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Type of Automobile:

 Insurance prices may be increase of decrease by the which type of car we drive.
 In many cases, an older vehicle is less expensive to insure than a newer one because new
cars parts and repair cost are more expensive compared to old cars. There are also some
vehicles that are much more expensive to repair or replace, like sports cars or luxury
vehicles, which means they are more expensive to insure.
 However, an insured can be eligible for discounts insurance premium if the vehicle is
integrated with security features, such as anti-theft gadgets

Driving Record: Auto insurance will probably cost more if the insured has a history of accidents
compare to someone who has a clean driving record. And will have to pay extra for auto
insurance if the insured is a new driver and have never had the coverage before.

Type of Coverage

The price of auto insurance premium may depend on which type of coverages the insure take .
Comprehensive, collision, medical costs or personal injury protection are additional coverages
that are frequently included in an automobile insurance policy. The insured can add towing and
labor charges, and sound system coverage.

Deductible Amount

By selecting higher deductibles, the insure can cut the cost of full coverage insurance in one of
the simplest ways possible. A deductible is the amount the insure agree to contribute to the cost
of fixing or replacing the car when the claim is submitted. A lower deductible allows the
insurer to contribute little amount to the claim, but it will increase annual insurance rates.

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