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AWS Mainframe modernization is a platform for migration, modernization, execution and operation

of Mainframe application.

 Analyse – Takes source code and conduct assessment and data dependency,
complexity, Analyse applications and dependencies for assessment and planning.
o Develop – Deploy – Operate  can automate through DevOps Pipeline.
 Develop – Develop applications for migration, modernization, and ongoing
 Deploy – create runtime environment and deploy applications.
 Operate – Manager and run applications in resilient and elastic environment.
Currently supports two patterns, Replatforming and Refactoring.

Modernization Layers
To support the above we have Microfocus enterprise suite.
Export source file (nothing but a migration package.)
S3 bucket loaded with source
ED comes with ES to develop, deploy and test.
Creating loadlib
Do a Build project so that loadlib will generate and stored all the generated loadlibs

To test loacal
Test the application now.

After done successfully. Upload all the instances like source code, relevant instances in Code Commit
Create code pipeline. Cloud formation pipeline.

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