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The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig Unit Plan
Rasheedah Byrd
Dr. Luongo

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


The Three Little Wolves and Big Bad Pig Unit Plan
All fourth grade students will read The Three Little Wolves and Big Bad Pig by Eugene
Trivizas and Helen Oxenbury. The purpose of this unit is to make students understand the
importance of similarities and differences.. Students will learn what a venn diagram is and will
be able to use it properly when comparing and contrasting two stories. In groups, students will
write and discuss their similarities and differences among one another.
Students will be writing their own The Three Little ___ and the Big Bad___ story.
Teacher will edit and revise students stories to ensure that it is ready for publication. Students
will also learn how to write a letter from the point of view from a character in The Three Little
Wolves and Big Bad Pig.
Daily objectives will be written on the right side of the board with homework written
underneath. It is students responsibility to check that side of the board for homework.
Throughout the unit students will engage in writing and drawing activities which will be
graded based on a rubric which is depended upon the variety of projects chosen, although a
generic version is offered. Also, throughout the unit students work will be checked and once
ready for publication will be displayed on the classroom bulletin board dedicated to this unit.
The Unit will feature guided reading and practice throughout.

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig

Day 1

Objective: Students will be able to describe the similarities and differences in The three Little
Wolves and the Big Bad Pig and The Three Little Pigs with at least 90% accuracy
CCCS: CCSS.ELA-Literacy. RL.4.9- Compare and contrast similar themes and topics (e.g.,
opposition of good and evil) and patterns of events in stories, myths, and traditional literature
from different cultures.

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig

Smart board (chalkboard, big writing paper can substitute)
The Three Little Pigs
Venn diagram worksheet

1. Anticipatory Set
2. Read Three Little Pigs
3. Suggest students to underline and take notes on different materials the pigs made their
house from, they will be used later
4. Call on student(s) to summarize what the story was about
5. Introduce students to The Three Little Wolves and Big Bad Pig pig by asking students

how they thought the story would be if the characters were reversed.
Ask students to make predictions as to what the story will be about
Remind students to take notes on important details
Call on student(s) to summarize the end of the story
Give students a venn diagram worksheet and ask them to compare and contrast The

Three Little Pigs and The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig at their desks
10. When called on students will share what they wrote and complete the big venn diagram
on the Smart board
11. Discuss what was written and ask Does anyone have something that wasnt written?

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


Anticipatory Set: Students will be placed into two separate groups. One group according to
weather they are wearing light colored pants and the other by dark colored pants. In each group
students must find at least three other similarities and three differences. There will be one
recorder and one speaker for each group. Teacher will introduce what a venn diagram is and use
it to visually show students the similarities and differences in the classroom.
Provisions for Special Need and Multiple Intelligences: Accommodations will be made for
M.I., I.E.P.s and 504 plans.
Closure: Students will complete exit sleep 10 minutes before leaving the classroom at the end
of the day. Answering three questions:

What is a venn diagram and how is it used?

What is one similarity between The Three Little Pigs and The Three Little Wolves and

the Big Bad Pig?

What are two differences between The Three Little Pigs and The Three Little Wolves
and Big Bad Pig?

Students will fold up their answers with their name on the back and place them in the basket by
the door before leaving the class. Teacher will check the answers during her own time.
Assessment: (Formative) - Student participation in creating the class venn diagram
(Summative) - Collecting the exit slip at the end of the day and evaluating it during
teachers own time and returning it to students the following day.

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig

Day 2

Objective: Students will be able to define, describe, and visually represent words in the story
The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig
CCCS: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3.7- Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about
a topic.

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig hand out
Drawing paper

1. Anticipatory set
2. Teacher will go over with students the supplies the characters used to build their houses
by going through the story with the class again
3. Teacher will write the supplies on the board (sledgehammer, concrete, pneumatic drill,
armor plates, Plexiglas)
4. Students will be placed in groups
5. Name of supplies will be written on a popsicle stick and a student from each group must
pick one at random, the object that is chosen is what the individual group is responsible
6. One person from each group will be asked to get a dictionary for the entire group
7. One or two students (depending on the size of the group) will go to the computer station
and use the internet to research what that specific object is used for and what it looks like.
8. Students from the computer station will report back to the group on the information they
have found
9. Classroom helpers will then distribute drawing paper, markers, and crayons to each group

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


10. Collectively, the group will draw the object and underneath write what it was used for
and why they believed the wolves used that object to secure their house in a few short
11. Groups will share their work with the class
12. All art supplies will be collected
13. Art work will be on display around the room with students names written on the back
*Throughout the procedure the teacher will be going around the classroom asking students if
they need help and to ask them are they able to put the definition in their own words. Teacher
will also be supervising the computer area to ensure that they are on task on not leisurely surfing
the web
Anticipatory Set: Teacher will ask students if they could recall any of the things the wolves
made their houses out of. Teacher will allow some students to answer. Then she will go forward
to explain how the materials used in the story were a bit more advanced than in The Three Little
Pigs. Teacher will ask students, Do you believe the reason why the wolves didnt get eaten by
the pig was because they all used better supplies than the pigs did in The Three Little Pigs?
Teacher will allow students to answer and then go forward and explain todays activity and
Provisions for Special Need and Multiple Intelligences: Accommodations will be made for
M.I., I.E.P.s and 504 plans.
Assessment: (Formative) - Information shared throughout students presentation
(Summative) Presentations will be assessed through teacher made rubric. Also,
Students will be asked to write in their journals two things they learned from another
groups presentation

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


Closure: Students will share what they have learned with their classmates and in their journal
recall how the other groups object is used.

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


Rubric for Visual Display


(Teacher may explain specific assignment in this space.)


Task Description:



Few details support
main idea
Lacking accurate
information is not
clearly supportive of
visuals purpose


Appropriate details
Most details
support main idea
support main idea
Accurate and detailed Accurate
information for
almost all subject
adequately supports
Information is
purpose of visual
mostly adequate
and supportive of
visuals purpose

Topic and title difficult

to identify
Main idea not clearly
Few illustrations
complement purpose
of visual


Topic and title clear

Topic and title are
and easily identified
mostly clear and
Main idea is clearly
easily identified
appropriate to topic Main idea is
All illustrations
appropriate to
Most illustrations
purpose of visual
purpose of visual

Visual Appeal 20%

Outstanding use of
color, design, and
Original and creative
Overall design is
pleasing and

Inappropriate use of

color, design, and

Design lacks creativity
Lack of harmonious

design in


Free of grammatical
Mostly free of
grammatical errors
No excess glue, torn Little use of excess
edges, mark-outs
glue, torn edges,
Words are legible and
Most words are
pertinent to topic
legible and
pertinent to topic




Assignment Score ______________

Final Score ________________

Adequate use of
color, design, and
Design is adequate
Overall design is
mostly pleasing
and harmonious

Frequent grammatical
Excess glue, torn
edges, and markouts
Presentation is
illegible and

Beyonder/Bonus ______________

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


Day 3

Objective: Students will be able to write a letter to a Character in the story expressing how they
feel about that character and their actions. Students will be able to use proper letter format with
100% accuracy

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


CCCS: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.3.B: Use dialogue and description to show the responses of

characters to situations through writing a letter to another character

Student journals
The Three Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig
Letter writing template
Glue stick
Construction paper

1. Anticipatory Set
2. Teacher will introduce students to how to write a letter by asking them have they ever

written a letter to any one before?

Letter format template will be given to each student as a guide
Students will also receive copies of the story in case they need to refer to it
Teacher will inform students of the different types of letters (business, personal, friendly)
Teacher will explain that the activity for today is to write a lesson as a character from the

book expressing how they feel and use events and details from the story in the letter
7. An example of the letter will be shared with the students so they get an idea of what is
8. Teacher will walk around to ensure that students are writing their letters in the proper
9. When students letters are completed they will form a line by teachers desk quietly to
have their work edited and/or revised
10. Once revised, students will go to computer lab or computer in the room and type their
letter and print it
11. Students will glue or tape their letter to construction paper and place in their writing
folder for future reference

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


*Students have the free will to choose whatever character they wish to write in the perspective
from. They can also make up their own address in their letter. Letter has to be at least 3
paragraphs long with correct format, salutation, and neatness.
Anticipatory set: Review what events took place in the story. And ask students how they would
feel if they worked so hard for something and someone was to come and destroy it. Students will
share some personal experiences where they may have experienced this and teacher will share
one as well. From there, teacher will inform students of todays activity.
Provisions for Special Need and Multiple Intelligences: Accommodations will be made for
M.I., I.E.P.s and 504 plans.
Closure: One or two students can share their letters with the class as they staple it to the board.
If students are not finished with their letter they can complete it for homework and hang it up the
following day.

Assessment: (Formative) Walking around the classroom helping students write their letters
and editing and revising them as students approach teachers desk
(Summative) The finished product of the letter. Teacher will ask students in their
own words the different types of letters there are and when would you use them. Teacher
will ask students, where are certain parts of a letter located? For example if asked, a
student will tell me that their address goes in the upper right hand corner of the paper.
Letter will be graded based on attached rubric.

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig

Worksheet 1

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig

Worksheet 2


By Eugene Trivizas
Parts (15): Narrator 1 Narrator 2 Narrator 3 Narrator 4 Narrator 5 Narrator 6
Mother Wolf 1 Wolf 2 Wolf 3 Kangaroo Pig
Beaver Rhinoceros Flamingo
Narrator 2: Once upon a time, there were three cuddly little wolves with soft fur and
fluffy tails who lived with their mother. The first was black, the second was
gray, and the third was white.
Narrator 3: One day the mother called the three little wolves around her and said,
Mother: "My children, it is time for you to go out into the world. Go and build a house
for yourselves. But beware of the big bad pig."
Wolves (all): "Don't worry, Mother, we will watch out for him,"
Narrator 4: said the three little wolves, and they set off.
Narrator 5: Soon they met a kangaroo who was pushing a wheelbarrow full of red and yellow
Wolves (all): "Please, will you give us some of your bricks?" asked the three little wolves.
Kangaroo: "Certainly,"
Narrator 6: said the kangaroo, and she gave them lots of red and yellow bricks.
Narrator 1: So the three little wolves built themselves a house of bricks.
Narrator 2: The very next day the big bad pig came prowling down the road and saw the house
of bricks that the little wolves had built. The three little wolves were
playing croquet in the garden. When they saw the big bad pig coming, they ran
inside the house and locked the door.
Narrator 3: The pig knocked on the door and grunted,

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


Pig: "Little wolves, little wolves, let me come in!"

Wolves (all): "No, no, no. By the hair on our chinny-chin-chins, we will not let you in,
not for all the tea leaves in our china teapot!"
Narrator 4: said the 3 little wolves.
Pig: "Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I"ll blow your house down!"
Narrator 5: said the pig. So he huffed and he puffed and he puffed and he huffed, but the
house didn't fall down.
Narrator 6: But the pig wasn't called big and bad for nothing. He went and fetched his
sledgehammer, and he knocked the house down.
Narrator 1: The three little wolves only just managed to escape before the bricks crumbled,
and they were very frightened indeed.
Wolves (all): "We shall have to build a stronger house,"
Narrator 2: they said. Just then they saw a beaver who was mixing concrete in a concrete
Wolves (all): "Please, will you give us some of your concrete?"
Narrator 3: asked the three little wolves.
Beaver: "Certainly,"
Narrator 4: said the beaver, and he gave them buckets and buckets full of messy, slurry
concrete. So the three little wolves built themselves a house of concrete.
Narrator 5: No sooner had they finished than the big bad pig come prowling down the road
and saw the house of concrete that the little wolves had built.
Narrator 6: They were playing battledore and shuttlecock in the garden, and when they saw
the big bad pig coming, they ran inside their house and shut the door.
Narrator 1: The pig rang the bell and said,
Pig: "Little frightened wolves, let me come in!"
Wolves (all): "No, no, no,"
Narrator 2: said the three little wolves.
Wolves (all): "By the hair on our chinny-chin-chins, we will not let you in, not for all

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


the tea leaves in our china teapot."

Pig: "Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down!"
Narrator 3: said the pig.
Narrator 4: So he huffed and he puffed and he puffed and he huffed, but the house didn't
fall down.
Narrator 5: But the pig wasn't called big and bad for nothing. He went and fetched his
pneumatic drill and smashed the house down.
Narrator 6: The three little wolves managed to escape, but their chinny-chin-chins were
trembling and trembling and trembling.
Wolves (all): "We shall build an even stronger house,"
Narrator 1: they said, because they were very determined. Just then they saw a truck
coming along the road carrying barbed wire, iron bars, armor plates, and
heavy metal padlocks.
Wolves (all): "Please, will you give us some of your barbed wire, a few iron bars and
armor plates, and some heavy metal padlocks?"
Narrator 2: they said to the rhinoceros who was driving the truck.
Rhinoceros: "Sure,"
Narrator 3: said the rhinoceros, and he gave them plenty of barbed wire, iron bars, armor
plates, and heavy metal padlocks. He also gave them some Plexiglas and some
reinforced steel chains, because he was a generous kindhearted rhinoceros.
Narrator 4: So the three little wolves built themselves an extremely strong house. It was
the strongest, securest house one could possibly imagine. They felt absolutely
Narrator 5: The next day the big bad pig came prowling along the road as usual. The three
little wolves were playing hopscotch in the garden. When they saw the big bad
pig coming, they ran inside their house, bolted the door, and locked all
thirty-seven padlocks.
Narrator 6: The pig dialed the video entrance phone and said,

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


Pig: "Little frightened wolves with the trembling chins, let me come in!"
Wolves (all): "No, no, no!"
Narrator 1: said the little wolves.
Wolves (all): "By the hair on our chinny-chin-chins, we will not let you in, not for all the
tea leaves in our china teapot."
Pig: "Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down!"
Narrator 2: said the pig.
Narrator 3: So he huffed and he puffed and he puffed and he huffed, but the house didnt
fall down. But the pig wasnt called big and bad for nothing. He brought some
dynamite, laid it against the house, lit the fuse, and...the house blew up.
Narrator 4: The three little wolves just managed to escape with their fluffy tails scorched.
Wolves (all): "Something must be wrong with our building materials," We have to try
something different. But what?"
Narrator 5: they said. At that moment they saw a flamingo coming along pushing a
wheelbarrow full of flowers.
Wolves (all): "Please, will you give us some flowers?"
Narrator 6: asked the little wolves.
Flamingo: "With pleasure,"
Narrator 1: said the flamingo, and he gave them lots of flowers. So the three little wolves
built themselves a house of flowers.
Narrator 2: One wall was of marigolds, one of daffodils, one of pink roses, and one of
cherry blossoms. The ceiling was made of sunflowers, and the floor was a
carpet of daisies. They had water lilies in their bathtub, and buttercups in
their refrigerator. It was a rather fragile house and it swayed in the wind,
but it was very beautiful.
Narrator 3: Next day the big bad pig came prowling down the road and saw the house of
flowers that the three little wolves had built.
Narrator 4: He rang the bluebell at the door and said,

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


Pig: "Little frightened wolves with the trembling chins and the scorched tails,
let me come in!"
Wolves (all): "No, no, no,"
Narrator 5: said the three little wolves.
Wolves (all): "By the hair on our chinny-chin-chins, we will not let you in, not for all
the tea leaves in our china teapot!"
Pig: "Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down!"
Narrator 6: said the pig.
Narrator 1: But as he took a deep breath, ready to huff and puff, he smelled the soft scent
of the flowers. It was fantastic. And because the scent was so lovely, the pig
took another breath and then another. Instead of huffing and puffing, he began
to sniff.
Narrator 2: He sniffed deeper and deeper until he was quite filled with the fragrant scent.
His heart grew tender, and he realized how horrible he had been. Right then he
decided to become a big good pig. He started to sing and to dance the
Narrator 3: At first the three little wolves were a bit worried. It might be a trick. But
soon they realized that the pig had truly changed, so they came running out of
the house. They started playing games with him.
Narrator 4: First they played pig-pog and then piggy-in-the-middle, and when they were all
tired, they invited him into the house.
Narrator 5: They offered him tea and strawberries and wolfberries, and asked him to stay
with them as long as he wanted.
Narrator 6: The pig accepted, and they all lived happily together ever after.
Scripted by Jill Jauquet

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig

Worksheet 3

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig

Worksheet 3- Teacher Letter Example

Little Wolf #2
788 Candylane Blvd
Stingy City, New Jersey 07546
April 3, 2975

Dear Big Big Pig,

How are you? I am so glad that you became friends with me and my brothers. We didnt
like it when you were mean and kept destroying our houses we worked so hard to build. Let me
ask you a question, why were you so mean to us to begin with? I mean, I know the past is the
past but I am just curious as to what my brothers and I did to you to have made you want to
cause us any harm? And where did you find the supplies from to destroy our houses? I know
there is no hardware store in the city that sells dynamite so you must have gotten it from out of
town. Well, I digress. I hope all is well and I will see you next week for dinner. Take care.

Little Wolf #2
p.s. I hope you enjoyed the wolfberries and strawberries I sent. Ill be sure to make more when
you come over.

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig

Day 4

Objective: Students will be able to create their own story using whatever animal and/or object
they wish using proper grammar, and having a beginning, middle, and an end. Students will also
be able to illustrate a cover and or other illustrations with as much creativity as possible.
CCCS: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.4.3- Write narratives

to develop real or imagined experiences or events

using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.


Dictionary (if needed)
Graphic organizer
Lined paper
Construction paper
Small three ring binder or research paper binder

1. Anticipatory set
2. Students will be told of todays activity which is writing their own story similar to The
Three Little Wolves and Big Bad Pig and drawing an illustration that will later go with
their story
3. Teacher will go over the definition of setting, characters, plot, conflict, and resolution
and pass out worksheet with the definitions on it
4. Teacher will show video of setting, characters, plot, character, and resolution
5. Students will be asked to approach teachers desk to check graphic organizer.
6. Teacher is looking for setting, characters, plot, conflict, and resolution. Students
organizer will not be accepted unless it has those 5 things.

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


7. Once teacher has checked the graphic organizer students are allowed to take two sheets of
lined paper and begin writing their draft
8. After completing a draft, students will be paired together to read each others work and
give suggestions and to fix any errors they may see.
9. After working with their partner students will come to teachers desk for edit and revision
one on one
10. While working with individuals one on one at teachers desk, the other students should
be either finishing up their draft or working on their illustrations
11. Once students have seen teacher for edit and revisions they will be given time to go to
computer lab or classroom computer to type their final work
12. Once the story is typed and printed students will use hole puncher to insert their story into
a three ring binder or research paper binder. The picture they drew will be the cover page.
Extension: If time allows it or if students want to, they can draw more pictures to place
throughout their book. Also, students can record an audio reading of their book and have it
burned to a CD.
Anticipatory Set: Students and teacher will have a discussion on what activities were done so
far. Students will give their opinion on what they liked or disliked about the activities and what
would they have liked to change. Also, students will have the opportunity to volunteer with
helping the teacher put together the The Three Little Pigs and Big Bad Wolf bulletin board.
Closure: Students will put away all materials. Teacher will announce that if students are not
finished with their story they are to take it home to complete for homework. The students who
are finished will place their stories in their writing folders until teacher is ready to put them on

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig


Assessment: (Formative) looking over draft and editing and revising students work
(Summative) The final product of students book will be assessed through two
rubrics, one for the illustration (s) and the other for the story itself. On the art rubric, students
will complete the bottom of it and teacher will complete the top. Students rubric will be placed
in their writing folder.

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig

Worksheet 1

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig

Worksheet 2

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig

Worksheet #4- graphic organizer

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