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Practice 1 - Preparing Practice Environment P a g e |1

Practice 1

Preparing Practice Environment

Practice Target
This practice guides you to prepare the environment that you will use in the course practices. The
practices in the course were designed using Oracle VirtualBox appliances (virtual machine). You will
build the following virtual machine:

• Linux-based appliance

This machine is a Linux 6.7 x64-bit based with Oracle database 12c R2 database installed
on it.

Note: this practice assumes that you have the knowledge to perform the basic tasks on Oracle

Practice Overview
In high level, in this practice, you will perform the following tasks:

• Create an Oracle VirtualBox Appliance, Linux-based machine named srv1

• Install Oracle database software (12.2) in srv1 and create an Oracle Database (named ORADB) in

• Set up Order Entry Schema (soe) in ORADB database

• Install Swingbench in the hosting PC

• Learn about creating and deleting snapshots in Oracle VirtualBox

What if you already have srv1 virtual machine with ORADB database?
If you already have the virtual machine srv1 with the database ORADB (probably from other courses),
you can use it for this course. You only have to perform the steps in the following sections:
• Set up Order Entry Schema (soe)
• Install Swingbench in the hosting PC
• Installing stress RPM

Oracle Database Performance Tuning, a course by Ahmed Baraka

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Practice Environment Requirements

Following are the requirements to prepare the practice environment. All those items must be available
before you start with the practice.

Item Type Description

PC machine hardware A PC with Windows 7, 8 or 10 64-bit installed on it to host the
virtual machines.
Following are the required specifications:
Memory: 8 GB or more
Storage free space: 60 GB or more

This PC will be referred to in the course practices as the hosting


Oracle VirtualBox, software Software to create virtual machines (called virtual appliances)
release 5.1.x Note: You can use Oracle VirtualBox release 5.2.x. But there
will be difference between it and the screenshots used in the
course practice documents.

Release 5.1 can be downloaded from this link.

Release 5.2 can be downloaded from this link.

Putty software A program which provides a command line prompt to connect to

a Linux server from Windows

Can be downloaded from this link.

Swingbench 2.5 software Download Swingbench from one of the following sources:
• Course downloadable resources section
• Dominic Giles portal

Java Runtime for software Java runtime JRE 1.8 for Windows x64 should be installed on
Windows your hosting PC. It will be used by the Swingbench software
Can be downloaded from this link.

Oracle Database software To be installed in the Linux-based VirtualBox Appliance.

12c R2
( for
Linux x86 64-bit
Oracle Database software To be installed on the hosting PC.
12c Client (R1)
for Windows

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Create Oracle VirtualBox Appliance

A. Install the Software on the Hosting PC

1. Install the following software in the hosting PC:

• Oracle VirtualBox, release 5.1.
You can install VirtualBox release 5.2, if you wish but its GUI is a little bit different from 5.1.
• Putty
• Java Runtime 1.8
• Oracle Database Client R1 for Windows
In the course code examples, it is assumed that Oracle Database client is installed in the
directory D:\oracle\product\12.1.0\client_1. In the course code examples, you need to
change that directory to the Oracle Database client home directory in your PC.

B. Create an Oracle Linux 6.7 64-bit VirtualBox appliance

In the following steps, you will create an Oracle VirtualBox Linux appliance.

2. Create a Linux-based VirtualBox appliance with the specifications as shown in the table below.
• You can download pre-built appliance from my website at this link (its size is 3.3 GB). This is
an Oracle VirtualBox appliance which has a fresh installation of Oracle Linux 6.7 installed on it.
Please read the readme file on my web site to obtain details about the appliance including
the root password.
• You can create the VirtualBox appliance from scratch. The procedure to create it from scratch
is documented here, or you can watch it in my channel at YouTube here.

Item Value
Hostname srv1

Memory 4 GB
Operating system Oracle Linux 6.7

3. If you use the pre-built VirtualBox appliance, make sure to disable the Linux Automatic Update by
performing the following: login as root -> System -> Preferences -> Software updates:
Check for updates: Never, Automatically install: Nothing
Linux Automatic Update makes an update on the virtual machine that conflicts with downloaded
Oracle software release.
Note: Implement this action twice. Once after logging on as root and another time after logging
on as oracle.

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4. If you are using a pre-built copy of the virtual machine (like the one available in my web site),
make sure the Guest Additions version is upgraded to the version of the VirtualBox you are using.

The pre-built virtual machine that is available in my site was created using version 5.1.12. If you
are using a later version of Oracle VirtualBox, you should update its VirtualBox Guest Additions.
To Update the VirtualBox Guest Additions in the virtual machine, perform the following steps:

a. In the VirtualBox window, login as root and click on Devices menu | Insert Guest Additions
CD image.

b. When the following window pops up, click on OK button

c. Wait for the installation to finish.

d. Reboot the machine and login to it as root.

e. Right click on the VirtualBox Additions CD icon and select Eject option.

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5. Shutdown srv1 and click on Settings -> click on "Network" link from the left hand side pane ->
click on "Adapter 1" tab -> set "Attached to" to "Bridged Adapter".

6. Proceed with making more modifications on the settings of srv1 as follows:

a. Click on "General", "Advanced" tab, and set the "Shared Clipboard" to "Bidirectional".

b. Disable the audio card using "Audio" link (optional). Then press "OK" button.

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7. If you have a firewall software installed into your hosting PC, configure it to allow the traffic to go
to and come from Oracle VirtualBox application or disable it.

8. Start srv1, login to it as root

9. Make sure the firewall is disabled: Linux Main menu | System | Administration | Firewall. Click
on Disable icon, then on Apply button.

10. Obtain the IP address assigned to srv1 by performing the following:

a. In the VirtualBox appliance window, open the Network Connections window
System | Preferences | Network Connections

b. Click on eth0, Edit button, make sure the "Connect automatically" check box is marked,
Change its “Connection Name” to eth0.

c. Click on IPv4 Settings tab, make sure the method is set to "Automatic (DHCP)". This
adapter will take its IP address from your network and it should get the connection to the
Internet through this connection.

d. Click on Apply button and click on Close button.

e. Open a terminal window and obtain the IP address assigned to eth0 and take a note of it.

f. Make sure that the VM machine is connected to the Internet, ping
ping -c 3

11. In srv1 appliance, configure the /etc/hosts file as follows. Replace the IP addresses in the code
with the IP address of your environment.
vi /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain srv1.localdomain srv1

To test the configuration:

ping -c 3 srv1

12. In the hosting PC, make sure srv1 replies to the ping command.

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C. Configure Putty

13. Open PuTTY then configure a connection to srv1.

14. Set the KeepAlive setting to 9 seconds.

15. Save the connection configuration.

16. Open the connection and test it.

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D. Create and Configure Staging Directory

In the following steps you will create a staging directory in the hosting PC. This directory will be
accessed by the VirtualBox appliance srv1. It will be used to exchange files between the VM appliance
and the hosting PC.

17. Shutdown srv1.

18. In your hosting machine, under the disk drive letter that has the most free disk space, create a
staging directory.
The code examples in the practice document assumes that the staging directory is as follows.
Whenever you see in the practice steps a reference to this directory, replace it with the one that
you created in your PC.

19. In VirtualBox Manager, open the "Settings" of srv1, click on "Shared Folders" link in the
right-hand pane. Add shared folder by pressing "plus" icon. Then select path to
D:\staging\Linux, and mark the "Auto-mount" box. Change the "Folder Name" to "extdisk"

20. Start srv1 and add oracle to vboxsf group. This group has privilege to access the shared folder.

a. In the VirtualBox window, login as root

b. Open a terminal window and execute the following command to make sure the shared folder
is seen by the appliance:
ls -ld /media/sf_extdisk/

c. Add oracle to vboxsf group.

usermod -a -G vboxsf oracle

Note: In all the course practices, the directory that you created in this section is referred to as the
staging directory.

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Create an Oracle Database in srv1

In the following steps, you will create an Oracle 12c R2 database in srv1 machine.

E. Configure the Oracle software owner

21. Open Putty and login to srv1 as root user

22. Change the oracle password. If you know oracle user password, there is no need to execute this
passwd oracle

23. Change current user to oracle

24. Set the OS environment variables in the oracle user profile:

su – oracle

mv ~/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile_bk
vi ~/.bash_profile
# .bash_profile
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc


ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/12.2.0/db_1; export ORACLE_HOME
TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin; export TNS_ADMIN
export PATH
export TEMP=/tmp
export TMPDIR=/tmp
export EDITOR=vi
umask 022

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F. Install Oracle Database software in srv1

25. Extract the installation file into the Linux staging directory D:\staging\Linux

26. In the VirtualBox window of srv1, login as oracle,

27. Make sure to disable the Linux Automatic Update by performing the following: System ->
Preferences -> Software updates: Check for updates: Never, Automatically install: Nothing

Note: This step has been implemented for root and it is implemented again in this step for
oracle user.

28. Open a terminal window, change the current directory to the staging directory, and start the
installer. If you are already logged on as oracle source the bash file before you run the installer.

source .bash_profile
cd /media/sf_extdisk/12.2/database

29. Respond to the Installer windows as follows:

Window Response
Configure Security • Unmark "I wish to receive security updates.." checkbox.
Updates • Click on Next
• Confirmation Window pops up
• Click on Yes
Installation Option • Select “Install Database Software only”
Database Installation • Select “Single instance database installation”
Database Edition • Select “Enterprise Edition”
Installation Location • Keep it to the default
Oracle base: /u01/app/oracle
Oracle Home: /u01/app/oracle/product/
Create Inventory • Keep the inventory directory to its default value
• Set the groups to oinstall
Operating System Groups • Make sure dba is selected to all OS groups. It is OK to
keep OSOPER blank.
Summary • Click on Install button
• When prompted, run scripts as root
• When prompted, Install Oracle Trace File Analyzer
Finish • Click on Close button

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G. Create an Oracle Database in srv1

In the following steps you will create a database (named ORADB) in srv1.

30. Start the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant and create a default listener

Listener Configuraiotn -> Add -> LISTENER -> Next -> Next -> No -> Next -> Finish

31. Start the dbca and respond to its windows as follows:

Window Response

Database Operation Create Database

Creation Mode Advanced Configuration

Deployment Type General Purpose or Transaction processing

Database Global Database Name: ORADB.localdomain


UnMark "Create as Database Container"

Storage Option Select "Use following for the storage attributes"

Database files storage type: File System
Database files location:
Mark "Use Oracle-Managed Files (OMF)"

Fast Recovery Option Mark "Specify the Fast Recovery Area"

Set the "Fast Recovery Area" to:
Fast Recovery Area size (approx): 40960 MB
Make sure "Enable Archiving" is unmarked.

Network Configuration Make sure the LISTENER is selected

Data Vault Option Make sure the check boxes are unmarked

Configuration Options Memory tab:

Select "Use Automatic Shared Memory Management"
SGA size: 1652
PGA size: 552
Sizing tab:
Processes: 300
Character Sets tab:

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select "Use Unicode AL32UTF8"

Connection mode tab:
Make sure the "Dedicated server mode" is selected
Sample Schemas
Keep the option "Add sample schemas to the database"

Management Options Make sure "Configure Enterprise Manager (EM) database

express" is marked.

Use Credentials Select "User the same administrative password for all
Set the password (it has been set to "oracle" in my

Creation Option Make sure "Create database" is selected.

Summary click on Finish

32. Test the created database by connecting to it using sqlplus:

sqlplus system/oracle@ORADB

33. Exit from the Putty session.

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H. Automating Database Startup and Shutdown

In the following steps you will configure srv1 so that the database automatically starts up when you
start the appliance and automatically shuts down when you shut down the appliance.

Note: this procedure is applicable in our case because the Oracle Restart has not been configured. If
the Oracle Restart was configured, you would have followed different procedure.

34. Open Putty and login as root to srv1

35. Edit the oratab file

vi /etc/oratab

36. Change the last field for the database line to Y


37. Create the file /etc/init.d/dbora and add the following code in it:

#! /bin/sh
# description: Oracle auto start-stop script.

case "$1" in
# Start the Oracle databases:
# Remove "&" if you don't want startup as a background process.
su - $ORA_OWNER -c "$ORA_HOME/bin/dbstart $ORA_HOME" &
touch /var/lock/subsys/dbora

# Stop the Oracle databases:
su - $ORA_OWNER -c "$ORA_HOME/bin/dbshut $ORA_HOME" &
rm -f /var/lock/subsys/dbora

38. Change the group of the dbora file to dba, and set its permissions to 750

chgrp dba /etc/init.d/dbora

chmod 750 /etc/init.d/dbora

39. Create symbolic links to the dbora script in the appropriate run-level script directories

ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K01dbora
ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99dbora
ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S99dbora

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40. Restart srv1 and wait for a few minutes to allow the database to automatically start up.

41. Login as oracle to srv1 and verify that the database has automatically started.

ps -ef | grep pmon

sqlplus / as sysdba

Note: If you successfully reached to this point of the practice, I recommend taking a snapshot of the
virtual appliance at this stage. It helps you to recover back in case you faced any issue in the
upcoming steps. If you do not know how to create a snapshot in Oracle VirtualBox, do not worry. You
will learn about it soon in this practice.

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I. Set the tns Naming configuration

42. In srv1, enable the tnsnaming and easy connect methods in the sqlnet.ora file.

vi $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora

# add the following to the file:


43. Make sure connection to ORADB is configured in the tnsnames.ora file.

cat $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora

44. In your hosting PC, configure the connection to ORADB in the tnsnames.ora file. Replace the IP
address below with the IP address in your environment.
Do not copy the configuration from the PDF file. Copy it from the attached tnsnames.ora file.
Observe that it uses the IP address for defining the hostname. We have to use the IP address
because srv1 hostname is not defined in the hosting PC.

notepad D:\oracle\product\12.1.0\client_1\network\admin\tnsnames.ora

# add the following:


45. In the hosting PC, test the configuration

sqlplus system/oracle@ORADB

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Set up Order Entry Schema (soe)

In this section of the practice, you will create and populate an Order Entry schema named soe. This
schema is the sample application data that will be used in the course practices.

You will download a data pump dump file that contains the soe schema and import it into ORADB.

Caution: If you already have soe schema in your database, the script below will drop it and replace it
with the new schema.

46. Download the script create_soe.sql from the downloadable resources section of the lecture.
The script creates a tablespace (SOETBS), the user (soe), and the schema objects.

47. Copy the script to the staging directory.

48. Open Putty and login to srv1 as oracle user.

49. Invoke SQL*Plus and login to ORADB as sysdba.

sqlplus / as sysdba

50. Execute the script.

@ /media/sf_extdisk/create_soe.sql

51. Download the data pump dump file (its size is 88 MB) from any of the following links. The file is
compressed in zip format the it requires Oracle database release 12.2
Download Link1 - Download Link2 - The Downloadable Resources section of this

Note: If your database is of release 12.1, please obtain the dump file from the following download
link. The 12.1 dump file is not available in the “Downloadable Resources’ section of this lecture. The
password to extract the file is Ahmed@Baraka
12.1 Download Link

52. Extract the file. The password to extract it is Ahmed@Baraka

After extraction, the file size is about 330MB.

53. Copy the extracted file (soe.dmp) to the staging directory.

54. Move the dump file to the default data pump directory
host mv /media/sf_extdisk/soe.dmp /u01/app/oracle/admin/ORADB/dpdump/

55. Import the data pump dump file into soe schema.

host impdp soe/soe directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=soe.dmp

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56. If the import succeeds, delete the dump file and the script file.
host rm /u01/app/oracle/admin/ORADB/dpdump/soe.dmp
host rm /media/sf_extdisk/create_soe.sql

57. Verify the schema and its objects were successfully created. 49 Objects should be imported.
conn soe/soe

Note: the ERD diagram of the soe schema is available in the downloadable resources section.

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Install Swingbench
In this section of the practice, you will install Swingbench 2.5. You will configure the program to
connect to soe schema that you created earlier. You will also create two Swingbench configuration
files and save them. They will be used in the course future practices.
Note: At the time of this writing, the latest version of Swingbench is 2.6. Personally, I faced issues
with it and therefore prefer to use the stable version 2.5 in the course practices.

Installing Swingbench

58. In your hosting PC, copy the software zip file to the disk drive where you want to install the
software. In my case, I copied it to the D: drive.

59. Extract the zip file. The files will be automatically extracted to the following path. This folder will
be referred to as $SWINGHOME folder.
<disk drive letter>:\swingbench

60. In the hosting PC, open a command prompt window and change the directory to

cd D:\swingbench\winbin

Caution: Do not start the “Order Entry Wizard” (oewizard). The soe schema has already be setup in
the preceding section.

61. Start Swingbench by issuing the following command:

set PATH=D:\oracle\product\12.1.0\client_1\jdk\jre\bin;%PATH%

62. Under the User Details tab, you define the connection details to the database. Set its fields to
the values as in the following screenshot:

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63. Click on "Test Connection" button to test the database connection settings. You should see a
message indicating that the connection is successful.

64. Under the Load tab, change the Number of Users to 10. This value sets the number of sessions
that the utility will create when you start the benchmark run.

65. Click on the "Start Benchmark run" button.

Gradually, Swingbench kicks off connection sessions to the database and executes the selected

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66. Observe that the "Transactions Per Minute" chart is increasing by time and it eventually gets

67. Observe the Response Time chart and its average value. This represents in general the overall
application performance. The higher the response time, the worse.

68. Stop the Benchmark Run by clicking on its button.

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Creating Swingbench Configuration Files

In the following steps, you will create two Swingbench configuration files. One represents the normal
OLTP workload and the other represents the normal warehouse processing workload.

69. Set the load ratios in the operations under the Transactions tab as follows. The OLTP operations
are selected.
Note: In my testing case, when I enter the numbers directly in the ratio fields, the numbers
change automatically to its old value once the cursor leaves the field. It is better to change the
field value by clicking on the up and down arrows of the field.

70. Click on Save button

When you click on Save button, the settings that you have set in Swingbench interface will be
saved in swingconfig.xml. The next time you start Swingbench, it reads its settings from the

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71. Save the Benchmark settings as oltp.xml file by clicking on File menu | Save BenchMark As.
This file will be used whenever we want to start an OLTP benchmark stress sessions from

72. Set the load ratios in the operations under the Transactions tab as follows. The warehouse
operations are selected.

73. Save the Benchmark settings as warehouse.xml file by clicking on File menu | Save BenchMark
As. This file will be used whenever we want to start an warehouse benchmark stress sessions
from Swingbench.

74. Exit Swingbench: File menu | Exit

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Installing stress RPM

stress is a Linux utility to simulate a stress on a Linux machine resources: CPU, memory,
I/O, and disk. This utility is used by some course practices and it should be installed in the
virtual machine.

75. Download the file from the lecture downloadable

Alternatively, you can download the rpm file from the following link.
Note: this is a free software licensed under the GPLv2.

76. Copy the downloaded file to the staging folder.

77. Unzip the file.

cd /media/sf_extdisk/

78. As root, install the rpm file.

su -
rpm -ivh /media/sf_extdisk/stress-1.0.4-6.1.x86_64.rpm

79. Delete the rpm and zip files.

rm stress*

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Creating and Deleting Snapshots in VirtualBox

In Oracle VirtualBox, you can create snapshots of the appliances. You use snapshots to roll
back the state of the appliance to its state at the time at which the snapshot was created.
In all the course practices, start with creating a snapshot of the appliance. If everything
goes well with implementing the practice, delete the snapshot by the end of the practice.
Caution: If you create a snapshot at the beginning of a practice, do not forget to delete the
snapshot after finishing the practice. Otherwise, the folder that contains the appliance
rapidly grows up and eventually leaves you out of free disk space.

80. To create the snapshot, perform the following:

a. Machine -> Take Snapshot. “Take Snapshot of Virtual Machine” window pops up.
b. In the Snapshot Name field, type any description like "Before Oracle installation"
c. Click on OK

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81. If implementing the practice was successful, you can delete the snapshot. Perform the
steps illustrated in the following screenshot:

82. If you face an issue that cannot be resolved, you can restore the appliance to the
snapshot state. Perform the steps illustrated in the following screenshot:

Note: If the snapshot was taken when the machine was on, and if you then restore the
machine from that snapshot, the machine resumes its operation using the date and
time at which the snapshot was taken.

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By the end of this practice, you should have a VirtualBox appliance with the following specifications:

Hostname……………….………: srv1

OS………………………….………: Linux 6.7 (64-bit)

Database Software Release:

DB Name ..……………………..: ORADB

Application Schema…………: soe

Oracle Database Performance Tuning, a course by Ahmed Baraka

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