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Children’s march

The children’s march took place in Birmingham, Alabama in the year 1963. A nickname
for birmingham was bombingham because they are sixty bombings. But these bombs were never
investigated and no arrests were made because the people behind them were white. White people
were protected while black people were beaten, harassed, and killed. The Klu Klux Klan were
integrated into the government system which showed how black people were in harm's way.
Black people also could not fight back beause their houses might get bombed, job loss, or car
So bevel organized the younger kids to fight when their parents did not want to. These
students were treated unequally compared to the white kids because they got all of the white
schools unwanted equipment. Their colors could be green and white but they got blue and yellow
equipment from the white schools. This injustice was one thing that fueled them to be able to
have equal civil rights with white people. Dr.King during a meeting told them they needed to fill
the jails because they can not put everyone in jail so there will always be someone to fight. None
of the adults raised their hand but the kids volunteered but King shut them down.
The kids used codes to set up their protest. Their parents told them to come home and not
go to the “party” (protest) but the kids did anyway. When it was time the kids jumped out the
windows and busted through the doors of the school to go to the 16th street baptist church. Not
only did the kids from the city's school come, but kids from outside the city. There were
thousands of kids. When the protest started groups of 50 came out at a time which never seemed
to end. At the end of the day, so many kids were arrested that the schools could not teach. On the
second day over 3,000 people showed up so the police and firemen released dogs and sprayed
them with hoses. Over the two days 1,922 were arrested.
The kids would spend around two to three weeks in jail before being released. In which
they would go right back to jail so that the jail cells were always filled. Kids as young as four
were in jail fighting for their freedom. These kids were let go randomly which was dangerous.
After Kennedy saw that kids were involved he wanted the protest to stop, which did not happen.
Since it kept on going he finally announced that segregation was over. The secret weapon of
children has beat the government and the KKK.

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