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A. Combine the sentences by using a relative pronoun.

1. We are studying sentences. They contain relative clauses.
2. The students are from China. They sit in the front row.
3. The girl is happy. She won the race.
4. The house is across the Street. It is going to be rented soon.
5. I liked the woman. I met her at the party last night.
6. I liked the composition. You wrote it.
7. The man is standing over there. Ann brought him to the party.
8. The sunglasses were under the sofa. I was looking for them.

B. Choose all the possible options for each sentence.

1. Tell me about the people ___________ you visited when you were in Oxford.

a. who b. that c. which d. she e. whom f. Ø

1. Do you want to see the pictures _____________ photographers took?
a. who b. that c. which d. she e. whom f. Ø
2. The children _________ solve puzzles improve their problem-solving skills.
a. who b. that c. which d. she e. whom f. Ø
3. The apartment __________ we wanted to rent is no longer available.
a. who b. that c. which d. she e. whom f. Ø
4. This artist uses colors very effectively in his paintings__________ depict nature.
a. who b. that c. which d. she e. whom f. Ø
C. Read the following paragraph about tourism. Find and correct the mistakes that result from the
incorrect use of the relative clauses. There might be an unnecessary word or a word that is missing.
There are 7 mistakes.

Tourism today is an industry has grown so much in recent years. In many countries, it provides the
greatest single contribution to the revenue, but is it always a good thing? Mass tourism brings with it a
whole set of problems. First, it means that a country’s economy may rely on an industry which it is
completely seasonal, so the huge numbers of people work in tourism during the season have no income
during the rest of the year. Some can find jobs in other sectors, but others may turn to a government is
already receiving lower revenues for support. Second, it is true that tourists destroy the sights they flock to.
They take pieces from a coral reef or an ancient monument that shouldn’t be destroyed it. Although tourism has
some harmful effects, people who they depend on only tourism to earn their livelihood look forward to the peak
season for tourism. Therefore, it is necessary for a country aims to make its citizens happy.

PART D. Fill in the blanks with ‘who/that’ or ‘which/that’.

1. I have a class _____________________ begins at 8:00 a.m.
2. The river ____ _______________ flows through the town is polluted.
3. I liked the people ___ __________________ sat next to us at the soccer game.
4. A computer is a giant brain ____ ___________________ can help us work fast.
5. Many people prefer cars ___ __________________ are cheap and economical.
6. Many young people ___ _________________ don’t have enough money to buy a house live in
small flats.
PART E. Join the following sentences using ‘who/that’ or ‘which/that’. OMIT the relative pronoun if possible.
1. I liked the essay. One of my students wrote it.
2. The car was Jim’s. It crashed into a tree.
3. The film was ‘The Visitors’. It made Mary cry.
4. The man is on stage now. He is responsible for the play.
5. The train was the 1:45 p.m. train. Peter missed it.
6. The woman was an old school friend. Sally met her at the party yesterday.
PART F. Read the texts below and find the statements which best complete the missing parts and
change them into defining relative clauses using who, which or that. Omit the relative
pronoun where possible. Be careful! The sentences are NOT in the correct order.
Travelling abroad is not something difficult for young people any longer. Eurorail and Interail are two
travel cards (1) ____________________________________________________________________, mainly
by train.
One year after the flood, many old buildings in Caerwan, our historic town, have a completely new face.
A sports centre has been built in place of the old mill. Many of the important old buildings, such as the
castle and the town hall, have been repaired and are now more beautiful than ever, but the 18 th century
school that was damaged badly during the flood had to be pulled down. In its place there is a lovely
new park (2) __________________________________________. Do not take our word for it; come and
see Caerwen for yourself.
Astronauts have to be physically and mentally ready for the stress of a space mission. During the
preparation stage, they are given intensive training, including years of classroom study on various
technical subjects (3) _____________________________________________________________. They
also work in a model spaceship. After this intensive training, astronauts become familiar with all
equipment (4) ________ ____________________________________________________.
The Moon is the only planet (5) ____________________________________________ ____. However,
it is still completely foreign to us. It has almost no colour but has huge areas of white rock. The light
areas on the Moon are referred to as ‘highlands’. The surface of the Moon is covered with craters and
mountains. These are the dark areas (6)
______________________________________________________. The craters are large holes (7)
__________________________________________________________. There are at least 30,000
craters on the Moon of different sizes. The largest one is 25,600 kilometres across.
a) These let people aged 20 or under travel in Europe.
b) They include physics, chemistry and quantum physics
c) It has got beautiful gardens and playgrounds for children
d) We see these areas on the Moon’s surface.
e) Man has visited it.
f) They have to use this equipment on board.
g) Meteor crashes formed these.
Focus on Grammar 4

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis.
1. If I have enough apples, I __________________ (bake) an apple pie this afternoon.
2. If I had enough apples, I __________________ (bake) an apple pie.
3. I will fix your bicycle if I ___________________ (find) a screwdriver of the proper size.
4. I would fix your bicycle if I __________________ (find) a screwdriver of the proper size.
5. I __________________ (go) to a movie tonight if I don’t have any homework to do.
6. I __________________ (go) to a movie tonight if I didn’t have any homework to do.
7. Sally always answers the phone if she _________________ (be) in her office.
8. Sally would answer the phone if she _________________ (be) in her office right now.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis.
1. If it is cold tomorrow, what __________________ (wear)?
2. If it’s cold, what ___________________(usually/wear)?
3. Fish can’t live without water. If you ____________(take) a fish out of water, it ___________ (die).
4. If I _____________ (visit) your hometown as a tourist one day, what _________________(do) there?
5. If you ____________ (run) up a hill, your heart ____________ (beat) faster.

C. Answer the questions with yes or no.

1. If I had an envelope and a stamp, I would mail this letter today.
Do I have an envelope? Yes No
Do I want to mail this letter today? Yes No
Am I going to mail this letter today? Yes No
2. If I didn’t have any friends, I would feel lonely.
Am I lonely? Yes No
Do I have any friends? Yes No
3. If I have some time during the day, I will visit my grandmother.
Do I want to visit my grandmother? Yes No
Is it possible that I make some time to visit my grandmother? Yes No
D. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in parenthesis.
1. You should tell your friend exactly what happened. If I ________________ (you), I
______________(tell) him the truth.
2. I’m almost ready to plant my garden, but I don’t have a lot of seeds. Maybe I have more than I need.
If I _______________ (have) more seeds than I need, I _____________ (give) some to my neighbor.
3. George has only two pairs of socks. If he ________________ (have) more than two pairs of socks, he
_____________________ (have to /not) wash his socks so often.
4. What ________________________ (we/use) to look at ourselves when we comb our hair if we
___________________ (have/not) mirrors?
5. It has been a long drought. It hasn’t rained for over a month. If it __________________ (rain/not)
soon, a lot of crops ____________________ (die). If the crops _______________ (die), many people
____________________ (go) hungry this coming winter.
6. Max is at a party at his friend’s apartment, but he’s not having any fun. He wants to leave. Max
______________________ (leave/not) if he __________________ (have) fun.

E. Make sentences by using the second conditional. Use your own words. Answers may vary.

There is gravity on the earth.

If there weren’t gravity on the earth, it would be very difficult to eat something.

1. People don’t have wings.

If _________________________________________________________________________.
2. Cars can’t fly.
If _________________________________________________________________________.
3. Children don’t get everything that they want.
If _________________________________________________________________________.
4. Guns exist.
If _________________________________________________________________________.
5. There isn’t enough food on the earth for everyone.
If _________________________________________________________________________.

F. Below is the rest of the same text. Read it, and fill in the blanks with ONE word only.
Experts say that it is impossible to imagine (1)_______________ amount of useful chemicals in the
world’s rain forests. According to scientists, more than 90% of the plant species have not
(2)_______________ studied. Many of them do not even have names. Scientists are not trying to study
every plant. Instead, they are working only on the plants (3)_______________ are used as traditional
medicines and for other purposes such as odour making, as food or cultural uses in ceremonies.
However, many scientists don’t think they will have enough time to study all these plants
(4)_______________ a lot of forests are being destroyed every day. This is very sad because it means
many plants that can cure fatal illnesses might be extinct soon without any records about them. If more
forests are cut down in the future, thousands of species of plants will lose their home.
(5)_______________, there will be fewer plants in the future. Although many scientists are worried
about the fact 6) ______________ about 20 % of rainforests have already been destroyed, some still do
not lose their hope. They try to learn more about natural medicines as they are in a competition against


cure destroy prevent survive treat

A. Use these words or
1. The plane crashed in an area of dense jungle. Unfortunately, there were no _________________.
Everybody died.
2. The hurricane has caused great _________________ to buildings and trees in the area.
3. There are various _________________ available for this disease.
4. Doctors claim that regular exercise and a healthy diet help to _________________ heart diseases.
5. There was a fire in the museum, and many works of art were _________________.
6. As the number of shopping malls is increasing, many small businesses are fighting for
7. While you are travelling abroad, take _________________ measures to avoid illness.
8. Parents are very concerned about the _________________ effects that violent films may have on
9. Only 12 of the 140 passengers _________________ the accident that happened last week.

10. Educating new drivers is important for the _________________ of accidents.

B. Study the following sentences. Match them with their synonyms.

1. _________ Your pain should diminish gradually after taking these tablets.
2. _________ It's a new scheme to provide schools with free computers.
3. _________ If you have a problem, tell your parent, teacher, or someone else you trust.
4. _________ There is still no cure for AIDS.
5. _________ I don't know when the game starts, but I'll find out.
6. _________ Studies have revealed that fewer vegetarians suffer from heart disease.
a) decrease
b) treatment
c) illness; ailment
d) learn
e) supply
f) have confidence in

C. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word from the box. Be careful there are more words than you

preventive decrease destructive diminish treated

disease found out trust cure survival

A relatively modern term, folk medicine primarily means the care of sick
people by unlicensed healers, including healers who practice herbal and
magical medicine to 1)____________ illnesses. Since the mid-19 th century,
this field has become an important sub-discipline of folklore and in recent
years, it has started to interest many people in the modern scientific medical
community. Folk medicine has its roots in systems of healing that have
continued from the beginning of culture and became a common practice
long before the development of systematic or scientific medicine. It
continues to develop alongside modern 2)_____________ drugs even today.

Evidence from some of the earliest sources shows that early medicine was based mainly on religion
and magic but also included a growing use of herbs and mineral products. It is thought that originally
all illnesses were 3)_________________ by a shaman, a witch doctor, or some other ‘general
practitioners.’ The shaman was able to exorcise (get rid of) the evil that caused the
4)_________________. As time went on, healers became more specialized. Even the Greek historian
Herodotus remarked on the increasing specialization of Egyptian physicians in his works.

The healing practices of the American Indians, the Chinese, and various primitive cultures belong to the
field of ethnic medicine or anthropology. However, the basic similarities of these systems with the
early medicine of the Western world have also made them a part of the study of folk medicine. For
example, the American Indians used incantations, or songs, to help get rid of the demons and their
5)________________ effects on the patients. Herbal medicines were also used, sometimes with
magical practices, sometimes alone. Many of the herbs used by the American Indians such as datura,
coca, cinchona, cascara, and cascara sagrada are now used as drugs in modern scientific medicine. It
has been 6)_______________________________ that such herbs are very useful. Therefore, today
more and more people 7)______________________________ them and their healing powers.
Task 1. Match the words with their definitions. Then, use the words to complete the sentences
below. Each word will be used ONCE.

1. sink a. to go down below the surface of a liquid, usually the sea, without control
2. mystery
b. to help someone or something out of a dangerous, harmful or unpleasant situation
3. abandoned
4. apply c. a secret, an unclear thing that people cannot easily understand or explain
5. rescue
d. to be relevant to a particular person or a thing

e. a place, a thing or a person that is left forever


1. Yesterday is history, and tomorrow is a __________ , but today is a gift.

2. The police have found the ___________ get-away car the burglars left behind.

3. He dived from the bridge into the cold river to _________ the drowning child.

4. The wheels of the car started to _________ into the mud.

5. People who do not obey traffic rules think they don’t _________ to them, but they are wrong.

Task 2. Match the words with their definitions. Then, use the words to complete the sentences below.
Each word will be used ONCE.

1. bargain a. to send good to another country for sale

2. export
b. something on sale at a lower price than its true value
3. import
4. retailer c. to buy or bring in products from another country
5. colleague
d. one of a group of people who work together
e. a person, shop or a business that sells goods to the public


1. _________s have reported that consumer spending fell over the last 12 months.

2. His _________s became worried when he did not appear at work, since he was always suspicious.

3. French cheese is __________ ed to many different countries.

4. Jazz is an American adaptation of musical conventions that were __________ ed from Europe.

5. The airline regularly offers last-minute bookings at _________ prices.

TASK 3. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences below. Each word will be used ONCE.
target feature survive dependent shortage run surface range

1. The most important _________ of all games is that they are all governed by rules.

2. Many countries in the world are trying to overcome food ________, while others are trying to fight obesity that

affects a huge portion of their population.

3. Three-fourths of the earth’s __________ is covered with water.

4. The number of single-parent families that are ___________ on the state has risen enormously in recent years.

5. The driver knew he was very lucky to ___________ the accident because it was a huge collision.

6. In archery, you try to hit a _________ with an arrow.

7. There is a wide __________ of opinions on the flexible ownership of assault weapons and all these seem to be

very strong.

8. Some futurologists claim that many highly successful electric cars might be the end of the cars that __________

on fuel.

Task 4. Fill in the blanks by using the words from the box. Don’t change the form of the words. There
are extra words.
destructive invention construction underestimated
determined remarkable suffered from replaced

It was Joseph Davidovits’ dream to be a well-known scientist to build strong and well-designed houses
for people. There were always challenges and people who disagreed with his ideas. However, he was
quite 1.____________ to design a new material that doesn’t harm the nature and that is durable at the
same time. His aim was to show that modern buildings don’t have to have a 2. __________ effect on
the environment. In fact, as a part of a research-development unit, he contributed to an
3.___________ : Geopolymer Cement (GC). It is an alternative and new material that doesn't depend
on limestone, so it generally has a lower carbon footprint. GC is accepted as a 4. ___________
achievement. This is because it has been widely used in a wide variety of areas of 5. __________ work
from single houses to factories and dams. At first, some of his colleagues thought that what he found
wouldn’t make a big difference, and they 6. ___________ him. Joseph faced difficulties, but he kept
going. In the end, their work was really inspiring and helped progress in the area.
evidence abandoned implement reduction

durable happenings properly

One day, I decided to explore an old house with no residents near my house. It was a/an
1. _________ building for a long time. Although it really looked weary, it was still strong as a
construction as the owners used high-quality and 2. __________ materials that can resist difficult
weather conditions. The place was in total mess, so, very clearly, it wasn’t 3. __________ maintained.

While I was walking through the dark and dusty rooms, I discovered an old teddy bear in one corner. It
was a/an 4. ___________ that showed the building was a home for a family with kids. Possibly, many
different events such as family gatherings and birthday parties happened there long ago in a cheerful
atmosphere with laughter and joy. However, now strange 5. __________ are being reported about
this house such as mysterious noises and unexplained lights.

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.
1 Crime is a serious problem all over the world, and most governments are making use of technology
to overcome it. Therefore, as the police feel the need to be equipped for the 21st century, crime-
fighting technology is getting more and more advanced, and statistics prove this. According to the
data collected by Precise Security, more and more countries are investing huge amounts of money
in crime-fighting technology. However, does investment in crime-fighting technologies really
deliver positive results? Are they really effective in preventing or solving crimes?
2 There is a continuing debate about the effectiveness of crime-fighting technology. Some evidence
suggests that it is helpful in reducing shoplifting and car-crime. It has also been used to successfully
identify criminals and murderers. However, many claim that it is not that successful. An internal
police report said that only one in 500 crimes was solved by using crime-fighting technology. In
short, there is conflicting evidence about the effectiveness of crime-fighting technology.
3 Professor Mike Press has spent the past decade studying how technology can help the police force
reduce crime. He says that in order for surveillance cameras1, the most common tools of crime-
fighting technology, to have any positive effect, they must be used in a targeted way. For example,
surveillance camera systems at the entrance of a shopping center record every license plate2 and
warn the police when a stolen car is detected. “This is an effective example of monitoring,” he says.
Moreover, it is difficult for just a few police officers to deal with recordings which last thousands of
hours. To illustrate, most systems that simply record city centers all day do not yield positive results
because the recordings are usually not watched. Surveillance cameras can also have the opposite
effect by giving citizens a false sense of security and encouraging them to be less careful with their
valuable belongings. Professor Press says that all the evidence suggests that surveillance cameras
alone make no positive impact on crime reduction and prevention at all. Most of the evidence
suggests that the investment is more or less a waste of money if you do not have other methods of
prevention. He believes that most of the increase in crime-fighting technology results from the
marketing efforts of security companies which emphasize the crime-reducing benefits of their own
products. He describes it as a “lazy method for preventing crime” and says that authorities should
focus on altering the environment to reduce crime.
4 However, this is not what is happening in reality. Instead, the police are considering using
technology more. Police forces have recently begun experimenting with cameras that are attached
to their uniforms. (1) The pictures and recordings on these cameras are stored with the pictures
and recordings from thousands of surveillance cameras on police computers. Additionally, another
type of technology is being introduced now — the Microdrone. It is a toy-sized remote-control tool
that flies above streets or crowds to record what is going on below. The drones are quite small, so
people are not aware of them when these drones are flying over them at 350 feet. (2) Therefore,
even in the dark, they give their operators a bird's-eye view of locations while no one detects it.
Merseyside police in the UK have already employed two of these drones to fly over football crowds
and city parks to look for antisocial behavior. (3) Moreover, it is not just used for crime detection. A
fire department in the West Midlands, UK, is using it, for example, to get a better view of fire and
flood scenes, and the Environment Agency is considering their use to control illegal waste dumping
and oil that flows into the sea.
6 However, the most serious problem of crime-fighting technology is who will have access to it. The
companies that produce such products all agree that they will not allow individuals or private
companies to buy and use them; however, is that enough for us personally to feel safe about these
high-tech tools? If they are going to be used only in the fight against crime, that is fine. But, what
about the other possibilities? We should consider what might happen if a government or a private
company starts using them to invade our privacy.

1 2
a surveillance camera license plate

A. What do the following refer to?

1. this (para. 1) : ___________________________________________________________________

2. their (para. 3) : ____________________________________________________________________

B. Find words in the text that mean the following. Write only ONE word on each line, and do not
change the form of the word.

Pro produce (v) (para 1): __

opposing (adj) (para. 2):

discovered, noticed (v) (para. 3): __

stopping (n) (para 3):

trying out (para. 4):

C. Answer the following questions according to the information in the text.

1. According to para. 3, what should the police do to get the maximum benefit from surveillance


2. According to para. 3, what might be the negative effect of surveillance cameras on people?


3. According to para. 3, what should the police and official organizations do to fight crime instead of
investing in crime-fighting technology?

4. Where in para. 4 does the following sentence belong?
“They contain high-resolution (HD) video surveillance equipment and night-vision capability.”

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3

5. What is the function of the last paragraph?

a) to summarize the disadvantages of crime-fighting technology

b) to express the possible problems that crime-fighting technology might cause
c) to state that crime-fighting technology definitely has major benefits


Read the text below, and answer the questions that follow.

1 In 2004, when Lauran Bush was in college, she was a volunteer for the United Nations World Food
Program (WFP). This gave her the opportunity to travel to various countries around the world. She
traveled to countries like Chad in Africa and Guatemala in Central America. In her travels, she saw
firsthand the hunger that exists in many parts of the world. More significantly, she saw the negative
effects of hunger on children. She also saw the importance of a free school lunch for the community. As
she told a reporter for Forbes, “I recognized that the school lunch is truly a community event while I was
traveling with the WFP.” Parents who come to help prepare the meal are also able to eat.
2 Lauran Bush was deeply affected by the experience. After she had graduated from college in 2005, she
kept thinking about how to help hungry children. To do so, she came up with a way to combine her
interest in design and her dream. She decided to create a bag to raise money to feed the hungry. She
believed that telling people the goal of the project was as important as the project itself. She thought
when people knew that they would help feed hungry children by buying the bags, this could make them
more interested in the product. She partnered with Ellen Gustafson, who worked for the WFP at that
time, and in 2007, FEED Project was born to help such kids.
3 That first bag was made of all-natural products and looked similar to the bags that the UN had used to
distribute food. The bag was printed with the number 1 on the back of it. That symbolized one year of
school lunches a child could receive. FEED collaborated with the WFP to distribute the meals to schools,
75% percent of which were in Africa. This was the first of many bags in FEED’s social business. The bags
became very popular, and the company grew. Lauran Bush continues to design more bags with numbers
on them. A certain percentage of the price of the bags goes to organizations like the WFP, and they then
provide meals for the hungry.
4 The impact of feeding the hungry is very powerful. Today, over 795 million people are affected by
hunger around the world. FEED has shown that when children are given a healthy meal, they perform
better in school. Malnutrition, i.e., not getting enough food to meet the body’s needs, is a major issue all
around the world. Providing a child with one meal a day has greatly reduced the number of kids that
suffer from it throughout the world.
5 It should be noted that hunger is not just a persisting problem in developing countries. It is also a
problem in industrialized countries, such as the US, where it is estimated that 42 million Americans lack
access to good food. In 2013, FEED started a program with the organization Feeding America to provide
nutritious school lunches to children in impoverished communities in the US.
6 FEED has continued to expand and grow. Today, the company produces many different bags in different
materials. Their products also include jewelry and hats. Many of these products are made by the local
people of underdeveloped and developing countries; thus, ______________________. Currently, FEED
provides meals in 63 countries, in Africa and Central America, as well as in the US. In 2017, the first FEED
café and shop opened in Brooklyn, New York. By 2018, FEED had provided more than 100 million
lunches to children.
7 The problem of world hunger cannot be solved overnight; however, FEED has taken small but noticeable
steps. As Lauran Bush said, “Global hunger can seem like a massive problem, but I started FEED because
I hoped that by providing people with a way to make a difference, I would help them understand the
problem and become a part of the solution. I’ve learned that people really want to volunteer. They just
aren’t always sure how to begin.” Through FEED, she has given them a way to start.

A. What does the following refer to?

To do so (para. 2): To ____________________________________

B. Mark the best choice.

In para. 5, “impoverished communities” probably means the communities that _____.

a) consist of people who take care of one another
b) lack enough money to live at an acceptable standard
c) have always lived or existed in the same place

C. Answer the following questions or choose the best alternative according to the information
in the text.

1. What is the positive effect of serving free school lunches as a community event?


2. Why was it a good idea to inform people about FEED Project’s aim?


3. What did the number 1 on the bag mean?


4. What has been the global impact of the FEED project?


5. Which of the following best completes para. 6?

a) FEED devotes most of its time to manufacturing them
b) most of their hard work does not pay off as they are not qualified
c) the project provides employment for people in those countries

6. Why do people who really want to solve the world hunger problem NOT take action?

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