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Post-It Notes 5VA Hologram for the King 2022-2023

How would you describe Alan and Yousef’s friendship?

I would describe it as a good and friendly relationship. They like each other a lot (as friends). Yousef
gives his number to Alan for when he needs a ride. They always have fun with each other and tell
Their friendship is kind of interesting because they are distant towards each other but sometimes
also close.
They have a lot of small talk throughout the book, but I could tell that Yousef (to an extent)
cares about Alan. On page 154 he asks him what the lump on his neck was.
They are getting to know each other more because of the small talks and it indeed
shows on page 154 that Yousef cares about Alan.
I would describe it as a new friendship that instantly clicked (in the beginning at least).
I think Yousef cares about Alan (page 53)
Very easily shifted from being strangers into acquaintances (p. 22)
I would say that they were both comfortable with each other and that they can go with each
other. (p. 9, p. 25)
Alan and Yousef’s friendship started indeed as strangers but towards page 27 they start
getting along and making a good conversation. So I could consider them friends on page
Alan and Yousef have a good relationship. It started on page 22. Yousef was Alan’s driver.
Alan has a good relationship with Yousef, but on page 25 he is a little scared of how calm he is
even when he could die any minute now.

Do you think the lump on Alan’s neck has a positive or negative influence on him?
On page 152, Alan says that he wouldn’t have to worry about his worries anymore, therefore:
Negative, page 151
Negative because he was a bit scared of it (page 10)
Negative, as long as he doesn’t know if it is cancer or not he will be scared (p. 152)
Yes, I think it has because he tried removing it himself with a knife (page 150-151).
Yes, I think it has a negative influence on him “there on… and purpose” p. 10
I think it has a negative influence on Alan, because he overthinks about what it might be
and what will happen if he goes to the doctor (page 10). On page 150 Alan goes to the
hospital. When his doctor tells him that it’s probably just a lipoma, he keeps asking if
she’s sure about that.
He doesn’t do anything about it, because he might go bald because of the radiation p. 10
Negative, because he thinks it’s a tumor that is eating away at him p. 10
I agree that the lump has a negative influence on him, because he thinks that it could be a
tumor. Page 10
I agree it has a negative influence on him because he wants to get rid of it. He doesn’t
want pain or radiation. He’s thinking about removing it himself. That proves he goes
Negative, because he has cancer page 93
I also agree because the lump keeps on growing according to page 101.
The lump on Alan’s neck has a negative effect on him, because the first time it is mentioned (page
10) he thinks very negatively of it and how it could end his life.
I agree, because when he removed it he says that it felt very good, page 189.

How does Charlie’s death affect Alan?

Alan thinks about Charlie’s death a lot. Like on page 6: he finds his death horrific and wants to warn
his daughter not to do the same (page 188).
Post-It Notes 5VA Hologram for the King 2022-2023

I think it does affect him but not a lot, because he does reflect on his death but does not show
a lot of emotions.
Alan was thinking about Charlie. He finds it horrific and he is more scared that someone he loves (Kit)
might do the same (page 188).
I agree, because he thinks about Charlie at certain points in the book and compared him to Kit
a lot.
Disagree, page 188 is him writing to Kit, so he is telling Kit that he would not commit
suicide like his friend Charlie.
Page 181. He is thinking about Charlie Fellon’s death in a sad way.
Page 181, 182. I agree with this, because when he thought he deleted/threw away the
messages, he was freaking out. So Charlie still has a special spot in his mind.
“So when Alan saw Charlie stepping into the lake at noon on a Saturday he saw it as a logical
extension of the man’s new passion for the land. He was only ankle-deep when Alan passed him
that day.” Page 6. It does not affect him.
I agree, because the way he mentions Charlie is like it has nothing to do with him and was just
an unfortunate accident. Page 35.
I disagree, because on page 181 he thinks back to Charlie, so his death does affect him a
Page 5, he is thinking the whole time about Charlie
Charlie’s death did affect him. On page 5 he thinks about him and on page 183 we get a little
more to know about Charlie’s life. For instance he had two daughters.
Charlie’s death affects Alan because Alan recalls a lot of moments with Charlie. For
example, on page 128 he remembered getting a call from him and them having fights
too many times.
Page 181. He’s thinking back towards Charlie in a sad way.
I agree, the same thing kinda happens on page 128.
I agree, Alan often is like reminiscing about Charlie but sometimes in a sad way and
sometimes thinking back about how he was page 183.

What is Alan’s relationship with alcohol?

Alan’s relationship with alcohol is very tight because on page 13 he said that he basically kept
drinking and that he was soaking himself in gin and tonic. [Teacher’s note: the man who is drinking
on this page is NOT ALAN but someone else on the plane]
I agree, because on page 130 he remembered meeting with friends for drinks
Alan has a bad relationship with alcohol and probably can’t control himself at page 13
[See previous teacher’s note]
When he drinks alcohol he lies. Page 140.
Unhealthy relationship. Page 102, 104, 105.
Every time he drinks he tries to write a letter to Kit and he is busy with the growth on his spine. Page
When Alan drinks alcohol, that is when he is happy. He calls it “an adventure”. He likes very
much to drink “moonshine”
On page 147 he drinks illicit alcohol.
Page 190. It says he’s half drunk. So that must mean he has been drinking alcohol. His relationship
with alcohol must be strong. Page 147. Alan saw “another” bottle of alcohol.
Page 13, drinks too much, like the man next to him. [Teacher’s note: there is no evidence in this
scene that Alan is also drinking.]
I agree that he drinks too much. I think it’s to distract himself from his current problems,
because he talks to the man about different things.
I agree with the info mentioned above, because it helps him forget about his problems.

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