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“You have observed that during the months of January to March, few to none Rhinella marina (cane
toads) were observed in your backyard. However, during the Months of September to November, several
cane toads were already found in your backyard. You have also observed that your pets have been sick
during these months.”


 Why are there more Rhinella marina or Cane Toad in the months of September to November,
compared in the months of January to March?
 Why do pets get sick during the months of September to November?


Rhinella marina or Cane toads appear during September to November because its rainy season.

Cane toad’s skin is poisonous especially on animals. It could a possible reason why pets during the
months of September to November get sick.

Experiment/ Observation

Based on my observation, since it’s the month of September and its rainy season I have already observed
few Cane toads especially at night when its raining. Rhinella Marina or Cane toads make loud noises
when its raining, and Im guessing it’s a male toads calling or attracting female toads.


Rhinella marina or Cane toads reproduce during wet season. Rainfall was found to be connected
with the seasonal cycle in toad reproductive health, suggesting that rainfall is one of the factors
that affects how often they reproduce. The late dry to early rainy seasons, up until the point at
which males start calling, would yield the highest catch rates of large females with completely
mature eggs in traps. A cane toad's skin is venomous. Each gland releases a white, creamy
poison when the toad feels threatened. That toxin poses a threat! Cane toad bites have claimed
the lives of dogs and cats. A cane toad’s toxins can be potentially deadly to your pet in as little as
15 minutes without proper treatment. Ingesting or licking a cane toad can cause these symptoms:
(1) an animal may start acting strangely with frantic or disoriented behavior,(2) may have brick-
red gums, (3) seizures, and (4) foaming of the mouth.

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