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Real-time Systems

Week 6:
Periodic real time scheduling

Ngo Lam Trung

Dept. of Computer Engineering

NLT, SoICT, 2021

❑ Notation of periodic real-time tasks
❑ Periodic scheduling algorithms
• Timeline Scheduling
• Earliest Deadline First
• Rate Monotonic
• Deadline Monotonic
• Earliest Deadline First (modified)

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❑ 3 tasks:
Task 1: period 200 ms, computation time 50 ms
Task 2: period 100 ms, computation time 50 ms
Task 3: period 400 ms, computation time 50 ms
Is it schedulable?

❑ If task 4 is added
Task 4: period 200 ms, computation time 30 ms
Is it schedulable?

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Notation of periodic task set
❑ : a set of periodic tasks
❑ i : a generic periodic task
❑ i,j: the j-th instance of task i
❑ ri,j : the release time of i,j
❑ i=ri,1: the phase of i
❑ Di: the relative deadline of i
❑ di,j: the absolute deadline of i,j
• di,j = i,j + (j-1)Ti + Di

❑ si,j: the start time of i,j

❑ fi,j: the finishing time of i,j
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Periodic task notations
❑ Task i’s timing parameters

Instance 0 Instance 1

Ti = Di Ti = Di
Ci Ci

i,1 i,2
i = ri,1 si,1 fi,1 ri,2 =di,1 si,2 fi,2 ri,3 =di,2

❑ Task i’s timing parameters is feasible if all its instances

finish within their absolute deadline
❑ A set  of periodic tasks is schedulable if all tasks in 
are feasible
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❑ A1. The instance of i is regularly activated at a constant
rate. (Period Ti)
❑ A2. All instances of a task have the same worst-case
execution time Ci.
❑ A3. All instances of a task have the same relative
deadline Di and Di=Ti.
❑ A4. All tasks are independent; no precedence & resource
❑ A5. No task can suspend itself, for example on I/O
❑ A6. All tasks are fully pre-emptible.
❑ A7. All overheads in the kernel are ignored.
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Simplified task parameters
❑A task under assumptions A1-A4 can be
characterized by 3 parameters.
• Task set:  = {i(i,Ti,Ci), i=1,…,n}
• Release time: ri,k = i + (k-1)Ti
• Absolute deadline: di,k = i + kTi

Ti = Di Ti = Di
Ci Ci

i,1 i,2
i si,1 fi,1 ri,2 =di,1 si,2 fi,2 ri,3 =di,2

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Periodic task parameters
❑ Response time:
• Duration from the release time to finishing time
• Ri,k = fi,k – ri,k

❑ Critical instant:
• The time at which the release of a task will produce the largest
response time

❑ Critical time zone:

• Response time with respect to the critical instant

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An example of critical instance
❑  = { 1(0,3,2), 2(2,4,1)}
❑ Assume that 2 has lower priority than 1.
❑ When is the critical instant of 2?


Critical time zone (Largest

response time)
R2,1 = 1 R2,2 = 3


Critical instant
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❑ Given a set of 3 tasks, all activate at t = 0:
Task 1: period 200 ms, computation time 50 ms
Task 2: period 100 ms, computation time 50 ms
Task 3: period 400 ms, computation time 50 ms

❑ How long will the schedule repeat itself?

H = lcm(T1, . . . , Tn)
lcm: least common multiply




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Hyper period
❑ Given a set of 3 tasks, all activate at t = 0:
Task 1: period 200 ms, computation time 50 ms
Task 2: period 100 ms, computation time 50 ms
Task 3: period 400 ms, computation time 50 ms

❑ How long will the schedule repeat itself?

H = lcm(T1, . . . , Tn)
lcm: least common multiply




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Processor utilization factor
❑ Processor utilization for n tasks

❑ U represents how many percent of processor resource is

utilized by a given task set.
❑ Example 1:
U3 = 50/200+50/100+50/400 = 87.5%
U4 = 50/200+50/100+50/400+30/200 = 102.5%

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Utilization factor vs schedulability?
❑ If U > 1:
Let H be the hyperperiod
𝑈 > 1 ⇒ 𝑈𝐻 > 𝐻

(𝐻/𝑇𝑖)𝐶𝑖: total CPU time requested by 𝑇𝑖 during 𝐻

➔total requestime during [0, 𝐻) is bigger than 𝐻
➔the task set is not schedulable

❑ What if U < 1: the task set is schedulable?

➔not sure!

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Utilization factor vs schedulability?
❑ Consider two tasks 𝑇1, 𝑇2 (T1 has higher priority)

What if C1 or C2 increase by epsilon?
➔ U < 1 does not guarantee schedulability
❑ Given a task set Γ, its schedulability depends on
The parameters of the tasks
The scheduling algorithm

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Processor utilization factor
❑ Given a scheduling algorithm 𝐴 and a task set , there
will be a upper bound value of U
𝑼𝒖𝒃 𝜞, 𝑨
𝑈 > 𝑈𝑢𝑏 Γ, 𝐴 : Γ is not schedulable by 𝐴
𝑖𝑓 𝑈 = 𝑈𝑢𝑏 Γ, 𝐴 : Γ fully utilizes the processor

❑ For a given algorithm 𝐴, let

𝑈𝑙𝑢𝑏 𝐴 = min 𝑈𝑢𝑏 Γ, 𝐴
All task set having 𝑈 ≤ 𝑈𝑙𝑢𝑏 𝐴 will be schedulable by 𝐴
if 1 > 𝑈 > 𝑈𝑙𝑢𝑏 𝐴 , schedulability depends on actual tasks
parameters (activation time, period…)

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Processor utilization factor

Utilization vs schedulability

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Algorithms for periodic scheduling
❑ Timeline Scheduling (𝐷 = 𝑇)
❑ Earliest Deadline First (𝐷 = 𝑇)
❑ Rate Monotonic (𝐷 = 𝑇)
❑ Deadline Monotonic (𝐷 ≤ 𝑇)
❑ Earliest Deadline First (𝐷 ≤ 𝑇)

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Algorithm 1: Timeline Scheduling
❑ Divide the timeline into Minor Cycles and Major Cycles
Major Cycle = 𝑙𝑐𝑚(𝑇𝑖) = H (least common multiply)
Minor Cycle = gcd(𝑇𝑖) (greatest common divisor)

❑ Scheduling and implementation:

Schedule the task execution in each minor cycle of a major cycle
Set up a timer with period equal to minor cycle
The main function synchronize task execution with timer event

TA = 25 ms
TB = 50 ms
TC = 100 ms

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(“Luca Abeni” <>) NLT, SoICT, 2021


(“Luca Abeni” <>) NLT, SoICT, 2021


(“Luca Abeni” <>) NLT, SoICT, 2021

Algorithm 1: Timeline Scheduling
❑ Advantage:
Simple, does not require RTOS
No context switching, minimal run-time overhead.

❑ Disadvantages:
Domino effect if task does not terminate on time
May need to divide task in to small pieces
Difficult to handle aperiodic and long tasks
Sensitive to task parameter changes (period, execution time…)

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Algorithm 2: Ealiest Deadline First (EDF)
❑ Pre-emptible task set, dynamic priorities
❑ All tasks instances are consider aperiodic tasks
❑ Priority and scheduling of task is based on the instances'
absolute deadline:
𝑑𝑖 , 𝑗 = Φ𝑖 + 𝑗 − 1 𝑇𝑖 + 𝐷𝑖
❑ Proof of optimality is the same as with aperiodic tasks

❑ How to analyze schedulability/feasibility?

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Schedulability analysis of EDF
❑ Theorem: a set of periodic tasks is schedulable with EDF
if and only if 𝑛
𝑈=෍ ≤1

❑ Proof:

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Schedulability analysis of EDF
❑ Theorem: a set of periodic tasks is schedulable with EDF
if and only if 𝑛
𝑈=෍ ≤1

❑ Proof:
If U > 1: not enough CPU resource → not schedulable
If U <= 1: show that the task set is schedulable
Contradiction: provided the task set is not schedulable
Let 𝑡2: time that time-overflow happens
𝑡1: starting of continuous utilization [𝑡1, 𝑡2]
Total processor computation time demanded in [t1, t2]

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Schedulability analysis of EDF
❑ If the task set is not schedulable
𝐶𝑝 𝑡1, 𝑡2 > 𝑡2 − 𝑡1
❑ However 𝑛
𝑡2 − 𝑡1
𝐶𝑝 𝑡1, 𝑡2 ≤෍ 𝐶𝑖 = 𝑡2 − 𝑡1 𝑈

❑ Then we have
𝑡2 − 𝑡1 𝑈 > 𝑡2 − 𝑡1
→ 𝑈 >1
→ contradiction

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An example of EDF scheduling

Task 1 2 3 ❑ Assume that Ti = Di

φi 0 2 1 ❑ Preemptive task set
C i 1.5 1 0.5
Ti 4 3 2

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An example of EDF scheduling


0 4 8 12


2 5 8 11

1 3 5 7 9 11
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Algorithm 3: Rate Monotonic (RM)
❑ Pre-emptible task set, static scheduling with fixed
❑ Priority of task is based on the task’s request rate:
higher rates (shorter periods) correspond to higher
❑ Optimality: RM is optimal among all fixed-priority
❑ Schedulability/feasibility analysis: Ulub

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❑ T1: c=1, p=d=4
❑ T2: c=2, p=d=5
❑ T3: c=3, p=d=20

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Proof of optimality (1)
❑ For any task T, the critical instance occurs when it is
released simultaneously with all higher-priority tasks

n: task with lowest


i: any other task

➔ Task schedulability can be checked at its critical instance

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Proof of optimality (2)
❑ If a task set  is schedulable by any fixed priority
algorithm, it will be schedulable by RM
Given two tasks 1, 2 with T1 < T2, in critical instants
Provided the scheduled violates RM ➔ 2 has higher priority
→ the schedule is feasible if

❑ Show that exchanging priority of T1 and T2 will result in

feasible schedule
➔ Homework
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Proof of optimality (3)
❑ Consider if 1, 2 are scheduled by RM, 1 has higher priority
❑ Let : the number of T1 contained entirely in T2
❑ Case (a)

As ➔

Since F ≥ 1

➔ The schedule by RM is feasible

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Proof of optimality (4)
❑ Case (b)

As ➔

Since F ≥ 1

➔ The schedule by RM is feasible

❑ Given 1, 2 if they are scheduled by any fixed priority algorithm, then
they are schedulable by RM
➔ RM is optimal
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RM schedulability: using U
❑ Necessary but not sufficient
❑ Sufficient but not necessary (LL-bound)

As the number of tasks n increases to infinite

𝑈 → 𝑙𝑛2 = 0.69

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❑ T1(c=1,p=d=4), T2(c=1, p=d=5), T3(c=1, p=d=10)
❑ Is this tasks set schedulable by RM?

𝑈 = 1 / 4 + 1 / 5 + 1 / 10 = 0.55

❑ We have

➔ Schedulable tasks set

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Schedulability analysis of RM
❑ the tasks set might of might not
be schedulable
➔ Need to check manually

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RM schedulability: using hyperbolic bound
❑ Given a set of periodic task with utilization factors 𝑈𝑖 the
tight bound for schedubility with RM is

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T1(c=2, d=p=5)
T2(c=4, d=p=7)
Schedulable or not?

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EDF is dynamic algorithm ➔ able to produce feasible

schedule when RM fails
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EDF and RM comparison
❑ EDF: large overhead
Calculate time to deadline for all ready tasks
Assign priorities
Schedule based on new priorities

❑ RM is simpler to implement, requires less overhead

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Assumptions for EDF and RM
❑ A3: Relative deadline equals to period

Di = Ti
❑ Relax the assumption for more practical problems

Di < Ti

→ modified algorithms
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Algorithm 4: Deadline Monotonic (DM)
❑ Each task is assigned a priority inversely proportional to
its relative deadline
❑ Shorter deadlines imply higher priorities

➔ Feasible schedule

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Schedulability analysis of DM

❑ Processor utilization
U = 2/3 + 3/6 = 1.16 > 1
➔cannot be used for schedulability analysis

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Schedulability analysis of DM
❑ The worst-case processor demand (at critical instances)
must be met

❑ In the worst case: for each task , the sum of its

processing time and the interference (preemption)
imposed by higher priority tasks must be less than or
equal to its relative deadline

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Schedulability based on response time
❑ Response time of task 𝑖

❑ Interference by higher priority tasks

❑ Then

❑ 𝑅𝑖 is calculated recursively until converged

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Example 1
❑ Test the schedulability of the tasks set, present a feasible
schedule if available

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Example 1

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Example 1

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Example 2
❑ Analyze the schedulability of task T3

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Example 2
❑ Analyze the schedulability of task T3

➔T3 is schedulable

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Algorithm 5: EDF with D < T
❑ Dynamic scheduling
❑ Utilization bound does not work!!!
→The processor demand approach
“During any time interval, the total processor demand
of the whole tasks set must be no greater than the
available time”

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Processor demand
❑ Given time interval [0,L], total processor demand for task
i is

❑ Example

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Processor demand
❑ Total processor demand for the whole task set

❑ Example

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Schedulability analysis
❑ Condition on processor demand
❑ For all L > 0 task set is schedulable by EDF if and only if

❑ Problem: how to check this condition?

Too many value of L

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Schedulability analysis: Check at deadlines
❑ C(0, L) is a step function so we can check the
schedulability condition on deadlines
❑ The number of values to check is still large

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Schedulability analysis: Bounding L
❑ Observe

❑ Let

❑ We have
𝐶 0, 𝐿 ≤ 𝐺(0, 𝐿)

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Schedulability analysis: Bounding L
❑ Rewrite

❑ then
𝐶 0, 𝐿 ≤ 𝐺(0, 𝐿)

𝐶 0, 𝐿 ≤ 𝐿

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Schedulability analysis: Bounding L

L*: bounding value of L to check for schedulability

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❑ Calculate L* and verify schedulability

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L C(0,L)
4 2 OK
5 4 OK
7 7 OK
10 9 OK
13 11 OK
16 16 OK
21 18 OK
22 20 OK
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❑ Construct the schedule for this task set using RM and

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❑ Verify the schedulability and construct the schedule for
the following task set using DM and EDF

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