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1 a) bio-potentials
a) Pressures
b) Temperatures
c) Sounds
d) Flow rates
e) Concentration
2. kymograph
3 a) simplicity
b) cheapness
4 a) sensor
b) amplifier
C) recorder
5 Transducer
6 a) cathode ray tube
b) physiograph
c) colorimeter

1. a)Colorimetrically via cyanmethaemoglobin method
b) Sahli method
2. Oxyhaemoglobin
Conversion products are acid haematin, alkaline haematin, carboxyhaemoglobin or
3. Drabkin’s Cyanide – Ferricyanide solution with pH of 9.60
4. 0.02ml of blood to 5ml of the diluent in a ratio of 1:250 dilution
5. Drabkin’s solution
6. Optical Density vs concentration of Hb
7. Oxyhaemoglobin, methaemoglobin and carboxyhaemoglobin
8. 50mg of KCN/litre
9. 600-1000 mls
10. a) heparinised capillary tubes b)micro-haematocrit centrifuge c)Plasticine d)Haematocrit
11. Freshly prepared 0.1N HCL
12. 20 pipette
13. 5 minutes
14. Dark brown acid haematin
15. Distilled water
16. Micro haematocrit method
17. 7.5cm long and 1mm interval diameter
18. Heparin
19. Capillary action
20. Atleast 15mm
21. 50 microlitres
22. Plasticine
23. Micro-haematocrit centrifuge
24. 5 minutes
25. Hawksley Haematocrit reader
26. Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin
27. MCHC is the percentage of haemoglobin by weight in 100ml of packed cells.
28. MCHC=Hb in g/dl * 100
Pcv in % 1
29. g/dl
30. Polycythaemia rubra vera
Physiologic polycythaemia in high altitude dwellers
Tissue hypoxia eg in patients with lung diseases
31. Parallax error in reading the instruments
Underdilution or overdilution in Sahli’s method etc
32. Transport of oxygen to tissues and carbondioxide to the lungs.

33. The test tube that contains the blood sample is spun at a great speed of 1000 rev/5mins so
that gravity pulls the heavier mass to the bottom of the tube and the less heavier mass (plasma) as
the supernatant at the top of the tube. F= mv2 /r
34. 35. 36 have been answered above
37. Use the values given in class
38. MCHC= 31- 35g/dl
PCV =54%
MCHC= Hg in g/dl * 100
PCV in % 1
= 18 * 100 = 1800 = 33.33g/dl
54 1 54
39. a) age b) sex c) nutrition d) pregnancy e) altitude
40. PCV and HB

1. Electronic counting and manual counting
2. New improved Neubauer counting chamber haemocytometer
3. sterile lancet, spirit, Thomas diluting pipette, cover slip, improved Neubauer hsemocytometer,
Turk’s solution, microscope
4. Turk’s solution
b. 1% glacial acetic acid in distilled H2O coloured with gentian violet
5. The 4 large corner squares.
6. Total white cell count=
No cells of counted * dilution factor
Area * depth
No of cells counted= 5
Dilution factor = 20
Area = 1mm square
Depth = 0.1 mm
Total white cell count= 5 * 20 = 400
1 * 0.1 0.1
=4000cells/mm cube
7. Microscope, microscope slide, Leishman’s stain
8. Leishman`s stain which is a mixture of Methylene blue and Eosin in methyl alcohol
9. a) Neutrophils
b) Basophils
c) Monocytes
10. Caucasians; 4500 - 11000/mm cube
Africans; 2000- 9000/mm cube
11. Leishman’s stain. Others may include Wright’s stain odr Diff quick, Harleco
12. Physiological – Exercise, nutritional status, emotional disturbance
Pathological - a) infection b) allergy c) common d) tuberculosis

1 a) kell b) kidd c) Lutherans d) lewis e) duffy
2 a) pitted white tile
b) anti sera (anti-A sera, anti-B sera, rhesus anti-sera)
3 a) group O
b) group AB
4 Haemolytic disease of the newborn, erythroblastosis fetalis, fetal hydrops
5 a) AB Rh -ve
b) O Rh +ve
6 a) A, rhesus antigen
b) B antibody
7 Karl Landsteiner
8 O+
9. Anti- A is blue
10. Anti- B is yellow
Rhesus anti-sera is colourless


1 In an anticoagulated blood that is left standing undisturbed, the red cells aggregate and settle at
the bottom leaving a region of clear plasma at the top.
2 Rouleaux formation
3 Westergren method
4 Anticoagulant = ethlenediaminetetracetic acid
Diluent = 3.8% sodium citrate

5 Westergren ESR tube (30mmm long with internal diameter of 2.5mm) which is graduated from
the bottom
6 male = 3-5 mm/ 1st hour
Female = 4-7 mm/ 1st hour
7 a) infection
b) Pregnancy
8 a) error in mixing blood with diluent
b) Error in timing
c) Improper positioning of the westergren tube
d) Error due to parallax while reading values from westergrens tube
e) Irregularity in the bore of the tube

1. Electrocardiograph
2. Right arm, left arm and left leg
3. 4th intercostal space left sternal border (v2), midway between v2 and v4(v3) 5th intercostal
space left mid clavicular line(v4)
4. Atrial depolarization, ventricular repolarization and ventricular depolarization
5. About 0.08 seconds
6. To allow for better electrical contact between the electrode and the skin
7. Atrioventricular conduction time and one cardiac cycle respectively
8. Heart rate, ventricular hypertrophy, cardiac arrhythmia
EXTRA: Colours of the ECG
Green : +ve (right arm)
Yellow: Left arm
Red: Left leg (-ve)
Black: earth
1. Systolic – 120 Diastolic – 80 mmHg i.e 120/80mmHg
2. Sphygmomanometer
3. Auscultation and palpation
4. Auscultation
5. Cardiac output and peripheral resistance
6. Temperature, vessel size, anaemia, polycythaemia
7. Renal dx, endocrine cause (phaechromocytoma), coarctation of the aorta, Toxaemia of
pregnancy, Idiopathic
8. Korotkov sounds
9. Ensure the sphygmomanometer is at the same level with the heart, ensure the cuff covers
about 2/3 of the arm


1. Spirometer
2. The volume of air inspired or expired during each respiratory cycle
3. Residual volume
4. About 80%
5. The ratio is reduced
6. Age, sex, altitude, tribe
7. 12 to 18 breaths per minute
8. Maximum expiratory flow rate
9. Male: 331.47 – (0.96 * age years) + (4.66 * height in inches)
Female: 460.68 – (2.46 * age in years) in + (1.62 * height in inches)
10. Tidal volume + Inspiratory Reserve Volume + Expiratory reserve volume
11. Body size, build and posture
12. Tidal volume + Reserve Inspiratory volume
13. Tidal volume + Expiratory Reserve Volume
14. Causes a haphazard sort of respiration
15. Causes a temporary cessation of respiration (deglutition apnoea)
16. Stethograph, pressure transducer (Marey’s Tambour) recording device(kymograph)
17. At the level of the nipple
18. Inspiration


1. Excretion of waste products, production of hormones

2. Urinal, Urinometer, thermometer, 1 litre measuring bassel, narrow range pH indicator paper or
pH meter.
3. Archimedes principle
4. Urine concentration test, dilution test
5. Drink
6. urinometer
7. to collect the urine sample
8. T
9. 1.020
b. High
10. 1 litre
11. As rapidly as possible
12. 30 minutes interval
13. 80% of the water load in 4 hours
14. 1.004
15. Carbonic acid, Sulphonic acid, Phosphoric acid
16. 7.4
17. 3% NH4CL volume of 250ml
18. 1 hour and subsequently, at 30 mins interval
19. 2 hours
20. S.G= y (a+b) – b
Where Y = S.G of diluted urine; a = volume of urine used, in mls; b= volume of distilled water
added, in mls
21. Diuretics
22. Furosemide, Spironolactone, Acetazolamide, Thiazides

Rom 8:31 What then shall we say to this? If God be for us, who can be against us? NOBODY!!!

Vs 37 No, in all of these we (YOU) are more than conquerors through him that loved us.



Let your light shine!!!

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