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Unit 7
 Decline of the Ottoman Empire
Reasons for the decline of the Ottoman Empire the huge Ottoman Empire was
comprised of numerous community held together by their loyalty to the Ottoman
Sultans. But the sultans distanced themselves from public affairs and resorted to
their pleasure-loving lives in their palaces. They gave administrative powers to
their grand viziers who were unable to run the country in the same way as the
sultans themselves. Moreover, the Janissaries gained greater power, and
corruption became the norm at court.
The Janissaries often directed Ottoman affairs for their own gains.
The Ottoman treasury was in the hands of the Janissaries, who did not spend it on
the welfare and betterment of the people. They divided into smaller factions and
fought each other for power.
Disunity and anarchy led to the division of the Ottoman society the hostile
During the late sixteen century, the Dutch and the English discovered new trade
routes and stopped depending on the ancient trade routes that passed through
the Ottoman Empire. This was the beginning for the economic issues in the
empire. The industry of the Ottomans also declined because it did not develop like
its European neighbors. People were also either forced out of their jobs of under
paid, and were compelled to pay more taxes. These circumstances to rebel against
the government and demand reforms. Some Ottoman rulers did try to bring the
reforms and modernize the empire, but the other resisted change. However, the
rebel movements gained momentum and took over large parts of the Ottoman

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