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Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá

Centro Regional Chiriquí

Centro Especializado de Lenguas

Name:________________________________ ID: ____________________________ Date:

Professor: Score: ______/100

I. Listening. (9pts)
Instructions: Listen to the conversation. Then fill in each blank with the correct word.
1. The first woman’s sweater is made of ____________________.
2. The first woman’s sweater and necklace were made by ____________________.
3. The second woman’s jeans were made in ____________________.
4. The second woman’s jeans were bought by ____________________.

Instructions: Listen to the conversation. Then choose the correct answer.

1. The man’s dog eats ____. a. fast b. carefully c. loudly
2. The man’s cat eats ____. a. fast b. carefully c. loudly
3. The man’s dog sleeps ____. a. quietly b happily c. loudly
4. The man’s cat sleeps ____. a. quietly b happily c. loudly
5. The man’s dog turns around in circles when he ____. a. gives her a lot of attention
b. gives her some special dog food c. gives her a few pieces of cheese

II. Vocabulary. (28pts)

Instructions: Match the words and phrases to the conversations below. (8) hunt b. loudly c. a lot of d. extinct

e. a little f. sustainable g. I´ll eat it h. if

1.A: Why are you going fishing? What will you do if you catch a fish?
B: If I catch a fish, _____. I don’t want the fish to go to waste.
2.A: Why are you buying peanuts? You don’t like peanuts.
B: I put them outside because _____ birds and wild animals eat peanuts.
3.A: What is that cat doing?
B: It’s teaching the kitten _____. The kitten learns how to kill its prey by watching the mother cat.
4.A: It’s going to be a very hot summer.
B: There won’t be many plants for the rabbits to eat _____ it is really hot this summer.
5.A: I think you eat too many sweets. B: Me? I eat _____ candy now and then, but not too much.
6.A: I don’t like that dog. It barks so _____. B: I could ask it to please be quiet.
7.A: Don’t order the tuna. It’s not caught in a _____ way. B: But I like tuna! OK, what should I get instead?

Instructions: Read each sentence. Then answer True or False. Circle the correct answer. (10)
1. Wildlife includes both plants and animals. a. True b. False
2. If a species goes extinct, we may be able to see it in a national park. a. True b. False
3. A zoo is a natural habitat for monkeys. a. True b. Fals
4. Cats eat mice, so mice are a kind of prey. a. True b. False
5. Most wild animals spend a lot of time with people. a. True b. False
6. A species of animal is a kind of animal. a. True b. False
7. Penguins eat fish, so penguins are a kind of predator. a. True b. False
8. People can ride on tame horses. a. True b. False
9. If people hunt all the tigers, there will be more tigers for future generations. a. True b. False
10. We can help protect endangered animals by not eating them. a. True b. False

Instructions: Match the words to the sentences below. (10)

a. Ships d. despite g. beyond j. remarkable

b. Distant e. search h. published
c. Exchange f. inspire i. trade

____1. One of Christopher Columbus’ goals was to ___________ for a way to reach India by boat.
____2. The author Herbert Kubly ___________ a book in 1956 about his travels in Italy.
____3. Polynesians explored the Pacific Ocean in small canoes, not large __________.
____4. The beautiful scenery in The Lord of the Rings movies __________ my friend to travel to New Zealand.
____5. Only a few people score over 150 on an I.Q. test, so it’s a ___________ achievement.
____6. From the beach, we could barely see the ___________ island. It’s too far away to be seen clearly.
____7. I’m too short to see over the person sitting in front of me. You’re taller, so would you please __________ seats
with me?
____8. We don’t produce oil or gas in my country, so our _____ with countries in the Middle East is important to us.
____9. I can run five kilometers, but no more. I’ve never run __________________ that distance.
____10. I will travel again in the future _________________ the fact that this trip has been awful.

III. Grammar. (58pts)

Instructions: Complete each sentence in any correct way. Use the real conditional in the future. (16)
1. If we protect endangered species, ___________________________________________________________
2. If large predators such as bears become extinct, ________________________________________________
3. People will appreciate wild animals more if ___________________________________________________
4. The world’s wildlife will face serious problems if ______________________________________________
5. If the climate continues to change, __________________________________________________________
6. If people don’t use sustainable ways of fishing, ________________________________________________
7. If people stop buying and eating fish, ________________________________________________________
8. The world will be a better place if ___________________________________________________________

Instructions: Complete the statement or question with the passive voice in the past. Use the verb in parentheses. (12)
1. When she was a child, all of my mother’s clothes ________________________ (make) by hand.
2. None of the cake ___________________________ (eat) by the children. The adults got all of it!
3. At one time, the mail _________________________ (deliver) by men on horseback.
4. When I was a child, meals ____________________________ (prepare) by my mother.
5. Last year, this class _______________________________ (teach) by Mrs. Agnew.
6. His homework ___________________________ (do) by his brother, so he didn’t learn the material.
7. A family’s land used to __________________________ (give) to the oldest son when the parents died.
8. Important lessons about food safety ___________________________ (learn) by early people.
9. Before the 1990s, recyclable materials such as cans and bottles _____________________________ (toss) into
the trash can with the rest of the garbage.
10. This house ________________________________ (build) during the 1800s.
11. Do you know how clothes ___________________________ (wash) in the past?
12. The Hawaiian goose ___________________________________ (hunt) by early settlers, and now it’s extinct.

Instructions: Complete the real conditional with verbs from the box. Put the verb in the correct form. (10)
1. Polar bears are going to become extinct if people _________________ the problem.
2. The habitat will disappear if the ice _______________________. Continue ignore
3. The ice will melt if the ocean temperature _____________________ to rise.
Live melt
4. People will try to protect the polar bears if they ___________________ the problem.
5. It will be terrible if no more polar bears _____________________ in the wild. understand
6. Julio works at the pizza restaurant ___________________ money for school.

Instructions: Complete the sentences with used to plus the verb in parentheses. (10)
1. James _______________________ (drink) a lot of coffee every morning. Now he has only one cup.
2. We _________________________ (drive) to school, but now we take the bus.
3. Our class is in the evening. But I __________________________ (be) in the afternoon.
4. The baseball team _________________________ (win) a lot of games.
5. The baby ___________________________ (wake up) in the middle of the night.

Instructions: Match the sentences (5)

1. Laura used to wake up on time in the morning ______. a. Now they are more fuel efficient.
2. They used to eat large meals. ______. b. But now they eat less to lose weight
3. Carl used to watch movies on TV. ______. c. Nowadays I see many planes.
4. There used to be fewer planes in the sky. ______. d. Now she needs an alarm clock.
5. Cars used to use a lot of gasoline. ______. e. He watches movies on his laptop now.

Instructions: Choose the correct quantifier in parentheses and write in on the blanks to complete each sentence. (5)
1.This is ____________________ (too little / too few) meat for a lion. They eat much more.
2.The zoo needs to buy ______________ (too much / many) kinds of vegetables for all the different animals.
3.The monkey is still hungry because he ate ____________________ (too few / too little) food.
4.We have ____________________ (a few / a little) milk. Will the cat drink that?
5. Isn’t that ____________________ (too much / too many) apples for the raccoon to eat?

IV. Writing (10pts)

Instructions: Write a small paragraph to answer the question.
3. How was your life ten years ago different from your life now? Give plenty of details. (5)
4. Write about an endangered species in your country. What do you think is the best way to protect the species? (5)

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