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Bálint Molnár

angol szaknyelv

Homework 1: 24 Sept

Title: As Gasoline Prices Drop, Electricity and Some Heating Costs Rise


1. reprieve: to give relief or deliverance to for a time
e.g. U.S. consumers are getting a reprieve from high gasoline prices, but a jump in
electricity and natural-gas costs are increasing their energy bills as winter approaches.
2. Scramble: a jostling and pushing for possession
e.g. Domestic buyers have been swept up in the scramble for supplies, with U.S. prices
rising about 45% since July 1.


1. What do you think, will Europe follow this pattern? (Prices, usage of cars)
2. How could Americans replace their need for gas?
3. How will the debt of the people influence the growth of economy?


In this article I’ve mainly learnt about energy price changes in the US. Gasoline prices have
dropped significantly after a high peak in the previous months, therefore Americans used their
cars less. However, the price of electricity has increased by 16%, which is an essential and has
no substitution options really. Approximately every sixth person in the US was unable to pay
their utility bills leaving them in debt. Natural gas prices have increased by 33% which, put it
mildly, is concerning, as it covers one third of U.S. electricity production. The elevation is
also in connection with the dry and hot weather since there was a greater need of air
conditioning. Another factor that raised the gas prices, is the export of liquified gas to Europe,
owing to Russia has withdrawn resources from the European countries.

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