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1) Explain what will be the use of this product: So there is a scenario where there

is one field which is a part of I supplier and the same field with different name
or similar name
has been part of the document. So I as admin have to map it for the technical
point of view right? so that is where this field mapping config comes into the
It has to be built on the product so that an admin can configure & map the
iSupplier & Merlin fields
and accordingly this filling & auto extraction happens on this screen in the back
end. So this why we came up with this journey where you will be able to perform
these actions.
So now as a end user & as you go throughout this entire journey I want you to speak
out your thoughts without any hesitation so that I can capture your understandings
also notice the pain points that you are facing with the UI & UX. So now you can
start with the journey

2) So now in order to start configuring and mapping the fields, what do you think
will be your action in this screen?

User: When the customer wants to onboard a new supplier so there are certain flows
where they have to create potential or operational supplier by filling a certain
details and this form particulary has many views and subviews or rather fields to
fill in which takes quite a lot of time to do so. So we have introduced a smart
Onboard flow where'
the users would be able to upload certain documents which will fetch all the
information & the form filling will hence be automated. So we are giving users two
options either to
fill the form via a system generation which is callled Merlin Smart Onboard or fill
it Manually.

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