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Green book extract Inference questions Mrs.

Roza – 6A

Name: Date:

Page 1
1. Why do you think the projector made Father sad?

2. Why do you think the people on the ship cried?

Support your answer with evidence from the text.

3. How does the writer show that the ship is getting further away from the


4. How do you know Pattie was scared?


5. How did their voyage on the ship worry them? Give two ways.
Support your answer with evidence you found in the text.
Green book extract Inference questions Mrs. Roza – 6A

Page 2
6. Are the people on the ship from a rich or poor country?
Support your answer with evidence from the text.

7. Explain why bringing books were important in their voyage.

Give evidence from the text.

8. “Read each sentence twice before you read another.”

Why do you think this was suggested in the rule books?

9. Why did Pattie refuse to lend her book?


10. Who do you think is the most well red among the children?
Support your opinion with evidence from the text.
Green book extract Inference questions Mrs. Roza – 6A


Page 3
11. Why were the people more worried than glad when they knew only three months
left of their voyage on the ship?

12. What do you think of the Father?

Describe what you think of his character based on evidence from the text.

13. Describe Pattie’s personality based one evidence from the text.

14. What kind of brother is Joe?

Support your answer with evidence from the text.
Green book extract Inference questions Mrs. Roza – 6A


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