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Fear. F-E-A-R. Fear.

This was the first emotion that struck me when I learned that one of my professors would be Sir Mann.
I'm sure that the cortisol all over my body lit up like a Christmas tree during that time. It engulfed me for
the past week, I was anxious. Although my fear pealed a page when he sent us his teaching philosophy –
which by the way was astonishing and well-written – I was still worried. He then gave us several
instructions which made me realize how hands-on and impeccable our professor is, I know I am in good

When finally the day for our first meeting came, I was shaking, too anxious to even function, and I sure
wish I am kidding. For a time more than my hand could count, I told myself, "you can do this" while
stopping my feet from trembling as I read for the possible recitation or assessment he was gonna give
us. We were told to come to class at 5:45 P.M., at the least. I came by 3:30 P.M., I don't wanna be late.
Too much, isn't it?

The room was then slowly filled with my classmates and soon as I know it, it was booming with chitchats
all around the room. I was fine by then. "This too shall pass", I whispered to myself. But when they all
got quiet and a besuited and neat man entered the room, I felt fuzzy again. It was Sir Leonard Mann.
Surprisingly, he was charming. He was not as scary as they painted him to be, and I will be forever
grateful to the Law Educators Certification Program (LECP) for that. Although he claims that he did not
have a 360-degree change – he did have a hundred and eighty, nonetheless.

By the time he was talking, I was stunned by how well he connected with all of us. My fears and anxiety,
although not skinned to the bones, were flushed away with his stories and inspirational messages. Our
first day of class was memorable, truly one for the books. And besides, I got a one-of-a-kind memento
that I promised to look at at least once daily to remind me to always give my best. I learned the
importance of Dopamine and Oxytocin, and how to get rid of the unnecessary Cortisol in my system. As
our professor reminded us yesterday, just D.O. It!

Life would never turn out the way we want it to be. But we could always compel our minds into pushing
us to make it to the end. There lies the success we are all patiently and diligently waiting to happen. I
cannot wait to run to wherever Sir Mann is at the time the 2026 BAR passers would be announced to
thank him and say that I made it while waving the blue sticky note with his and my signature in it. Thank
you for the inspiration, Sir Mann. I will always and forever strive to be excellent. Indeed, the future is not
in my hand, but in my mind.

PAJARES RM, 1Plato 22-23.

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