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School in England

a highly prestigious education

english education
How is the education system in England?

The educational quality in England is 100% recommendable. This is mainly due to the fact that many
students from all over the world attend the classrooms, since the learning they will obtain will be part
of their lives and will help them in the future to enter the labor market.

How is the school divided in England?

From the age of 5, compulsory education begins. This stage of Primary School is divided into 2, called
Key Stages, the first from 5 to 7 years old and the second from 7 to 11 years old. Students study core
subjects: English, math, science, geography, history, physical education, music

How much does a course cost in England?

The price of an English course in the United Kingdom can cost between €450 and €1,600. The cost
varies a lot depending mainly on three factors: the type of course, the accommodation and the
number of weekly classes.

Educational centers of the country

England is a country that has a totally multicultural environment, which means that in its educational
centers you will observe how there will be students at a national and international level. And not only
that, but it is also quite recognized by children and even adults to have a quality education in a safe
and reliable environment.

As part of the educational system of England, when traveling to this charming country you will notice
that there are some schools, but also universities and institutes.

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