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Subscribe Past Issues Translate @ySauk Valley FSCINSON Community College EARNED TUITION SSAUK VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Dear Sauk Supporter, I’m pleased to share feedback we've received from a recent survey sent to students, parents, educators, and community members involved with the ongoing Impact Program pilots. ‘+ 100% of the student respondents rate their experience as 5 out of 5! They feel they are getting good program support and would recommend the Impact Program to friends. They also expressed how easy track volunteer hours. s to select, complete, and “Volunteer work has been easy to sign up for and to log my results” ~pilot student~ ‘+ Parents mirrored students’ positive experiences showing an average rating of 4.8 out of 5. Parents note that email communication is great and that the community is responding positively to the program, “A good amount of opportunities are available to the kids which helps them and the community. This is by far the best program I have ever seen!” ~pilot parent~ Register now for upcoming informational Impact Program Zoom sessions by completing this google form. The link will be emailed to you the Friday prior to your session, ‘+ Monday, November 15th @ 12:00 p.m. + Monday, December 13th @ 4:30 p.m. Subscribe Past Issues Translate Sincerely, EmmaLea Bittner Impact Program Coordinator ‘You an yada aur elarence rune om i & mailchimp

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