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NAME: De Paz López Patricia Monserrat

I think Rachel was to blame because she was the one who asked for the break and invited Mark to
her house, complicating things much more, also taking into account that she called her boss after
the discussion.

So I can say that both were somewhat to blame for not agreeing on what the break they were
taking meant, if as a couple or friends, it is questionable to be on the side of one of the two since I
consider neither thought about what would happen next to go out with other people even while in
a relationship.

Ross wanted to solve everything that had caused that discussion, he called her on the phone but
ended up discovering that Rachel went out with her boss and ended everything.

What Ross did was not right, but he no longer had a love relationship with Rachel, he could do
whatever he wanted, only that it was too soon for that, Rachel had not yet considered the
relationship over and when she found out that Ross had slept with another girl, she got angry and I
leave it.

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