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Exam-for 1st secondary .

second term
A. Language Functions (8 marks)
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue. (4 marks)
Sara and Mona are talking about wildlife.
Sara: Hello Mona. What are you doing?
Mona: I am preparing a project about wildlife.
Sara: ………………………………………1………………………….?
Mona: Yes, please. I was wondering if you have any idea
about animals living in the wild.
Sara: ……………………………………2……………………………?
Mona: I need to know more about animals’ adaptation to
extreme weather.
Sara: If we take the camel as an example, it has a thick skin
that protects it from the hot weather of the
desert. …………………………………………3……………………..
Mona: How can it travel many hours without water?
Sara: It can drink up to 57 litres of water at a time and its
body can store a huge amount of water when needed.
Mona: Great. Can you tell me where I can find more
information about the topic?
Sara: ………………………………………….4……………………………….
Mona: Thanks a lot! I will search on the internet for more

2. Write what you would say in each of the following situations. (4

1. Someone says to you, “Would you mind turning the air conditioner
on, please?”
2. You want to go to the zoo but you don’t know where it is, so you ask
a friend.
3. Your friend asks for advice because he is applying for a job that
needs someone who has excellent English, but his English is weak.
4. You are at a mobile phone shop and you ask the shop assistant the
price of a mobile phone.
B. Vocabulary and Structure (12 marks)
3. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d. (5 marks)
1. We __________ eat with dirty hands.
a. should b. shouldn’t c. must d.
don’t have to
2. We __________ let flies land on the food.
a. must b. don’t have to c. mustn’t d.
have to
3. Have all animals got backbones? No, they __________.
a. didn’t b. don’t c. haven’t d.
4. Do rabbits eat plants? Yes, they __________.
a. are b. do c. can d. have
5. You __________ wear a seatbelt when you drive your car or you’ll
pay a fine.
a. have to b. don’t have to c. shouldn’t
d. mustn’t
6. A piece of land surrounded by water is called __________.
a. an island b. a course c. a
mainland d. a harbour
7. A __________ is a mass of ice, formed by snow on mountains,
moving slowly down a valley.
a. moisture b. backbone c. shipwreck
d. glacier
8. __________ is an animal or bird hunted and killed by another for
a. Wildlife b. Fur c. Prey d.

9. We use a/an __________ for cutting down trees.

a. knife b. hammer c. first-aid box d. axe
10. __________ are small electric lamps that run on batteries and are
held in the hand.
a. Radios b. Torches c. Mobile phones
d. Clocks
4. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets, to
give the same meaning. (4 marks)

1. I am going to get up early in order to not miss the school bus. (Mira
2. I don’t mind answering all the students’ questions. (Mr Hassan said)
3. It’s forbidden to use mobile phones while driving. (mustn’t)
4. It’s not necessary for you to get up early on Fridays. It’s a day off.
(don’t have to)
5. Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each
space. (3 marks)
If you dream of working as a tourist guide, you need to have special
_______________ for that job. First, you must have an excellent
command of a foreign language as you’ll need it to _______________
the information you are giving to foreigners into their own language. So if
you aren’t good at a foreign language, you should work on
_______________ it. You can _______________ to take a
_______________ at any centre where experts teach foreign
languages or you can teach yourself by reading special
_______________ that help you to improve your language.
C. Reading Comprehension and Set Books (11
6. Read the following passage, then answer the questions. (7
Some animals in northern countries have a way to adapt to long, cold
winter weather. It is called hibernation. Hibernation is like deep sleep.
This allows the animals to save their energy when there is no food. These
animals’ bodies go through several changes during their hibernation. For
example, the bear is the largest animal that hibernates. Its heart
normally beats 40 to 50 times per minute. When the bear is hibernating,
its heart beats only 8 to 12 times per minute. Its body temperature also
Some animals hibernate all winter without waking. Other animals wake up
now and then to eat some of the food they have stored for winter.
When the weather becomes colder in the autumn, a substance called
Hibernation Inducement Trigger (HIT) becomes active in the blood of
animals that hibernate. The HIT makes the animals start to prepare for
winter by either storing food or eating a lot to add more fat to their
bodies. This fat helps their bodies to keep warm and is a source of energy
during the animals’ hibernation.
1. In which of these countries do some animals hibernate in winter?
a. Egypt and Libya
b. South Africa and Australia
c. Sudan and China
d. Canada and Russia
2. What does HIT stand for?
a. Hibernation Inducement Trigger
b. Hibernation In Active Temperature
c. Hibernation Includes True Hibernators
d. None of the above

3. The bear’s heartbeat goes down to ____ beats per minute during
a. 8-12
b. 40-50
c. 8-40
d. 12-50

4. Why do some animals hibernate?

5. What changes happen in an animal’s body when it hibernates?
6. When does HIT become active?

7. What do animals do to prepare for winter?


7. Answer only four of the following questions. (4 marks)

1. How do Egypt’s sand cats protect themselves from the heat of the
2. What was Robinson Crusoe parents’ opinion when he decided to
become a sailor?
3. What did Leila do in her first week of work at One World Travel?
4. What do you think will happen to polar bears if the ice around the
North Pole melts?
5. What do you think would have happened to Robinson Crusoe if he
hadn’t saved the tools and equipment that he had? Why?
6. Would you like a job like Leila’s? Why or Why not?
D. The Novel (7 Marks)
8. Answer the following questions.
From "The Face on the Wall"
1. What was strange about the patch on the wall?
2. Why did the storyteller go to Boulogne?
3. What did the storyteller ask from the stranger who looked like the
4. When did the face on the wall disappear?
5. “I stood at busy corners watching the crowd until people thought
me mad.”
a. Who is the speaker?
b. Why did he start standing at busy corners?
c. What did he see one day while he was standing as usual?

From "One of the Hot Spots"

1. How is Semarang described?
2. Why did the writer refuse to go on Semarang?
3. Why didn’t the officer report the incident of the man who jumped
into the water to the ship’s captain?
4. What were the writer’s feelings as the ship was leaving Semarang?
5. “He liked to speak English … he wanted to talk to me.”
a. Who said this?
b. Who was the speaker talking about and what was his

c. Why did he like to speak English?

From "Quick Thinking"
1. What was Van Lutjen’s job?
2. Why was Van Lutjen going to New York?
3. What did Benting do when he saw the box of diamonds disappear
into the sea?
4. What happened to Van Lutjens when he saw his diamonds disappear
into the sea?
5. "I must go down and look at my children."
a. Who is the speaker?

b.Who are these children?

c. Where was the speaker when he said this?

E. Writing (8 Marks)
9. Write an e-mail of seven sentences to your English friend.
Your friend is coming to Egypt to visit in the spring and wants some
advice on what the weather will be like and what he or she should bring.
Your friend’s name is Pat and his or her e-mail address is Your name is Nur and your e-mail address is
F. Translation (4 marks)
a. Translate into Arabic: (2 marks)

1. Satellites are used for transmitting TV channels, navigation and forecasting

the weather
2. The computer is considered the greatest miracle man made throughout
b. Translate into English: (2 marks)
‫يجب أن نتعاون جميعا للقضاء على مرض أنفلونزا الطيور وأنفلونزا الخنازير‬
‫لنهما قد يؤديان إلى هلك البشرية‬
A. Language Functions

1. Answers may vary. Suggested answers:

1. Do you need any help?
2. Of course. What do you need to know?
3. And it can travel many hours without water.
4. Why don’t you look on the internet?

2. Answers may vary. Suggested answers:

1. Of course.
2. Do you know where the zoo is?
3. You should take a course to improve your English.
4. Excuse me. How much is this mobile phone?

B. Vocabulary and Structure

1-b shouldn’t 2-c mustn’t
3-c haven’t 4-b do
5-a have to 6-a an island
7-d glacier 8-c prey
9-d axe 10-b Torches

1. Mira said (that) she was going to get up early in order to not miss
the school bus.
2. Mr Hassan said (that) he didn’t mind answering all the students’
3. You mustn’t use mobile phones while driving.
4. You don’t have to get up early on Fridays. It’s a day off

If you dream of working as a tourist guide, you need to have special
qualifications for that job. First, you must have an excellent command of
a foreign language as you’ll need it to translate the information you are
giving to foreigners into their own language. So if you aren’t good at a
foreign language, you should work on improving it. You can apply to take a
course at any centre where experts teach foreign languages or you can
teach yourself by reading special books that help you to improve your

C. Reading Comprehension and Set Books

1-d Canada and Russia
2-a Hibernation Inducement Trigger
3-a 8-12

1. They hibernate because it is a way to adapt to long, cold winter

weather. / They hibernate to save their energy when there is no food.
2. Its heart beats more slowly and its body temperature drops.
3. HIT becomes active in the autumn when the weather becomes
4. Animals prepare for winter by either storing food or eating a lot to
add more fat to their bodies.

1. Egypt’s sand cats sleep underground during the day and hunt only at
night. They also have fur on their feet that protects them from the
2. Robinson Crusoe’s parents did not want him to become a sailor.
3. Leila spent the first week finding out what other people in the
company did.
4. Answers will vary.
5. Answers will vary.
5. Answers will vary.

D. The Novel
From "The Face on the Wall"
1. The strange thing about the patch was that it looked exactly like a
human face.
2. He went to Boulogne because he was following the man whose face
had appeared on his wall. He was trying to discover the identity of the
3. He asked the stranger to give him his card.
4. The face on the wall disappeared when Mr Ormond Wall died.
5. a. The speaker is the storyteller.
b. He started standing at busy corners to watch the crowds
because he wanted to search for the man whose face was on the wall.
c. He saw the man whose face on the wall in a taxi.

From "One of the Hot Spots"

1. Semarang is described as the hottest place in the islands and it
lacks colour and gaiety.
2. (The writer refused to go on Semarang) because it didn’t attract
him as it lacked colour and gaiety.
3. He didn’t report the incident as he was too astonished (and he
didn’t understand why the man had jumped into the water).
4. The writer felt as if he were getting out of prison.
5. a. The writer said this.
b. He was talking about the officer of the ship. He was a Dutchman.
c. He liked to speak English because he had lived most of his life in

From "Quick Thinking"

1. Van Lutjen was a diamond merchant.
2. He was taking some diamonds to a group of American buyers.
3. He quickly threw some furniture after the box, then he persuaded
the captain of the ship to return to the spot where the box had fallen.
4. Van Lutjen’s heart stopped when he saw his diamonds disappear into
the sea.
5. a. Van Lutjen is the speaker.
b. The children are the (Rozellles) diamond earrings.
c. He was outside on the ship (going to America).

E. Writing
9. Answer varies.
Exam 2
A. Language Functions (8 marks)

1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue. (4 marks)

Tawfik and his friend Nadin are talking about Nadin’s new mobile
Tawfik: Hello, Nadin! What have you bought?
Nadin: Hello, Tawfik! I have just bought a new mobile phone.
Tawfik: Great! ………………………………………………………………………? (1)
Nadin: Sure. Here you are.
Tawfik: Oh! Did you see the screen?
Nadin: ………………………………………………………………………………? (2)
Tawfik: It is damaged. There is a big scratch.
Nadin: Oh no! I didn’t notice it. ……………………………………………….? (3)
Tawfik: You have a guarantee for it, don’t you?
Nadin: Yes, I have a one-year guarantee.
Tawfik: ……………………………………………………………………………….(4)
Nadin: Thanks for the advice. I’ll go to the shop right now.
2. Write what you would say in each of the following situations. (4
1. Your brother thinks that the mobile phone is the most important
invention in the last 20 years and you agree.
2. You disagree with your friend who thinks that travelling by train is
better than by plane.
3. Your friend suggests going to the circus at the weekend. You want to
go to another place.
4. Your sister just got her exam grades and she looks happy.
B. Vocabulary and Structure (12 marks)
3. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d. (5 marks)
1. Yesterday I saw a bride with a lovely, long white wedding dress. _____
bride was waiting for her bridegroom.
a. A b. The c.
An d. No Article

2. Farouk El Baz is _____ famous geologist.

a. a b. the c. an d. no

3. I have just seen Hesham at his house now. He _____ be travelling.

a. can’t b. mustn’t c. can d. must

4. That’s my school _____ I used to go.

a. which b. who c. that
d. where
5. My father works in a company _____ sells computers.
a. which b. who c. whose d. where
6. The _____ is a tower with a bright light that tells ships about dangers
at sea.
a. therapist b. wonder c. lighthouse d. bill
7. The _____ makes it possible to see what’s happening inside our
a. x-ray b. therapy c. session d.

8. A/An _____ is a journey around an area to learn about it.

a. argument b. exploration c. situation
d. science fiction

9. Books and films about imaginary future events and characters dealing
with space travel and life on other planets are called _____.
a. Servants b. Sessions c. Situations d.
Science fiction

10. A _____ is someone whose job is to advise people about the law and
speak for them in court.
a. lawyer b. criminal c. servant d.

4. Correct the underlined mistakes in the following paragraph. (4

Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, which was written in French by
Jules Verne, was translated into English. The first translations, (1) who
were very bad, made changes and mistakes in the story. As a result,
English readers thought that (2) a novel was not suitable for adults. In
1965 (3) the new translation was made. Now English readers can see that
Verne (4) must been a very intelligent writer.
1. _______________ 2. _______________
3. _______________ 4. _______________

5. Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each
space. (3 marks)

Samer has a phobia of heights. It is an __________ fear that gives him

many problems. Samer’s office is on the third floor. When he looks out of
the window he feels __________. Sometimes he even loses control and
__________ . Now he has two __________ of therapy a week. The
__________ uses a big computer screen to put Samer in a safe
__________ situation. He’s learning not to be afraid.

C. Reading Comprehension and Set Books (11

6. Read the following passage, then answer the questions. (7 marks)
What inspires someone to make a new invention? Most inventors are
inspired by need. Louis Braille, who was born in 1809, lost his sight when
he was a child. However, his parents helped him to continue his education.
His teachers helped him a lot and he reached the top of his class. At the
age of ten, he was given money to study at the Royal Institution for Blind
Youth, where he started to use a simple raised-print system for
Louis Braille invented a better system based on raised dots. The dots are
put into patterns in a rectangle which has six positions for dots. The
different arrangements of the dots represent the letters of the
alphabet or other characters. There are symbols for punctuation marks
and for math and music. A blind person reads by feeling the dots with
their finger tips.
Braille writing was not well known until sixteen years after its inventor’s
death in 1852. Today, it is used in almost every country in the world and is
considered the standard form of reading and writing for the blind.

1. The underlined word "inspires" means _____.

a. to make someone want to do or achieve something
b. to examine something carefully
c. to give something to somebody
d. to take away money from somebody
2. The underlined relative pronoun "where" refers to _____.
a. the money to study
b. the Royal Institution for Blind Youth
c. his home
d. simple raised-print system for reading

3. Louis Braille began attending the Royal Institution for Blind Youth
when he was _____.
a. born
b. three years old
c. seven years old
d. ten years old

4. What need inspired Louis Braille to invent a better system of reading

for the blind?
5. How many dots is the Braille system based on?
6. How can a blind person read with the Braille system?
7. In what year did the Braille system become well known?
7. Answer only four (4) of the following questions. (4 marks)
1. What are some important wonders of the modern world?

2. What would Fogg win if he travelled round the world in 80 days?

3. How do phobias affect people’s lives?
4. In your opinion, what important invention does the world need?
5. If you could travel round the world, what are two countries that you
would like to visit? Why?
6. If you had a phobia of spiders, which treatment would you prefer?

D. The Novel (7 marks)

8. Answer the following questions.
From "The Face on the Wall"
1. What kind of events were the story teller and his friends talking
2. How did the face on the wall get a firmer hold of the storyteller when
he was ill?
3. Why did the storyteller faint when he read the man’s card?
4. What was the great surprise at the end of the story?
5. “I looked at once at the wall on which the face was to be seen. I
rubbed my eyes and sprang up.”
a. What made the storyteller rub his eyes and spring up?
b. What was the event that made the face look faint (in the
storyteller’s opinion)?
c. How did the storyteller feel when this happened?
From "One of the Hot Spots"
1. How was the water of the sea near Semarang?
2. The officer talks about a passenger. What did the passenger do early
one the morning?
3. When did the officer see the passenger again after he went back to
his room?

4. What did the officer know about the passenger?

5. “It’s strange that you should ask that.”
a. Who said this?
b. Who did he say this to?
c. What was the question that was asked of the speaker?

From "Quick Thinking"

1. What is the most important quality of a policeman according to

2. Why did Van Lutjens hire Benting?


3. What made the Rozelles earrings special?


4. What made Van Lutjens restless on board the ship?

5. "Well done! I hope the old Dutchman paid you extra."
a. Who said this and who did he say it to?
b. Why did he give him praise?
c. Why didn’t the old Dutchman pay him extra?


E. Writing (8 marks)
9. Write a paragraph on the advantages and disadvantages of the
mobile phone.

F. Translation
10. a. Translate into Arabic:
1. My house is bigger than your house.

2. The Pyramids of Giza are a wonder of the ancient world.

b. Translate into English:
.‫التلوث مشكلة خطيرة في كثير من الدول‬.1

A. Language Functions

Answers will vary. Suggested answers:
Tawfik: Can I see it? / Could I see it? (1)
Nadin: What’s wrong with it? / Is there a problem? (2)
Nadin: What should I do? / What can I do? What do you think I
should do?(3)
Tawfik: You should take it back to the shop. They should repair it or
replace it. (4)

Answers will vary. Suggested answers:
1. I agree with you. / You’re right. / Yes, I think you’re right.
2. I disagree. Travelling by plane is better because you can go anywhere
faster than by train.
3. I would rather go to the cinema. / I don’t like the circus. Let’s go
somewhere else.
4. You must have succeeded in your exams. Congratulations!

B. Vocabulary and Structure

1-b 2-a 3-a 4-d 5-a
6-c 7-a 8-b 9-d 10 - a

Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, which was written in French by
Jules Verne, was translated into English. The first translations, which
were very bad, made changes and mistakes in the story. As a result,
English readers thought that the novel was not suitable for adults. In
1965 a new translation was made. Now English readers can see that Verne
must have been a very intelligent writer.

5. Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each

Samer has a phobia of heights. It is an irrational fear that gives him many
problems. Samer’s office is on the third floor. When he looks out of the
window he feels dizzy. Sometimes he even loses control and panics. Now
he has two sessions of therapy a week. The therapist uses a big computer
screen to put Samer in a safe virtual situation. He’s learning not to be

C. Reading Comprehension and Set Books

6. Read the following passage, then answer the questions.

Answers may vary. Suggested answers:
4. Louis Braille was blind and he wanted a better system of reading.
5. The Braille system is based on six dots.
6. A blind person moves his finger on the page and feels the raised
7. The Braille system became well known in 1878.

Answers may vary. Suggested answers.
1. Computers and x-rays are some important wonders of the modern
2. If Fogg travelled round the world in 80 days, he would win 20,000
3. Phobias affect people’s lives by making them afraid to do things that
other people do without thinking.
4. I think the world needs an invention that will …
5. I would like to visit … because it has … . And I would like to visit …
because …
6. I would prefer …

D. The Novel
8. Answer the following questions.

From "The Face on the Wall"

1. They were talking about unusual events that have no natural
2. When he was ill he had nothing to do but read or think. It was the
chief thing in his thoughts.
3. He fainted because (he was so surprised to find that) it was the name
of his street and the second name was “Wall”.
4. The great surprise was that the stranger made up the story.
5. “I looked at once at the wall on which the face was to be seen. I
rubbed my eyes and sprang up.”
a. He rubbed his eyes and sprang up when the face on the wall faded.
b. The event that made the face look faint was Mr Wall’s car accident.
c. He felt sad.

From "One of the Hot Spots"

1. The water was yellow-green and looked solid and glassy.
2. The passenger jumped into the sea with his clothes and shoes on, then
climbed out.
3. The officer saw the passenger again at breakfast.
4. He knew that the passenger was coming back to his work at Semarang.
5. a. The officer said this.
b. He said it to the storyteller.
c. The storyteller asked him if he had even been on a ship when
someone had jumped into the sea.

From "Quick Thinking"

1. According to Benting, the most important quality of a policeman is the
ability to decide and act quickly.
2. He hired Benting to watch over his diamonds as he travelled to New
3. The Rozelles earrings were pink diamonds.
4. He was restless because he wanted to look at the diamonds, which were
in the ship’s safe.
5. a. Woodward, one of Benting’s friends, said this to Benting.
b. He gave him praise because he thought quickly to save the
c. He didn’t pay him extra because he died of heart failure when he
saw the diamonds fall into the sea.

E. Writing
Answers will vary.

F. Translation
10. a.
.‫ بيتي أكبر من بيتك‬.1
.‫ أهرامات الجيزة إحدى عجائب العالم القديم‬.2

1. Pollution is a serious problem in many countries.

Exam -3-

A. Language Functions (8 marks)

1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue. (4 marks)

Samy meets his classmate from school, Musa, who left Cairo and moved to
Hurghada after he graduated from university.

Samy: Hello, Musa…………………..1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?

Musa: I moved to Hurghada two years ago.
Samy: ………………………………….2………………?
Musa: No, I don’t regret it at all.
Samy: ………………………………………3………………………..?
Musa: Life here is quite healthy as it’s away from the pollution and
the crowds of big cities like Cairo.
Samy: Great! You don’t have any intentions of returning back to
Cairo, do you?
Musa: No, I have no intention of returning back to live again in Cairo.
Samy: …………………………………..4………………………………..?
Musa: I advise them to move out to new places away from pollution
to find better jobs and live a healthy life.

2. Write what you would say in each of the following situations. (4


1. Your friend has an angry expression on his/her face.

2. Your friend asks you about your summer holiday plans.

3. You think that your family is going to the club next Thursday, but you
want to make sure with your father.

4. Your friend thinks that the invention of the satellite is useless. You

B. Vocabulary and Structure (12 marks)

3. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d. (5 marks)

1. _________ is the idea that different countries and people all over the
world are becoming more like each other.
a. Globalization b. Navigation c. Conservation d.

2. A _________ company is a large company that has offices, shops, or

factories in several countries.
a. conservation b. satellite c. multinational d. climate
3. _________ is someone who is paid by other people to find out
a. A landlord b. A detective c. An instructor d. A
4. An _________ is a long journey organized for a particular purpose,
especially to a dangerous or distance place.
a. experience b. education c. expedition d. orbit
5. A _________ is the people who live in an area.
a. crime b. coast c. climate d.

6. You have read Charles Dickens’s novel Oliver Twist, _________ you?
a. have b. haven’t c. had d.

7. You didn’t meet Dr Atef yesterday, _________ you?

a. did b. didn’t c.
have d. haven’t
8. The Giza Pyramids _________ by the Egyptians five thousand years
a. was built b. built c. were built
d. are built
9. A new museum _________ now by the Egyptians government to collect
as many monuments as possible.
a. is built b. is building c. was being built d. is
being built

10. “Have you watched the new detective film?” Samy said.
Samy asked Ali if he _________ the new detective film.
a. has watched b. had watched c. was watching d. watched

4. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets, to

give the same meaning. (4 marks)

1. The country is reclaiming the desert for farming. (The desert)


2. What was the price of your computer? (Ahmed asked Ali)

3." Did you call Sara to congratulate her for her success?" (Mona asked

4. The satellite transmits TV programmes all over the world.


5. Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each
(3 marks)

I was tired of my old paint and old-fashioned furniture. So I decided to

_______________ my house and buy _______________ furniture. But
everything I saw was very poor _______________ . My friends
_______________ me from taking such a risky step without consulting a
good designer. It is _______________ nowadays to find a good designer
who you can trust. But in only a _______________ I had new paint and
quality, inexpensive furniture.

C. Reading Comprehension and Set Books (11

6. Read the following passage, then answer the questions. (7 marks)

Natural resources are materials found on the earth. They include air,
water, and land. They also include rocks, minerals, and soil. Even living
things are natural resources. Some of earth's resources can be used and
replaced over and over again. These are called renewable resources.
Others cannot be replaced quickly. These are called nonrenewable
Examples of renewable resources are fresh air, water, trees, other
living things. People cut down trees to use their wood to build and make
paper. If a tree is cut, another can be planted in its place. As it grows, it
helps supply living things with oxygen, which is another important
resource. Animals are used for food by other living things and they can
reproduce naturally.
Coal, oil, copper, silver, and gold are all examples of nonrenewable
resources. These substances and materials are available in limited
amounts and cannot be replaced quickly. Coal and oil deposits beneath the
earth formed millions of years ago. These resources are the result of the
decay of certain plants and animals. Natural resources are necessary for
life on earth. Someday these precious materials will run out. We need to
protect them by reducing, reusing, and recycling them.

1. How are trees an example of a renewable resource?


2. How are coal and oil examples of nonrenewable resources?


3. How were coal and oil formed?

4. What will happen if we don’t protect the natural resources?

5. Renewable resources are _____.

a. resources that can be used and replaced over and over again
b. resources that cannot be replaced quickly
c. silver and gold
d. water and trees

6. The underlined word “their” refers to _____.

a. water
b. trees
c. plants
d. people

7. Nonrenewable substances and materials are _____ .

a. air, water and soil
b. coal, oil, and gold
c. animals, trees, and oxygen
d. coal, silver and oxygen

7. Answer only four of the following questions. (4 marks)

1. What is meant by satellite navigation?

2. What does the legend say in the story “The Hound of the

3. What does Global Challenge arrange?

4. How would life be like if we didn’t have satellites?
5. What do you like about Sherlock Holmes’s character?
6. Would you like to go on a Global Challenge holiday? Why or Why not?

D. The Novel (7 marks)

8. Answer the following questions.

“The Face on the Wall”
1. What did the storyteller say about his story at the beginning?

2. What did the storyteller do in order to find the man whose face was on
the wall of his room?
3. What was the name of the man that the storyteller saw in Piccadilly
and what did he give the storyteller?

4. What are the three extraordinary things about the story?


5. “I went back to my room as if I was in a dream, and sat on the bed

looking with unseeing eyes at the face on the wall. And even as I looked,
suddenly it completely disappeared.”

a. Why did the story teller look with unseeing eyes?

b. When did the face completely disappear?

c. How was the face connected with the millionaire’s name?


From “One of the Hot Spots”

1. Why didn’t the writer visit Semarang?

2. How was the passenger dressed when he jumped into the sea?
3. Why was it wrong for the officer not to report what the passenger had

4. How did the storyteller feel when the ship moved?


5. “Did you know any thing about this passenger”?

a. Who asked this question, and who did he ask?


b. What did this passenger do after he climbed up again to the ship?


c. What was the answer to this question?

From “Quick Thinking”
1. What did Jack Benting think was the most important quality of a

2. What conditions did the advertisement stress concerning the job?


3. Why did Van Lutjens consider the two diamonds his children?

4. What made the little box fall into the sea?

5. "When I saw the box disappear, I seized the table and two of the
chairs and threw them over the railing after the box.”
a. Who said this statement and to whom?

b. What was in the box?


c. Why did Benting throw the table and the two of the chairs after
the box?

E. Writing (8 marks)

9. Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about an expedition you

would like to make.

F. Translation (4 marks)

a. Translate into Arabic:
1. It is important to find a new home for the rare tortoises.


2. It is exciting to learn about communities in other countries.


b. Translate into English:

.‫ طريقة تواصلنا الحديثة أصبحت ممكنة بسبب القمار الصناعية‬.1

A. Language Functions (8 marks)

1. (4 marks)
Answers will vary.
Samy: Hello, Musa. I haven’t seen you for years. Where have you
been? / Where do you live now?
Musa: I moved to Hurghada two years ago.
Samy: Do you regret moving to Hurghada?
Musa: No, I don’t regret it at all.
Samy: Why do you prefer Hurghada to Cairo? / What is life like in
Musa: Life there is quite healthy as it’s away from the pollution and
the crowds of big cities like Cairo.
Samy: Great! You don’t have any intentions of returning back to
Cairo, do you?
Musa: No, I have no intention of returning back to live again in Cairo.
Samy: What’s your advice to people who live in crowded cities?
Musa: I advise them to move out to new places away from pollution
to find better jobs and live a healthy life.

2. (4 marks)
Answers will vary.
1. What’s wrong with you? / Why are you angry?
2. I’m going to go to … / I’m not planning to travel this year.
3. We’re going to the club next Thursday, aren’t we?
4. I disagree. The satellite is very useful to us.

B. Vocabulary and Structure (12 marks)

3. (5 marks)
1-a 2-c 3-b 4-c 5-d
6-b 7-a 8-c 9-d 10 - b

4. (4 marks)

1. The desert is being reclaimed for farming (by the country).

2. Ahmed asked Ali what the price of his computer was. OR Ahmed asked
Ali how much his computer was.
3. Mona asked Dina if she had called Sara to congratulate her for her
success. / Mona asked Dina if she had congratulated Sara.
4. TV programmes are transmitted by satellite over the world.
5. (3 marks)

I was tired of my old paint and old-fashioned furniture. So I decided to

decorate my house and buy up-to-date / modern furniture. But everything
I saw was very poor quality. My friends from me from taking such a risky
step without consulting a good designer. It is rare / hard / difficult
nowadays to find a good designer who you can trust. But in only a
fortnight I had new paint and quality, inexpensive furniture.

C. Reading Comprehension and Set Books (11



1. If a tree is cut, another can be planted in its place.

2. Coal and oil formed millions of years ago. They are not replaced quickly.
3. Coal and oil formed as a result of the decay of certain plants and
4. If we don’t protect the natural resources, we will run out of them.
5-a 6-b 7-b

7. (4 marks)
Answers may vary.
1. It is the electronic device which can help car drivers and pilots know
exactly where they are.
2. The legend says that a certain dog will kill anyone called Baskerville.
3. Global Challenge arranges adventure holidays.
4. Students’ own answer.
5. Students’ own answer.
6. Students’ own answer.

D. The Novel (7 marks)

“The Face on the Wall”
1. He said that it was not a story in the ordinary sense and that it had
happened to him personally.
2. He went to places where men collected in large numbers such as
political meetings and football matches. He stood at busy corners
watching the crowds.
3. His name was Ormand Wall and he gave him his card.
4. The three extraordinary things about this story are first, the patch on
the wall in London was like the face of a man in America and it
disappeared when he died. Secondly, the man’s name was related to the
place, the street and the wall. Thirdly, he made up the story half an hour
5. a. The storyteller looked with unseeing eyes because he was sad that
Mr Wall had had a car accident.
b. The face completely disappeared when Mr Wall died.
c. The millionaire’s name was Wall and the face appeared on the
storyteller’s wall.
From “One of the Hot Spots”
1. The writer wasn’t attracted to Semarang because it lacked colour and
2. He was dressed in his clothes and leather shoes.
3. The officer should report everything unusual to the captain. The
officer would have got into trouble if the captain had learnt that he had
not reported it.
4. He felt like he was getting out of prison.
5. a. The writer asked this question to the ship officer.
b. He looked at his watch and went to his room.
c. The officer knew that the passenger was coming back to his work in
From “Quick Thinking”
1. Jack Benting thought that the ability to decide and act quickly was the
most important quality of a policeman.
2. The advertisement stressed that it was unusual work and needed a man
with a cool head.
3. Van Lutjens considered the two diamonds his children because he
believed that they were the greatest discovery of his life as a jeweller.
4. The ship gave a sudden and violent roll and Van Lutjens dropped the
5. "When I saw the box disappear, I seized the table and two of the
chairs and threw them over the railing after the box.”
a. Benting said this statement to his friends.
b. The (Rozelles) diamond earrings were in the box.
c. Benting threw the table and chairs after the box to mark the place
so that he could persuade the captain to go back to that spot to get the

E. Writing (8 marks)

9. (8 marks)
Students’ own answers.

F. Translation (4 marks)

.‫من المهم إيجاد مأوى جديد للسلحف النادرة‬
‫م‬ .1
.‫ من المثير للهتمام أن نتعرف على مجتمعات في بلدان أخرى‬.2

1. Our modern (way of) communication has been made possible with

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