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Interviewing Tips and Interviewing Techniques

How to conduct a safe, legal interview that also enables you to select the best candidate for your open positions is important. The interview is one of the significant factors in hiring. Perhaps the traditional interview is accorded too much power in selection. Learn more interviewing tips and interviewing techniques to make your interviews a powerful tool and process to evaluate candidates. Interviewing Tips and Questions - Interviewing Tips The job interview is a powerful factor in the employee selection process in most organizations. While the job interview may not deserve all of the attention that the job interview receives, it is still a powerful force in hiring. Share your best interviewing tips and questions. Conduct Powerful Job Interviews Want to hire great employees? How to conduct a safe, legal job interview that also enables you to select the best candidate for your open positions is important. The job interview is one of the significant factors in hiring because so many employers count on the job interview to help determine their best, most qualified candidates. Learn about job interviews in my free email class. Unusual Job Interview Questions Help Select the Best The job interview is a powerful factor in the employee selection process in most organizations. While the job interview may not deserve all the attention that the job interview receives, it is still a powerful force in hiring. Other background checking and work history references provide much less personalized and more factual information, and hopefully, you have also added these checks to your hiring decisions, too. But the job interview remains key to assessing the candidate's cultural fit. Candidate Thank You Letters People forget that the purpose of a job interview is not just to get the job. Sound strange to you? Its not. You go to a job interview to discover whether your talents, abilities, interests and direction are a good fit for the job, the company, and the companys mission. Learn more about the match that needs to occur during a job interview for a subsequently successful employment relationship. Best Practices in Interviewing You want to interview potential staff and effectively select the people who

best fit your organization's needs. To do this, your interview process, interview questions, and interview exchanges must be legal, ethical, and not offer assurances that potential staff can interpret as promises. Want to know more about interviews? Interviewing Styles: Tips for Interview Approaches Interviewing is often just as stressful for the interviewer as it is for the job seeker. Knowing the different types of interviews, and why and when they are successful, can help make your interviews more comfortable for both parties. Find out more. Initial Phone Screening: Telephone Interview The telephone interview or candidate screen allows the employer to determine if the candidate's qualifications, experience, workplace preferences and salary needs are congruent with the position and organization. The telephone interview saves managerial time and eliminates unlikely candidates. Review the suggested format. Recruiting and Staffing Success Tips - Second Interview Tip Genetic, Fortune magazines pick as the best company to work for, regards recruiting talented employees as a top priority. Recruiting the right employees is a lengthy process that can include a candidate returning to the company to interview 5-6 times. A candidate may participate in 20 interviews. Ill bet other best companies approach employee selection with just as much care. So should you. Job Interview Match Dance People forget that the purpose of a job interview is not just to get the job. Sound strange to you? Its not. You go to a job interview to discover whether your talents, abilities, interests and direction are a good fit for the job, the company, and the companys mission. Learn more about the match that needs to occur during a job interview for a subsequently successful employment relationship. Behavioral Interview Questions Tip I differentiate behavioral interviewing from speculation. But, the supposed behavioral interview questions that I most often hear employers ask in their behavioral interviews, require speculation on the part of the candidate. Job Interview Tips: How to Interview Potential Employees The job interview is a powerful factor in the employee selection process in most organizations. While the job interview may not deserve all the attention that the job interview receives, it is still a powerful force in hiring. Other background checking and work history references provide much less personalized and more factual information, and hopefully, you have also

added these checks to your hiring decisions, too. But the job interview remains key to assessing the candidate's cultural fit. Behavioral Interviews: Use Behavioral Interviewing to Select the Best Behavioral interviews are the best tool you have to identify candidates who have the behavioral traits and characteristics you have determined are essential for success in your open position. As you read my tips in How to Conduct an Effective Behavioral Interview below, please note that the actual behavioral interview is preceded by behavioral trait identification and a job description. Learn more. What Turns You Off the Fastest? To make it to an interview, a candidate has already passed a review of his resume, a review of his cover letter, a comparison against all of the other current candidates applying, and possibly, a telephone screen. Consider the odds of an individual's candidacy making it this far. Under these trying circumstances, you'd think the candidate's interview would shine. Wrong. Why "Blink" Matters: The Power of First Impressions Professional speakers and trainers have long asserted that people make up their minds about people they meet for the first time within two minutes. Others assert that these first impressions about people take only thirty seconds. As it turns out, both may be underestimates. According to Malcolm Glad well, in Blink: the Power of Thinking without Thinking, the decisions may occur much faster. Nine Recruiting and Selection Tips to Ensure Successful Hiring These nine tips will help you in recruiting and hiring a candidate who will become a successful, contributing superior employee. Learn how job analysis helps you in recruiting and hiring a superior staff. HR Staffing Tool: Ask Right to Hire Right Looking for a simple, yet effective way to immediately improve your recruiting and staffing process? Define the characteristics you'd most like to have in a new employee. Then, develop questions that help you in testing the applicant's fit. Job Candidate Evaluation Form You want samples and examples, so, this featured tool is a Job Candidate Evaluation Form. Useful for comparing candidates, it also gives your interviewers information about the skills they need to assess in each candidate. Take a look and remember, you can print a printer-friendly version. Eight Hiring Mistakes Employers Make: From Application to... Hiring decisions that result in "bad" hires sap your organization's time, training resources, and psychic energy. These are the top hiring mistakes to

avoid during your recruiting and hiring process. Do these eight activities with care; your recruiting, interviewing and hiring practices will result in better hires? Your Image Is You Successful people believe their success is attributable to a pattern of mutually beneficial interpersonal relationships, as much as it is due to technical skills or business knowledge. Your communication and the image you present create the first impression - often the lasting impression - on the people you meet. Want a more professional image?

Best Practices in Interviewing

How to Interview Legally and Effectively We all know how litigious our society has become in the area of employment-related issues. Every recruiter, hiring manager, executive, and department manager must realize that asking the wrong interview questions or making improper inquiries can lead to discrimination or wrongfuldischarge lawsuits, and these suits can be won or lost based on statements made during the interview process. Thus, it is important to incorporate risk management into your interviewing process to help minimize your firm's exposure to employment practices liability. You, or your company, could be accused of asking improper interview questions or making discriminatory statements or comments that reflect bias. It is also possible to make assurances or promises during an interview that can be interpreted as binding contracts. Recognizing these potential danger areas is the best way to avoid saying the wrong thing during an interview. Most companies have at least two people responsible for interviewing and hiring applicants. It's critical to have procedures to ensure consistency. Develop interviewing forms containing objective criteria to serve as checklists. They ensure consistency between interviewers, as well as create documentation to support the decision if a discrimination charge is later filed by an unsuccessful applicant.

Interview Problems to Avoid To minimize the risk of discrimination lawsuits, its important for interviewers to be familiar with topics that arent permissible as interview questions. For example, you shouldnt ask a female applicant detailed questions about her husband, children and family plans. Such questions can be used as proof of sex discrimination if a male applicant is selected for the position, or if the female is hired and later terminated. Older applicants shouldnt be asked about their ability to take instructions from younger supervisors. It is also important to avoid making statements during the interview process that could be alleged to create a contract of employment. When describing the job avoid using terms like "permanent," "career job opportunity," or "long term." Interviewers should also avoid making excessive assurances about job security. Avoid statements that employment will continue as long as the employee does a good job. For example, suppose that an applicant is told that "if you do a good job, there's no reason why you cant work here for the rest of your career." The applicant accepts the job and six months later is laid off due to personnel cutbacks. This could lead to a breach of contract claim where the employee asserts that he or she can't be terminated unless it's proven that he or she didnt do a "good job." Courts have, on occasion, held that such promises made during interviews created contracts of employment.

Conduct Powerful Job Interviews

Want to hire great employees? How to conduct a safe, legal job interview that also enables you to select the best candidate for your open positions is important. The job interview is one of the significant factors in hiring because so many employers count on the job interview to help determine their best, most qualified candidates. Certainly the job interview is a key component in determining whether the candidate fits your company culture. This is so despite the fact that at least

one research study indicates that selecting a candidate who performed well in an interview only increases your chances of hiring an employee who is successful by two percent. So, perhaps the traditional job interview is accorded too much power in employee selection. But, since it is, you have the opportunity to either enhance your current skills or learn to do job interviews well, in this free email class.
Objectives of the Conduct Powerful Job Interviews Email Class

Learn more job interview tips and job interview techniques to make your job interviews a powerful tool and process to evaluate candidates. Specifically, in this job interview email class, you will learn:

The approaches to job interviews that is available for your use. How to plan effective job interviews. Who should conduct the job interview? How to conduct the job interview. How to conduct behavioral job interviews. Job interview questions that are illegal and why they are illegal. Excellent behavioral job interview questions.

General Information about the Conduct Powerful Job Interviews Email Class

Classes start whenever you sign up to receive the sessions. You will receive the daily study guide thereafter in the morning. You can take the class at your own pace, but you will receive the emails every day for five days. Anxious to receive the lessons? You can also have the classes sent all at the same time by using the link at the end of your first newsletter. The Conduct Powerful Job Interviews email class is free. The only cost to you is the time you spend reading the lessons. There are a few things you should know before you sign up for the class:

You cannot change your email address in the middle of the class, so be sure to use an address you'll have for at least five days. Due to the amount of email I receive, I cannot reply to the "anti-spam" measures for this class. So if you're using something that blocks email until a "real person" sends it, you'll need to turn it off to receive the class. If you need feedback, please post your questions and discussion in the HR Community Connection Forum.

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