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AMOS COSMETICS FACTORY Anna worked as a chemist at Amos Cosmetics Factory, USA. She designed perfume for the company. One day, instead of mixing her usual mix of flowers and things, she threw in the fruitcake that her mum had packed for lunch, and came up with a new perfume. She dabbed some on the back of her hand. Strange things begun to happen. Amos Anna : [Walking past and stopped at where Anna works, nose smelling, then turn to Anna.] Anna! : [Turned back to see Amos, looks nervous] Yes, Mr Amos, how may I help you?

Amos : Anna, I have no idea, but you look terrific today! [Smelling up and down] Whats the lovely smell I wonder I sensed, fresh bread, yea, and yea, flowers? Wait, more and Sunshine? They just mix together. [Surprised] Is that you Anna? Amos Anna : YES! THATs YOU ANNA : Wait a minute. Whats going on?

Amos : I really have no idea Anna, I couldnt help myself, but I really never noticed this before! And I can only say, you are terribly beautiful lady! Anna : Huh?

Amos : Its true Anna, and I must see you outside this dull, dusty and dirty factory, can you have dinner with me tonight? [Both hands approaching Annas hands] Anna : [Seeing Amos both hands approaching, she quickly dodged them] Well errmmm I. [Look confused, and look afraid] Amos : [Finger points at watch and then Anna] Thats awesome! I will come and pick you up at eight, at your place. See ya then! ****************************************************************************************************************************** ANNAS HOME So heres the deal, chances Mr. Amos would go and date a not-even-attractive girl like Anna, are virtually zero. Surely Anna is getting confused by this. Anna went home and found that her mum is sitting with Aunt Mimi. To Anna, Aunt Mimi is simply annoying, and often makes her feel embarrassed by asking her to find a husband or she will hunt her one. Anna : Hey Aunt Mimi! How nice to see you!

Mimi : [Hug Anna and then stare at her] Anna, you have been my cute little good girl, but you are now twenty-three! You are no longer a little girl, how time flies! Anna : Aunt, Im twenty-seven already [Face the audience and say Aww.. She always get my age wrong. Mimi : Twenty-seven? And still you havent got a husband, or at least a boyfriend yet? [Sit down again, Anna sit down too] You see, your mum, is married when she was only eighteen. And you,

popped out when she was only nineteen! You are going to become an old lady soon, still you havent bring a nice guy home, so when are you going to do that? Momma : There was a nice boy called Armstrong, he was nice.

Anna : Mum, but that Armstrong guy only possessed PHD qualification! [Showing the quotation marks] Momma Anna : What do u mean by PHD? [Showing the quotation marks] : Pizza Hut Delivery!!! Momma.

Momma : Haha [Laughing loudly], thats NOT funny,[change to serious look] But Anna, I really liked him, he was nice! Anna Momma Mimi [Surprised] Anna : I dont care how much you like him. Im not going to marry a PHD guy. : I dont care as well, but I just liked him. He got nice eyes. Awww..[Imagining] : Wait Anna, if that guy was nice, then you are dumb enough to let him go. But why? : [Irritated] AUNT! That Armstrong was only a pizza delivery man! He is not my cup of tea.

Mimi : [Speak and partially shout with some flames] SO what? He was a pizza delivery dude but now, there are chances he own a pizza company right? And you let him go! Are you retarded? Anna liked it : [ Anger,but is swallowed,and smile reluctantly] By the way mum, that fruitcake was nice. I

Momma : Aunt Mimi bought it. [Turn back to Anna with a fierce looking eye] But please dont attempt to change the subject Anna! Your aunt has something to tell you! Mimi : Yea Anna, I think I just found a perfect boy for you. He is not really young, so are you. But hes still got his own hair so.. [INTERRUPTED] Anna : STOP Aunt Mimi, to be honest Im about to see someone tonight.

[Aunt Mimi and Mummy stopped and startled and start to open mouth involuntarily] Anna tongue =P] : Im serious, he is Mr. David Amos, my boss, and he wants to see me at eight. [Showing

And so Anna decided to wear a black dress for tonights dinner, she decided to put on lots of Intrigue, and she wants to know the reason behind Mr.Amos crazy action today. And Mr.Amos came. Amos Anna Amos : [Press doorbell ring] Anybody home? : Hey Mr. Amos : [Looks quiet and not excited and boring] Hey Anna.


DELUXE FRENCH RESTAURANT, NEW JERSEY Sadly Mr. Amos shows no interest at all in Anna when he was driving, he said nothing. Anna was desperate and confused. Lets see what is happening Amos : [Looks like he is trying to coming up with some sorts of excuse, desperate] Look Anna Today at the factory, I have no idea why I behaved like that. But thats not because I am psycho or whatsoever. Its just unexplainable! Anna : [Almost burst out crying] But wait Mr. Amos, I thought its because that you found me attractive? That you liked my perfume? Amos Anna : [Filled with apology and regret] Anna, can we just see this as erm like : [Looks furious] As what, Amos?

Amos : [Fake to be happy and delighted] As a reward and compliment for your achievements in our factory Anna! You are one of our best chemists! I will pay for this dinner Anna, as my appreciation to your commitment to work in my factory. Your efforts are invaluable! Anna Amos : [ Look sad, get up from her seat] Excuse me for a moment Mr. Amos : [Looking more relaxed now] Yea sure!

She walked to ladies room, looked sad, furious and annoyed, she tries to find Intrigue in her handbag but its not there, she put on some Fruitcake Special instead. When she was on the way going back to the seat [ Anna collides with the waiter, the waiter then shows a weird looking face. Soon, he knocks down a table] Amos : [Mouth opened suddenly then closed right after, enjoying the smell of perfume] Finally youre back- I really missed you Anna! I just been in a terrible terrible dream and Ive just woken up, oh gosh~ Anna : [Looking confused] Dream? Mr Amos?

Amos : Please call me David, Darling~ [Smiling] I meant it, I dreamt that I treated you awfully like you are merely an employee. But the undeniable fact is, you meant so much more to me, I cant help myself to it! You should now realized Im crazy about you, Darling! [Anna is now more confused than ever] Waitress Anna Amos : Excuse me miss, somebody just phoned you, if I may. : Excuse me again David, I promised this wont be long~ : 1 minute? Its still too long for me to handle, especially when you are gone Anna!

[Pick up the phone and notice the waiter just now waving his hand from far away] Waiter : [Waving his hand crazily at Anna] Miss Even though Im only a poor waiter but somehow, love makes me brave! When I saw you just now, I had a crush on you. You are way too beautiful laddie! Please tell me that you will see me. I promise that I can offer more than the rich fool that you are sitting with, he is nothing! Love owns money and everything! And I love you more than he could! Please be mine.

Anna : Mmmm.. Wait a sec Romeo, why dont you just chill out and serve the lobster, like an obedient waiter? Waiter : Of course I will! And I promise I wont embarrass you, Juliet!

Anna walked back to seat but tries to avoid other male customers. She was startled to see Amos is sitting with Sabina. Sabina : Well hey, Anna~ Ive never seen you before, did I? [Held out a hand, expecting Anna to kiss it] Arent you the one who works for Amos? Making perfume is his factory? Sounds exciting right? [Sarcastic tone] Amos you! Anna : [Furiously, and gets up from the seat] Stop doing it Sabina, Anna is the woman I love, not : [Feeling guilty and messy]David, I really think I

[The waiter suddenly pops out, singing How Do I Live Without You at the top of his voice] Sabina hit the face of Amos angrily while Amos punched the singing waiter. Big fight soon developed between the trio. Anna soon realized how serious this thing can be and soon escape by taxi. Lucky for her, the taxi driver was a woman. ****************************************************************************************************************************** ANNAS HOME When Anna got home, Aunt Mimi had gone and Momma was asleep. Anna : Why had my perfume have such an effect on men? [Looking confused] Ahhh~ Its Aunt Mimis fruitcake! What a fruitcake! [Excited] Im going to find out the secret behind the fruitcake and then Ill be a billionaire! Hehehehehe ****************************************************************************************************************************** AUNT MIMIS APARTMENT When at last Anna arrived, Aunt Mimi gave her a warm welcome. They were sitting in the kitchen, talking like mak cik at the wet market. Anna : Aunt Mimi, how did u bake the delicious fruitcake?

Mimi : Anna, youve never baked any cake in your life. Now you are so eager to know how to bake a fruitcake. Whats wrong with you? [Frowning] Anna : Nothing, Aunt Mimi, I I just thought the fruitcake was too appetizing and wondered if could bake one too. May you teach me? [Staring at Aunt Mimi with begging eyes] Mimi : I guess the new man of yours wants you to bake him a cake. Who does he think you are, his mother? [Angry] Anna : Oh, please. I really need to know. I promise that if you tell me, Ill tell you everything about last night. Mimi : EVERYTHING? No secrets? (Smiling happily)

Anna Mimi market. Anna

: Yes, everything, no secrets. (Smiling) : Well, Im sorry to tell you this. I didnt bake the cake, I bought it from an old lady in the

: You bought it? [Looking surprised] From which market?

Mimi : From the open-air one that takes place twice a week in the park. The old lady who sold the fruitcakes had SEVEN husbands, DUN PLAY PLAY AH~ And they all ate her fruitcakes. Anna : Oh, Im not surprised. Did she say what she put in them? [Calm face]

Mimi : She merely said that she put in a special something that she grew herself And she knew that I was hunting a husband for you! Therefore she told me to give the fruitcake to you and your problems would be over. I didnt believe that, but still I bought the fruitcakes because they were really delicious. Anna suddenly noticed something wrong in what Aunt Mimi said. Anna : Aunt Mimi, what do you mean by the OLD lady who SOLD the fruitcakes just now? [Nervous] Can we see her and delve into the matter? Mimi : Im afraid she died last week. Her funeral was attended by many strangers, not from here, all speaking in some kind of strange way. She seemed important to them. [Shrugging] [Smirking and moving closer to Anna] Its your turn. Anna : Okie dokie. [Face Aunt Mimi and pretend talking to her] So Anna told Aunt Mimi EVERYTHING that happened last night. ****************************************************************************************************************************** AMOS COSMETICS FACTORY After two days, Anna eventually went back to her factory. She saw a message left on her desk. Anna : [Picking up the piece of paper] Please see Mr. Amos as soon as you get in. [Nervous and confused] [Knocking on the door] Mr. Amos was sitting on his leather office chair with his left eye blind-folded like Captain Jack Sparrow. Amos Anna : I hope you are well now, Anna. [Guilty] : Of course I am, thank you, Mr. Amos. [Glance over Sabina] I hope you are well yourself.

Amos : My eye hurts a bit your little waiter could hit hard huh! [Little smile] Anyway, I managed to calm them down so that this matter is not brought to the news headlines. Thank God. And, Im sorry that I cant explain the matter of my strange behavior towards you. I mean a man like myself and a lady like like.. [Gulping and looking at Sabina] Sabina : He means that a millionaire like him could not possibly fall for a nobody like you when he has a sexy and hot girl like me. Isnt that right, my love? [Glance back Anna sarcastically] So David wants you to accept a bit of money to make up for your disappointments, then you can go back to your lab and make your perfumes again. Right, David? [Looking at Amos]

Amos : Absolutely, darling. Im sorry for creating such confusion. I hope this can sort things out between us. Anna : Well, Mr. David Amos, perhaps you can use your famous expert nose to sort this out, too! [Angry] Angrily, Anna reached into the handbag for the fruitcake special perfume bottle while Sabina was smirking like a evil witch. She took off the cap and Anna woman! : [Splashing the perfume to Sabina angrily] Take that and him too, you horrible little

Sabina, of course, would now enjoy all the extra attention she would get from strange men, including men who had no hair. Thanks to the fruitcake special. ****************************************************************************************************************************** ANNAS HOME Anna begun to work at another cosmetic factory where they made Intrigue. When she was baking a fruitcake [Momma and Anna heard a knock on the door] Anna : Momma, if its Aunt Mimi with news of another perfect boy with hair for me, tell her Im not interested. Thanks. Momma Anna Momma : [Stunned, eyes open widely] Oh, no! Its not Aunt Mimi, dear. : Who is it? [Seem interested] : Come and see for yourself. [Smiling]

Ahhhaa~ It was Armstrong, the pretty handsome but short PHD guy. He was holding up a colorful pizza box which had Armstrongs Peachy Pizzas in big letters on the front! Anna : Armstrong Peachy Pizzas? [Confused]

Armstrong : Hello, Anna. Im Armstrong, the owner of Armstrong Peachy Pizzas Company. [Smiling] Look, Anna. I have been striving to be a successful man since I first delivered pizzas to you. I fall in love with you since the first glance on you. You deserve no less. Would you like to watch a movie with me later after eating this pizza? [Waiting for Annas answer eagerly] Anna : Momma, serve him a cup of tea, please. [Smiling back to Armstrong]

------------------------------------------------------------THE END--------------------------------------------------------------------------

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