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The Blessed Virgin Mary with The Weeping Infant Jesus {1924 the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Sister Elisabet Radaelii. Our Lady heid in her arms a weeping Infant Jesus, and lett a remarkably ‘bret message, St, Elisabetta was a member of the “Sisters of Saint Marcellina”, a teaching institute now in existence for 150 years. she lived in their convent at Cerusco sul Navigio, 2 small town about ten miles from Milan, italy. Until 1922 she had always been in good health, That Year. however, at 25 years of age, she started suffering {fom meningitis. This was Tolfowed by pulmonary turberculosis, progressive muscular paralysis and, within a year, total blindness, 6th January, 1924 ‘At 10.30 that night, Sr. Elisabetta’s room-mates heard her speakitsy aloud. They thought she was talking in her sleep and did not disturb her. But she was not sleeping at all. She was conversing with a “beautiful lady” who had come to visit her, she said later, The lady comforted her, and encouraged her to bear all her sulfering for the love of God. Sr. Elisabetta said to her, “Oh dear lady, you are so good; please pray for me. God will certainly listen to your prayers” 2y_trust and hope. | will return on the night benecan the Tanda the 23rd," the lady said. (For some reason St. Elisabetta understood, “on the night between the 2nd and the 3rd’) “My dear lady, please go and comfort also the other sick Sisters as you have comforted me, The lady smiled gently and disappeared . The next day Sr. Elisabetta’s roommates, reporting the night's events said “Last night Sr. Elisabetta talked in her sleep at the top of her voice.”” Sr. Elisabetta intervened: “I wasn't dreaming. | was speaking with a lady who had come to visit us, the sick Sisters, Ask the others..." ‘A vigorous disapproval came from the Sister in charge, Sr. Emilia Gariboidi: “What coutd you have seen? You have been blind ior a year now . The moming of February 3rd arrived. Sr. Elisabetta was weeping miserably, as the lady had not come. The Superior tried to take advantage of the disappointment in order to bring Sr. Clisabetta to her senses: * Don't you see that we were right? Come on, Sr. Elisabetta, be convinced of your mistake. It's your disease that caused those hallucinations.” To this Sr. Elisabetta answered: “She didn’t come because I haven't ben good enough.” The disease progressed rapidly. After 15 days that her progressive paralysis had deprived her of the use of her members, thi February 22nd, immediately after 11.45 p.m. Sr. Elisabetta had a sudden start. The two Sisters who were her leaped to their feet, thinking that the end hhad come. Sr. Elisabetta cried out: “The lady, the lady!" ‘And the following conversation took place: “1 told you that | would return on the night between the 22nd and the 23rd.’" “Oh... . between the 22nd and the 23rd’... | hhad understood “between the 2nd and the 3rd’. A brief silence followed. Alter a time Sr. Elisabetta said: “But... , you are the “Madonna’’ (Our Lady); ‘you are the Blessed Virgin Mary The Holy Virgin smiled sadly, and another silence followed .. . “Oh yes, you are the Madonna, the Madonna with the Baby Jesus ... But... the Baby Jesus .. - Sr. Elisabetta became sad, almost to the point of tears), the Baby Jesus is weeping . . . Is he weeping because of me? Is he weeping on account of my sins? ...” The Dwine Infant was supported in the ems of Mary and his litle face, sightly uplifted, looked upon his mother. One little hand was placed 9 that of Mary. His long white nent blended with the mantle of ne Virgin; irom his eyes fell two big tears that traced glistening lines on his cheeks: his little lips, closed, trembled in griefstricken, silent weeping. To the halting words of Sr. Flisabetta tie Madonna replied: ‘No, The Infant Jesus is weeping because he is not sufficiently loved, sought out and desired, even by people whoare consecrated to him You must announce this!"” Sr, Elisabetta did not understand the ‘mission that the Virgin Mary wished to entrust to her and said “Please, Madonna, take me to Paradise.” “You must remain to announce what | told you.” Sister finally understood. She thought of her miserable condition and was torn with great fear. “Oh Madonna, | am the most useless of all here; | am a burden to my Community. Take me to Paradise." “You must remain to tell my message.” “But, Madonna, who will believe me? | am a dumb-bell; | don’t know anything: | am not even able to speak anymore. Who will believe me?” There was silence on the part of the Virgin Mary who continued 0 look at her tenderly and sadly. AL this point Sr. Elisabetta confessed that, desperate to the depths of her soul at not knowing how to reconcile the desire of the Madonna with her own physical and intellectual feebleness (throughout the conversation she continued to consider herset still mute and dying), she had a sudden light and felt inspired 0 say: “Please, Madonna, give me a sign “Lrestore you to health,” Our Lady said, and then disappeared with her Divine Son ‘At this moment, Sr. Elisabetta felt a terrible pain through her whole body, from the tip of her toes to her hands and up to the very top of her head. This was followed by a general fecling of well-being and life. She leaped from her bed and to the fearful, deeply moved Sisters who had been watching and listening throughout, she shouted: “Lam cured! | am cured! The Madonna has cured me” It was about 12.15 a.m. Mother Erminia was summoned, and she came, stil half asleep, expecting to witness Sr. Cisabetta’s last breath . . . On the contrary, she found a cured Sr. Elisabetta who, full of excitement, hugged her and said in one breath: “Mother Superior, Mother Superior, the Madonna has cured me and told me to say that Jesus weeps because he is not sufficiently loved, sought out and desired, even by people who are consecrated to him...” The usual profound silence settled upon the ‘Community by about 1.30 a.m. Sr. Elisabetta, however, did not go to sleep. She immersed herself in prayer and prayed uninterruptedly until about 6 a.m. Prayers © Mary, your spirit greatly rejoiced when your Divine Son performed miracles. Please, look with Kindness upon this person about whom | am so concemed, and obtain for her/him the favour desired . .., 30 as to bring about new delight for yourself and new glory for Jesus. Amen, (Hail, Mary...) Dear Infant jesus, | want to love you very much so as to wipe away the tears you shed for our ingratitude and for the ingratitude of all people. Amen. (Glory be...) For further information write to: Sisters of St. Marcellina 6 Ellerdate Road, LONDON, NW3 688

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