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# An efficient Python 3 program to

# find 2's complement

# Function to find two's complement

def findTwoscomplement(str):
n = len(str)

# Traverse the string to get first

# '1' from the last of string
i = n - 1
while(i >= 0):
if (str[i] == '1'):

i -= 1

# If there exists no '1' concatenate 1

# at the starting of string
if (i == -1):
return '1'+str

# Continue traversal after the

# position of first '1'
k = i - 1
while(k >= 0):

# Just flip the values

if (str[k] == '1'):
str = list(str)
str[k] = '0'
str = ''.join(str)
str = list(str)
str[k] = '1'
str = ''.join(str)

k -= 1

# return the modified string

return str

# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
str = "00000101"

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