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Write the following sentences to negative form (escribe en forma negativa) 

1. The singer is going to use colorful clothes.

the Singer is not going to use colorful clothes.

2. Leonard is going to put the books in his new bookcase.

Leonard is not going to put the books his new bookcase.

3. The boy is going to fix his bicycle.

the boy is not going to fix is bicycle.

4. We are going to buy vegetables on Saturday.

we are not going to buy vegetables on saturday.

5. You are going to paint the house this weekend.

you are not going to Paint the house this weekend.   

Change to future progressive the following sentences. (cambia a futuro progresivo las

1. Andrea will run in vacations.

Andrea will be running in vacation.

2. He will play soccer the next year.

He will be playing soccer que next year.

3. They will catch the ball at game on vacations.

The will be catching the ball at game on vacations.

4. You will clean the garage in November.

you will be cleaning the garage in november.

5. I will sell the old tv on fall.

i will be selling the old tv on fall. 

Translate English or Spanish (cambia a inglés o español) 

soup  sopa cebolla onion
viajar  To travel Máquina de escribir typewriter

En escabeche  pickled frog rana

rebanada  slice A la parrilla grilled

ostrich  avestruz bread pan

stapler  engrapadora geese ganso

zorro  fox águila eagle

bacon  tocino chop picar

Answer the questions in short form (responde las preguntas en forma corta)
1. Had Antony opened the door before the party?
yes, he is.

2. Had they slept four hours before dinner?

yes, he is.

3. Had she boiled the water?

no, it is not.

4. Had we studied math before the exam?

yes, we are.

5. Had he bought chocolates for her?

no, she is not.

6. Had we ridden a bike after breakfast?

yes, we are.

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