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My Destiny Comes True

“Now you're no longer part of this family " coldly
Painful words from a mother. Stuck in the mind of an 8-year-old. Now she’s
speechless outside the house. Her tears kept falling, even though her mouth remained silent
for a thousand languages. There was only a warm embrace of a woman who was her aunt.

Andrea, a daughter of the Mylodonia family. A prominent family with hundreds of

musical achievements. Almost all the Mylodonia extended family has enjoyed a career as
musicians in various countries. Behind all the fame they have, being borne in this family
cannot be considered fun and easy. At age 6, Andrea already trained to play the piano, but
don't know why she does not have the abilities that her father and mother had. 
“AGAIN!!” said the coach as he hitting my right hand or left hand every time i made a
mistake. Andrea's body gradually declined to play the piano. When the notes of the piano
start to flow, her body began to tremble, nausea, weakness and if continous she could faint.

Sunday afternoon, coach Andrea called Andrea's mom, Ms. Lydia mylodonia. He
uncovered a fact that provoked Andrea's mother, and soon she called me.
“ANDREA, PlAY THE PIANO RIGHT NOW!” with her anger face
At least for now, at least in front of my mom. Please work with me, she muttered to herself.
Her hands began to touch the piano in her house. She began to play a few notes, but soon her
hands became lamp and her body shook.
She gave in and said "I'm sorry. I can't"
The rage of the famous pianist grew. The finger that first led to Andrea, now leading to the
door of her house. Andrea was expelled.
She lived with her aunt who was widowed, does not had wealth and fame like her
family. And yet she was grateful for it. With this way, it grows away with all forms of music.
Rising Action
11 years later
Kringg. Kring.. Kringg.
“Holy sh*t! Andreaa! Wake up!"
"How do you keep sleeping with the three alarm bells?" Said Cecil
"I said.. WAKE UPPP!” Pressing the water bottle to Andrea’s face.
"AAAAAAA. It's the time already!" Andrea says after she fully wake up
OKAY? PLEASE FASTER!” Andrea panicked and immediately took her formal dress.
Upon arriving, she arrived at the management office most punctually. She started her
"Because you're still a high school graduate. We can pay only Rp 4,000,000 a month.”
Of course it didn't meet Andrea's expectations. She figured that by going into her town's best-
known office, she could get at least 10 million. The target is to get about 500 million at 25.
She wants to pay off her aunt's debts. Whereas on her account there was only 30 millions; the
results she had worked over the last 1 year. There goes her hope.
Andrea now lives at her friend Cecil's house. She decided not to live with her aunt
again after graduating from high school. Aside from not wants to blackmail her aunt
anymore, she has been quietly raising money by working for paying her aunt's debts and for
herself when she goes to college. Andrea is grateful to have such genuine and good friends as
Cecil. 1 years ago, she offered her a place to live. A very decent house where two people live
in a strategic location; easy to find a job. However..
Within a mile Andrea began plugging in her earpiece. She opened the door on her
way into the house. And just as expected, Cecil was playing the piano. It was awe to see the
expression and movement of her friend's body as she played the piano.
Yap, these were the consequences Andrea had to take when agreeing to stay with her
friend. She should be wearing earplugs when Cecil practices the piano. But it wasn't Andrea's
Cecil, who was aware of Andrea's presence, started to stop playing the piano
“How did it go?"
"Accepted, bu-" Not quite finished, Cecil had jumped for joy and pulled Andrea into the
living room. Cecil's classic custom when she hears happy news. She started playing a
youtube video of Harvey's playing piano. Cecil thought the best and most handsome pianist
she'd ever known in the world was Harvey. Harvey's face is a familiar look to Andrea.
Featured practically all over her town billboard.
"What's Harvey so special about? Doesn't Harvey have a girlfriend anyway?" Andrea
sat down looking at the TV screen.
"Who cares.. Love doesn't always have to have" said his friend while sticking out his
"He's the greatest piano and coolest man ever! At 18 he graduated as the youngest
student at the soundie academy. At the age of 20, he won the top of world international piano
competition for thousands. International Chopin piano competition at Poland at age 21. Then
Mozart international piano, and it didn't stop there. There's another blablablablablablablab..
Harvey and music are two things that always motivate me to play music."
"Until now.. Is there no news of him?" Cecil just shook her head and bowed.
Until six months ago, Harvey had been completely off the media and had never been caught
on camera as though the earth had vanished. There are rumors about him. From being
kidnapped by aliens, drug use, to getting away with murder. Whatever happened, to this point
his whereabouts remain a mystery.
Even I'm curious. Where the world's most famous person today is, Andrea's inner.

The next day

Cecil feels weird this morning, not so much. Turns out Andrea was already wake up, and
cleaned up when Cecil checked in. Will the world come to an end?
They left together. Cecil's headed to his music lecture and Andrea's at work. When the
traffic sign goes green..
Suddenly, Andrea's left breast ached, and she lost sight of the scene in a few steps. He's out

Two days later, at the hospital..

Andrea comes to her senses and sees Cecil beside her. Cecil kept crying and giving thanks
when she saw Andrea's awake.
"Cecil.. What's wrong with me?" Andrea said after looking around.
Before Cecil had time to explain, the doctor went in and explained to Andrea. She just had a
heart transplant operation, due to coronary disease. This was quite a shock to her. But she
remembered that her extended family also had the disease, so it's sort of hereditary.
Fortunately the Mylodonian family had some kind of heart insurance (just in case it was
brought down). So the transplant costs aren't that high and Andrea can handle it, with some
help from Cecil.
The doctor said "it has been cured of its critical condition, but I cannot promise how long it
will last." Andrea's speechless and pensive. Is this my destiny?, Andrea’s inner self. But she
remembered, there was still her aunt and Cecil beside her. She retook strong determination to
be successful in repaying their kindness.
Cecil, who was at the door when Andrea was talking to the doctor, heard the music playing
on the hospital speaker. She panicked and quickly closed the door, but she caught a glimpse
of Andrea's facial expression. She's okay with the piano playing?!, Cecil's inner self.

The evening..
When Andrea was alone in the living room. The thunder of the rain came. The television in
her room was telling her about Harvey.
[it's been two days since Harvey left this world. They all brought gold roses, which Harvey
always brought with him whenever he was having a concert blablabla].
Andrea found out Harvey died this afternoon through her best friend. Cecil was
devastated, especially when the news came on the same day as Andrea fell. Andrea was
reading an article about Harvey's death. There was an article about the reason Harvey died
was drugs.
"Really? He doesn't look like he does drugs." She talking to herself
"Pay no attention"
"Media always does create the clickbait's content."
"ERR, but not so many times" Andrea growled
……………. silence
BRAKKK!! Her aunt opened the door.
"GYAAAAA!!!" Andrea screams
Her aunt visited her. She insisted on telling her aunt that there was a male voice here. The
nurse said "you just had surgery so it's natural to have 1-2 hallucinations”. But Andrea's
convinced it wasn't a hallucination, because it was clearly audible right next to Andrea's ear.
And his voice sounds familiar.
"By the way you didn't feel weird after the operation?" asked her aunt.
"No, what's wrong with that?" The aunt pointed to the television that set to play a
piano song.
"The song's been running for 5 minutes. You don't feel a thing"
Andrea also wondered why she did not feel nauseous as usual. Even though she wasn't
wearing a earpiece.
"HMM so she couldn't hear music before? Can anyone have that kind of trauma?
What a pain in the ass. I hope it doesn't trouble me when I see her tomorrow”, someone's

At noon the next day, she was allowed to return home. She didn't feel at all there
because the voice was back and forth asking questions about Andrea's bio and music. He
wondered why music was discussed.
Cecil's the one who found out from Andrea’s aunt that Andrea no longer has music
trauma. She went straight to the piano and sat Andrea right next to her. He started playing a
Harvey song called "flower bloom." Who knew, though, that Andrea's hand seemed to know
where the key lay. He had never heard this song before.
"You played well! Just like the songwriter. Wow, I didn't expect this to happen in the
real world."
"T-this voice..” The guy from the hospital.
"Turn around and look at the mirror for see who is me". DEG
"Hi. Congratulations, you know who's haunting you all this time. How's your
H... Harvey...?
She is in schock, Andrea came to her room with an excuse to rest. Harvey spoke to
her again and enjoyed looking at Andrea's scared face. He finally said he was the heart donor
in Andrea's body right now. Therefore, she only heard and looked at Andrea, and andrea was
the only key to his gold. Andrea came to her senses and felt it was possible to donate to
Harvey, given the amount of time Andrea died and passed out simultaneously.
Harvey asked Andrea to help him finish the song he had composed, since it was
meaningful to him. Of course Andrea would refuse him raw. She didn't want to do the music
thing, and she still had so much to do.
Until Harvey offered the amount of money that was specified to be able to pay off his aunt's
debts and his college fees. He began to rethink,
Falling Action
2 years later
"Andrea hurry now!"
Huftt..Hah.. Huft..Hah. She is groggy
"Calm down. The greatest pianist of all time is with you. What are you afraid of?"
"How can it be so VEY!" Andrea looked sullen
The day the final assessment was finally held at the Soundie Academy (yup academy
where Harvey trained to be a musician and composer). She will finally have access to the
subject and all her accomplishments.
Show's starting. Andrea waits for her turn, constantly hoping her appearance will
make her pass out. I have to be able to match what Ethan, Andrea's psychic is capable of. It
was beautiful. Though he was playing on his feet, the pressed keys all made a steady sound.
After playing a few Harvey’s songs and practicing with him. Andrea now realizes that the
reason he is so popular and loved by many people is because he chooses every suitable
melody and right placement of emotional.
Halfway through the song, Harvey's hand seemed to lose its power, so Andrea had to
take full control. But all of a sudden, she knew she wasn't as good as Harvey. The sound of
the music changed. The audience is beginning to realize that. Five minute intervals…
"My hand came back! said Harvey. He's taking over.
Harvey's worried because Andrea looked panicked.
“An.. I didn't get a chance to answer your question when you handed me a photo of
the two of us”
"You remember?!"
"Yes, I remember. We met in Noir."
DEG. "At first I tried to remember why your face was so familiar to me. Then I found
that photo." Said Andrea
"Sorry, somehow my memories continue to worsen the longer i stay in this world. But
today I remember who you are to me"

13 years ago. The cheerful little girl kept praising her friend's game that had blonde
hair. Yap it was Harvey, because Andrea's compliments, she no longer slacking around
playing the piano. From morning to night, Harvey's mind was one. He wants to see Andrea's
bright smile because of his show. But when his skill increases, Andrea disappeared.
The whole song that Harvey created, which songs that had or hadn't shown to the
world, it is created for Andrea. But he didn't want to tell her about this: about how much he
missed her, how much he loved Andrea. He realized his time in this world was waning, so
Harvey didn't want Andrea to be devastated when he left.
The next day, Harvey came to Andrea's room. Ask Andrea to finish their mission
song as soon as possible. Andrea paused and her expression turned sad, she knew what
Harvey meant. She asked Harvey not to be with her for about a week. So that she could focus
on finishing that cheesy song.
Harvey moved to his old house (where he was still alive). From the first time he
entered, his tightness in his chest grew. His body seemed to remember a terrible event.
He remembered the cause of his death. His stepbrother's face is now clearly etched in
Harvey's memory. It's all clear now. At that time, he was killed by his stepbrother by pressing
a pillow on Harvey's face until he suffocated.
The words of his brother that he remembered at that moment were "YOU’D BETTER
Harvey froze for hours without doing anything in there.
Why brother? What is my fault? I thought you were different from the people around
me, Harvey’s inner self. He felt very sad, disappointed, and angry.
Behind the talents and the fame he had, Harvey was a burden. He's very easily
disliked by people around him. Even though he hasn't done anything wrong. He thought his
brother was different, because they were doing well. He didn't expect, his brother had a
grudge against his too.
The world is incredible, can make very close relationships to unspoken revenge.
Harvey chose to forgive his brother. Because his brother and Andrea were the only
ones who gave his warmth in the brutal world to an 7-year-old child.
Andrea graduated just this spring. She was preparing for a concert where her song
with Harvey for the first time shown to the world. By all means Andrea's trying to hide this
song from Harvey.

The day of the concert arrived.

A few hours before she showed up, when she was alone with Harvey. Harvey finally
told Andrea how he felt, how she entered his life and made his life colorful. Because this is
Harvey's last chance to tell her any of this. Andrea hasn't had time to respond, because she
has to perform.
This is where Andrea is, right in front of a bunch of people waiting for her music
game. In front of Harvey staring at her proudly and warmly.
He began pressing the keys, forming a beautiful melody.
"For a moment I believed I was defective property. Born with no talent. And can't do
anything about it. Just consider the will to survive. All my life, I was unfamiliar with the
concept of love. Because I've never felt it. But ever since you came into my life. I know that
love can be so warm. You've made me the luckiest woman in the world. You've made me the
luckiest woman in the world. I can accept your love so deeply. Now, I don't want to waste a
second trying to express my feelings. Harvey, listen to every one of these melodies. I want
nothing more than you by my side. You made me realize how special I am, how i have come
to believe in myself. I didn't care about anything, as long as you were by my side." and then
she turned to Harvey, and she saw Harvey start to disappear. Andrea's tears are
"Hold Andrea. You can't stop.. At least for this song, he must listen to it to the end”.

Harvey now finds out Andrea loved him too. He could not hold back his tears.
"I'm so glad this song was finished by you. Thank you very much. Andrea... I don't
have any regrets. I don't regret dying at such a young age, because this death set me up for
you, and even though we won't be able to play the piano together. This song.. Remember this
is the song we were born to each other. Promise me you must strive to live healthy and happy
lives. Let my heart beat for you as long as possible, okay, Andrea."
As if their hearts had become one, Andrea nodded.
"Goodbye shithead. Andrea" with Harvey gone, Andrea was done playing the song.
The song they named "Our destiny”
The whole audience clapped and stood up, crying on their faces as well. She was
happy that Harvey returned home peacefully, but she cant lie it is hurt so deeply. She lost
someone who meant so much to her life.
In the middle of the Andrea concert, Harvey's stepbrother came to the concert. At
first, he was just curious about Andrea who everyone said had a piano game that resembled
Harvey. The tone Andrea brought this time was different from Harvey, but for some reason it
reminded his of his childhood with Harvey. He was devastated and guilty. And shortly after
the concert, Harvey's stepbrother went public, admitted that he killed Harvey. Now he's in
As she had promised to Harvey, she lived her life well. She managed to settle her
aunt's debt, become a quite famous pianist, and have fun with Cecil. Now her life is so
different, about her illness like a miracle, she's completely cured.
"Thank Harvey. Thank you very much"

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