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V Semester B.C,A. Degree Examination, October/November 2019

(Credit Based Semester Scheme)

(Common to All Batches)

Distributed Computing
Time : 3 Hours}
[Max. Marks : 100

Note : Answer any TEN questions from Part-A and ONE full question from
each Unit in Part-B.


1. Answer any ten of the following :

(}0 X 2 = 20)
(a) What are network services and network applications? Give

(b) What is the difference between program and process?

(c) Write the general format of URL.

(d) What is Peer to Peer Communication?

(e) Expand:

(i) ORB (ii) RPC

(0 List two transport layer protocol used in datagram socket APL

(g) What is echo protocol?

(h) Define Unicast and Broadcast communication.

(i) What is reliable multicasting?

(jJ What are Local objects and Remote objects?

(k) What is meant by Polling?

(1) List the four well knov?n toolkits for distributed object systems.

BCACA C 315 l'lillll lil !H!l~l~[I


2. (a) Explain the s □-engths and weaknes ses of djstribut cd computin g.

(b) \\ rite the si1nplified state transition diagram of a process and
e~"J)lain it. Also write the differenc e between program and process.
(c) E.~plai!-: sy:-ichron ous send and synchron ous receive operation for
ever..t s~"!1diro nization, \\ith a neat diagram. (7 + 6 + 7)

3. (a) Explain different forms of computin g.

(b) How ca.."'"J. y~·e achieYe concurre nt program ming 1n a process?
E..'\..-p:am i::s two types.
(c) \\"nte a note on archetyp al IPC program interface . Explain with
diagram the inter process commun ication in basic HTTP.
(6 + 7 + 7)

(a) \\"rite a note on Collabora tive applicati on paradigm . Explain its two
(b) \Vrite a note on trade-off s of distribut ed computin g paradigm s.
(c) £:\.-plain the network service paradigm and mobile agent paradigm
"ith neat diagrams . (6 + 6 + 8)

0. (a) \Vrite a note on Secure socket APL

(b) Explain the message system paradigm .
(c) Explain stream-m ode socket API with the diagram and ·write the:
program flo·w. (6 + 6 + 8)

6. (a) Explain the different operation s involved in nn archt'typ al

multicas t APL
(b) \\Trite a note on Global state and Session stnk infl~rmnt ion.
(c) Explain the following :
(i) FIFO Multicast
(ii) Causal - Ordering Multicas ling
(iii) Atomic Order MuHicas ting.
(5 + 6 + 9)


7• (a) Explain the mechanism for testing a network aerrice.

(b) Write a note on IP Multicast Addreeeea,
(c) Briefly explain any three client- server paradigm ie.ues ,. ••• " _;.·.c•-ILC·

8. (a) Write a note on RMI security manager.

(b) With a neat diagram explain stub downloading.
(c) Explain the java RMI architecture with a neat diqnuL

9. (a) Write the difference between RMI and socket API,

(b) With a neat diagram explain polling and callback in RMI
(c) Write the algorithms for developing the server aide
software when building an RMI application with
Reg. No. I II I III I I I
I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 BCAC AC 31 5
Credit Based Fifth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, Oct./Nov. 2017
(Common to All Batches) (New Syllabus)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Note : Answer any ten questions from Part - A and any one full

question from each Unit in Part - B.


1. a) What are network service and network applications ? (10x2=20)

b) Which are the four primitive operations of IPC?

c) Define threads. ·

d) What do you mean by abstraction ?

e) What is client server paradigm?

f) Which.are the two types of sockets in stream mode socket API?

g) Draw the diagram for one-to-one and group communication.

h) What is unreliable multicast ?

i) Define echo protocol.

j) What is object registry ?

k) Why we use import and export statements in Java RMI object?

I) List the four well known toolkits for distributed project systems.

111111111111 llll lUI 1a111u11 lMI 11111 1111111111111
BCACAC315 -2-

Uni t- I

2. a) Write and expJain different forms of computing.

addr essin g.
b) Write a note on host identification and Internet protocol
c) What is IPC? Differentiate unicast and multicast.

receive. Expl ain all its

3. a) Write a note on synchronous send and asynchronous
scenarios with diagram.
in its types .
b) What do you mea n by concurrent prog ramm ing? Expla
and expla in it. Also
c) \J1/rite the simplified state transition diagram of a proc ess
(8+7 +5)
write the difference between program and process.

Unit - II

4. a) Explain :

i} Object request brok er paradigm

ii) Message passing paradigm.

digm s.
b) Write a note on trade-offs of distributed computing para

c) Write a note on secure socket APL (8+7 +5)

ram sockets ? Explain

5. a) What are connectionless and connection oriented datag
with diagrams.
t paradigm with a neat
b) Explain the network service paradigm and mobile agen
para digm.
c) Write a note on collaborative application (Group ware)
Explain its two types. (8+7 +5)
Illlil 1111 ~111111111111111 IRl IBM n~ 111110 -3- BCACAC315

Unit -111

6. a) Briefly explain client-server paradigm iss·ues.

b) Write a note on Atomic order reliable multi casting.

c) Briefly explain the process of sending and receiving multicast messages to a

multicast group. (10+5+5)

7. a) Write and explain the classification of reliable multicast systems.

b) Explain the mechanism of testing a network service.

c) What are stateful servers? Briefly explain the two states of information. (8+6+6)

Unit- IV

8. a) With a neat diagram explain the Java RMI architecture.

b) Write the algorithm for developing the server-side software when building an

RMI application with client callback.

c) Write the difference between RMI and socket API.

9. a) With an example explain a sample RMI application in Java.

b) Write a note on RMI security manager.

c) Explain the architecture of RMI with client callback.
Reg. No. I II I I II I I I
Illfflll lUIIIRIIIIIII mll l ~ l l m~ OHi iHi '"\ ~ r- ~ - -- B0 AC AC 315
•I •

ation, OctJNov. 201 6

, Cr99it Based V Ser.nes~er- B.C.A~ Degree Examin
(New Syllabus) (2014-2015 Batch Onwards)
Max. Mark s : 100
Time : 3 Hour s
Answ er any te!1 questions from Part A. and any one
. :.. Note :
question from each Unit in Part B.
8 "'T

appl icatio ns 1n distr ibute d

1. a) Wha t do you mea n by netw ork service and netw ork (10x2=20)
cqro:puting? _~·. , 1 ! : , ... , •

b) -Write any fOIJ.r~top. !ev~ dor11ain,naJneis. ~ ,

,h •

ess ?
c} Wha t is the diffe renc e betw een program and proc
appl icatio ns.
d) Write the diag ram of arch itect ure of distrlbuted
Expl ain.
e) Wha t do yo!-! mea n by Obje ct R~qu§St Brok er?
f) Expl ain socke'f¼P-1. .. ,- ~..:~..
secure .f -- -~ · : ·- ,. -,.To~
, • , •., •

g). Wfla t are itera tive ~nd cbnc urren fserv ers ? .
;" j i

h) Write the toolk its of Distributed O~je ct System.
i) Write the diffe reht ty~s "
6f ienable ~u1t1~asti~,g systems._
ure of java RMI ?
j) Wha t are the layer s used in clien t side arch itect
k) Wha t do you mea n by polling and call back ?
I) Why RMI secu rity man ager is used -? ,..

t , \

Expl ain any three .

2. a) Wha t are the diffe rent form s of com putin g?
ing in a proc ess? Expl ain
b) Explain how can we achie ve conc urren t prog ramm
its two type s.
ive oper ation for even t
c) Explain sync hron ooo send and sync hron ous rece
synchronization. · · :-•it "· 1.1 t · • ,,.. ' 1 .r, • i '
• .,~ •-
~- •~r
• ~.

BCACAC315 1111111 ii11D 11111111 IIIU Ml !ml ~DI IW IIU
3. a) With an example explain Event Diagram and Sequence Diagram.
b) Explain the four operations of an Archetypal IPC Program Interface.
c) What are the strengths and weakness of distributed computing ? Explain. (7+6+7)

Unit- II

4. a) What is message system paradigm ? Explain its two types.

b) With a neat diagram explain connectionless datagram socket APL
cf What do you mean by distributed object paradigms? Explain RMI and ORB.
5. a) Explain different trade-offs of Distributed Computing paradigm.
b) What do you mean by stream-mode socket API? Explain wfth a neat diagram.
'- c) Explain the network service paradigm and mobile agent paradigm with neat
~'\ diagrams. (6+6+8)
·unit- Ill
~ . -~·.>t . F. ..J·

6. a) Explain client-server distributed computing paradigm with a neat diagram.
b) With a neat diagram explain-· th~ software architecture for a client server
application. · ·
c) Explain the differer}t operations involved in an archetypal multicast APL (7+7+6)
7. a) Explain the followmg :
i) FIFO Multicasting
ii) Casual-Ordering Multicasting -i

iii) Atomic Order Multicasting

b) Briefly explain any three client-server paracygm issues.
c) Write a note on connection oriented Echo client-server. (6+9+5)


8. a) Explain the steps for building an RMI nprlication.

b) Explain an Archetypal Distributed Object Arcllitccture.
c) What are the steps involved in testing and debugging of RMI application ? (8+6+6)
9. a) Explain the steps for building an RMI application with client callback.
\ b) With a neat diagram explain the java RMI architecture. (12+8) I
Reg. No. I /I II I I

I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .
Credit Based Fifth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, Nov./Dec. 2018
(Common to All Batches)
Time : 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
Note : Answer any ten questions from Part - A and any one full
question from each Unit in Part - B.


1. a) What is Distributed Computing ? (10x2=20)

b) What are the four primitive operations of IPC ?
c) Write the diagram of architecture of distributed applications.
d) What do you mean by peer to peer paradigm ?
e) Differentiate UDP and TCP.
f) Which are the two types of sockets in stream mode socket API ?
g) Define echo protocol.
h) What are the classifications of reliable multicast system ?
i) What do you mean by daytime service ?
j) List the four well known toolkits for distributed object systems.
k) What do you mean by stub and skeleton generation ?
I) What are the layers used in client side architecture of java RMI ?


Unit - I
2. a) What are the different forms of computing ? Explain any three.
b) Explain with diagram IPV4 address scheme.

c) Explain synchronous send and asynchronous receive scenarios with

diagram. (7 +5+8)

11111111111111111 am 1111111n 1111111n1 m1 YI
3. a) Write the architecture of distributed applications and explain briefly.
b) What do you mean by concurrent programming ? Explain its types.
c) With an example, explain Event diagram and Sequence diagram. (5+8+7)
Unit - II
4. a) What ?oyou mean by distributed object paradigms? Explain the RM I
Paradigm and ORB Paradigm.
b) What are connectionless and connection oriented datagram sockets ? Explain
with diagrams.
c) Write a note on secure socket API. (8+7+5)

5. a) Explain different trade-offs of distributed computing paradigm.

b) Explain the network service paradigm and mobile agent paradigm with neat
c) Write a note on collaborative application (Groupware) paradigm. (7+8+5)
Unit - Ill

6. a) Explain client-server distributed computing paradigm with a neat diagram.

b) With a neat diagram explain the software architecture for a client server
c) Explain the different operations involved in an archetypal multicast API.
7. a) What are stateful servers ? Briefly explain the two sates of information.
b) Explain the mechanism of testing a network service.
c) Write a note on atomic order reliable multicasting. (7+7+6)
Unit - IV

8. a) With a neat diagram explain the Java RMI architecture.

b) What do you mean by Remote Procedure Call ? Differentiate it by a local
procedural call with diagram and explain it.
c) Write the difference between RMI and socket API. (8+6+6)

9. a) With an example explain a sample RMI application in Java.

b) With a neat diagram explain stub downloading.
c) Write a note on RMI security manager. (10+5+5)

Reg. No. I II I I II I I I
Illlllll lllll lllll 1111111111111111111111111111111111111
Credit Based Fifth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination,
September/October 2020
(Common to all Batches) (Repeaters)
Time : 3 Hours Total. Marks : 100

Note : Answer any ten questions from Part - A and one full
question from each Unit in Part - B.

1. a) Define distributed computing.
b) What are the two ways of creating threads in Java?
c) What is event diagram and sequence diagram ?
d) What is message passing ?
e) What are TCP and UDP? Why they are used?
f) Expand JSSE, RPC.
g) What is meant by unreliable multicasting ?
h) Define echo protocol.
i) What are the packages that provide reliable multicast API ?
j) What are stubs and skeletons ?
k) What is local procedure ?
I) Define polling.

Unit- I
2. a) List and explain different forms of computing .
b) What do you mean by concurrent programming ? Explain its types.
c) Explain with block diagram.
i) Synchronous send and Synchronous receive.
ii) Asynchronous send and Synchronous receive. (6+6+8)


BCACAC 315 11111 111111111 1111111 111111111m 1111111m 11u

3. a) Explain strengths and weaknesses of distributed computing.

b) What do you mean by concurrent programming? Explain its types.
c) Explain simplified state transition diagram of a process. (7+8+5)
Unit- II

4. a) What is message system paradigm ? Explain its two types.

b) What do you mean by stream-mode socket API? Explain with diagram.
c) Write a note on trade-offs of distributed computing paradigms. (8+6+6)

5. a) With a neat diagram, explain object request broker paradigm and object
space paradigm.
b) With neat diagram explain remote procedure call.
c) With diagram explain connectionless datagram socket. (8+7+5)
Unit - Ill

6. a) Write and explain the classification of reliable multicast systems.

b) With neat diagram explain client-server distributed computing paradigm.
c) Briefly explain client server paradigm issues. (8+6+6)

7. a) Differentiate stateful and stateless servers.

b) Explain the following with example.
i) FIFO multicast
ii) Casual order multicast.
c) Explain the mechanism for testing a network service. (7+8+5)
Unit- IV

8. a) What is archetypal distributed object architecture ? Explain with diagram.

b) Write a note on RMI security manager.
c) Write the algorithm for developing the server-side software when building
an RMI application with client callback. (8+6+6)

9. a) With an example explain a sample RMI application in Java.

b) Explain stub downloading with neat diagram.
c) Explain RPG with neat diagram. (10+5+5)
Reg. No. [ ] ] [ III I IJ
11mm111111 111n n 11111111 n11111 110
Credit Based Fifth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination,
September/October 2020
(Common to all Batches) (Repeaters)
Total. Marks : 100
nme : 3 Hours
Note : Answer any ten questions from Part - A and one full
question from each Unit in Part - B.


1. a) Define distributed computing.

b) What are the two ways of creating threads in Java ?
c) What is event diagram and sequence diagram ?
d) What is message passing ?
e) What are TCP and UDP? Why they are used?
f) Expand JSSE, RPG.
g) What is meant by unreliable multicasting ?
h} Define echo protocol.
i) What are the packages that provide reliable multicast API ?
j) What are stubs and skeletons ?
k) What is local procedure ?
I) Define polling.

Unit - I

2. a) List and explain different forms of computing.

b) What do you mean by concurrent programming ? Explain its types.
c) Explain with block diagram.
i) Synchronous send and Synchronous receive.
ii) Asynchronous send and Synchronous receive. (6+6+S)

\ P.T.O.
BCACAC 315 ■I I ■11111
3. a) Explain strengths and weaknesses of distributed computing.
b) What do you mean by concurrent programming? Explain ,ts types.
c) Explain simplified state transition diagram of a process (7+8+5)
Unit - II

4. a) What is message system paradigm ? Explain its two types.

b) What do you mean by stream-mode socket API ? Explain with d agram
c) Write a note on trade-offs of distributed computing paradigms. (8+6+6)

5. a) With a neat diagram, explain object request broker paradigm and object
space paradigm.
b) With neat diagram explain remote procedure call.
c) With diagram explain connectionless datagram socket. (8+7+5)

Unit - Ill

6. a) Write and explain the classification of reliable multicast systems.

b) With neat diagram explain client-server distributed computing paradigm.
c) Briefly explain client server paradigm issues. (8+6+6)

7. a) Differentiate stateful and stateless servers.

b) Explain the following with example.
i) FIFO multicast
ii) Casual order multicast
c) Explain the mechanism for testing a network service. (7+8+5)
Unit - IV

8. a) What is archetypal distributed object architecture ? Explain with diagram.

b) Write a note on RMI security manager.
c) Write the algorithm for developing the server-side software when bu d"ng
an RMI application with client callback. (8+6+6)

9. a) With an example explain a sample RMI application in Java.

b) Explain stub downloading with neat diagram.
c) Explain RPG with neat diagram.

Reg. No. I II I I II I I I
1111111 mi11111 mmi m11m 1m11111 BCACA C302
Credit Based Fifth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination1
October/N ovember 2012

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks :100

Note : Answer any ten questions from Part -A and any one full
question from each Unit in Part- B.

PART-A (2x10=20)

1. a) What are the two methods of structuring distributed operating system ?

b) What is meant by fragmentation transparency?

c) Define deadlock. What are the two types of deadlock in distributed system ?

d) Define the term fully reduced relation.

e) What is the difference between casually related event and concurrent event ?

f) What is the purpose of Lamport's logical clock ?

g) What is the drawback of two phase commit protocol.

h) Name the three types of compatibility that exists in distributed systems.

i) List the control organization for distributed deadlock detection.

D What are the drawbacks of completely centralized algorithm for deadlock


k) Name any two Server side technologies.

I) What are the drawbacks of 2-tier architecture ?

BCACAC 302 ·2·
' 11111m11111m111111


2. a) Explain primary site locking schem e for concurrency contro

l in DDBMS.
b) Explain briefly any four issues in distributed operating system.

c) Explain semijoin operation with an example. (4+8+8)

3. a) Explain the three categories of distributed system.

b) Explain timpstamp based concurrency control in DDBMS.

c) Explain parallelism in distributed query processing. (10+5+5)


4. a) Explain the different features of distributed datab ases with

centra lized

b) Discuss the limitation of Lamport's logical clock.

c) What are the advantages of distributed database.

5. a) What are the four factors used to measure the performance
of mutual exclus ion
algori thm?

b) Explain the syste m model of agreement amon g sites in distrib

uted system.
c) State and explain Lamport's algorithm for distributed mutual
exclus ion.

UNIT - Ill

6. a) Explain the issues in deadl ock detection and resolution distrib

uted system.
b) Explain the two-phase comm it protocol algorithm.
c) Describe Mensce-Muntze algorithm for hierarchical deadlock
detec tion.

IRl!ill lBI 111111 filJ 111111 El Hia DI


7. a) Explain the strategies in handling deadlocks in a dis1ributed system.

b) Explain Ho-Ramamurthy's one-phase algorithm for centralized deadlock


c) Explain static voting protocol algorithm. (6+6+8)


a. a) What is Servlet ? Explain the f~atures of Servlet.

b) Write a note on web architecture.

c) Write a note on JSP. (10+6+4)

9. a) Explain the structure of the Servlet.

b) Explain various Serverside Technologies.

c) Explain the life cycle of servlet with a neat diagram. (4+6+10)

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