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Cambridge IGCSE First Language Chinese 0509

(一) 課程簡介
Why choose this syllabus?
Cambridge IGCSE First Language Chinese is designed for learners whose mother tongue is
Chinese. The course allows learners to:

• develop the ability to communicate clearly, accurately and effectively when writing
• learn how to use a wide range of vocabulary and correct grammar, character formation and
• develop a personal style and an awareness of the audience being addressed.

(廣泛閱讀)Learners are also encouraged to read widely, including classical texts, both for their
own enjoyment and to further their awareness of the ways in which Chinese can be used.

(綜合能力)Cambridge IGCSE First Language Chinese also develops more general analysis and
communication skills such as synthesis, inference and the ability to order facts and present opinions

Recognition and progression

The combination of knowledge and skills in Cambridge IGCSE First Language Chinese gives
learners a solid foundation for further study.
Cambridge IGCSEs are accepted and valued by leading universities and employers around the
world as evidence of academic achievement.

Cambridge IGCSE First Language Chinese comprises two papers.

Component Part
Paper 1 Reading, Candidates answer all the questions in the three compulsory sections.
Directed Writing Section 1: Comprehension and Use of Language (白話文閱讀理解) (23 marks)
and Classical Candidates answer a series of comprehension questions based on Passage 1.
(2 hours 15 Section 2: Directed Writing (指導式寫作)(25 marks)
minutes, 60 marks) Candidates use and evaluate the information in Passage 2 and Passage 3 to create an
argumentative/ discursive email, letter, essay or article. (200-350 characters)
Weighting: 50%
Section 3: Classical Chinese (文言文閱讀理解) (12 marks)
Candidates answer a series of questions about Passage 4.
Paper 2 Candidates answer two questions, one from each section.
Writing Section 1: Argumentative/ Discursive Writing (議論 / 游說) (25 marks)
(2 hours, 50 marks) Section 2: Description/ Narrative Writing (描寫 / 記敘) (25 marks)
Weighting: 50% Candidates write two compositions, each of 400–600 characters.

For details of this subject, please refer to

P. 1

模擬考試分 上學期常分*
卷別 總分 佔分比例 評估形式 佔分比重
卷一 卷一統一測驗 60%
閱讀理解(白話) 23 分 閱讀 卷一班本練習 20%
閱讀理解(文言) 12 分 75% 50% 篇篇流螢 10% 50%
指導式寫作 25 分 寫作
學習態度及課堂 10%
參與 / 家課練習
卷二 作文 90%
記敘 / 描寫 25 分 50% 50% 50%
議論 / 討論 25 分 50%


測驗 日期 範圍
卷一 11 月份 文言文閱讀理解、指導式寫作
統一測驗 1 白話文閱讀理解


1. 讀、寫、綜合能力的等級描述另見於派發的資料。
2. 課業要求 / 注意事項:

日常課業 /  遲交課業者,第一天扣減 10%,第二天扣減 20%,第三天扣減

閱讀報告 50%,三天後繳交的課業將歸為 0 分。即使課業已被扣至 0 分,
 凡抄襲者,課業所得分數及下一次測驗分數會被扣除 50%或以
測驗 /考試  不設補測及補考
 凡作弊者,測驗 /考試所得分數會被扣除 50%或以上。

P. 2

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