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Lunar Calendars

A Short History

Calendar History
A calendar is a method to organize extended periods of time to recognize seasonal changes. The problem with calendars
is that there are many ways for ancient cultures to organize their time. Some calendars create their passing of time based
on astronomical observations, some are careful to enumerate units of time and some calendars are ambiguous. Ancient
calendars were established by one of 2 methods, through oral traditions or through codified written laws.

In ancient times, calendars served as a link between the Divine universe and humankind. Thus calendars were often held
as sacred tools or sources of information. These early calendars provided instructions for when to plant, hunt or migrate
between cold and warm climates. They were used for divination and prognostication, as well as, for tracking religious
cycles to honor the Gods or worship the Divine universe.

Possibly the oldest known lunar calendar is the Ishango bone dated at 6500 b.c. The bone was found along the side Lake
Edward between the Zaire (Congo) and Uganda. The cycles recorded in this bone regulated the tides and marine activity.
Something quite necessary for a fishing village that existed along side a large body of water.

The Mayan Calendar is also a well known lunar calendar system based on agriculture requirements. Their cycles had to
predict the cycles of life in the rain-forest. And their calendar is based on mapping humanity to the cycles of the
universe, which to them functions in a logical, cyclical and predictable way. If a person could align them self with these
cycles, they could take advantage of their time in the universe. Because of this, time, order and how to correctly align
oneself to the cycles of time became an obsession with their culture. The Mayans developed a number of calendar
systems, but at the center of these was the sacred tzolkin calendar. It consisted of 260 days and worked in 2 cycles. A
cycle of 13 numbered days and cycle of 20 named days. These two cycles would repeat every 260 days. They also had a
ceremonial calendar called a tun which consisted of 360 days, plus 5 unlucky days. These calendars and others they
designed made the Mayans the most accurate timekeepers. As one scholar put it: It is not unfair to say that Mayan life
was one long continuous cycle of religious ceremonies.

Lunar calendars are often measured by the cycles of the moon. A new month occurs on each full moon or new moon
phase. Lending a 12 month 28 day calendar year. The problem with lunar calendars is they often exist in a cycle that has
no regard to the tropical (solar) year. Thus they fall out of cycle ever so often and a major shift must be accounted for in
some fashion. Lunar calenders lose 45 days every four years, making it very difficult to create a long term yearly cycle.
In order to keep these calendars in sequence additional days or months are interjected. This is called intercalation. Our
own "Leap Year" is a perfect example of intercalation.

Some calendar systems utilize the lunar and solar cycles to make up for this. These calendars are often referred to as
lunisolar calendars. The Hebrew and Chinese calendars are examples of this type of system. These systems have a
sequence of months based on the lunar phase cycles, but every few years an entire month is inserted to bring the calendar
back into phase with the tropical year.

Many lunar calendars follow the same type of mathematical approach seen in the Chinese calendar. The cycle of the
moon is about 29.5 days. A lunar month therefore is either 29 or 30 days long. And there are often 13 months in a lunar
calendar year. The Chinese calendar starts it's year between late January and early February.

The Hebrew calendar utilizes a 12 month system with a 13 month leap year. Like many pagan lunar calendars, the 'days'
begin at sunset. And every month begins approximately on the day of a new moon. A leap year occurs every 4 years.
Thus there's 3 years of 12 months, and then 1 year of 13 months.
The Islamic calendar has it's starting point when Mohammed escaped from Mecca to Medina. The most widely accepted
date for this is July 16, 622 AD. The Islamic calendar is also a lunar system of 12 months. Alternating 29 or 30 days,
except for the 12 month which includes additional days on leap year cycle to keep it in synch.

The oldest Babylonian calendar as a lunar system of 12 months, that alternated 29 to 30 days. It was eventually replaced
by the Egyptian Calendar. The Egyptian calendar system was based on 12 months and 30 days. Adding 5 days to their
calendar each year to bring it back into the tropical cycle over time. This 265 calendar was in effect for more than 3000
years during Pharaonic times, lasting until 238 BC.

The Roman Calendar started with the vernal equinox and consisted of 10 months totaling 304 days. The months:
Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, Quntilis, Sextilis, September, October, November and December are the basis of our
modern calendar system. The Roman Numa Pompilius (715-673 BC) introduced two additional months, January and
February to increase the length of the year to 354 or 355 days. The Roman Calendar was eventually replaced by the
Julian calendar in 46 BC.
In 46 B.C. Romans used a 365 day year, but that ended when Julius Caesar took his armies into Egypt. There he learned
about the Alexandrian calendar with its leap year cycle, which was more accurate than the current Roman calendar of
365 days. Caesar brought several astronomers to advise a calendar reform, which became the Julian calendar. This
system was so accurate that only one day was in error in about every hundred years.

In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII established his own commission to advise on calendar reform. By this time the calendar
trailed the seasons by 11 days. His commission established the 4 year leap year calendar. As well as, changing New
Years Day from March 25th to January 1st. The Gregorian calendar we utilize today was born. It took nearly 200 years
for the change to be implemented around the world as it was seen as a ploy enacted by the Catholic Church. But in 1752
Great Britain and her colonies made the change and September 2nd was followed by September 14th. The change was
not without protest and widespread riots occurred, with protests demanding "Give us the eleven days back!"

Today there is an estimated 40 different calendars in use throughout the world. Although there is a vast array of
references about calendars, there are very few complete authoritative references. The Encyclopedia of Religion and
Ethics published in 1910, offers some basic information on historical calendars that are still relevant today. But resources
are provided based on how the calendar system is being studied. For instance, if you're interested in the mathematical
perspective vs. the cultural or regional perspective. Since this article is being written to discuss the recognition of modern
pagan celebrations, we'll look at calendars based on a religious perspective.

Pagan Lunar Calendars

Today's pagan calendars are typically associated with early European pagan calendar systems. And of course there are
many of those as well. And as stated up front on this article, calendar systems were either mathematical or oral in nature.

The earliest physical example of a Celtic Calendar we have comes from the Coligny tablet. The tablet was found in a
field north of Coligny Ain, France. The tablet was inscribed with Roman letters and numbers, but was written in an early
language of the Guals. It's thought to have been fabricated in or about 50 A.D. or about 100-years after the Roman

The tablet provides us with some details about the structure their calendar system. A Celtic month started during the full
moon, rather than a new moon. Each month alternated 29 to 30 days, making a 354 day calendar year. The calendar took
into consideration the tropical cycle as well. Which means it was a lunisolar calendar. The calendar contained 3 years of
12 months and 1 year of 13 months. The extra month was called Mid Samonios.

A month was divided into 2 parts; the light half and the dark half. Each half was approximately 2 weeks long. Some
scholars believe this confirms the importance of the new moon to Celtic calendar for religious significance. The stone
also marks the festivals of Bealtaine and Lughnasadh with small sigils. The festival of Oimelc is also identified and
occurs during mid winter. And Samhain marks the Celtic New Year.
Month Period Meaning
Samonious Oct/Nov Seed-fall
Dumannios Nov / Dec The Darkest Depths
Riuros Dec / Jan Cold time
Anagantios Jan / Feb Stay home time
Ogronios Feb / Mar Time of Ice
Cutios Mar / Apr Time of Winds
Giamonios Apr / May Shoots show
Simivisionios May / Jun Time of Brightness
Equos Jun / Jul Horse Time
Elembiuos Jul / Aug Claim time
Edrinios Aug / Sep Arbitration time
Cantios Sep / Oct Song time

Oral traditions bring us 2 additional Celtic calendar systems. The Celtic Tree Calendar and the Celtic
Shamans Calendar. Both of these are spoken of in ancient lore that pre-date the Coligny stone. But
once again, because they are oral lore, it's hard to establish evidence to their accuracy or be reliably
sure these calendars were utilized by early pagans at all.

I'll refer further reading to the Celtic Tree Calendar article. The Celtic Shamans Calendar doesn't
really have a name or reference. Some call it the Shamans calendar simply because it has reference
for use outside the Druidic order or before the Druids aligned the varying regions of Celtic belief
under one roof.

The Celtic Shamans Calendar is based on the balance of time. It contains 13 months of 28 days,
making a 364 day calendar year. Like the Coligny calendar, the year begins on Samhain and divided
each month into 2 halves. But the months began on each New Moon and was know as the dark half.
The light have ended the month after the full moon. The days began at sunset and were also divided
between dark and light. The festivals were marked on time periods coinciding with an equinox, or
solstice to divide the year into fertility or planting and harvest or hunting times.

Modern Pagan Calendar Celebrations

Today's pagans may recognize the phases of moon for practices and rituals, but the lunar cycles for
sabbat celebrations have been left in the past. Not because of a lack of reverence or dedication, but
because as a modern culture we rely on modern concepts and advancements. In other words, we
have evolved in knowledge and understanding of our universe and how it works. We can define the
exact time of a new moon, or the exact time of day that the vernal equinox will occur. Something our
ancient ancestors couldn't do.
But with modernization comes accommodating schedules and providing convenience. Today sabbats
are recognized on specific days to correspond to an equinox, solstice or yearly cycle. But sometimes
celebrations are conducted on weekends to allow for people to take time from work, or arrange their
schedules so they can attend festivities.

This doesn't diminish the reverence a person has for their faith. Typically a practicing pagan may
honor the actual day of a festival on that day alone in their own home. And then again on the
weekend as part of a coven celebration. What ever calendar you follow to honor your beliefs, try to
keep it consistent from year to year and acknowledge that others may follow a different calendar
system than you do.

Celtic: Tree Calendar

Celtic Tree Calendar
The Celtic Tree Calendar comes from legend, lore and modern calculations. Some scholars suggest it was
created by the Druids. But there is no physical evidence to that effect. If you're interested in the physical
evidence of ancient calendars, you might prefer to read Lunar Calendars.

Whither from legend or modern lore, the calendar is utilized by many Celtic pagans today. It's also
important to note that this calendar is not solely Celtic in nature and holds influence of the Norse in it's
mythology. The Celts believed that human kind fell from the trees. But to me that sounds a good deal like
concepts of Yggdrasil, the great ash tree that holds together earth, heaven, and hell by its roots and
branches in Norse mythology. The initial creation, as well as the how and who created this calendar of
trees is a debate for a different article and won't be answered here. You can further your own research
with some of the resources listed at the bottom of this article.

So, in general, this calendar of lore goes something like this. The Celts believed that much of nature was
inhabited by spirits. Especially trees and plants. Additionally they believed certain trees had a strong sense
of energy surrounding them. And that these trees could have healing powers over the sick and wounded,
as well as, on humans in general. The phrases we use today for “touch wood” and “knock on wood”
probably originated from these early Celtic pagan beliefs. It's also an indication of how important trees
and plants were to the Celts. And how certain species of plants became sacred objects.

The concepts of the Celtic Calendar are fairly simple. The year is divided equally into 13 months, one for
each cycle of the moon. Each moon cycle is associated with a sacred tree, a magikal aspect and letter from
the Celtic runes. The runes or the Ogham, are a secret shamanic alphabet, the origin of which is accredited
to Oghma, the Celtic God of Poetry.

Designating the timing of the calendar is where it gets sticky. Beginning with each full moon, some say
it's each new moon, there are an equal number of days in each month, 28 days. There's little doubt that to
the early Celts, moon phases were very important and there's no clear indication as to which moon cycle is
thought to be the most prominent when it's related to the calendar. Of course it makes sense that each new
moon would begin each new lunar month. But some scholars suggest that the 'brightness' of the full moon
would have been much more apparent to the ancients and by it's very impact of light on the Earth, it too
would make sense to be the signal from Grand Mother Moon, of a new cycle or in this case, the beginning
of the next month. It's also important to remember that the cycles of new moon and full moon change
from month to month on the calendar system we use today. For instance in 2003 we saw a new moon
before Samhain, this year we see the full moon. If Samhain is the Celtic new year, which phase is correct?
Well, that's where applying the Celtic Lunar Calendar system to the Solar Calendar system we use today
becomes difficult.

There is also much debate on exactly when the calendar begins, which month is first. Samhain has long
been referred to as the "Celtic New Year". And many believe the calendar starts here. Others suggest it
starts on the day after the God is reborn at Yule. Thus it begins on what we know as January 2nd. Some
theories start the calendar on December 24th during the "Hand of Yule". The "Hand of Yule" is from
December 19th to the 23rd. This theory is based on the teachings of Robert Graves, who makes the
calendar system a "solar calendar" with "lunar months", thus emphasizing the balance between God and
Goddess. Personally I think there's too much of a Roman and Christian influence in these particular
theories. Wouldn't you start a calendar cycle and celebrate it's rebirth at the 'new year'?

It's also important to note that during the Druid age, that "extra day" we call leap year wasn't recognized.
That 4 year cycle to adjust the calendar is part of the solar calendar system and came along later. Though
many see this extra day as a day "out of time" and associate it as the Day of Creation. The Celts however,
simply observed the moon and it's phases and adjusted their calendar time accordingly.

The following descriptions fall into that view. The calendar begins on the 1st new moon before Samhain
for the Celtic New Year. It maintains the view of a lunar calendar and dismisses the Roman influences of
a solar calendar system. Some additional things to keep in mind.

• It's important to remember that the change of days begins at sunset, and not at 12
midnight as the solar calendar represents. For instance, October 28th doesn't begin at midnight, it
begins at sunset on the 27th.

• While the following system tries to import solar calendar dates as a guide to establishing
each change of month, keep in mind, these dates should be modified to reflect the correct cycle
of the new moon.

Celtic Month of Trees

The following is a list of the basic Tree months and their characteristics.
1. Reed - October 28 - November 24 -

• The Ogham: Ngetal

• Although not a tree but a grassy plant, it's associated with Samhain.
• The Reed Moon says winter is approaching. It's a month to turn our energies toward hearth and
home. And it symbolizes fidelity family, and trust.
• Reeds are burned to honor household spirits and the GreatSpirits. It can also be associated with
the family or Traditions deity. A broken reed is often seen as a family betrayed, or indicates a
member has betrayed their family.
• Reeds may be placed throughout the home, especially around the gathering area. Be that the
hearth or kitchen, it's designed to bring the blessings of unity to your family.

• It's characteristics include spiritual progress, hunger for truth, introspection and protection.
2. Elder - November 25 - December 22 -

• The Ogham: Ruis

• The Elder Moon represents the darkest days of the year.
• The day after the end of the Elder Moon month, before the start of the Birch Moon, is no month
at all, but an “in between” day. The Nameless Day: December 23. Some see this as the actual
day of the Gods rebirth. Where the 12 Days of Yule are divided into sections, 3 for the Maiden
Goddess, 3 for the Mother Goddess, and the last 3 for the Crone Goddess. The rebirth of the
God from his sacrificed death during Lammas occurs the day after the 3 days of honoring the
Mother Goddess, on December 23rd.
• The Elder Moon’s characteristics include death and regeneration, the Mother phase of the
Goddess, wisdom, transformation, and the Underworld. Indicative of the Gods rebirth.

• The Elder tree shows the path through the maze, the spiral path that leads within, and the
meeting place where birth and death are one.
3. Birch - December 24 - January 20 -

• The Ogham: Beth

• The birch tree is a totem tree of Celtic shamans. It is seen as the “World Tree,” the axis upon
which the universe spins upon.
• It's long been associated with the Winter Solstice.
• The first to sprout up on new ground at the edge of the wood, the Birch breaks down the soil so
that the less hardy trees can spread their roots and thrive after the cold of winter.
• Characteristics associated with the birch include fertility, inception, conception, cleansing,
purification, birth and rebirth.

• The twigs of a witch's broom are most often made of birch which is thought to remove
energetic garbage, or unwanted energies from any sacred space.
4. Rowan - January 21 - February 17 -

• The Ogham: Luis

• Also know as the Mountain Ash, it's a tool often used for divination. Collect rowan sprigs
during the Rowan Moon to charge divination exercises.
• The Druids inscribed symbols onto rowan rods. These were scattered about as a question was
asked, and the varied patterns created by the fallen sticks determined the answer.
• This tree is also associated with the festival for Imbolc. It's a member of the apple family, and
if you cut across the berries horizontally, a tiny, pentagram-shaped seed container will be
• The Rowan’s characteristics are protection, magik, intuition, a protector against enchantment,
and as a guard of the sacred gateways into the Otherworld.

• Leafy twigs, bound with red ribbon were often placed in stables and paddocks to protect
5. Ash - February 18 - March 17 -

• The Ogham: Nuin

• To the Celts, the Ash represents balance, spiritual knowledge and wisdom. The ash is a strong
wood, and even its most slender limbs are hard to break.
• When an ash is cut, it releases a red sap resembling blood. Thus it's often associated with the
energy of life.
• Because the characteristics of the Ash include spiritual knowledge and wisdom it's a great
source to use for a magikal wand.

To make your wand, begin your search before the Ash Moon. When you find a limb you like,
ask the tree if you can have it, or for permission to cut it and take it for your wand. Once you've
been given the limb, peal away the bark, sand it as desired and then dress it with a light coat of
purifying olive oil. Once the oil is absorbed, typically 3 days, decorate the wand. To consecrate
the wand as a tool for personal energy, representing the center of creation, dedicate it under the
full Ash Moon. Visualize yourself at the center of the universe and ask the moon’s blessing
upon the wand. Hold the wand high and see it as a conduit though which the Divine energy can
pass through now and when ever used in future magik rituals.
• Ash is also used for the shaft of a witch’s broom stick.
• In Norse mythology Yggdrasil was a Great Ash Tree, also known as the Tree of Life.

The wide-spreading roots of the Ash are said to extend to various regions of the world. Such as
the land of Giants, the land of Men and the land of the Dead.
6. Alder - March 18 - April 14 -

• The Ogham: Fearn

• The psychically potent alder tree has been used to summon spirits from the Otherworld and to
bring about desired weather patterns, particularly storms or rain.
• The Alder represents defense and protection, yet it has a watery intuitive side as well. It's
thought to bring spiritual perception and is associated with the Celtic God Bran the Blessed and
his raven.
• European folklore recommends the alder trees must never be cut or their power will return to
the ground. If you find a small alder branch that has fallen to the earth, it's a great gift from the
tree. So decorate it as a wand and consecrate it to use in weather rituals.

Choose a sunny day during the alder moon to consecrate a weather wand. Mimic the sound of
the wind by swishing the wand quickly through the air. Empower it to summon the wind or
rain. But be careful how you use your wand. While the wind can be used to summon spirits
from the 4 directions, it can also be destructive. And while the rain can be used to purify, it can
also be used to drown and wash away more than desired.
7. Willow - April 15 - May 12 -

• The Ogham: Saille

• The Willow Moon is a time to heal spiritual and physical ills. Like the willow, we can bend
much more than we realize, without breaking, and then bounce back again, renewed and ready
to go forward.
• The willow tree has been used for many magikal rituals through out the ages. It has long been
known as a healer of great power.

• It's characteristics denote clairvoyance, intuition and balanced emotions.

8. Hawthorn - May 13 - June 9 -

• The Ogham: Huath

• Hawthorn, or whitethorn, is associated with the festival of Bealtaine and fairies.
• Both Celts and Wiccans believe it's unlucky to bring hawthorn blossoms indoors. The only
time one should break or cut hawthorn branches is on Bealtaine Eve to bring the fertility of the
tree and it's blossoms into the Bealtaine ritual.

• The Hawthorn is associated with the bridal link of the Maiden Goddess and her uninhibited
sexuality, typical of spring.
9. Oak - June 10 - July 7 -

• The Ogham: Duir

• Oak is often associated with the summer solstice. It's characteristics represents strength,
endurance, fortitude, fatherhood, the God and loyalty.
• The oak tree is also the “door” between the light and dark halves of the year. The oaken
doorway is a gateway to the Otherworld. Often used as protection for the door between the
safety of home and hearth and the outside world. A practice still used today.
• The oak is sacred to the Druids because of its tendency to attract lightening, survive the strikes,
and regenerate afterwards. It's also symbolic of male potency in the form of mistletoe. Even in
the dormancy of winter, this new life sprouts from its branches with berries of white that
symbolize the semen of the Lord of the Forest.

• The Oak Moon can be used to renew commitments to deities, spiritual path or between
10. Holly - July 8 - August 4 -

• The Ogham: Tinne

• The Holly tree guards the door to the inner realms and is associated with Lammas.
• It's characteristics include courage, war-like instinct, male sexuality and male energy. Perfect
for the battle between the 2 king of the year.

• Just as the Holly and Oak kings battled at Yule, they again battle for supremacy now; but this
time it's the Holly King, God of the Waning year, who wins the fight.
11. Hazel - August 5 - September 1 -

• The Ogham: Coll

• The hazel tree is used for making divining rods, for protection from storms and as emblems of
authority for Druid priests.
• The tree was seen as feminine in nature and with the Hazel Moon falling at the end of autumn
it came to represent the growing wisdom as the Goddess gradually grows from living mother to
wise old crone.
• Hazel is associated with mental alertness, quickness, agility, calculation and measurement,
divination, poetry and creativity.

• Dowsing rods are typically made from hazel wood. They are used to find both water and ley
12. Vine - September 2 - September 29 -

• The Ogham: Muin

• The Vine Moon bridges the Autumn Equinox and takes us into the dark time of the year.
Therefore many associate the vine with looking inward to find the creativity within ourselves.

• The vine is associated with the festivals of Mabon and the Autumn Equinox. Its characteristics
include prophecy, psychic development, tenacity, unification and ecstasy.
13. Ivy - September 30 - October 27 -

• The Ogham: Gort

• Although not a tree, ivy is so resilient and strong that it's used as a binding tool in many
magikal systems.
• Ivy may be used to exorcise that which we wish to banish or to unite like-minded people. It has
been used during handfasting celebrations to bind the wrists of partners, and to show them that
even the ties that bind can be flexible.
• Ivy is often burned as a tool for banishment or closure at the end of rituals, to remove any
energies that maybe left over or unwanted.

• There is great wisdom in ivy, and it's one of the plants most sacred to the Goddess. Places
where ivy grows in abundance are said to be filled with her dark, enthralling mystery.

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