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Common questions: (mp3.7)

Who is the man speaking to?
Why does the woman want insurance?
What does the man ask about the traveler’s check?
What will the woman do with her pension?
Where are the speakers?
What will they deliver over by the red building?
Why does the man recommend a different location?
What does the man need to do to get a loan?

Exercise 1: You are going to listen to a short conversations, each with 3 questions. For each
question, choose the answer which you think fits best according to what you hear. (mp3.8)
1. Who most likely is the man?
(A) An engine driver
(B) A mailman
(C) An Internet web designer
(D) A postal worker
2. What method of shipping did the man recommend?
(A) Train mail
(B) Airmail
(C) Surface mail
(D) E-mail
3. When will the package probably arrive?
(A) Thursday
(B) Friday
(C) Sunday
(D) Next week

KHÓA HỌC TOEIC 450 – 650 +


W: I want to send this package to Tokyo. It’s my first time in a post office. What do I have to
M: Well, (1) you can choose between surface mail and airmail. The train mail is not running
due to an accident. Are you concerned about the price of shipping?
W: Actually which one is faster? I need it to be there by Friday for sure.
M: (2) The airmail is faster, of course. And don’t worry. (3) It’ll make it by Thursday. You
can check the process of shipping on the Internet also.

- engine driver (n): nhân viên điều khiển máy lửa, máy trưởng
- package (n): gói hàng
- surface mail (n): thư vận chuyển bằng đường thủy hoặc đường bộ
- airmail (n) thư vận chuyển bằng đường không
- for sure: chắc chắn
- be concerned about: quan tâm đến
- check (v): kiểm tra
- process (n) quá trình
- short-term savings account: tài khoản tích kiệm ngắn hạn
- transfer money: chuyển tiền
- package/ parcel (n): kiện hàng
- delivery company: công ty phân phối
- loan application form: đơn xin vay tiền
- open an account: mở môt tài khoản
- express mail: thư chuyển phát nhanh
- proof of residency: giấy tờ chứng minh nơi cư ngụ
- sign on the line: ký tên tren dòng kẻ sẵn
- under his name: theo tên ông ấy
- regular mail: thư gửi thường

Exercise 2: Listen and complete 10 sentences below (mp3.9)

1. I’d like to transfer $10,000 from ____________________________________.
2. I ordered ____________________________________ two weeks ago.

KHÓA HỌC TOEIC 450 – 650 +


3. What’s the account number that _______________________________________?

4. Do you have_______________________________________________________?
5. I’m expecting a package. It ______________________________ this morning.
6. I was ___________________________________________ the morning mail.
7. We don’t want _____________________________________ right way.
8. You should bring _________________________________________.
9. It is only ____________________________________________from here.
10. You should bring statements that __________________________.

Actual Test Part 3: You are going to listen to 3 short conversations, each with 3 questions.
For each question, choose the answer which you think fits best according to what you hear.
1. Where did Sally go?
(A) Alaska
(B) June’s house
(C) A birthday party
(D) Khalil’s house

2. What did Sally NOT do on her vacation?

(A) Fishing
(B) Hiking
(C) Going downtown
(D) Skiing
3. What can be assumed about Sally’s vacation?
(A) She went there during the winter.
(B) She went there during the summer.
(C) She stayed at her friend’s house.
(D) She spent her birthday there.
4. What is about to take place?
(A) A concert
(B) A big company meeting
(C) An announcement of a new caterer
(D) An opening of a new restaurant
5. Why will the dinner and presentation be switched?
(A) Not enough food is prepared.

KHÓA HỌC TOEIC 450 – 650 +


(B) The caterer misunderstood the schedule.

(C) The presentation isn’t ready.
(D) Not enough people showed up.
6. What will the caterer do?
(A) Make as much food as he can.
(B) Make more food for the same price.
(C) Make food free of charge.
(D) Take his time.
7. What is this conversation about?
(A) Mr. Coleman’s package.
(B) Wrong address for packages.
(C) Cathy’s credit card limit.
(D) Packages in the security office.
8. Who is not receiving a package?
(A) Mr. Meyers
(B) Cathy
(C) Mr. Johnson
(D) Mr. Lee
9. What does Cathy say she will do?
(A) Pick up the packages herself
(B) Give all the packages to Mr. Lee
(C) Thank Mr. Meyers
(D) Talk to Mr. Lee

M: Welcome back, (1) Sally. How was Alaska?
W: It was great, Khalil. I can’t believe I was gone for whole 6 months. I loved it (3) I stayed
at my friend’s house. (2) I went skiing, fishing, and hung out downtown a lot.
M: Sounds fun. Yeah, you were gone for a long time. I bet time went fast for you. You
missed out on June’s birthday. It was just last week. How was the weather there?
W: Oh, really? I’d better go give him a call. The weather wasn’t bad at all. When I arrived the
though, there was 5 feet of snow.

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W: All the guests are here. Is the food ready to be served?
M: No, it’s not. I just call the (4) caterer. (5) Apparently there were just some
miscommunications. They thought dinner was supposed to start later at 8:00 o’clock.
W: 8:00 o’clock? That means (4) the presentation can’t start until 9:30. I’ll have to tell the
guests that there was a change of schedule. Presentation first, and then the dinner.
M: Well, (6) the caterer was extremely sorry and said he will make more food for the same
price, so I guess that’ll be good news for us.
M: Hello, this is Mark Coleman in the security office. May I talk to Mr. Lee from the front
office, please?
W: Oh, hello, Mr. Coleman. Sorry, but Mr. Lee isn’t in the office. May I ask why you are
calling? I’ll take a message for him so he can see it as soon as he gets here.
M: Yes, Cathy. (7) Can you please tell him that a package for him came into the security
office? It looks kind of big and it is in a red box. Also, there is a package for Mr. Johnson and
Mr. Meyers, too. Please tell Mr. Lee to come pick them up as soon as possible.
W: Oh, (9) would it be alright if I just went over and picked them up? (8) The package for
Mr. Meyers is actually mine. I had a limit of my credit card last month and made an order
with his. I’ll be there shortly.

KHÓA HỌC TOEIC 450 – 650 +

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