeney, and I welcome you to Clydon. Your arrival was very timely, as no doubt you have noticed. Walter was quick to interrupt that gratitude. - For how long were you under siege? There was not anywhere. They attacked at dawn, a man sent by them spent the night with us and opened the outer doors. - And you personally came out to fight? Finally he heard again the voice of the giant. His scorn was unmistakable. Queen would have preferred that he keep his mouth shut. -A fight no, sir. Sir William, my knight, I was sick in bed, there was no one able to take charge. - Did you send for help? "There was no time," said Reina impulsively. And immediately turned pale when he realized he had committed the folly of providing information without knowing for what purposes were they there. He had saved her from a hazard, but could well represent another. And she could have sworn that the answer was relieved that his lips were distended, his stance relaxed. - Why do not you have ...? Queen interrupted. "I still do not know what you came to Clydon. "We sent your master. Queen eased the tension. It was a strange way of saying that Guy de Shefford sent, but the man was strange. No doubt they had been asked to hand another letter from the Count Castilian, passing Clydon, since she had not yet responded to the previous, where he was asked the date of their wedding. Even now might respond, at least until they got John Lascelles, a week later, and she knew if he would marry her or not. Lord Richard, who would have preferred to marry, was still in Ireland, according to the latest response

from the Castilian, visiting the land of his father in that country. The Castilian had failed to say when he would return. But these problems would have to wait. Since men were vassals of Shefford, as she, the Queen had the right to seek its assistance, so that he was not in debt. In any case, deserved a better welcome, even if only Shefford servers. "Pardon my bluntness, Sir Ranulf. I must confess that this news has upset me. Answer all your questions, but let me first, please meet your comfort. Faced with the reluctant consent of the visitor, she sighed with relief and turned to Aubert, who at that time was shaking the clothes, after the recent scare. For its part, the Queen was too tired to deal with theirs. "Do the servants prepare the dining tables. Then send me to my butler to give orders accordingly, it will take care of the men of Sir Ranulf. You introduce yourself to Lady Margaret. I want to know how Sir William. Theo, find a Lady Hilary and have prepared several bedrooms with bathrooms in each, and wine. Do not forget the wine. And say to Lady Elaine to take care of the wounded. I have dealt with the most needy, but there are still some stitches to make, and it's time they learn to apply your needle to the flesh. Then you can take care of me. Walter watched her, while she was away, and shook his head. "He can barely stand, much less get to her bedroom, y. .. Have you seen how it has taken charge of everything, being so small? You may need help ... He turned off the voice Ranulf had just left. He was amazed to see that going after the lady. Ranulf caught three long steps and lifted her in his arms. Walter heard the girl let out a cry, but he did not budge. The road led toward the stairs that she was going. "You should not use armor, if you can not bear their weight" was all he said. Well I knew it, but did not say, at that time feared the intentions of man. But that fear lasted only as long as it took to ascend the stairs: just seconds, although the staircase on the corner this stood two stories from the Great Hall to the third floor of the tower. At the top, left on the floor and, with a curt nod, he went back down. "What a gentleman!" She said. And he thought again. There was the door of the rooms of Mr., the staircase continued until the battlements around the roof. Queen moved slowly down the narrow corridor that ran through the thick wall of the tower, illuminated by several narrow windows. He went through the rooms of women, where almost all women slept in a back bedroom, in front was the looms and sewing room, where lay the maidens. At last he reached his small bedroom in the north tower. I could have moved to the spacious rooms of the lord, but the pain stopped him. After marriage would have the opportunity to occupy. His room was empty, as usual at that hour of the morning. Queen leaned against the door, letting out a sigh of fatigue. I had no strength to cover the few yards that separated her from the bed. I could not even think about the rest of the day: meet visitors and answer their questions as promised. It was very difficult to talk with them, not knowing how to say who was aware of

their circumstances and who is not. The worst was lying. And it was his father who had started it all, thinking to do what she wanted. If Lord Raymond had not died, she could have married before his father departed for the Crusades, two years before, according to King Richard. She had been promised in marriage to Raymond when he was only three years, never occurred to him to oppose the alliance, but barely knew: I had not seen more than five or six times in his life. But when the time came for the wedding, he became a court favorite of Richard, the old King used it much, sending it back and forth with different messages. It appears that Raymond had not time to send for her or be in Clydon, so that both could pronounce their vows. And at last received the news that he had died crossing the canal, drowned while trying to save a child who had fallen overboard. The new Queen saddened, but did not know enough to mourn. However, this death put her in a bind: her father had given his word to accompany the crusades to his feudal lord, Lord Guy, and Richard the Lionheart, the new king. Thus, the Queen remained unmarried at age fifteen and his father about leaving for the Holy Land, no time to find another husband. So he asked her to look for candidates on their own and submit them for approval. She followed the words, but his first letter did not reach the hands of the father. Before one of Champeney arrived, explaining that they had stopped to conquer Cyprus and that the king there had married Berengaria of Navarre. One of the four subjects who had died with him in Cyprus fever. The letter accompanied a wagon full of loot, but it seemed inappropriate to sell any parts, but needed the money: they come from the cross, seemed almost sacred. Queen's second letter came when his father was still in Cyprus, since the king took a long time there. He replied, approving two of the candidates that she had suggested: Lord John de Lascelles, one of the servers Champeney until, at the death of his elder brother inherited the family land in Wales, and Richard de Arcourt, Lyonsford heir, who already owned the tower and the city of Warhurst, a few hours away from Clydon. Reina was well acquainted with both and had sympathy was sure to get along with any of them as a husband. Both were young and good size. Richard had a subtle humor and knew her laugh, John was kind and friendly. With either of them would be happy, but their preferences favored Richard. His father died in the siege of Acre, just a month after writing that last letter, so you never knew about the preferences of your daughter. The count, in the letter informing Queen of his death, Roger also mentioned that he had spoken of a new engagement of the girl, apparently in the delirium of agony, did not mention who was her fiance. "I am absolutely sure that, whoever be the man that Roger chose for you, will be acceptable to me and be willing to pay him homage. Your father told me as much as I liked him, would have been unable to put my enemy in front of Clydon. Therefore, this letter is to officially grant them my permission and my blessing as to your wedding. "But the Count said that for the sake of the girl herself, wanted the ceremony to be held in the course of a few months and that he send news of her. Reina felt confused, but finally understood what his father had done: he had lied to his friend and master to Queen could choose between the two

candidates endorsed by it. Otherwise, Lord Guy, was going to be his guardian to his father's death, was entitled to choose a spouse and up to sell your protection, keeping unmarried, although that was not likely. While the count had always treated with love and kindness, because he appreciated his father, those things were not taken into account in agreeing to a marriage. And without the permission of the count, without his approval of her husband, she could lose her inheritance.

So Richard had written, asking him to come to Clydon. He did not say why, since I was not prepared to propose an alliance in a letter, but said it was urgent. Richard was difficult to locate. A month passed without news of him and then wrote to John Queen. At that point I was ready to marry any of them, especially since the Castilian urged the earl to know the date of the wedding. After what happened that morning, after Falk Rochefort efforts to seize it, the urgency was much more Reina began to withdraw from the door, but at that moment someone opened
it. His cry prevented Theodric hit her with the blade. "Queen, you ought to see that slut of Eadwina, how to shake his ass in the face of it," Theo said, disgusted. And Lady Hilary stubbornly bathe her. You let me take care of him, Queen, please. A Eadwena always in charge ... - What do you take care of who? He gave a dramatic sigh. "From Cyclops gold. Who else? Queen regained his composure. "Okay. Go, take care. I do not care. And waved. Then he added: "Wait! Before you take away this off. Damn armor! He obeyed. The stripped more quickly than ever. Queen was about to laugh at seeing so impatient. "And he called to Eadwina slut? When he was wearing the underwear, the sweaty shirt and panties, sat down on the bed. - Are you busy at least send me the bathroom? "Of course, he replied, indignantly, while the armor thrown into a corner. Wenda; send-Pue. Wait, Theo! She sat up on his elbows to warn, "If your" Cyclops "has no interest, you better step aside from his presence as soon as possible. The boy nodded with a grin and left.


Lord Rothwell did not deserve such luck. Had obtained their vast territories successively with five wives marrying rich, and do it again now: increase his fortune with Clydon. Ranulf did not know if the property included other fiefs, but Clydon alone, was a wonderful heritage for everyone. He had seen many fields as you approach the castle: a large village, where they were living as two hundred commoners in healthy solid wood cabins, a creek that ran behind the shadows of giant oaks. In the distance, a water mill, manor house and a vast expanse

of forests, where he and his men had camped the night before, to leave there carts with supplies and people who followed his little army. But the most spectacular was the castle. Even the tower of Lord Montfort nor Ranulf's father was so great. The outdoor patio measuring a few acres, protected by the thick wall, which protruded many towers at regular intervals. Against the walls, within the grounds, many buildings were built: a large barn, a thatched barn and corrals on either side, a smithy, a brewery and several warehouses. To the left was a fish pond, plus a large loft, the right sector was free to serve as the exercise yard. The stables were in the courtyard and a barn, a barn and several smaller deposits. There were also the kitchen and a garden to which nothing was missing, or hives, but in the tower had been added a new kitchen, following the example of towers built in recent times, to get hot food to arrive table. The tower whitewashed extremely thick walls, rose as least thirty meters corner towers added another three and a half. The construction was divided by a transverse wall, which served as a support so high, had three floors and basement. Accommodation for the garrison and the wellhead now ceded to the new kitchen space, on the second floor, the Great Hall was third. They entered the tower through a considerable extent built on the left of the castle, which was also up three floors, the outside staircase leading to the second was protected on top by a drawbridge, in the latter, together the big room was the chapel. Ranulf had seen much of all this. The squire Aubert supplied him with more details in his halting speech, as he led visitors to the Great Hall, the servant who called Mrs. Theo was a source of information as well and responded to all questions of Ranulf. It was only for that reason attending Ranulf was left for him during his bath, dispatching Lanzo to go to clear his bloody sword and armor. In general, all guest was assisted in his bath by a woman of service, if the guest was very important, was responsible for the same woman, that is, the wife of the Lord, rarely, her daughter. Ranulf, who was not so important, had never been seen by the lady of the house, which appreciated: the best bred disputed the honor of addressing, and he remembered many pleasant hours devoted to more than just hygiene. Basically, expect to see in his bedroom to the blonde in the Great Hall, on the other hand, who came to the chamber that had been assigned was the boy, accompanied by servants bearing the large tub and hot water, a tray wine, cheese and white bread of wheat, to satisfy your appetite until dinner was served. They also brought a change of clothes, which are usually not offered because of its size but also because it was considered important guest. Ranulf acknowledged that Mrs. Clydon was considered important not only because he had represented himself as sent by his master (indeed, she did not think that it was Rothwell, but another), but also because he had saved Clydon, whoever they were attackers. Never mind that not one woman who attended. After his enjoyment of the night before, did not need another. However, the presence of Theo was intrigued. The boy, who had not yet reached full development, was skinny, in their movements showed a slow grace, almost feminine, which will undoubtedly

lose with maturity. The hair, dark blonde, curled it around the neck and ears, her brown eyes were too direct and daring to be a servant. But he was handsome, at least, it would be when his face when mature, lose that air ambiguous. Ranulf had noticed that Lady Queen laid a hand on the shoulder of the young to give orders. He was struck because it was not usual for a lady to play a servant for any reason, much less if the servant was a man. He had also heard people say, "Then you can take care of me." The meaning of what it was unimaginable, but it was obvious she lavished the boy a special affection. In this case, it was possible that having the confidence of the Lord and receive his confidences; know about it as were needed to know. And if he was in the bedroom of Ranulf, could only be by order of her visitor for some information. However, had not caused any question and, instead, did not hesitate to respond to all that wanted to know about Clydon Ranulf. Already naked, Ranulf got into the big round tub. When sitting, the volume of his body water rose to chest. He did not notice how Theo's eyes followed his every move, sparkling with anticipation. Theodric was fascinated, but also scared. I've never seen a body so beautiful nor so large. In every muscle rippled iron strength. Arms like that could fracture a bone without even trying. Long legs, strong and exquisitely curved back, a back that never ended, and so solid as a rock and covered with golden skin. That could cost him his life, but Theo was willing to take the risk. Of course he did not know how to proceed with such a person. He had taken the clothes to a gentleman, holding up fingers as possible. But the man did not notice anything. Theo replied without thinking, focus the mind on one thing. Rarely did they show so clearly. It was enough to look moody. But apparently that was not enough with this man, who seemed to devote all his interest Clydon ... until then. - How old is your wife? Theo saw that the gentleman reached for mop and soap placed on a stool beside the tub, and threw himself headlong into them. "Allow me to wash you, sir. Ranulf shrugged, though he had not expected the boy lavished so much. In any event, and Kenric Lanzo used to rub her back, so he leaned forward to offer her, and insisted: "Your lady, how old is he? Theo soaped the cloth, but hesitated as to the answer as to the possibility of playing. - Why do you ask? "Because I did not see breasts, hips or bend some to help me calculate. Is it just a girl? Theo would have been offended if a stranger (any man, really) had mentioned the breasts and thighs of his wife. In contrast, the sly smile. Reina was not as curvy as most women, but had just enough size but its size was very small. Only those who enter his bedroom and saw her naked, you might know that their legs were perfect and had the most beautiful ass and enviable in the world, in a funny back and soft as silk. Your breasts may not fill the hand, but were firm and erect, her big nipples would have made any man ... sigh Well, almost everyone.

Theo had to erase the tone of his voice presumed to answer, he knew all that, but that gentleman never know. "Many years ago my lady was no longer a child. Believe it or not, she's a perfectly developed. Ranulf felt that it was not answered your question about age. If the boy was not willing to talk about his wife, then you find out: "If you beat the child while, why not married? Theo slipped the cloth, caressing the skin brown. It was hard to think back that feeling so beautiful and muscular beneath his hand. "I was promised, but he died two years ago. - And not pledged again? Theo frowned, trying to concentrate. The issue became dangerous. Sheford man came from and, therefore, believed that Queen was promised in marriage, when in fact it was not. Why was that question? "He promised, indeed. Did not Sir Henry sends you to know the date of the wedding? The Castilian Guy Lord will come to witness and receive, on behalf of the count, the homage of the new Lord of Clydon. Ranulf was grateful that she be given so easily excuse for his visit to the castle. And it was obvious that Rothwell was right about one thing, at least: if there was a promise of marriage, ignoring the lady was to marry another. - Does that mean that the date is ... fixed at last? Ranulf asked. Theo took a giant distraction to get a little closer and take the pad to his chest. "Only my wife can answer that. - Who is the lucky husband? Theo did not know, as Queen used to dodge those questions. How do you say that her fiance was from Lascelles, if Queen was determined to marry De Arcourt if it miraculously came first? He decided to bet that Ranulf Fitz Hugh did not know that the thing was not yet determined and were not willing to admit that his master had not committed the data. "It is something that everyone knows, but certainly I have informed Sir Henry. Ranulf growled. The boy was again evasive, and that did not like. If the wedding would be held soon (and the lady so want it, no doubt, having jeopardized both that morning), why he kept so secret the names of who would marry her instead of Rothwell? The man could not have been chosen by his father, if Rothwell told the truth. Therefore, it must be the decision of the Earl of Shefford after death of Roger de Champeney. No woman would dare to enter their own alliance or to break a commitment. The neglected, no doubt, after it sent an army or a mercenary, as did Rothwell. In that case, why the Count had left unprotected for so long? If he wanted to deliver to another, he must do so immediately, as she was at the mercy of any do not hold the ceremony. In fact, not interested in solving this puzzle. Its mission was to carry the lady to Rothwell and would do so. It mattered little who seize Clydon through it. Could envy that was razed with the loot, then Clydon was magnificent. Its only drawback was be accompanied by a child-woman, petite

and given to giving orders like a general. But that was of little importance: even jibosa and crippled Clydon would have been desirable as his own. why was startled to discover that the boy had gone to the opposite side and my arm was submerged in water, in front of him, his hand, armed with mop, moved to the inside of the thigh thick Ranulf. Incredulous, he resisted the suspects leaped to mind. That young man could not be so suicidal. But give him the benefit of the doubt matters worse, that the hand came forward. At the very moment that touched Ranulf where nothing was done, the knight struck him a dirty look. His reaction was instantaneous. A howl of rage shook the rafters. With a wave sent Theo arm across the room, tumbling. - For God's sake! That woman sent me a sissy! Theo sat up with difficulty, and upset, said: "It would have sufficed should say not. - What did not? Ranulf shouted in disbelief. Little rat bastard! Thank you do not start to hundrtela cock in the ass! It disappears before you change your mind! Ranulf, breathing fire from his eyes, watched Theo, who left in haste in the bedroom. Should have realized by the attitude of young women to stay alert, but had been sent by the lady, Ranulf suspected only came in search of information. Bloody hell, "she would think he had in his castle on a convicted sodomite? Did he look so? Of course looks do not mean anything. To admit it, his temper down to a dark mood. Even the king, fearless warrior and a giant among men, preferred to lead boys to bed, according to rumors. Some people did not care one sex than the other. And judging by the sermons of the clergy standing, it was assumed that this perversion abounded. But this was the first time that happened to Ranulf. Until then, no one had dared. That effeminate Theo could thank that Ranulf had not split.


Queen rarely used used to put the stool in the center of the large tub lined with cloth, not now used. He needed to sink deeply into the hot water to relieve sore muscles, but it was so small he was satisfied with little water. The bathroom had added oil of myrrh, whose delicate and exotic scent relaxes, it was her favorite essence since discovered it in the cart of treasures sent by his father. The door opened and she sat in the tub, surprised, since Wenda had brought all the heated water to heat the home, in the bedroom of the Lord. He returned to rest when he saw that it was Theodric. Wenda He heard firing and wondered why back so soon, but preferred to wait until he told him. He sensed he would not like, hence experiencing no hurry to find out. He had already spoken to his foreman and was sure that, down, things returned to normal. Still, it was wrong delayed having guests in her bedroom in the tower. His bedroom was the only place where he could enjoy privacy, no one expected anything from her. And that was exactly what I needed at that time.

Nobody, apart from Theo or Wenda, never enter without permission. When I was there (which was seldom) everyone knew he did not want to be disturbed. These rules had been imposed because of Theo. Her ladies knew that the boy was in the service of Queen, but ignored what kind of work executed for it. Although it was obvious that women are not attracted him, most of the ladies was still too young to understand if, on entering the room, saw the young mind while she bathed. Ethelinda, Theodric's twin sister, was the maid of Queen from the age of twelve. The fact that the twins were inseparable led Queen to become accustomed to the presence of Theo in the bedroom. At first, he was concerned only with the tasks assigned to male servers, but soon took over some functions of Ethelinda, when it was occupied. His hands were softer, which is why her sister excelled when it came to style to Queen and keep their clothes neat, hated the dirt and kept the room cleaner. At fourteen, Theodric had his first affair. While Reina asornbr to go with a man, also soon get used to that. He ended up not seek to cover their nakedness when he came unexpectedly. The young man simply became Theo-man, but nothing threatening in his maleness. So Theo seemed natural to assume all duties of a maid when Ethelinda died in a tragic accident, soon after his father's departure to the Holy Land. Queen was so fond of him as his sister. They consoled each other for the loss of Ethelinda, strengthening and consolidating their relationship. Theo was not only his servant, but also his friend why he took liberties with her that nobody would dare to take. But as the father of Queen would not have allowed such a situation, because no man would understand, Wenda only knew he was in fact his "maid" of that bathed, dressed her and took care of all your needs. The secrecy was necessary in the early years, especially to preserve the modesty of young ladies. But now Queen had authority on its own and did not care who found out the case because no one would dare criticize it. Not even her husband could prevent you from choosing their personal servants, considering all that she brought to the marriage and especially after knowing the circumstances. Ultimately, she would include in the marriage contract. Theo was silent and the bath water began to cool. - Well? She asked, sinking into the tub. "So what? Faced with this morose response, she stood up and leaned his arms on the edge. It took a moment to locate Theo, who was sitting in a corner on the floor dejected air, leaning his chin on his knees and hugged her legs. You did not ask, but she did it softly - He was not interested? "No interest. - What is it, Theo? It is rare that you take the rejection so tremendous. He looked up sharply. "You say that because you have not seen, Reina. All so beautiful golden skin and ... "Spare me the praise, Theo-interrupted her curtly. The same thing you say when you find a beautiful new face. "And you never stop to think what will turn your lover if you find it. Do not frequent now one of my men in arms? I would not want to exclude him from the castle as the previous one that struck you for your infidelity.

- What blame do I have if men are so possessive? Queen laughed with the resignation of his voice. "If you want to be like Eadwina, which passes from one man to another, at least not commit yourself to one. - Are you going to compare with that slut, who knows all the beds in the tower? , Accused him indignantly. It's so stupid that only knows how to please a man for a day. "But he has the wisdom to avoid beatings from the jealous, which you can not say," he reminded her. I do not like having to comfort you when you get trounced. If you can not be faithful, Theo, at least lovers looking for more small or develop your muscles. "I just like to feel helpless, like a woman. Would you rather you be stronger ... ? - It is not me - said she, rising -. And do not know why I bother arguing with you, if you do business as usual, even though I tell you. Theo hastened to move forward with a towel and helped her out of the tub. Do not want to admit that had angered the giant, but he could not allow her to fight him, without knowing it. Reina again raise the issue. - Did you find out, at least, what has been Sir Ranulf? He wrapped his wet hair with a cloth; Wenda had washed beforehand. "I had many opportunities to ask questions, all he did to me. I asked about Clydon, like almost everyone who comes first. But I also wanted to hear from you. - What about me? Theo smiled at the memory. "He was curious about your age. She decided not to repeat the exact words of the man. He asked me how old were you, when would be the link and who was your fiance. - What did you say? "Nothing to what could sink his teeth. Certainly you may ask ... if he can calm down a bit. Reina was surprised. Theo, did you hurt? "No, of course ... but ... he could think otherwise. - Explain! The young man blushed, looked away. "I was so distracted that when he ... Well, I left as quickly as you advised me. And he seemed willing to me to pieces. I did not stay to check. "Oh, Queen's Theo groaned," you could not realize that he had no interest prior to infuriate? "He was distracted. "His voice became defensive. There was no easy way ... - You could have asked habrselo frankly! Good God, what I thought when I let you get close? This is the last thing I need, above all else. He opened the trunk of her clothes and pulled out the first one found. Well, do not worry. I have to hurry, to not keep you waiting a second time. "At least you sent to who'd Eadwina to bathe? Theo ran a linen shirt over her head. "She was busy with another. - And whom you sent? -A Amabel. - Does Theol Amabel fat? How did you come?

- What is wrong? "He replied in all innocence, as he tied the ties of his shirt. She was unemployed. Queen glared at him and he wanted to slap him. "In these hours must be furious. I swear that if you fool me grudge causes difficulties with him, myself and I shall dig despellejar your skin on the wall. Theo protested "He has a lot to think about and frolic with anyone interested. Not even look at Amabel. "I hope you're right. Oh, heavens, you still have to dry my hair! Hurry, Theo. I want to be in the room when he falls.


Going down the stairs of the tower, Ranulf Walter found sitting on the top step, waiting for him. "I began to wonder if you would have lost up there. And I was afraid of being the last to return to the classroom, because of the stunning blonde who treated me! I could not have said anything worse, considering that Ranulf had deliberately delayed the chamber, that is cool mood. First they sent him a sissy, then a woman so voluminous that even Ranulf could have his arms around it ... thing I could think of, certainly. - How did you do with it? He asked curtly. - Do you need to ask? The blond growled under his breath before asking: - "Madame has gone down already? ~ Yes, just now, "said Walter, with a look of curiosity. And you, what's wrong? "Nothing that she can not solve," said Ranulf, while going through the archway leading into the Great Hall. Almost suffocated by anger, he walked directly toward the platform, in which burned a large home center, Searle and Eric were there with a group of ladies. Even the idea of mixing with so many "ladies" as goshawk. But slowed quite appeased by surrounding the long table, and covered with a white linen tablecloth for dinner just to realize, belatedly, that might not know Champeney Queen. There were four older women, the young Elaine, whom he had been frightened before, and three others, who appeared to twelve or thirteen. It was impossible to determine what was lady of Clydon, for even the largest, but one could not have over thirty years.

The youngest of the four separated from his companions to greet him. Like the others, chastely kept his eyes low, which Ranulf kept in the dark: the less, he could recognize and cerulean blue eyes he had seen before. Sir Ranulf, let lady presented to Margaret, the wife of Sir William Folville, which is still in bed and can not join us. Lady Margaret was the eldest. It was three women. "Lady Elaine says she knows you. - Was what was perceived confidence in his voice? -. And Senor is Lady Alice, the daughter of Sir William. A pretty girl of twelve. Apparently, the presentations were being conducted by rank. "Ladies and Florette Hilary widowed" continued speaking. Their husbands were Clydon knights, who perished with my father in the Holy Land. That did require a response, but now I knew the lady who wanted to cross a few words. Lady Hilary was a stout woman of about twenty aios; lady Florette, an attractive brunette with green eyes that peered timidly. Therefore, only that he was at his side. "Sorry to hear of these losses," Ranulf said the two widows and was met with a smile of circumstance and a nod. "The parents of Cecilia and Eleanor also went to the cross with mine. We trust that these gentlemen return to Lord Guy, safe and sound. The appointees were the two remaining girls, too shy or intimate to watch. "It's a great honor," murmured Ranulf, bowing to 'all. Ranulf then sent courtesy of the devil. He turned to Lady Queen with intent to take her to a corner and say to his face what he thought of it. But she was the first to speak. Leaning on the arm a tiny hand, leaned towards him to say, half-whispers: -Come with me, Sir Ranulf, please. I would like to talk privately with you, before we sit at the table. Despite the "please", it sounded to order. Ranulf was like going to propose, but with less courtesy, even so, it did not change the fact that a woman was giving orders, you do not like it. However, she did not wait for your response. Confident that he would not refuse, he departed from the others. His little hand is no longer resting on the arm of Ranulf, but that held it tightly, as if to drag it behind him. Impossible thing, if he refused. But followed her, only because he also wanted to exchange a few words in private. Lady Queen vain led him to a window on one side of the room, between two walls that looked like bedroom paths. There were two steps to climb to the arch area, which measured five feet wide and had the depth of the walls. Two banks faced picked the bright afternoon light. She entered the first and held the left bank, to give back to the podium. Ranulf sat on the other, though in this way was in full view of those who were gathered at the home. That would not prevent him vent his anger, but once more the woman gave no opportunity to say a word. "Thank you, sir, for allowing me to apologize in private. The incident that caused my lack of attention and I find it embarrassing to you, so I will be brief. It was not my intention to insult sending you my personal servant. I did not think clearly when you let me convince him that you attend. Theodric

not usually so clumsy as to insult, but in this case told me that he did, so I beg your pardon, on my behalf and yours. There are no excuses for Theo ... but I was so amazed that ... Oh, jesus, this is more embarrassing than I thought. Reina moved in his seat, uncomfortable, her cheeks aflame. The man did not help to end the situation. Although he could not look into his eyes during his tirade, he was sure he was staring at her, blushed, too, waiting to see what else he said. What else could I say? He continued with a sigh. "Just look at you, Sir Ranulf, to know that you are not ... Well, at this hour you will have realized that Theo is different, that only appeal to you ... She could not continue in that vein. Actually, I'm more and more entangled. "Yes, indeed. Queen stiffened to hear, at last, his bitter whisper. Was so angry. I looked into his eyes, not liked what he saw in its depths, now darkened to indigo. Cold offended by the fact that he was magnanimous after his apology, said: "The mistake was mine. Theo can not avoid as it is, but five years ago with me and I hold dear. I've punished, and I will not remember this incident again with his presence. But if you is impossible to forget this and wish to leave the castle, I'll understand. Forget or leave the castle? Ranulf had to bite my tongue not to reply to this ultimatum. The bitch forced him to leave everything well, denying the opportunity to vent their anger, now that he had expressed things his way. Ranulf not leave, of course, until it was done at night and could take it. But by God, she was responsible for eliminating any objection as to deliver as soon as possible to Rothwell. Those two deserved each other. With difficulty, Ranulf able to pronounce: "As you say, the matter is forgotten. "Despite everything, I can not say I feel forgiven, sir Ranula Do you want to shake again? Can you work that? He glared at by reminding that error. Without doubt, the reminder was deliberate. She had the audacity to smile, revealing a row of white teeth. Nor wait for an answer. He held out a hand through the narrow space between them and propped on his knee, then withdrew, as if remembering that there was among them such familiarity to the touch. And smiled. "That offer was not serious, you know? Nobody jokes about you? Walter often risking their lives for it. "If that's true, you should be ashamed," she said with a chuckle nice. I hope it's only an empty stomach what makes you so gloomy, so I can fix it. Ranulf blushed. The lady was joking, but if he does not immediately abandon his temper, she would require him to leave without even giving the chance of their own volition. "Pardon me, lady. Your meats will be welcome, indeed. "In that case, I will do you expect. Come. Will share a bank with me.

For God's sake, why was it necessary? Share your table was an honor, but he did not think so. Sitting next to it would oblige him to observe all rules of courtesy: serve the best parts, cut the meat, make sure your glass was never empty and not do everything necessary to please. The hungry man was entitled to eat in peace, but how it could be done in the presence of ladies who wanted to be served and fun? Ranulf closed his eyes with a grunt, but immediately opened them to see a Queen, who returned to the podium, once again, seemed to assume that he would follow. He stared at her narrow hips, gently shaking his walking ... or sliding. How old were you at last after all? Fifteen, sixteen? Fine as it was, could not be more than that. But the two mounds of her breasts were clearly visible. Sitting in front of her, had a good opportunity to study, so long as she kept her eyes downcast. On his face there was nothing for children. It was small but clearly defined: a woman's face. Oblique eyebrows were almost hidden by a thick fringe loops. Almond eyes, straight nose, wide mouth, thick lower lip, and a small chin completed the picture. It was a beautiful face in the strict sense, but interesting, thanks to the fleshy lower lip and the complexion whose whiteness asking to be touched. But the strange, she was impressive in the contrast between her bright eyes and black hair and eyebrows and eyelashes were even blacker. She was not beautiful, no, but not ugly. However, it did not appeal at all. Women who were fascinated Ranulf girls strong and robust, able to withstand a tumble, the only thing that interested him. The small, delicate young caused him fear. And if they were ladies, worse, just for the sake of being. As for that lady in particular, he liked least of all, for the insult he had foisted. And his jokes just added to the list of complaints that Ranulf was against it. A Walter could tolerate this nuisance, but not her. Seeing Walter smiled, stood up. It was better to finish with it. The sooner we could make plans for departure, the better. It sounded a horn, calling the people of the castle to the trestle tables, installed below the platform. Ranulf could hardly give credit to the small number of soldiers who fell, some wounded. A property that tamaio, so obviously rich, could maintain a garrison of several hundred. Where men were needed to protect it? He was burning to know, but he must wait. He decided not to ask the lady there, where he would have to control his temper. She too annoyed with his air of authority, the less address him, the better. Time enough to ask questions when they were far from Clydon. Then she not be so haughty. So let Walter act in its own way to monopolize the conversation with his playful humor, though some were jokes at the expense of Ranula So Lady Queen kept entertained and distracted his attention, preventing Ranulf had to endure his direct gaze, but one or twice. After the meal, he escaped under the guise of release for most of his men. She did not object, of course, because this large group of soldiers uneasy, and rightly so. Ranulf could have possession of it, simply, but that would have caused an unnecessary slaughter of the garrison of the castle, which could be avoided by using stealth.


- What did you learn, Walter? "The lady's bedroom is in the north tower, but you can only reach it by the stairs of the east tower, which you raised this morning, carrying in her arms. Ranulf departed from the narrow window through which he had observed the activity of the courtyard. "Yes, I remember seeing a long corridor running through the wall directly, as in the gallery above the lounge there. Did he mention your informant what else is up there? "The bedroom of Mr. and accommodation of women, sleeping quarters ladies and girls. "In that case we can not make mistakes or make a noise that wakes. That cart of supplies that I saw in front of one of the tanks is it ours? "Yes," said Searle. Eric ordered the men to return to camp Rothwell and that one will take care of the cart. It has already been loaded with grain bought Walter. "I hope not been filled completely. -No. Is enough room for the queen. Ranulf nodded, then looked at Kenric and Lanzo. - Have you decided who of you will go with her? "Lanzo" said Kenric, "since it is more pequefo and occupy less space in the wagon. "Mido only two inches shorter-gruf Lanzo," can hardly be said that ... "But you are more thin-argued Kenric, smiling. Walter chuckled. - Kenric So Lanzo decided that volunteered. Cheer up, Lanzo. Your task will be the most important. You take care of that lady did not shake the cart or make any noise that can alert guards when we go through the outer gate. What do you think, Ranulf? Can he do it? Not much bigger than her. "Two inches larger Kenric sneered. - Can you, Lance? Ranulf asked the boy. If you fail and the lady alert the guards, we have to fight to get out of the tower. You know how many lives will be lost in that case? "Trust me," said Lanzo firmly and anxiety. Then he began to Kenric a look of superiority, before asking, "But what I will give reasons to be on the wagon? "You should go unnoticed, but in any case we will say that you're sick and can not ride a horse. "A few moans and fake sick enough to convince; also serve to mask any noise you make," added Mrs. Walter. And our men will go around the wagon, but not so obvious. You have been warned not to let anyone get too close. - Questions? Ranulf inquired. Since only silence answered him, concluded: "Then begin at midnight. Kenric and I picked up the lady. Searle, you wait outside, under the short bridge from the ladder. While Walter distracts the guard of the building front, I turn to the lady, you should be prepared as soon as you open the door. Place them in the cart and wait with her until you

get to take your place Lanzo. Take care to be well hidden when the gates are opened for input Eric. March in the notice that our camp has been attacked by bandits. I will wake up to the steward to accompany us outside, so that no delays. - What if he wants to wake up your wife? Asked Walter. "In that case, you must use your tongue to convincing him not to. But what would need to wake? "We're a group to be not wishing to enter. Well, we're done. Sleep all you can before the time comes, as Eric has already sent forth to the men of Rothwell, and we ride the rest of the night and all morning, until we meet with them. It is sufficient that one man stays awake to wake up, Searle, the rest should be ready to leave as they are awake, so only then need not worry about the horses. Kenric we wake up here in the tower, to get the lady, we'll go to bed so that we wake up again to the arrival of Eric. "Well there's nothing left to do, for now," Walter said, dismissing the others. Ranulf came to the table to fill your glass of wine. - Did you get Parchment chaplain to write the note? Walter nodded and handed him the letter he was carrying in his jacket. "You'd better leave it in the bedroom. Whoever enters to wake in the morning will find there. Do you, indeed, necessary? Since Sir William is still in bed, hardly persecute us. - Do not you know you have other subjects? It is likely that after the attack this morning, has sent one or more of them. Now he knows he needs to better protect themselves until they make the wedding is planned. It is not unreasonable that in the morning come a considerable force. "Yes, I understand," admitted Walter. But heed your warning? "I do not know what kind of man I am or what I am capable. "C"> m not obey? Do you consider capable of endangering the lives of his wife to recover, knowing that in due time will be returned unharmed? "Unscathed, but with a husband who neither she nor her subjects want. Ranulf shrugged. "That's not our problem. A Rothwell should do to Shefford and men Clydon accept it, once the fact is consummated. Walter turned his glass, gazing thoughtfully. "In matters like this, men often wait to have a baby on the way, to strengthen their position. Rothwell is a bit old so she'll have some seed f "rtil. Maybe I can have her, but she did not give any child. Shefford know that is not expected heirs may decide to forget about the lady and Clydon claim for himself. "That does not concern us. Once we have delivered, our mission is accomplished. With the money I pay Rothwell will have more than enough to cover the asking price from Millers, but upload it occurred again. "Ranulf spoke with such resentment that Walter could not help but laugh. - This man knows what he wants. I thought you were amatar when he took a thousand marks. Maybe this time say that, after all, has decided not to sell Farring Cross.

"The mouth you to step aside, Walter. I want that property. I love her so much that I can not think of anything else. "There are other properties for sale," he recalled Walter, reasonable. "Yes, but with land so ruined towers useless or burning would be necessary to continue to rent my sword for another ten years just to pay for repairs. Farring Cross has a small tower, but is in good condition, with strong defenses, their lands are not depleted and its villagers are healthy. "But not worth the asking price of Millers. "For me it's worth it, Walter. The man is greedy. So I waited more than a thousand frames, if you ocurrieravolver to raise the price. Later this month, Farring Cross will be mine. "Yes," Walter sighed. It will be nice to be able to place my head in the same place night after night. Actually, I'm tired of sleeping outdoors and going up and down the island. "You could have followed your path at any time," he reminded Ranula "I could not leave no one to cry, except the two boys to take. "Idiot," snorted Ranulf, though his mouth had softened. Go away and leave me alone. And I'm sorry to the lady, for not attending the dinner. Tell him to take two days without. do not want to sleep and wake. See The less the better. Walter chuckled. "So it bothers you eh? "No idea how much. - Would you rather me I lift up when the time comes? -No. The only pleasure I will get this work is to tie it, "said Ranula CHAPTER X It was not an easy thing to get from one end of the room to another without waking people who slept there the castle, or alert a few guards who went to the open arcades of the gallery, from which one could see the room. The second time Kenric stumbled in the dark with someone's feet, Ranulf took him up the ladder on edge. "By God, if we had a candle ... -... we would be better Ranulf growled softly. She put the boy on the floor and began to climb the narrow stairs. They were lucky to have a torch in the end, against the wall. Kenric took her to light the long hallway. - Is it? She whispered, reaching the end door. "Yes, if the girl has informed Walter well. It blocks the light when I open the door. I do not want the lady to wake up before I enter. The door was not locked, but blocked by a mattress through. Ranulf closed again and swore under his breath. - What? Kenric asked. "One of the girls sleeping outside the door. You'll have to go through the opening and take care of to continue sleeping. Kenric's eyes widened into large turquoise circles.

"I mean sleep, stupid, not the eternal dream. Suffice with a slight bump on the head with the hilt of your dagger. But silent. Kenric held the torch in support of the wall by the door, and slid through the opening. Shortly after he opened a little more. "It is not women but men with evident surprise," whispered ~. That boy. "I guess who it is," Ranulf said, disgusted. Bring the strings. Attendance at the lady. Then you can attach to its "guard." "It is done. "Above the arched eyebrow of Ranulf, Kenric was corrected with a smile. Only I have tied their hands. You said that was to be fast. Ranulf growl. "Indeed. Finish it, then. The torch threw a little light inside, but only broke the gloom of the room. However, it was enough for him to do. The bedroom was not large, but not too pequeia. In fact, it was identical to that allocated to Ranulf. Theo was lying on the ground, where he had left Kenric. The bed was leaning against the center of a wall, with the curtains drawn around it. The room was packed with things: tables and benches, a wooden chest at the foot of the bed, a large fire brazier which had been on until just before, it was necessary, even late in the spring. Ranulf, cautiously removed the curtains of the bed enough to bend inward. There she was, just a mound under the covers, crowned by the very dark curls that spread over the pillow. It was she. Despite the prevailing darkness saw the whiteness of her small face and strong, sloping brows, thick lower lip, as in the dream was a pout. Ranulf hesitated for a moment. If she woke up and saw him there is no way to turn back. Rothwell belonged to, for better or for worse. And he knew it would be only worse. But for its part would be the owner of Farring Cross, their own land, gained through their work and not out of generosity of others, as his younger brother had gotten theirs. Ranulf had to work for what you wanted, because his mother was only a village girl, while the mother of his younger brother was a lady, even though not married to her father, was a lady. Just so your child as illegitimate as Ranulf and younger than he, had been named heir to his father and raised with all the privileges of a son of the nobility. No, Ranulf could not afford to feel anything for that lady, how innocent chaste slept in his bed. Very few means by which a man could earn enough money without stealing it, so he could not choose the wording of his conscience. And this was just more for an heiress to fight until they take her the strongest, Rothwell would be that man because he had hired Ranula She was just another job, the last, hopefully. Thus, hesitated no longer. She opened her eyes at the time of Ranulf he slid his hand over his mouth, colorless in the dark, big and fearful. He felt the softness of her lips, but only for a moment, then was forced to push harder when the girl's hand rose to bid against his arm. He leaned over her to keep the other arm immobilized under blankets, his hand while changing a gag and tied tightly. Reina's free hand could not stop him, it was useless, as much as pulling or pushing. She groaned, because Ranulf had to tie her hair pulled the gag, but he stiffened, not knowing what caused it. He immediately turned away from her.

It was considered immune to such women, but that soft sound struck him in the depths, which was furious with himself, with her and life in general. - Kenric! The boy poked his head out immediately the curtain. Atala and toes. The boy did not move and Ranulf swore under his breath. When looking down blankets found that they had moved far enough to reveal that she was naked. "Hold it. Furious, was to stir up the chest she had seen. He returned with a sleeveless shirt that showed through the curtain. - Would you let them wear it? Kenric shrieked in horror. Ranulf gritted teeth. "Do it once and do not delay. Kenric Queen turned to a look of apology and put his shirt over his head. That was all he could do. She now had both hands free, and he barely managed to keep it on the bed. It was not like Ranula -INO lets me! "He said, desperate. "I allow it, unless you want that we get out of here naked. After that not a sound was heard again behind the curtain. Ranulf waited until the lady was covered. Then he opened the curtains wide to start the bedspread. As Kenric struggled to tie her wrists with strips of cloth, bedspread Ranulf extended on the ground. - Have not you finished? "She did not help matters Kenric hissed, as a response. With a grunt of irritation, Ranulf back to bed and grabbed the hands of Reina, uniting them while Kenric finished tying her wrists. Did the same with his feet, ignoring the angry looks of it. Indeed, up from the bed. "Now tie the boy ordered Ranulf, before depositing the woman in the bedspread. Even a hand on his chest, below the bust to hold there. We do not want to hurt you, ma'am, "he said, when he managed to calm down enough, be reassured. The gag grew a confused murmur, audible as he approached to add: "If you do not make noise, nobody will be damaged. If you call attention, have in mind that many will die. Do you think perhaps that your few men can stop me? As murmurs heard no more, was satisfied. She stopped squirming under his hand. Then Kenric knelt beside her and wrapped between Reina in the thick blanket. That, in addition to tie it at all, the hide and drown any noise that she could do. - Is it not take any clothes except the shirt? Kenric asked, as Ranulf collected the package to be loaded over the shoulder. "As far as I'm concerned," Ranulf said, "can appear naked before Rothwell. "Just then he remembered that it would be several days before the surrender to Senor. Very well, quickly corrected, sour, "looks for one or two dresses in that cabinet and bring them.

Moments later the two walked down the hallway toward the stairs. Already down, Kenric stepped forward, ready to use again the hilt of his dagger, if any of the servants awoke and saw them. But it was not necessary. The work of these people had greatly increased during the day were now dead to the world. Across the room, Walter waited by the stairs that descended to the second floor and the building front, where a policeman guarding the entrance. With a nod, to take the sentry down, a moment later, Ranulf could move their cargo to Searle, who was waiting outside. Up again, awaited the return of Walter, who was smiling. - You had problems with the lady? -No. Now we just need to get Eric. "This was too easy," said Kenric. What if Eric is delayed or ... ? Ranulf replied "Shut up. Eric will be here before you spend an hour. Go back to bed, so they can "wake up" with his message.

- Only a few bags, you idiot! Otherwise the crush. They were the last words heard by Queen for a long time. Not only was crushed, but was almost stifled by the work of a bag, which had been placed directly on the face without warning. If she had not managed to twist the head to one side, would have been a nice surprise to get her out. He did not need sight to know that the wagon had been loaded with provisions, camouflaged under the sacks of grain Gilbert had sold them. Was the only way to bring it to Clydon hidden, and what she had heard, that was obviously his intention. He also knew other things, no one would say they are. He had seen, of course, who was her kidnapper. And that could only have one reason: the fact that the kidnapping was planned and was not a simple affair, it was clear by the words of his commitment to Rothwell, whoever it was. That stupid giant or even kidnapped to another. That would have been understandable: who the bride, was a landless knight or a great lord, the owner of Clydon be provided to swear allegiance to Lord Guy. But take all that work for other respon! Fitz Hugh was to charge a fortune for it. There was no other explanation. Queen also had understood the attitude of Fitz Hugh, still angry with her because of Theo, he had not accepted his apology. Now he regretted deal offered. How dare upset about a trifle, if in the meantime had planned this? She was irritated to know that he had received a snake in your home. In fact, he had saved for their own benefit, not to lend a noble service. Betrayal, deceit, lies! Bonita chivalry! But his own credulity had no remedy. Although the plan was discovered, Fitz Hugh was right Clydon men had no hope of defeating the hijackers would only die in the attempt. And there was no hope of help for several days. Before he arrived he could be married, according to the distance that the Rothwell live. Who the hell was that man? Queen moaned at a new weight on the belly. Disappeared immediately, but the sac does not. So you had company. Yes, definitely, someone was moving in the cart, shaking. And now he could hear other sounds, but hardly noticeable. The blanket and bags placed to hide and keep silent put out much sound. Does

marching or just standing guard and taking care not to move? As if he could, tied as it was! "Here, Lanzo. Keep this. - What is it? -Clothing for her. There was no time to dress properly. - Huh? "Forget it. It's too old for you. In addition, you are promised. - What is about the age, if Rothwell just might be your grandfather? "Do not exaggerate. His grandfather, yes. And now, shut up, that will open the door interior. Remember moan if necessary. "I know what I do, Kenric. Better forestry, unless you want to get left behind. The cart began to move, and quite quickly. Queen wondered what excuse have argued to go before the maiana, but soon felt the shock of the new bridge, which crossed the dry well, and could not think of anything but her discomfort. It also shook the boy, in a moment fell full upon her. The knee slipped between two bags and hit her thigh. - Hush, ma'am! "She heard him respond to her moan. You will not have to be much down there. Queen bit the piece of cloth in her mouth. That little rascal, that and the other boy, angelic face. From the beginning they had known what they were doing, but had spent the evening smiling and flirting with younger women, filled with innocent eyes. Also the other, the young gentlemen and Sir Walter, with his smiles, his jokes and his manner friendly: all despicable traitors, with plans already drawn dirty. Ranulf Fitz Hugh had, at least, the decency to avoid for the rest of the day. Whether because of their anger, and he could not pretend as easily as others, revealed that at least some honesty ... but not enough for Queen was warned not to serve him anything.


- For God's sake, I never saw so many faces sulking! "Walter said as they walked slowly into the new camp, after an hour of dawn. Do all the prostitutes went last night, Eric? - With what we charge for one night? Eric snorted. Hardly. - What, then, with the men in Rothwell? "Do not ask. Walter frowned, but smiling, seeing Eric shook his head. But something distracted him: - Beware! He shouted to those around him. She has seen its owner! A flash of brown ran through the camp and jumped on the charger Ranula even the enormous horse snorted, as he was accustomed to his presence, but the other horses were raised hands and pulled on the reins, it took a few moments to dominate. Curses flew everywhere, but in the end Ranulf smiled, so that no

one raised their voice. And the beast causing the commotion was not aware it happened nothing had been installed into your favorite site on the broad shoulder of Ranulf, half wrapped around his neck. - What did you say, Eric? Asked the boss, right Eric. - I said something? "About the men of Rothwell. "Hey ... "Eric was irritated by the fact that they have been caught harassing Walter. Neither the one nor the other had come to realize that Ranulf was listening. Maybe you should talk to your teacher weapons. Hardly what I believe. - Tell me. With that tone was not disputed. "As I understand the question, if we had delayed one day seize the lady would have had to fight with men from Rothwell and with it, to boot. - How is that? "Tomorrow concludes the year of service due to Rothwell. - Well? "They had no intention of returning with him. If today had been in Clydon, have offered their services to the lady. - Do we disclose our plans? Walter exclaimed indignantly. "Yes. Rothwell apparently hate, but as he paid them in advance, could not fail to serve. So ended the period of service he was loyal. Walter whistled softly. "It's incredible. A few hours have made the difference between success and failure, just because these mercenaries respected his contract to the letter. That is to bring a bit far bad loyalty deserved, especially considering that the lady would have been eternally grateful if you would have joined and they, certainly not ignored. Eric nodded. "Here is the reason many sour faces this morning. - Scot was the teacher who told you? Ranula asked - Yes. - Do you think it will still be able to be offered to Senor? Eric shook his head. "As I now have in your possession, is no longer in a position to hire anyone. They surpass us in only fourteen men, and we have four men to cover the difference. They may be stupid, but not both. - You want to work for us? Asked Walter. "Yes, and gladly. "So, why wanted to be of service to the lady? "Wondered Ranula Eric chuckled.

"For revenge. They hate both Rothwell who do not want to see in their hands a rich fortune. But as they have lost the opportunity and they know it, now want to take care of themselves. Ranulf grunted, satisfied for the moment, anyway, hold a personal conversation with this master of weapons. Cross-Farring is not big enough to employ them all, plus my own men, and yet I'm not even its owner. Maybe you could hire twenty ... Tell the teacher Scot already come to an agreement, to come and talk to me tonight, after we set up the camp. Now free the lady. I have to hear their cries and complaints as last me patience. Within an hour we will continue the march. "The lady did not spend much time without gag Eric predicted, while Ranulf was heading for the cart of supplies. "Maybe," Walter said thoughtfully. But you do not spent much time with her as we do. Not see the ease with which the woman takes charge of everything. Finally, after all, has long been left to its own resources, has spent almost two years without any man to have authority over her. If Ranulf is forced to negotiate, it is probably he who falls into cries and complaints. "He will, one way or another, whatever the reaction of the lady," Eric laughed.

Somehow, the Queen had written to sleep for the rest of the night. If he could not move, see or do anything that would allow it to escape, there remained nothing but sleep, mostly because I was still quite exhausted from that day, one of the most horrific of his life. Since the thick blanket and bags cushion the bumps from the cart, the ride was not as uncomfortable to stay awake. Even when withdrawn its cover woke bags. But anyone Be streetwise when you feel suddenly raised, which has been deep sleep. He wore a pair of strong arms, but did not know to whom they belonged. Had failed to distinguish a single word, although the numerous surrounding noises that sounded fuzzy and far between the thick bags. Would they already submitted to the Rothwell? At least, do you deign to develop it? He was placed on the floor and someone unrolled laterally, pulling the blanket Reina rolled a few feet. He was face down, his nose buried in the thick grass, whose strong smell nearly suffocate. Well, what else could be expected? Fitz Hugh had said it did not matter presented to Rothwell naked. Roll it that way, almost without clothes, was not much less. But when he had put aside and use the bound wrists and an elbow for incorporation, there were only discovered that the giant and his squire younger. It was found inside a store, not very large, nearly empty, although in one or two places the grass looked flattened, as if some object had been withdrawn from there shortly before. It was the camp of Fitz Hugh, of course, but where was the rest of his men? The light that filtered through the web revealed that it was morning. Queen assumed that it was not long there. Lanzo, the boy was standing beside the giant, quite startled, as if the rough treatment it applied to a woman taken by surprise. He had an armful of clothes and a stool on the other hand. Finally he remembered him and put him on the floor. His master squatted, probably to avoid being forced to bend the back in that

shop, too low for their height. It seemed more cordial than usual: golden eyebrows furrowed, his lips tight on his teeth. Apparently, he would have preferred to stay away from her, but for some reason felt compelled to treat himself. As if to prove that the first hypothesis was correct, he got up to close, but could not straighten his back. He put in a squatting position and held out his hands to the wrists bound, which she kept in her lap. -Take care of your feet, Lanzo-ordered without looking at the boy. We can not keep here all day. He had not said a word, he had not looked. Nor did it now, kept his eyes fixed on trying to untie the knot. Lanzo was kneeling with her legs, she approached her feet, without waiting to be asked. Unfortunately, that made him lose his balance and leaned a shoulder beneath the other, making the loose fabric of his shirt was twisted, slid halfway down the arm. The cold air against her bare skin made her blush. There would have been horrified to have been both completely naked, because that would have been intentional, designed to humiliate and put at a disadvantage. That accident was more embarrassing, it should not have happened at all, though no one had noticed it yet. But when he tried to raise his hands to put back the cloth on his shoulder, before the situation was noticed, that stupid giant refused to let go of the muiecas, probably thought she tried to resist his efforts to free her, though it was impossible to find a reason for this attitude. He had only a sidelong glance to see that the boy was more observant. I was paralyzed, her eyes huge and staring open-mouthed. Queen said it was only a child but her blush deepened. What he wanted to avoid the eyes of a giant. However, the shoulder was not right solution: only managed to find a little skin. Desperate, she tried again raise their hands ... only for the horror was discovered at last. Fitz Hugh looked up, full of irritation, but not beyond the bare chest that was before his eyes. Queen groaned under the gag, but nobody seemed to know. Fitz Hugh, in his surprise, further tightened the knots of his wrists, but her fingers remained motionless. She still could not raise his hands and he was limited to looking at his chest, so intently as the boy, as if they had never seen anything like it. Queen could not even try to get up to turn people away. Although the man has released the wrists, knees to join but would not have planted the bust a little closer to the face. Perhaps that would rip from her hypnotic state, but she preferred not to try. Some people interpreted that sort of thing as a hint. And if one thought something like that ... Lanzo finally came to his rescue, but seemed to suffer to do it. The color had gone to the cheeks, furious, realizing that the lady could not correct the problem itself. He extended a trembling hand, thumb and forefinger outstretched, trembling. Carefully, as if he could die for the mere contact with her skin, she took the cloth and put it back on the shoulder. The neckline of the shirt got stuck in the nipple, cover wrinkles before, but only had significance for the man who was still staring at him. Reina was a relief to get to see more or less presentable. Not even those violet eyes,

which were crossed with his for the briefest second before returning to their wrists, they could alter it again. The damage was done. It was best forgotten, as he seemed ready to do so. But what had been angry frown during the brief time they looked? If Ranulf Fitz Hugh was handsome when he was angry, in a state of shock was irresistible. It was preferable to a frown. Cost less breathing when the man was just looking, though why it was not clear. And as was finding it difficult to untie, the frown back. Finally took the dagger, although there was little space between your wrists, cut the knots without loss of time. A rustle at his feet and his cheek and the rest of the bonds also fell. Why did so from the beginning? Thought Queen. This would have saved this disgraceful incident. Although he had every right to protest loudly as he had done, as you just wanted him to leave. But he did not leave. Approached the bench and sat down opposite her. The seat did not offer the lady was logical, after all: that man was the least chivalrous knight Queen had known. If you thought that she would remain sitting in that humiliating position, his feet, he was crazy. For a moment he paid no attention, spit rags in her mouth and flexed his jaw to relieve stiffness. He took his time to rub the wrists, then stood up slowly. With as much dignity as he could, considering that his hair was a tangled mass that covered only his shirt to his knees, walked to where he had tossed the bedcovers, a side of the tent, and wrapped him like a mantle. Only then deigned to face her captor. "Very well, sir knight," he began, his voice deceptively pleasant-if you have anything else to tell me, I appreciate you to do immediately. I can not stand your presence for much longer. That hurt him enough to incorporate it in a flash, forgetting that it had enough space in the store. Queen was about to burst out laughing at his face from hitting his head up, shaking both the shop that put her in danger of falling. He was forced to sit again, with his anger no longer intimidating, but less than if it had been standing before her. "I see we both feel the same," said Reina, before he could open his mouth, thus silenced him thunder and made his face even more dark. At least we have that in common. Well, if you have a language which says something other than lies, Use them once. She saw that he spent all his domain to sit, but at least regained the use of his voice. Once again, the Lanzo addressed: - Amordzala! Queen stiffened and turned the harmless young man before he could take a step toward her. Give me a hand-up, child, and I'll give this coscorron in the ears that hear bells for a week. If he is too scared to hear what I say, gag me personally. It does so gently ... And his cerulean eyes seemed to settle further clarification about the gentleman, challenging. - Coward, ma'am? I do not care what you think of me But malgastis time ...

- Yes, "she interrupted with a grin. A gentleman would not mind vulgar, and indicate that your manners are. "You right-gruf him. It was embittered that an alleged insult to become true. Perhaps he was abusing his luck deliberately provoke. At that moment he seemed about to explode: his body was tense, as if he found it hard not to strangle her. Well, at least had made clear his opinion and disdain. It was better to listen to what he had to say. "Well," he sighed, "do not waste time in order to separate quickly. "But he could not help adding," What have you been with your hypocrisy? "You speak a lot of lies and hypocrisies, ma'am, but was you who opened the doors. - Because you pretended to come to my aid! "And I befriended, yes. What I did was to massacre the rest of your people to draw from Clydon, which could have made easier, if misunderstood your dignity is worth more than these lives, speak. So without further disarmed. She knew that to capture it otherwise would have been obliged to leave behind countless corpses. "That does not erase the fact that you did not have any right to kidnap me," he said, sounding calmer, though no less bitter. No you came on behalf of my lord, as I assure you. "In that you are wrong, ma'am. "It was a pleasure to tell him so. Rothwell Lord is your master, because your promises, and act on his behalf. Indeed, it has the right to force you to respect capturaros and your engagement. I Whether your idea was to discard or Shefford. He does not want to step aside. Queen listened calmly and then he disappeared into a smile. "If you believe that nonsense, you have been deceived. My fiance died two years ago, just before my father left the Holy Land. As he had no time to agree on another alliance, personally asked me to take care of the matter through correspondence approved two of the candidates that I proposed, with one of them should I get married in the course of a week. - Who? "That does not concern you, but I assure you that when you mention that Rothwell is not one of them. I have not even heard of him, if he says he has a marriage contract, is lying. -0 Lie you. Queen suddenly lifted her chin. "I have my father's letters to prove what I say. -Mostrdmelas, then. - Idiot! She whispered in exasperation. These cards are in Clydon. "That you wish me to believe, but it would be stupid if he believed in the word of a lady," he snorted. Queen's eyes to this insult. - Do you still think to take your master? "I would not do it, but I'll take you five hundred marks with him, definitely. What I want to know is why I provided both the mission. Why were you so badly protected?

A Queen is still head was spinning by the paltry sum offered to ruin his life. As he pretend answers to your questions ... Fritz-Hugh Iros the devil. I'm sick of talking to someone so unreasonably stubborn. Moreover, I'm tired of your presence. And fled. It was not difficult, since there was no one who stood between her and the entrance of the store. Leaving was in the middle of the camp, but that the stopped only for a moment. The thunderous roar was heard behind her was incentive enough to quicken the pace. He ran straight for the nearest horse, bringing a word of appreciation for the fact that it was a gelding and not a fighting animal, moreover, was saddled. The men who lounged around under the trees and off the fires, merely looking at her, stunned, too shocked to act. He was doing very well considering she had not planned this flight, now that was already beside the horse, even began to think that they get away with it. He had to hold the quilt to climb to the saddle, but it was worth this small sacrifice. The horse was so high, once he could set foot in the stirrup, they are composed to rise. But there the trouble began, the youngest of which was that the shirt was halfway up the thigh when riding astride. The horse did not like that light weight on the back and was quick to let you know, but that was not the worst of its problems, since it had no experience with animals. The greatest difficulty was that, by then, all men in the camp around him, well aware of what she was about to do. A solid wall of bodies blocking the three directions which should gallop, if you wanted to get away from the angry gentleman, and were too close: he could not take enough speed to cross the barrier. The only way out was to return he had come, crossing the center of the camp. As could gain speed and can take down anyone who tried to stop it, yet could be a possibility. No more time lost in thought: did the horse spun around and stabbed him naked heels. The animal, contemptuous, did not obey. Queen, furious, struck him with the reins he held in his fist, the animal bolted, which was about to demolish. But that was the necessary speed. The few men who dared to cross into threw his way to one side to see that she was ready to overwhelm.

Unfortunately, the more it approached the edge of camp, more ventured them: reaching for the reins, and crashed against his knees to fail, or trying to scare the horse, waving his arms in gestures grotesque. One managed to cling to his arm, but she tore it with a sharp turn, before he could pull you off balance. And then he saw Walter Breaute coming toward her due to be

- Desvergonzadol Spawn of hell Let me ... 1 The sentence ended in exhaled air, as the iron ring around his waist again stick. She struggled, kicking and hitting his arm and shoulder at his fingertips. Fitz Hugh seemed not to notice: he continued walking, with her almost stiff in his hips and feet far above the ground.

When he stood up, finally, was opposite the entrance of the store. Reina could only then look at his face was like a storm. "You cause more trouble justifying your price, ma'am," thundered. If I had not said that, she would have felt fear, because his face was terrible. But those words was wounded in the depths. Besides, if he happen to hit one of the clubs as she clutched a fist, would not be alive and not have to worry about anything else. -No. This is where you show stupid, Fitz Hugh, "she said scornfully. What worth is well known, with my money, your pocket money of Judas is a trifle. Clydon receives a sum four times in just one year. Rothwell knows your friend, but you as ignorant. Laugh much for having paid so little in return for wealth and power it means! He received a slight jog in the shoulder and threw her back into the store. "You have five minutes to get dressed. Then the tent will be dismantled. Depart in ten minutes. As was said ... or how he cried. There was no comment about what she had just clarify. Simply changing the order before the shop was dismantled. What beast was this man, both in size and intelligence! I could have asked for anything and she would have given, just to get out of trouble. In his hands absolute power to negotiate with an advantage, since she was at his mercy. But she did not realize it. Only five hundred frames was charged. And, unfortunately, was all that Reina could offer, since his father had emptied the coffers of King Richard's crusade.


Ranulf had the feeling that, that day, the march was longer than ever. Good progress, however slow that the men forced Rothwell, none of whom rode horses and carts of supplies. The thirty men of Ranulf, who already had four years to their side (again, in some cases), were mounted on animals he had bought long ago, were not the best or most young people could get into the market, nor as expensive as the horses had provided combat Searle and Eric when they knighted, but sufficient for their needs. Those thirty horses had cost him not cheap: four months of service under the command of a breeder in the north, Scots harassed by thieves. But the fact that all his men were mounted enables you to perform jobs that speed was essential. Typically, the time spent on horseback passed quickly to Ranulf, what used to plan the work at hand or had come; also dream of the future, when he managed, finally, their purpose and had its own tower, rich fields and villagers to keep that deal. He had learned everything possible about farming and animal husbandry as well as feudal law, it did not have the necessary education.

Ranulf had spent the first nine years of his life with the blacksmith of the village, a brutal man that his grandfather had given her mother and husband, to proclaim it the son of the lord had planted seeds in her womb. As she died a year after the child is born, the smith did not make good business: just got a baby to raise, which was no point until they learn the trade. That happened too soon, which explains the exaggerated Ranulf muscle development at an early age. Being the bastard son of Senor future not making life easier on the contrary, it became much more difficult because young village rejected him, the blacksmith worked him inhumanely by resentment, and his father, who was only sixteen Ranulf years at birth, not at all interested in their fate. Occasionally his stately grandfather appeared to inspect their growth, but never offered a kind word or a kind gesture. His father saw him only rarely and at a distance. Not even know his father until the day he was ordered to travel to Montfort, where adiestrara as a gentleman. That probably happened because, after five years of marriage, his father had no legitimate children. He had another bastard, he had already appointed heir in case you ever had one of his wife. And sure his wife was barren and was still alive. But then Ranulf knew all that. For many years thought that he was bringing to inherit: therefore never complained about the harshness with which they trained Montfort, also took a hit that so hard to find that his bastard brother inherit it all. Education received during Montfort reduced the use of arms, with a touch of chivalrous courtesy barely enough for Lord Montfort himself did not stand out in this regard. But Ranulf was knighted. Indeed, won his spurs in the battlefield when he was only sixteen years, during one of the feudal wars of Montfort. If continued the noble service of one year was only because Walter, a year older than him, had to wait that long to be knighted, and both had sworn seek their fortunes together. If his manners vulgar origin revealed, as she stated, was in part a consequence of the "education" received, but also by choice, the distrust of the ladies dyed his attitude toward them. And it was the need to deal with Lady Clydon which dragged on the day: instead of being distracted with pleasant thoughts about the future, it was beset by anger, bewilderment and horror at the events of the morning, more specifically, what he had felt when he saw the lady on horseback. There is nothing like a real lady, with that cloud of black curls waved him on his back and shoulders, whipping the hips. The shirt, too short, it was shortened even further, revealing legs that had had to be thin, considering the narrowness of his body, but were surprisingly well trained longer than he had imagined. Or was it that looked too much? He stood on the mount with the shoulders back and head held high: a port learned from the cradle, no doubt. The galloping through the camp had seemed beautiful, though Ranulf knew it was not. The most amazing thing was that he had awakened lust. Probably was because of having seen a breast. No, it was not just that. Ranulf had seen too many breasts to a more warm his blood, just in your face. However, one white balloon, like a moon, was different. Fit in the hand, but not flagged as absolutely perfect, unlike what happened with larger breasts. And if he did something unique was the pink nipple for a mound as big as

small and so sensitive! A Ranulf had fascinated him crumple to the rustle of fabric. Then, those legs open on the sides of the frame sufficient to inflame the senses. However, even he could not understand why. This woman was everything he hated. What horrified by the mere fact that had happened. He spent the day casting furtive glances toward the cart in which she was traveling. Just wanted to make sure, fully clothed, there was nothing in it desirable. Thus, covered from head to toe, was once again the same lady, prim, rigid, wrapped in his haughty pride and willing to throw poison every time their eyes met. And that was nothing but aggravated his fury. Why it seemed impossible that little bitch intimidate so as not to cause problems? He had done his best, indeed. Before his wrath, more seasoned men shook like jelly. But she did not. She filled him with insults but were within reach of his hand. No, never, had dared so far to that. - We stop again at the Abbey, Ranulf? Walter asked, bringing him the horse. Is very close. -No. With this generalete between us, no. - What gener ... ? Oh, her. But we can leave the camp while we ... - What is it seizes another horse when there is nobody to stop them? No, I will not lose sight or hearing, although this drives me crazy. Walter chuckled, remembering what he had heard before Ranulf throw the lady in the store. -Can express with words, yes. "All you hear a small sample. - Do you know what he meant when he said Rothwell stealing a fortune? "He says he has no right over it, there is no engagement nor ever was. "You had doubts about the greed of Rothwell, right? "Never mind," said Ranulf, stubborn. We are not paid to decide who is right and who is not. "But for God's sake, Ranulf! Do you realize what that means? If the old man has no rights over it, why give it? Is in your power. Why do not the stay? - Do not you dare say that again! Ranulf roared in horror. I do not want any lady for a wife! And to that, let alone! - Not even for Clydon? Ranulf hesitated for a split second. "No, but offered me the whole kingdom. -Clydon is equally tempting, 'said Walter, with a smile. Just got a black eye. Ranulf spurred his horse and stepped forward, refusing to hear more. But the idea had taken root in the mind of Walter looked around for a Scot, master of weapons of Rothwell, and put his horse to step with him. - How did you find your lord the death of Roger de Champeney, teacher Scot? "Possibly he was in the letter he received from his nephew, who was on a crusade with the king. I heard him mention the name of the gentleman after the arrival of the messenger. - Did you learn that he was committed to Champeney Queen, before that?

"That commitment has never existed," snorted the man. All he heard that The girl would be easy prey because their great master was still in the Holy Land. - Do not you think that you should have mentioned that before? Walter exclaimed angrily. He had not expected to obtain an accurate confirmation, only more reasons to offer Ranulf doubt. The teacher shrugged Scot. "I do not concern me barons, but do not know what it would have changed things, if you and you have been paid for you to wear to the lady. - Ah, here is the question! Sir Ranulf has not accepted such payment. The teacher stopped Scot. "In that case, why should we take an innocent girl like her as a demon lord Rothwell? "Good question," said Walter. And he went to put his horse to the wagon pass by stores, where the "innocent" young man suffered the bumps of travel, because of their anger, Ranulf had refused to allow him to travel on horseback. "I thought that you would like to have some company. She gave him a cold stare and looked away. "I can do without the friends of this man, thanks. Walter grimaced, but he persisted. "Really, Ranulf is not easy to treat when they do not know him well, but when I comparis with your fiance will seem a saint. "I do not seem likely, De Breaute. Walter shrugged and said no more, but kept going with the cart. "I was hoping that the woman's curiosity was imposed ... unless she had lied in saying there was no such engagement. Of course, even without commitment, she could meet Rothwell and therefore did not need clarification. In that case, Walter would have to try a different approach to present his idea. But the trick worked. She glanced at him, her expression was not as icy, but also offered no warmth. - Do you know that ... that crow he plans to steal my inheritance? "I know, yes. But tell me one thing, Madam, if he is not your fianc, with whom will you marry? She looked down and took several seconds to respond. For a moment, thought Walter would not. Finally, he said was very different from what he expected. "I have no promises. - Does that count as a pupil Shefford plans to hold his own, at your age? -No. I have his blessing to marry. And would have solved the problem in a week if you and your friends you had not interfered. He mastered his anger to the point that only a little bitterness seeping into his words. But Walter was not understanding. - How is that possible? If Shefford sends you a husband is because he has signed a contract with you, therefore, that man is your fiance. -No. Guy Lord does not send me to anyone. Although it does not matter, my father before he died, he said he had seen to that, although in truth the matter was not resolved. Walter frowned, he still did not understand.

"But Shefford needed to know the name of the chosen to give his blessing, and to sign the contract for you, if, as you say, your father died without doing so. Why do you assure that you are not promised and that He nevertheless marry within a week? Queen hated to admit the unthinkable: that his father had allowed him to sign his own contract. Fitz Hugh had not bothered to analyze what she had said. What now was his friend who could not leave the matter alone? - Who cares why or how, Sir Walter? It only matters that you bring me a. .. - Wait! If you have promised, there is no contract. And Shefford is not here, who will sign for you? Queen sighed. "I myself. Before bursting into shrieks, know that my father wanted it. I got to choose between two candidates that he approved, but died without knowing what I prefer. Lord Guy saying he had resolved the issue, made sure I could still choose. I did not know that I would be so difficult to communicate with them to offer the alliance, and no news of his death circulate so fast, tempting men to take me by force. Walter looked at her in disbelief. "What I say goes against all custom, ma'am. It is not common. "In these circumstances, it becomes very easily. You forget that Lord Guy believes that the contract was established by my father. So I was given permission to marry. Sir Henry, Castilian Lord Guy, had come to the wedding to receive the homage of my husband to Shefford and take copies of the marriage contract. Did not need another thing for all would be resolved legally and without further consequences. "No, I see. I think your agreement is also needed to avoid future consequences. However, Rothwell is determined to take control of you. In your opinion, what would it? "I'm not familiar with forced marriages, Sir Walter, I do not know what to say. I can only affirm this: unless Rothwell kill me before the return of Lord Guy, I will personally let you know that I was forced. What happens then is a matter of men. But I can also tell you that Lord Guy felt my father and I have affection. May make war to recovery, whether or not progeny of this link. But that's not incumbent on you, right? "He added, resentful. From what I understand, your duty is only to surrender to Rothwell. "But what if you were willing to marry Rothwell? "Asked Walter. - If so who would know that he is not that my father chose for me? - By God, lady, tell me that is crazy! If I repeat it at Rothwell, he did have reason to kill before the return of Shefford. "You also need to kill all my relatives who know the truth and, therefore, kill all of Clydon, for I shall die under torture rather than reveal a name. One way or another, Lord Guy know if I have been forced or not, tell him that too, if you think saying something. And now, Sir Walter, I reached the turn to answer questions. "Yes, fair is fair," he admitted

"Tell me if there is any way I can accept without coercion marriage to Rothwell. Obviously, a man without honor, but is there anything else I can serve you for a recommendation? - You want the truth, ma'am? "It would be best," she replied dryly. "As for his character has nothing recommended. Even so, that ye may be persuaded to accept it depends on what you think would be important. It is quite rich, if it will matter. It is a great man, with plenty of subjects received from their previous marriages, for the case that is of your interest. If none of these men it considers not respect him due to his manner, which offends all. If you are interested in having children, you will not have none of it, you'll see have to wait widowhood and remarriage, and then only if his large family is willing to give up any part of his legacy, which I doubt. They are so greedy as he. As a. .. "I think that's enough," interrupted Sir Walter Reina, paler than before. Tell me why you can not have children with him. Are you disabled or incapacitated for any reason? "No, ma'am, but is old. Not so, however, not to ... eh ... try. She paled even more, as he expected, but his eyes seemed ready to fry it to replicate. - And this man I sell? It was not easy at that point, feigning indifference. "Who needs money does not discuss much work, and this is our way of life: to sell our services. If we do not we accept the mission, Rothwell hire others to do the same. But his offer was too tempting to ignore, especially considering that allowed feud Ranulf you want to buy. "If you want land, I will give a rich fief, provided it takes me back to Clydon. Walter groaned inwardly. Ranulf would kill him if he could discover what he was rejecting in his name, "It would take more than that to make him change his mind. You must maintain its reputation, and show that never fails to fulfill the task. - Is that all? Has not given his word and accepted and your pay? - No, ma'am. - Is it normal to do so? "No," Walter admitted, "but Rothwell as little as you like will like to you. "In that case no problem. "There's a big problem," he countered. The reputation is not negligible in our profession. - Is it worth what two fiefdoms? "She offered. Walter was about to feel a hot flash. Ranulf would kill him if he knew that, and with reason. But he was determined to play all or nothing. "Apparently you forget your current situation, Lady Queen. What Ranulf force to settle for so little, if you have in your hands and could take over everything desposndoos himself? It is a great pity that no longer persuade the matter, will recognize it, no doubt, that represents the lesser of two evils.

She recovered well beyond the color. "Maybe I did not accept. Your friend is a vulgar lout with the worst manners of the villagers. "Yes, indeed. "Walter smiled. It has not had much to do with women willing to correct their manners. On the other hand, is young, strong and not without means. Although now devoid of land, has the means to correct this lack: the small fortune she has saved for that purpose. - A thousand marks? She sneered. "Rather, some fifteen thousand-corrected Walter, with great pleasure. - How is that? "She asked. The mercenaries do not earn as high amounts, regardless of their reputation. And by the way: why Rothwell was willing to pay so much? -Rothwell was desperate to hire Ranulf for this mission, and told that never failed. Thought to offer only a hundred marks, which is enough for a simple task and would require so little time. But Ranulf rejected that offer and later, until it reached five hundred marks, a figure so high that it was impossible to refuse outright. As for your other question, it is true that work is well paid mercenary. The highest yield is in the possibility of taking booty and ransom. And in that respect we were lucky. In a skirmish, several years ago, Ranulf handedly captured fourteen men. The purchase of these individuals represent the greater part of what it is today. You see that marriage would not go empty handed. But I was wrong to mention this. As I said, you can not convince ... - What he does may be convinced ... ! As I see it, I should be persuaded, to get things done with the blessing of the count. If I does not help matters by saying that the man chosen by my father, they would be equal to the Lord Rothwell. And how dare not be tempted, if his fifteen thousand marks can not be compared, even remotely, to Clydon and all that property mean? "I believe, he does not see things so clearly, madam. I see that not only attracts ... "Indeed," she replied dryly. "Well, you see. As you do not oblige him to marry, rejecting the idea altogether. He has not been thought about which you could prefer to Rothwell. "I would prefer it not to marry either, De Breaute, well you know. Nor do you have in mind the fact that my subjects come for me, not the snail's pace at which we are traveling. - Do you think so? "Even if you think I would die if they tried to be cured? She squinted at him, were like blue coals. - Why think that? "Because the advice of the warning left by Ranulf in your bedroom.

- Would you be able to kill me? "No, but would risk to find your subjects? She did not answer. For a moment the anger prevented him from speaking. After sisco: - Why did you bother to give you understand I can choose, if you say while there is no alternative? What is your purpose, De Breaute? "I do it out of curiosity, I suppose, I wonder what escogerais if you had the chance. And I was wondering if I could convince Ranula If anyone can persuade you, that's me as no other dares to regafarlo like me, but only to some extent. But it makes sense to try if I do not have your permission. As you see, it all comes down to a game of chance. "Could you lied about me," Rothwell said she bitterly. "True, but do not need you to accept my word. Men who march behind us have served for one year. Ask any of them and probably will get the same view. I doubt they have the intelligence to lie, but neither have reason to do so. Each of them hate this man for his wickedness and cruelty. ~ I have a neighbor who inspires the same feelings in people. Crossing swords with some of his men, yesterday morning, something so that once I was grateful. - And do not you? That does not even deserve response, at least, they suggested the expression of Reina. "Let's see if I understand the girl said," if I express that I willingly marry with Fitz Hugh, offering the same contract to be offered to the man chosen by my father, you will do the effort to persuade him to wed me, Rothwell leaving out of it. - Right. - How long does grant me to think? "Only until we camp in those woods," said Walter, who was pointing to a spot just ten minutes' walk. I need time to persuade Ranulf, and if he agrees, the wedding will be held tonight. - What! She cried. "These forests belong to the abbey that lies beyond. If you agree Ranulf, bishop resident may marry there. You will have to be tonight, because if we give enough time to think Ranulf, will eventually change their minds. "I know I'm not beautiful, De Breaute, but I also know I am not so horrible. Why, if you think ... ? "It's nothing personal against you, ma'am. Ranulf distrusts all ladies of rank. He has had bad experiences. This being the case, I will use to Clydon to tempt him, 'Do you understand? Once married and will have sufficient time to gain their trust. "No fortalecis telling me that your cause, Sir Walter. "Maybe not, but recognize, Madam, that Ranulf is young and can change its ways. Rothwcll, however, no. "Withdraw, then, I need every second left to think about it.


Walter was devastated. For nearly half an hour he insisted, but Ranulf did not change in attitude, but still did not lose patience or failed to hear their arguments. Seated before the fire, near the shop Ranulf, forcibly swallowed the remains of unappetizing food prepared quickly. The lady was at the other end of the camp, with another fire, Searle and Eric had been sent to guard it, under the guise of her company. Walter noted that Ranulf's eyes strayed to her several times during the conversation, although she did not look at any time. If something in the lady appealed to Ranulf, Walter would change tactics. But although he found the lady very pretty, with its ethereal blue eyes and delicate features, his friend knew that attracted him most attractive girls. And more robust, indeed. Might be appropriate to change tactics, after all, although he still had a few. Things to say for Clydon, "I do not understand, Ranula a man I know not to rush about this opportunity, either to marry the lady would accept even by force. And you can marry her with her consent. Have you thought about the power you would get with annual revenues of Clydon? The service of a hundred knights! Imagine how many feuds have to have that young, well Clydon Castle, to have as much income. "I'm surprised you have not ordered a full inventory, taking the opportunity. Walter blushed. A Ranulf did not like at all that he had approached the lady in that aspect, especially for those reasons. Walter just told us everything said by her, except the offer of two fiefdoms if returned to their own. It was no use. Ranulf simply was not interested. - Do you realize that Clydon equivalent to as much as the land of your father? "Walter dropped. Added immediately before Ranulf could react at the mention of father's wealth: "And have you had in mind that you should only swear allegiance to Shefford? As the owner of Farring Cross would have to swear to King Richard. One count is better than a king, especially if the King is so fond of war. There would be fewer demands ... "From my lord, yes, perhaps. But what about the demands of running a big feud? Did you ask how far is it to turn feudalized? Or how many subjects have? How much people are responsible? I just wanted a small fiefdom to cultivate and which to install, Walter. Never conceived the idea of getting as much power as my father. "Because it was an impossible idea. You could sell your sword for the rest of your life without ever you approach the amount needed to buy a feud as Clydon, but here you give it away, without further cost to marry a woman. You do not even need to fight for it. - No? Do you think that renounce Rothwell without paying us a visit? She also has neighbors who came to his door with battering rams, in case you do not remember. Walter shrugged off the sarcasm.

"But your strength would no longer be only thirty men, Ranulf. You should own army and, if necessary, could ask another to Shefford. One more thing: it is easier to get help from one count to a king. "Okay, but nothing could compensate for the headaches that I would give this lady and her ladies. For God's sake, Walter, account for all that you have in your care? - Is that why you oppose? "I am opposed to it. I do not want no lady in my life, let alone to a little man who believes two meters tall and does not know when a man causes more than they should. Walter was about to smile, because now I knew it was possible to convince Ranulf, was only wounded by the insults that the lady had unloaded on him. "Perhaps too bold, for some time that rules over everything around it. You only need a husband to go in waist. As Ranulf Gruia, chose for his final argument: - Did not take a wife thought once you bought Farring Cross? "Yes. A village girl, hot-blooded. Walter looked at him for a moment, horrified. But I had the ammunition he needed. - Who is responsible for dealing with your house, weave the cloth, cleaning and cooking? You think the servants will work only because there is work to do? What directives accept an equal, just because you have attained the status of wife? "If I say ... "Ranulf, my friend, talk like an idiot, stubborn to boot ... No, listen, "she hastened to add, before the raging CEFIE his friend," Can you give a sword to a village and say that he is a knight? "Do not be stupid," growled Ranula "Sure to be a knight took years of learning. And it took years to be a lady. The skills are not brought from the cradle, Ranula A, a lady who's trained to carry out their duties, as we trained ourselves. Want to live for aios like pigs, while your village girl learns to perform the functions of lady? And who will teach, but another lady? What lady condescend to educate any price? - Enough, Walter! "Yes, that's enough, De Breaute" said another voice. Lady Queen appeared in the circle bounded by the fire, Searle and Eric followed her a short distance. If you have not yet obtained their consent, it is likely that ye may obtain. And I do not need any man be compelled to accept. This idea was yours, not mine ... Nor was, of course. I agreed only for one reason: he painted a better picture than Rothwell. But it is obvious that Rothwcll is the best of both, at least, feels able to be the lord of Clydon, while your friend seems to doubt his own ability to govern a big feud. Walter groaned. Not wanting the girl could have said anything worse. Ranulf compare with Rothwell it was enough, but to say that Rothwell was better ... And also put into question not only the ability to Ranulf, but also his courage, implying that he was afraid to confront the challenge posed by Clydon.

Ranulf stood up from the chair before she had finished speaking. A Walter would not have surprised the lady hanged by those new insults. I was so angry that at the moment could not speak. Glared eyes and she (God's protection) did not seem afraid at all. He even dared to provoke him further. "If I am mistaken, Fitz Hugh, speak. Or would you reject me believe that I Clydon because you fear? The air came hissing through the teeth of a gentleman. - Ensllale a horse, Walter! Now go to the Abbey! As he marched in search of his own mount, Walter looked at her in disbelief and saw that smile. - You did it on purpose! She shrugged. "I thought you needed a little help. As you said, I prefer to Rothwell. "But hard to forgive what you have just to hint, lady. She shrugged again. "If it's so stupid to understand that spurred him to take the right decision for their own benefit, of course, the problem is theirs. "Well, I'm afraid the problem will be yours," murmured Searle, on his back. Eric was quick to agree: - Are you sure she wants to marry him, madam? "Ask instead if I want to Rothwell, who you were so willing to surrender. He left behind those three red faces and went in search of his horse. CHAPTER XIV

Ranulf knew he had been driven to that wedding, but was prepared for the sole purpose to make the lady repented of having handled well. She agreed to sign the marriage contract and Ranulf, but that did not like, I knew it must, indeed, that document was considered most important in any wedding. In addition, she being so clever, we should pay close attention when conditions dictate the young monk who acted as scribe. For the discussion led them to a small room, Walter and Searle Ranulf act as witnesses, the monk would be hers. The knight would have preferred to analyze the conditions in private before, but she insisted that she did not, because he could not fail to find everything to their liking: she thought would offer the same thing offered to Lord John de Lascelles. (Ranulf finally knew the name of the candidate!) If that was true or not, remained to be seen. Otherwise, it would be hard to argue with her before the monk. And no doubt the lady had that. Only after talking with his father Geoffrey and that he agreed to marry, Ranulf realized that the little Walter plan I could have exploded in the face: the lady could have asked for sanctuary to the bishop. precisely was the reason that Ranulf had not wanted to take her to spend the night in the abbey. He wondered why he did not well, the idea was to have occurred, no doubt. Since it had become so clear the low opinion he deserved, it was impossible he wanted to marry him. Though not shown the slightest reluctance

to Geoffrey's father, from his arrival at the Abbey only showed a serene self-control. "Before we establish the conditions, Sir Ranulf, you have a right to know what you will receive. He snorted when she noticed that the lady returned to speak in terms of courtesy. Queen, realizing that, smiled designed to annoy and continued: "As my father has died leaving me as sole heir, did not come to you with a simple feat, but with all my inheritance. Furthermore Clydon Castle, with its farmland and his mill, there are two towers: Tower Hill Brent and Roth are not as great, nor small. There are also two other farms near Roth Hill and three fortified manor houses, their villages, near Shefford. Ranulf was impressed. It was Walter who thought to ask: - What you choose as precious dowry? "I thought he made it clear they did not offer a dowry, but everything my father owned. As such, I keep half of my inheritance if Sir Ranulf anything happened before they were born children of this union. Had a son to inherit, I would claim to only use Clydon me until the day of my death, when that would happen to my child. If I die before Sir Ranulf, everything in his power would, of course, I have no other family member can claim any ownership. - Does it seem reasonable, Ranulf? Asked Walter. It was more than reasonable: she was giving all she had for so long as he had in life. But Ranulf did not trust her, somewhere there was a catch, only that he could not see it. Instead of responding to Walter, he went to the girl. "You say you wish only half of your inheritance if I died? Who would the other half, in that case? She looked like an idiot if I did. "It's common for the husband's family property dispute when he dies. Often try to keep it all, but Guy Lord I would, in my case. But the family of Lord John would have asked half, like that of Lord Richard, if he had responded earlier to my invitation. Therefore, I was willing to give half to form one or other of these alliances. As I said, I offer the same conditions. It is sufficient that you ye same, comprometindoos to legarme half of your possessions, a sum that I would be given only in case of your death. But I thought we agreed to leave the analysis of the conditions for later. - Have you not finished? Ranulf asked, frowning. She shook her head. "I just mentioned what is under my domain, not debt. However, I must mention here that two other feuds have become to me by the death of these subjects, one without heirs and the other with a very young daughter, now a pupil of mine. In fact the subjects have been three who have died with my father in the Crusades, but the third had three sons, of whom the greatest and I have sworn allegiance to the manor house that now occupies. Ranulf overlooked the snarl of Walter. None of them knew at the moment that the lady had so much land. - How many subjects took with your father? -Four. Bruce William Lord continues with Guy, like the knights of the castle, although we have lost two of them, like I told you to be presented to the

widows. The son of Sir William and I have sworn allegiance to his father, who occupies a stately home for me and a toll bridge. Ranulf asked, almost in fear: - "Is that all? She shook his head. "I have three other subjects who did not leave with my father. Sir John has a farm and four acres near Bedforf. Sir Guiot, a farm and a mill worth the service of three knights. And Lord Simon, the father of Elaine, which you know, took the Tower Forthwick, a wealthy mill and two houses. Walter let out a loud groan. Ranulf was no longer certain of his thoughts. Clydon was not only equal to the properties of his father, but surpassed. In the absence of anything better to say, for I was frankly overwhelmed, asked, - How much should you Lord Simon, as the men's? "Twelve men for forty days, if I were needed. But if what you want is income, equivalent to two hundred forty marks a year. - What about the others? "The service of fifteen knights and a half. Ranulf quickly calculated and observed, with suspicion: "But that represents only five hundred and fifty marks of income, my lady. Where does the rest to proclaim? Not be of the land under your dominion, no doubt. She replied, patient -No. The land is not indebted pay eight hundred marks a year. The protection is two farms and their villages, and adds hundred and fifty. The tower and the city of Birkenham is where ... - Birkenham! Cried the three men, in unison. - Birkenham City is yours? Ranulf asked. "And the tower that the completed custody-she said. Birkenham You know, from what I see? - Who does not know that city, ma'am? It is almost as big as Lincoln! "Indeed," she said, without any presumption in his voice. But as I said, Birkenham is the richest of the properties, their contributions totaling five hundred marks a year. It is also the feud that has come back to me, but I have not yet ascertained the additional revenue that represents not know until the day of San Miguel. "But why did your father subenfeud property worth more than Clydon, whether the money, by itself, account for five hundred marks a year? Finally she smiled. - Have never dealt with merchants and guilds of artisans, Sir Ranaulf? Birkenham feud is richer, but also the most problematic also time consuming for those who do not live there. For my father was a relief to put it in other hands. - Now is my problem? He croaked. "You do not have a problem," he told her, frowning. All you have to decide if you want to keep it or if your men entregis or one of mine. Sir Walter Otorgdselo sneered. With her labia, can be treated very well with the demanding merchants. - For all the saints, Ranulf! Walter protested, horrified. Do not ever even ...!

"I do not deserve less, for having become entangled in this Ranulf growled softly. Then, Queen, "Now, if you have finished, return to the conditions. What do you want me, ma'am? "I have land in abundance, and precious trophies of the Holy Land, but now there is no money whatsoever, as you doubtless noticed. Do not be until after the harvest and collect rents on the day of San Miguel. - How is that possible? Have they stolen? These outlaws of your forest ... "No, nothing like that," he assured her. The Crusades are not cheap, sir Ranula My father took over half of our wealth in gold and jewels to keep the great army accompanying him. He also marched with most of our men and fifty soldiers Clydon. - Is that why you were so badly protected? This caused a look of female monk and a flush. "Partly. Was to replace the garrison and horses, but I said only men ... and lost thirty of them in combat. Very shortly after leaving my father, and Brent Forthwick were attacked. Brent Torre, the fields and the village were burned before my men arrived, which is why I did not receive any income from those properties last year, and instead it was very difficult to rebuild the village and ensure that its people do not starve . But Lord Simon was captured and ransom me, in that I spent most of the money that remained to me. And to lose thirty men who had just paid a year's wages, I was easy to replace, especially since there were drawbacks chain to force me to postpone it. During the remainder of that year, I spent what I had in the service of knights to guard the castle, although it was never my father's policy to do so. Then I was able to hire other men to form a garrison of fifty-five soldiers, to collect overdue rents last year. "It's little for a big castle, but not all are there," he reminded Ranula She stared at melancholy before responding: "Only in the latter half again missing. The daughter married Lady Margaret visited during the previous month and needed an escort of ten men to return to London. Sir Arnulf, another knight of the castle, it required another ten to accompany him to Birkenham, where he was sent on my behalf. And one of my deputies asked for help by killing some produced in one of my ancestral homes, so I sent you a gentleman with five men, only four days ago. It had been then that Sir William had the crazy idea to teach him to defend his own castle and build him a suit of armor. "I know that the number is low," he concluded. I have said so far, it has long, I had enough for more. "But last year charged for your rights. "And this year I had more disasters ever want to remember. Disappeared in a fire all buildings Roth Hill campus, including barns, which had just been filled. Also, the walls needed repairs, which had been initiated but not coticluidas. I stole more than a hundred sheep, which prevented me from selling any and all cows. Falk Rochefort suspect had something to do with it. It was necessary to replace the cattle and horses for the garrison, but not yet I have enough for all my men. Y. .. "So, what you need from me is money.

"Yes, but not too much. Enough to complete repairs and Roth Hill to face any emergency that arises before San Miguel. You already have the necessary men to increase the garrison, but in Tower Hill and Brent Roth would take a few. And several men but not more than enough, of course. Is it too much to ask? Ranulf's response came a look sour flare. "You know how much I have, therefore, not ignorant of this I will not be painful at all. But what about the payment required to do your subjects on your wedding day? "This payment is made to celebrate the wedding of the eldest daughter of Madam, but I, technically, and I'm not. Now I am the suzerain, and nothing is paid for the wedding of the lord or the lady. However, that money would be to cover the costs of the wedding, which will not load. In Clydon deposits there are provisions in abundance. We have never been in danger of going hungry. Ranulf was still so unsatisfied that I could hardly stand it. How could she offer him everything and asked only a trifle in return? Of course a man should get all that, but Lord John and Lord Richard, no doubt, would have brought untold riches and power of their families. This was where the lady was wrong. He had no relationships, family to lend her power to help or recourse if the need arose. If she had known, I would not have proposed that half of the properties to pass to the family of her husband's death. Ranulf stiffened to remember that and what they really meant. I'd have to talk to the girl about it, but not in the presence of the monk. He looked at the religious and asked: "You have not recorded all this, right? "No, my lord. Only the inventory of the properties of the lady, rising to power your marriage, which, provisions giving what will be done to the death of either of you and what you agreed to pay, on your part. Now I just need to list your property. Then you can return to his father Geoffrey to pronounce your vows. Legal terms will be delivered later. Copies of the full contract will be ready in the morning. Ranulf said nothing. He hated what little mention bring to the wedding. But the monk expected. "His contribution to the marriage is seven thousand marks, to give a round number," said Lady Queen, without any inflection in his voice. Half of their wealth. The monk was appalled by the smallness of the sum. "But ... "No buts," she interrupted, energetic. But he added, with more moderation, "Sir Ranulf also agree to give me children, to protect my people and my property according to his ability y. .. do not hit, given their unusual size for a blow could kill him. All eyes turned to Ranulf and enjoyed the deep flush that flooded his face. The latter requirement was unheard of, for every man was entitled to beat his wife, he deserved it or not. The monk would be the first to speak. But she had to establish something that Ranulf had not taken into account. Small as it was, he would not dare raise his hand because I could actually kill her. But the children! Make them appear on the contract so that he could not ignore it! Do you think he could take everything she had and then lock her up

somewhere? The idea was tempting, but I would not ever. For God's sake! With as many as received, would feel bound in honor to treat her with the tenderest of care. - Are you ... eh ... agree with this, Sir Ranulf? The monk asked, hesitantly. "Yes," he gruffly. But before ending the conditions need to have a word with the lady. He got up and took Queen of the hand, to take her to crawl before she could contradict him. She thought his intention was to punish them before signing the contract. He had dared too much, considering he was not in a position to demand anything. But When he stopped at the door, she gasped. He had wanted to close his eyes tightly, but would not seem afraid. If he's punished, it would be just what they deserve for having decided to accept it. It was a crazy place themselves under the rule of man, a perfect stranger. Unable to prevent it from selling their land if they wished. Not having any right, not even appeal to the courts without the "l. Give both dominion over it to a man who seemed to hate. But what could be an alternative? Marrying a greedy old man, who would care for Clydon anything because I just wanted to take advantage of their wealth. He shuddered at the thought of Rothwell, after that I had told him "... actually had questioned some of his men, as Sir Walter did not trust. Ranulf would take care of the land, for less. The fact that he had saved for so long to own land and own it revealed. And it was well able to send in Clydon. That had been the decisive factor and explained that Reina had not tried to seek help from the monk, who was not really guarantee. Neither John nor Richard would have been able to perform as well as that giant, when they were fighting. Given its size, it was doubtful that anyone could defeat him. - What reasons have been, madam, to these ridiculous demands? Ranulf inquired in a serious rumble. Do you think maybe I'm not Fapaz to care about you and what is yours? Queen sighed. That was the softer tone he had never heard it was a good omen, because at least not run over. "Not at all. I think it will be very capable of protecting Clydon. He was not sure I heard right. A compliment! What her mouth? Incredible! "It was those feelings that shown earlier in camp," he said. "Do not be stupid ... "Queen is her tongue. By God, had to learn to take care of before this man. Eh ... I ask forgiveness for what I said earlier. I was upset and did not say it seriously. "If you can believe me, why, insist on seeing everything in writing? "That requirement and the other was just a curtain, so to speak, to lessen the impact of the latter. He frowned. "With that abuse your lucky, indeed. "Certainly," she admitted, looking down at his broad chest before him. But you have accessed. As to mention the children, I know it was unnecessary. Benefits you get me pregnant, it strengthens your position in the case of Rothwell or any other project carry me, leaving me a widow.

"You speak very frankly of intimate relationships, ma'am. Are you ready for them? Queen realized that he was asking only for whipping. And it worked. "Yes," she whispered. - Tonight? The girl's eyes flew to his. - It is the ceremony that counts! We Clydon married again, in the presence of my subjects and Sir Henry. I assumed he would wait ... - To return to Clydon without having consummated the marriage and your subjects can expel me? No, ma'am, you have no basis for nullifying the agreement. I should stipulate that children data, and the sooner we deal with it, the better. She felt her cheeks were warmed rapidly and with it his temper. The man acted like just to settle scores with her. Queen knew that did not appeal at all, not wanting to sleep with her. Probably would not have ever done if she had not embarrassed by establishing requirements with respect to children over others. With pursed lips, he asked: - Is that all? The expression of the young became surprisingly uneasy. "Actually, no that's why I asked you to accompany me. She could have said there was no such request, that he had merely dragged her out, but did not clarify the point. What he wanted to say, whatever it was, it was obviously difficult. "You said I was a gentleman vulgar. "And you admit that what you were," she agreed, surprised that it bothered him. "Then, why mention it to my family, if you know that I am a bastard? "I suppose one of your parents must be of rank, otherwise you would not trained for men. And as usually is the man who sows his seed by either party, without thinking or worrying, I assume that the source is your noble father, your mother. Am I wrong? He pursed his lips and frowned again. -No. Here again acertis. - Did your father is dead? "For me it is like there. All my life I have only spoken twice with him, ma'am. Only when he was nine he deigned to notice me, but needed to know my existence since I was born in the village of the castle. "Surely you recognize, as I did train. "That does not matter. It has an heir and does not need me, nor I to him. Although my brother died, I no longer accept anything from him. It's too late. "That grudge should be ashamed, sir, Queen dared to admonish. Your father could not overlook a legitimate heir to appoint you. You are wrong ... - Did I say anything that the other was a legitimate heir, ma'am? My brother is also a bastard and, moreover, several years younger than me. His good fortune stems from the fact that his mother was indeed a lady. A whore, but lady at last. Reina did not know what to say. I should have let it go, but could not. He had just make a true confession and no longer seemed a stranger. Jesus, if even he was outraged by solidarity with him!

I admit that that's not fair, apparently, I must ask forgiveness again. Indeed you have reason to resent. If a man should choose a natural son as heir, should not behave differently if you were choosing between his legitimate children: by law, inherits the largest. Who is this man? Ranulf was taken aback by the strength of their response. He well knew that this was unfair, but it was unexpected that she thought so. A lady who did not defend anyone in your class? But no answer to your question. "No matter who you are, but I do not want anything he gets yours. If I die, I want you all to return to you your inheritance, and not just half of mine, but everything I have should be yours too. I want this to be specified in the contract. She looked at him with eyes wide with disbelief. "As ... as you wish. - It is understood that this alliance will give you no help from anyone but me? "Yes. She had returned to control his voice. But never will I need other help than yours. We will have all we need from Shefford, if necessary. Ranulf felt strange to hear him say 'we' thus including it. I had never before been included in this way. And she was showing that she knew to be reasonable, at least for this type of discussion. Of course he was ignoring the stipulations that she still wished to include in the contract. And remember, took her under her arms and lifted to the same height. "Now we agree and we can end this matter. But you must understand something more, my generalete. Although protected ye my fist, if you deserve punishment, your back to engage with the palm of my hand. Do not feel too much freedom to provoke at will. Then put it back on its feet and walked her to her room, where he exchanged vows and the kiss of peace. "Peace? Queen wondered if ever again enjoy that status.


A Queen it was difficult to get used to fear a man when his life had never been afraid of anyone. He had always been protected from the harsh realities suffered by other women, although not ignored. In his early years he received plenty of love from their parents, in the last six years, after the death of his mother, Roger de Champeney had deepened. Nor is sent to Shefford to be educated there, as his mother did not want to get away from his only offspring. He learned at home to use the needle and the loom, to read, write and speak Latin, French and even English, so little used. He knew everything needed to operate a castle and its surrounding properties, inside and out, until I could take financial and legal decisions, but that was the most tedious and she readily acknowledged that he had a lot of skill for money. He knew what fear was, of course, he had felt when her mother, her father go to the Crusades, to be left alone to care for Clydon, with only the help of

his few subjects, and to learn of the death of his father. The day Rochefort Falk sent his men for the capture, he was afraid, but not personally Rochefort. He had not even been afraid that night when he slipped into his bedroom to fall upon her, with his dirty intentions. At that moment he felt anger, so they had it thrown into the pit. Of course, if he had managed to grab her and force her husband to accept it, then maybe it would have been afraid ... perhaps to the point of killing him. His father did not appreciate and she had trusted his discretion when men are concerned. Why had not paid any attention to the marriage proposal of Sir Falke. But another just to own it, and this inspired him with fear itself, though not entertain the idea of killing him. I was so afraid that would not have made the attempt ... and do not want to. The fear was there, but it was different and not due to the same reasons. At that moment everything was consumed, as he was toward the camp, toward the promised intercourse. Discounting that, however, Ranulf deserved the benefit of the doubt. She had accepted. It was not his preferred candidate, not even his second choice, but it might have been the third, though it had been proposed in different circumstances. After all, Fitz Hugh was a lot going for. never tire of looking at it, although it was not foolish enough to let you know that she was very attractive. I had seen him use his sword with amazing skill, and if you could believe in the word of his friend Walter, was more than impressive. He was accustomed to command, but not only that: let him send his men with great pleasure, not many who could inspire such loyalty. He was young, he was strong, was kind to animals, as she had found through the calico cat riding on his shoulder. And I had other obligations. Both John and Lord Richard Lord would have had to divide their time between the Queen and the properties themselves, and perhaps even those of their families. The fact that Ranulf was devoted entirely to Clydon made him the best candidate. Yes, I had a lot going for ... but also very much against. The biggest concern was immediate and Queen size: a weapon in itself. Then his temper, she'd have seen quite often. And their atrocious manners. The fact that distrust of the ladies and they had grudges, such as Sir Walter explained, would not make things easy. And it was unpredictable. Who would have thought that would cower at the prospect of receiving a property as Clydon? It would also have problems with Theodric, unless accepted Ranulf forget the unfortunate incident between the two. And it was to see how he would handle the villagers. Probably the Queen was afraid (apart from its size) was that this man had no consideration for her feelings. She disliked. It had treated more harshly than once. And the fact that we now have the power to hurt and offend at will made him inner peace pieces. However, also in that respect he deserved the benefit of the doubt. The only hope is that marriage does not prove the worst mistake of his life. His horse walked slowly after him, returning to camp. Neither was in a hurry. She had hoped to spend the night at the Abbey, where someone could hear her if she screamed. But it was not. - Geoffrey's father had offered

accommodation, of course in separate rooms. Her new husband, a man of many resources, he could find a way to get her to make love. That would have relieved his fears, even in part. But he rejected the offer. Reina did not feel married, but it would be before the end of the night. Its inner tremors ceased to think about it. He knew what would happen. He had often imagined, with Richard and even with John, but never with a giant. Until then I had eagerly awaited wedding night because she was too grown not to have yet experienced the act of love. And now he could only curse themselves for having spurred to Ranulf to the point that he wanted to possess that same night, when he might have to have several days to get used to the idea, if he had kept his mouth shut rather than mentioning the children. But having a little break. When disassembling at the shop, the Ranulf nodded, saying: "Do what you need. Soon I will meet with you. The "soon" was two hours later, which demonstrated that he feared as much as she consummation. Needs to encourage two wineskins Geoffrey's father had forced them to accept, to celebrate the occasion. She also could have used a little wine, but had only water in the pitcher of the big tent. Also had the opportunity to meet his beloved: a girl big and chunky, almost as beautiful as Eadwina, which was not exactly sprawled in bed, but little was missing: sitting on the edge, resting on the elbows, knees separated more provocative position and sow that Reina had ever seen. The meeting was a surprise to both, it was obvious that she was not there to help Queen, but expected to return Ranula Apparently, no one had revealed the reason that her lover had left the camp. And there it was waiting for him to come in and see his clear implication. However, no Queen was horrified, especially because it was the other, which was appalled. He got up hastily stammered something like I had thought that their services might be needed. Then Queen begged not to reveal the Lord your presence. It was clear that nobody had called, otherwise Ranulf would not have made his new wife came into the store. Is it? "No, Queen, give him the benefit of the doubt." - What's your name? -Mae, ma'am, "said the girl, quickly. My name is Mae. "Well, Mae, and you're here, you can help me with my relationships, for this once," said Reina, carelessly. Since I am married to the Lord, I hope this is the last time I see you. Morning Clydon again. Will understand if I ask you not to tarry here. Mae just nodded, I could not believe their good luck to escape so easily, given the circumstances. Once order had been hit by a lady, who only had suspicions that her husband had visited Mae. He knew of other prostitutes who had disappeared at the hands of jealous ladies. That was one of the reasons why women had made camp, and in these women had seldom, in the case of women soldiers, she had no power over life and death. If the man had married, praise be God, she wanted no more of it. It was not worth risking your life for love. Thereafter, the prostitutes of Clydon be responsible for him if the lady was so indifferent as he seemed.

Queen Mae's nervous sympathy with the sacked before the end to untie the fleece jacket. She completed the task, it was more difficult than it had been dressed without help. She felt naked without her panties and socks, Kenric had missed picking up clothes for her in the dark. But at least the boy had brought a pair of shoes. Marrying barefoot would have been the capstone to a day truly horrible.

In the shop there were several things, certainly, a mercenary and her husband had to carry all their belongings. There was a locked safe, a small chest that could contain more than a few clothes and, above it, a pot with water and a towel that Reina had intended to use, probably could not get a bath there. On a low table had some tools, a water jug, cups and several fat candles. The mattress to sleep was, in fact, a very thick mattress, very long and five feet wide: made especially for the giant, no doubt. It was covered with a soft woolen blanket linen sheets, better
than she expected. In one corner was a cupboard with the tools of his trade, along with several long guns, that did not fit in it, among them a sword like the one used Ranulf ... and a calico cat. For a moment Queen was surprised at that second guest, the glowing yellow eyes watched her intently from the shadows. But the point was pleased with his presence. Liked cats, used to ensure that the cats were so well fed Clydon as hunting dogs, they also played with a purpose: to prevent the proliferation of rodents too. The presence of the cat in the store Ranulf tried what she had suspected when she saw him on the shoulders of the knight. The animal was a pet. The funny thing was that a man so big and choose an animal cringes because so little pampering. And ugly, too. He had a crooked tail in the end, probably because at some point it had been stepped on. Its fur was short and thin: he needed some fresh milk and eggs from time to time. Reddened skin areas revealed without doubt, a large number of fleas. Besides all that, seemed pretty friendly, they went to the soft sounds she gave to lure and was rubbing against her leg. Queen bent down to scratch his ears and got a strong purring with delight. He smiled. At least someone in the camp seemed to like it. Wearing only his shirt, Queen addressed grooming, while talking to the cat, still passing between his legs and he responded with a strong purr. It was a soothing sound, and she really needed the sedaran. He did everything possible not to lie on the mattress, until Ranulf chest heaved in search of a comb. But it was not much time he could devote to her hair, despite what he was tangled, and soon over. It was useless to ask what Ranulf delayed. Would come when he was ready. Queen had the idea of sleeping while waiting, but realized that it would be impossible. Finally, he lifted the cat and put him in the middle of the bed, to kill time by removing the fleas. The animal seemed to enjoy his attentions when it was upside down, stretched, to facilitate the task, she discovered that it was a female. Absorbed in the operation, he heard her husband enter ... but the cat itself. In a second left to purr and rose with a hiss. Reina received a strong scratch for having assumed that the cat was cordial. Incredulous eyes followed the cat, which jumps to throw away to the arms of Ranulf. Since he was not surprised, there must be something normal. But Reina was somewhat offended. While rubbing his thigh scratches, said to never again

deal with this traitor. Daring to treat it well, when she was allowed to take their fleas that since that time, was his bed! Ranulf had not yet looked, it was so busy with his pet. Queen took a moment to shake the sheets. A moment later came Kenric and she hurried to hide her legs under the blanket. Would probably have to get used to that. The squire had roles to play, like disarm and undress her husband. But the master's bedroom, in Clydon had an anteroom. Perhaps to convince her husband to undress there. But maybe (he said, watching the process in silence), it may decide not to try. Good God, what were genuine packages were on the jacket? The disappearance of the garment gave a slight exclamation. Were true, yes, thick muscles tensed and rippled with every movement. Theo had told him that she pay no attention. All so beautiful, golden skin, she said, and it was true. The fact that Theo had seen naked inspired him a little envy, as hoped, with bated breath, to disappear hose. Kenric Ranulf fired and went to bowl with cold water to moisten the entire body. Only after use. towel, moistened by it, seemed to remember his presence and turned sharply to cross it with those violet eyes. - No. .. you asleep? Queen felt a small knot of nervousness, which curled and died in his chest. He had seen with their own eyes what kind of woman he preferred, and she was not at all. Of course, he had thought she would be asleep. Do you regret your promise? Why, if it had taken so long to meet her? Why came with unsteady and wobbly? Well, the Queen would not stay where no one wanted. Intercourse should happen some day, but could be by the time both had been used to the idea. He sat in the middle of the bed, feeling something akin to disappointment, if only because there would have relief. "No, not asleep. Expected to know where you wish to sleep. He spoke quietly, but with his chin held high as a challenge to treat a liar.

He did not. Just looked at her intently for a horribly long time. After she dropped the towel, without realizing it. "You sleep there ... me, "he said huskily, surprising ... and perhaps surprised themselves. But still looking at her, as if he doubted what he saw. A moment later broke the shackles of their trousers, boots your hurry. Queen dilated eyes. Had the distinct feeling that he would throw herself on her body ... and not much was wrong. He lay on his bed. Queen's breath and a moment later, the shirt. - Wait ... - Are you a virgin? Do not wait for an answer. She realized that it mattered little whether it was or not, and that offended her. Apparently, the man had decided it was necessary to end soon. As if to prove it, she planted her mouth on the lips for a horrible second and then jumped on it. Well, she would take the same attitude. The best thing was to finish as soon as possible to find out how much it was feared the next time ... if there was a next time. Reina was prepared to be crushed, but did not. Instead, they enter without tearing it felt, was smooth and easy. Does just looking at her moods had been

made to flow, without even touching him? He was surprised and felt a vague sense of pleasure, distinct from everything I knew. And then yes, something tore. The cry cut through the work of those bruised lips. Could not have told him how he managed to kiss her while she dug into. Perhaps because most of his height was in her long legs, maybe because his back was bent over it, since it was crushing, as she feared. All he crushed his lips, in that respect could do with some lessons. But in other ... Good God, what was beginning to feel? Whatever it was, there was no answer, because her husband, with a strong roar, he had finished with him.


Reina moved carefully, taking stock before rising. Actually, it was destroyed. I felt somewhat bruised lips and between the legs, pain defined. But nothing was broken when she lay down on Ranulf few moments after reaching his pleasure. That's it: she had been misled. Wenda said it was great. Eadwina should think so too, since he did so often. Queen would not have said that this experience was wonderful, but not as terrible as she was afraid of a giant. Once lost virginity, there was probably nothing to be afraid of copulation, but neither had anything to recommend it. He dressed quickly, while her husband was still sleeping. See it in that state of helplessness did not help to think clearly. And he had plenty to think about, above all, what would you say to Lord Simon, who probably would be in Clydon when they arrived. The movement in the camp had awakened. Upon leaving the store saw business everywhere. Nearly a hundred men ate breakfast and prepared for another day of travel. She sought some bushes where he relieve himself without anyone paying attention. When he returned, Lanzo approached him with a pitcher of beer and a piece of bread the day before. She thanked him, but without smiling, and the boy hurried. Maybe learn the use of weapons under the tutelage of Ranulf, but sorely lacked chivalrous courtesy. Neither of the two squires he would daii think she was upset about the part they had played in her abduction. Both had to learn the arts of war were not enough to turn a man into a knight. It was necessary to learn courtesy and social graces, and the reverence due to one lady in particular,

should learn how it was a lady at all times, even during a kidnapping. She had not treated well. Someone approached him, on this occasion, the treacherous cat Ranulf, who returned to rub against the legs of Reina. "So that's the way, eh? "Queen frowned. Think you can not guess your intentions? There was a 'meow' only response, then the child away by jumping into Lanzo, who had to lower a can of food scraps. Queen shook her head, she was not sure to have the desire to fool around with a cat. Probably necessary, if her husband had intended to take the animal to the castle. Then he heard noises in the store and returned to her. Ranulf looked crosseyed when you open it a crack, let in the bright sunshine of a beautiful spring morning. - Where is Lady Elia? He asked, grumpy. Queen stiffened. "I do not know there was another lady in the camp. "My cat," he said. - How Queen exclaimed, stunned. You cat is called Lady Ella? - Yes. She first saw a really cute expression on her husband. I was not sure if it was a smile, but it was fascinating. "Take the name of the smartest cat I know how many" he added. It is therefore very appropriate. Could ask who she would be that other, but Reina did not. Obviously, her husband did not think much of it. "Your She ... "Lady Ella ... "Lady She's breakfast," said Reina, grinding his teeth. It was an insult to grant a title to that skinny little beast. Its very title, to boot. But he was not ready to start the first fight with her new husband. Do you want to call your squire for you ... ? "Not yet. He joined the interrupt and the blanket fell into his lap. Reina looked away. That vast expanse of golden chest was like a magnet for the eyes, but stubbornly resisted the attraction. "Take off your clothes. She looked at him, eyes wide with disbelief. "I had not heard correctly. "You have heard perfectly. Ranulf's tone was sweet, despite its gravity. Let me know if I dreamed last night or whether it actually made love with you. "I just look the sheets, at your side, to verify that indeed it was so. He did, and before the size of the bloodstain swore. "Of all the saints, do you have killed? "I think not," said Reina, attracting those violet eyes again to her. Do you look dead? That caused a frown. "I you look like the lady I married. But I want to know if I dreamed, or if you really are as a souvenir when you are without clothes. Immediately Quitoslas o. ..

- Do not move! She commanded, her voice more authoritative, while he removed the blanket. It was hard to keep confronting him, but he composed. Before saying more nonsense, remember what we do today. If we put in place quickly, leaving the soldiers rimless follow us at their own pace, Clydon not get light enough to be recognized with ease. I will be quite difficult to explain to Lord Simon, who may be there, why have I married my abductor. I do not want to add the difficulty of not being permitted to enter my own castle, just because you prefer to waste the morning.

For a moment he said nothing. He watched her intently. Then he shrugged. "Well, I guess I can wait until the evening. "That's what you think," said Reina, while escaping from the tent, relieved. He intended to follow his original plan: sleep in his own bedroom to the second wedding. While not marry in the presence of Sir Henry and he accepted the oath of Ranulf to Shefford, she would not be considered really married, though the act of love had been consummated.

Queen changed her mind about what he would say to Simon Fitz Osbern and his other subjects. Ranulf explained the reasons for the trip. He rode ahead of him in his steed, he had been prevented from using another animal because you do not trust her, wanted her to reach, for fear that his men back against him. And since Clydon accompanied only the few soldiers who had saddle, Queen did not try to convince him that his fears were unfounded. It would have to discover for himself if his wife or not to accept the marriage, whether it had plans to kill it. As for his subjects, made aware to Ranulf his idea. It would be easier to believe in the goodwill with which she accepted this link if they were told that the marriage had not been consummated. Saying that she had married him on his own will, in such a short time, when everything was done and was irreversible, would raise doubts. And she wanted his subjects to accept it without reservation, that would be more likely if they were informed that Ranulf was the man wanted to get married and then celebrate the wedding. He accepted regaiadientes. In his view, had copies of the marriage contract if she tried to show some subterfuge. It was necessary to warn his men, who knew she had spent the night in his tent. However, none refused to pretend that the wedding had not yet been concluded. Queen believed to have covered all the odds, but was not sure. Not easy to think clearly with those thick, strong arms on each side. In addition, I was still shocked and confused by the incident in the morning. He did not understand why it mattered to her husband how she was when she was naked. He had no opportunity to repudiate it if your body was distasteful, and had lost the opportunity to take his virginity. Why was therefore abochornara the whim of forcing her to undress? Would you gustaha or not what he had seen? Was perhaps horrified? Did he only bothered to check or not being able to remember?

The fact that he did not know for sure whether he dreamed or not the act of possession of annoyed and considered it an insult. Although she had not been pleasant, I would have liked to think that this was a shared experience. Apparently it was not. Had I known that Ranulf, dazed by drink, he knew what he was doing, he might have been able to postpone the thing ... but maybe not.

Either way, it was made and it was too late to make speculations. There was only thinking

Ranulf was silent and warmly welcome the many dedicated to his wife, all were interrupted as soon as they saw what arms around her. He did not like to leave behind so many people shocked to cross the threshold, which was no possibility of retreat, but that was hopeless. In fact, only disturbed when they reached the courtyard, where they waited more than a hundred soldiers and fifteen knights, some only carried swords, others full armor, still others were rushed down the stairs of the tower, as if they'd just warn that the Lord will return. "Be quiet, sir," said Reina, softly, when he stopped his horse in front of that small army. Are just two of my subjects, with his knights and their men. I said I had sent by Lord Simon, with news of the attack. Without doubt, what I went through Sir john on track. - Sir john? Does the man she ever expected to marry? "No, my vassal, John Radford. It is a stubborn man, almost inflexible, so the first impression of you is formed which will keep forever. Three of these gentlemen are his, and twenty soldiers. The others are men of Simon, although I see that Sir Meyer is back too. It is the knight of the castle that I sent to help my bailiff. He and Sir Arnulf are with us for almost four years. Both have given us excellent service, but as they are under contract, to you I shall decide whether or not been renewed. - Will not you think? "I'd like pidierais opinion on any thing that you were not sure," she said. But no final decision is for you. - Is your Lord Simon the marching toward us with his hand on the hilt of the sword? Queen grimaced at what aggressive tone. "Yes, but let me be who I handle this. Would be better if you left me dismount and take your hands off me. Otherwise, they will think that I'm still your prisoner. - Is an order, ma'am? "I will not commit the audacity to give you, sir. "Yeah," growled he, and neither did this morning in my tent.

She blushed at. the reminder, just in time for Simon to see her, which made things worse. But Ranulf dismounted and left standing over the other. He did not touch it, although it would be extremely difficult to do, then stood very close behind her. Queen "Lady, have you been damaged? Simon asked. "Absolutely," she said with a smile. If you want to know the truth, Simon, I enjoyed a real adventure. At that time, Ranulf met the blue eyes of man, not yet revealed hostility, but neither were quiet. It was middle-aged and robust constitution, but his height was only interim, that meant he had to lift my head to look at Ranulf, something that no man of rank might like. Since I was studying the blond gentleman, Reina was quick to present: "Allow me to introduce you to Sir Ranulf Fitz Hugh. Sir Ranulf, my vassal, Lord Simon Fitz Osbern. "But is not the same as ... ? She interrupted: "It was just a mistake, Simon. Sir Ranulf I captured on their own, except by order of a certain Lord Rothwell, who had betrayed and said I was his fiancee and I refused to marry. Of course, as Sir Ranulf informed that he had never heard of this Rothwell, honor require him to return home. It was not his fault to be confused by a greedy he wanted to possess at all costs. Rothwell is no different from De Rochefort, and I'm glad you responded so quickly to my call, because we discuss what we will do about my neighbor's presumptuous, but I tend to leave the matter as well. Anyway, I will do my wedding ... and that we must talk. As the vassal eyes turned to Ranulf, suspicious, she added: - When you arrived? "This morning, in time to read the letter that was left here," said Simon, sour. "Ah, the letter," she said, forcing a smile. Will admit, Simon, who was a clever ploy that worked, but not a word was true. Look at this man. Do you think that could kill a defenseless woman only to prevent a small skirmish? If you had wanted to follow me, I would have been perfectly safe. But I'm glad you do not hicierais, with probably Clydon De Rochefort watches looking for another opportunity. Hardly know I was away, because we went after matins. I can not tell you how much I cared and how much it calmed me hope that you're here, ready to defend the castle of another attack. Those words, soothing and sedative, had the desired effect: the gentleman eased the guilt of not doing anything to get his wife and also acted as a compliment for not intervening. "Come, John, Mrs. Meyer," called the other gentlemen. I want you to know the man who has renounced a fortune just by the word of a lady. Here is Ranulf Fitz Hugh. "And Simon," He did not believe me, you know? It was just my word against Lord Rothwell.

At that point, had to smile, not looking at Ranulf needed to know that she liked what he heard us doubts arose in his mind, he wondered whether it would be she who had lied. Queen, sleeper, waited a long time to add: "I think at this point would be useful for confirmation. Do you want any of you ease the mind of Sir Ranulf? Have you ever been engaged to someone called Lord Rothwell? There were three decided "No, but it was John Radford, who was even more in years to Simon, adding a bad mood: "It's going to marry John de Lascelles, if the boy knows yet reach Clydon, which is becoming doubtful. "Do not be cruel," he admonished Queen gently. Lord John has had its problems, which until now have prevented him from coming. But as for my wedding, I changed my mind. Will you come all in? Discuss the issue over dinner. But before I tell my ladies that I have returned safe and sound. and check my servants have become lazy in my absence. Assumed my duties, Simon, and present your men to my guests. Atendedlos for me, will you? She finally turned to Ranulf: "I'll meet you in the salon soon. "And with a smile: You can rely on my" soon "will be shorter than yours, sir. I knew he hated to lose sight of, but could do nothing: she ran up the stairs and entered the tower. Ranulf stood between Clydon men and the other gentlemen who, missing the woman, converged on him. But their concerns were unnecessary. Lord Simon, informed her that the gentleman and his men were invited, did not need more to forget any questioning suspicious. He did only what she had commanded, presented the two groups of men and then drove slowly into the tower. They talked about anything except the abduction of the lady.


- Theo! What does this mean? - Queen, thank God! Find the boy tied up in a corner of her room left astonished. - Have you been well since I took? He asked, incredulous. -No. Wenda found me and set off yesterday morning. We left here the letter to Sir William, who is still in bed, but not delirious. But when he read it aloud, I ... I was so afraid for you that I wanted to go looking. Sir William forbade it, but Aubert, treacherous churl that surprised me last night with it and ordered me to tie well. When we lay hold of it will kill you. "Calm down," said Reina, severe. But he could not help smiling as he began to untie it. What did you think to do, fool? Do you think you have suffered damage to my little adventure? I did not suffer any real danger, and should've realized that it would. I'm too valuable to kill me before the wedding. - And how could I know if it was he who kidnapped you? Inquired the young. "Well, is not so terrible after all. Did not brought me back? "Yes, but married to him," growled Theo. - How do you know? The boy's eyes widened. - Just kidding! "But I do not. - Queen! "He shouted. How could you do that? Do not know how I feel about it? - Are you jealous, dear? "Well ... no, I do not think he admitted thoughtfully. If you can not be for me, I'd rather be for you. But with him, Queen ... Was the only alternative? "Yes, but it took to convince someone, that someone was him," she said. I do not kidnapped for himself, you know, but for an old lord who hired him. And it was not easy to persuade him to marry her instead of me surrender. - Do you mean what you chose? "I could choose between him and the old lord. "It was necessary to further clarify. Now help me get dressed, and quickly. I can not leave much time alone with my subjects. - What have told them this sudden marriage? "I do not know or will know. Do not repeat a word of what I said, not even Wenila. In any case, we had to re-marry in the presence of all, so I have been led to believe that the second wedding will be the first. I will say that Ranulf has accepted my marriage proposal. Thus no doubt about my motives or think that I was forced. I do not want to distrust him. "But if you want to get rid of that husband, Queen, this is the time before that Lord Simon's knowledge.

"But I want it, Theo. I've thought it. In fact, it is best to Clydon. Neither John nor Richard could be devoted exclusively to property; Ranulf Fitz Hugh itself. It has no land of their own, no family to tie it or obligations that away from us. And is not poor; be responsible to pay for everything that I could not do. "And then Clydon will love You? Reina looked away. "Once it was decided, made sure that the commitment can not be canceled. It remains to be seen whether regret my decision. - How was it? Theo asked, smiling. She, realizing what he meant, he glared. "That's not something that you care. "Come on, Queen, insisted he, his smile widening. I wonder what I missed. "If you want to know, was tough and fast. "Oh, now I feel jealous. "And she sighed. - Idiot! She snorted contemptuously. Did you like this fast? And now stop bothering me if you want a bump on the head.

Queen wanted to look her best dress in the important interview with Simon and John, but Theo said it should save the best for the wedding. Thus was formed a long tunic of crimson velvet, with bell-shaped sleeves shortened on the front, to expose the tight sleeves, deep yellow, looming even under the deep neckline and the sides, where the dress is open to the thighs. The golden link belt fastened just below the waist and hanging to the knees. Theo convinced her that her hair braided on the shoulders, with the braids wrapped in yellow ribbons, the white headdress covering muy'poco shortly. Queen considered braids gave a more youthful, inappropriate effect at the time. Theo disagreed, assuring that he had never seen so beautiful. He won the vanity, which has not happened often. Theo noted that 'since they knew their subjects well and would be left confused by his appearance, was really just sprucing up for her new husband. And so it should be. Queen could not deny that looked more beautiful. Its expensive glass mirror, with its image as lighter than the polished steel and secured it. Theo also. And who was she to discuss the old adage that it was easier to deal with the husband if he. was pleased with the appearance of his wife? It was worth finding out if it was true, as Ranulf Fitz Hugh had to be very upset with his lateness. She found him plunged into a discussion of rotation of crops with Simon and John, the subject seemed to fascinate him. Where was the disgust at the absence of his wife? Apparently, no longer worried about losing sight. Queen was about to leave without making their presence felt. There were other things to do and it was silly to assign much importance to the concern of a man.

But John saw her before she could slip and waved. She smiled, before the others to see. Her husband betrayed no reaction to his appearance, and that the further depressed, though he had enough practice to hide their feelings. "I do not want to interrupt your conversation, gentlemen. I only stop to let you know that I have not forgotten. I address some things before I meet you. Ranulf opened "> her mouth to protest, but Simon earned her hand. "Please, Lord. You know I'm generally a patient man, but not when I was awakened curiosity. Tell us what made you change your mind about the young Lascelles. She looked at Ranulf with big eyes and innocent. - Did not you say? What a shame, sir. "You thought you would doubt your word? Having dropped these hints, to which he could not answer, he felt vindicated by the disappointment that he had not noticed his appearance. Then he turned to his subjects and explained: "Although my relationship with Sir Ranulf was very brief, was enough to understand that is the best man for Clydon and me. - Does he want to marry you? John Radford asked, without much surprise. "He accepted my proposal," said Reina. In fact, it was not easy to persuade. Was reluctant because it can not provide their own land, although it means to buy a great property, if desired. What makes it great for Clydon is who has not sworn allegiance to no lord. "So was your idea.

The Queen did express truth from falsehood. "My, yes. After studying all aspects, without finding anything to what you pudierais oponeros, Sir Ranulf contract offered and he accepted. Is there, perhaps, a reason which you could refuse to accept him as Lord, knowing that's my choice? So those things and in that tone, if there was any objection would not be expressed at that time. Both were quick to assure that Sir Ranulf was acceptable. - Do you think that my other subjects think the same? She asked Simon. "I do not see why not. As well as we know it is urgent to marry ... a man who had been approved by your father. "I'm glad because I have already sent messengers with a mission of gathering, and also to Sir Henry. The wedding will take place as we are all together. My father would have felt great respect and admiration for Sir Ranula ye had some knowledge as well: you know how much appreciated the honesty, honor, strength and ability over all things. The strength and ability of Sir Ranulf are beyond doubt. As for his honesty and his sense of honor, I could see for myself. My father would have been very pleased. That ended to reassure the men. The rest of the evening proceeded normally, especially since Queen Sir Walter again invited to share the head table. That seemed to reassure Ranulf and helped to maintain a lively conversation. A man never lacked subject of conversation, of course. But after the table was a time when Simon com to use the cornering with the only concern he had left:

- Are you sure, ma'am? Have you not let that body looking clouded your view? She laughed. - Come on, Simon! Too know me to think so! Am I capable of putting the bearing of a man on the advisability nience of Clydon? I do not think it's cheating me what Sir Ranulf greed. He succumbed to the same temptations that would have convinced John or Richard, if my proposal had been for any of them. The love and the vagaries not have any weight when it comes to forming alliances, and neither the one nor the other influence on me when I chose to Ranula is strong, capable ... - Loud? That man is a giant, if you have not noticed, my lady. She chuckled at the look in awe of his vassal. "Yes, indeed. You should have seen put to flight the men of Rochefort, and even killed one of two before they could escape. If necessary, you can count on him, Simon, you can rest assured about that. But most important is to be available whenever you need it, it never will be out, visiting other properties in no way related to Clydon. With that Simon was satisfied. Reina But there was still a challenge ahead: the allocation of rooms. When at last he was alone with Ranulf, he could not avoid it more. I had to stay in the rooms of the lord, Simon always used as the chamber of the west tower and had retired to her. Mr rooms were the most appropriate for Ranula But she still did not share with him. Of course, for it would be a relief and not a nuisance. Just seemed that was irritated, because that morning, after requiring you to undress, he said he could wait until evening. Perhaps he had forgotten, but she was ready, just in case it was not. What concerned her was whether he would accept. When Ranulf was about to speak, both at home alone, she stepped forward -Acompafadme, sir. A servant was waiting at the foot of the stairs to light the path. Lanzo had already received information on the site where he was put on the armor of Ranulf, who had taken upon arrival, leaving the sword. The young man in the antechamber aguardaha half asleep on a mattress, but it will shake as they entered. - You see what this site, Ranulf! He exclaimed excitedly. It seems the treasure chamber! Queen, smiling, the predecessor to the larger room. Both were well equipped and lavishly illuminated by several candles. -. Did you know that the king stood there triumphantly to conquer the island? "No," Ranulf said, absently. What happens away from England never interested me much. She smiled to herself, for what was frankly overwhelmed by the amenities offered by the chamber. The four-poster bed was enormous curtains of rich blue velvet, wore the coat of arms of the De Champeney. Within two thick outer walls had a single latrine, irrigated by a tank from the roof, to reduce odor, two deep windows whose sills, covered with ermine, served as seats, and a cupboard on the wall, where they were kept valuables, such that their parents had used as a wardrobe for your clothes gala.

For everyday clothes were numerous cabinets and a large, lockable, for valuables, which contained the precious plates of gold, exotic oils and chalices encrusted with precious stones, sent by the father from the Holy Land. Queen's bedroom had a similar one, where she kept important documents of the family, the silver-rich cloth merchants purchased Birkenham, their costly spices and some jewelry and coins. The fire was out, since the carpets and rugs reduced air flows. Before him was a rare chair, like the two that were down at the head table, a large rug of skins, several benches and a small table where he had a jug of wine. The large bath tub had been withdrawn from the corner where an omnipresent, hidden behind a screen, and full of water. Even saw the steam rise. Waiting on a bench near a thick towel and a bar of soap imported, nice perfume, also bought Birkenham merchants. - Do you desire ... wish my help to bathe? Fortunately, his voice was nervous enough for him to wag his head, enabling him to retire. "Then I wish you good evening, sir. He disappeared before he understood that it was his intention. Queen believed to have escaped with ease, but she was wrong. He reached the front door of your own room. No doubt his deep voice woke the women sleeping in the ladies room between them. - What means this lady? She waited for him to follow her down the hall. Then said: I do not think such an explanation is necessary. Vos you sleep there, I sleep here ... until we are married. "But we are married," he recalled CEFIE knitting. "But no one knows, sir, and you agree to it. Do you want to cause an uproar that sully my honor, when in a few days we will get married? - What will your honor when there is some blood on the sheets of the wedding for all to see? "He snapped. Queen was prepared for that question. He took his clothes a tiny vial filled with red liquid. "This will solve the problem. Now I wish you good night. How would have laughed if he could see his expression, after shutting the door in his face! But at the time feared that "I hit the door and insist on their marital rights, but did not. Queen welcomed the victory of this brief respite. He refused to think about what would happen in a few days when she could no longer continue to avoid the rough marital bed was lying to herself.


"Come, Ranulf. If both want to walk about, walk along the ramparts, "suggested Wali. "At this moment I can not leave.

- In that case, at least sit down and eyes away from that door. Not only because vigiles open. And if you sit down, someone will eventually notice your stress. Ranulf, sighing, she met Walter at the table, but could not relax. The Great Hall was more crowded than ever: Sir Henry had arrived late in the afternoon with an entourage of twenty knights and as many squires. The number of women also had doubled with the wives of Simon and John, daughters, women of other subjects and Spaniards, who arrived with their wives, and six women in the group of Sir Henry, among which were the wife and the two married daughters of the count. The atmosphere was so festive, as if the celebrations had already been started, but the wedding would not take place until the next day. Just after the dinner tables were removed below. Almost all present danced to the beat of the rhythmic melodies played by a group of minstrels installed in the gallery. A few old men playing chess, despite the noise. There were also games of dice at the other end of the hall, among the squires. And the servants snaked through the crowd, always keeping the glasses full of beer and wine. Ranulf finally had escaped the close scrutiny to which he had been subjected during the meal, but there were still women who could not take his eyes off her. Walter was right: it was showing as nervous as any bridegroom and by playing the fool, just because Queen had locked himself in one of the rooms adjacent to Sir Henry. - Go! Walter exclaimed, interrupting her thoughts. I could have sworn it was you who both refused to accept this glorious loot! And lo, by your acceptance a matter of life or death. - Would you like a practicing small arms? Walter chuckled. - Do you want to stake me? Before you tell me what you got for Clydon. "You know I never opposed Clydon. To which I objected to was to marry a lady. "Yes, I know. But it comes with the loot. What made you change your mind about it? "I've changed my mind. Still leery of it like the plague, but as you said, it comes with the loot. "So far honored its side of the bargain. - It overwhelms me, Walteri His friend boldly ignored the warning. - Is not it true, perhaps? We have presented in terms so favorable that all men are willing to swear loyalty. Also, like you. Response obtained by a look so grim that Walter could not, stop laughing. "And even now working to overcome the last obstacle possible. - Do you agree? - Is that what worries you? Do you think can ruin at the last moment he has done so far? It is unreasonable to think so. "But women do not think like us men. And this is the perfect time to launch the coup de grace: when nobody expected. Do you know where you sleep? Me, no. It is not considered properly married.

Walter gasped. Then he laughed. - Incredible! I should realize that your concern was another reason. For God's sake, Ranulf! If you need a woman, why you have not taken one? They come by the dozen, and well prepared to get your attention. Ranulf did not respond. He refused to acknowledge that, annoyed as he was by the attitude of his wife, had seen the girls. Every time I decided to approach and explain some subtle desires that were later to her bedroom, was under surveillance by Theodric, that condemned ladybug, almost as if the boy could read his thoughts. It was frustrating beyond words, but he was unwilling to risk upsetting his wife before it happened to be in the eyes of their own. No doubt his 'maiden' I was deliberately frustrating. And the more he was deprived of women, but wanted to be with one. But she would denounce as profligate, if not contained for several days. And Ranulf would not give that pleasure. The ladies loved to moralize, even the hypocrites who were playing as much as their husbands. Damn, all of them. "One would not want to live long, do you, Walter? "Okay, okay, do not fastidiar more. But at least I managed to distract him from what happens in that room, you see that is useful.

"But this man has no properties, Lady Queen, not even a farm. How did your father have chosen above all the knights landed among which to choose? Reina had no concerns regarding the interview 'Henry was a small man, no taller than she, looking clerk. However, in the absence of Lord Guy wielded all the power of Shefford. But there was a man who boasted of that power or you will be delighted with the fear that could provoke. It was sensible and intelligent. Be satisfied with a reasonable explanation to understand their point of view. "A man lacking in other important duties and interests Clydon will make his main concern," he said. My father had no interest in increasing Clydon domains, but also protect and preserve them as gave the count. Sir Ranulf not have a feudal lord who is in conflict with due loyalty to the count, as would happen with another lord. How can oponeros, if it suits the interests of the count have a man who only pay homage to him as my father at the time? "I had not thought of that, but you are right, of course. Queen smiled. "Besides, Sir Henry, is rich. It has long been a mercenary, and you know there is great demand for them now, since so many noble men have gone to the Crusades. He handed the copy of the marriage contract that he would take the castle of Shefford. He waited until his eyes widened at the part of Ranula He added: "I could have bought land recently, but has been busy in earning more money. You can still buy if we deem it necessary. Still you think important? "Not at all. You should have said before enjoying so much prosperity. She shrugged. "What interests us is its capacity.

"True, true," he agreed absently, as he looked to the rest of the contract. Then: Do you return it? How did your father to agree to that? Men often struggle to give nothing, but he will return all yours, and also everything that has happen to you! "You know that my father was too generous to propose something," she said. It was proposed by Ranulf himself because his family does not want to benefit from this marriage not recognized as family. For favors we accept this idiosyncrasy. "Of course, Sir Henry agreed. I've never seen as advantageous marriage contract for the bride. Guy Lord will be very pleased.

A Ranulf was made a knot in the stomach (at least, that was your impression) to see the smug smile that Queen left the room, accompanied by Sir Henry. -Shefford gladly accept your oath, sir, "he said, transforming the smug smile on another very broad. He could not believe. Impossible. It was impossible for her to feel happy to carry it. The blow would occur, no doubt, before or during the wedding ceremony itself. But would occur. That night, slept very pessimistic Ranulf. I was sure she was asleep last time in the bedroom of the Lord. "Clydon, yours? There was a nice fantasy for a very short time. In the morning, as a first step was to sharpen his sword Lanzo. If I had to fight to escape from there, I would. In addition, the boy did indicate to others that they were prepared. Walter desternillara laughter, but that was preferable to end their throats cut. And it was not just any boyfriend nervousness before the wedding. After all, what was about to happen was a mere formality. He was already married ... but his wife wanted to ignore it. What she had done was unspeakable cruelty. It would have been more honest about his men reject met him. But no, she had decided to wait for the representative of Shefford, with even more troops to deceive Ranulf, leaving Clydon think that could be hers, that she loved him as Lord. The only open demonstration of feeling had been his refusal to share the bed. That ought to serve as an indication to Ranulf, instead of irritating to the fury. The arrival of your wedding dress it aroused little enthusiasm, but Lanzo was about to faint with admiration. The mantle of purple velvet, trimmed with white armifo was the finest he had owned in his life clearly had never been prone to spending money on clothes, as had no one to impress and had better things to invest their pay. The jacket, long sleeves, had so many threads of silver which, from afar, looked like a cloth entirely fine silver and white silk. Even the trousers were of the highest quality, including a silver belt buckle, matching the clasp of her mantle, both decorated with small purple stones. And everything seemed newly tailored. The perfect fit indicated that the clothes had been cut especially for him. But the mood of Ranulf, even somber, prevented him from paying attention. Just attended the praise of his friends, who pondered his new outfit, or even recognize his wife when she entered the room and almost did not realize they

were taking him out of the tower, for the short ride to the village in which church will conduct the ceremony. Spurred by the priest, managed to repeat the words of the marriage contract, which he must bring to marriage, and gave his wife a ring as a token of the estimated dowry, along with a present of gold. The ring and the money represented the oath. Then they exchanged their vows, so that all heard, and before it could become aware Ranulf were already entering the church for mass engagement. However, during the long occupation failed to understand that everything was done. He had married again with his towering wife. Although his men were prepared for any eventuality, he was so stunned they could have without overthrowing the coup had been reached. Just finished the Mass, when Sir Henry came to him to receive his oath of allegiance to Shefford, began to suspect that he had behaved like an idiot. Finished this act, the vassals of Clydon rushed to imitate him and swore loyalty to acknowledge him as lord. After stunning, but not surprised, Ranulf looked at his wife, who was on his arm, while leaving the church together: - Have you married me? She chirped with a soft laugh, then approached him and whispered:

"I'm glad you've been present in our first wedding, Madam, because it seems that you may be well aware of it. The cheers of the crowd waiting outside a boyfriend fell on his face very red.


If Ranulf thought the food the day before, after Sir Henry had been a real feast, his wedding feast was fit for a king. Six dishes were served: double the usual, each consisting of several preparations: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, vegetables, desserts. The latter was a subtlety: a preparation of sugar, pasta and gelatin, forming modeling scenes of courtly love. It was noted, the entire ceremony: the butler was the first to enter, with the bread and butter, followed by the butler and his assistants, who carried the wine and beer. The squires were lined up behind the tables to serve their men, cut the meat and replace successive wooden plates. Given such variety, all were well satisfied with the appetite. There were roast beef, wild boar, lamb, deer, partridges, and peacocks. Partridges were also in mustard sauce and ginger or stuffed with eggs and herbs, or meat stew for those teeth were weak. To provide different flavors of wild birds also served cocks, mallards, herons, plovers and larks. For those who prefer fish, had turbot with a sauce of sour apples and spices, oysters on a bed of parsley dipped in vinegar, haddock with garlic butter, sardines boiled with mint sauce and sorrel or fresh herring, crabs, mussels, lampreys and fish

cakes. The desserts were too numerous to list, from special fruits to sweet pastries with fillings varied. His wife had lied in saying that there was no shortage Clydon supplies. With such abundance, the feast went on for the rest of the day, of course. The entertainment never stopped: music, jokes and stories provided by itinerant artists invited or hired by tens for the occasion. Upon returning from the toilet, saw Ranulf had withdrawn the tables below, to start dancing. The dancers circulated singing and holding hands. His wife was involved. Seeing him laugh and sing with the others, he realized that was really for the first time all day, although she had never wandered far from his side since he left the church. She dazzled with a special charm, which did not arise, of course, only of her brilliant attire. His shirt was of the same white silk tunic Ranulf, interwoven with threads of silk, his tunic, dark blue silk, embroidered with silver edges, a belt which sparkled with precious stones, red and blue, he hugged the hips. She wore no cloak or veil that overshadow the wealth of their clothes, hair, black and glossy, floating around freely during the dance, topped by a silver tiara charmingly bent to one side. His cheeks flushed and her lovely blue eyes sparkled with pleasure. Without warning, the body of Ranulf came to life. This was followed quickly nuisance. He resumed his seat at the high table: the seat of honor, yes, the chair of the lord, his chair. Never mind that she had been offered the same place in all previous meals: now his by right. However, when I thought of the torment of the doubts that had led to bed last night, could not find any satisfaction. And she was fun to see him so upset at the church. Chances were that he had deliberately provoked his suspicions, his smug smile, just to make him suffer during the night. It was tortuous, contemptuous and cruel, as all the ladies that he knew. However, seeing her dance with careless abandon, felt lust. No doubt he was mad. She became breathless, with short curls stuck to the wet face, laughing at a joke that a noble had shouted from across the room. Not even cast a glance at Ranula So "I winced away from her dark thoughts, to hear him say: - Do not bailis my lord? - No. "I rarely do, but today's guests expect dances. Ranulf was in no mood for such frivolous conversations. - When you retiraris? I mean, take your ladies a lot of bodyguards outside the classroom? "Oh, but if it is still early. He resented it that Queen did not look. He even ask - Do you have your little vial? "Certainly," she said distractedly. Nor that provoked the desired reaction. Ranulf had no desire to sit on his lap, to see if that made her react. But finally cerulean eyes turned toward him, showing that she had been attentive to their questions. But their motives misinterpreted.

"You do not have to worry about the ceremony of the bed," he said, in soft whisper. You can not repudiate, nor I to you, therefore, no need for us to pose naked in front of all guests, for inspection. He grunted, even more annoyed. Could not ever blush when talking about these issues? The domain had over his emotions was remarkable, but at that point so irritated. Finally she correctly interpreted frown: - Do not amuse you, my lord? Is there anything I can ... ? "You can go to bed, ma'am, and as soon as possible. I want to finish with the formalities of the day. Finally she blushed and looked down at her lap. He was silent a long moment, but finally nodded, short and rigid, and rose to retire.

Ranulf leaned on the seat, feeling the tension left him. He had not realized how important it was to receive the answer in those long seconds of silence. If she had tried to contradict ... but no. He had taken his words as an order and obeyed, leaving a very satisfying feeling, which lasted two minutes. Only then did he realize that in reality, it was still early and that his wife had been having a great time, before he imposed his somber mood. And really had no reason to be so angry. Was not the lord of all that was? Was not as powerful as his own father? Yes, but what was done to win?

- What does that here? Reina was the "it" in question planted in the center of your marriage bed. Lady groom had done She 'arrival, but did not know that the beast share the room with its owner. "It's the mascot of Ranulf replied to the question of Lady Hilary rough. - Really? "Another of the ladies laughed childishly. Queen smiled too. If that seemed funny, what would they say when they saw that ugly animal wrapped around the neck of the giant? "But it has never been allowed to enter the plant-animal lady Hilary insisted. Queen shrugged. "Now Clydon has a new master. If he wants to have a pet in her room, who is going to contradict him? "You, ma'am. Wow, what confidence he had. If they had seen the speed with which he had run to pick them for the lie down, do not think now that she could get rid of a skinny cat. The room was called "the bedroom of Mr. ', of course, but the bedrooms were, by tradition, mastery of the lady, who could choose with whom to share ... while they were not her husband. Thinking about him and how much the growl that had overwhelmed the order of bed, said Donna Florette:

"Take her to the kitchen to give a bit of hot milk. "Immediately it occurred that the cook could get upset and said," Explain the kitchen staff who owns, so they would not throw to the stables. - Bite? Asked the young widow, cautious. Lady Hilary took her by the skin of the neck and offered to Florette. "If you bite, give it back the bite. This provoked general laughter subsided a little nervous Queen. He had already gone through the first link, which was the worst, and had every reason to be nervous ... but I was. Perhaps he had done wrong in order to spoil the wine of her husband until reduced to little more than colored water. Had a bit tipsy, having fun again, might not have such a hurry to take it to bed. Perhaps he had done wrong also provoke. Ranulf's conduct had been strange all day, vacillating between the simple confusion and acrimony, it was not the mood to accept willingly a joke. What could one expect from a sober and angry giant? Another meeting rushed and rude? Or hard and long? Marry, had been crazy to get into those! Or maybe not even have an act of love? That idea inspired him a little. After all, she had shown him the vial of "blood" to keep that spot the wedding sheets. Ranulf was not obliged to sleep with her just because you wait all Clydon well. And had only said he wanted to conclude the formalities, he had no intention of ... Queen had regained all his nervousness, but that was the state that was supposed to meet, so no comments caused more usual jokes on occasion. He was silent as he carefully removed the clothes to keep them in the closet, but seeing the white shirt in the hands of Hilary recalled that her husband had not made any mention of the new clothes. Her ladies had worked long hours at her request, to finish on time cloak and trousers. She herself had sewn jacket, matching their own clothing, for which he used another piece of that precious silver silk thread had been saving. Why had so much trouble? Hardly do it again, if the man was grateful for so little. But looked good, very handsome. What need was to receive his thanks, if one could feel so proud to see him with his splendid attire? He sighed. I immediately remembered where he was and blushed. But no one had heard. Women were too busy to celebrate with laughter the jokes they made. Lady Margaret took a comb and began to groom the long hair of Queen. After a while they heard the men approaching and she was put to bed quickly. There must wait, like the Virgin on the altar of sacrifice ... and so it felt. If someone supposed to Ranulf gay comrades take him on a litter to cross the threshold, as usually happened, the Queen could hardly occur to ensure that well. Who could hold him? And no one tried. But she would have been multiplied his fears if he had known that he was leading the pack on the stairs. Obscene jokes continued, more rugged than ever following the arrival of the men. Queen refused to listen, nor wanted to see Walter, who dared to strip the boyfriend of his jacket. It focused on the hunt he had prepared for the morning, which would prepare for dinner, if half of the guests stayed to spend the whole day ... and was likely. He thought the visit was to the villagers to address their illnesses, which had been neglected in recent days. He thought of anything to distract. And suddenly the door was closed,

interrupts their concentration. Queen swallowed hard: she was alone with her husband. He himself had locked the door and, without further delay, went straight to bed. Still wearing panties and hose, but nothing more. Queen gasped. "'d Jump on it again? This time it was not. Ranulf tore the blankets. Queen gasped, a tiny sound that only she warned. The body was looking at him so intently that, if the ceiling had dropped on his head, would not have been unfazed. She still could not breathe, afraid to move, afraid to be filled with hands, not knowing what to do next with the unpredictable giant who had married. "So it was no dream," he commented. Queen's eyes moved cautiously to find his, now darkened to indigo. He seemed surprised by what he had discovered. And expressing other emotions that she could not be determined. - Is that good ... or bad? The only answer was a grunt. Do you expect compliments, after all that had passed? Then I could hold your breath. Even so, for goodness sake! Either was glad that the had been in the mind in recent days was not just a dream. Now remember clearly, standing in the middle of her bed, wearing a short shirt, like a small Valkyrie ready to battle with him. That had swollen again, like to see her astride the horse. But her naked body! Who would have thought that this woman so perfectly concealed under clothing? Although it was short in stature, its members kept the exact proportions. I wanted to stay and looking at her. I wanted to jump on it. The irritating thing was not being able to do both things at once. The last time I had not been sure of anything. But now, although their lust was no less rampantel could dominate ... or so expected. For Christ's sake, do you find always at a disadvantage with that lady? One knee down on the bed, then another. He heard her gasp and turned to look at her, appreciating what you had not noticed before.

- Are you afraid? He asked. The gesture so took him by surprise, especially because he remembered his sarcastic words, spoken on the morning after the wedding, when I asked him, stupidly, if he killed her, "Do I look dead?". He began again: "Surely you know that ... - I know. - What do you fear, then? Do you think I am different from other men? She made a muffled sound that occurred in Ranulf a quick frown. He then looked down at her own body and acknowledged, grudgingly: "Yes, a little different, maybe. The groan deepened, which made him raise his eyebrows a little more. "You do not you give details. And as I went quickly to me and support my size once without dying. What do you fear now? "I suppose ... I guess it's the unknown, ... not knowing why you were so anxious to have me here alone.

He looked incredulous. "For not know ... Lady, another reason why I could send you to bed? "But your impatience ... - What did you expect, if the only woman that henceforth must be in my bed do not go to him? I can maintain abstinence as any man, when necessary, but forced abstinence is not going to my character. Better you should know now: I do not like to deny me what I want. And he frowned: she had learned that cunningly made him admit that he wanted, although he only experienced a fleeting lust. Because it was only lust, no? Indeed. Any female could satisfy the craving, although it would have caused. But in that case, why she was forced to leave the festivities, if it had been possible to sneak away for a few moments with any good-looking girl, without being missed by? Fingers on the forehead startled him, interrupting his thoughts. - Why did you do? She asked. - What? "Frown so often, without reasonable grounds. Do you know that I have never seen him smile? "If you wanted to smile, you should have have been married to Walter," he said bitterly. "Yes, he has a certain charm happy ... but I am married to VOS. "That has been, but why? And this time I want to know the truth, ma'am, because it was not you saw that you had to choose between Rothwell and me. You had an opportunity to be rejected once it is back here. "But you heard what I said to my subjects. It was the truth, Ranulf. I decided that you you were the best candidate for Clydon. - And for you? -Clydon is first and foremost. It had taken a moment to respond, and the response was highly unsatisfactory. But it was unclear whether he expected to receive compliments from the woman. Never had reason to believe that he wanted. Of all the women knew, was the first I was not looking with some interest, sexual or not. And he had married, was married to a woman who showed less fear when corresponded, who preferred to avoid, especially in bed, when other women were fighting for staying in bed. Well, she herself had sought. I liked it or not, would be his. - Still you afraid? He asked dryly. - No. "I'm glad, because I have rejected this nonsense for too long. "I do not think they were ... - For God's sake, do not you happen to discuss now, lady! She made a sound that seemed suspiciously like a giggle, but Ranulf did not care. He had dominated his lust until then he did not like that she feared, to say the least to fear in bed. But as he spoke to reassure her, that bush of hair between her legs subjugated; gloss black against a pale white skin, was a magnet for your eyes ... and their hands. Finally relented. She inhaled sharply when he felt a finger slid inside her body, but that was not what stopped to Ranulf, but the fact of finding it dry, without a drop of moisture that it encouraged, it had never happened before.

Even knowing what would happen, she was not ready. It was frustrating, considering that his desire had not diminished at all. And what did he know about arouse a woman, especially a lady? Usually it was he who was not ready and not vice versa. However, expected something like a woman who was so indifferent. And then another idea occurred to him. He looked at her sharply, and inquired: "Last time, you were so unwilling" as now? In that case, the pain would have been much more intense, which would explain his current reluctance and fear before. However, the response was a flush that spread to her lovely breasts. And she was a lady who was not ashamed to call things by their name. Is it wrong? Does the generalete was not immune to it as he seemed? In the time it asked, his finger was soaked by a moist heat, although he had not moved, and the blush of youth is further accentuated. Ranulf's laugh was spontaneous, he was more than relieved: happy. His laughter Reina surprised that looked as if I did crazy, but he did not care. - Does it happen ... something wrong, my lord? "No, everything is fine. He sat on the bed to untie the laces, but did not look away from it. He did not remember what he had done on the previous occasion, but her fingers became impatient to break the ties to remove the rest of the clothes. And he was impatient again. She wanted. He had not married just for the sake of Clydon. Ja! The little witch would not give a pinch, will do anything to conceal the truth, but there were things impossible to hide, and she had just discovered. "If your intention is ... "He began nervously. Then I tried again: "Do not you will close the curtains first? "Then," said Ranula E prevented any other questions covering her mouth with it, while placing it in the proper position. How well knew that woman! How could he have forgotten? Delayed penetration ... until the little hands round his neck, hesitant. This small response was his undoing: his warmth sank with a groan. What a wonderful feeling! How had also forgotten that? It was like a soft hand shake him, drawing him in, deeper. What had hitherto been only a physical need, like eating or urinating, now looked different. He wanted to savor the feeling, but wanting and getting are not always based. At that time recognized him. His body was not willing to restrain himself, could not. And it did not matter. All lost ground amid the culmination of his life fuller. Vaguely heard a roar could shake the rafters and did not know was hers. CHAPTER XXI

The windowsill was shaded and quiet, with the fresh night air emanating from the glass panels. Queen, sitting on fur-covered seat, with legs drawn up against his chest and arms around them, gazed thoughtfully at the sky,

gradually veering to mauve, then to lavender. Her husband was still sleeping. There slept peacefully through the night, from the moment you depart from it. Reina had not been so lucky. He had spent long hours lying beside her, listening to your breathing smooth and even. Snoring would have preferred full-throated, to have something to complain about, since he could not complain about what really bothered him. But he gave no more satisfaction in that sense that in the other, while before. Queen had been very close ... What? Not sure, but definitely worth it, since it could cause, whatever it was, that primary roar of pleasure. This time, no pain, had been different, it was very gratifying to have it in your body. The feeling was very strange but not scary at the beginning, warm and languid, then again that had appeared fluttering in your belly. Then it became more intense warmth, breathing becomes difficult and something began to accumulate in its interior, centered in his groin: something very, very nice. And suddenly it was over, leaving a frustration so severe that he had been about to beat her husband, instantly asleep. But he did not commit the folly of doing so. And the frustration did not last much. There were other thoughts that kept up: thoughts provoked by the strange conversation he had maintained. All this, to remember, there was something unreal. I would never have imagined that Ranulf was concerned at the nervousness of his wife, but I was. And what fun it had been to ensure that no different from other men, since, besides being a true giant, was extremely attractive! And then to say that impatience was because he had been denied what he wanted ... She? It seemed improbable. Queen knew that she was not beautiful. He had a big mouth too wide for your face so small, his hair was black and ugly, her breasts, so small that it was not worth repairing them. He had a good complexion and that saved her. People always seem to notice her eyes first. On a good day could pass as pretty, but it was too much to say. Among his most gracious servants of had, some were really beautiful, as Eadwina. And she had seen with his own eyes the kind of women attracted Ranula She was not in that class. Why would a man look as good as Ranulf Fitz Hugh could have said such a thing? The value of Queen lay in what he could contribute to the marriage, not herself, she knew it all along. However, he had said this, and Reina had experienced a heady pleasure to hear ... before subtracting credit. Then, their roles were reversed in some way. She heard him doubt his own worth, that gave him a pattern of what had bothered him so much in the days before: he was not convinced that she considered the best master for Clydon. What could I care what she thought, finally after all? That made no sense whatsoever. Then, the impatience of the young man returned, and she discovered that he or she wanted. No pretending. If your blood contained had been palpable from the outset, the reason was revealed when his hand reached womanhood center of Queen. At that moment, she saw the lump accidentally hid the panties erect. For whatever reason, during the previous night he had experienced a strong

desire ... probably because she had been denied and brooked no negative Ranulf. Still could not understand, however, that both the triumphant laughter surprised, especially after the embarrassing question of whether the previous time had been prepared. Obviously, he has no memories of that first night, otherwise would not have been necessary to ask. And just remember what I had been prepared, the same moisture warmed his crotch. Then the laughter: first she listened to him, transforming it, making it a completely different man, much less grumpy, surly and unapproachable. But that did not last. The second time he had been thrown over, but the feeling was the same, due to its aflebrada hurry to get out of it what you got, whatever it was. Referring, again reminded Queen his frustration and frowned. Would it always be so hasty and fleeting? Was that normal? Does a lack lay in it, it was not fast enough in their reactions? Noises in bed caught his attention. Surprised, he saw the light of dawn had done away with all the shadows of the room. The solitary candle she had lit to get the gown and preparing evidence on the sheets had gone out, and consumed, but not needed. Reina had not thought of the sheets the night before, thankfully, woke early, in time for 'proof' to dry before the ladies arrived to remove the sheets, as indicated by the tradition. Her husband, married twice, sat in bed. The wrinkle furrowed brow he did not disappear completely to find it, finally, in the farthest corner of the sill. - Escondida, ma'am? - In plain sight, my lord? His growl was heard clearly throughout the room. - Why do not you wake me? She stretched her legs and felt that he had been numb, so it took a while to get up. "It's early, but maybe you please get dressed now. There is no way to know when will our company. - What company? Ah, yes, how could I forget. It was a question and was pronounced dryly. Then Ranulf looked down at the few drops of blood that she had dropped on the sheet beside him a golden eyebrow arched. "I do not do justice to my manhood, my lady, when in truth I started a real pool of blood. Maybe I should have been given the real inspection sheet. She could not believe it. Does your husband grumbling, joking? Or was it a joke? He advanced toward the bed, slowly. - Really ... really you keep that sheet? "Yes. It's in the chest, and I would like the sacarais. This delusion that we have carried out does not suit me. I want your men know the truth. She widened her eyes for a moment but then relaxed. It also bothered her deception. And now that the second marriage was fulfilled, there was no need to keep it. "Yes. Now accept the truth with the best available. I will say today. Ranulf seemed surprised that she did not discuss, but Queen had not yet finished. "But the thing with women is different. In order not to cause doubt and gossip, they must be sure that you do not you doubt my virtue, and you alone

can assure you that. You can solve what the sheets as you please, but that runs on your own. "I thought he would resist, judging by her face of disgust, but he gave a brief nod. After all, was not so difficult to convince, and that took away a concern of the mind. But still not over. "But what I told Sir Henry should be retained. - What you told him? "That you were the man chosen by my father to me. My own father, the deception began with Lord Guy and I do not want to tick him a liar. - Does he have accepted me as your husband, madam?

"Yes, I think so. - Sea - Okay. And since we are clearing the air, so to speak, is it not time we started tutearnos? Remember my name? "So it has become the generalete, and with real sarcasm. This is what I needed to wake up. Queen stiffened. "This is not the name I like, my husband. "What you like does not interest me much, for now ... my wife. She withdrew its earlier finding on that he was an easy man to deal with. Almost as easy to treat like a wild pig. "It is good to start the day with a brawl," he said coldly. "I feel good," he growled, no doubt only to contradict it. - Really? It's what you need to wake up, eh? She replied, using the words of Ranulf. I'd better leave. "Where are you going? She stopped near the door. I do not think you is concerned ... - Where? So his own life and not his own. Reina had envisaged that would give that to elect him instead of Richard or John, who could have handled easily. She turned to him with a sigh. "In this room was only brought this gown," she explained, pointing to the white velvet which enveloped. Went to my old room to get dressed and have to bring my stuff here while we go hunting. Unless you've changed your mind and prefiris not share with me these rooms. He frowned at the hint of hope that was detected in the voice of his wife. "You sleep here, as appropriate. The same was said last night. Why was he so stubborn, if he really did not want her there? With a gesture of acquiescence, not less rigid than that of Ranulf a moment before, Queen went his way. Flatly refused to ask permission to leave. If it was necessary to do, happen in that room the rest of his life. He did not stop again. That ought to improve the mood of Queen, but it was not. And the least we wanted, of course, was faced with Theo, who was waiting in his own bedroom to besiege with anxious questions. - Well? How was this time?

- Do you want all the gory details or you have to do with a few words? "She snapped. "So it was again hard and fast. "Not so tough," she admitted, reluctantly, but it ended before I could realize that it had begun. Theo sat down heavily on a stool, his young face showed an utter disappointment. - "So you have not been pleased? - Please me? She snorted, as he approached the box installed at the foot of the bed. Tell me, Theo: it is assumed that the woman should feel something special during intercourse, or is it just the desire to grant favors to the man he wants? "It's not me you should ask, Reina. I enjoy it, though. "Well, I do not. "But you know something is missing. Otherwise you would not be so annoyed. Theo smiled: "Ask Wenda, perhaps she can describe how it is for women. "I will not ask Wenda," she said with a pout. Tell me, is normal to end so soon? -Normal, no. But look at it this way, Queen, charming man and gives you the supreme compliment of being unable to contain himself so much that excites him o. .. - Are you serious, stupid! He dodged the shirt he threw Queen, protesting: - But if I'm serious! 0 otherwise, as I said, it is his nature and does not care to feel pleasure or not. Unfortunately, there are men like that. "And I am married to one of them. "She sighed, sitting up in bed with a jacket in one hand and a shirt in the other. What do I do? "You can tell that you are not satisfied the way of ... - Are you crazy? She shrieked. I can not say that! Theo shrugged. "In that case, exctalo again when finished. Usually, men act more slowly the second time. That attracted the interest of the girl. - 0 is ... immediately? "Yes. - But if you sleep! "Wake him. She frowned CEFIE I do not think you like. "Do not bother, if you do it right. - How? And how do you get excited? - Queen! He cried, rolling his eyes. Does your mother ensei you nothing about how a husband happy? You touch it, stroke it everywhere ... Oh, if I could ... "Blushing, he continued immediately. The caress, especially where it counts most. She widened her eyes. - There? "There. "Oh, well, I guess I should not be so difficult. What was I saying? How dare do such a thing? "Well, I hope to see you smile tomorrow morning. She shot him a glance.

"That is just the least of my problems. Can not imagine the insufferable and annoying it can be. If I ever smile, is a miracle.


Reina looked around the clearing, sighing. They had stopped while the dogs sniffed the bushes, having lost track of the large spotted deer beforehand. The fine woolen tunic worn by the girl was ideal for riding, but it was hot, but still was not season, and drops of sweat was annoyed at the temples, soaking the linen shirt. On another occasion would not have noticed it, caught up in the excitement of the hunt, but at that time had too much on the mind. He paid no attention to her husband, who had stopped his horse beside her, at least, tried not to pay attention. That insufferable rogue had shown to the ladies the other sheet, the first. Reina had to suffer looks of horror and compassion, which will probably continue until someone bothered to remember that she had returned to Clydon in perfect health. That was what had gotten to tell him to do his will. And he seemed to find it all very funny. He had even smiled at his wife to join her in the breakfast room. Reina should have been suspicious of that smile, but by then I was too intrigued by the odd flutter that would feel in the womb. Could it be something caused by that smile? Egad! "I'd better continue with their wild pig humor. - Are not these forests inhabited by bandits who heard mentioned? Reina was forced to pay attention. - Do you mean the terrible outlaws who attacked your camp that night, forcing you to leave so quickly? Ranulf not take the bait. He had the nerve to spend another smile at the reminder of the trick he had used to remove it from Clydon that fateful night. Two smiles in a few hours. Decidedly, the episode of the sheets had improved mood. Perhaps it was a wicked fun at the fact that women Clydon him afraid, for the moment, as if he had a gun in her pants monster, not a penis as anyone. Reina was not grace. "I think these same outlaws I mean," he said with a tone for his character, was very nice. Do you think we'll see any remnant of them? Queen decided to curb, momentarily, his annoyance, since he seemed really interested. "Maybe you see some sign of his passing, but not see. They seem to know in advance when a large group will Clydon or Warhurst. Then spread east and west, leaving the forest. - Warhurst? "The village is on the other side of the forest. In fact, Warhurst suffers more attacks than us. Occasionally steal a sack of grain or a barrel of butter to my village ... - And these major theft of cows and sheep you mentioned? "You can be the work of them, but I do not. Villagers only outlaws. Who sold those animals? And the forests will get all the meat they need. No, what I usually do is often assaulting small groups of passengers passing through the

northern route, which passes through these forests, especially the caravans of merchants who will Warhurst. Like I said, more to attack that village that Clydon. - Have you tried to dislodge? She could not stop smiling, as if she remembered with affection. "My father used to go every month with his men to clear the area. To be enjoyed with persecution on his return was vented cursing the ruffians, because I never could catch them. Like I said, seem to know when the threat. Warhurst the Castilian often sends patrols, but that man is a fool and laugh with ease. The outlaws are simple villagers, but they are cunning. - Do you think that monitored both as Warhurst Clydon? "Being so close to forests, they would not be difficult. He studied for a moment before saying: "I do not think you are a real threat, right? "I misunderstood you, sir. For my father were like a fun sport for both. But since his departure have touted more. It is true that, as far as I can tell, have not killed anyone, but some Clydon visitors suffered their attacks. A lord was stolen almost a hundred marks, which I felt compelled to replace. After all, the forests are mine. "And therefore also outlaws are your snorted him. "My, yes ... and now yours. "That finally made Ranulf frown. She was about to laugh. You will have to accept the bad along with the good, sir. - Is there more bad things? She smiled. "Of course. Let me think. It's Tom, the blacksmith. Every few months he drinks too much and tries to burn down the village. Nobody knows why, not even him. - And you have not hanged? - Why? It is a good blacksmith and paid work that causes damage. I hope you do not try to solve everything with the gallows. - What if it were? She stiffened, lifting her chin in a gesture develfiante. "Then we discuss a lot. "Maybe, but not that. How often I use the fork to be seen, but it will be my decision sir. Is not that right, ma'am?

He had caught his challenge and he responded in an equal footing. She watched him for a long moment. He noted their ruthless factions, the obvious strain on your body. What could I say? She had given him the power to make their will to marry him. But she had married him to protect his people, not hanged him arbitrarily. But I could not have been so wrong about him. No doubt this question about Tom was just a way to prove it. Otherwise, how could Ranulf know how it was with his people? Was wrong to alter. But calm soon. Still hard tone he replied: "Yes, like almost every decision Mr. I belong. - Almost all? - Will you also bear me? If I limit myself to embroider, let me know. Ranulf said nothing. He watched the girl's eyes, which sparkled with resentment, and his body shaking and felt a fire burning in the groin. For

God's sake! Again? But there he was, pulling the belly, making him forget the conversation and hunting. At that moment, the dogs found the trail and the group left behind them, including his wife. Ranulf was filled with unreasonable anger, like an animal stalking had lost track of its prey. Then he realized that was not what enraged. What had hesitated to accept, both last night and this morning, finally crystallized in his mind was now Queen Queen Champeney Fitz Hugh, his wife, his. He belonged entirely, He dug his spurs into his horse, but with a different prize in mind. Reina began to relax, thinking that Ranulf had left behind and never be molested for his irritating manner, at least for a while, he was wrong. The great horse came back on with his horse, but this opportunity was jogging beside him. Before she knew it, Ranulf reached out and took the reins, suddenly, the little mare had to follow him into the bush.

No one noticed. That was my first thought Queen. The other group members were limited to continue, without even looking back. The second thought made her pale, recalling its defiance of the previous minutes. Just occurred to him that he had offended and immediately punish thought.
But why? She was angry not hide it, but it was not the first time. "He deserved a beating? He could think so. And now were entitled to apply. No, it was not so: he had sworn not to hit it by signing the marriage contract. But nothing was said not to punish the rear. And Ranulf had come to warn that it might do so. Paled a little and leaned forward, trying to regain the lead. But at that moment his horse stopped behind Ranulf. The girl, holding her breath, watched him dismount. I was too scared to do the same, not even occur to him to flee. Only recovered when the hands of man girded your waist. "It was not my intention ... He could not go further in their attempt to appease him because he was cleared to pulls, crushed against her husband's chest and smothered his mouth against hers. A kiss? Yes, he probably called him that. Reina was not sure that to be kissed, especially as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. He tried to push his way, rejecting it. That led to a sort of grunt Ranulf and had to shake harder. The strange thing was that it did not hurt, on the contrary, lit a flame flickering in the chest. When he laid it on the floor, Reina her legs felt weak. I could barely breathe and his thoughts were in disarray. When brought together into something coherent, Ranulf's mantle was already lying on the ground. He had removed his sword and fought with the shackles of her underwear. - What ... ? A fierce look the interrupt. - Are you my wife or not? The look and tone that should have served as a warning, but it was not. Reina was surprised by the question. "I'm your wife, of course. Do not get married twice, so that there was no doubt about it? "I did. And therefore, I would like to use my rights.

She dilated eyes in disbelief. - Now? He shrugged, though his eyes did not leave any of nonchalance. "I am young and passionate. Is what we demand, right? - But ... Once again, it was impossible to finish the sentence, much less protest. He grabbed her waist with one arm and laid her on the mantle, to start kissing. In the back of his mind, the Queen thought that there was still time to explain, on reasonable terms, that Mr. and Mrs. Clydon not mated in the woods. He would have to stop kissing her to undress her: then he would tell. Silly her for thinking so. Because he did not stop kissing. No undressed her, he simply lowered panties and themselves. A moment later he was inside her, riding a swift emergency culminated in less than a minute. Reina felt nothing. That, more than anything else, made unhide when he slumped to one side. - Damn, Ranulf! Maybe you're used to lifting their skirts to any servant with whom you come across, but with me not doing so! I'm your wife, not anyone you'll find for the crops. If you want me, you'll at least have the decency to take off their clothes and undress first. "As you wish. As he reached for her skirt, she gasped and pulled away, standing up. - Not now, you brute animal! I'm sick of your animal skills for the rest of the day. He did not seem offended. On the contrary, was stunned with a laugh. And he smiled like a dog sated as he settled underwear. "Maybe it took me a while to get used to the idea that I belong," she said with that smile ~ maddening, but you yourself have not confirmed and I will keep resisting the idea. You better get used to my habits as soon as possible, and it will take ", you want to or not, at any time. - How about anywhere? He glanced at the bushes around them, were no protection at all, indeed. He had the audacity to chuckle. ~ Yes, anywhere. No, I do not care. She passed her, her lips stiff with fury. "I care, and I will not leave Clydon you, if you persist in your attitude. That brought more laughter brought to the brink of frustration. I did not think to ask for help to re-attach, but as he struggled to rise, Ranulf put a hand on the back and gave the necessary impetus. Instead of thanking Queen blushed deeply and turned round. With a little luck, will meet with the group before they noticed his absence. And with a little luck, her husband would be lost in the woods, not to return to Clydon to dusk, with a sulky according to hers. CHAPTER XXIII

Ranulf followed his wife with her eyes. Trotted away, retracing the route they had done, not knowing that he was still smiling. It was like the other women he knew, but also different. And that difference gave him a welcome relief. Most of the ladies cried, pleaded, used trickery or using all the tricks imaginable to get away with it. This no. He was too outspoken. You cut me softly with his biting sarcasm, and freed him his temper, that he did not mind at all. On the contrary: the fun, as coming from a woman so tiny. Why was angry this time? Ranulf did not know for sure Could be opposed to a quick romp in the woods on a beautiful spring day? Lady Anne had never been denied. Conversely, it was she who instigated most of their encounters, in the strangest places. Lady Montfort had also tried to seduce him in the woods, after having him escort her to hunt with falcons. And if he was glad it was not for the place where they were and by the fact the lady as passionate as it was then as now, and sought relief whenever and wherever. But this woman was fifty, and he liked younger girls. For a boy of fifteen, the grandmothers were unattractive. Ranulf away the memories before they threaten his good humor. And his mood had been good since, in the morning confrontation with his wife, came out the winner. That was unexpected. He wanted his wife's subjects know the truth about the first wedding, but Queen had given valid reasons to continue the deception, he would have given. After all, she knew these men and was better able to judge their reactions. If she preferred to keep deceived Sir Henry, was fine. Maybe someday, when Senor know him better, he could tell the truth. 0 maybe not. If Queen wanted to keep intact the memory of his father, Ranulf had no objection. But she had agreed, at least in part, showing that it was not as inflexible as some women were generally out of sheer perversity. He himself suffered from this tendency, sometimes, that morning, for example, could not resist the temptation to throw the real wedding sheets to the group of smiling women who had rushed on it, just finished dressing Lanzo. The women were surprised to see him alone. Even more so when he told them the truth. But the reaction to the sheet was actually hilarious, almost as steep as had been his when he saw the stain. At least, he had his wife to prove that they had killed. The ladies did not have that to calm her horror, as Ranulf was away so very convenient. "Queen? Queen, yes. It was a lovely name, that he hardly forget, despite allegations that she was doing. But what of the name? What did it matter where they make love? Could it be that, in fact, what irritated? She had tried to protest, only to become soft and docile to the kiss. Or perhaps annoyed that he had not undressed? Of course not had to choose, in this regard. To undress would have needed a time that the traitor hiding in her panties was not willing to grant. I never had so little control over this damn thing. And it was becoming a habit. In fact, not a bad habit, Ranulf said with a smile, picking up his mantle. There are worse things than wanting to own wife. Suddenly his smile widened and became a chuckle: he had spotted on the floor a piece of white thread. In his anger, she had left without her panties!

He picked up the garment, made of wire touch softer than ever. She did not remember that softness to wrest meaning, because at that time was only aware of what was inside. He rubbed the fabric against his cheek, thinking of the luxuries that his wife doted on her body. That was a mistake; in sensed his smell, his manhood again aroused. Again! Ranulf, moody, put the piece under his jacket. But his annoyance did not last long. By imagining the expression on his return he generalete as panties, turned to laugh softly. And laughing so low was when Walter found it. Still laughing after the rapid examination of his friend, who feared that his wife had been eliminated. - One can not be delayed for reasons other than murder? - What was I thinking Walter growled, "if you disappeared with her in a forest that is not familiar to you? Also, when I met your wife, almost glares. "Yes, when we parted I was very angry. - Do you set aside for discussion? "Why do not we step thing that concerned, dear friend," said Ranulf. Walter agreed that for a few seconds, after which he burst out: - So I delayed for other reasons! For all the saints, Ranulf! Do not tell me ... you would not be able to ... i For Christ's sake! "In the forest? No wonder it is again furious! Do not you know that ladies love to be wooed with kindness? The Ranulf snort sounded very strong. - What need is there to woo a wife and conquered? Walter gave a bark of laughter. "I think you spent too much time avoiding the ladies. You've forgotten what it means to live among them, subject to mood swings and their grievances. And your lady rules in your house. Remember how nasty is that your clothes are missing patches, your meals arrive illprepared and not hot brick in your bed in winter. Ranulf smiled. "These are things I've omitted until now. "But now you have a wife who will be responsible for your welfare ... or not. And there is no reason to continue ignoring it, Lord Ranula A barking Ranulf then touched with laughter. - Lord? You decided to get moody, but today you will not be possible. I am very happy with what I've played in luck. Let me worry about my wife and anger. Walter shook his head, but finally shrugged and smiled.

"Very happy, eh? And you can not be grateful when it was I who persuaded the lady to accept you. - What convinces you? If you are convinced it was my beautiful face. Do not faint with just me? He fell at your feet, yes. Joking continued to meet with the hunting party. The dam had fallen and the hunters were dealing with it, is talking with great enthusiasm. Walter joined the group, but Ranulf returned to his reluctance to see his wife again, especially because she deliberately ignored. Would there be some truth in the words of Walter? Is it showed too rough with her? Somehow he had forgotten how tiny she was, at least, tiny compared to him. Had he been hurt? Perhaps he was too stubborn to tell him and he preferred the anger. If women knew something, that something did not like. But in truth was very little. The two who had turned against the species had done a good job, because he avoided since the ladies of the nobility. And now he was married to one of them: a woman he did not understand at all and that made him doubt his own conduct, though he could not do otherwise. Queen was right to say that he was accustomed to use women bluntly. These are servants or village, it was necessary to gain time, because they seldom possessed a while for themselves. And always had been easy to achieve, were offered in return for a trinket or a good meal, sometimes for nothing, as their size they found it exciting and wanted to see how it was. Never had to woo a woman, not even to Lady Anne, for it was she who initiated the romance. But he had never complained about his rudeness, if you had been rude. He did not remember much from these passionate encounters, except for the haste, for fear of being discovered. By then he was only fifteen years and was dumbfounded. When his head cleared and was too late to appreciate the feminine sweetness. Rationally, he knew that it was unfair to compare to all the ladies with that bitch Anne, but it did. As for his wife, was well aware of the education he had received and had appreciated his manner before deciding on him. We all learn by example, and their example had been his stepfather, the blacksmith, and Montfort: two men brutal and quick to strike. Walter had tried to teach other things and he made many jokes because of his lack of polite manners, but he had been on the verge of losing his own in recent years in the service of Montfort. Ranulf was what it was, the product of their education. If his wife wanted something different, would have to look elsewhere ... That idea made its way into his good humor. No, she does not seek anything else. He had chosen and would have to reduce their claims as it should. But you could say that, to date, would have been good. From the moment he had known, had dropped to the ground, had tied and wrapped in a blanket and covered with bags made of corn. And only God knew how he had taken his virginity in the real wedding night, because by then was too drunk to remember the role. In the interest of justice, she did not deserve such

treatment. What cost a little less ... brutal? Yes, that was the word she had used. At least, he could try to be as she wished, as a reward were the amenities that Walter had mentioned. And Queen gave him far more than he ever dreamed. I would try, yes. CHAPTER XXIV

When they crossed the first drawbridge Clydon, Reina had recovered partly good spirits. Although she had not enjoyed the hunt, your guests themselves, and were still very happy. Returning early with time to freshen up before starting the new feast that awaited them. Then, almost all would begin the trip back home to take advantage of the rest of the afternoon. Then Clydon return to normal, at least in the morning, which would be a real relief. Queen used to enjoy the company and usually insisted that their guests will stay much as break, but this time it was not. I needed time alone to get used to the dramatic changes experienced in your life. He had even devised a way to get rid of her husband for a while, whenever he was in agreement. But I could not get rid of all guests. As seen on entering the room with the group of hunters, had one more. John de Lascelles installed rose from the bench by the hearth, where he was talking with Lady Elaine, and crossed the room to meet with Queen. She had slowed the pace. His first reaction was anger crude, since at that time was not very pleased with her husband and all would have been different if John had arrived a week earlier. Only a week! Then he felt sorry. He had his own problems, since it had taken over the land of his brother. It was not possible to blame also for her, much as he would have liked to blame. It could not forget that she herself had chosen to Ranulf, for important reasons. If I began to detest him, it was just bad luck. Apart from these feelings, the Queen was pleased to see his old friend, for more than a year he did not visit Clydon. At that time had lost more weight than normal and he looked a little pale, but otherwise, he was beaten. Her green eyes still showed a tender heart, his warm words, the pleasure of seeing her again. Reina also outlined a friendly smile and hug him back soon. "Lady Elaine has told me that I must congratulate Queen. This reveals why such urgency in your letter? Was it an invitation to attend your wedding? Queen willingly accepted that excuse. "Of course. I would have liked to attend the wedding. Immediately he regretted his words and double meaning locked up, he had not intended them that way, but caught it when he heard that his steward stifled a snort of laughter. He noticed that Theo leaned against the wall, ungainly, and saw him put his eyes. Guiot Simon and quickly returned it back to hide his face. But what else could he have said? Probably, John would have been very happy to take her as wife, especially since the authority granted by Clydon would have relieved its current difficulties. If he said he had called for a marriage proposal, will only lead to unnecessary bitterness.

- Why so much secrecy, Queen? Why not specified in your letters? - How? Ah, yes. I had problems with one of my neighbors, intercepting my messages, "she answered evasively. I wanted to marry me, do you understand? "I bet you speak of Lord Falke. But then we'll talk about that topic. Now tell me which of these noble knights is the lucky man who has conquered you. I was looking over the shoulder of Queen, faces did not recognize. By God! How could she forget Ranulf? He turned round and found him behind her, so close that he noses against his hard chest. Damn man! "He also had heard? Had he perceived the melancholy of his words, regret that John was not present at the wedding? He noted his expression, but only detected curiosity. Then he remembered that he did not know John. You may not recognize his name because he had heard only once. He hastened to present them, hoping to separate them immediately, but it was not possible. Could not have said what he expected of Ranulf, antagonism, perhaps, to see John as a rival. There was only one golden eyebrow arched toward her and a clear gesture of fun in the face, falsely soft. - Where have I heard that name before? He asked. "No doubt you mention it myself," she said dryly. And John, "come with me and take care that you can freshen up before you sit at the table. Sir Henry left this morning, you can take their bedroom. John was deliberately dragged before Ranulf could add another word. The wretch knew. But what amused him so much? John was closer to the height of her than of him, yes. It was not as broad shoulders or arms as thick, in fact, was quite narrow. But at least John was kind and gentle, he would not have wallowed in the woods. When he returned to the hall, he heard the thunderous laughter from her husband. He was with friends: Walter, Searle and others. Queen flushed with anger, thinking they were joking at the expense of the poor John. Determined not to allow this, he went directly to the group, very irritated. "I would say a word alone, sir. - How generalete or wife? It was probably a joke, but he had never made a joke until then, she did not interpret it that way. Anyway, was in no mood for joking. I glared at him, refusing to repeat the request, but he did not depart to follow. Reina stared with intent to each of his companions, until the very telos caught the hint and retired. "That was not necessary, ma'am," Ranulf said with a look of amused. Between them and me no secrets. That made her blush, without her knowing why. Would you be able to tell their secrets? No, impossible, of course, had nothing to boast of in that regard. "I'm glad that you have friends who share everything. I have also friends, but do not share everything with them. Am I making myself clear, sir? "Not much. She clenched her teeth at this deliberate perversity. Ranulf's smile revealed he knew very well what he meant his wife. "Then I will tell you plainly. Lord Do not tell John anything to let you know the real reason why I called Clydon. There is no reason to know and yes every reason to continue ignoring it. But more importantly I do not want to know. - What if you unleash your desires?

She narrowed her eyes angry, reducing them to crack. "Do it, if you annoy me. It is your prerogative, of course. But he who kills by the sword, dies by the sword, and I have my ways of settling accounts. At that time did not mind the reaction that could result in it. Ranulf, instead of being angry at the threat, he laughed. "No doubt you would think something very bad to punish, Queen, but you need not worry about your friend. sweet never give you away as a liar you are, while your tricks and your half-truths do not cause damage. This abrupt familiarity was taken so by surprise that so far, failed to capture the true meaning of his words. At last he understood: he had to offer marital support, not only now but for when necessary. It was something she never expected. "He meant? Was serious or not, the mere fact that they have been offered after the threat made Queen looked down with an uneasy sense of guilt. And the feeling grew to understand that he had managed to make it down to his coarse language. It was not quite so common in her fussy and irritable. The cause was the incident in the woods, but did not know why. However, that does not cause Ranulf justified until he lost his good humor, especially when there was still invited, they should not witness a fight between them. Contrite and head down, said: "I thank you, sir. "No, thank me for your part ... and do not expect that I appreciate what I cortesponde. She looked up with a suspicious glint. Ranulf's smile revealed he had misinterpreted the hidden agenda: he was remembering, indirectly, that he was within his rights if the grave in the woods or wherever he wanted. Queen forgot her contrite air. But before he could find an adequate response on these rights and what they thought of them, her husband continued, with a different tone: "Just out of curiosity, I wonder if indeed you have married that little ... "Do not tell, no," she hissed vigorously. Do you dare to judge a man by his appearance? "His appearance tells me that I could do away with one blow. The laughter that was read in the violet eyes irritated her even more. - That you think? -Challenged. Maybe John does not win many tournaments, but that does not lack of skill with the sword or the speed you do not have the burly brutes. "I'm willing to put that to the test. She arched an eyebrow contemptuously. - Medirais your breath on his sword? "That's not what I meant," he snorted. "Of course not. But if desenvainis your sword in my wedding party, than to cut a portion of meat, I will give as many raps as any other fool. - Do you think you could reach me head? He had done wrong to forget that he, as little gentleman, he could accept the challenge of a lady. "With the dock, if necessary," he replied. That brought a chuckle.

"When I was close, do not need any bench. Queen jumped back to see him stretching his hands moving toward your waist to lift up its height. He stretched out an arm to stop him, while glancing around to see if anyone was watching so ridiculous. No one was looking, but that did not relieve his exasperation. - Faith, there is no way to deal with you! And I have too much to do to waste time trying. - Queen? He had turned his back, but turned back toward him, ready to do all his genius crack. Just arrived to open his mouth. For pure reflection, caught what he threw. "I think it's yours," said he, with deceptively bland expression. There are things to be dropped anywhere, woman. May cause rare occurrence in men. She did not understand until they saw what was in their hands. Then sucked so suddenly that choked the air, increasing the color that filled the raised face. Horrified, he put the panties in his wide sleeve, gazing at her husband a withering look, worthy of its humor, and left before anyone noticed he had just shrugged. At that moment he was half a meter in height.


Twilight was a horrible bank of clouds that threatened rain, but Reina came to the tower before the first drops fell. He had spent the rest of the afternoon in the village, serving the neglected diseases and injuries last week. It was his habit spend an hour or two every few days, unless there was some ill patient. Fortunately, this time it was not. Baker's sister, who had not yet been able to carry a pregnancy to term, was again pregnant and needed a new supply of mistletoe. The old Delwyn herbs needed for their swollen joints. Alma the Redhead, the prostitute in the village had received a kick of his cow while the order, the court received pequeio foot had become a large sore as a result of infection. Queen ponytail left him for several applications, along with cosmetic ointment, made with springs, which always managed to get Alma to reduce freckles. Also had to deal with common colds, sore throats and fevers as always, had a dog bite that required alder, some festering sores and ringworm to deal with berries. And as it was in those, prepared a mixture of sweet violet for itself, needing its soothing effects. It took much longer than necessary. Even after his carelessness allowed the efficiency to meet all in just two hours. It took longer to make visits and respond to numerous questions about the new master ... and to hide. Following the neat wrap excuses, just suffering from cowardice, that led to neglect their guests during the day without the slightest remorse. But who would criticize it? Lunch is served late because she had been delayed in returning to the classroom, when he did was to feel that each look

reddened Ranulf, knowing, somehow, he laughed at her for himself. never exceed the mortification of not having been aware that he lacked the garment. But he had known from the start, that demon, that scoundrel filled with bad jokes. He escaped as soon as possible. And even now decided not to return. Only it was hoped that her husband was not that Simon, at their direction, had convinced him to join him. When removing the foot of the stairs, saw that Aylmer was watching. He threw his reins to the groom had expected, but the child ran to greet her, as was his custom. Then he realized that not seen for several days. In fact, by God, from Rochefort Falk attack. Of course he did not usually enter the room, besides, she had delegated to her ladies many of the tasks that had to cross with him, to spend more time with your guests. Aylmcr was sitting next to a tank with his back against the wall. Seeing Queen looked, looked away. She understood then that the child had a serious problem, crossed the courtyard to meet him, he had no great hurry to enter the tower, but the first drops of rain had begun to drop. Only when he was at his side noticed the boy was not alone: Lady Elia was curled up on her lap. Not to mention the cat, asked the boy: - "I've been avoiding, Aylmer? He did not look up to respond. "You were busy lady. - It's true. Queen squatted beside the boy. The short wing tank is not protected her from the rain, but she ignored him like the child. Why the cat did not run in search of shelter? That animal was so stupid as ugly. - Did you think that everything would be different now that I am married? - Is not it? I still did not look at her, but could not hide the gloom of their expression. She was not sure what was so worried, but some suspected. "Soon everything will return to normal," he said. The only difference is that Mr Clydon again and more men have to protect ourselves. Do not you think that benefits us? "We made do very well ... "No, Aylmer, this is not true and you know it. And now tell me what are you doing here, instead of helping the baker. "He came into the kitchen," whispered Aylmer, by way of explanation. - Who? Ah, him. Well? "I ran away. Aldrich Now whip me for that, especially since many wafers have to do for guests. "Let me handle Aldrich. "Reina said that if the baker had struck Aylmer, his ears would serve as dessert instead of wafers. But you did wrong to flee, Aylmer. She could not finish the blame, after all, she had also done the same thing. Never mind. Sometimes one has reason to disappear for a while. Why did you flee?

- Why? "Finally the boy looked surprised, as if the answer will seem obvious. I did not want Mr I see. I fear that I take the tower by lame. Reina muttered to himself. He had wanted to hug the boy and to assure that would not happen ever, but how else was right? There were those who reacted to the disabled so contemptible, as if they consider a threat, and Ranulf she did not know enough to ensure they do not act well. He chose the logic could only hope that proves true. "If you expel, Aylmer, it would be because you are afraid. And I've always heard that the giants are afraid of nothing ... unless other giants. The jovial attempt was unsuccessful. Instead of a smile of relief, Aylmer looked thoughtful for a moment, pondering what she had said. Maybe even accepted it. But that was not all that worried. "When he walks, the ground shakes. You can hear it inside the tower, even when outdoors. Do not you fear, lady? It was logical that a child was afraid of someone with the stature intimidating Ranula God, even the strong men feared him. "We must bear in mind that tall men also tend to have strong voice and strong pace. That does not mean it's evil or cruel. Look at this cat. Do you think that a wicked man would have her as a pet? Aylmer's eyes widened. - You say that the cat is it? "Yes. Do not you know? "I thought it was a stray cat that needed attention. As I found it stirring the waste bin in the kitchen, I thought it better to cook a kick save and brought here. "You were very kind, Aylmer. But it's not cat, but cat and the cook would not have been no kick, because he knows who he is. "Ah," he murmured again bleak. Queen smiled at the dejected expression. "But it is true that needs attention. Want to take care of that job? At last the boy smiled. "Yes," he said, the smile faltered. But Mr allow me? Queen shrugged. "I'll ask very soon. For now, get out of the mist before it downloads a downpour. She can take it to the kitchen lady. - So is your name? "Yes, but it seems silly. In addition, Aylmer, Aldrich gave the teacher that if you raise your hand, you have to deal with me. But apologize for leaving him alone. "Yes, ma'am. It limped forward, while the Queen was still in a hurry. Remained low light, but in no hurry to enter the tower. Have already begun to dinner without her, as was usual when it lingered in the village. For his part was not hungry, he was so tense from not knowing whether her husband would be there or not.

She knew even before reaching the hall, as Ranulf himself almost hit by coming down the stairs. He was armed with chain mail, without even recognizing it, gave a grunt of annoyance to find that someone had stood. A Queen does not like to shove her away and let out an oath. He stopped a little deeper: he recognized his voice. "So you are still here, sir. "It was a statement, not a question, and full of disgust. He turned round to glared. - Where you wanted it to be? But it is better to ask: Where have you been? "In the village, since you ask. As to where you ought to be you, Simon would encourage you to bring to Forthwick to see the land. "I did, but I refused. I prefer to get familiar with your Clydon before checking other properties. He was right, although she does admit it. - And where were going, then? Before he could answer, Walter dropped precipitously, followed by Kenric. When it was about to produce another collision, Walter stopped in time. Kenric, less fortunate, crashed into her back. "So you've found," said Walter, after throwing a look of annoyance to the boy. You have not wasted your time. Ranulf merely grunting, stretching one arm to precede him up Queen. She was puzzled by the words of Walter. - Were going to get me? He asked quietly. "I you had delayed, ma'am," came the tart reply. Henceforth you will be within these walls before dark. Queen smiled to himself. At least, your visit to the village had been used to spray the good humor of her husband. As well, his temper was much more predictable. CHAPTER XXVI

"I was only sixteen when he won his spurs, but would expect that, considering the way he wielded the sword at that age. Reina was not surprised. He had never doubted Ranulf skills with the sword. What was in question were his manners of a gentleman. While Walter had chronicled the battle for that Ranulf had been knighted with such a young age, she watched her husband, who was standing across the room to exchange a word with his two squires. It was not the only one who watched. Apparently, all the ladies had any reason to also look toward it. He sighed. Only problem was having a husband who was attracted to women. Not for her, of course, but for these poor ladies. I had never entered into his calculations the love of her husband. I wanted to live with him in a manner consistent, to respect and trust him. Just had one of those three things, not enough.

But that was not fair. Ranulf yet know enough to judge that. Maybe there were reasons to justify his way of being. So Walter had asked me to talk about Ranulf. And it was a success: there were reasons. Ranulf himself had mentioned that his childhood was worse than she expected. He grew up without a mother's care, subject to the temperament and strong fist of a brutal man, scorned at a time for nobles and commoners, because of their illegitimacy. The picture painted Walter was not pretty. Then he spoke of Lord Montfort: instead of improving the lot of Ranulf, had simply changed one master for another equally rude. "I do not hear me, lady. She blushed a bit, giving Walter an embarrassed smile. "I fear that the stories of blood and death have fascinated me ever. Tell me why Ranulf hates the ladies of the nobility. - Why do you suppose ... ? "Do not try to elude me, sir Maybe you have lost your memory? You told me yourself that mistrust of the ladies when he convinced me to marry him. I see that you remember. Tell me those experiences you mentioned then, that supposedly caused his bitterness against the ladies of rank. Walter was stirred uneasily. 'He would not like you but knew. "But you will tell me. "His voice was soft as silk, her expression, implacable. Because of your lips I'm married to a man she did not even know if I like. You are in my debt, Sir Walter. A nervous movements of the knight guilty aiadi a flush. "If you find that you've told, kill me. "I'll remember. Queen's tone not reassured at all, but rather seemed to promise to remember that prediction, if you ever wanted to get rid of it. Walter shrugged. I did not want the lady had just hating Ranulf, and that could well happen if you did not begin to understand it better. And if the past tell him her husband softened the heart, what I have done a service to his friend. "Okay," he said. But first you should know that Ranulf has always had trouble with women. - With that face? "She wondered. CEII Walter frowned at the interruption. "Because of that face. Some have sold their souls for his good looks, but Ranulf has never felt obliged to possess. Apart from the fact that she is the spitting image of his father, who did not even want to hear name when he arrived at Montfort was much annoyed. "But that is normal among young people. "Yes, and he accepted it willingly, thinking he was only receiving a portion of the barbs somewhat exaggerated for ... until the day he saw his own image. In his village there were no mirrors, you know, or puddles of clear water in his face. He met his appearance as one of the squires of Montfort, out of spite, he approached a mirror to the face, to show he was "the pretty girl," as they called it. "And Queen was horrified-guessed. "Yes, and attacked the boy by beating him see the truth. Since then it bothered him so much. But then I understood why the girls were everywhere. And disgusted. So far I had thought they saw him as a friend, when in fact it was her beauty that fascinated her.

- Do you want me to believe that it did not like? "At that age could not please, ma'am. They came in droves: the girls of the farm, the kitchen, the waitresses, laughed like silly and hindered our training. And the gentlemen who we trained them knew who was to blame, that's why they did work harder than others. "But when it was higher ... "Oh, the girls accept what was offered, no doubt. But do not be deceived about it, he knew he only wanted the opportunity to brag to their friends by conquest. Until he noticed Lady Anne. But first lady was Montfort. - The wife of the Lord? "Yes, a lady who had already left his best years well behind, trying to seduce a boy of fifteen. It was ridiculous. But when he refused the bait, the lady did not see it that way. Was furious. And he saved his pride with a little revenge by informing her husband that Ranulf was getting under their skirts. That earned him a whipping in front of all the squires. Queen frowned. - And did not defend himself? "Oh, nobody believed in the indictment of Madam, not even himself Montfort. But you can try lying on the lord's wife, so that Ranulf was hit in the eyes of all the nobles of Montfort. So it was that drew the attention of Lady Anne, Montfort pupil. He was only a year older than Ranulf and it was pretty, her smile could have illuminated the room and his eyes ... "I do not do them poetic, sir," said Reina, with mild disgust. Simply tell she was beautiful. Walter smiled, shy. "Yes, she was beautiful, really. All pages, squires and knights were a little in love with her. - You also? He just shrugged. "But when Lady Anne Ranulf saw, was blind to all others. Scurried into the room to visit him because he was crippled by the lash. Thus began the adventure. As you can imagine, he was completely dumbfounded. The problem is that he thought she was as well. "If you're going to tell me that all this mistrust born of a broken heart ...

"I wish I would have been just that, ma'am. I'll stop if you are not willing to listen to the end ...
"That impression had been given? What about her? I was hearing about the adventures of her husband with other women. She herself had willed it so. "Go on, Sir Walter, that I will endeavor to check my conclusions. As was the closest thing to an apology that she could get, Walter nodded. His expression had become very serious, as the Queen had never seen. "The mutual passion lasted several months, but inevitably the day came that paid off. Ranulf Lady Anne confessed that he was expecting a child. For Queen was not a big surprise. More would have surprised to learn that Ranulf had never fathered a bastard. The fact that he had a son of a woman was not so common, but not so rare. Proof of this was his brother, the noble. Without censorship, said: - Does the child was his? "Yes. At least he did not put in doubt. - Is married?

-No. He was willing, you could say I was desperate. I loved her, loved her son. But she did not accept. Oh, played with him for a while longer, presenting one excuse after another not to say they wanted to marry Lord Montfort. But Ranulf would not budge. She finally succumbed to his persistence and told him the truth. He did not want to marry a squire landless, for any reason. She had property, you know? It was only a stately home, but Montfort had promised that, thanks to its beauty, we seek a rich husband. And that was all she wanted. When Ranulf mentioned their mutual love, she laughed, saying that in his view, the only thing worth having in mind was the wealth. "It was very diplomatic," said Reina dryly, though annoyed at herself for feeling a tinge of sympathy for the young Ranulf. "And the child? "Lady Anne returned to her ancestral home to give birth. But when Ranulf had overcome the pain of rejection, he realized that still wanted the child, he found it very difficult for the raise. But he could not figure out where she was. When he knew and he got there, he learned that the birth took place and the lady, after recovering, he lived in the north, with her new husband. - He took the baby? Queen asked. -No. Gave it to raise a family in their small village, not wanting to know anything about it. Reina was quick to draw their own conclusions. Kenric, Ranulf's squire, was too old to be his bastard, but perhaps Lanzo ... But Walter was not finished. "I went with Ranulf to the manor. He feared that Lady Anne had taken the baby, so was delighted to learn that a raise was given. He assumed that, with the few coins he was carrying, it would be easy to buy the child to the villagers. It was not difficult to find the family. In that place there were no secrets. "I feel that the rest of this story is not going to like me," said Reina, uneasy, seeing that gentleman's expression grew somber. "Maybe I should not continue. "No, since you got here. I know everything, good or bad. "A few days after birth, the baby was delivered to a very poor family, the poorest of the village. It was also the most numerous, he already had seven children. She knew. All protested that they did not want another mouth, but she forced them to accept it. Fifteen days later he died of starvation. ~ Oh, my God! Queen groaned. Walter, without looking, he continued softly "It was the only fight I ever had with Ranulf. He wanted to kill the entire family and burn down the village. Do not let him. They were not to blame. Commoners was poorer than we had ever known, little by little, they too were starving. They had too many mouths to feed to waste food in a bastard rejected by his lady. Later, one of the servants of the house admitted that Anne knew what could happen to the baby and wished. He got what he wanted. Queen closed her eyes for a moment could not speak. He regretted not having broken the story. He regretted having heard of it. By God, the children were the only truly innocent. Many died of natural causes, but that was unnatural,

deliberately. What kind of woman could do that, when it would have cost so little to find him a decent home baby? - What ... what was it? Do you know?

"A girl, strong and healthy at birth. Why took so long ... Reina silenced her with a gesture before bursting into mourn. I felt that tears were forming and fought against them, pushing the horror of his mind. This had nothing to do with it. Who am I kidding? This had happened to her own husband, who still suffered the effects, and that, most certainly, the affect it. But it was unfair to blame all women for what he had done a heartless bitch. -Analicmoslo from a realistic standpoint, "he said, he controls, although his voice sounded a bit sore. These events occurred eleven or twelve years ago. "Eight," he corrected. The surprise Reina pulled from his thoughts. "I thought he was older. "It has always seemed larger in size, but only twenty-three, ma'am. "Anyway, eight years is enough to discover that not all women are equal. - What would feel if I had happened to you? "Replied Walter. Lady Anne was all sweetness and smoothness. Never raised his voice. He never said a bad word to anyone. Well concealed their relentless greed, lack of feeling. Do you think you could trust Ranulf sympathetic smiles of any other lady, from then? - But not all are like that! "I know, but it will take much to convince them. "Then he growled Walter: Smile. Here he comes. "You're crazy. Now I could not smile if my life depended on it. And if it did, he would be surprised at my smile. Today has not received any from me, if you have not noticed. "But will he forgive? "What I have said only explains his distrust of women of rank," she whispered. It does not explain its deplorable manners boorish. "That can be There was no Fortunately, friend. Then correct, ma'am, if you do the effort. time to replicate, as Ranulf sat on the bench beside him. Walter had time to master, holding a brief conversation with his he apologized and left, leaving them home alone together.

Queen could not even look at him, her feelings confused and did not feel able to speak. Who would have thought that such a man could arouse their compassion? It seemed so indestructible, so immune to the tender emotions ... But would it have been like in his youth? At that time he noticed that it looked dreamy Eadwina from across the room, and forgot everything. - Do you I hurt this morning? - What? "This morning in the woods," Ranulf said. Do you I hurt? Queen was about to say yes. But in reality she had felt anger, disappointment, frustration, pain, no. And a lie was not way to start a relationship. "No, you did me damage. - Are you sure? - Yes. "If you hurt, do you what you will say? She stared in disbelief. What was wrong? Or was it another example of their strange humor? Whatever it was, Reina had overcome the irritation. "If I lastimis, be sure you'll scream so loud you'll know what you and everyone else. Stay calm, sir. He frowned. Perhaps we should have asked before, but she was in bad mood since morning. And now became one thing into another. And began to deserve each other. "If I give you a beating on my knee, Madam, be sure not mind who knows it. "And she had compassion? No doubt he was mad. "Thanks for the warning," replied dryly. And he wanted to get up. Ranulf's hand stopped her.

"It was not my intention ... "He stopped, emphasizing the IECI wrinkle. Why are you so angry today? "Think. The answer will come alone. "I've thought, but it comes to my mind no clear answer. I'd rather be what you would say. "Okay. "Queen looked around to make sure nobody could hear them. Then he turned to face those piercing violet eyes. I did not enjoy. - Can not you enjoy that? "You know what," she hissed. Ranulf began to smile, but thought better. And then made the mistake of saying "It is assumed that wives do not enjoy it. Queen stared at him, wondering what he would do if he threw something over her head. - Who told you such nonsense? No, let me guess, a priest. And you believe everything they say priests. Fool! A priest is not God. He is a man, subject

to all the mistakes of men. One in two falls into the same sins that any of us. For the good Lord, used common sense. No, better yet, ask any wife in the castle you find what you think of that old-fashioned stupidity. But do not expect to like being treated like less than a prostitute. Well, now he knew what he thought his own wife's case. He followed with his eyes, trying not to laugh. For all the saints, which was strong, even for blasphemy! "So wanted to pleasure? Ranulf's mood disappeared. How to get it, if he feared hurt his passion was so small and delicate?

CHAPTER XXVII Queen slipped quietly into the bedroom. They had left a lighted candle, which provided enough light to cross the room to the wardrobe of the wall. He left his basket of medications and hastened to remove his cloak. Ranulf slept. She did not like that would have left open the curtains of the bed. The slightest noise would wake him. But as seen before, Ranulf was sleeping soundly. It had been a relief to be called again from the village, though the reason many times caused him concern. Baker's sister had suffered a fall and was about to abort. But after working midnight and use every remedy she could think of, Reina had reduced the danger to a mere possibility that the baby is lost, something to which women were prone. If he remained in bed for a while, until the child is claimed, however, could still carry the pregnancy to term. Whatever the excuse was relieved to escape that night, the marriage bed, at least until Ranulf was asleep. Yet it seemed impossible that he had said in the last conversation. After thinking about the horror of having to imagine what had fallen, the surprising thing was that he had not been laughing in the face. Now he must think that she wanted, or at least wanted the pleasure he could give, and that was much worse. Men never doubted his own exploits: what else could he think? She found flaws in his technique so readily available, certainly not. Oh, fuck hers. Flung open the closet and made a gesture of horror at the squeak of the hinges. A wave of sheets, his back, made twitch of his robe, not bothering to untie the ties, the cast along with the cloak closet, carelessly. Thought made a pallet to pass on him the rest of the night. Thought to curl up in the soil, where it was. Ranulf did not want to wake up, for any reason, but what excuse could give in the morning, if he was sleeping on the floor? The shirt was tight, had to untie the bonds' As I struggled with them in the shadows, Ranulf's voice startled her. "Come here, Reina. Having the heart in the middle of the larynx it difficult to answer: "A ... a moment. "Right now.

The order, given with that particular tone, it took the foot forward. Only it was hoped that he was not fully awake, maybe just wanted to make sure she had returned safely back to sleep. He stopped a few feet of the bed. - Yes? Even saw the movement of the hand. A moment later he fell over, finished with Ranulf back, then heard the sound of his shirt to tear. - What ... What are you doing? -Managed to stammer. Too late. Also, the skirt was torn in half. "What" he asked, in more reasonable tones. You said we should both be naked. I already am. And you were taking too long. - And that authorizes you a. .. His angry comment was left unfinished. So he was surprised to have been able to say much, he had not called to speak. He planted his mouth on hers, with a fierce possessiveness, and a moment later did the same with your body. However, this was different. Their attacks were not as fast or as strong. There was a certain languor in his movements which caused a ripple heady whirlwind of bliss within. And her lips are not focused only on her mouth, but walked all over his face, and finally came to an ear, and feel intensely pleasurable, it caused such a commotion that shook beneath the body of Ranulf, propelling more inside ... thus effectively put an end to the movements. Suddenly opened his eyes to hear the roar. I felt like screaming: "Not yet!". But he was finished and looked with satisfaction in his eyes. That was enough to inspire desire to kill him. That time had been closer than ever of what caused it such roaring, only to leave again with a painful sense of frustration, nerves and mind unhinged sputtering impotent rage. Ranulf fell aside with a sigh. "I did it again, right? "Yes, you big fool," she said through clenched teeth. You did it again. "I'm afraid I was not quite awake. If you want, we can try again. She jerked the hand that was resting on his shoulder. - Do not touch me! I'm so mad I just want to hit you! "Well hit me. "Do not tempt me, Ranula "But I'm serious. Since not let me try again, what better way to ease your anger? Do it, generalete. Can not hurt me. She tried, indeed. He struck in the chest and stomach until he hurt his fists, not even retained the strength to remove him when he pulled her against his body. - Do you feel better now? "No," she muttered stubbornly. He chuckled. - Is the shirt ripped? - Ohhh!

Then he laughed frankly. "I get angry too easily, woman. And now that you're exhausted, I too would be easy ... - Do not you dare! Reina felt the shoulder shrug on his head. "Men do not usually argue when we are satisfied, when we're not, things are different. - Well, that reassures me! "You risk too much, considering that I have your hand so close to your ass, lady. A yawn ruined the effect of the threat. Queen snorted: "That might be more rewarding than your ... If you complete the phrase "sorry." "That threat was more effective, especially because Ranulf put his hand on the curve of her backside. You provide the conditions and I have done my part. If you changed your mind and prefer to look to another, say it now. She held her breath, waiting for a response. It was not his intention to offer this type of outlet and did not know what to do if she accepted. But Reina said nothing. Not to abuse their good fortune, he fell silent. Reina also held his breath and for the same reason. I wish he would not demand that dictate the response pride. Ranulf was only when she fell asleep and realized that the lack of response was also an answer.


After-rain in the morning, the day was wet. That did not stop the children running through the village with their games. The women sat down to work at each house, converging in the shadow of the oaks to gossip while doing their work. At that hour of the day there were few men, having planted to attend and to dig trenches, and in its own grounds and in the Lord. Those who remained in the village were busy repairing plows and tools, one carrying a pair of oxen to graze, and several were mulching a roof, a lanky young man chasing a goat in the courtyard of the parish. Even the old and the crippled were useful: feeding the chickens scratching in the backyards, gathered eggs or working in small orchards behind each house central, with
Lady She perched on his shoulder, all work ceased. Only a daring soul shouted a greeting. Almost all of the new discounted sir wondered why he was there, if the villagers always treated with the sheriff. Long experience tells them that the Lord's presence did not bode well. But no one chose not to exercise an interrogation or punishment, ignored or pretended to ignore her presence. Ranulf was not sure what he was doing there. He had a vague idea and acted without weighing. And one of the things I had not taken into account was the impression it would cause to enter the hut of Alma the Redhead. The house was easy to find, thanks to the information he had given one of his men. Two geese noisily mating in the front yard, which was ironically appropriate to that residence. The door was wide open as an invitation. One

pig went squealing, followed by a flying wooden bowl, a moment before Ranulf head bend down to enter. "If you come for business, closed the door. If not, leave open to let in light. Ranulf took a moment to locate the voice because the door was the only source of light and the house was bigger than it looked from the outside. Alma was changing the sheets on a solid bed, placed against the wall on one side. On the other hand, a cow placidly chewing tied the reeds that covered the dirt floor. There's little luxuries abounded: in bed, fine linens and draperies, in the walls, crockery and pans of brass candle tallow were not smelly but sweet beeswax; of a kettle boiling in the home open in the middle of the room, came the scent of venison for dinner, obviously, some had come here in payment for services rendered. Ranulf did not close the door. The redhead had seen him enter, but still did not know who he was. A moment passed before he made the curiosity to watch it again. Even then it did not recognize him because he had the light on his back. It was his height that he betrayed her, making her pale with horror. - God will protect me! You here! "He exclaimed. And even more pale. Oh ... I mean ... please, sir. The lady has been good to me. Rarely scolds me, brings me special ointments y. .. - Why did you mention? "Because ... if it finds that you came to me, I hate it. - Why? As she stared at him intently, Ranulf growled: "No, I did not come for that and it will have no reason to think. That shocked even more to women. He walked haltingly to the trestle table and dropped on the bench, clutching the edge of the table until his knuckles turned white. - Do you want to expel me? - What? "Ranulf frowned. Then he said, "Do not be silly, woman. Your services are here as useful as any other villager. What I want from you is some advice. - My advice? "She repeated, stunned. "Yes. -Ltanulf stepped forward, removing his gauntlets to put them under my belt. Lady She jumped to the table. More specifically, your knowledge of women. The smile was slow, but brilliant once complete. - Of course! What you please, sir, what you like! You have only to ask. - How I can please my wife without hurting? He sat on the bench beside her. Lady She came, looking for affection. He did not notice the eyes of Alma, round in astonishment. - Would you do damage? "Not yet. At least I think so. But if the play as I wish, I fear the hurt. I think I lost control I had on my passion since I've known. - Why do you think the lastimarais? He raised his hands and looked at them with a frown.

- With these fingers? They are accustomed to big and strong women, which do not disturb the rough caresses. Do not you think that would hurt a woman so tiny and delicate as my wife? Hands on the table were downloaded, completed the question. The cat, startled, climbed back into his shoulder. He dropped to his chest to calm her. The redhead looked the hands that caressed the animal. - That cat is yours, my lord? He asked thoughtfully. - Yes. "I see that ye love. I once had a cat that adored. She loved him so much that sometimes squeezing wanted, just to prove how much I wanted. Do not you sometimes feel the same?

He smiled, while scratching the ears of the cat. "Yes, frequently. - But not cedis impulse? "No, of course. The kill. -0 Hurt her badly. He returned to frown. - What does this have to do with what I asked? - If you can be soft with a cat, knowing what lastimarais otherwise, why not with your wife? - You compare my wife with a cat? - No, not at all - it said -. I just want to point out that these hands, which both fear, the lady will not hurt but hurt the cat, which is much smaller. "But the cat does not cause me lust," he growled. Alma had to bite his lip to keep from smiling. "No, of course. What I am suggesting is this: when you were with other women does not occur to you that you could hurt them, and you thought you could not hurt a dog or a horse with a strong affection lost. But I know that you could hurt your cat. The idea is present, even when you are not thinking about it. The same goes for the lady. You know that is different from the others, you ought to be more careful with your strength when you play. While losing control of your passion, the idea would be there to temper your strength and to protect the lady. - How? I tell you I've never been a lust so overwhelming as to harass me since I met her. Does not even matter where we are, and when I attacked no way to hold back. Do not think about anything, except to the irresistible urge to possess. Alma-see, "said the redhead. He wondered if he had not thought he was in love with his wife. It seemed improbable. And she who would not commit him to suggest stupidity. But if he did not believe it possible to be contained in the grip of passion, how to help? Or rather, how to help the lady? "That gives another aspect to things," he continued, watching his hands again. The lady is small and delicate, yes. But it is a woman. And we women, we have more strength and endurance of the men even recognize us. Perhaps your caresses not done any harm. I do not want to cause pain to check. -Show me. I think I can see for myself what a woman resists. Given the tentative expression of the gentleman, smiled to encourage her, but at the size of those hands, wished he had kept his mouth shut. Also there was

a risk that, once launched into action, could not stop. But how, if not, could alleviate the concern of this man? The strange thing was that he cared. And it would be a pity that the lady never knew the pleasure of his touch. "It is my intention to tempt you, sir. ever. It's just a test to determine the power of your touch. Nothing more. "I understand," he growled. But you have no constitution at all of my lady. She had to smile. "A breast is always breast. Large or small, experienced the same pain or the same pleasure. Touch me like accustom, so I can ... He did not give him time to complete. Alma could not avoid a grimace. "I understand, sir. Actually, your hand is strong, was forced to admit. And then he dared to add what he had said more than a gentleman, "But a breast is not the sheath of a sword. Do not you fall off your hand if you gently sujetis ... Oh, my God, your lady! - What? Ranulf turned to the door. His wife was framed by the doorway, with a basket of medicinal potions on hand. Then at her, she disappeared. - You have to follow and explain! "Cried Alma. - Why? If I follow it, it is likely to return to give a romp in the woods. And that is not very happy. Alma looked horrified, the news was distracted for a moment.

- But she'll think ... women steadfastly opposed to what she had suggested, and "Do not be silly, woman," he interrupted. I told you she has no reason to think so. I can not deny, even if you do not like. What need I have of other women? Alma did not say that many men go looking for other women to have more fun when their wives dislike copulation. Of course these women are put into their husbands to others with his blessing. The total lack of concern he finally showed calm their fears. Maybe I would be grateful Lady Queen. And if so, would ensure that Alma felt gratitude ... albeit in an indirect way. "Sir, I fear that I faced this so wrong. I wondered how you could please your lady unharmed. And is there a way I've overlooked. Maybe if you start slowly ... At first, do not touch it with your hands. Please use your lips and tongue. "Not the same. - Why not? You can touch it with his mouth wherever they touch hands. - Anywhere? - Yes. - Anywhere? The redhead chuckled, guessing his thoughts. "Yes, there too. I know that most men can not think, but the few that do have with it. She may resist, of course, it will seem strange. But if you insist, not only like, but that way you can take her to the fullness of his pleasure. - How is that possible? Alma blushed for the first time in many years.

"You have to trust me, sir, that can happen. And so there's no hurry to learn what pleased caresses and how sweet you should be. There will be plenty of time for that, as you come to know her better. He asked no more questions. Put down a piece of silver, more money than she had ever seen, with the promise of giving him a double if you said was true. If that was true or not, depended on the lady. Some in this case was unusual for the man insists. But the new Lord did not seem inclined to give up easily. Far from it, was determined to see his lady enjoy, whether she liked it or not. Alma does not have to be given a flea the marriage bed that night! CHAPTER XXIX

"But why now, ma'am? "Because it's the perfect time, Aylmer. - "Now that the bastard feels guilty about his infidelity," Queen said to herself. Today will say yes to everything I asked. "That I feared," murmured the child. Queen frowned. - You wanted to take care of Lady Ella? "Yes, I want, but I did not think that's what I had to face the Madam. "You must not worry. Wait on the ledge of the window until I call you. "Then she ruffled his hair with a smile, to reassure him. Go, Aylmer. You have nothing to fear from him. The smile came undone when the child turned away. How he had managed his mother provided for doing so, did not know, but it was one of the few lessons that she had received: that in a man's world, where women had so little control over their own lives, where it was male permission is required to do or accomplish anything, it was necessary to access all the help you get a yes, when there was room for doubt. Once, his mother had told him that the fault was a great emotion to harness. Although she had never suspected infidelity by her husband. In life, took advantage of forgotten promises, neglect and such trivial things. She had not had a husband who went into a fit of jealousy, as the daughter. But how can he composed one for quietly ask something, if it was burning inside? Of course his mother had not been as explosive a temper like yours, knowing you compose for her husband knew when he was displeased with him in a subtle way, guilty or not, he kept thinking that his wife had good reason for that and rushed compensate for any opportunity, either with a new dress or a visit to the court. Queen could not imagine your husband doing something so gigantic normal and try to appease a guilty conscience. Neither imagined herself calmly suggesting something when he felt like part of something in the head. But if his mother had been, she could. However, as the agreement had wanted to kill him. That pig, heartless wretch!

How had he been able to ... ? No, no, what wonder that. It was no use to get angry about something. According to general opinion, marital infidelity was not important. She knew and had never assumed that his marriage might be different. What woman could claim? Except for his mother, of course. The best that Reina had dreamed that her husband was not ashamed bringing their lovers to the house, as did some. But this was not it just as bad? Alma Visit the Redhead to daylight, in the light of all the gossips of the village, just two days after the wedding! Reina could have understood better if we had been in some dark corner with Eadwina. Men drooled by Eadwina. Why should be different from his lascivious husband? But Alma! Indeed, the woman was not ugly, with his flamboyant hair and eyes instigators, blue as the thoughts. And it was full of curves, as her husband preferred. But he knew that Queen, unlike most women, visiting his villagers to meet their conditions. He must know that if he resorted to the village whore, his wife would know immediately. What if he wanted her to be out? Was that his way of punishing him for so many complaints? She had been complaining perversely. Did he punish? No, it was likely that only wanted a more satisfying ride. However, Queen did not forget the question of the night before, suggesting that perhaps she was more comfortable if he was looking for another. What if he had taken his silence for consent and not negative? Could be so stupid? The young man told me Malfer wish to talk to me. Good. Being warned, he'd think his wife wanted to mention it to Alma. But she had no intention of doing so, thereby confuse him. Queen composed his features as best as possible and turned to face her sinful husband ... only to be turn confused. I did not know what was the expression of a man who was drowning in guilt, but could not be an inquisitive glance. She even had a lady in his arms ronroncando very pleased, without receiving any in their own turmoil. "Sit down, sir. "He said the chair of the homeowner, who had put in front of the home for this interview. A little wine? He nodded, as he took his seat. Reina raised his hand and a servant came to drinking. She had not missed the sigh of her husband to sit down. So I was tired after his efforts in the village? Had to exert all his will to give the cup of wine, rather than pull a head. "My sheriff has informed me that this morning I took him to see the fields and the mill. "Yes. He took a sip of wine for not meeting her eyes (at least, I thought Queen). She stood in front of the home to watch it from above. - I suppose the rest of your day has been equally productive? He choked on the wine and had to spit. The cat hissed, dropped in a jump in her lap. Queen to clean up the drops of wine from the coat, then placed her in a nearby bank, where the animal spent licking carefully. Ranulf was coughing. "Maybe the wine is too strong, my lord," said Reina in all innocence. Preferirais "beer? He glared, panting: "I'd rather you were to the point.

- What? There are some things we should discuss, but if you are too exhausted after such a stressful day, these issues can wait. Ranulf did not overlook the emphasis that she was tired of course. And indeed he was exhausted, but having been riding like a demon in the woods in search of outlaws or any dam that her mind off what Alma had said the redhead. 0 that or give in to lust that their suggestions had inspired him. And not going to let his cock fucking rule it again. While able to hold off these thoughts he was pretty good, even in the presence of his wife. But his overtures were beginning to distract him. What the hell it meant she was tired much? If you wanted to know what had been doing, why do not you ask directly? Reina was not the custom of beating about the bush, being so frank. And he sensed her nervousness. She looked serene, very calm, but tension radiating a powerful emotion. - Has there been anything I should know? He asked. That question seemed to embarrass. "What you Owe ... You should know better than I, my lord. What does that mean? "Never mind," he sighed. Tell me what you want, before you're really too tired to pay attention. Queen clenched fists behind their skirts. Things were not going as she had expected. Why not act as expected? He knew that she was aware of what he had done. I could have given many excuses to justify their presence in the house of the Redhead, if Reina had not seen it with his hand pressed against the great woman's chest. That meant I only had a reason to be there. Did not matter, then, that she knew? Or thought she would not dare to scold him for what he had done, that I dare not even mention it? Most wives would not have dared, afraid of being beaten if they complained about the wandering behavior of their husbands. Reina, thanks to her marriage contract, was not suffering from these fears, however, that fear would not have prevented this man to the criticism that has deserved. But not yet. First he wanted to see if he was only pretending unconcern. "Very good, sir. This does not take long, are only a few decisions I need from you. First, we received an offer to purchase with respect to the guardianship of the heir to De Burgh. Simon brought me the letter from his neighbor, is a young lord who claims to be able to manage the properties of the girl. I did not mention it until all our guests had left. "So our Lord pigeon is gone. She pursed her lips at that sneer. "Yes, Lord John left us this morning. "I hope you have me fired him. After all, I like to treat well those who have lost to me. "He did not lose to you, lost for failure to appear," she snapped. And do not even know you have lost your courtesy is superfluous. Anyway, if you would have offered it also would have known personally. It is quite difficult to identify a courtesy when one is growling. "I do not growl, ma'am. "If you say so, my lord," she said softly, with a grunt sonndole still in the ears.

He was about to rise from the chair, then stopped and surprised her with a chuckle, as she reclined back. "At least I do not squeal as your mouse. "It's no ... "Queen shut his mouth, glaring. Very funny, sir. Can we now return to the topic at hand? What protection? - How have offered? Four hundred fifty-two frames and palfreys. - Why so much? own village and rents one hundred and fifty marks a year, the farm income is considerably higher. It is also necessary to take into account the age of the child, not yet two years old. There will be protection for many years before they marry and their properties to become run by her husband. Whoever manages their feud will have a good profit. "In that case, why sell it? "I'm not suggesting we sell it. I do not suggest anything at all. Just mention an offer that must be answered in one way or another. But sooner or later will have to do something. The widow, with a sheriff and several gentlemen, they are being fixed quite well on their own, but only because you have not had any problems. "Thus, suggesting that sells custody. "No, I suggest," she said, her voice squeaking. Maybe Simon knows his neighbor, but we do not. And there are other possibilities that would benefit most. "I could appoint an administrator to answer me, I suppose, but administrators, when they are not monitored closely, usually kept the profits. It could also promise to marry the girl and let her fiance now administer what would be his sooner or later. The Queen was surprised that he knew the various options, however, had not mentioned she wanted. ~ As you say, you can not always rely on an administrator. But if you promise to marry this girl right now must be to a man who is old enough to manage, thus both the perjudicis He will have to wait many years for heirs and she ends up marrying an old man This does not make her happy. "If I choose Eric Searle or not. Within ten years, they have only twentyeight, not a big tragedy for a marriageable girl. That was true, damn man. "But obtendrais thus only the service of man, when you could have two, if the widow casarais change. The stepfather could now enjoy the benefits of the land and have enough to buy a substantial property for their own heirs. I think some time in Sir Arnulfo, but I postponed the matter, as I needed it in Birkenham. "Tell me, Queen: if that was what you wanted from the beginning, why do not you tell me? - Do you agree? "I agree that it is best to marry the widow, but accept that you want to know that Sir Arnulf before it into account? "Of course. "Well. "Ranulf stood. But the next time you want something from me, go straight to the point. No need to waste time with rodeos.

"I have not finished," she interrupted, annoyed because he dared to scold at the time. There's another thing: your cat. - What about her? Queen named the child, experiencing its first hesitation as both expected him to approach, with its slow pace. But he succeeded in his first goal and, therefore, was convinced that Ranulf was remorseful, yes, but not demonstrated. At that time went straight to the point. "Aylmer, here, is fond of your pet. Work in the kitchen, but want to also be responsible for taking care of Lady Ella: to feed, brush and everything else. - Is another like you Theo? Ranula asked "I've always taken care of him, if that's what you mean. Is an orphan. Only then Ranulf looked at the boy, while his wife watched him. His concern was growing, although he did not reveal in his speech the thoughts that passed through her head. Was wrong to risk that. I should have to hide from the child rather than teach. What if Ranulf decided to expel him? What could she do? And poor Aylmer was horrified. No Queen looked up and noticed that her legs were shaking. His gallop toward panic became a furious stamping: how dare Ranulf and torturing the little boy with his silence? Reina raised his foot with the intention of giving a kick to her husband. At that time he said Aylmer, in a voice that, in him, was soft: "So you like my cat, huh? "Yes, my lord," she whispered. "Well be careful not to feed too much. Aylmer took a moment to realize that he had obtained the desired permission. He looked up with surprise that soon became a broad grin. - Yes, sir! Queen took a moment to lower the foot. What a pig, kept in suspense like that! It was remorse. In fact, drowning them. And he was willing to pay, I had better seize the moment. "Take the kitchen lady Elia, Aylmer. As has spent the day out, with Lord Ranulf, must be very hungry. He waited for the child to carefully lift the animal and moved away, limping. Then she confronted her husband again. As a. .. -Debisteis warned me before introduce me, Lord. She tensed defensively. - Why? You do not like a cripple attend to your beautiful cat? "That work was Lanzo, not like a kitchen lackey it away. -Aylmer is not a lackey. His parents were free tenants. When they died no one would pick up the child, not even help. They treated him as if his lameness was a contagious disease. He was weak and sickly twice I was about to lose minor illnesses that would have affected only a child who is normal. It's small and defenseless, but proud. Does not accept charity working to pay child support. And if I dedicate a special affection is because she has no one. "With a general support, who else might need? She spent so overlooked. "Speaking of your cat ...

- Did she speak? I thought the topic was the child. "The child is on my own, the cat is for you, especially when it comes to the place where you sleep. I do not like waking up with his nose glued to the face, as this morning. Should never be allowed to enter the bedroom. "She goes where I go and sleep where I sleep. Always has been. "That was fine when dormais in tents, my lord, but a bedroom is no place for animals. - And I thought that I, too, you had in that category! Do you think also expel me from the bedroom? - As if accepted go away! She snorted. "No, not take it. And neither will Lady Her. "We must continue to discuss the issue. "The subject is closed, Queen," he said firmly. Now let me prepare a bath. If you want to meet me, come. Otherwise, we will see the dinner. She had to grit their teeth not to call him when she saw him off. Supposedly, this man should have accepted everything she asked, without denying anything. But it should be recognized to get two grants of three requested was not bad. Anyway, if he believed that it was serving his infidelity, I was very wrong.


"I feel better if you tell someone. Reina, without answering, she kept her eyes closed, while Theodric combed gently. It was regrettable that the boy noticing how well your moods. Nothing had told her about her husband's visit to Alma, he had no intention of doing so. He would know soon, as the gossip reached the castle, but was not expected that relate to your concern. The confession would do good to the soul, the humiliation, no. He felt the need to pace the room instead of staying quietly sitting on a bench. This ritual used to reassure night long, because Theo had magic hands when it came to relieve stress. But his anxiety was increasing instead of decreasing, as he approached - the time of Ranulf would make his appearance. - Would have made you open your legs again between the castle and the village? "Do not be rude, Theo. - Yes or no? "No," she screeched. He pulled her hair until he put his head back, to look at her face. - Who are you angry, if not your giant? Theo ... "If you tell me, I'm going to whisper in his ear that he looks forward to ... in bed. "Do not answer for your life," she snapped, raising her head sharply.

That was enough for "I do not insist. But the silence following it merely further irritate the nerves of the young. Finally decided to have at least half. "No you're wrong man, Theo, but reasons. I thought he had persuaded to marry Ranulf Louise de Burgh to Sir Arnul But during dinner, he told Searle and Eric (and Walter) to accompany him to meet the widow. - Well? "I realized that I will give one of them, when this afternoon I almost promised to marry her to Arnulf. "I do not think man can easily miss a promise, Reina. "Actually, I promised," she admitted, reluctantly. But he knows that I want that link and said it would consider to Arnulf. "Having it in mind is not to choose it outright, of course. I would say that you are taking precautions in case you do not like Sir Arnulf. "I do not understand, Theo. I must support this. - Why? "No matter why, but I'll be," said Queen, impatiently. And Arnulf is best suited for that site. He has provided excellent services. It has proved very capable of such responsibility. Deserves a reward. And in addition, meet the lady and she has an appreciation. They are a good match. "Ah, but what she thinks about it? You may want to choose among several. - Since when does that matter, especially being so young lady? - Do I need to remind you that you were not much greater than when Lady Burgh, very logically, chose to John de Lascelles and Richard de Arcourt as potential husbands? And not only that changed your mind until the last minute. "Which proves that even at seventeen, every woman is an idiot if you think you know what's good," she replied in a tone of disgust. "Well, well, you know that the giant is still the best, even if you had your first disagreement with him. You can not pretend that he is always with you. Reina, and neither would you ... father. Reina raised his eyes, as Theo's words were lost in silence. Ranulf had entered noiselessly and stared, his expression grew more and more bleak. Lanzo, standing behind him, kept his eyes fixed on the ceiling, his neck red with embarrassment. Theo hawking to draw attention to Reina. As this would not 'result, he poked his shoulder. Only then was she that caused the reaction of two newcomers: the gown had been open at the front, revealing a breast and a good portion of her navel. Gasped, abruptly closed the garment and struck her husband an angry look. It was too that this had happened once. Twice unbearable. "It would be wrong to call in the door before entering, my lord," he said, the habit of some caustic. - At my own door? I believe not. "If you are just not important. But do not you go alone. "You either you are alone, madam. And I want to know why. Too late, the Queen realized that his frown was not always: was burning with rage, had strained the tendons in the body and burning violet eyes goodbye.

And those eyes were not on it, but Theodric. But Queen was furious, and not just because the heat had just happened. Rising abruptly, he asked: - What whispers? Theodric know that is my personal servant. What can be done here, but perform their functions? - And what are those functions, that ye may sit in front of him half naked? "Do not be stupid," she snapped. He looks just as I would look at you ... No, not so: you look rather too well. In me or even repair, as Lanzo does not notice you when you bathe or I saw it. - Perhaps these are their functions? "Of course. - For now no, by God! Ranula bellowed Theodric And: "Get out! Queen tensed and stretched an arm to stop the boy. -No need to go, Theo. - Jesus, Queen! Theo croaked behind him. Want to die? "Do not worry. "I would not bet you, wife," Ranulf said, his voice more menacing for its softer tone. If you do, remember that I owe you a spanking. And he manages, with great pleasure do not go away before ... There was no need to continue. Theo had been slipped under the outstretched arm and ran toward the door. Lanzo chuckled at this funny output. Queen shot him a look before turning back to the two men. At this time I was about to lose his temper and shouting like a fool. 'You can go, "said Lanzo Ranulf, in a tone that indicated that their emotions were back under control. My wife helps me to undress. - Why I accuse of usurping other work? Queen exclaimed, over his shoulder, his eyes hurt. Not counting on it, sir. - Is not it your duty to assist your husband in whatever he asks? "I do not talk of duty, after that outburst child. - Do you deny? "Thank God," she said looking up at the ceiling. At last I understood. "It seems that not only deserves your beat Theo. She did not hear him approaching from behind but was so close that his breath stirred her hair. Neither heard the door close, but both were alone. "Maybe Theo fear to die of such a threat, but I'm not a coward. - What threat? When deemed necessary, I can assure you it will be difficult to sit in one week, at least. "Ranulf's hand leaned on his neck to force her to turn to him. Is it necessary, Reina? - Are you asking me permission? He smiled. "I'm not dumb enough to leave the matter for yourself. I asked you if necessary. Will you continue with your challenges? "No," she whispered, resentful and cowed. "Well. When I did not think of punishing you. What I had in mind was very different.

She turned away abruptly, dilating eyes suspiciously. "I do not think ... after ... How dare you think that I ... ? "We had a little disagreement, brought him, shrugging his shoulders, but it has happened. - What happened? Small? "She stammered. If you think that, fine. It could not be expected of such a brute. But do not get me that thing is so different than you intended, after having done with Soul! - With ... ? Expliquis you'd better now, ma'am. - Me? "She cried" you visit a prostitute and for me to explain? "So that's what I have been on tenterhooks all day. He smiled unexpectedly. Then rose the wrath of his wife, laughing. And I said that you were not so dumb! - Did you said ... stupid? "She stammered. Yes, I must be, if I thought my husband would not be able to embarrass me so openly. He shook his head, still smiling. "Never have I embarrassed my lady ...

-... and tomorrow will rain gold coins - she snorted -. Better inform the falconer to be prepared to see this marvel. -... or you have reason to be angry. - Should I ask every day what I find bed without saying anything about it? Does that pretend to? - Was I in bed with her? "I was surprised with his hand on his chest. Perhaps you were debating on income, my lord? His sarcasm was becoming more acute. He had forgotten what time she had appeared at the door of the Redhead. "Actually, we were talking about you. "Of course. Queen's tone turned dry. "The door was wide open, as you will remember. "That just shows you told me the truth to ensure that you do not mind having or not privacy. In the forest, in the hut of a prostitute with the door open. Who cares? Did you have to remember that right now? - You know, generalete?, You could have save those painful jealousy if yesterday would have answered my question. If you did not want another me unburden you, you ought to say. "So you admit," she said hesitantly. - What about you? He countered. "Since you do not know how to be discreet, I will have to be me," she replied bitterly, "I do not see the utility but when all is done. And I was not jealous. Horrified and humiliated, yes, but not jealous.

"Well, you were not jealous," he conceded, but his smile showed that did not think so. Either way, you could have save you trouble if you had asked me just what I was doing there. "When a man visits a prostitute is to do one thing. "In that case, why did I just talk to her? - To talk? "Snorted Queen. "Putting his hands on her breasts? The chuckled. - How else could she determine if my touch would hurt you or not? - Me? Does stroked my right? She sneered. Try again, please. At last he frowned. "If I had need of a woman, I would not have been necessary to go to the village to find her. There are a lot that I do not have refused, including yourself. What I needed was an answer that could only give me a woman of vast and varied experience. Just so I went to Alma the Redhead, and that was all she gave me. Even if your answer excited me, I dwelled with her to take advantage of their profession. But if I had found waiting outside, young lady, you can be sure he would have had evidence of your mistake. She did not ignore the meaning of those words, he blushed cheeks. And I thought, although it was not prudent, because he wanted to believe. But that meant, accusing him well, had the role of a true fool. It was to be thankful that he had not completely lost patience. But she was frowning, and that increased the discomfort of the young. - Want ... ? She had to clear his throat, for the time he could not look into her eyes. Will you tell me what was the answer you were looking for? He stepped toward her. His voice was a hoarse murmur and severe. "I wanted to know how to give pleasure without harm. Queen's head jerked up and felt an intense anger. - Is that you ask? - Yes. - But if you never hurt me! "Nor have I played as I would, for fear that these hands will hurt when lose control, something that has happened over and over again with you. expression doubting his wife's exasperation. Look how tiny and delicate are! I never took to my bed a woman so fragile. I do not make it harder raise yourself to lift the Lady Ella.

I The you to

That was an exaggeration, but neither realized. Ranulf held her under the arms and lifted it. She looked down, but he raised his eyes beyond the breast, mesmerized by the beat ajar. Both its large protruding breasts dark

halos, in strong contrast to the creaminess of the skin, the nipples were erect before his eyes, as if he stretched his lips. He gave them a taste, bowing his head just enough to taste one, then sucked it deeply. Reina guessed what was coming when her husband's eyes darkened to indigo, and held his breath, waiting. Suddenly gave a little groan. His head dropped back with a hot whirlpool in the womb. I had stretched out her hands gently resting on the shoulders of Ranulf and thrust his fingers into the golden hair. It did not matter does not have the body leaning against his, suspended in the air. However, its members had turned to jelly. His, however, stood firm as a rock, not even the arms that held any tremor betrayed. Finally he dropped the chest, only to lick the way to the other, eliciting a groan even deeper. The feeling, by dint of intense became unbearable, but Queen never would have thought to ask for help. Was suddenly raised to higher altitudes. Ranulf's lips did not turn away from your skin, pressing against his heated kisses belly stopped for a moment on his navel, to poke his tongue. She had barely caught his breath after the attack when she was down again, little by little, while a tongue traced a path from the womb to the neck, cheek and finally sank into his mouth for a burning kiss that curled fingers. Finally, when he laid it on the ground would have fallen at the feet of her husband if he had not yet been clinging to your hair. It collapsed on him, almost did not realize that Ranulf came off the fingers and down his arms to slip the robe over her shoulders, until the garment slipped to the ground. He only knew that he rose again, now in his arms, and only became aware that he had it in suspense. But no other thought entered the mist still experiencing pleasure. The pleasure has not diminished. Even when he left her in bed and turned away to remove their clothing, the itching continued. I watched, enjoying the golden flesh that was revealed, the power that had held up during such a long time, expressed in every muscle ripple. He wanted to touch his skin, try as he had tried. He never speaks experienced so ardent expectation. And when his eyes met his, another tremor of feeling ran through completely, because the pupils of Ranulf burned with passion, assuring him that this might be really different. But she could not have imagined how far. When he returned to bed, his lips returned to tempt her with soft kisses, bites and inflame incited wherever they touched. Finally became a blaze of heat and desire. The frustrated that he was not allowed to touch it, then held his hands tightly, without checking. Finally prepared to satisfy the desire to feel inside. Ranulf knelt between her legs, placed a kiss on his belly shaking and then ... "Ranulf, what ... no, no do ... No! He did, and was shot as going through the roof. Half of his body away from the bed as she arched her back as voluntarily trying to escape the fire of that language. But he failed, he could not free his hands. He tried to sit up, but he pinned her with one arm crossed over her stomach, holding it at their mercy. The grant did not exist. Continued testing its essence, consuming fire in his surprise and fear, until blowing a wild and amazing satisfaction. That answer seemed to spring from it, however, feel it, enjoyed it and, with helpless

abandon, got carried wherever she went. A new and glorious beat him between the legs broke out, eliciting a cry that can compete with the usual roar of Ranulf. And while floating in the turbulent aftermath, he owned it, keeping it at the crest of a pure sweetness as she flew to his own relief. Just that the wave became gigantic and unexpected dimensions, at the last moment, the cry of Queen joined him in another explosion of pulsating ecstasy.


It was an unpleasant surprise awakening from sleep more pleasant to meet a cat's butt directly against your face. For a moment, the Queen failed to realize what he was seeing. Then the awful smell that attacked her nostrils allowed to be identified. With a scream, jumped out of bed. But when he turned around to fulminate with an eye to the untimely creature that was lying on his pillow, was paralyzed when she saw her husband. His cry of indignation was aroused. On the work of his reflections as a warrior, was already standing on the other side of the bed, sword in hand. I could not guess what had alarmed her so, as was obvious from the inquisitive eyes at him, one eyebrow arched. The annoyance of Queen did not calm down. By contrast, increased significantly to realize that both were naked. And the memory of yesterday finished offend. So when he finally asked what had frightened her, no matter Reina said to look like a fool. The cat was the culprit of this new embarrassment and the cat who would take the blame. "That rat cat has launched a sale to me in the face. Ranulf did not laugh. Queen would have preferred, as this could alleviate the tension that was creating this absurd situation. What he did was sheathe the sword and return calmly to bed. The lack of any comment was enough to irritate her. And what finally was furious that he got up to caress her for iady. - Well? She cried. - Well, what? This is normal. Animals have as many as we intestinal gas. - But she said Queen, pointing to the culprit with a finger did it on purpose! - How ridiculous! Why do you hate cats? "I do not hate cats. On the contrary, I do. I hate that cat and I refuse to continue sharing the room with her. When not, I'm Me. As he just looked at her in silence, with an air of considered crazy, Queen storming out of the room, stopping only to pick up the robe last night remained in the soil. When he was outside in the hall, it occurred that had nowhere to go. He had assigned his old bedroom to Elaine and Alice, who shared it, and he did not disturb the other women as early hours. Nor could I get with these clothes. Although it was barely dawn, then there would be some servants raised. In the hall had burned down the torches, the light shining through the deep sills was barely discernible. The stairwell was even darker, but Reina moved

in that direction. The ground was cold, sitting on the stairs, he could at least wrap your feet in the gown. With a little luck, anyone would come there, otherwise, could not think of any excuse to explain why he was sitting in the dark, cold on the steps, wrapped only in a bathrobe. After a moment she began to breathe a little easier. The whirlwind of his thoughts took a little longer to calm down and when it did, he dropped his head against his knees, moaning. "I did that, Jesus, tell me I did not say anything about that." There was no divine voice answered. Queen groaned again. Ranulf think she was married to a fool, and he was right a lot. He must be mad, if he had allowed his temper to overflow in this way. The previous day he had reasons (or believed them), but this new idiocy had no excuses. The cat was so cunning that a war waged against it subtly, "Who would believe? She herself had doubted if he had not seen the particular way that lady She acted. Y. .. Wow, again was preposterous excuses. Nobody in their right mind would ascribe human motivations to a cat. It was necessary to face the truth: She was jealous of Lady ... but with reasons. The absurd ultimatum that had been raised to Ranulf showed that he was more interested in his precious cat that his wife, it was she who was there in the cold steps, while the feline pampering received her in a warm bed: Queen bed . Suddenly he started, something had grazed his thigh. Just spotted a small dark shadow coming down the steps. "Lady Ella? But if she had locked the door of the antechamber ... Queen tensed: her husband was standing on the step back. It was time to apologize, to apologize for his nonsense. But there were no words that could cross their chagrin. Apparently, I was getting accustomed to humiliate herself in front of her husband. But this time was the worst, I hated to imagine what he must be thinking. - Will you come back willingly or I'll have to carry you? She rose to face him. I only saw her silhouette, without expression to help her know your thoughts. Nor his deep voice gave him any clue. - What does that mean? He asked, hesitantly. "It means that I give, generalete. I would prefer to try to put up with Lady Ella, but if you can, you can not. Therefore, the cat sleep with Lanzo. Reina should have shown magnanimity, saying he did not care that he could keep his cat which liked. But just to win, and without guilt male to help her. It was worth savoring the feeling no concessions. - Thanks. - Why? You gave me no alternative. She smiled to herself, because that was not true. Ranulf could have led to the room to drag forcing her to accept his will regardless of their feelings. - Are not you angry? Ranulf unanswered stepped aside to give way. It was better to take advantage of good luck and leave the subject alone. He seemed angry but would have been entitled to be. Men generally did not like ultimatums.

Gown girded against the cold and went a step ... to be raised in her arms. - Did not you say ... ? "Hush," he interrupted. I had not noticed you were barefoot. What could I answer that? He had, indeed, terribly cold feet. He had had the good sense to wear pants and shoes, while it only occurred to him to collect the gown. That gentleman was unexpected, but pleasant. The enjoy for the duration. On the other hand, liked to be in his arms. Lanzo was still sleeping, undeterred by the give and goings in the antechamber, where stretched his mattress, every night. He was accustomed to responding when Ranulf raised his voice to call, but the master had spoken softly. The room was much brighter than before as the dawn gave way to dawn. Ranulf left to get to bed. Just then she looked at the face to determine your mood. The huge smile was sufficient explanation. "So why did not you angry. My behavior amuses you. Ranulf sat next to her, but without looking at her, kept her eyes fixed on his own feet, stretched forward. "Until now, women had seen that fight and was put jealous for me, but never for my cat. - Really? "She retorted indignantly. The laugh that he had been holding exploded suddenly plummeted into the bed. He turned from side to side, roaring with laughter. Reina looked around for something to hit. "I swear he gasped, holding his belly laugh while I've never seen ... or heard ...... nothing so funny ... as to accuse a cat ... Fart on someone! Was that what she had said? It was not even logical. The animals could not control those things, any more than humans. I admit that I can rush me to throw that accusation. I should have said she would have done it deliberately, if that were possible. That sparked another paroxysm of laughter. Ranulf and cried. Reina had to bite his lip to prevent it from being curved, for his humor had been infected. "Enough, Ranulf protested in exasperation ~. I behaved like an idiot, yes. I need not remind me. "No, not like an idiot. "He forced her to lie beside him and leaned forward, smiling. You were absolutely delicious. "And stupid," she added, comforted by the sight of him. "Silly, yes. You know I never laughed so much? I'm glad you're so silly, generalete. She raised a hand to wipe the tears from her cheeks. "I'm sorry. - What? "That you had so little to laugh in your life. Ranulf took her fingers and took it to his lips. "Careful, lady, or will discover firsthand what I do with women who pamper me compassion. "I know exactly what you're doing," she snorted. I take full advantage of his compassion to carry your bed. A male shameful tactic.

"No more shameful that female tactics you used yesterday, assuming that I was suffering from remorse. "I never ... "But in the midst of the negative, the smile it provoked another Ranulf. With my father always worked. "I'm not your father. She raised an eyebrow. - You do not mind not having peace in your home? Stiffened Queen: he had bent his head to grasp between your teeth the edge of her robe and was opening. It melted to language that revolved around the nipple exposed. The eyes that glittered turned to her male satisfaction. "I have found a more delicious way to make peace. "Maybe," she admitted, with a throaty whisper. Then he sat up and was able to add, indifferent, "But we are at peace. "Not so soon," he laughed. A finger hooked in the neck of the gown made her lie down again. He also took his robe from his shoulders. Now he had discovered the two breasts, for the expression with which Ranulf looked on, Reina guessed that that conversation would last long. - Are you still angry that I have sought to Alma? Reina was discussed, uncomfortable. "You could have made me the same question. - Would you have said you would please like I did? "No, because it knew that was possible. "Me too. He brushed her cheek with his lips, following a path towards the mouth, but did not kiss her. He just slid his tongue over his lower lip, tempting, until she felt compelled to press their lips against it. Then he leaned back, smiling. "Now tell me if you enjoyed. - Do you have any questions? She asked. "No, but I hear it from your mouth. Say, Reina. "He stressed the requirement to another kiss, letting his lips were suspended just above those of her. Say it. "I ... enjoyed. "If I do it again, did not we protest? "That's not what I said. Wait, Ranulf! It's morning ... morning ... Good Lord, "he concluded, with a sigh of happiness.


Queen cut the last thread and rose, extending the finished garment to its last inspection. And had to smile. By edging the blue velvet with bands of ivory silk brocade, had made a gown fit for a king. It remained to see if her husband agreed to use it, and not just because he was not accustomed to wear gowns, but because all his clothes were tarnished: simple garments of wool or thread, unadorned and almost always in need of some arrangement. No one could accuse of flashy or exhibitionist, but he was, long ago, in a position to spend more on clothes. The fact that preferred simple attire spoke volumes for his character.

When sewing this gown, she had allowed a luxury, since only she and the few servants who entered the room he would show it off. The rest of the new wardrobe she thought her husband would do to good quality, but more modest ... at least while he was not accustomed to the idea that wealthy lords of the realm should show elegant and present a better appearance than their vassals. While sewing the velvet, the comments received from the elderly ladies were hot, the usual in this situation for any new bride, and she accepted that grade. - Are you sure she wants to meet with that shoulder so magnificent? "What I want is to remove the robe, does not wear it. "I regret it, if you like my William and decides to sleep with it on," said Lady Margaret. "If not used to wear gowns, why change something so good? What they do not seem to understand (and Queen was not willing to explain it) was to do a body like Ranulf walking naked through the room, was raging in the balance of a woman, at least yours. When he was naked, Queen committing stupid, like stare at him with undisguised lack of tact, or accused of bad intentions to a poor cat. It would not be long before she succumbed to the impulses sensual golden skin that caused it: I would like to touch it, caress it, taste it, although he did not send him. And then, what do you think I? After all, the fact that Ranulf make love so often it was just the fulfillment of a deal. That would end as soon as she became pregnant. The wearing of a gown was insurance against the temptation. Ensured that "I would not believe devastated by the loss of your body, eventually. If he had continued as at first, this problem would not have existed. But his new techniques had it captivated. God, how captivated! And he knew it. In addition, sweet and charming showed his pleasure at such a great feat, typically male reaction, probably, like the boy who claimed his first victory against insurmountable obstacles. So she kept thinking it was for, basically, its indifference. At least, he should save his pride. Reina took the finished garment to take to your room. Leave her in bed to see her Ranulf. It was hoped that he felt compelled to use it, it had been sewn for him. Otherwise, the Queen would be responsible for causing air currents in the room, removing some carpets. A little cold would make him stop his shamelessness. "In your place, think better," Lady Hilary delivered with singsong voice, causing a mischievous giggle among younger women. Queen smiled despite himself. If the circumstances of their marriage have been different, I would have known better, yes. But it could hardly be forgotten that had been almost Ranulf arm twisting to accept marry her. Despite their new skills lovemaking, of which he was so proud, yes. No doubt prefer to practice them with someone else. "If you are forced to give her a gown, lose your" suggested Florette, seriously. Thus he will not use yours often. They finally managed to bring the blush looked. But before Reina could say a proper answer, Wenda appeared in the doorway and stopped the merry laughter. Came exhausted, one hand on the chest, signs of which had reached full speed. Nor wasted no time in rodeos, once he had recovered his breath.

"Milady, the better you'll come soon. They returned the knights of Lord Ranulf, and two are wounded. In the work room was quiet. Queen's heart had turned around before the first words, thinking that Ranulf had suffered a mishap. Could not explain the reason for that reaction, but to retrieve the color efficiency also recovered from his mind. - Hilary, Florette, come with me. He threw the robe Wenda. Put that in my bedroom when you go to get my medication. Margaret, collect whatever is necessary and met me down. Elaine, send someone in search of my lord. We can not wait for his return. - Where? "In the village, I believe. - "Paying a fortune to Alma, the Redhead," he said to himself, for he was not sure that Ranulf had joked to ensure that women's advice worth its weight in gold. Florette "? The young widow was not up to join her on the contrary, still looking to Wenda, his face pale. - Es .. Sir Walter is among the injured? I do not know, ma'am, "said Wenda. Even were taking the tower when the teacher Gilbert sent me looking for Lady Queen. That response did not improve the color of Florette, Queen had to wonder if the lovely brunette felt a certain affection for Walter Breaute. Obviously, their problems had made her lose touch with what was happening at home. Did not even know that the men had left Clydon Ranulf that day. "Maybe it's better that you remain here, Florette," he suggested, deciding that women only serve as a hindrance if Sir Walter was among the wounded and she loved him. Margaret can ... -No. Need to know. "By the way, but ... "Oh, please, ma'am" said Florette. It was only the surprise. I'm fine. Queen hesitated, but finally he nodded and left the room to work. Even before reaching the room heard the invective hurled Searle of Totnes men who carried him. He had been struck in the thigh peak and although the metal head had been removed, was still stuck in the wound of his pants links of mail, that moved with each stroke. However, his voice revealed his condition was not as serious as had been suggested Wenda. Walter, on the contrary (indeed, he was the other wounded), he was unconscious. He had good color and bled for more than one wound. They were followed by Eric Fitzstephen. Queen gave him the questions that required an answer, while the gentlemen carriers deposited in separate rooms, adjacent to the lounge. - How long has it that Sir Walter is bleeding? "Too much time," said Eric, his voice hoarse with concern. He received a gash in his side began shortly after the brawl, but continued fighting. We were a good distance from Clydon when we ambushed. - Did it fall from his horse to receive the head wound? "She asked. I know if you have internal injuries. "No, no broken ribs or anything. Neither injury knocked him down. He saw his own blood, when it was over, that ... ch ...

"I understand," interrupted Queen, assuming that a gentleman had difficulty talking about the disappearance of a couple. Do you know who did it? "We were in the path of the forest, my lady. That probably explained it. "Okay. I sent for Ranula s one of my ladies will attend these scratches before he arrives, they will want to hear a full report of what happened. Florette found Walter bent over in the bedroom where he lay. He was very pale again, but in activity. Carefully remove the makeshift bandage had been placed on the head. "Let it vigorously," Reina said. Hence the bleeding has stopped, but the side still. - No. .. die, ma'am? "Do not commit such foolishness," pronounced Queen, however, could not be sure until they see the wounds. The most difficult was to withdraw the heavy armor of Walter to reach the wound. It took the help of two men to achieve this by moving as little as possible. Then they cut his clothes quickly, exposing his wound. "Too long," said Eric. And it was not exaggerated. Walter had the entire left side red and soaked up the boots, the wound, uneven, yet leaked. The gun, whatever, had passed through the chain mail just below the rib below, but instead of penetrating the body to cause death, had been diverted by the ribs, after which tore the flesh diagonally. It was deep, but did not seem so bad, at least, would not have been if it had closed on time. Now the danger was that he had lost too much blood and was too weak to fight infection. Queen worked quickly, cleaned the wound and applied an ointment to stop the bleeding. Florette did let the suture while she took care of the wound in the head. It was only a small cut in the skin, but underneath was a large bump. That could have been prevented with a helmet. Walter would have a severe headache for several days, which would teach him not to leave without a helmet again Clydon. Walter did not wake up for a moment, which was fortunate as there were many stitches applied. Instead, it was not easy to make him swallow the tonic prepared Reina. She let Florette be responsible for that, while she went to check the status of the younger gentleman. Powerful Searle complaints, which became more noisy with Hilary care could be heard clearly in the neighboring chamber. Only when the lady had finished half fell silent. But when he saw Queen, the gentleman returned to raise their voices. "You are cruel, madam, for sending me this witch. "That witch has softer hands than mine, sir, thankful that I was busy with Sir Walter and I could not attend personally. That silenced him and caused a chuckle in the stout lady, who said: - Neither the children assembled by a puncture fuss! - A stick! "Searle was about to choke. "Only three stitches," he informed Mrs. Hilary. - So few? Sir Walter has just received almost twenty. Do you perhaps have heard screaming for mercy? "Queen smiled, felt pity for the girl, who was blushing. We're kidding, Searle. Sometimes screaming in pain relief. You ought to have heard from my father

when he nailed a simple chip in the exercise yard. To remove it we had to fill our ears with rags. - Walter is ... ? 'Do not worry. He is still unconscious, but at this point is what suits him. His injuries are not as bad as they seemed, but will be very painful when you wake up. Now drink this. He held a concoction of white poppy mixed with mulled wine. We will relieve pain and sleep, which is what you ought also to you. "But Ranulf .. "Eric will respond to your questions. At that moment the door burst open the bedroom next door. Searle hastened to swallow your beverage. - How long will effect? Reina looked at him frowning. - What's the matter? "He'll be furious. I'd rather be asleep when enrage. "But what reasons have to be angry? Unless you three you have done wrong. Was it? "We have one dead and two wounded. They were only fifteen. We should have done better job, ma'am. "And you, how many you were? - Six. Queen stared at him in disgust. "Sleep, confused. Hilary, take care that the Lord, my husband, do not disturb sharply. "It is little that you ask, my lady. Hilary also received a look of disgust at the unnecessary sarcasm. "Okay, I'll handle it. "And Queen retreated, muttering:" Jesus, "three to one ratio seems good? Ranulf Do you think that all men are giants like him? Eric was leaning against the wall, before Walter's bedroom, weak, apparently Ranulf had already told what happened. The door was still open, and Queen hesitated to see Ranulf inside. He was with Walter's bed, watching his body so tense that seemed made of stone, muscles bulging, fists clenched against the flank. She could not see his expression, but it certainly was furious, because he had scared him Florette made the point of abandoning his patient, she also waited outside the room. When Queen came to his side, he did not move his eyes turned to look. "It's possible you're mad at him for having been wounded, Ranula Think you did it on purpose? "The foolish knew it was going to cross the forest, madam. I knew that this place was teeming with bandits. However, it was only three men in arms.

"But also accompanied by three men well armed. Outlaws rarely attack travelers who go in groups and armed.

"This time they did. What could be replicated? He had reason to be angry. But when he looked, it was not what she saw anger in his eyes, but a deep fear, terrible. "Ma'am, please do not let die," he said, with sincere regret. If you help you recover, you will tell my deepest gratitude. Queen felt a lump in my throat. He felt the irresistible urge to hug and reassure him that there was nothing to fear. But compassion and consolation were not vacuous way of dealing with this man. - What are you thinking, sir? He cried, his voice deliberately severe. As much as I would like to have your obligation at times that suited me well, I must say that Breaute not going to die ... His injuries are mild compared to some I've seen. "In that case, why do not you awake? "Because I say something to make him sleep, and also to Sir Searle. It's the best way to regain strength after losing blood. But neither is so badly wounded that he does not protest over the forced rest to. I was not sure her husband would believe it, but after a moment he nodded curtly and left the room. Queen sighed, but the relief was short lived. Looking at Walter found it was still horribly pale. No wonder that Ranulf would have thought moribund. "You'd better listen to me, De Breaute. He leaned toward the wounded man to whisper harshly in his ear. If you make me look like a liar murindote, spend the rest of my life praying for you to spend eternity rotting in purgatory. I do not know how stupid reasons, but he loves you. And you will regain it very soon. The hear it or not, Queen felt better for having said. Florette still haunted the door, anxious, so the Queen did pass, he was instructed to monitor the fever and send for the first symptom. Looking around the room, found that Ranulf was again talking with Eric, but only heard the approaching end of the dialogue. "Send a messenger of confidence Warhurst Castilian. Tell him you can catch the outlaws behind them by sending a large force, tomorrow at dawn. - Is it true? "Yes. After the chase to put in our hands, it can keep much of them remaining to do his will. Queen Ranulf away without seeing her. It was logical to not notice it, since they only thought of bloodshed. She had never heard that tone, but whatever their plans for the next day, he preferred not to know. Almost felt sorry for the outlaws, but should have been eliminated long ago. CHAPTER XXXIII

The stormy sky reduced the heat, but nothing relieved the impatience of Ranulf, as the morning progressed. Clydon had left in the dark, at mid night and in small groups at intervals. Another precaution was riding south first and then go around the forest, so that the ambush was not discovered. Ranulf had taken sixty-eight existing Clydon horses, including his wife mincing palfrey. Still, some men had to ride in pairs, so that the hundred called Ranulf may accompany up to where he wanted before daybreak. And Sir Eric Meyer moved toward the east, with half of the men continued by Ranulf western edge of the forest. Failure to understand the terrain was not an obstacle, at least in the western boundary. The stream that ran parallel to the forest, along a mile, was a ravine low enough to hide the horses, even spread to monitor the point where they could leave the outlaws. They needed to stay hidden to take advantage of surprise. Only it was hoped that Eric had found a similar protection. Between the woods and the stream had a width of oats sown very little height, would not provide any coverage to the outlaws, once they are caught in the middle. According to one of the men of Clydon, oat field owned by the widow of Burgh, so that did not care Ranulf strewn with corpses and trample the young plants. He had even thought of sending a man to the manor, to recruit all the men of which the widow could do without, but decided against it. If Lord Rothwell decided to see what had happened to his girlfriend or had new problems with Falk de Rochefort, then would come the opportunity to call his vassals. - Is there something wrong out, Ranulf? Kenric asked by his side. Perhaps Warhurst men were lucky, for once, and have caught. Ranulf was limited to growl, because he had been the same. Forests measured only a few miles in width, how much could take a man come out to run for his life? Clear that those outlaws were cunning. At that moment may be at the forest edge, alert to any trap, before deciding to run to the valley below, to the west. And then he saw a movement, but took a moment for sure. That's why those men had eluded capture for so many horses and asos Without wearing the colors of the forest, could be easily confused with the surrounding foliage; to be invisible due to the treetops. If the pursuers were not many, there was no reason to quit altogether. Warhurst must have sent a patrol so numerous that they were nervous and they ventured out. The men were already two, now three. They wore no hurry. The first turned to say something to his comrades, while others went out of the woods. If it had spread to flee from the soldiers Warhurst, obviously had been reunited before risking out into the open. It was more than I could ask Ranulf. He had been afraid to come out one by one, for only thus could catch a handful before and again warned others to be lost among the trees. Ranulf gave the order to prepare, although the band of outlaws crossing the seed could not pass unnoticed. Now numbered nearly fifty, which pleased Ranula Thirty-four of his men would come to meet them. The others were stationed with crossbows to shoot down those who were put at their disposal. Ranulf had no intention of losing one, therefore, he must first cut off their retreat to the woods.

What followed was a travesty that could have a warrior tanning disgust. The element of surprise worked. Seeing a row of carrying riders from the embankment in front of them, the outlaws gasped for endless seconds, then turned and ran. The achieved something beyond the middle of the field, which caused them to lose courage, because the forests were gone. Several were shot down in step, but when turned back Ranulf was found prostrate with the whole band, all had thrown their arms and screaming for mercy, like a wellrehearsed ploy. Ranulf was upset, but he had but to accept the surrender, unless you wish to start a real slaughter. However, cejara in seeking revenge. Eric had said that five bandits had abandoned the struggle to get lost in the woods to see what was being defeated. Would hang those five and the head of the band. The other would return to Warhurst. Ranulf'd be dismounted and made the teacher Scot, to tell him what he wanted. He did not wait long, but the sturdy fencing master returned with one man. Square jaw shaved, cut his mustache and brown hair even shorter than that of Ranulf, no one seemed to outlaw imagined. Nothing in his appearance indicated that live outdoors. It was dirty, his clothes were neat, but a moment before had asked for mercy cries, like the others, in his eyes there was any fear, until it was too direct. "He says being the boss," reported the teacher Scot, although Ranulf had already reached that conclusion. - Do you know who I am? Asked the outlaw. "I'm interested to know all my neighbors and what they do know, Lord Fitz Hugh: both the new and the old. "That would indicate that you possess some degree of intelligence. But if you possess, you would have watched and waited to see my disposal before attacking mine, "Ranulf said, roughly. "That did it. Clydon watched my men and the two roads leading to its doors. The men who attacked your companions were not in my group. Were followed from your site from where they departed, and waited for moving into the forest to attack them. more threatening: "Do not think that will stand up with just to have some tales. If you knew where they came from my guys, not try to say that the perpetrators came from there. "They came down the narrow path that leads from the manor to Warhurst Keigh Clydon or without making a detour of several miles along the route from the west. And there came among you and those who followed them. I know that, because one of my men, who were hunting in the area, saw them depart from the path. If your companions came from Keigh or beyond, as you say, do not know. But the forest path does not describe a straight line, Lord Fitz Hugh. Describes many twists to avoid the trees aged. According to my man, who continued to yours kept between the trees, when they reached the steeper curve, shortened way to get ahead of your men, left their horses hidden in the bush and went out to intercept them. It is unreasonable to attack dismounted, as you thought, especially against riders ... unless you want to impose on others the blame on someone who does not own horses. - You?

"I see you still doubt it, but common sense ordering an ambush better. Along the route there are several points where the foliage is dense. I have prepared my men there, on both sides of the road and even running through the branches that cross to fall on the target from all sides, thus it would be over soon and assured success. Ask your men, will say that everything happened very differently. It would have been easy to turn and flee rather than fight. - John! Ranulf yelled. The armed men who had accompanied Walter the day before were within walking distance Ranulf did not have to ask the question. "Certainly, sir. They came to the race, all together, from one side of the road, we had enough time to deviate from management to avoid them. Now that I think, was not worthy of attack supposedly clever men in the assault. - Where is the man Clydon? Ranula asked "Here, my lord. - Is your name Algar? "Given the nod, Ranulf asked," What do you think of the history of this bandit? - That is true what he says about his methods. In every round of which we have heard, the victims claimed that the bandits had surrounded them in seconds, falling to the sky. Rarely have time to swing a weapon. We, however, we had plenty of time for that. - Could you have been followed since Keigh manor without knowing? "Yes," said Algar, rather reluctantly. In fact, none of us paid much attention to the route. We were laughing so hard we would not have heard any pursuer. - Explain. Sir Searle was blinded by the widow, your other two men filled him with taunts, especially since the lady was not for your interest. Ranulf had not even remembered to ask how they were received in Keigh Manor. The reason for that visit had been forgotten in the light of the attack at the hands of outlaws ... if they were outlaws who had attacked. - How to find Lady Burgh? "Now that you mention it, my lord, I commented to Wat, may God receive him in her womb, the lady seemed changed since the last time we saw her in Clydon. - In what respect? "He was polite, but quite cold. Being a woman in need of a husband, it was hoped that gladly received three handsome gentlemen, but was glad to see them go further. - Did they tell them what they were going? Sir Searle should have said. As I said, I was dazzled. _ Does insult ") to the lady? - With their declarations of undying love? "I missed some touch Ranulf snorted. But what had the queen against Eric and Walter? Did they also showed offensive? "Not at all. So I was struck by the attitude of the lady. - Can you think of any reason why that may have well behaved? "I do," said the outlaw, not hesitating to draw attention again to Ranula continued:

_ According to rumors, Louise de Burgh has set his affections on William Lionel, a gentleman of your house. If you have a husband between the eyes, can receive willingly to other candidates? - How do you know this? Ranula-interpellated The man shrugged. "We have our means to find out. So we heard of your arrival and also who was the one who did flee Clydon that morning. "We know who the attacker Clydon. - You know, my lord? That was said in a tone as to leave no doubt: the banned Ranulf knew something ignorant. And the gentleman had never liked used as a toy. In the blink of an eye, the man grabbed the breast of his leather jacket and lifted to the height of his face. ~ You would do well to speak immediately, before I remember what made you bring. They fled Warhurst ~! "You're lying," he hissed Ranulf. I know on good authority that the Castilian Warhurst is a fool. Do not you have certainly proved to give the message that I sent last night, acting under him without knowing who came? This is indicated by the fact that you're here. "It's like you say, sir. But the lord of the castle is not stupid. And Lord Richard Warhurst was in that week. Also on the route, this morning, with a large army. Neither he nor his men wore their colors. I myself saw him return to Warhurst, with a right shoulder injury. I can hardly mistake the man who made me an outlaw, just because my wife wanted. Ranulf slowly placed it on the ground. Then, to the bewilderment of his men and their prisoners, broke out laughing. Could your generalete been so wrong in choosing this person as a candidate for husband? Could the feudal Senor pigeon had made the mistake of trying to seize it by force, knowing that she wished for a husband? For God's sake, that it was good! ... if it was true. Overlooking the end, she stared at the outlaw. "You are a true source of information, Master bandit. The man stood to his full height, the color was returning to her cheeks. "What I know Burgh's widow are just rumors and assumptions. He is young and in many respects remains a child. I would be the first to doubt that she had sent his men after yours. However, I know for sure that my men were not involved and that the attackers came from the area Keigh Manor. The solution is simple, of course, only I did not know I have not pretend. However, I know of Richard Warhurst is true. "So you say, but you admit have good reason to sully his name," Ranulf said. "I have them, like all men who accompany me. The father of that man is powerful, so he considers himself above the law. In Warhurst so, because no one can contradict him. Anyone who tries not to take to join our band. - Do all are of Warhurst? "Yes. We were expelled without being heard and we separated from our families. If you did not lord Richard, did his Castilian or those fat merchants that fall in grace, then imitate their behavior, falsely accuse anyone just because they covet their belongings or just because you do not have sympathy. You can see how much I have told anyone questioning Warhurst.

"If that's the way, why have not sought justice in the court of the county? - Against a feudal lord, who still have our families within their walls, subject to their whims? Ranulf grunted, knowing firsthand the power of these petty tyrants. Montfort was one of them. "You're not a commoner, either. What were you doing in Warhurst? "I worked as a clerk from Lord Richard," replied the man, disgusted. Even the fact that I knew their ill-gotten gains prevented him from getting rid of me. Ranulf raised an eyebrow. - Ill-gotten gains? "Cattle and sheep are stolen, for example? "Yes, among other things. - Cattle and sheep stolen Clydon, for example? Ranulf-specified. I do not know where they came from animals, but took them north to sell. "Tell me more," Ranulf asked, "Why no one has suspected Clydon the tyranny of this small Madam, if they are neighbors so close? - How could they suspect? The lady does not need to attend Warhurst markets, the merchants of its own Birkenham the supply of everything, why has not heard any complaints. But Lord Richard Clydon visit frequently and, outside of his little kingdom, becomes another man. It is able to fool anyone that knows you and make you believe that the body does not have an ounce of evil. He is young and clever, only Warhurst is Lord of the last four years. If the lady and her father had heard a rumor against him, would have rushed to defend him. Dudaris yourself of what I said when you know it, it causes that effect on people: it seems decent and virtuous, but it is quite the opposite. "I need to know to doubt you, man. Everything you said is a matter of doubt. Or I supposed to blindly accept the word of an outcast as divine truth? But your story makes you free to hang for a while, at least until I talk to Lady de Burgh to find out what you know about this. If I see that I've caused harm, then you shall investigate the rest.


Louise de Burgh, standing in the doorway of his room, witnessing with horror the arrival of riders and more riders were crossing their doors to crowd into the courtyard. He had announced the arrival of Lord Fitz Hugh, but too late for her to shut the gates. Now he understood that it would not have stopped him: his men still coming in, fifty, sixty, more, among them the giant on the back of his restless, huge steed. He watched from the front. He could only recognize one of the men: Sir Eric Fitzstephen. That, at least, not dead. But what about the other two visitors the previous day? Did it mean that their absence had not survived the ambush? What madness had made! He had little repentant after sending his men to attack. He sent another to the stop, but it was too late. Now, his liege lord came to take revenge. And it was all because of Searle of Totnes, fucking jerk. If he had not said he would ask Lord Ranulf was enough for him to give

it as a wife, adding that he thought to ask him, she would not have made such stupidity. Of course it was also because of William, for being so reluctant to marry her. Searle of Totnes would not have altered if he had known both married. But I could not blame William: I loved him. With a little time would have convinced a match. It was too late. Or not? Lord Fitz Hugh was presented with a small army, but how could he know what had she done? How, if she did not confess? Neither the few men who returned from their previous day's attack would admit his guilt. And William, who the fucking sense of honor could be forced to act, I knew nothing. It would suffice for her ... - Louise de Burgh? She shuddered. He had not dismantled, had not even bothered to come. His voice echoed through the courtyard like a trumpet. I'd have to shout to answer or approach. He chose not to do one thing nor the other. For now, just nodded his head. - Are these your men, ma'am? Louise looked around: the whole world had come to see the new Lord of Clydon, even the servants. But there was nothing to fear, of course, at least so they thought. William was also there, with men of arms, frowned at the attitude of Lord Fitz Hugh. Those were the men who referred to Fitz Hugh. There were only twelve, it had fallen the day before ten. Before I could nod in response to a question, Lord Ranulf interpellated: - Who of you is William Lionel? Then Louise went down the stairs at full speed. - Why do you seek to Sir William? "He shouted. He was not even here a. .. yesterday ... It was too late to remove a word that practically condemning, judging by the look of Lord Ranulf. Finally dismounted. Louise turned pale when he saw the stature of this giant who was to her. He wanted to run, but the paralyzing terror. "I would have sworn that was not your fault, ma'am. When Eric suggested that probably your man Lionel would have acted on their own to eliminate its competitors, I was inclined to believe this, but he did not remember being introduced to this man. To Ranulf had been a surprise to see Eric appear at the time that he, after sending half of his men with the group of prisoners bound for Clydon, was preparing to ride with the rest to the manor of Keigh. Eric noted that there was no point waiting for him to go out of the outlaws in the east of the forest, since Warhurst patrol had just appeared there. Therefore, he went

straight to his men to meet with Ranulf. After hearing the story of the outlaw, was quick to defend the widow. "It is beautiful, he had said. If Searle had not as soon succumbed to the arrows of Cupid, I myself would have asked you. Anyone could kill her, and this gentleman was certainly loving their opportunities to find out why our visit. " Ranulf now regretted having listened. I should have trusted his instincts, he doubted any woman first and foremost, simply because all were treacherous and deceitful. And she was beautiful: wheat silky hair, eyes like sapphires, youth and fear ... justified. Corresponded hanged, but oppose generalete. - What happens here, Lord Fitz Hugh? Ranulf, turning, met with the gentleman who had drawn attention previously. He assumed, without error, that it was Sir William Lionel. He was tall and handsome, with black hair and gray eyes sweet, not inspire passion cost him a young loner. Remained unresolved who wished to whom. "Your lady decided she had too many suitors and that it was killing some Ranulf replied" Your accusation is serious, sir. "Anyway, she is responsible. "Not while demostris not, and I will be their champion to settle the issue. That sparked immediate interest in Ranulf. Looked at the man more closely. Not bad: he was almost six feet tall, was big and showed willingness. Having spent half the night and all morning waiting for the match, Ranulf was frustrated. Perhaps this was his chance. - Against Me? There was a start of surprise, but Sir William replied immediately and nodded curtly. Ranulf's smile was slow and creepy as suggested. Lady Louise was quick to burst into tears and threw her arms around William. - You can not fight it! Please, William! I did nothing, at least he can not prove it. And Lady Queen will protect me. "Enough," said William, rough, making it aside. - Is to kill you! -Debisteis think about it before doing anything with your child habitual impetuosity. He turned and walked to the center of the courtyard. Ranulf nodded to Eric to immobilize the lady if necessary, and went to join his defiant. There was a brief wait while the squire of Sir William was in search of his helmet, in order to set it up as it was Ranulf. That done, Ranulf drew his sword and attacked. He hopes to have found, finally, an adversary worthy of him. The truth, William Lionel performed very well in the first moments. Movement was swift and sure instinct, the blade or shield blocking all the shots. But I did not do anything else. As usual, the offensive of Ranulf gave no chance to counterattack. His powerful thrusts were followed without pause until Lionel fell to his knees by sheer exhaustion, unable to lift and shield. He lowered his head, awaiting the fatal blow, too exhausted to grieve. He heard, however, that Ranulf sheathed his sword and looked surprised. The giant smiled, barely troubled breathing. William shook his head, confused. "It is not merit to enjoy this victory, when the fate of the lady is hanging in the balance. Ranulf laughed at the misunderstanding of man. "I have not done anything to repugnaros, sir. The fate of the lady was decided to fight for it or not.

- Why accept my challenge then? "I needed exercise. As usual, my opponent is in bed, through the treachery of the lady, for a long time I can not have someone capable of enfrentrseme. But have not asked for that destination. So little love? "I do not love at all. She is beautiful, yes, but also superficial and spoiled as a child, too whimsical for my taste. - Did you know that you wanted? "Yes, but I never gave hope. On the contrary, I did my best to show him that I was not interested, until I begged him to let me leave his service. But he would not believe me. - And why we offer to be their champion? "Although it is a spoiled, stupid slut, I'm still your server until I release. Ranulf held another laugh at the bitterness denoting words. "Very commendable. I could use a man of such convictions in my service, if you are ready. As for the fate of the lady, Sir William, you need not worry. The marry one of my men to make sure I do not make more mischief. Like it or not, learn to be true to him, although his back to bear the weight of education. -Lesson you should have received long ago, "huffed William, in full agreement. Ranulf then walked away, throwing his helmet to Kenric. By chance, his eye fell upon the widow, who was too far away to hear what was said about her. She was pale, anxious and trembling with fear, for their champion had failed to release it through combat. But as her Ranulf to inform its decision, the attitude was changing. His face softened, relaxed body and his eyes took on a sexy slant. Ranulf could almost hear the gears turning in his mind. He had seen too many similar expressions as to be mistaken: it was the appearance of women willing to seduce a man to get what they want. "Do not even think, ma'am," he growled, before turning away. She could wait until Searle had recovered. Then he would report on his fate. Until then, it burn for concern in his confinement, was far less than he deserved for the lives they had cost his idiocy. And if that idiot had not led to other discoveries, Ranulf would have shown much less soft.

CHAPTER XXXV "I come, ma'am. Queen did not wait to hear more: scrambled out of her bedroom, went downstairs, crossed the room and went down stairs to the courtyard, at the precise moment when Ranulf dismounted. Without thinking of the steed whose reins he still retained, like a tornado came forward and threw her arms around the neck of Ranulf. The oath that she heard him pronounce was the first indication that he had been wrong to act so impulsively. The second was the sense that Ranulf whole

body shook with the pull of the reins. Then he heard the horse, which stood hand in bringing their specialty: stomp the fool can run towards it, even if his master. Queen uttered a little cry and let go to put to good stewardship. When I finally managed to dominate the animal Ranulf was already furious. But he needed only a glance at the Queen's ashen face, so like fear of Louise de Burgh, to keep his anger for another day. He walked toward his wife and lifted her in his arms. "What nonsense you did, sir." "I know. One thing stupid and unconscious. Will not happen again. "Well," he said quietly. Now tell me why you made such a stupid thing and unconscious. She looked down shyly, while tentative hands rose to her husband's shoulders and sliding down them, to stick his neck again. "I was worried," he whispered. I was shocked to see that the men returned with prisoners and said that you were gone. I thought William Lionel, which is not a man of little physical. I was afraid to fight him and was wounded. His tremors, he found a moment later, they were laughing. That became a concern in disgust So did the big hug he received before being deposited in the soil. "Do not be silly, woman. The smile he gave her was the spur that needed his temper to explode. - Yes, I must be stupid because I care about a jerk of little brain, capable of getting into a place where treason is suspected with so few men to keep you back. "Eric's men met with me before we went to the manor," he remarked, smiling. "Ah," murmured Queen, but still was not entirely satisfied. Still, you should have expected. - Why? I was there and had leftovers men to confront a mere handful. As for Lionel, it's not a weakling, but look at me, Queen, and tell me which one you bet. She stuck a sour look that presumption. "I just need a man with an arrow to knock a giant, Ranulf. You're not invincible. "Maybe not," conceded him. But I'm not an idiot. Seven years ago I take strengths and defeated armies on behalf of others. Do you think I can care less now that I work for myself? "I guess not," she admitted reluctantly. - Why worry then? "Women do not need reasons to worry," she replied angrily. As I wanted to worry, I did. "Ma'am, before you to continue telling more and more foolish things, I must say that my feet will not survive much longer. You should be giving me a bath, a meal and a bed, instead of scolding me for a job well done. Do you know how I've been without sleep? A color flooded her cheeks risen Queen. - Good God! Did not you say before! Come, sir, come and you have what you want.

He let himself be preceded by the steps. Noting the swing of your hips, shook his head. He regretted that Reina had used those words, for once, was too exhausted to take advantage of them.

Queen could not tell what had awakened her, but immediately knew he was alone in bed. He felt a slight fear, followed by a shock to see Ranulf. He was leaning against the bedpost, with the curtains apart to contemplate better. More worried still see him naked, covered in bronze by candlelight. If he had noticed the new robe on his chest of clothes, it was obvious that paid attention. - Is something, sir? - No. - What do you do, then there? "I watched him sleep," she said simply. He added as simply "Do you know that you snore? She gasped, but was quick to deny: - Do not grunt! "Yes, harsh. Not much, but anyway hoarse. How terrible to say that to a woman! And the worst was not being able to answer the same grade. "Thank you. I would have embarrassed a lot to go on living without knowing it. He chuckled. "Do not get mad, generalete. I still feel the glory for the attentions lavished on me yesterday. Nobody ever treated me with such tenderness. How angry with him after hearing this? "I did nothing but give you bathe and eat. -Also heat my wine and my sheets, and cover the windows to darken the room, and sent to all your ladies down, so no noise would bother me so early. To enfold me before leaving toes. Was he making fun of her or gave her thanks? Reina, anyway, he blushed. At that moment I had thought sleeping sheer exhaustion. In addition, both relieved to have him back without a scratch it was a pleasure him comfortable. But was it true that no one had ever wrapped? He wanted to throw her arms around his neck to hug him, but he was not a creature that could console, it was foolish to try. "I thought dormirais until morning, my lord. Do you have disturbed something? "Yes, you, he thought, to snuggle against my body." But they said, because he had made her blush. "No, enough a few hours to recuperate. I have not yet accustomed to the luxury of sleep a night. But I was so tired that I did not ask for Walter. How are you? "She woke up and began to complain, as predicted. "At least this time telling the truth. "I will say now what happened in the manor of Keigh? - Does my men not to bother with that question once I had my bed?

His knowing smile irritated her, but after a moment she smiled, recognizing: "Eric told me." He told me also your battle with Lionel. - Well? "Wonderful, no confrontation, and I had no reason to worry," she agreed, reluctantly. But I told you that women do not need reasons for that. "What really intrigues me, madam, is that concern you. - Do you think I want to bear the problem of choosing the other spouse? She countered. - Does that mean that you are pleased with your current husband? -Met. He issued a booming laugh. "That word can be interpreted in many ways. Queen gritted teeth. "I turn away from the subject, my lord. Eric did not tell me what were your intentions with Lady Louise. Ranulf came to sit on its side of the bed. For a moment the girl saw his broad back. The force that suggested him with a pleasant shiver down his own thoughts of the topic. Then he leaned on his elbow, hip spot with Queen, surprising her with a serious expression. "The widow will remain locked in her bedroom until Searle is spare enough to marry ... if you still want to do, after learning of his treachery. Queen stiffened. - Does that mean that you have not thought of Arnulfo Sir, as I asked? -No. I have thought about putting it in front of Birkenham. - But that too! She exclaimed, surprised. - Why, if it is as fair as you have said and if it is to my liking? - But ... but I thought you would give Birkenham Walter. "He does not want it. "That said, I know, but I thought he was joking. Ranulf smiled. He spoke very seriously. He knows he will always have a place for him without overwhelming with responsibilities that do not want. If you bear with them, would simply go home, which is welcome and no one else will ask that the fight if necessary. "That being so, why did you sent Keigh Manor? He shrugged. "So the two younger men to death was not rolling for the lady if both decided that they wanted. - What if he also had been infatuated with Louise? "It was not probable, it has always shown a keen interest in one of your ladies. Or have not you noticed? -Eadwina is not one of my bridesmaids. Ranulf laughed at this indignant protest.

"I did not mean it. Walter's interest by Eadwina is just a necessity. Every man should meet their needs while thinking of marriage. Or approve of the introduction to hidden in the bed of Florette lady? "I do not approve of one thing or another. Do not understand how a man can not control his lust for short periods. If Walter wants to Florette, and I can assure you that she would love to accept, can not wait to get married? You waited. -For the second time, she saw her husband's face lit up and finished flush, inexplicably offended, "Or did not you wait? He caught the muffled tone of the question and put a hand on the cheek. - Would it have been so eager to enjoy yourself, after the second ceremony, if I had been sleeping with one of your girls? But I will not deny that I thought, out of pure annoyance at the fact that you lock your door. And if you say it is bad thinking, I'll give you a whipping. She could not stop smiling, knowing full well that he meant it. And the relief was too much to the worry that a spanking. "No, not tell. Otherwise, everything should be condemned to living man. "I'm glad you're reasonable," he growled, sitting up. It was obvious that she did not believe in their threats of spanking, but Ranulf was not able to decide whether he liked or not. How does a wife who dominates not afraid of retaliation? If you ever had the need to punish her, she might be humiliated and never forgives, the lesson to teach, whatever it was, it was not worthwhile. But there was to find out why he did not think it was worth. - Do you think of anything, Ranulf? "I just remember the prisoners," he said, grumpy, in need of a distraction to the direction they were taking her thoughts. Where are they installed? "In one of the towers of the wall. I must admit I was surprised to see them coming. - Why? I did not think your plan would work, since you changed your mind and instead of sending a messenger, a message sent to Warhurst unsigned. Only an idiot would initiate action on such unreliable information. "I counted on that Castilian was as stupid as you said, and it was. "But why did you run that risk? "If the plan did not work, did not want to play the role of fool. She had to answer with a smile, before this show of vanity. "Oh, very careful, sir. Ranulf saw his irony and frowned. "Prudent or not, was, ma'am. And the message was unsigned, in Warhurst not know I had something to do, also know that the outlaws are in my possession. "But I heard you say you thought returned to Warhurst. Have you changed your mind about that also? "For the moment, yes. - Do you think hang myself? "You do not have horrified woman. If you deserve the gallows, will be hanged. But I am inclined to think that it is a punishment less severe, and even

leave them without punishment, if it's true what they say about Warhurst. That's what I find out tomorrow. - You can not believe the word of an outlaw! "She protested. "I thought so, but what about the chief said Keigh manor house turned out to be true. - And what have been said about Warhurst? "Only that your dear Lord Richard has been there in recent weeks, and that Warhurst left with a large force on the very morning I found a large force attacking Clydon, and that morning he returned to his city, wounded. He said many things, but ... Do you laugh? I find nothing humorous in what I said. Queen tried to control himself, but he escaped another laugh. It was her husband's brow, more and more grim, what inspired him seriously, but not complete. I can not believe you've given credit to the story ridiculous. - Why do you say ridiculous? - What reason could have Richard to attack? "The same to be attributed to Falk Rochefort. - Marry me? "She smiled. You forget that I was willing to marry Richard. "No, not forgotten. But tell me, Queen, did you know him? That ended with the exhilaration of youth. The pleasure she saw in her husband before his new term even more screwed up. "I knew it or not, I will never be convinced that Richard wanted to hurt me, do not know, Ranulf. It is more gentle and sweet ... - You think so? "He interrupted, with a sneer. So you're safe? What if it's a very different man when he is behind the walls of his little kingdom? Perhaps you've seen in Warhurst? Do you know how it behaves there or how it treats its people? He went on telling the rest of what was revealed of his outlawed Lord Richard and ended: - What if only part of that is true? - Just because an outlaw says so? "Spurned her. I had to tell the truth about Keigh, no doubt, because you were going to hang him and he knew it. As this gave him such a good result, wove another fable of injustices suffered for his other goal: complete freedom. And you admit that you're thinking provide such assistance. Oh, man is clever, yes. But not convince me that Richard is not the best person in the world. And I know why you prefer to believe such rubbish. "Before he can even deny it, he said, hotly:" For the same reason you despise Lord loved john. Want me to be eternally grateful for having married you, not one of them. But I'm grateful, do not need ... He put a sudden end to this tirade half turned to land on it. One finger crossed over the lips of the girl child prevented him cry. "You've changed anything, ma'am," he said, smiling broadly. I believe I did not say a word of it. Only I get to the truth. According to you, Richard is a saint. 'll Take your word until it sees evidence to the contrary. But let that gratitude now you just confess. "It carries some benefit to the recipient? Seeing the direction they had taken their thoughts and their gaze, Queen could not say a word. The stiffened her breasts under her eyes, the redness, burning. When he returned to her eyes, she could barely hold his views, choking on the words that I had learned to recognize.

Breathless, he waited for the mouth of Ranulf begin its magic. However, it was his hand that covered his chest, he kept his eyes on hers. His fingers were warm and soft, infinitely exciting, played with her nipples until they were erect, causing a mild excitement with a pinch a little harder, which intensified the emotion to relax. But he kept watching her, warning her breathless. Finally he asked: - I'm hurting? - No. - Did I say if it were? "By God, you're going to start again with those? Queen heard her laugh a moment before her tongue licked her lips. During the next hour, she was able to experience the benefits for which he had asked, with a considerable degree of mutual pleasure.


Queen saw the giant across the room toward her, accompanied by his butler, but still could not believe his eyes: he knew very well that Ranulf was still in bed. Those hours of restorative sleep had lasted for the rest of the night and all morning. She had just been in the kitchen, where he had given orders to wait for him to postpone lunch. Theo, who had not left the room until his return, he responded negatively when asked if Ranulf had left her a moment before. If it was not her husband, who was walking toward her, it was a man equally great, if she could have sworn that was impossible. As had happened to see her husband for the first time, just noticed the size of the man. He did not see his face but when he came near to it, then his golden hair, to remove the cap. Gilbert must having presented before escaping, but Reina, stunned, did not hear a word. Golden hair and skin, deep violet eyes, the same face: that of Ranulf, but it was Ranulf. Everything was incredible. Would your brother? No, because, as he himself said, his brother was a minor. This man was older, but not much. I was not old enough to be her father, but could not be otherwise. However, there was a loving father. Recalling that, Queen recalled her reaction outraged to hear the story from the lips of Ranulf. 'Do not worry, Lady Queen. Often caused this effect in women. No doubt he repeated these words out of habit, were intended to reassure the ladies, embarrassed after having been deaf, blind and mute to his extraordinary appearance. But this time I was wrong. Queen's stupefaction was justified: not every day one meets an identical version and more of the man she married. - Have you come to visit Ranulf? - To Ranulf? 'He then touched her surprise show. But then she smiled, understanding. That's why I mirabais as follows: for the resemblance. It's weird, right?

"Very," she said, he still could not believe that two men of different ages could be so alike. "Actually, I knew that Ranulf was in this area. The last news I had of him was that he was fighting for one of the lords of the border. Of course that was last year, and he does not like to spend much time on the same site. How could he know that? According to Ranulf said, had only spoken with this man twice in his life. Perhaps this man pretending paternal familiarity and interest only because, in view of those who knew them both, there was no denying that they were father and son. "Maybe I've had this habit, yes, but it's hard to leave Clydon for some time," she said, very stiff. The man seemed confused by his attitude, but also curious to his words. "I know very well Clydon and many lands, Lady Queen, but nobody has told you to have the kind of problems that could lead you to require special skills of my son. Anyway, I can assure you that you have hired the best. Was it true pride that was detected in his voice? What right had to be proud of the son who had almost given up? "Naturally, we should be grateful for the exceptional skills of Ranulf, my lord, but I fear you have misunderstood. Ranulf I have not hired, I'm married to him. It's the new lord of Clydon. Seeing the surprise of his visitors, Queen ceased to be ashamed by that time she had experienced before. He looked at her in disbelief for long moments. Then he threw his head back and laughed. - You doubt my words? "She bristled. He took a moment to catch his breath to reply. "Absolutely not, my lady. Ranulf I always knew I would know to get a position, but never suspected they were to overcome mine. If you are in the castle, I really like to see. "But it is not why you came. What brings you here, my lord? "The car where my luggage was lost a wheel a short distance from here. It occurred to me to borrow your blacksmith services to accelerate the repair, and take the opportunity to present my respects. Now maybe you kindly tell me why you stand on the defensive. - To the defense? I thought he was showing quite rude, but if you prefer to put it another way ... Instead of resentment that such rudeness would have caused in any other, the response was another laugh. The truth was not easy to insult the father or the son. Queen ended up feeling embarrassed for trying. After all, the man was a guest and was under his roof, although it had not been invited. He did not deserve their antagonism by past events that have nothing to do with it. What if Ranulf was glad to see it? If she drove out before her husband had a chance to decide, would pay dearly. In short: he was behaving abominably towards a man she did not know. What was his name? By God, ask now would be an insult. "I must ask your pardon ... "No," interrupted him, still smiling. I like your temper, ma'am. It is a necessary feature to deal with my child, stubborn and often intimidating. A woman with less guts would be overwhelming.

Once again, the Queen was asked how he could know that, if he had tried so little to Ranulf. But do not ask. So far, the best was to retire as soon as possible, not to commit further incivilities. However, his comment deserved a response. "Ranulf is not as scary as it sounds, when one becomes accustomed to their roars. But you ought to know ... "He stopped, horrified at having fallen again in the same, it was hoped that he had not found that last sarcasm. I felt in your house, sir. He indicated a bench by the hearth, away from the bustle of the servants who were still arranging the tables. Soon we will have lunch, as you can see, and will be happy to accompany us. "He spoke the truth, but did not know how they would receive Ranulf. And now, excuse me while I look for my husband to attend to you. Before she could answer, rushed away, only stopping to order a servant to bring wine to the gentleman. She felt upset and anxious, but also annoyed by the behavior of the visitor. He acted as if Ranulf was his beloved son, when in fact he barely recognized. Is it intended to take advantage of the good fortune of Ranulf? Yes, I explained that it had been so pleased to learn that his son was lord of Clydon, but not paternal pride in knowing that he was not there only as a mercenary. Indeed, Queen did not know what to think. Of course, Ranulf could have quiet a few facts. However, his bitterness was genuine when talking about his father. That was real and caused in her dislike of that parent indifferent. If Ranulf not kept any affection undoubtedly have their reasons, she knew them or not. Recalling that bitterness, Queen's concern increased. Embarrassed by his own conduct had invited the man to eat. Now repent. If Ranulf refused to receive ... Worse, if required him to leave, the shame of Queen would be even greater, although she had tried to leave. Once offered the hospitality was tantamount to a peace offer, which did not retire but when the guest committed acts contrary to that goodwill.

But forget all that the Queen discovered that Ranulf was still in bed, but awake, alert to the haste with which she approached. Queen sought immediately symptoms of pallor or excessive in their skin color, which might indicate a disease. He had not, however, must be sick to have been delayed so many hours in bed, awake, especially considering that he had mentioned his intention to interrogate prisoners and send one of his men to Warhurst to talk with townspeople. She cursed herself for not having gone before to see how he was. "You should send for me. The dry tone belied the softness of his hands on his forehead and neck of her husband. "You're feverish," he added with a gesture of concern. What ails you? Ranulf looked at her blankly. Then he answered: - is below.

She looked down to put it down in the womb, naked on the bed sheet around his hip. He applied his hand but did nothing but roam the area. She felt him stiffen the muscles at the touch, a sure sign that he was sore. So was frightened: this was more serious than she thought. With the suddenly dry throat fear, chirped: - Here? Ranulf's voice was firm not to respond: "Lower. Queen's eyes fell a little more. With the same speed were filled with suspicion and turned slowly to him. "Here, eh? So what can hamper there? "A painful swelling ... - Ooooohhh! - Go! He smiled from ear to ear to the indignation of his wife. - You're insufferable, Ranulf! I thought you were seriously ill! If you ever scare me like that ... I felt a strong urge to slap him. And as he continued to smile, gave way. - Ay! "You deserve it," she growled. Now I have something to cure " He rubbed his shoulder as if it really hurt him, complaining: "I you had, ma'am. "Yes, your sense of humor you would need a good purge. Now tell me the real reason you're still in bed. Did you just wake up? He shook his head. "I've been practicing patience, generalete. I was here, lying, waiting to come to scold me for my laziness. "Stop teasing. "But I'm serious. Would you have preferred to get you dragged down? Do not you think that your ladies have arched an eyebrow? Sable eyebrows of the Queen herself came together on the nose. "You would not ... of ... But he was able, and showed so sly expression, if no previous experience. In addition, it was too late to pretend he did not understand why there are raised eyebrows. - Should I give thanks?

"Never fails," said he, chuckling, "if not overwhelm me with scolding, they resort to sarcasm. But in this case you should thank me, generalete. There will always be so considerate. Sometimes quickly bring y. .. "So dark corner will suffice, right? That joke was found lying on the bed. "Anyone, yes, but I prefer this soft bed. - More than forests? "Much more. She suppressed a smile, but he could not stay mad when he showed well. I would never have imagined that, within that grim giant, there was a playful man.

But beginning to acknowledge that it was. Moreover, this would eventually become fond loving hand, and in this is your problem. However, the duration thought to take advantage ... but not now. Before the gentle bite on the neck will make memory loss, blurted out: "Ranulf, you have to leave this for later. "No, unless the tower is burning. No longer nibble. And now that was no longer afraid to touch her, his hands also were kept busy. "Ranulf .. I came to tell ... Below is someone who should ... You have to ... Ranulf exclaimed, feeling a bite on the lobe. Well, we can leave it for later-decided. But then he repented with a sigh: "No, Ranulf, we can not. It's your father. He froze. After a moment he slowly began to look back: - My what? "Your father is down. He has asked to see you. It revealed the surprise, for a fleeting second, also something akin to joy, but Reina could not tell. But whatever these initial reactions, emotion soon covered a much bleaker, the same that she had been to hear him speak of his father. Ranulf left the bed, she thought she was getting dressed, but did not. He paced, rather, to roam like a nervous animal. The gown she had sewn for those times lay on the hood. For the moment, Queen cared very little. Ranulf knew little about modesty, it is likely that the gown is not ever used. And his body was splendid sight. As raw masculinity her reaction resulted in making primary totally regret having opened your mouth. But it was too late. Although I hated to interrupt these give-and-forth, had to ask: - Do you receive? - How the hell did you hear so soon? Queen had the feeling that he did not speak with her, had not even heard her question. In any case, he replied: "If you mean to our wedding, I was not aware. At least, until I mentioned it.

That attracted the attention of Ranulf. - You did you say ... ? In that case, why did you come? "It's no mystery, Ranulf .- your baggage cart broke down passing through here. Otherwise would not have stopped in Clydon. Gilbert brought y. .. "And you guessed who it was," he concluded in disgust. - What do you guess? By God, it did not take guesses. You told me that he was so young or you were an almost exact copy. - Do you think I am pleased that closely resembles? Can not imagine how many times I have been mistaken for him by people who took some time without seeing it. There were even those who refused to believe that we were not the same person. Do you know what it means to confuse you with someone who ... ? He did not complete the sentence. She did instead: - "With someone who despise? Is this, really? Ranulf frowned - What you want, woman? - Congratulate yourself, perhaps. The frown became more somber. She hastened to add, grumpy: - Why do not you come down to ask? - Bite your tongue! She blinked, then his lips curved imperceptibly. I had heard the same words to Walter knew they were an expression of anger, but rather a phrase of affection. It could be the recipient of its roar, but not anger, at least, not yet. "That means you do not receive. "No, I receive it," he growled. "Too bad ~ she replied in a careless tone, as if the case was resolved. I would like to know how he knows so much about you.

- What do you mean? "At some point you should have given reasons to be proud to be your father. I do not understand why ... - Queen ... - It was just a joke! She cried, seeing approaching. And escaped from the bed to the door before adding, "But you should have heard him sing your praises when he thought I had hired your services! Maybe he wanted to make sure it was worth paying you. It was a pleasure to correct their error. However, I must confess that at first I was very rude. I do not understand why. But I'll be glad to know that in the case of insults is as waterproof as you. There was no way to offend. "Certainly was not your fault, as you are able to bite right at the jugular. She smiled to herself, but took another step toward the door before making the final confession:

"I still did not know and had no excuse to show as little hospital. That's why I came to dinner with us, to apologize. - What? "He exploded. That was the right time to escape quickly.


Reina had to cover his mouth with his hand as he ran toward the stairs. The expression of Ranulf was very funny, was among the surprise and anger. But in reality he had been wrong to act that way. He would not settle scores with her for having put in such a predicament. And maybe even give results. Not because she wanted to meet his father had presented him to stop. And anyway, what was I expected to accomplish? That everything was all right as soon as they saw? This would hardly be possible. And really, who did not want to be her father Ranulf beg him to leave. He had been too rude. If Ranulf not want him in the castle, who was himself expelled. Queen stopped at the top of the stairs, he still had to give some explanation about this man, when he returned to living without her son. An excuse, a lie, the truth? What could be more credible? If Ranulf knew as well as implied, is not expecting that reaction would you? Still pondering on the problem, frowning, when a hand closed over his shoulder, giving a scare to death, because he had not heard anyone approaching from behind. On turning round saw why: there was Ranulf, barefoot ... from head to toe. Queen gasped: never have dared to provoke, but for the security of being able to escape their wrath clearing the bedroom door, I could not believe he would dare to follow as well. - Are you crazy? -Accused, feeling his cheeks burning of shame that he should have felt. Imagined ten servants who appeared suddenly and witnessed the complete lack of modesty of her husband. You're naked, by God! - Nude patience, lady! "He growled, as an answer. You have won the deserved punishment for so long! - I will put on before, at least? Queen immediately regretted his audacity. The crazy she was, by provoking further. He guessed that he would carry to the bedroom, to apply the punishment, or that the cross on his knees right there. Given its past and reckless comments, she could not criticize. Fortunately, he did neither the one nor the other, they had not forgotten the main reason for their anger. "For now will return to the room, ma'am, and retiraris your invitation. Queen sighed inwardly. Was it necessary for him to be so ... so inflexible? His response, which alone could give, would put even more furious, but only with her. "I can not, my lord. - How you can not? I'm not asking, woman. I command you. - I know. She seemed to grow smaller, then said:

"And I'd like to meet, but how? This is not just a matter between you and your father. I was wrong to invite him without first, but it's done. Being your wife, do not speak only for myself but also for you, in your absence. Do you want to withdraw my hospitality, bringing shame on myself and Clydon? Is that what you demand me? He nailed a withering stare, but finally said: "Give him some food, but want him to go soon. Blessed man was not so inflexible, after all. "Yes, sir. And I can tell ... ? - Lady Queen? Florette's voice reached them. Queen gasped and went crimson. - Go! He whispered to her husband. "We have not finished," he replied stubbornly. - You're ... 're naked, Ranulf! - - So what? "Lady Queen ... "Florette appeared in the bend of the stairs: Lady Hilary wants to know ... "Not now, Reina snapped, turning to the lady to display their wide skirts against Ranulf, knowing that this is not big enough to hide their constitution. - But ... - Not now, Florette! The woman was taken down immediately, but Reina could not ensure that I had not had time to take a good look at her husband. The situation was so infuriating that put in operation its own temper. He turned and glared at her husband with a glance. "In my life I have witnessed more foolish stubbornness. If you want to walk about naked in front of my ladies, you might as well come now to the classroom. Why a single benefit? No doubt all would love to see you back on the air. "Do not change the subject, Reina. Ranulf looked like fun and that infuriated her further. He did not come to smile, but it was clear that it was difficult not to. "Very well, my lord," screeched. We were talking about your father, right? "I can tell you that you are to gather with us in due time? That made him frown again, to the delight of Queen. "It would be a lie, ma'am. You invite them. You eat with him. "As You Like It. She fell several steps before turning to add, "Your presence is not necessary for me to appease my curiosity. - Come back here, Queen! She continued to decline. "I'll send the food, my lord. - Queen! She did not answer. Down quickly, it was not quite sure he did not follow. He had lost the urge to laugh, but failed to experience a great satisfaction for having screwed a second time. He knew that the reckoning would come later, as he hardly forget the promised punishment. But think about it later.

CHAPTER XXXVIII Reina had to give directions to the servants to prepare food, and serve a small crisis of Lady Hilary, Sir caused by Searle, who insisted on leaving his bedroom. He had not yet been reunited with his father when Ranulf hurried down the stairs, still adjusting his belt. She did not expect that reaction to his latest challenge, and for a moment, was about to flee, thinking that his anger would lead to immediate punishment. However, he almost stopped skating to see it next to Searle's room, alone, had to understand that she had not spoken to his father. Then I looked around. It was discovered by the fire, chatting with various ladies. Queen bit her lip to witness the indecision and other painful emotions against which he seemed to be struggling. Not moving. She just stare at her father. Queen realized that she had been a lack of sensitivity to bother just on that topic. The truth, he deserved a beating. Did not know what it was like to hate the father, but must be easy to go against instinct. Then he saw Ranulf stiffen and realized that, finally, the father had noticed his presence. The other stood up to move towards Ranulf, with an expression of pleasure, great pleasure. Of Ranulf suddenly became inscrutable. However, his body remained rigid. Not a single muscle moved. Queen held her breath as she walked to interpose between them. He prayed that his presence would be sufficient to prevent any confrontation. The two men seemed to have forgotten the rest of the world, both for different reasons. But all eyes were fixed on their living room, watching with fascination to these two men as identical in their extraordinary stature. Maybe that's why it would have stopped Ranulf said to have been alone with her father. He endured the warm embrace, but not return. His father did not notice or, in any case not stated. "For heaven's sake, it's good to see you've settled down, Ranulf, and in such good shape. - Yes? "You thought it would be mercenary life? "Not at all. I always knew you had great ambitions. I could not be otherwise, since you are so like me. What delights me is that you've exceeded all my expectations ... and much sooner than I expected. How did you manage such a feat? "The lady was charmed me. "The Queen gasped sarcasm made it clear the comment. Ranulf smiled mockingly. Do you have something to object to my words, ma'am? "I do not care how you become the new Lord of Clydon" corrected the father, hastily. Anyway, congratulations. "So rejoice for me," Ranulf replied coldly. Does that pretend to believe? The father hesitated, unable to continue to ignore the hostility of his son. - Do you doubt me? "Give me a reason not to doubt. "I can do," said Reina, annoyed at such sullenness. It's your father. It is reason enough to wish you good.

"I did go down with crafty machinations, ma'am, and that is naughty enough. Now retire. This does not concern you. "What concerns you concerns me," she said. And I will not leave my own room, Ranulf. If you want me to go, you'll have to drag me out. But I advise you to give such a spectacle in front of my people, what lamentarais much more than I regret having provoked. An apology and a threat at the same time? Ranulf's brow darkened for a moment. Then relax again. A moment later he was chuckling, not a joke. - Do I felicitis, Lord Hugh? Maybe you should offer your condolences. It was obvious he was joking, so that Queen did not feel too offended. The father laughed, which was a good sign, considering the attitude of Ranulf until then. "Lord Hugh? Since I was married to a Fitz Hugh, she should have assumed that this would be the name of his stepfather. "Gentlemen," I can suggest you to continue with the rematch at the table? Lunch was long delayed by the laziness of some people. Ranulf did not ignore the hint and said at the time: - So now called lust, ma'am? Reina had turned back, but turned with a gasp and two spots of color in her cheeks. I was going to say something, but only gave a squeak. He closed his mouth abruptly, but his icy blue eyes expressed more than words. Ranulf not make the mistake of thinking that had the last word. Later, when he saw his own guts strewn across the floor, know that she had just revenge. For now, the less they had left speechless, which was no small feat. She left with a withering glance, leaving him alone with his father, whom this last dialogue seemed embarrassed. "That was ... "He began, carefully. But he changed his mind. Never mind. "Here you would do well to be frank," said Ranulf, neutral in tone. I have a intention to do so. Hugh winced at what that meant, despite the lack of emotion words. "Okay. Would say that was a lack of sportsmanship. After all, she's your wife. ~ Just my wife. And you do not have any author ity to judge what happens between her and me, if you do not know what has happened previously. Suffice it to say that Mrs. deserved something much worse, who knows very well. Otherwise I would have torn the edge of his tongue, here and now. I have understood you have already spoken with her, you know, then, what I mean. "Actually, I forgot," admitted Hugh "But I will not deny that knows how to use the words. "He said you were impervious to them. - Really? "Hugh chuckled. Absolutely. I really loved it. It is refreshing to meet a woman who is not impressed by my rank, my height or my smile. Until now I had not happened. "You have not lost the charm, if that is what you fear. Also I was very impressed when we met. "Still, Ranulf, you have not understood what I meant. Although a lady to behave like a real witch, every gentleman must be careful to punish or insult, at least in public.

- Again with the rules of chivalry? "Snorted Ranulf. What makes you assume that in Montfort taught me these things? I assure you there were not dealt with similar delicacies. Hugh blushed. "I told you I did not know what kind of man he was Montfort, Ranulf. Otherwise I would not have been trained as a knight there. It was my father who arranged everything. Lord Montfort was an old friend, and I was assured that there would be well treated and educated by the best. Furthermore, kept me informed about your progress, which were truly outstanding. I'm not surprised you won the spurs at such a young age. I was nineteen when I armed knight. Even my father was impressed with your skills. - Do you think I care what that old man think? "Ranulf could no longer hide his bitterness. In all the years I spent in the village has never received from him a kind word when he came to check on him. Not even ... - What did you say? "Interrupted Hugh, rough. - Was it too much to ask? A kind word to a child's grandfather bellowed Ranulf. "Good God, what are you saying, Ranulf? He did not know you exist. I myself was not aware. You had nine years old when he told me existed. And swore he had only just learned. Ranulf could only meet her eyes, feeling that tore the guts. That put the raw essence of his bitterness, his father, out of sheer contempt, had not even acknowledged its existence in those early years. Never occurred to him that perhaps were not aware. How was it possible, if his grandfather knew? But he was ignoring the rest of his life and other bitter disappointments. No, not overlooked, but the rest was not so important. In a voice devoid of inflection, said: - He lied. - No way! "Said Hugh. "Okay," Ranulf sighed, too much pain to that he cared nothing. I lied. Hugh's face crossed a brief expression of anguish that Ranulf shook to its depths. "No, I do not lie. Good God, now I understand why you showed so indifferent and cold when we met. My father told me it was natural, since you also had just learned that I was your father. He said that should give you time to that I used to the idea. "Yes, seven years is plenty of time, especially since he did not need get used to the idea. I knew who my father since the day I knew what a father. And I also discovered that mine was not willing to recognize. Hugh turned pale at that accusation. - Does that thought? - What else could I think? He lived in your land in your village. Everyone knew I was your bastard, even before my face and my body take this form to prove it.

Queen had heard enough, too, but had stayed to listen, knowing that both were too lost in the past that painful digging. But he did not want to hear more, and I was sure that neither Ranulf wanted. It seemed afflicted with the anguish of his miserable and lonely childhood in the eyes, voice, in each of

his words. He suffered, and she felt, and hated the father for making him suffer. He hated it more than he hated ... if you hated it, because in that case would not have suffered so much. Although he could not ease the pain, yes he could keep getting worse. I do not know if you noticed, Ranulf, but this room is full of starving people. Only expected to ocupis your seat at the table. Disruption earned him a withering glance, but he achieved what he wanted. He nodded curtly and went to great steps to the platform. Hugh was going to follow, but she stopped him by the arm. The violet eyes that were turned toward her as tormented as those of Ranulf, but that does not intimidate. "I swore compensate for my earlier rudeness," he said quietly and decisively. But I can not after what we just heard. I want you to abandon Clydon now. He did not seem surprised by the order, but disregarded. "I can not leave before settle this matter, ma'am. ~ "You refuse to get out of here? He smiled weakly by the disbelief that had smoothed his brow. "To repeat your words:" If you want me to go, you'll have to drag me out. " And I have serious doubts that you can do it personally, my dear. "The devil take you, then," she hissed, knowing full well that I could not drive, at least without the permission of Ranula And I would be very difficult to obtain E 1, otherwise, Ranulf and would take charge of your father. But I warn you, Lord Hugh: If you do more damage to my husband with your words, your actions or otherwise, I swear to annihilate, along with your house and everything you love. - What if I most want to be your husband? "You have not been able to convince him of that. What makes you think I'll believe? "It's true. I want it. I've wanted since the day I watched with my own eyes, as an image of me. Before I leave this castle did I believe, even if I do accept the truth the hard way. And he walked away, leaving her in a sea of doubt and confusion. Reina did not know whether to intervene or let him try to convince his sincerity Ranulf ... if he really was sincere. Although it was not, if you believed Ranulf, did not allay the bitterness that partly he carried in his heart for so long? But that to make him accept the truth to death ... The words used made her smile. Lord Hugh was perhaps the only man capable of doing such a thing.


The tasty eel with herb sauce was still warm, and also chicken with pine nuts and cream rabbit spacing. Ranulf did not touch the plate set before him, Hugh, either. Reina did not often let emotions affect your good appetite, but out of courtesy to the men that flanked it, merely sip the wine.

In the table an unusual silence reigned. It was missing the spark of Walter. Although the ladies of Queen were talking together in whispers, the sombre atmosphere that reigned in the middle of the table put out your mood. Even the servants, warning of environmental stress, behaved better than usual. Unfortunately for the Queen, that did not last until the end of the meal. She assumed that Ranulf could not think only of his father, but a small part of his mind must have been reserved to it, apparently: Ranulf suddenly sat up and put a hand under his elbow, forcing him up. Without a word of explanation for his father or for her, away from the table. She would not have said anything, but noted that taking her to the stairs leading to the bedroom. - What are you doing? He asked, alarmed. "I need a distraction, ma'am, before exploding. Queen immediately thought of her husband's habitual lewdness. - Now? "He protested. "There's no better time, I hope it does not fearful all night. Or did I forget what I promised? Waiting fearful all night? What promise was this? Good God, referred to the punishment announced this morning, not to make love! Queen turned pale, only to recover increased at the sight of what he could do. In his view, if he would be punished at that time a very painful, because I needed to output the whirlwind visit from her father had caused. But if she drove before a reconciliation was likely to Ranulf's emotions were less turbulent, then it is treated the more benign, perhaps even limited to a severe reprimand. He did not try to stop him, but he glanced towards the table, praying to Lord Hugh with eyes that follow. Luckily, he was watching. Just before they reached the stairs, got up, but his expression seemed unsafe. Damn! Would remembering what she had said before eating? Had he not said he would not leave the castle until Ranulf fix things? What better opportunity waiting to talk with your child alone? Reina was carried away by the stairs, she was not sure at all to reach a truce. In the belly was a tight knot: the fear that Ranulf had mentioned. I did not want to engage with the palm of his hand, which until then had treated her with tenderness. But really deserved some punishment. He had deliberately provoked, as well as forcing her to confront her father against her will. But by God, Queen had not believed capable of reaching both after threaten many times without consequence. He did not let go but when they were in the bedroom, and then spoke only to close the door and bolt. The Queen palpitations multiplied. Common sense told him that everything would happen very soon, if the children could withstand a beating, she could. But to hell with common sense! "Ranulf, can not we discuss it? "No," he said dryly, and walked toward the bed. He sat on the edge, side, and patted his side. Instalaos here, ma'am, and gather up your skirts. Queen turned pale. - Also want to humiliate me? "Humiliation is the basis of this lesson. The physical discomfort will happen very soon, but the humiliation is something I will remember for a long time. - Also remember that it gave you pleasure! "She snapped.

"Absolutely, ma'am. I like it better than you, but you challenged me to excess. Now, come. She remained in place as if it had taken root. "Do not do to go for you ... "Or is it worse," could have added. He did not. The warning was too obvious. Queen obeyed, but had never taken so long to give a few steps. His hands were sweaty. What he feared was not itching at the back, but the blow that would accuse her pride. And not think of any way to ... unless ... In a gesture of despair, threw her arms around his neck. "You wanted a distraction, Ranula Make love, rather than punish. In the eyes of the husband jumped a flash, but only for a moment. Her lips were a hard line and straight, inflexible. Little by little, he released the hug and put her arms at the sides. - Later. She is also turned on the look, but with a different name. - Damn you! If you touch me after beating me, not ever forgive you. - Does that mean you forgive me for this punishment that you've looked? For once, he was right and she was wrong. Of course I forgive. But I did not think to leave it to know. - No need to do now! "He cried. At least, wait until you spend a little angry. "I'm not mad at you," he answered patiently. To understand what you tried to do. "Immediately his voice hardened, making him realize he was lost. But I will not be handled well, ma'am, and be better than what you learn without further delay. She wondered if the tears would be of something. Probably not. It was too great to be appreciated. - What if I promise to be the wife boring, quiet and coward who apparently want? Will not give you more reasons to call me 'generalete. Are not you happy with that? Judging from his furrowed brow, not content. Heavens, what had she done to cause so much anger? But Reina had no opportunity to find out: he hoped the truce appeared, at last, with a knock at the door. With a sigh of relief, told Ranulf "It must be your father. Arrive on time. A frown darkened considerably. - I do not think you dare. Queen shrugged inside, fearing that his next words would worsen the situation. "I ... eh ... I think I invited him. Ranulf rose with a roar, making the Queen gave a start. But he just throw a glance, which left him no doubt about what he thought of this new boldness. -Le ... I'll tell him go, "she offered, weakly. "No, you will pass," he said, his voice rough, but dominated. And do not move from here. I have no intention of chasing you around the castle when this is over. She made a gesture of horror, but went to open the door. For a fleeting moment he thought back to throwing challenge to run, but pulled the idea out

of sheer curiosity. And still had a hope: that Ranulf was reconciled with his father and, therefore, to forgive her for the role played in the case. It was a very little hope, but again put on the side of Lord Hugh. "Come in, my lord," he said, closing the door behind him. Here you can talk in private. Look not upon me, please. Unfortunately I can not leave the room, for I must be punished as you're through with your, you know?

"Queen ... "He warned Ranula - How important is that you tell? She replied, with a spiteful look. Anyway, I'll scream as Clydon will learn everything. "Thanks for the warning," Ranulf said softly, with a clear tone of menace. Do not forget gagged before. At this point Hugh hawking decidedly uncomfortable. "If it is good time to ... "There's no good time to open old wounds Ranulf bellowed. But if you are determined to see my own blood, say what you like and be done with it. - Do you think this is easier for me? Discovering, after so many years that my father lied to me! Now even I realize that we deliberately kept separate, both before and after I learned of your existence. When I sent Montfort he was still an active man, but left in my hands the management of all its properties. I was just bigger than you are now, Ranulf, and knew nothing of administration, since until then had lived practically on the court, with my wife, thinking they were missing many years to take care of those responsibilities. Ranulf said nothing, the expression on his face did not reveal if his feelings had changed somewhat. Queen she wanted to give a kick to the silence. If he had nothing to ask, she was about questions. - Why did this your father? "I do not know, ma'am, and his motives were killed with him several years ago. Maybe he learned of the birth of Ranulf past few years, and then ... "He always knew Ranulf interrupted. My mother told him. That's why she married the blacksmith of the village. "Of the babies born in a village, one in two dies before the age of two years" said Reina. Maybe you hid the news so you do not suffer if Ranulf did not survive. "Madam, if I had known since birth Ranulf, I would have to raise in the tower, surrounded by all the care. We simply do not know why my father left in the hands of commoners. - By God! Queen whispered, remembering someone who had delivered her baby to commoners just hoping he would not survive. He glanced at Ranulf, wondering if he would be recalling the same or if they had studied this possibility, attributing his own father's desire that he died. It was best not mention it, but Hugh was not finished. "I can only think of a reason for me to hide it. I had another illegitimate child with a woman whose family was very powerful. I was not allowed to marry

her, he was already committed. But I was obliged to appoint an heir to that child. - Are you forced? "He pulled me this award at birth. My father agreed, otherwise they would declare war to us, which, at that time, we were not able to afford. "But you were very young," said Reina. Surely they knew that I casarais and you would have legitimate children. "Yes, but I promised to provide for the maintenance of the child, even in that case. Thus they did not see the need to do so and had an unofficial link between the two families. Which also loved my father. Perhaps for that reason preferred to conceal the birth of Ranulf, both me and the family of Lady Ella. - Does she? "Queen Ranulf looked sharply. "Lady Ella? The sullen scowl made her husband broke into laughter. Hugh did not understand the joke. - Do you know that lady? He asked the Queen. "No, my lord, but keep close ties with her namesake. "A roaring grave of her husband wiped the smile from her lips. Of course this has nothing to do here. Why did your father said, at last, of Ranulf? "I spent that summer at home, after several years of absence. The court was traveling and my wife thought I was pregnant, so no hurry to leave. By then, Ranulf had reached an age where I see enough to know it was my son. - Then your father feared being discovered on your own and, possibly, I suspect that he had hidden on purpose. To inform you of your life, pretending as surprised as you, put an end to your suspicions before you could conceive. "That I suppose. "But once they did you learn from it, why keep them apart? "Again, ma'am, I can only assume I did not want to be formed between us any link. - Are you a link to your other child? -No. "Hugh sighed. Her family took care of their education and not at all like me. At times I have come to suspect that in reality, not mine. However, it maintains a closer relationship with me that Ranulf, as Ranulf never let me near. - Can you blame him? As I see it, sir, this is only the third time in his life that speaks to you. He spent his first nine years thinking that I wanted. While he trained as a gentleman, never send for him or visited him. Given all that, I understand that I doubt your sincerity. I myself doubt it. Those words caused a frown on both. Well, too bad. Ranulf did not ask any questions and she wanted to hear some basis of what Hugh had said. If you really cared about this child, should have been closer to "I many years ago. "I have heard, madam, Clydon administration has been in your hands in recent years," said Hugh, defensively. Tell me, how many times you had time to travel for pleasure? She blushed. "Really, never. "Nor me. My father was never love to delegate power to others. When I took office it took years before we have to trust men with whom to share my burden. Now I think he had much to do with that, but I have no proof. What is

it that it s advised me not to intervene in the training of Ranula Since I received regular reports on their progress and was so busy ... But that's no excuse. I was wrong and am willing to admit. I never should have let go so long without seeing him again or reduce my communication with him to mere letters. - What letters? -Interpellated Ranulf, finally breaking his silence. Only got two letters from you, both, after leaving Montfort. "It is not possible, you should have to receive many more. I wrote six letters a year, at least, throughout the period you spent in Montfort. Not expected to retaliate, knowing from experience, I said it is the training of a squire. " Just wanted to let you know that you forgot. Queen was about to mourn at the expression of anguish with her husband cried: - I tell you I received no letter at all! Hugh was also moved by the obvious pain of his son. "My father had intercepted if any," he murmured. - Lord Montfort, 'said Queen, quietly. Do you not say he was a friend of your father? Hugh made no reply, without looking, took a step towards Ranulf. Queen had the feeling that I felt the desperate need to embrace. She felt the same. But Ranulf had returned to control their emotions and their expression did not invite such gestures. "I wrote, Ranulf" said Hugh. I swear. Also I sent for you four times but each time Montfort replied with excuses, saying it was time to let go. I guess you know about that either. By way of response, Ranulf merely frown. Reina did not dare to intervene again. It was obvious that her husband did not quite believe what he heard. Why believe it, after all? He had only the word of his father, who might well be false. One way or another, reconciliation was as far as before. To achieve it would take something in support of the story of Hugh.

"You assure that regular reports on Ranulf recibais while he was in Montfort, although he did not personally write you, Lord Hugh. I do not understand is how you know so much about what he did once their instruction. For a moment thought he would not respond. He seemed to hesitate for shame. "Actually, one of the men of Ranulf works for me. - A military man who can write? Reina-criticized, disdainful. "It was my clerk. He did not like the task assigned, but I have paid very well for the risks of military life. Finally ended up playing with it. "So did I spy," said Ranulf, without much surprise. - What else could know about you? Montfort When you left I went back to write, as you will remember. Admit that, at least, you got those two letters. But no reply. That, coupled with the coolness with which you treated me in our second game, forcing me to accept that hardly know of your life. "I was your sin, your image. Ranulf's tone had returned to fill with bitterness. Do not inspired nothing but shame.

"You're wrong," vowed Hugh. How so ashamed of a son like me? "And in a burst of exasperation:" By God, Ranulf! What should I do to convince you that I love you? Again, Ranulf did not answer. Reina had an answer, but what was likely one of two strangled if the said. However, "going to shut up just for that? "Apparently, you have to make him understand to death, Lord Hugh. "No, you are helping me, madam," muttered Hugh. - When I said I would help them? She asked, arching an eyebrow. As I recall, I asked you to leave Clydon before causing more pain. Was you who said he would not leave without fixing it. You said you loved it at first sight, and it convencerais before leaving, but required that you do accept the truth the hard way. Were your own words, my lord, not mine. Apparently, the only resource that you rest ... unless Ranulf has started to doubt what is believed true for all these years. What, Ranulf? "Queen changed the direction of his attack. Can not you believe? His father is dead and can not vouch for what he says, but what Montfort? You do not want to question the clerk turned soldier? Will you accept his word and simply the love that seems willing to give? You might want to try, as he seems to be the only one I would not have assured victory. It would be a shame not stuck in a position to implement the promised punishment. "A shame, really, but do not count on that," Ranulf said grimly. Queen shrugged. If it got there, he could risk something more. "You have not answered my question, Ranulf But before you answer you must know something I noticed: this man is a lot like you, and not just in the physical sense, has the same temperament and is equally stubborn. Gosh, if even your screams with the same things. Do not compartirais also the same sense of honor? I also want to point out to you that if I do not have believed when I spoke of Rothwell, we would not be married. - For God's sake! Ranulf cried. What has that to do here? "We're talking about confidence. I did not know what it was Rothwell, nor I have seen come to check what your insurer. I believed in your word without asking for evidence. You must show the same trust to your father, especially since many of the things he says can be verified, and he knows it, therefore has no reason to lie. And do not tell yourself that your grandfather never had shown signs of kindness? It takes little intelligence to understand that, inadvertently, has blamed the wrong person, Ranulf, and is not a matter of staying stubbornly in the same error. If you want to know my opinion ...

- Nobody has asked you comment! Exclaimed both, quite exasperated. Queen smiled, satisfied for having shown what he wanted. "True, but listen to both said:" I would not be here to give it if I was not expecting a punishment. And that punishment would be waiting if he had not forced my husband to talk to his father. If I must endure a beating for having arranged this meeting, you can support my opinion. "We've endured so far, but enough is enough," growled Ranulf. Now go away, ma'am. - Have you decided to forgive?

"What I decided is allowed to suffer until the evening. Hear your tasks, woman. Now you will adjust accounts later. She went to the door, his expression sour. "I always knew you were a heartless boor. Wait no more favors from me! After the bang there was silence. Hugh deliberately avoided looking at Ranulf's eyes, fearing burst out laughing if he saw the irritation of his son after this confrontation. If the youth had a sense of humor, the laughter would not mind, but that was one of the many things he did not know him. And if the lady had done a favor for someone, it was to himself. I did not want to see her suffer the consequences for that. - Are you going to hit? - With these hands? "Snorted Ranulf. I do not want to kill her, but give him a lesson. Besides, she did put in the marriage contract could not beat her. "The conditions of the marriage contract are worthless in the heat of the moment. "I've lived with this force has always been my lord. My wife is so small that I was afraid to touch. As much as she says or does, nothing will make me forget that. You need not to worry. Do not suffer anything other than the palm of my hand on the butt. Hugh chuckled. "Method I myself have had to use occasionally. - Does it work? "Yes, but these results do not always justify the months of regret that she can make you feel afterwards ... if anything feel about it. Ranulf smiled. "In that case, perhaps you are interested in the suggestion I received from a prostitute. Reina had not gone beyond the antechamber, where he was walking in an effort to calm his temper. When he heard a deep laugh stopped, relaxed. So its bid was successful. Down the stairs, smiling, confident and not have to worry about a possible punishment.


That afternoon, the Queen made her work very complacent. That feeling grew to learn that Ranulf had gone with his father to go Clydon land. Although he did not like his methods, it was obvious that they worked. Surely the bitterness was gone for so long had boiled within him now would be happier and therefore easier to treat. If possible patting itself on the back, she would have. He spent some time with Walter, putting up with what happened, both the previous day like that. He no longer worried about his injuries, there was no fever and was watching from near Florette, so he is not complaining about the need for bed. In a week I could get up and walk, but take some time to do their normal lives. However, Queen was surprised to remember his story to the prisoners, to lord and land of Richard Warhurst. He could not even respond to questions from

Walter, not knowing if Ranulf had sent a man to Warhurst, as was his intention. Most likely it was that he also had forgotten, considering everything that happened that morning. Still could not believe Lord Richard capable of tyranny as negligible. He decided to speak personally with the leader of the outlaws. He did, but failed to convince. However, the man seemed so sincere that it managed to plant some doubts, but not enough. Relied more on his own instinct, which rarely failed him, and his father, who had been a good judge of human temperament. Richard had won the esteem of his father, who had accepted even as a possible husband. It was possible that both have been so wrong about him. Reina did not spend much time pondering the matter. The satisfaction of induced to think about other things: in particular, her husband. Do not forget that should allow him to be grateful, especially because he had been very close to punish her. Although he did not admit it, for it was obvious that despite the superficial resentment, had deep feelings for his father. Otherwise there would have felt so hurt. When they returned, the Queen was already in the room and had the opportunity to observe them as they crossed the long room. The attitude of both was very different: laughing, touching and seemed inseparable, it would have easily taken more brothers than father and son. After all, Hugh was not yet forty years. Any girl from the age of Queen, and even minor, would have provided welcome ... as her husband were contemplating all the women present in the classroom. It was probably something she would have to become accustomed. He gestured to a servant to offer them a tray of cheese and sweets. He had not forgotten that none of them had touched the lunch, and dinner would take a while yet. For its part, had satisfied his own appetite with a simple walk through the kitchen, where she also picked up a lady. A real demon inside him play with the idea of presenting the queen's father Ranulf. If abandoned, it was only by chance that it is unable to Hugh fun to name his son had put the emaciated animal. Did not want to cause waves in the sea that had barely managed to calm down. Lady She was now crouched at his feet, the hearth, without showing resentment at losing their privileged room. At least she kept looking very cordial in the absence of Ranulf. But their master's voice suddenly awoke and walked with great strides to jump into his arms. Typical. I would not let him discover a friendly resting at the feet of another person. Ranulf Queen asked if it would feel so comfortable with his father to introduce him to the cat. Probably not mention the name of the animal, but had been talking about cats. "No," said Hugh, in as many years I managed to get used to them. My wife has three, which even allowed into our rooms. I tried many times to expel them from there, but I have no luck. "My wife could tell you how to get rid of them in the blink of an eye. "Ah, but their techniques could not give me results. You have not yet fallen into account that, while us men, we have the last word, our ladies earn almost all discussions and get what they want?

"Bite your tongue," said Ranulf, although there was laughter in her eyes of violet. I hope to win at least one of every two discussions in this house, in one way or another. When they arrived with Queen, she was already blushing. It was not conversation in which you would like to participate, even indirectly. - You gave a good ride, gentlemen? "Certainly," said Hugh. I must confess that I expected to find some aspect in which my advice would be helpful. Instead, I learned a few things that I want to implement in my own land. I congratulate you, Madame Clydon is as successful as I had said. "By virtue of my father, not mine," replied the girl. At the bottom was a farmer and loved the land. "And her daughter is too modest," he added Ranulf. He has managed so well throughout the property that I am compelled to do much other than take care of their defenses. "No restis importance to that, my lord. Just a single attack to ruin years of hard work. Hugh smiled. - Is right about that, Ranulf. There is no property that can thrive for a long time, if not with a man capable of protecting it. No doubt the lady had it in mind when allowed to fall captivated by your charms. Ranulf half choking with laughter. Reina also smiling. "He managed to pluck some details," he admitted Ranulf, while leaving her in a bank, with his wife. "I guess what" snorted the young, although in reality that's fun. But come to rest. "He stood up to fill glasses of wine and handed one to Hugh, saying," I will not fail again to my duties as hostess, my lord. I have a room ready for you, if you want to freshen up before dinner. Theodric accompany you when you have it ... "Theodric not accompany him anywhere Ranulf interrupted sharply. How dare you, madam? - How do I dare? Reina asked, gently. Eadwina is ready to help your father. Theo will only show you the way to the tower of this, when you ate something. "Oh" was the response of Ranulf - Something happens? "Asked Hugh. "Nothing at all, my lord," he said Reina, taking his own glass, but reserved a bitter smile to her husband. I would like to propose a toast: a new beginning ... "He paused, his smile became uncontrollable smirk, which only needed a little push to start. Hugh chuckled. Ranulf not imitated. At that moment there was another voice, which caused two separate splashes at Queen and her father. "I hope not to interrupt.

- What a surprise, Richard! "Said Hugh. And I was really surprised, uncomfortably surprised, given the circumstances. I think I know my son, do you, Lady Queen? She did not answer. He had choked on the wine to establish the link and was coughing. He dropped heavily into a seat, but was quick to reject the aid of Ranulf, fearing that brought down the floor to give him a pat on the back. Luckily he had not yet come to realize who he was Richard, although it was her brother.

- Are you all right, ma'am? "Asked one time Hugh and Richard. "Yes, of course Queen gasped, letting his glass. A wine of poor quality, "he added by way of explanation. Hugh nodded and glanced at Ranulf. Seeing that he only felt a mild curiosity at the turn of events, he returned his attention to Richard. - How did you discover that I was way Warhurst? "I did," said Richard. In fact, I myself would Lyonsford way, but I wanted to pay my respects to Lady Queen, since I have some time without visiting Clydon. I did not know you knew the lady, father. "I do not know until this morning. If he had not broken the wagon carrying my luggage, I would not have stopped here, being so close Warhurst. Reina did not pay attention to dialogue. I looked at her husband. Detected immediately when he came out of their ignorance. As he sat beside him on the bench, he heard the loud gasp and expulsion of air. Then he rested his eyes on her, sparkling with angry accusations, and she could not help but cringe. Well, it was her fault for not paying attention when Gilbert introduced Hugh. Otherwise he would have understood that it was not only the father of Ranulf, but also that of Richard, approved their union by marriage. And she had established the same alliance without knowing it. It was too funny, but for the moment did not dare to laugh. Wanting to marry a brother, had just married to the other without even knowing it ... and without themselves knowing it. And now her husband thought she had deliberately sought to conceal the truth. And continue to think about until they were alone and she could explain. No, why wait? After all, the thing was family. "It's not as you suppose, Ranulf. You can stop me with that frown. This morning, seeing your father, I was so surprised I did not hear his name when I introduced him. As simple as it was. - Really? "He growled. "Okay, give me one reason why I wanted to hide that your brother is now your neighbor, if he had known. You would have heard very soon, but your father does not tell you. Why hide it? "For spite. "I'm no lady ... - By God! He had been about to say "Lady Anne", but could not reveal that Walter had made such confidences. It does not matter, "he concluded, very stiff and annoyed at not being able to offer best defense. The more annoyed having to defend themselves. If they think it is because I do not know at all.

Your voice must express disappointment that caused so much effect. A moment later, Ranulf hand it back to him. "Sorry," he said, angrily. She realized that he was sincere, he looked embarrassed. Too many things that are happening to me once. She, knowing what he felt, he smiled to seat. "Nothing that can not be settled, my lord. And he moved a little closer and whispered: "The key is to take charge of the situation and take over ... well. The look of alarm that was him adding, "Still. This time you will not be white. Queen turned to the two men, who were still standing. Had interrupted their own conversation, but not one could know how much they had heard the dialogue between the spouses. But Richard did not seem calm, though. It was six inches shorter than his father, curly brown hair and gray eyes, and usually were as happy as those of Searle, but at that time revealed no humor. Hugh was right: the child does not seemed at all, but not strange. The strange thing was the remarkable similarity between Ranulf and himself, that Richard could not have gone unnoticed. I once had remarked that, by his father, had cousins and uncles who did not know. If the sight of Ranulf had taken him for one of them, it was explained that they were embarrassed by having heard from Queen who were brothers. And if I had not heard, the suspect would soon. "Well, Lord Hugh, but your father has managed to hide from the relatives of Richard the existence of Ranulf, you will recognize that now is no longer a secret. Will you introduce your children or should I? Suspicions were to exist and, yes, but did confirm that Richard advanced to stumble to a seat. Hugh looked at the girl with a frown, but she paid no attention. Neither Ranulf, who was equally grim for the abruptness of the information. The most interesting was the reaction of Richard: First of surprise, alarm revealed. Why? He was the heir of his father, named in his will. Did he think that it would change from now? Perhaps, if he supposed that his father had discovered the existence of that other child. "I do not know, do you, Richard? He asked more gently, remembering belatedly that the man had always been his friend. -No. "Richard looked at his father. And you? "Yes, for many years," admitted Hugh. - Why did not you come tell me? Did not you think that might be interested to know that you had another bastard, older than me? That heated accusation was made in a tone and with an expression so unusual about him that Queen jumped. Ranulf noticed that seemed to draw your attention; clear that he did not know the normal temperament of Richard, so unconcerned. Neither Hugh was surprised, and perhaps had seen another similar outburst. But Reina could not say the same, and that Richard found it very different from what she knew. That led to remember, in a new light, the words of the outlaw. Although it seems impossible that Richard could present two different faces so in reality it was.

"I never had reason to tell you," Hugh was responding. Due to unfortunate misunderstandings, Ranulf and I have lived away over the years. - And do not you? -Accused Richard. "I'm glad to say no, indeed," replied the father. Then, more sharply: Your reaction is understandable, Richard, but not justified. This does not change the circumstances of your life. However, it did alter the news that you had to Warhurst. Today we learn that not only have a brother but a sister: Last month, my wife gave birth to a daughter named Elizabeth. Richard paled. Reina took a glimpse of Ranulf .- did not seem surprised. Obviously, Hugh had already informed that he had a sister and that was not displeased at all. Clear that he did not care. But Richard was not the case, the case of inheritance or not a property as large as Lyonsford, must matter very much. "The conditions imposed upon me at birth you, Richard, were unreasonable and were not intended to apply fully. The fact that my wife spent many years without my offspring may have taken you to expect more from me, but that can not be. I gave Warhurst. With that you should meet your needs. - Why? Do you think more than a bastard should I expect? Forget who was my grandfather! "No, do not forget," said Hugh coldly, yielding at last to the disgust he felt for his son. If anyone cared about was my father to me, no. Richard could not absorb everything at once. This sister does not seem real. It was a baby, the baby died. Ranulf, however, was real, was there to witness his embarrassment. And he seemed to be unable to stop playing the fool. "And what you give him, father? "He said mockingly, as he nailed in Ranulf an angry look. But he returned to fade to see Ranulf stood to accept the implied challenge. Queen also stood up to intervene. If she could help it, nobody would fight in her classroom. But it was Hugh who defused the sudden tension. "I do not think that is concerned, Richard. What he received was given to me long ago, when he was ten, so that is no longer part of Lyonsford. The transaction was approved by the king, finds that the property will pass into the hands of Ranulf when she turns twenty-five. It is a city like Warhurst, but a small tower, but I have the certainty that he will be very satisfied. - Will there be? "Repeated Richard, with a scornful laugh. Apparently, he found something funny in that. Have you waited until now to tell? Reina felt like a kick to the young lord. Thinking that she had thought of marrying this young greedy, vindictive and whining! The story of the prisoner he was increasingly likely.

In an aside to Ranulf, who was behind her, whispered: "He told you what to Elizabeth. Are you also said this? As he did not respond, he turned to face him enough. Ranulf expression was answer enough. "Do not say it. Once again, the Queen could not help feeling an irrational anger against the father. Richard had received from him Warhurst's farm when he was only eighteen, to make her his will, to Ranulf, however, had been assigned an even smaller property, without even saying anything. And it could not afford it until the twenty-five years. Of course now not needed, but what was the wait? He could have used much earlier to win a wife and start a family ... and she would not have known. Gee, why get angry? Hugh's behavior had benefited her, if not Ranulf However, Ranulf should not receive more surprises. She had stopped to remove the domain of conversation. Hugh also noticed the backlash from his eldest son approached. Reina came so close was almost squeezed between the two. There was no danger that repaired it from up there. Sometimes the lack of height was a real advantage, but until then Reina had not experienced so keenly. - That puts you against me? Hugh Ranulf asked, wary. When I made that decision I was warned that it could be the case. But I had my reasons. I did not want to make do with your luck, and leave the fight to improve it. You seemed so much to me, Ranulf ... I wanted to know how far you were able to reach alone. "Then he smiled with the same pride that Queen had seen him before. I'd say you've gone too far. For you, Farring Cross has become insignificant. - Farring Cross! "Ranulf, who had started the sentence with a gasp, the ended in a burst of laughter. Hugh laughing too. The Queen would have been impossible to know why, if he had not added. "The Millers went crazy trying to hide that he was just a property manager. He was very embarrassed to know you were serious about buying your own property. When was forced to raise the price again, so did not buy it feared to kill him. Anyway, did not allow him to tell you the truth. Queen slipped from between the two to shake his head with so much irony. Richard still did not understand where was the grace. - Did you try to buy Farring Cross? He asked his brother. - Yes. "That is, the farm is richer than what our father has been suggested. "More rich not, but is in excellent condition and met my needs at that time," said Ranulf, placidly. Suddenly changed his attitude and his voice was mocking. Unlike you, I did not want a property of the magnitude of ... Clydon ", for example?

Queen noted the evident uneasiness of Richard to that suggestion. He had wanted to applaud her husband, but first wanted to see what could cause reactions even in his old friend. - Oh, poor man, "said Ranulf. How unfortunate it feel to see you obligated to pay such property, after all!

- What property? Asked Richard. "You see, Lord Hugh chided her gently," you did wrong not properly filed, as I suggested. Thus, Richard and know that her brother is Lord of Clydon. "And Richard, who was getting crimson with fury," We were married less than a week ago. - But he is a bastard! "Snapped Richard ~. How could you marry a bastard? There was more clear that if he had simply admitted the truth. Had assumed that she would not accept because he was illegitimate and therefore, decided to take it by force. But the fortuitous arrival of Ranulf had thwarted his plans. Queen asked if Richard was planning to try again, perhaps that same day, if it really was there for that. It would be enough to make an excuse to leave the castle with him to seize it. Too bad he had not been done before. No, sorry no, thank God it happened. I do not know how they relate the circumstances in which it was born with all this, "Ranulf said with great calm and icy eyes. Indeed, if that matters would not have thought of you as a potential husband at first. - What? He yelled. "It's true, Richard. I sent several letters, both as Lyonsford Warhurst. If you had come to Clydon, as I requested, they might have accepted my proposal and now I would be married to you, not your brother. But he was short of time, you know? I needed a husband immediately. Not knowing where you were and I could not wait indefinitely hear from you, when I met Ranulf, last week, and discovered that he too was a good candidate, I made my proposal. Richard had been silent for now. Hugh no. - Are you sure you wanted to marry Richard? - Do you wonder, my lord? We are good neighbors, my father approved of my choice and I thought we'd get along well. - Why did not you wait? "Snapped Richard. Why not hinted what I wanted to see me? An arched eyebrow inquiringly sable. "I thought my letters had not reached you, Richard. Have you got and do not pay attention? "No, no, I never said that ... I've been traveling a lot and .. "Well, that does not matter," she interrupted, her voice ~ Silk. I am very satisfied with the husband I have. And he has proved very capable of defending Clydon. So we met, you know? He arrived in time to drive a despicable gang who dared to attack us. He has also sworn to eliminate the bad guys as a warning to anyone else who creates Clydon lacking sir. I told him it was not necessary, but it has been a mercenary for many years, and you know how much they love to fight, kill and make war. "I'm not bloodthirsty," protested Mrs. Ranulf, grumpy, but his eyes laughed.

"Of course not," agreed Reina. And in that moment he saw the opportunity to download the coup de grace: a pile of lint was rubbing against the foot of Ranulf. She bent down to lift your sworn enemy. "If it were so bloodthirsty," he said, should not pet this skinny, ugly creature, neither would have given the illustrious name of ... - Queen! The marital warning came too late. Anyway, she would not have paid attention. -... Lady Ella "he concluded, with a sweet innocence that earned an even more ferocious gaze of her husband. Hugh could hardly help laughing. In the face of Richard rose again a furious blush. - Lady Ella? Have you put your cat the name of my mother? He asked incredulously. Then, indignant: "You put your cat the name of my ... ! - Why do you cry so much, Richard? Queen interrupted, severely. You do not think your brother is so unworthy. He turned his anger against the father. - Are you going to let the insult is that? She's your ... - My what? Hugh-spurred, seeing that your child is not concluded. Then he shook his head in disgust. No, we both know what she was. You know that over the years did not deserve my love, Richard. Moreover, in my house I have several dogs of the name. Do not expect me to scold a man whose sense of humor is so similar to mine. - Will find out that my uncle! "Was all Richard could say. - Oh, Richard, by God ... ! "Hugh began, exasperated. But he concluded in a supiro to see that the boy walked with long strides. Then he looked at Ranulf as apologizing. I'd better go and reassure. It has always been a quick temper, but what can you expect, if it was raised by his insufferable relatives? "Especially since ... Reina-started, but gave a little scream to feel a pinch in the ass. "Go, my lord," Ranulf said as she turned to glaring. As Hugh had not lost detail of the scene, added: "My wife does not know to stop, once you get the lead. Hugh nodded with a grin. Queen could hardly wait for his father moved away to whisper: - Why have you interrupted me, Ranulf? "What you would say can not be supported with evidence. - Still have not sent anyone to Warhurst? "No, and will not send anyone. "But why? "She cried. Have not you seen the look of Richard when I mentioned that we would pursue the villains who attacked Clydon? He is guilty! "I know. "And we need to inform your father. -Not for me to do, ma'am. She stared in disbelief. - Why? Because he is your brother?

"Exactly. A brother resentment has inspired me most of my life. And now ... now I know what I feel for him but contempt. But not for me to go to my father with stories about him. "I know no worse than stupid ... Very good. I who sent a man to Warhurst. To me, at least not accuse me of spite, but you're wrong with your father to believe he would be able to think that about you. "Do not get this, Reina. I say very seriously, "he ordered coldly Ranulf. Once my father is gone, be tackling this in my own way. - But he should know! - Not for us!


Queen thought it well. He thought seriously. And he was very close to challenging the authority of Ranulf to do what he thought was right. But he recalled the unequivocal seriousness with which he had ordered not to intervene and decided to obey her husband, at least on that occasion. At the end of the day, he must begin to have confidence in your wisdom, and that seemed good time for this. In fact, she gave reason to rejoice in its decision because the matter was resolved by itself and soon. As Hugh Richard could not reach in time to talk with him, decided to follow him Warhurst and send a message to Ranulf, saying he would return later. He returned much later. The room was empty and was ushered straight to the bedroom prepared for him. Queen had the home on; there was heated water bath and kept the food ready. Hugh was tired, but not only by physical fatigue. Look was enough to understand that he had discovered on their own the truth about Richard. In fact, the inhabitants of the city had fallen on him with complaints, lamentations and accusations of tyranny as he crossed the gates. "All this is the work of Ella," said Hugh, after repeating some of the crazy things he had been told. He did not want to marry me, thank God, but also allowed me to take care of the boy. I wanted her to grow up in court, as she is. Queen's intentions were to remain silent while Ranulf and his father resolved that between the two. But as her husband did not comment, could not stand the curiosity. - Do not you said Richard had been brought by the family of his mother, my lord? _ And he did. Ah, I understand your confusion. I forgot to mention that she is from the Plantagenets. One branch legitimate, of course. Queen gasped. Ranulf did not even blink. Apparently, he knew from the moment he knew the existence of his brother. - Daughter of Henry? She asked, to regain his voice. "Indeed. And now you know why this link so pleased my father. But the guy who is not mentioned Richard King Richard. He just knows it. Unfortunately, it

was Prince John who was interested in the child. And you see where this influence has led him. "But what happens if you talk to John, as he said? Hugh let out a snort of contempt. "John is very busy with their machinations to start the crown to Ricardo. That has been his obsession since his father's death. Do you think you might want a harmless insult to his sister bastard? No, madam, my youngest son likes to think he has influence in the What my son owns, possesses, thanks to me. - What will you do ... what can you do? Warhurst is Richard, for your own generosity. "No, not quite. Unlike Farring Cross, whose property passed entirely to Ranulf, Warhurst Lyonsford still part of and that will be until I die. My mistake was to assign to Richard their control, hoping that the responsibility will help you develop a more honorable, or at least some integrity. Instead, it has corrupted the administrator sent to guide him and emulate his powerful relatives in the worst. "But what about Chaucer, Castilian? We have dealt with him. Hugh shook his head. "He was my manager. The Castilian was Richard. - Wow, what a liar! Queen protested indignantly. He had all the residents in this area we deem Lord of Warhurst. Ranulf chuckled at his anger. "Well, ma'am, you were deceived by an expert who learned his tactics with the best liars in the country. It's not your fault you knew not detect the deception. "For you it is very easy to say," she said because you were not ready to marry him. Ranulf smiled. "Thank God, no. Hugh hastened to intervene. "Anyway, no more problems will suffer on account of my youngest son, madam. "And then could not help smiling in turn. But I can not say the same for his behalf. At this time, Richard travels under escort to the home of a cousin I have in Ireland, this man does not tolerate dishonesty. A few years there will put you on track. At least I hope so. - "And he agreed to go? "I did not ask Hugh replied frankly. "I see. Then everything is fixed, except ... "Everything is arranged, Ranulf Queen interrupted, dry. Now go to bed. I'll meet you very soon. She pursed her lips, ready to wage battle to be fired that way. The man had to learn good manners. But suddenly remembered why she had barely escaped that morning and chose not to provoke more, for that day. Still, inside all the time he had felt a demon dancer. It was this evil creature who urged him to reply, when leaving the room: "Do not hasten to me, my lord. You'll find me asleep. "Not so, because we still have something to fix, as you remember.

She opened her mouth but closed it abruptly. No, I could relate to that. A not that.

But Ranulf is meant. As soon as she entered the room, asked: - Temais now, ma'am? No, do not have to, Answer. Your conduct of the day speaks for itself. But something you have been misled. Queen was sitting on a stool by the fire, combing her hair. Ranulf went to bed and took the same position as in the morning. She just looked at him in horror. "Come, Queen," he said in quieter tones. I did not take long. By God! What a brute, what beast! How dared to be so calm? - What if I refuse? "Then take me more ... more. Certainly did not take into account the time it would chase around the room. "If this morning you would have left out with your will, you would have not reconciled with your father," she said bitterly. Does that not count? "The end does not justify the means, Reina. Pay no attention to my wishes and forced me to accept yours. Now we'll make sure this does not happen again. - What you do is a matter of barbarians! "It would be barbaric thing if you stick with a whip, ma'am," he said and stood up. Reina also jumped up. However, he did not approach. Queen realized that she was still a chance to make things easier. Was it worth it to receive a punishment for some resistance futile? He forced himself to come and stood before him with bowed head. I felt sick with fear and trembling heart. It was unable to express a weak submission, but what choice does she have? Not for a wife to oppose her husband and left up to get away with it. And this husband was going to do that she learned it once, cursed out by his uncompromising stubbornness. "Wise decision," he commented as he turned to sit and lay on her lap. You can leave the robe. Be easy to lift where needed. She had the feeling that he meant only to compound his humiliation, and it paid off. The fact that "I do not show rude, they do not talk to him sternly, made things worse. His voice was purring, her hands gently acted to lie on the thighs. Reina stopped hang her head to hide his face: his hand on the bed and another in the left knee Ranulf. If you feel the need to join to get out of this horrible situation, would support it. At least, I thought. But Ranulf left hand resting against the center of his back with a subtle pressure, suggested otherwise. Queen's head sounded alarm bells of different tones: he had begun to lift her gown. He did putting his hand on the back of your calf and 'gently sliding leg upward, dragging with it the web. It was a caress, simple and straightforward, and left him the strangest of sensations. Your body does not know what to expect, whether pain or pleasure, and mind was spinning confusedly. Was that a punishment? Soon the gown was lifted to the waist and the hand withdrew. Reina was prepared, closing his eyes. He burned his face for having the rear naked before the eyes of Ranuf. His heart beat in mad career. But he did nothing

and the tension was terrible, it was expected that the worse he could do by way of punishment. When I finally got the clap, it was almost a disappointment. Almost, but not quite. Scotland itself, causing a gasp of pain and surprise. Tensed muscles to receive the next. But there was another. His voice said softly: "In case you're not sure, little Queen, that was all the punishment I thought I give you when you come up here this morning. The relief was all Queen muscles to relax. "But since you're in a position so convenient," added he, "I can think of something else. She opened her eyes to feel a kiss on the red mark left by the hand. "And this. Queen inhaled sharply, Ranulf fingers glided in it without any difficulty. The previous touch had prepared to receive them. There was no resistance from the heat that flooded. "Of course, forbade me to touch you forget that after the punishment, something you said about not forgive me. He paused, tormenting him with her fingers. Was this true? "Maybe ... showed me something ... hasty. - Or maybe it does not matter? "The fingers provoked another gasp. Does it matter? - No. "Apparently the Redhead Alma hit again," he said with a hint of satisfaction. Fear, combined with proper stimulation, can aurrientar the pleasure of a woman so much to overlook any minor punishment received. Queen tensed, but not enough to dispel the fog of pleasure that he created with such astonishing rapidity. - Do they apply to it again? -No. Information that was offered me gratitude, to the considerable sum I gave for your help. It has been very useful, right? "Ranulf withdrew her fingers, sinking them again, he withdrew, leading to Queen to the very edge of ecstasy. You want me to put to the test? She thought she was done, but at that time was not thinking clearly. - How? "I mentioned that this was the punishment thought at first. "The change of tone served notice Reina. But since then the less you have earned another ... - Ra ... nulf! "Cried reached before the slap sound. The painful itching was much worse than the first. What have I done? He yelled.

"I provoked a second time in this very room, ma'am. Scold me in front of my father, remember? Vovi hand to decline, - Ranulf! "You called me" heartless lout ', right? Another slap on the buttocks.

- Basta! Reina's voice took on more volume. Good God, amordzame! You said I gag! "No need," he snapped. I finished. Reina was suddenly on its own feet, not very safe. One look was enough to prove that her husband was in high dudgeon. And her ass might well attest. The following words were a confirmation. "I obliguis to repeat that, ma'am," he growled. She shook her head, but was not sure to be agreeing or disagreeing. For the moment, it hardly mattered. Her ass on fire, but did not burn as much as he lit another fire. Without another thought, Queen lay down again on her lap. "I am duly punished, sir. Now finish what we started. There was no need to ask twice.


A few days later, Reina came into her bedroom and slammed the door, owned by a serious anger. Theodric, who was cleaning the room, looked up with a start, assuming that it was Ranulf. Careful not to get in the way of the Lord and Queen no longer helped to bathe, but refused to usurp someone else the rest of their duties. However, only met with them when the lord was not there. As at that time, early afternoon. Seeing that it was reassuring Queen. A moment later she realized that she had a tear in the sleeve, hair disheveled and without a silk scarf and also brought a blush on the cheeks was not all the rage. "Another romp in the bush, eh? -Guessed the young man with an impish grin. Queen turned to throw a flaming eye. - It's a brute! A beast! "Those are usually the best," sighed Theo. Queen ignored the comment. "He went to fight against Rothwell. But before he had pulled into an empty stable and had made love passionately and painfully ... to give him luck, he said. With all the troops waiting for you! Alexander the grooms with a single command that sounded like growling! And everyone aware of why delay! But what had enraged was her lack of tact. "She would not hear a word. - What did you say?

"That should not go, of course. Is saying the powerful warrior who did not come out to fight? Theo was about to laugh out loud, but he knew that his wife, at that time, not tolerate it. - Rothwell? Is not it ... ? - Yes, the same! Ranulf foretold to come, and it was. - Where? "According to reports, an hour away in a northerly direction and with an army of three hundred men. Ranulf left with only fifty! "Said Queen. It's crazy! Why not let Rothwell came up here? Now Clydon is well defended. Could

withstand an attack by thousands of men. But no, said that if Rothwell missed a good look at the castle, never give up. Want to stop it before it arrives and him back by force of words. Only the words, Theo! When have you seen a man determined to pay attention to the war of words? "When you come from the mouth of a giant determined to stop him. Queen returned to glaring. Then he frowned thoughtfully. "I suppose you have a point," he admitted. Ranulf Rothwell knows and knows what it is capable. So he was willing to pay that much to hire. But living God, will be furious when Ranulf says you have married me. And if you decide to leave me a widow? Theo chuckled, noting that she had found another cause for concern. - Do you think Ranulf did not take into account all this, Queen? He knows strategy. Fighting is his profession. That's why I married him, remember? "I know, I know, but I hate the risk, Theo. What prevented you be reasonable and close the gates, considering that it exceeds the greater in number? Reina If I'd known at the time Ranulf was ahead of the meeting accompanied only by Eric Rothwell and Searle, never would have forgiven him. But that was not what worried Ranulf. Took note of the ten or twelve men, which diverged from the ranks to intercept, with Rothwell to the head. I knew three of them in his first interview with the old master. The other subjects were being forced to accompany him, as there seemed very happy to participate in this campaign. And with that he told the new lord of Clydon, based on what they knew Rothwell. As also anticipated, the ranks were composed mostly of mercenaries, Ranulf recognized several captains with whom he had worked on previous occasions. Seeing is tied on the chairs uncomfortable. That led him to wonder whether they knew why they were there. Kidnapping a bride was not something to be proud of anyone. Ranulf had left his own men hiding in the woods behind their backs, some were in sight, others not, thus it was difficult to estimate their number. Rothwell had expected there to exploit that advantage, though not believed necessary. "I expected are still in this area, Fitz Hugh Rothwell said when they met. As it came back, I figured you had decided not to accept my offer. Or perhaps you could not enter Clydon and still you are trying? He said with a sneer that Ranulf wounded in the depths. However, replied quietly. "Your first guess is correct. "In that case, why are you still here? Snapped the old man. "Care to not commit a grave error. The lady that you wished to appropriate it is no longer available. She got married. "So why did nothing blurted Rothwell. And moved a little more to add, "Debisteis have returned to tell me, but never mind. Well may be left a widow. If you are interested, my offer still stands. Golden arched an eyebrow, questioning. - "Five hundred frames for killing her husband? - Yes. "It would be a little difficult, my lord, for that spouse's me.

A Rothwell is eye-popping. For a moment he choked on his own saliva. When he regained his voice, roared:

- Spawn of the devil! You have stolen the bride! Kill him! He shouted to the men who accompanied him. Eric and Searle took the hand on the hilt of the sword, but Ranulf did not move. Neither men of Rothwell, as not to dominate their horses, nervous by the cries of the elderly. She screamed more, bloated face, infuriated by the little attention paid to his orders. - What do you expect? Are you all cowards? It's just a man! "It is also lord of Clydon" whispered one of his men. Think of what you say. "I have won ... "Enough," growled Ranulf Rothwell, threatening. Nothing I have won and you know very well. The lady I was never promised. He had not even heard of you. But now he's married to me and I keep my property. If you want to challenge me, naming your champion. Rothwell was delighted with the offer, but looking at his men, to see who would fight, none met his gaze. Once again it turned purple. - Cowards! That's all I have! "No," corrected Ranulf. What you have is a group of honest men, whose bad luck is to have you as sir. - This will not end well, Fitz Hugh! "In that case, you will be courting death Ranulf replied with a tone so ominous as the words. This is my only warning. Go back to your home and forget about Clydon. Otherwise I will ignore your age and I will kill himself. Without waiting for an answer, pulled the reins and walked away. But he had seen the fear in those old eyes. Rothwell would look for another girlfriend.


Queen was in the fourth month of pregnancy. He had long tried to deny it, looking for an excuse after another to believe that there could be. But he had to abandon the attempt to find his waist widened without his appetite had increased. That day was untreatable, he behaved with all the world like a real shrew. Since then, his temper had not improved much. Fortunately, Ranulf had been absent much of that period, which was spared the worst, days: those in which, besieged by intense emotions of opposite sign, exploded with rage at the slightest provocation or breaking into tears. Again and again he was told that all this would happen, were the changes in your body that became so emotional. Each of elderly ladies assured him the same thing. All of them were aware of their state ... everyone knew except the father of the child. But nobody really knew what was troubling her. It was something he would not talk to anyone, not even with Theo.

Theo was so excited about the baby as they come. One would have thought that he would give a light touch. That's not to say that Queen were not enthusiastic. I loved that child as anything in the world. You loved him, not half-formed thought so, as it would be then, but as would be when born: one life to protect and pamper ... spoil. A little giant, just like Ranulf. But unlike Ranulf, he would need. Oh, good Lord, again those damn tears. Queen wiped them away angrily and left the brewery, the unusual place that lady She had chosen to give birth to a litter of five kittens. After not seeing her for a week, Reina had organized their search throughout the castle, in a panic over the possibility of not finding before Ranulf return. He was so thrilled and anxious about the pregnancy of her cat that she had been about to reveal her own pregnancy. But he could not. And was procrastinating so long that they no longer would need to tell him. Her body had changed dramatically in the three weeks of absence, and he would notice as soon as the see-at least as to take her to bed. Heavens, how he feared that! The months were idyllic and serene. Since the visit of Hugh, Ranulf had not caused problems. The father sent another administrator Warhurst, with a mandate to fix the mess they left behind Richard and reward those who suffered unjustly. Prisoners of Ranulf were delivered to the new administrator, after a new trial, right now, almost all were free of charge. And Ranulf kept busy, why had not seen the mood swings lately accused Queen. He had traveled all Clydon fiefdoms. He was leaving for a few days, sometimes a week, after spending a brief period in the castle, back from. Queen accompanied him on This new Ranulf was no longer means a trip to London at the invitation of his father. Things were going well between them, at least, so clear in its letter. It was the first he received from Ranulf, but it could not be personal brand. In fact, it was written by Walter, who accompanied him. Reina had learned from Ranulf himself that he could not read or write. Therefore, their response also lacked any privacy, since it should be read out by someone else. Reina had already decided to do something about it, but probably would resist Ranulf learn, since on clerks for that function. All that did not matter in the light of what would happen when Ranulf discover that his mission was accomplished: Queen had given the child she demanded the marriage contract. The only reason that made him the object of his lust was taking seriously the conditions of the contract. Now sensuality and would end with it, the intimacy that Queen had come to experiment with it. In deciding to enjoy the situation for the duration, had not imagined that she would feel devastated when Ranulf was no longer obligated to make love. Would she ask him to return to his bedroom single? How soon sought a lover? Would she forgive him and receive it again when the time came to have another child? Because she had asked children, not just one. The questions were going crazy. By God, all this should not matter! I had never imagined that her married life would be. Of course, she had not imagined would come to experience an insatiable sexual desire and intense, none other than her own husband.

It was pure selfishness to postpone the time of the news. A Ranulf not have been easy to be faithful for so long. And she was convinced that he faithfully kept, even when absent from Clydon. The man who takes his wife to bed as it arrives, whatever the hour, and does not abandon it for endless moments, has been seeking pleasure in another bed. She would miss much less those times ... and so much more! Sorry to those awful thoughts, almost did not notice visitors coming down the road toward the tower. They, in turn, will not pay attention. What reasons would have to look at? Warned by the brewer could be heard a kitten meowing behind the barrels, the tunic had been older. If called to ten or twelve servants to relocate the barrels, it was likely that the kittens had just crushed the procedure, all I could do was climb over and crawl around until they find the narrow site chosen by the cat for breeding and testing that it was Lady Ella. He was now covered with dust and dirt, but it had ensured that the cat was alive and Ranulf. He had a moment of relaxation at the thought of her husband crawling between those barrels to see the scene with their own eyes. And I would, no doubt. Who were those unexpected guests? It was a lady and gentleman, but had left before she could see their faces and identify them. They had an escort of ten men, elegantly dressed and equipped, but that did not offer any clues. Well, there was no hurry to know, even when to run, I could not get to the tower before them. Again, I was not ready to receive visitors. The previous occasion was when she met her husband. This time would equal embarrassment, given his appearance, whoever they were newcomers. The novelty had called attention to several gentlemen who exercised in the yard. The practice was halted for a moment, to resume when the visitors crossed the inner gate. The rising clamor of swords echoes throughout the grounds. Since the arrival of Ranulf was a familiar sound at that hour of the day. Clydon now had seven knights at your service and as many squires. Queen saw that Sir William was training one of them did not enjoy so much since the late Castilian departed for the Holy Land. There was also Searle, measuring their skills against one of the new knights. She had witnessed the challenges between Ranulf and Walter, Searle, trained by both used the same technique. There was no fighting: the knight was disarmed seconds. Aubert Eric and also were there, watching two squires who feigned a similar battle. One was Lanzo, was recognized by the red of her hair. He ought to wear a helmet because he was using a real sword and not a weapon of wood like those used by novices. His opponent was small and was not fully armed. The boy was getting a real beating: he could hardly keep his sword held high, let alone his shield. Queen saw him fall. What annoyed the young woman was that Lanzo was merciless with the fallen. She knew that every knight must learn to defend themselves even on land, since many died in that position if they were not trained. But Lanzo apply that lesson seemed especially brutal. Suddenly he recognized the boy lying on the ground and felt his heart stop. "Aylmer? No, I release could not be so cruel. A witness Aylmer loved the

practices of the Knights. But Lanzo could not have dared to challenge him, to give a sword to be measured with it. How was that possible? He started calling the squire by name. The boy did not hear anything: still wielding his sword against the shield of the fallen child. Reina was soon close enough to check it really was Aylmer who was getting that beating. Then ate a red rage and blind. Within seconds he was upon them, without thinking of the danger of the sword faster. Just thought to disrupt the launch ... and Lanzo was giving a vigorous shove that knocked him down. Aylmer immediately helped to his feet, pushing sweaty brown curls to examine the eyes, as if he were injured. Found with relief that was not bleeding, but he was still angry. The fact that the child might look like the crazy thought his anger worse. - Why have you done, ma'am? - Why? Shrieked the girl. Do you were killing blows and questions qu ? Before his cries, the gentlemen who were approaching to find out what happened resumed practice. Eric, who had tried to intervene when he saw her running towards it, stepped back to avoid attracting attention. With a glance at Aubert told that they had problems, even without knowing why. Aylmer was the only one to realize that Reina was only concerned about their safety. In this case it was embarrassing, but never stopped to comfort so important that Sra was interested in him. In a low voice, hoping to cheer her, said:

"I'm going to be a gentleman, ma'am. The Queen gave her heart sank to the pride that revealed these words. Oh, God, that joke was more cruel than she thought! - Who told you that? Did I throw? ~ No, he taught me the orders of Lord Ranulf. But I was trying Lanzo very gently. I told him and never learn. - Is that why you crushed to death? Instinctively she protested, as the brain was spinning. Aylmer had the courage to smile, not realizing that Reina had lost color. "A month and I will defend myself better. - Do you want to do this? A stupid question. A child without hope to aspire to anything, about the possibility of being knighted? Of course I wanted! "Okay," he continued. I see it. How did this, Aylmer? "I thought you knew, ma'am. Lord Ranulf I proposed it. He said some men suffer so many injuries that left half crippled, but that does not prevent them from wielding the sword and fight. He said the foot did not need to bother; London will bring me a boot made especially for me to provide balance. And Aylmer concluded with pride: "If I perform well, has promised to teach me personally. A Queen's eyes filled with tears. What other gentleman would have been willing to assume this task? Ranulf knew that was not a gross insensitive, but she often said, but she do that for? No, she did not: he was so simply. And I loved him so much ... Yes, it was true. He realized with a start. Good God, when it had begun? "On discovering his sense of humor? "Realizing that his polished appearance were

pure? When he consulted a prostitute to learn to please? Was it so long? Or when he became an overnight sensation that punishment erotic incredible that he would never forget? How foolish she was to deceive, thinking it was just lust! But what mattered now, yeah I did not feel the same? - Sir? He turned, Lanzo, still lying on the ground, watched with caution. Reina took horrible awareness of what he had done: he had interrupted a practice of knights and a squire attacked. At Ranula squire was not injured but was afraid if she went back up to attack him. However, his fear increased when he saw the lady fell on her knees beside him. "I throw, I'm so sorry ... The boy was stunned. The lady was reduced to apologize! - Get up, please, my lady! "No, while not tell me to forgive. ~ Rise, madame, "he pleaded. Ranulf kill me if he hears this! She grimaced. - The culprit is me. If you must kill someone, is to me. Are you okay? "Certainly," he said with a snort of indignation. She smiled, relieved, and offered his hand to get up at the same time. - Do you forgive me then? "There is nothing to forgive, ma'am," he said, annoyed by such insistence. Misunderstood, that's all. "I did. But for my peace of mind, could you try to Aylmer with a little more care? Until you consider to be defended, of course. Lanzo nodded with a smile. Reina moved away, but realized that Aylmer had been informed of their wishes to hear you protest, in a tone of complaint: - Oh, my lady! Did not stop. After all, the child was only seven years. He still had a lot to do to be bruising and bruising.


Reina did not remember his guests until Gilbert, found her in the entrance building. Roghton Lord shelter for the night, they were on their way to frequently. When the court was in London, two or groups of travelers.

who was looking for her, and his wife requested London. That happened three times a week passed

"I know that name. Where do they come? "In Northumbria.

"God, I so far? Well, Gilbert, seek them and make a room feel comfortable. If I cross the room without being seen, "he added with a smile, dirty-looking clothes, tell them I will see to the dinner. "Yes, milady. The Lord was here many years ago. "Gilbert felt obliged to remind him. At that time also sought shelter for a night, but ended up staying nearly a week. Another thing that often happened: it was the custom of those who had many servants, or a single farm, when they finished with their own food stocks, spent several months traveling and stopped in either castle, where they abused their hospitality. "One of those, eh? Queen laughed, without worry. Clydon could afford additional costs to the lunch. Still could not identify the name, but he later recalled, when he saw a man down for dinner. On the occasion of the visit of Lord Roghton earlier, she had five or six years, the man he thought the ugliest of beasts living. Still it was unsightly, but she was no longer a child and was not impressed by appearances. Was close to forty years and was even more obese than before, but that was not what spoiled. His eyes were cruel, the nose, big and bulky, could barely conceal, like two ugly scars: a twisted her mouth into a permanent grin, while the other was sunk cheeks, pulling down his left eye. The wife was not in the room. Queen could not bear to feel sorry for such a husband. Things would have been different if the man had been good, but that was not the case. Reina was increasingly recalling that first visit, which had become unbearable Roghton with subtle insults and their little cruelties, until his father asked him to leave the castle. It remained to see if anything had changed. Either way, she regretted that Ranulf was not there to serve you instead. The Lord was with Sir Walter and Lady Margaret. The younger ladies remained mysteriously absent, and Reina failed to criticize them for that: indeed, Roghton was a nightmare. Eric Searle and appeared simultaneously as his side reached the group, which was close to home. They seemed ridiculously protective whenever Ranulf travel without taking them started, more than once had to deal with the rough language of the young, in their moments of irritation. But on this occasion to thank could be with her. As Searle had married Louise de Burgh, according to the draft Ranulf, Queen only saw him when her husband was away. The couple are understood fairly well, considering it had been necessary to bring the lady in tow, screaming and kicking, to the wedding bed. On his last visit, however, she looked happy and content. Searle seemed to have some magical effects. Too bad she could not do the same with Ranulf! "Oh, Lady Rhian, right? The witch girl's hair. Do you still remember me, ma'am? Queen stiffened. "Two insults in as many sentences? Does the man thought so stupid as to interpret those words as an innocent mistake? Gilbert should

have said his name. In any case, the idiot was him, not to mention a single name heard few hours earlier. "Actually, Lord," said Ralston, paying in kind, "my name Queen ... Queen Fitz Hugh. If you forget again, you can call my lady, as appropriate. And if I were a witch, do not seem safe to sleep under my roof. Therefore, you are lucky that it is not. She was not like his mother, who used to ignore the taunts disguised innuendo and therefore seemed less important than keeping the peace in the classroom. If Roghton thought he could get away with that stuff there, I was very wrong. And had managed to catch it by surprise. He did not expect the lack of respect he returned, let alone a woman. Puzzled as was, could not be answered politely. "I heard that you are newly married, Lady Queen. "Yes, if a bride remains after four months. My husband is in London with his father, Hugh de Arcourt. - Lyonsford? "The same. After that he heard not a word offensive. Of course, it was funny, because it was more powerful than Clydon Lyonsford. That came to demonstrate that a lady, leading a small kingdom, was less impressive than a man less fortunate warrior ... except that mentioned as a relative of his to these warlords. When he reached his wife, Queen suffered a real impression, as everyone who saw it first. In total contrast to her husband, the woman had an amazing and unparalleled beauty. She was blond, perfect skin and face of an angel. To Eadwina gnashed his teeth with envy. It was inconceivable that this lovely creature was married to a man like Roghton. Who had committed the cruelty of an alliance between such opposite poles? Searle and Eric were stunned. In fact, all men in the hall stood motionless and silent, affected by the lady in one way or another. Perhaps Queen was the only one noticing the satisfaction experienced by the husband before the reaction to his wife. He enjoyed the sensation she caused and horror inspired by the fact that being so desirable and delicious were his own. Nevertheless, the lady scolded for having delayed, embarrassed and uncomfortable to all those who heard his words, deliberately harsh. Reina was sure that she did it conscientiously. It was a way to prove to everyone that she really belonged. Reina had little opportunity to talk with Lady Roghton during dinner. The husband dominated the conversation, while his wife stood meekly to his left without speaking, looking depressed. Queen tried to imagine the same situation. In fact, it might have been his destination, not having a father so affectionate. Le asqueaha the thought. When Roghton was sated, having swallowed all that was put by hand, his interest shifted to more casual conversation that prevailed in the tables below, among men. Queen was alone with Lady Roghton. As the husband was, she approached her hostess. This was asked what sound to say no pity, but his concern was unnecessary. The blonde beauty did not hesitate at all, once away from the intimidating presence of Lord Roghton.

"I heard that your husband is Ranulf Fitz Hugh. - Did you know? "I'm not sure," objected Roghton lady. Is it high, very high, and gold from head to toe? A Queen amused: "Yes, that's a good description. "Then my Ranulf" replied the woman, excitedly. Incredible! "Ranulf, Lord of Clydon? It's a shame you can not see it, but I heard that in London, so surely will see you there. Reina looked stunned. The woman seemed to have forgotten who he was talking. Had he realized that the possessive "my Ranulf" who just slip away? It was hard to tell. His attitude had changed completely. Now bubbling with enthusiasm. - When ... Ranulf when you met? Queen asked. "Oh, it was long ago, but I'm sure has not forgotten me. "The woman laughed, and it was sweet and musical sound. Now you can imagine what kind of relationship we had. In Montfort wished all women, beautiful as it was. How can he resist? If so I gave him a son. Anne? By God, this woman was Lady Anne! The surprise must have reflected on the face of Queen, as the woman said: - Do not you know? Oh, but that has nothing to do with you. Men are never faithful, you know. Bastards spread throughout the country. If Ranulf himself is a bastard! Then she smiled. That is why I am so surprised that it has become lord of Clydon. Reina took a sip of wine, hoping that his sudden fury abated. What kind of woman was this, he could say such things to a wife ... unless he wanted to provoke a rifie between them? Walter had told the truth about it. It was only a fox calculator, despite their sweet smiles and looks angelic. "And she had compassion? "I have said what happened to your child," said Queen, in light tone, realizing that Anne wanted him to believe that between Ranulf and she was a link. The lady looked puzzled. - Did not I say so? The poor man died. I was devastated. - Was it a boy? "I think ... "Began the woman, hesitating. But he hastened to correct that impression. Of course he was a child. One knows what she gives birth. Good God, did not know, never had imported. For Queen, as any mother, that was almost as inconceivable as that woman had done with his daughter, from his flesh and blood. Oh, my God! Queen rose, not a moment longer tolerate the presence of Lady Anne. "It is fortunate that Ranulf not in the castle," he said. And walked away. Anne smiled, not understanding that, with a little more wisdom, would have recognized as a warning.


Ranulf rose to great leaps up the steps to the Great Hall, not caring to make noise, although it was too late. Clydon had missed. Three weeks was too long to be away from ... Well, it was better to admit it. No Clydon had missed, but his wife. Although it was capricious, temperamental and often unbearable, when I was at his side made him feel very special, as never in his life, wanted, important and necessary. She attended to all amenities, whether it was ill cared for him, scolded him if he demanded too much, cared about him. Ranulf did not have to be always on guard to defend it or suspicious of his attitude, because Queen had proven to be different from women he knew. Even his new relationship with his father seemed to sense that he felt for Queen. I had to tell, but I knew the words courtesans the ladies wanted to hear. If I tried to be lyrical, it was likely that would make a fool of myself. In addition, she must know what he felt. Everyone said that in this respect women were intuitive. After all, he knew what he was Queen, she knew since she called him "stupid" for the first time, as that term reserved for people who wanted. Yes, he knew well. All I know was why it was taking so long to reveal who was expecting a child. But his father had explained and Walter, who had given birth to two younger sisters: it was not uncommon for expectant mothers behaved oddly. Taking into account their thoughts and gauge where he ran, Ranulf was not prepared to meet this woman in a dark room. She appeared so suddenly, crossing on its way, that the gentleman was about to demolish. When I went to apologize, recognized. The words choked in his throat. Anne had seen it coming as he tried to wake her husband, who was drunk and was asleep at home. Now he was glad that alcoholic stupor. That opportunity was a gift from heaven and was not going to waste it. "So remind me, Ranulf said with satisfaction. He added precaution, knowing that no man likes to feel insured property, "Your wife wanted me to believe that, marry her, had forgotten all your previous lovers. Claims to have your affection in a fist. The old distrust of Ranulf revived immediately. He knew his wife was not capable of such confidences, much less a stranger, but that only showed that those born liar, liar must die. Anne had not changed at all. It was as beautiful as ever, not even more, thanks to the roundness of maturity. But his soul was still black as sin. If you had spent some time in the company of Queen, however brief, no one knew what evils might have committed. He decided to humor him, momentarily, but he wanted to strangle her. She used to choose his words carefully. The saying was for effect, good or bad. No

doubt had reason to wish that he be upset with his wife for being such a linguist. "It's a real surprise to see you here, ma'am. - You thought would never see each other again? I always knew that we would meet again. He came to whisper, "Do not know how many times I thought of you, Ranulf, remembering the passion we share. "He put his hand on his chest. Is there ... somewhere where we can ... talk alone? The offer was enticing. At one time he had inflamed the senses, mad with desire. Now only you the chills of disgust. He looked around, the servants slept soundly in the shadows. "It's as if we were virtually alone. - I meant ... does not matter. "She made a face .- You seem to have forgotten how often we looked for dark corners. He was tired of waiting for her to say what he wanted. Did not want him, no doubt, he must be a favor. "Now I'm a grown man, Anne. I prefer a warm bed. "There's one in my bedroom. "Now that you mention it, what are you doing here? For a moment the expression of women, carefully mastered, left betrayed irritation. - Do not ever think otherwise? We loved each other, Ranulf "I love you, love or thought. But you chose a different path. - And so I received an eternal punishment! "Then I was able to express their requests with proper feeling," Oh, Ranulf, by God not know what gave me Montfort monster. He pointed a finger at home, where he saw Roghton collapsed on a bench, in the light of a candle. -. That's my husband. And his soul is as grotesque as his body. "As I recall, it mattered little who the man," said he, coldly, as would be rich. - Do not you understand what I try to tell you? I was wrong! "He cried. He is quite rich, yes, but no fortune in the kingdom who can afford the hell my life has become over the years. Do you know which trains falcons to attack people and turn them loose on their poor villagers, just for fun? That will tell you what kind of man he is. Can not stand it. Were true or not, Ranulf not move left. -Abandon it, then. - Do you think I have not tried? I have a prisoner: monitoring and surveillance of me and locks me in my room locked when you leave. Ranulf turned to look at the sleeping man. "Go now. I do not see anyone who can stop you. "I seek to drag me home. He has done it before. - Why me all this? "You could help me, if you wanted. - How? She went a little longer, until the upper arm brush against her breasts.

"Kill me," pleaded seductive voice. He has told his men that if he died in a suspicious manner, they must torture me to death. And they would. They are so cruel and wicked as he. This man could die choking on their food and they would kill me. It must be challenged in any rule, died in a duel. Please Ranulf, deliver me from it. So was justice after all. Ranulf was almost laughing. "She wanted the release of the much deserved hell? Impossible, but still would not tell. - What would I have grounds to challenge? I see in you marks of abuse. Moreover, Anne, I can not believe that man does not take care of you like a treasure. "At first it was, but I could not bear to touch me and he knew it. He ended up hating me. Then I met a ... with a lover. He killed with his own hands. "But you did not make you anything. - Wait ... wait out my pain. She wanted me, suffer. That pleased him. He did nothing while I was suffering, but as I began to recover, I peg6. I wanted to remember him, understand? At first I thought that, in such intense pain, a beating would not matter, that's why he waited. This is diabolical. And now punishes me every time I look at another man. Oh, Ranulf, please! She begged, throwing her arms around his neck. I can not keep living like this. If I am free of it soon, I'll kill myself. - You think I care? She stepped back slowly, frowning. I thought I had misunderstood. "In the past you loved me" he said. "And now I love another.

- Who? "As he said, his eyes widened in disbelief. You can not be in love with this little mouse who you're married! - Mouse? For me the most beautiful I have ever met in my life. "I do not really mean that she snorted. Despair filled him boldly, making squeezing her hips against his. You have to remember everything ... Ranulf reacted with violent anger and away from a shove. Then he approached and held her hair up to the neck, throwing her head back. She finally realized what he had been dominating Ranulf barely: hatred shone in his eyes. The woman felt a shiver ran through. "You killed my daughter, ma'am," he said in a croak deadly. Even the slew with pity, but leaving it to starve. That's all I remember you. Now go out of my home before you actually pay as you deserve. - I can not go without my husband! -Despertadlo immediately, then ... or I will. - And what I can tell? In the middle of the night! "I will think of something you, ma'am. Lies are your specialty. Ranulf walked away without looking back at her. "Miserable bastard," sisco Anne, but only when he was gone. What can it matter a bastard who was not even yours? I should have said. That would have put in place. Stupid!

-Debisteis tell, yes, "said Walter followed her, quietly. Now I'll take care to correct your omission. That will not end the pain he has suffered for many years, but perhaps it will ease a bit of memory. Anne, who had turned round to the first word, she smiled. -Sir Walter, right? How long have you here? "Enough, madam. And he walked away, with undisguised contempt. She followed him with an angry look until he heard a bitter laugh together at home. He turned on his heels with a gasp, and met her husband, Incorporated, was watching. "It seems that tonight you do not have much luck, eh, darling? I have made a mistake in not going to bed earlier, because now I have even bed. How do you think I will thank you for that? Anne, pale and fled the room to the bedroom that had been allocated, where he huddled in a corner. Even there I heard the laughter of her husband. This indicated that everything seen and heard him excited, being so, I would sleep with her before leaving. And that was far worse than could be handed after many beatings. CHAPTER XLVI

Queen awoke to the gentle caress of a hand that took away the sheet from the body. He sighed in his sleep, but when he opened his eyes gasped in shock. Finally he realized that he was slipping into her bed was her husband. "Heavens, Ranulf, you scared me. "This was not my intention, ma'am," I said, smiling. She blushed a bit. I still was not quite accustomed to their mischievous insinuations, but could not say what had to object. - Did you just come back? "It was morning, as indicated by the light filtering through the curtains of the bed. -No. I arrived last night, Walter. But sleeping so peacefully that I would not wake up. He ran a hand through his belly button and thought about what was beating within. - No notes ... something different about me, Ranulf? "Nothing," said he, pinching her breast to see how stood the nipple. - Nothing? -No. Why? "It's nothing," she said, angry. "And you, do you notice something different about me? "He teased. "Just you look more foolish than ever snorted it. Ranulf laughed and hugged each other. - Why not say directly, madame? - What? He returned to cover his belly with his hand and bent to kiss him.

"What Walter said, nearly two months. - Do you know? "She cried. Did not you mention? "It is the privilege of the wife to inform her husband. I hoped you would. "Sorry. I must tell you, but ... "But what? "The reason is very stupid," slipped Queen. I'd rather not say. He complied. His father had warned him: "Never argue with a pregnant woman, then do not mind the stupid things they say in that state." In addition, had other things in mind for the moment: familiarity with new curves of her mistress, for example. And that was spent. The Queen was surprised to see that he still wanted her, even aware of her pregnancy. Did not commit the folly of questioning, but the confusion, disappeared for an hour of happiness, came when Ranulf severed the head from her chest to rise. Does that mean he had become accustomed to it during those months of marriage? Perhaps he had decided to continue rejoicing with her, pregnant or not. In that case ... The Queen wore bright smile, full of joy and satisfaction, until suddenly he remembered. "Oh, Ranulf, I forgot. We have guests and you should know ... "We had guests, ma'am," he said, approaching the door to wake Lanzo. They left last night. - Is it left? She repeated, surprised. But why? "Apparently the lady realized that here was not sure" was the only answer. Queen was silent. As the couple was gone never to return, was satisfied.

Two months later, a messenger came from Shefford, with a call to arms that burst the bubble of happiness in which Queen lived. I was in the lounge, playing chess with Walter, when Ranulf came to tell him. Apparently, Lord Rothwell had found another heir, the niece of Lord Guy, no less, who was also his pupil. The tower where the girl lived in Yorkshire, was besieged for several weeks, but Sir Henry had just heard and decided they needed the services of Ranulf Reina objected immediately and with determination. "It's just a test and I do not like. Sir Henry could have called five or six men who are closer to York, and so I tell him. No need to go, Ranulf "Bite your tongue, woman," he replied incredulously. I was rusty arm with the little use that I give here. ~ Want to battle when you do not need? She shouted. - I fight because I like to fight! Cried he, in turn ~. For that I prepared and that's what I like best ... other than to make love to you. To her cheeks flushed it and broke out again. "Do not matter what I feel, right? After all, I'm just your wife.

"Do not be capricious, ma'am," thundered Ranulf. Rothwell is a complete idiot. Will all see race as reinforcements arrived. - What if he runs away? "She protested. I love you, you great fool! How are you going to like you bleed in battle without meaning? "I love you too, but I will not miss good fun just to stay calm. - Go, then! I do not care! Reina moved away, but only a few steps. Then he ran back to her husband's chest. - Do you love me? - Yes. - Really? "Yes. "He was smiling from ear to ear. "I love you too. "I know. She pulled away to beat. - Well, I did not know! You could have told me! "And now, who is the fool? I've told you every night, to take you in my arms. I tell you the only way I know how. "No, my lord. You just put it more clearly, "she said with tears of happiness in her eyes. No matter what you have yelled at me. It's what I wanted to hear. - Do these words? - Yes. "But they say so little ... "He complained. "If I hear phrases like troubadour, my lord, hire one. From you only need to hear "I love you, from time to time. Ranulf chuckled. "As you wish, generalete. She lifted her mouth for a long kiss. Ranulf had failed to lift up your own height for a couple of weeks, experiencing an exuberant kick his son, who was about to make the loose. ~ And now, "she murmured, with a satisfied purr," you'll forget that silly war? - No. - Ranulf! - But still I love you - offered him. She shot him an angry look and went to great strides.

"The anger will not last," said Walter, unable to hide his amusement. Never lasts. But when you pass will not be here. Suddenly ~ Ranulf smiled. I hate to miss that part. It is always very ... very expressive when he forgives. Walter laughed. "Someone should repeat what you just said. - Bite your tongue! If she finds out what causes it so often, I get paid on your skin as you lose. CHAPTER XLVII

Winter Clydon closed around a white snow cover is not completely melt until spring. In secret, Queen loved this time of year, although the food is stale and moldy and put men, irritable by inactivity. It was a season in which women could devote to the things you never had time. It began and ended before the end tapestries Station, sewn garments for special occasions the coming year, new talents were discovered and experimented with new recipes. Months were warm and comfortable, with all homes switched on, in those days, relations became more robust. If a woman wanted to be granted the supreme luxury of spending the day in bed, doing nothing, he could do it. Reina as he often did, simply because their little establishment was thus difficult to carry extra weight. Ranulf the teased mercilessly by his new volume, assured that, as much as he liked to see her and would be responsible for you to gain weight often. The surprise return to the castle with a lot more frequently than she had expected considering that Sir Henry was still at war. Ranulf was presented in all the festivities: the time was home to kings, to distribute bonuses to the servants, clothes, food, drinks and firewood were the traditional Christmas gift. On that occasion he stayed until the Monday of the Plough: the first Monday after Epiphany, when the villagers were running their plows for the pasture community to determine how many rows that could sow each year. But Ranulf was not the only festival to which Reina did not expect missing on Candlemas, when the second month of the year again. He had been a week since then; Queen was giving birth at any time and he still did not appear. Since he had promised to be there for the birth, what was conceivable, but that something horrible had happened? Walter was quick to say it was silly to worry. Ranulf not had brought to this campaign and he did not bother to stay, it was newly married Florette. But what did he know about women's fears? However, Reina knew he was right. Rothwell had slipped away to his house, as Ranulf predicted, but that was not the end. Sir Henry decided he needed a lesson so boldly and led the army of West Shefford, to besiege the tower of Rothwell. The site is maintained for two months, with very little fighting. The forty days of service of Ranulf had expired, but what did that matter when you amused? The fact that he decided to stay with Sir Henry rifie provoked another marriage, which he won, of course. And she forgave him, as

always. A rogue that loves challenges, challenges of any kind, would need to get used to that aspect of life in common. It would be easier with the passage of time. And sometimes she would soon return and nursing concern. Times would also love to make up for everything. Indeed, how could he complain? In what Ranulf was not present at the birth of their first child, who arrived on time and hassle? Yes, Queen promised him pay. However, all was forgotten as soon as he entered the room, barely an hour after the end of the ordeal, and went straight to bed to take her in his arms. He was contrite and joyful all at the same time. How scolding when filled with love? And he had a good excuse to justify its delay. Guy Lord had returned to England, at last, and Ranulf was called to Shefford to the first interview, which is well understood. The Lord had come to suggest that displease him being chosen as godfather of his firstborn. Reina could only laugh. The feudal lord was usually not subtle in expressing their desires. Ranulf must have favorably impressed. Therefore, she could worry on that score. The little trick that her father held at her good ever come to light. And his last wish was fulfilled: she had married a man of his own choosing, as he wished.

Theodric, humming softly, Guy rocked in her arms. The baby (he was already three months) slept deeply, but he did not hurry to bed. Wenda was combing the hair of Queen, still wet from the bath. Theo and did not complain because the girl had usurped its functions, since he was responsible for the care of Guy, whom she adored. When it came to worrying about the child, was worse than any mother. Queen sometimes thought that he envied her for being able to breastfeed: that too would have been charged had it been possible. Lady She strutted into the center of the bed, while her last litter of kittens romping on the floor, making Wenda laugh every minute. The Queen also fun. She had not liked his nemesis gave birth under his bed, having smuggled. Reina then tried to move it into the room, but Lady She meowed and scratched the door until it opened, then picked up the kitten that had brought him there and came running. Ranulf, without saying a word, left the decision on behalf of Queen. What decision? The cat was determined and there was nothing else to do. The door opened, giving way to Ranulf, to the delight of Queen. Since Lord Hugh had come that afternoon, she had feared that their husbands retire late. But seeing the face of horror with which he looked at Theo and Guy, Queen cursed to himself. If Ranulf had not discovered before Theo was in charge of the child, it was only thanks to the clever young synchronization task. Ranulf wasted no time in preliminaries. He just howled: - Out! Theo no longer shaking with fear every time you let go one of Ranulf roars. Guy deposited in your cart, very gently, and left very stiff. Queen Wenda waved to pick up the basket and leave them alone. The dispute was about to begin could charge large enough to alter the sleep of the toddler.

"You've offended Theo-started, quite calmly. "And I will do more than offend, if I ever discover that effeminate about my son, madam. Guy I do not want to suffer influences ... "I do not use that excuse," she interrupted Ranulf, rough. The only one who can influence your son are you, and you know that. Will not accept anything else, and we both know. As for Theo, has spent his entire life in this castle. In that time he has raised two babies and three children, myself included. And I might add that I was the only child who attended. None of us has received from his influence. And it's very hard to make it happen. Seeing that he listened, and he no longer had furrowed his brow as he added more gently: "Guy loves like his own son. never do anything that could harm you. And what is more important? What your child receives the best care or follow you angry because Theo admires your excellent body? She caught him off guard. - Magnificent? "Yes," she said, smiling. I did not know you thought that. Was I embarrassed? Good God, I loved that man with all their quirks, their flaws and their lovable qualities! - Did not I say so, my lord? - No.

"But I habroslo shown. Ranulf really ashamed. Queen smiled even more and slowly approached him. In any discussion, let it slip gown by the shoulder and saw her husband's eyes lit up. Perhaps taken aback for a moment, but not for long. The truth, lasted only the time it took to stand beside him. It was then suspended in the air. So they met. The only difference was the passion that burned now Ranulf's eyes, so different from anger. "For God's sake, woman, when you look at me like that ... - What do you expect? - Seductive voice she asked. And threw her arms around his neck, until relatively tight fit between them was not any space. You want me to drag you into bed for a change? There had to ask twice.

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