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wa 1 Love talking on the phone. 2 Tike playing computer games 3 I don't like doing housework, 4 hete watching football. ae Alle Thank you very much, Mark Mark You're welcome. Im really sorry ahoat the coffe Alie That’ OK. [fs te. Our meeting’ at12.30. Mark Wecan tke sex OK. Do you like the shir? Mark. Well yeah it's exactlythe same as the other one Ale The same? Its completly diferent Mark Sor Allie Typical mant Mark Allie, can [ask you somet Ale Yes. What Marke Woald you like to have dinscr with ane night? Allie Tonight? Mark Yeah. You st, i's my birthday: Alle Oh! Happy birthday! 'm sorry, but Teast have dinner tonight. buy Mark Oh. How about Friday night? Allie Friday? Well... OK. Mark Do youknow a good restaurant? Ale Let me think. Dp you lie Kalian hod? Mark Hove it Alle Will there'sa new Taian restaurant, We ean go there Mark Good idea. Taxi ez ai Weare nov at Mount Rushmore, in South Dalota, and you can seein front of you, fiom let to right, the heads of Geoege Washington, Thomas lefferson, Theodore Rocsevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. As you Know, all four men were Presidents of the nied States of America, George Washington was the rst president, ss They walked to the information desk and they shewed ther tickes to the woman, Raoul When is ove next fight? Woman The next flight? This isthe end of your journey, Where did you want to gc? Raoul Where ae wee Woman You're in Sydney Raoul We're in Australia? Woman Australia? No, you're in Canadat Raoul Canada! st Interviewer _Sitvia. from Rio de ln went out with four friends, Karina, Manica, Ana, and Thelma, Silvia, can you tellus about your girl’ night outt Silvia Interviewer What did you wear? Silvia I wore jeans and jacket - and two fiends wore the seme! Interviewer And what did you dot Silvia Well, first we wen? to restaurant in Ipanema. IY aplace where a lot of famous People go and we saw an actor ther, called Fernando Pinto. Karina rally likes him ~ in fact she’s crazy obout hin! Then ‘we went toa beach bar and we had some drinks. And then later we went to a party. Interviewer What did you have to eat and i Sfivia At the restaurant we had beer and we hhad some French fries, And at the beach, bar we had beer and coconut water Interviewer What did you talk about? Silvia About men, of course! What ese? Interviewer How did yon go home? Silvia By taxi Thavea car, bt I dont like drivingat night, Incerviewer What time did you get home? Silvia Very, very late -I don’: remember ‘exactly what time. Interviewer So, did you havea good time? Silvia. Yes it as good. Not fantastic, but ‘good ~ seven out often! si Then the inspector questioned Barbara Travers, Inspector What die you do afer dinner esterday evening? Barbara After dinner? I played cards with Gordon, and then I went to bee. Inspector What time was that? Barbara twas abouthalf past clever Tremember I looked at my wateh, Inspector Did you hear anything in your father’s mom? Barbara No. Ididn't ear anything, Inspector Did you have any: problems with ‘your father? Barbara No, ne problems at all My father was a wonderful man and a perfect father. Inspector Thank you, Miss Travers 518 Next the inspector questioned Gordon Smith Inspector What did you do after dines, Gordon? Gordon I played cards with Barbara. Then she went to bed, Inspector Did you go to bed then? Gordon: No. stayed in the sitting room and I had 2 glass of whisky. Then I went to bed. Inspector What time was that? Gordon I don't emember exactly, 1 didn’t look atthe time, Inspector Did you hear anything daring thenight? Gordon Not di I slept very well Inspector You and Mr ‘Travers were business partners, weren’t you? Gordon es, tha’s right Inspector And isa very good business Tunderstand Gordon Yes, inspector, iis, Inspector And nowt is your business Gordon Listen, inspector, I did not kill Jeremy. He was my partner and he was my friend as very tied, pecor questioned Claudia Simeone, Inspector What did you do yesterday evening, after dinner? Claudia T went to my room andi hed bath and I went to bed, Inspector What time was that? Claudia About 11,00 Inspector Did you hear anything? Claudia es. | heard somebody go into, Jeremy's room. It was about 12.00, Inspector Who was i? Claudia. It was Amanda, his wife, Inspector Are you sure? Did you see her? ‘Claudia Well not didn't see her, But I'm sure it was Amanda, Inspector You were Mr"Travers' secretary, Claudia ‘Claudia. Yes, Las, Inspector Were you just his secretary? Claudia What do you mean? Inspector Were you in love with ‘Mr Travers? Claudia No, wasnt Inspector ‘The truth please, Claudia, Claudia Very well, inspector. Yes, Iwas in Jove with him and he said he was in love swith mie, He said he wanted to leave his ‘wife ~Amandi ~ and marry me. was stupid. I believed him. He used me, inspector! L was very angey with him. Inspector Did you kill hisnt Gaudin No, inspector, loved Jeremy. 520 Before dinner, Gordon had a drink with Jeremy iu the library. Gordon Cheors Jeremy: Happy birthday Jeremy Ab, thanks, Gordon. Gordon Listen, Jeremy, | want to talk to you about Barbara, Jeremy Barbara? What’ the problem? Gordon I’snot exactly a problem. am in love with her, and I want to marry her. Jeremy, Marry Barbara? Marry my daughter! Are you crazy? Never. You don't love Barbara, You only want her money! Gordon Thet’s not irue, Jeremy. I love her Jeremy Listen to me. Ifyou marry ‘Barbara, when I die all my money goes to Clauala Gordan ‘To Claudia? To your secretary? Jeremy Yes. Gordon Is that your las word, Jeremy? Jeremy Yes, iti. ‘Amanda Diane: everybody! _At midnight Gordon finished his whisky and went upstairs. Jeremy Who is tz Gordon? 528 Mark Hi, Allie. Wow! You look great. dresat Allie Oh, thank you. Es this is for you for your birthday. I bought you a little present. Oh! Oh no. I hope it’s not broker. Mark 15a mug! ft was mug. Thanks, Allie! Allie I don't believe it! I'm sorry, Mark. Mark No problem, it was really nice of Allie let you another one tomorrows Mark Don't worry: Listen, did you call a taxi to goto the restaurant? Allie No, Lhave my car outside. Come on, its time to go. Tbooked the ble for 8.00 and Tm not sare exactly where the restaurant i. ‘Mark Hey, Allie, eax. This srt work, ‘This iva night out, 'm a bit stressed today. OK Estate agent OX, Let's havea look upstairs now. Fallow me Louise It’s very old Estate agent Yes, madam, the house isa hhundred years old. The Iravers family Tived here for nearly cighty years There are fixe bedrooms. This was Mr Travers’ bedroom, Larry I? cold in here Louise Yes, very cold. Estate agent Don't worry, madam. TI central heating in the house. And ths ‘room here is the second bedroom. Larry OK, well what do you think: Louise? Louise ! ike i. Larry Me too. Yup. We want it Estate agent Excellent! Lets go back to my ‘office and we can sign the contract. 6 Larry Good evening Barman Good evening sir, madam. What would you like to drink? Larry Do you have champagne? Barman Ye, sin Larry A boitle of champagne, ples. Barman Here youare! Louise Cheers, Larry. Larry Cheers. To our new house, Barman You're Ams ren you? "re from Louise Yes, thats right. We Washington, Larry My wife andi just rented the big. house in the village. Tonight is our first night there Barman ‘The Travers family’s old house? Larry Yes Barman Od. Louise Is there problem? Barman Dili? they tll you? Larry ‘Tell us what? Barman About the murder Louise Murder? Barman Yes, Mr Travers was murdered in that house in 1938... in his bed. Louise Oh, how horrible! Larry Why? Barman Because nobody wants to buy it. Louise Come on, Larry Let's go and find « hotel. Larry A hotel? Louise Yes I dont want w skep in a fhouse where somebody was murdered. Come on, Larry Louie: Louise your champagne 6s Stephen Ip the middle of he night 1 suddenly woke uo! Tewas 2.00. The television was off But how? There was no remote control, and I certainly didnt get up and turn it of. The light was still ‘on, but suddenly the ight went off to. ‘Now I ws rally frightened! I couldn't see anything strange, but I could fee tht there was somebody or something in the Toone I got out of bed and turned on the ‘TV again Little hy litle | strted to rola and I went to sleep again. When I woke up it was morning, [had breakfast and | let the hotel about 10.09, Interviewer So the question is did you see the ghost? Stephen No, 1 did't se the ghost but 1 ‘definitly felt something or somebody in the room when I woke up inthe night Interviewer Were you frightened? Stephen Yes, Iwas Very frightened! Interviewer Would you like to spend another night inthe hotel? Stephen Definitely, ye. Interviewer Way? Stephen. Vell, m sure there was something stange in that rom Tean't explain the telewsion and the light. ‘want to go back beeatseT want 10 560 the ghost 6i2» Hi Bill it’s Rob. What are you doing?... Pm {going to London... Who are you talking tot... 'm having acofiee.. Isthe baby cryingg... My tain’ arriving. Bye!

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